1package databox
3// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors.  All rights reserved.
5// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15// limitations under the License.
17// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
18// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
20import (
21	"context"
22	"encoding/json"
23	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest"
24	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure"
25	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date"
26	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/to"
27	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/tracing"
28	"net/http"
31// The package's fully qualified name.
32const fqdn = "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/databox/mgmt/2018-01-01/databox"
34// AccessProtocol enumerates the values for access protocol.
35type AccessProtocol string
37const (
38	// NFS Network File System protocol(NFS).
39	NFS AccessProtocol = "NFS"
40	// SMB Server Message Block protocol(SMB).
41	SMB AccessProtocol = "SMB"
44// PossibleAccessProtocolValues returns an array of possible values for the AccessProtocol const type.
45func PossibleAccessProtocolValues() []AccessProtocol {
46	return []AccessProtocol{NFS, SMB}
49// AddressType enumerates the values for address type.
50type AddressType string
52const (
53	// Commercial Commercial Address.
54	Commercial AddressType = "Commercial"
55	// None Address type not known.
56	None AddressType = "None"
57	// Residential Residential Address.
58	Residential AddressType = "Residential"
61// PossibleAddressTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AddressType const type.
62func PossibleAddressTypeValues() []AddressType {
63	return []AddressType{Commercial, None, Residential}
66// AddressValidationStatus enumerates the values for address validation status.
67type AddressValidationStatus string
69const (
70	// Ambiguous Address provided is ambiguous, please choose one of the alternate addresses returned.
71	Ambiguous AddressValidationStatus = "Ambiguous"
72	// Invalid Address provided is invalid or not supported.
73	Invalid AddressValidationStatus = "Invalid"
74	// Valid Address provided is valid.
75	Valid AddressValidationStatus = "Valid"
78// PossibleAddressValidationStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the AddressValidationStatus const type.
79func PossibleAddressValidationStatusValues() []AddressValidationStatus {
80	return []AddressValidationStatus{Ambiguous, Invalid, Valid}
83// CopyLogDetailsType enumerates the values for copy log details type.
84type CopyLogDetailsType string
86const (
87	// CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails ...
88	CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails CopyLogDetailsType = "CopyLogDetails"
89	// CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox ...
90	CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox CopyLogDetailsType = "DataBox"
91	// CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk ...
92	CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk CopyLogDetailsType = "DataBoxDisk"
93	// CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy ...
94	CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy CopyLogDetailsType = "DataBoxHeavy"
97// PossibleCopyLogDetailsTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the CopyLogDetailsType const type.
98func PossibleCopyLogDetailsTypeValues() []CopyLogDetailsType {
99	return []CopyLogDetailsType{CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails, CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox, CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk, CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy}
102// CopyStatus enumerates the values for copy status.
103type CopyStatus string
105const (
106	// Completed Data copy completed.
107	Completed CopyStatus = "Completed"
108	// CompletedWithErrors Data copy completed with errors.
109	CompletedWithErrors CopyStatus = "CompletedWithErrors"
110	// Failed Data copy failed. No data was copied.
111	Failed CopyStatus = "Failed"
112	// InProgress Data copy is in progress.
113	InProgress CopyStatus = "InProgress"
114	// NotReturned No copy triggered as device was not returned.
115	NotReturned CopyStatus = "NotReturned"
116	// NotStarted Data copy hasn't started yet.
117	NotStarted CopyStatus = "NotStarted"
120// PossibleCopyStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the CopyStatus const type.
121func PossibleCopyStatusValues() []CopyStatus {
122	return []CopyStatus{Completed, CompletedWithErrors, Failed, InProgress, NotReturned, NotStarted}
125// DataDestinationType enumerates the values for data destination type.
126type DataDestinationType string
128const (
129	// DataDestinationTypeDestinationAccountDetails ...
130	DataDestinationTypeDestinationAccountDetails DataDestinationType = "DestinationAccountDetails"
131	// DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk ...
132	DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk DataDestinationType = "ManagedDisk"
133	// DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount ...
134	DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount DataDestinationType = "StorageAccount"
137// PossibleDataDestinationTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the DataDestinationType const type.
138func PossibleDataDestinationTypeValues() []DataDestinationType {
139	return []DataDestinationType{DataDestinationTypeDestinationAccountDetails, DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk, DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount}
142// JobDetailsTypeEnum enumerates the values for job details type enum.
143type JobDetailsTypeEnum string
145const (
146	// JobDetailsTypeDataBox ...
147	JobDetailsTypeDataBox JobDetailsTypeEnum = "DataBox"
148	// JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk ...
149	JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk JobDetailsTypeEnum = "DataBoxDisk"
150	// JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy ...
151	JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy JobDetailsTypeEnum = "DataBoxHeavy"
152	// JobDetailsTypeJobDetails ...
153	JobDetailsTypeJobDetails JobDetailsTypeEnum = "JobDetails"
156// PossibleJobDetailsTypeEnumValues returns an array of possible values for the JobDetailsTypeEnum const type.
157func PossibleJobDetailsTypeEnumValues() []JobDetailsTypeEnum {
158	return []JobDetailsTypeEnum{JobDetailsTypeDataBox, JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk, JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy, JobDetailsTypeJobDetails}
161// JobSecretsTypeEnum enumerates the values for job secrets type enum.
162type JobSecretsTypeEnum string
164const (
165	// JobSecretsTypeDataBox ...
166	JobSecretsTypeDataBox JobSecretsTypeEnum = "DataBox"
167	// JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk ...
168	JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk JobSecretsTypeEnum = "DataBoxDisk"
169	// JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy ...
170	JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy JobSecretsTypeEnum = "DataBoxHeavy"
171	// JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets ...
172	JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets JobSecretsTypeEnum = "JobSecrets"
175// PossibleJobSecretsTypeEnumValues returns an array of possible values for the JobSecretsTypeEnum const type.
176func PossibleJobSecretsTypeEnumValues() []JobSecretsTypeEnum {
177	return []JobSecretsTypeEnum{JobSecretsTypeDataBox, JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk, JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy, JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets}
180// NotificationStageName enumerates the values for notification stage name.
181type NotificationStageName string
183const (
184	// AtAzureDC Notification at device received at azure datacenter stage.
185	AtAzureDC NotificationStageName = "AtAzureDC"
186	// DataCopy Notification at data copy started stage.
187	DataCopy NotificationStageName = "DataCopy"
188	// Delivered Notification at device delivered stage.
189	Delivered NotificationStageName = "Delivered"
190	// DevicePrepared Notification at device prepared stage.
191	DevicePrepared NotificationStageName = "DevicePrepared"
192	// Dispatched Notification at device dispatched stage.
193	Dispatched NotificationStageName = "Dispatched"
194	// PickedUp Notification at device picked up from user stage.
195	PickedUp NotificationStageName = "PickedUp"
198// PossibleNotificationStageNameValues returns an array of possible values for the NotificationStageName const type.
199func PossibleNotificationStageNameValues() []NotificationStageName {
200	return []NotificationStageName{AtAzureDC, DataCopy, Delivered, DevicePrepared, Dispatched, PickedUp}
203// ShareDestinationFormatType enumerates the values for share destination format type.
204type ShareDestinationFormatType string
206const (
207	// AzureFile Azure storage file format.
208	AzureFile ShareDestinationFormatType = "AzureFile"
209	// BlockBlob Azure storage block blob format.
210	BlockBlob ShareDestinationFormatType = "BlockBlob"
211	// HCS StorSimple data format.
212	HCS ShareDestinationFormatType = "HCS"
213	// ManagedDisk Azure Compute Disk.
214	ManagedDisk ShareDestinationFormatType = "ManagedDisk"
215	// PageBlob Azure storage page blob format.
216	PageBlob ShareDestinationFormatType = "PageBlob"
217	// UnknownType Unknown format.
218	UnknownType ShareDestinationFormatType = "UnknownType"
221// PossibleShareDestinationFormatTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ShareDestinationFormatType const type.
222func PossibleShareDestinationFormatTypeValues() []ShareDestinationFormatType {
223	return []ShareDestinationFormatType{AzureFile, BlockBlob, HCS, ManagedDisk, PageBlob, UnknownType}
226// SkuDisabledReason enumerates the values for sku disabled reason.
227type SkuDisabledReason string
229const (
230	// SkuDisabledReasonCountry SKU is not available in the requested country.
231	SkuDisabledReasonCountry SkuDisabledReason = "Country"
232	// SkuDisabledReasonFeature Required features are not enabled for the SKU.
233	SkuDisabledReasonFeature SkuDisabledReason = "Feature"
234	// SkuDisabledReasonNone SKU is not disabled.
235	SkuDisabledReasonNone SkuDisabledReason = "None"
236	// SkuDisabledReasonNoSubscriptionInfo Subscription has not registered to Microsoft.DataBox and Service
237	// does not have the subscription notification.
238	SkuDisabledReasonNoSubscriptionInfo SkuDisabledReason = "NoSubscriptionInfo"
239	// SkuDisabledReasonOfferType Subscription does not have required offer types for the SKU.
240	SkuDisabledReasonOfferType SkuDisabledReason = "OfferType"
241	// SkuDisabledReasonRegion SKU is not available to push data to the requested Azure region.
242	SkuDisabledReasonRegion SkuDisabledReason = "Region"
245// PossibleSkuDisabledReasonValues returns an array of possible values for the SkuDisabledReason const type.
246func PossibleSkuDisabledReasonValues() []SkuDisabledReason {
247	return []SkuDisabledReason{SkuDisabledReasonCountry, SkuDisabledReasonFeature, SkuDisabledReasonNone, SkuDisabledReasonNoSubscriptionInfo, SkuDisabledReasonOfferType, SkuDisabledReasonRegion}
250// SkuName enumerates the values for sku name.
251type SkuName string
253const (
254	// DataBox DataBox.
255	DataBox SkuName = "DataBox"
256	// DataBoxDisk DataBoxDisk.
257	DataBoxDisk SkuName = "DataBoxDisk"
258	// DataBoxHeavy DataBoxHeavy.
259	DataBoxHeavy SkuName = "DataBoxHeavy"
262// PossibleSkuNameValues returns an array of possible values for the SkuName const type.
263func PossibleSkuNameValues() []SkuName {
264	return []SkuName{DataBox, DataBoxDisk, DataBoxHeavy}
267// StageName enumerates the values for stage name.
268type StageName string
270const (
271	// StageNameAborted Order has been aborted.
272	StageNameAborted StageName = "Aborted"
273	// StageNameAtAzureDC Device has been received at azure datacenter from the user.
274	StageNameAtAzureDC StageName = "AtAzureDC"
275	// StageNameCancelled Order has been cancelled.
276	StageNameCancelled StageName = "Cancelled"
277	// StageNameCompleted Order has completed.
278	StageNameCompleted StageName = "Completed"
279	// StageNameCompletedWithErrors Order has completed with errors.
280	StageNameCompletedWithErrors StageName = "CompletedWithErrors"
281	// StageNameDataCopy Data copy from the device at azure datacenter.
282	StageNameDataCopy StageName = "DataCopy"
283	// StageNameDelivered Device has been delivered to the user of the order.
284	StageNameDelivered StageName = "Delivered"
285	// StageNameDeviceOrdered An order has been created.
286	StageNameDeviceOrdered StageName = "DeviceOrdered"
287	// StageNameDevicePrepared A device has been prepared for the order.
288	StageNameDevicePrepared StageName = "DevicePrepared"
289	// StageNameDispatched Device has been dispatched to the user of the order.
290	StageNameDispatched StageName = "Dispatched"
291	// StageNameFailedIssueDetectedAtAzureDC Order has failed due to issue detected at azure datacenter.
292	StageNameFailedIssueDetectedAtAzureDC StageName = "Failed_IssueDetectedAtAzureDC"
293	// StageNameFailedIssueReportedAtCustomer Order has failed due to issue reported by user.
294	StageNameFailedIssueReportedAtCustomer StageName = "Failed_IssueReportedAtCustomer"
295	// StageNamePickedUp Device has been picked up from user and in transit to azure datacenter.
296	StageNamePickedUp StageName = "PickedUp"
299// PossibleStageNameValues returns an array of possible values for the StageName const type.
300func PossibleStageNameValues() []StageName {
301	return []StageName{StageNameAborted, StageNameAtAzureDC, StageNameCancelled, StageNameCompleted, StageNameCompletedWithErrors, StageNameDataCopy, StageNameDelivered, StageNameDeviceOrdered, StageNameDevicePrepared, StageNameDispatched, StageNameFailedIssueDetectedAtAzureDC, StageNameFailedIssueReportedAtCustomer, StageNamePickedUp}
304// StageStatus enumerates the values for stage status.
305type StageStatus string
307const (
308	// StageStatusCancelled Stage has been cancelled.
309	StageStatusCancelled StageStatus = "Cancelled"
310	// StageStatusCancelling Stage is cancelling.
311	StageStatusCancelling StageStatus = "Cancelling"
312	// StageStatusFailed Stage has failed.
313	StageStatusFailed StageStatus = "Failed"
314	// StageStatusInProgress Stage is in progress.
315	StageStatusInProgress StageStatus = "InProgress"
316	// StageStatusNone No status available yet.
317	StageStatusNone StageStatus = "None"
318	// StageStatusSucceeded Stage has succeeded.
319	StageStatusSucceeded StageStatus = "Succeeded"
320	// StageStatusSucceededWithErrors Stage has succeeded with errors.
321	StageStatusSucceededWithErrors StageStatus = "SucceededWithErrors"
324// PossibleStageStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the StageStatus const type.
325func PossibleStageStatusValues() []StageStatus {
326	return []StageStatus{StageStatusCancelled, StageStatusCancelling, StageStatusFailed, StageStatusInProgress, StageStatusNone, StageStatusSucceeded, StageStatusSucceededWithErrors}
329// AccountCopyLogDetails copy log details for a storage account of a DataBox job
330type AccountCopyLogDetails struct {
331	// AccountName - READ-ONLY; Destination account name.
332	AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
333	// CopyLogLink - READ-ONLY; Link for copy logs.
334	CopyLogLink *string `json:"copyLogLink,omitempty"`
335	// CopyLogDetailsType - Possible values include: 'CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy'
336	CopyLogDetailsType CopyLogDetailsType `json:"copyLogDetailsType,omitempty"`
339// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AccountCopyLogDetails.
340func (acld AccountCopyLogDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
341	acld.CopyLogDetailsType = CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox
342	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
343	if acld.CopyLogDetailsType != "" {
344		objectMap["copyLogDetailsType"] = acld.CopyLogDetailsType
345	}
346	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
349// AsAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for AccountCopyLogDetails.
350func (acld AccountCopyLogDetails) AsAccountCopyLogDetails() (*AccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
351	return &acld, true
354// AsDiskCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for AccountCopyLogDetails.
355func (acld AccountCopyLogDetails) AsDiskCopyLogDetails() (*DiskCopyLogDetails, bool) {
356	return nil, false
359// AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for AccountCopyLogDetails.
360func (acld AccountCopyLogDetails) AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails() (*HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
361	return nil, false
364// AsCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for AccountCopyLogDetails.
365func (acld AccountCopyLogDetails) AsCopyLogDetails() (*CopyLogDetails, bool) {
366	return nil, false
369// AsBasicCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for AccountCopyLogDetails.
370func (acld AccountCopyLogDetails) AsBasicCopyLogDetails() (BasicCopyLogDetails, bool) {
371	return &acld, true
374// AccountCredentialDetails credential details of the account.
375type AccountCredentialDetails struct {
376	// AccountName - READ-ONLY; Name of the account.
377	AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
378	// AccountConnectionString - READ-ONLY; Connection string of the account endpoint to use the account as a storage endpoint on the device.
379	AccountConnectionString *string `json:"accountConnectionString,omitempty"`
380	// ShareCredentialDetails - READ-ONLY; Per share level unencrypted access credentials.
381	ShareCredentialDetails *[]ShareCredentialDetails `json:"shareCredentialDetails,omitempty"`
384// AddressValidationOutput output of the address validation api.
385type AddressValidationOutput struct {
386	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
387	// AddressValidationProperties - READ-ONLY; The address validation properties.
388	*AddressValidationProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
391// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AddressValidationOutput.
392func (avo AddressValidationOutput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
393	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
394	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
397// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for AddressValidationOutput struct.
398func (avo *AddressValidationOutput) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
399	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
400	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
401	if err != nil {
402		return err
403	}
404	for k, v := range m {
405		switch k {
406		case "properties":
407			if v != nil {
408				var addressValidationProperties AddressValidationProperties
409				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &addressValidationProperties)
410				if err != nil {
411					return err
412				}
413				avo.AddressValidationProperties = &addressValidationProperties
414			}
415		}
416	}
418	return nil
421// AddressValidationProperties the address validation output.
422type AddressValidationProperties struct {
423	// ValidationStatus - READ-ONLY; The address validation status. Possible values include: 'Valid', 'Invalid', 'Ambiguous'
424	ValidationStatus AddressValidationStatus `json:"validationStatus,omitempty"`
425	// AlternateAddresses - READ-ONLY; List of alternate addresses.
426	AlternateAddresses *[]ShippingAddress `json:"alternateAddresses,omitempty"`
429// ApplianceNetworkConfiguration the Network Adapter configuration of a DataBox.
430type ApplianceNetworkConfiguration struct {
431	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the network.
432	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
433	// MacAddress - READ-ONLY; Mac Address.
434	MacAddress *string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"`
437// ArmBaseObject base class for all objects under resource.
438type ArmBaseObject struct {
439	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the object.
440	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
441	// ID - READ-ONLY; Id of the object.
442	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
443	// Type - READ-ONLY; Type of the object.
444	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
447// AvailableSkuRequest the filters for showing the available skus.
448type AvailableSkuRequest struct {
449	// TransferType - Type of the transfer.
450	TransferType *string `json:"transferType,omitempty"`
451	// Country - ISO country code. Country for hardware shipment. For codes check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements
452	Country *string `json:"country,omitempty"`
453	// Location - Location for data transfer. For locations check: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTIONID/locations?api-version=2018-01-01
454	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
455	// SkuNames - Sku Names to filter for available skus
456	SkuNames *[]SkuName `json:"skuNames,omitempty"`
459// AvailableSkusResult the available skus operation response.
460type AvailableSkusResult struct {
461	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
462	// Value - READ-ONLY; List of available skus.
463	Value *[]SkuInformation `json:"value,omitempty"`
464	// NextLink - Link for the next set of skus.
465	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
468// AvailableSkusResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of SkuInformation values.
469type AvailableSkusResultIterator struct {
470	i    int
471	page AvailableSkusResultPage
474// NextWithContext advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
475// the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
476func (iter *AvailableSkusResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
477	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
478		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/AvailableSkusResultIterator.NextWithContext")
479		defer func() {
480			sc := -1
481			if iter.Response().Response.Response != nil {
482				sc = iter.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
483			}
484			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
485		}()
486	}
487	iter.i++
488	if iter.i < len(iter.page.Values()) {
489		return nil
490	}
491	err = iter.page.NextWithContext(ctx)
492	if err != nil {
493		iter.i--
494		return err
495	}
496	iter.i = 0
497	return nil
500// Next advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
501// the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
502// Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
503func (iter *AvailableSkusResultIterator) Next() error {
504	return iter.NextWithContext(context.Background())
507// NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
508func (iter AvailableSkusResultIterator) NotDone() bool {
509	return iter.page.NotDone() && iter.i < len(iter.page.Values())
512// Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
513func (iter AvailableSkusResultIterator) Response() AvailableSkusResult {
514	return iter.page.Response()
517// Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the
518// iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.
519func (iter AvailableSkusResultIterator) Value() SkuInformation {
520	if !iter.page.NotDone() {
521		return SkuInformation{}
522	}
523	return iter.page.Values()[iter.i]
526// Creates a new instance of the AvailableSkusResultIterator type.
527func NewAvailableSkusResultIterator(page AvailableSkusResultPage) AvailableSkusResultIterator {
528	return AvailableSkusResultIterator{page: page}
531// IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.
532func (asr AvailableSkusResult) IsEmpty() bool {
533	return asr.Value == nil || len(*asr.Value) == 0
536// availableSkusResultPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results.
537// It returns nil if no more results exist.
538func (asr AvailableSkusResult) availableSkusResultPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) {
539	if asr.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(asr.NextLink)) < 1 {
540		return nil, nil
541	}
542	return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx),
543		autorest.AsJSON(),
544		autorest.AsGet(),
545		autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(asr.NextLink)))
548// AvailableSkusResultPage contains a page of SkuInformation values.
549type AvailableSkusResultPage struct {
550	fn  func(context.Context, AvailableSkusResult) (AvailableSkusResult, error)
551	asr AvailableSkusResult
554// NextWithContext advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
555// the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
556func (page *AvailableSkusResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
557	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
558		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/AvailableSkusResultPage.NextWithContext")
559		defer func() {
560			sc := -1
561			if page.Response().Response.Response != nil {
562				sc = page.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
563			}
564			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
565		}()
566	}
567	next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.asr)
568	if err != nil {
569		return err
570	}
571	page.asr = next
572	return nil
575// Next advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
576// the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
577// Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
578func (page *AvailableSkusResultPage) Next() error {
579	return page.NextWithContext(context.Background())
582// NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
583func (page AvailableSkusResultPage) NotDone() bool {
584	return !page.asr.IsEmpty()
587// Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
588func (page AvailableSkusResultPage) Response() AvailableSkusResult {
589	return page.asr
592// Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.
593func (page AvailableSkusResultPage) Values() []SkuInformation {
594	if page.asr.IsEmpty() {
595		return nil
596	}
597	return *page.asr.Value
600// Creates a new instance of the AvailableSkusResultPage type.
601func NewAvailableSkusResultPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, AvailableSkusResult) (AvailableSkusResult, error)) AvailableSkusResultPage {
602	return AvailableSkusResultPage{fn: getNextPage}
605// CancellationReason reason for cancellation.
606type CancellationReason struct {
607	// Reason - Reason for cancellation.
608	Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
611// ContactDetails contact Details.
612type ContactDetails struct {
613	// ContactName - Contact name of the person.
614	ContactName *string `json:"contactName,omitempty"`
615	// Phone - Phone number of the contact person.
616	Phone *string `json:"phone,omitempty"`
617	// PhoneExtension - Phone extension number of the contact person.
618	PhoneExtension *string `json:"phoneExtension,omitempty"`
619	// Mobile - Mobile number of the contact person.
620	Mobile *string `json:"mobile,omitempty"`
621	// EmailList - List of Email-ids to be notified about job progress.
622	EmailList *[]string `json:"emailList,omitempty"`
623	// NotificationPreference - Notification preference for a job stage.
624	NotificationPreference *[]NotificationPreference `json:"notificationPreference,omitempty"`
627// BasicCopyLogDetails details for log generated during copy.
628type BasicCopyLogDetails interface {
629	AsAccountCopyLogDetails() (*AccountCopyLogDetails, bool)
630	AsDiskCopyLogDetails() (*DiskCopyLogDetails, bool)
631	AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails() (*HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails, bool)
632	AsCopyLogDetails() (*CopyLogDetails, bool)
635// CopyLogDetails details for log generated during copy.
636type CopyLogDetails struct {
637	// CopyLogDetailsType - Possible values include: 'CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy'
638	CopyLogDetailsType CopyLogDetailsType `json:"copyLogDetailsType,omitempty"`
641func unmarshalBasicCopyLogDetails(body []byte) (BasicCopyLogDetails, error) {
642	var m map[string]interface{}
643	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
644	if err != nil {
645		return nil, err
646	}
648	switch m["copyLogDetailsType"] {
649	case string(CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox):
650		var acld AccountCopyLogDetails
651		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &acld)
652		return acld, err
653	case string(CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk):
654		var dcld DiskCopyLogDetails
655		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &dcld)
656		return dcld, err
657	case string(CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy):
658		var hacld HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails
659		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &hacld)
660		return hacld, err
661	default:
662		var cld CopyLogDetails
663		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &cld)
664		return cld, err
665	}
667func unmarshalBasicCopyLogDetailsArray(body []byte) ([]BasicCopyLogDetails, error) {
668	var rawMessages []*json.RawMessage
669	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &rawMessages)
670	if err != nil {
671		return nil, err
672	}
674	cldArray := make([]BasicCopyLogDetails, len(rawMessages))
676	for index, rawMessage := range rawMessages {
677		cld, err := unmarshalBasicCopyLogDetails(*rawMessage)
678		if err != nil {
679			return nil, err
680		}
681		cldArray[index] = cld
682	}
683	return cldArray, nil
686// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CopyLogDetails.
687func (cld CopyLogDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
688	cld.CopyLogDetailsType = CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails
689	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
690	if cld.CopyLogDetailsType != "" {
691		objectMap["copyLogDetailsType"] = cld.CopyLogDetailsType
692	}
693	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
696// AsAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for CopyLogDetails.
697func (cld CopyLogDetails) AsAccountCopyLogDetails() (*AccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
698	return nil, false
701// AsDiskCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for CopyLogDetails.
702func (cld CopyLogDetails) AsDiskCopyLogDetails() (*DiskCopyLogDetails, bool) {
703	return nil, false
706// AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for CopyLogDetails.
707func (cld CopyLogDetails) AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails() (*HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
708	return nil, false
711// AsCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for CopyLogDetails.
712func (cld CopyLogDetails) AsCopyLogDetails() (*CopyLogDetails, bool) {
713	return &cld, true
716// AsBasicCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for CopyLogDetails.
717func (cld CopyLogDetails) AsBasicCopyLogDetails() (BasicCopyLogDetails, bool) {
718	return &cld, true
721// CopyProgress copy progress.
722type CopyProgress struct {
723	// StorageAccountName - READ-ONLY; Name of the storage account where the data needs to be uploaded.
724	StorageAccountName *string `json:"storageAccountName,omitempty"`
725	// AccountID - READ-ONLY; Id of the account where the data needs to be uploaded.
726	AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
727	// BytesSentToCloud - READ-ONLY; Amount of data uploaded by the job as of now.
728	BytesSentToCloud *int64 `json:"bytesSentToCloud,omitempty"`
729	// TotalBytesToProcess - READ-ONLY; Total amount of data to be processed by the job.
730	TotalBytesToProcess *int64 `json:"totalBytesToProcess,omitempty"`
731	// FilesProcessed - READ-ONLY; Number of files processed by the job as of now.
732	FilesProcessed *int64 `json:"filesProcessed,omitempty"`
733	// TotalFilesToProcess - READ-ONLY; Total number of files to be processed by the job.
734	TotalFilesToProcess *int64 `json:"totalFilesToProcess,omitempty"`
737// BasicDestinationAccountDetails details of the destination of the data
738type BasicDestinationAccountDetails interface {
739	AsDestinationManagedDiskDetails() (*DestinationManagedDiskDetails, bool)
740	AsDestinationStorageAccountDetails() (*DestinationStorageAccountDetails, bool)
741	AsDestinationAccountDetails() (*DestinationAccountDetails, bool)
744// DestinationAccountDetails details of the destination of the data
745type DestinationAccountDetails struct {
746	// AccountID - Arm Id of the destination where the data has to be moved.
747	AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
748	// DataDestinationType - Possible values include: 'DataDestinationTypeDestinationAccountDetails', 'DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk', 'DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount'
749	DataDestinationType DataDestinationType `json:"dataDestinationType,omitempty"`
752func unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetails(body []byte) (BasicDestinationAccountDetails, error) {
753	var m map[string]interface{}
754	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
755	if err != nil {
756		return nil, err
757	}
759	switch m["dataDestinationType"] {
760	case string(DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk):
761		var dmdd DestinationManagedDiskDetails
762		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &dmdd)
763		return dmdd, err
764	case string(DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount):
765		var dsad DestinationStorageAccountDetails
766		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &dsad)
767		return dsad, err
768	default:
769		var dad DestinationAccountDetails
770		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &dad)
771		return dad, err
772	}
774func unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetailsArray(body []byte) ([]BasicDestinationAccountDetails, error) {
775	var rawMessages []*json.RawMessage
776	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &rawMessages)
777	if err != nil {
778		return nil, err
779	}
781	dadArray := make([]BasicDestinationAccountDetails, len(rawMessages))
783	for index, rawMessage := range rawMessages {
784		dad, err := unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetails(*rawMessage)
785		if err != nil {
786			return nil, err
787		}
788		dadArray[index] = dad
789	}
790	return dadArray, nil
793// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DestinationAccountDetails.
794func (dad DestinationAccountDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
795	dad.DataDestinationType = DataDestinationTypeDestinationAccountDetails
796	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
797	if dad.AccountID != nil {
798		objectMap["accountId"] = dad.AccountID
799	}
800	if dad.DataDestinationType != "" {
801		objectMap["dataDestinationType"] = dad.DataDestinationType
802	}
803	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
806// AsDestinationManagedDiskDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationAccountDetails.
807func (dad DestinationAccountDetails) AsDestinationManagedDiskDetails() (*DestinationManagedDiskDetails, bool) {
808	return nil, false
811// AsDestinationStorageAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationAccountDetails.
812func (dad DestinationAccountDetails) AsDestinationStorageAccountDetails() (*DestinationStorageAccountDetails, bool) {
813	return nil, false
816// AsDestinationAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationAccountDetails.
817func (dad DestinationAccountDetails) AsDestinationAccountDetails() (*DestinationAccountDetails, bool) {
818	return &dad, true
821// AsBasicDestinationAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationAccountDetails.
822func (dad DestinationAccountDetails) AsBasicDestinationAccountDetails() (BasicDestinationAccountDetails, bool) {
823	return &dad, true
826// DestinationManagedDiskDetails details for the destination compute disks.
827type DestinationManagedDiskDetails struct {
828	// ResourceGroupID - Destination Resource Group Id where the Compute disks should be created.
829	ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`
830	// StagingStorageAccountID - Arm Id of the storage account that can be used to copy the vhd for staging.
831	StagingStorageAccountID *string `json:"stagingStorageAccountId,omitempty"`
832	// AccountID - Arm Id of the destination where the data has to be moved.
833	AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
834	// DataDestinationType - Possible values include: 'DataDestinationTypeDestinationAccountDetails', 'DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk', 'DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount'
835	DataDestinationType DataDestinationType `json:"dataDestinationType,omitempty"`
838// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DestinationManagedDiskDetails.
839func (dmdd DestinationManagedDiskDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
840	dmdd.DataDestinationType = DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk
841	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
842	if dmdd.ResourceGroupID != nil {
843		objectMap["resourceGroupId"] = dmdd.ResourceGroupID
844	}
845	if dmdd.StagingStorageAccountID != nil {
846		objectMap["stagingStorageAccountId"] = dmdd.StagingStorageAccountID
847	}
848	if dmdd.AccountID != nil {
849		objectMap["accountId"] = dmdd.AccountID
850	}
851	if dmdd.DataDestinationType != "" {
852		objectMap["dataDestinationType"] = dmdd.DataDestinationType
853	}
854	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
857// AsDestinationManagedDiskDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationManagedDiskDetails.
858func (dmdd DestinationManagedDiskDetails) AsDestinationManagedDiskDetails() (*DestinationManagedDiskDetails, bool) {
859	return &dmdd, true
862// AsDestinationStorageAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationManagedDiskDetails.
863func (dmdd DestinationManagedDiskDetails) AsDestinationStorageAccountDetails() (*DestinationStorageAccountDetails, bool) {
864	return nil, false
867// AsDestinationAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationManagedDiskDetails.
868func (dmdd DestinationManagedDiskDetails) AsDestinationAccountDetails() (*DestinationAccountDetails, bool) {
869	return nil, false
872// AsBasicDestinationAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationManagedDiskDetails.
873func (dmdd DestinationManagedDiskDetails) AsBasicDestinationAccountDetails() (BasicDestinationAccountDetails, bool) {
874	return &dmdd, true
877// DestinationStorageAccountDetails details for the destination storage account.
878type DestinationStorageAccountDetails struct {
879	// StorageAccountID - Destination Storage Account Arm Id.
880	StorageAccountID *string `json:"storageAccountId,omitempty"`
881	// AccountID - Arm Id of the destination where the data has to be moved.
882	AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
883	// DataDestinationType - Possible values include: 'DataDestinationTypeDestinationAccountDetails', 'DataDestinationTypeManagedDisk', 'DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount'
884	DataDestinationType DataDestinationType `json:"dataDestinationType,omitempty"`
887// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DestinationStorageAccountDetails.
888func (dsad DestinationStorageAccountDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
889	dsad.DataDestinationType = DataDestinationTypeStorageAccount
890	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
891	if dsad.StorageAccountID != nil {
892		objectMap["storageAccountId"] = dsad.StorageAccountID
893	}
894	if dsad.AccountID != nil {
895		objectMap["accountId"] = dsad.AccountID
896	}
897	if dsad.DataDestinationType != "" {
898		objectMap["dataDestinationType"] = dsad.DataDestinationType
899	}
900	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
903// AsDestinationManagedDiskDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationStorageAccountDetails.
904func (dsad DestinationStorageAccountDetails) AsDestinationManagedDiskDetails() (*DestinationManagedDiskDetails, bool) {
905	return nil, false
908// AsDestinationStorageAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationStorageAccountDetails.
909func (dsad DestinationStorageAccountDetails) AsDestinationStorageAccountDetails() (*DestinationStorageAccountDetails, bool) {
910	return &dsad, true
913// AsDestinationAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationStorageAccountDetails.
914func (dsad DestinationStorageAccountDetails) AsDestinationAccountDetails() (*DestinationAccountDetails, bool) {
915	return nil, false
918// AsBasicDestinationAccountDetails is the BasicDestinationAccountDetails implementation for DestinationStorageAccountDetails.
919func (dsad DestinationStorageAccountDetails) AsBasicDestinationAccountDetails() (BasicDestinationAccountDetails, bool) {
920	return &dsad, true
923// DestinationToServiceLocationMap map of destination location to service location
924type DestinationToServiceLocationMap struct {
925	// DestinationLocation - READ-ONLY; Location of the destination.
926	DestinationLocation *string `json:"destinationLocation,omitempty"`
927	// ServiceLocation - READ-ONLY; Location of the service.
928	ServiceLocation *string `json:"serviceLocation,omitempty"`
931// DiskCopyLogDetails copy Log Details for a disk
932type DiskCopyLogDetails struct {
933	// DiskSerialNumber - READ-ONLY; Disk Serial Number.
934	DiskSerialNumber *string `json:"diskSerialNumber,omitempty"`
935	// ErrorLogLink - READ-ONLY; Link for copy error logs.
936	ErrorLogLink *string `json:"errorLogLink,omitempty"`
937	// VerboseLogLink - READ-ONLY; Link for copy verbose logs.
938	VerboseLogLink *string `json:"verboseLogLink,omitempty"`
939	// CopyLogDetailsType - Possible values include: 'CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy'
940	CopyLogDetailsType CopyLogDetailsType `json:"copyLogDetailsType,omitempty"`
943// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DiskCopyLogDetails.
944func (dcld DiskCopyLogDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
945	dcld.CopyLogDetailsType = CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk
946	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
947	if dcld.CopyLogDetailsType != "" {
948		objectMap["copyLogDetailsType"] = dcld.CopyLogDetailsType
949	}
950	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
953// AsAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for DiskCopyLogDetails.
954func (dcld DiskCopyLogDetails) AsAccountCopyLogDetails() (*AccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
955	return nil, false
958// AsDiskCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for DiskCopyLogDetails.
959func (dcld DiskCopyLogDetails) AsDiskCopyLogDetails() (*DiskCopyLogDetails, bool) {
960	return &dcld, true
963// AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for DiskCopyLogDetails.
964func (dcld DiskCopyLogDetails) AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails() (*HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
965	return nil, false
968// AsCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for DiskCopyLogDetails.
969func (dcld DiskCopyLogDetails) AsCopyLogDetails() (*CopyLogDetails, bool) {
970	return nil, false
973// AsBasicCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for DiskCopyLogDetails.
974func (dcld DiskCopyLogDetails) AsBasicCopyLogDetails() (BasicCopyLogDetails, bool) {
975	return &dcld, true
978// DiskCopyProgress dataBox Disk Copy Progress
979type DiskCopyProgress struct {
980	// SerialNumber - READ-ONLY; The serial number of the disk
981	SerialNumber *string `json:"serialNumber,omitempty"`
982	// BytesCopied - READ-ONLY; Bytes copied during the copy of disk.
983	BytesCopied *int64 `json:"bytesCopied,omitempty"`
984	// PercentComplete - READ-ONLY; Indicates the percentage completed for the copy of the disk.
985	PercentComplete *int32 `json:"percentComplete,omitempty"`
986	// Status - READ-ONLY; The Status of the copy. Possible values include: 'NotStarted', 'InProgress', 'Completed', 'CompletedWithErrors', 'Failed', 'NotReturned'
987	Status CopyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
990// DiskJobDetails dataBox Disk Job Details.
991type DiskJobDetails struct {
992	// PreferredDisks - User preference on what size disks are needed for the job. The map is from the disk size in TB to the count. Eg. {2,5} means 5 disks of 2 TB size. Key is string but will be checked against an int.
993	PreferredDisks map[string]*int32 `json:"preferredDisks"`
994	// CopyProgress - READ-ONLY; Copy progress per disk.
995	CopyProgress *[]DiskCopyProgress `json:"copyProgress,omitempty"`
996	// DisksAndSizeDetails - READ-ONLY; Contains the map of disk serial number to the disk size being used for the job. Is returned only after the disks are shipped to the customer.
997	DisksAndSizeDetails map[string]*int32 `json:"disksAndSizeDetails"`
998	// Passkey - User entered passkey for DataBox Disk job.
999	Passkey *string `json:"passkey,omitempty"`
1000	// ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes - The expected size of the data, which needs to be transferred in this job, in terabytes.
1001	ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes *int32 `json:"expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes,omitempty"`
1002	// JobStages - READ-ONLY; List of stages that run in the job.
1003	JobStages *[]JobStages `json:"jobStages,omitempty"`
1004	// ContactDetails - Contact details for notification and shipping.
1005	ContactDetails *ContactDetails `json:"contactDetails,omitempty"`
1006	// ShippingAddress - Shipping address of the customer.
1007	ShippingAddress *ShippingAddress `json:"shippingAddress,omitempty"`
1008	// DeliveryPackage - READ-ONLY; Delivery package shipping details.
1009	DeliveryPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"deliveryPackage,omitempty"`
1010	// ReturnPackage - READ-ONLY; Return package shipping details.
1011	ReturnPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"returnPackage,omitempty"`
1012	// DestinationAccountDetails - Destination account details.
1013	DestinationAccountDetails *[]BasicDestinationAccountDetails `json:"destinationAccountDetails,omitempty"`
1014	// ErrorDetails - READ-ONLY; Error details for failure. This is optional.
1015	ErrorDetails *[]JobErrorDetails `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`
1016	// Preferences - Preferences for the order.
1017	Preferences *Preferences `json:"preferences,omitempty"`
1018	// CopyLogDetails - READ-ONLY; List of copy log details.
1019	CopyLogDetails *[]BasicCopyLogDetails `json:"copyLogDetails,omitempty"`
1020	// ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the return shipment label
1021	ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey *string `json:"reverseShipmentLabelSasKey,omitempty"`
1022	// ChainOfCustodySasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the chain of custody logs
1023	ChainOfCustodySasKey *string `json:"chainOfCustodySasKey,omitempty"`
1024	// JobDetailsType - Possible values include: 'JobDetailsTypeJobDetails', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBox'
1025	JobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum `json:"jobDetailsType,omitempty"`
1028// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DiskJobDetails.
1029func (djd DiskJobDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1030	djd.JobDetailsType = JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk
1031	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1032	if djd.PreferredDisks != nil {
1033		objectMap["preferredDisks"] = djd.PreferredDisks
1034	}
1035	if djd.Passkey != nil {
1036		objectMap["passkey"] = djd.Passkey
1037	}
1038	if djd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes != nil {
1039		objectMap["expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes"] = djd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
1040	}
1041	if djd.ContactDetails != nil {
1042		objectMap["contactDetails"] = djd.ContactDetails
1043	}
1044	if djd.ShippingAddress != nil {
1045		objectMap["shippingAddress"] = djd.ShippingAddress
1046	}
1047	if djd.DestinationAccountDetails != nil {
1048		objectMap["destinationAccountDetails"] = djd.DestinationAccountDetails
1049	}
1050	if djd.Preferences != nil {
1051		objectMap["preferences"] = djd.Preferences
1052	}
1053	if djd.JobDetailsType != "" {
1054		objectMap["jobDetailsType"] = djd.JobDetailsType
1055	}
1056	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1059// AsDiskJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for DiskJobDetails.
1060func (djd DiskJobDetails) AsDiskJobDetails() (*DiskJobDetails, bool) {
1061	return &djd, true
1064// AsHeavyJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for DiskJobDetails.
1065func (djd DiskJobDetails) AsHeavyJobDetails() (*HeavyJobDetails, bool) {
1066	return nil, false
1069// AsJobDetailsType is the BasicJobDetails implementation for DiskJobDetails.
1070func (djd DiskJobDetails) AsJobDetailsType() (*JobDetailsType, bool) {
1071	return nil, false
1074// AsJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for DiskJobDetails.
1075func (djd DiskJobDetails) AsJobDetails() (*JobDetails, bool) {
1076	return nil, false
1079// AsBasicJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for DiskJobDetails.
1080func (djd DiskJobDetails) AsBasicJobDetails() (BasicJobDetails, bool) {
1081	return &djd, true
1084// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for DiskJobDetails struct.
1085func (djd *DiskJobDetails) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
1086	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
1087	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
1088	if err != nil {
1089		return err
1090	}
1091	for k, v := range m {
1092		switch k {
1093		case "preferredDisks":
1094			if v != nil {
1095				var preferredDisks map[string]*int32
1096				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &preferredDisks)
1097				if err != nil {
1098					return err
1099				}
1100				djd.PreferredDisks = preferredDisks
1101			}
1102		case "copyProgress":
1103			if v != nil {
1104				var copyProgress []DiskCopyProgress
1105				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &copyProgress)
1106				if err != nil {
1107					return err
1108				}
1109				djd.CopyProgress = &copyProgress
1110			}
1111		case "disksAndSizeDetails":
1112			if v != nil {
1113				var disksAndSizeDetails map[string]*int32
1114				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &disksAndSizeDetails)
1115				if err != nil {
1116					return err
1117				}
1118				djd.DisksAndSizeDetails = disksAndSizeDetails
1119			}
1120		case "passkey":
1121			if v != nil {
1122				var passkey string
1123				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &passkey)
1124				if err != nil {
1125					return err
1126				}
1127				djd.Passkey = &passkey
1128			}
1129		case "expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes":
1130			if v != nil {
1131				var expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes int32
1132				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes)
1133				if err != nil {
1134					return err
1135				}
1136				djd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes = &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
1137			}
1138		case "jobStages":
1139			if v != nil {
1140				var jobStages []JobStages
1141				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobStages)
1142				if err != nil {
1143					return err
1144				}
1145				djd.JobStages = &jobStages
1146			}
1147		case "contactDetails":
1148			if v != nil {
1149				var contactDetails ContactDetails
1150				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &contactDetails)
1151				if err != nil {
1152					return err
1153				}
1154				djd.ContactDetails = &contactDetails
1155			}
1156		case "shippingAddress":
1157			if v != nil {
1158				var shippingAddress ShippingAddress
1159				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &shippingAddress)
1160				if err != nil {
1161					return err
1162				}
1163				djd.ShippingAddress = &shippingAddress
1164			}
1165		case "deliveryPackage":
1166			if v != nil {
1167				var deliveryPackage PackageShippingDetails
1168				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &deliveryPackage)
1169				if err != nil {
1170					return err
1171				}
1172				djd.DeliveryPackage = &deliveryPackage
1173			}
1174		case "returnPackage":
1175			if v != nil {
1176				var returnPackage PackageShippingDetails
1177				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &returnPackage)
1178				if err != nil {
1179					return err
1180				}
1181				djd.ReturnPackage = &returnPackage
1182			}
1183		case "destinationAccountDetails":
1184			if v != nil {
1185				destinationAccountDetails, err := unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetailsArray(*v)
1186				if err != nil {
1187					return err
1188				}
1189				djd.DestinationAccountDetails = &destinationAccountDetails
1190			}
1191		case "errorDetails":
1192			if v != nil {
1193				var errorDetails []JobErrorDetails
1194				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &errorDetails)
1195				if err != nil {
1196					return err
1197				}
1198				djd.ErrorDetails = &errorDetails
1199			}
1200		case "preferences":
1201			if v != nil {
1202				var preferences Preferences
1203				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &preferences)
1204				if err != nil {
1205					return err
1206				}
1207				djd.Preferences = &preferences
1208			}
1209		case "copyLogDetails":
1210			if v != nil {
1211				copyLogDetails, err := unmarshalBasicCopyLogDetailsArray(*v)
1212				if err != nil {
1213					return err
1214				}
1215				djd.CopyLogDetails = &copyLogDetails
1216			}
1217		case "reverseShipmentLabelSasKey":
1218			if v != nil {
1219				var reverseShipmentLabelSasKey string
1220				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey)
1221				if err != nil {
1222					return err
1223				}
1224				djd.ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey = &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey
1225			}
1226		case "chainOfCustodySasKey":
1227			if v != nil {
1228				var chainOfCustodySasKey string
1229				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &chainOfCustodySasKey)
1230				if err != nil {
1231					return err
1232				}
1233				djd.ChainOfCustodySasKey = &chainOfCustodySasKey
1234			}
1235		case "jobDetailsType":
1236			if v != nil {
1237				var jobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum
1238				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobDetailsType)
1239				if err != nil {
1240					return err
1241				}
1242				djd.JobDetailsType = jobDetailsType
1243			}
1244		}
1245	}
1247	return nil
1250// DiskJobSecrets the secrets related to disk job.
1251type DiskJobSecrets struct {
1252	// DiskSecrets - READ-ONLY; Contains the list of secrets object for that device.
1253	DiskSecrets *[]DiskSecret `json:"diskSecrets,omitempty"`
1254	// PassKey - READ-ONLY; PassKey for the disk Job.
1255	PassKey *string `json:"passKey,omitempty"`
1256	// IsPasskeyUserDefined - READ-ONLY; Whether passkey was provided by user.
1257	IsPasskeyUserDefined *bool `json:"isPasskeyUserDefined,omitempty"`
1258	// JobSecretsType - Possible values include: 'JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBox'
1259	JobSecretsType JobSecretsTypeEnum `json:"jobSecretsType,omitempty"`
1262// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DiskJobSecrets.
1263func (djs DiskJobSecrets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1264	djs.JobSecretsType = JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk
1265	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1266	if djs.JobSecretsType != "" {
1267		objectMap["jobSecretsType"] = djs.JobSecretsType
1268	}
1269	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1272// AsDiskJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for DiskJobSecrets.
1273func (djs DiskJobSecrets) AsDiskJobSecrets() (*DiskJobSecrets, bool) {
1274	return &djs, true
1277// AsHeavyJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for DiskJobSecrets.
1278func (djs DiskJobSecrets) AsHeavyJobSecrets() (*HeavyJobSecrets, bool) {
1279	return nil, false
1282// AsJobSecretsType is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for DiskJobSecrets.
1283func (djs DiskJobSecrets) AsJobSecretsType() (*JobSecretsType, bool) {
1284	return nil, false
1287// AsJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for DiskJobSecrets.
1288func (djs DiskJobSecrets) AsJobSecrets() (*JobSecrets, bool) {
1289	return nil, false
1292// AsBasicJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for DiskJobSecrets.
1293func (djs DiskJobSecrets) AsBasicJobSecrets() (BasicJobSecrets, bool) {
1294	return &djs, true
1297// DiskSecret contains all the secrets of a Disk.
1298type DiskSecret struct {
1299	// DiskSerialNumber - READ-ONLY; Serial number of the assigned disk.
1300	DiskSerialNumber *string `json:"diskSerialNumber,omitempty"`
1301	// BitLockerKey - READ-ONLY; Bit Locker key of the disk which can be used to unlock the disk to copy data.
1302	BitLockerKey *string `json:"bitLockerKey,omitempty"`
1305// Error top level error for the job.
1306type Error struct {
1307	// Code - READ-ONLY; Error code that can be used to programmatically identify the error.
1308	Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
1309	// Message - READ-ONLY; Describes the error in detail and provides debugging information.
1310	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
1313// HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails copy log details for a storage account for DataBoxHeavy
1314type HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails struct {
1315	// AccountName - READ-ONLY; Destination account name.
1316	AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
1317	// CopyLogLink - READ-ONLY; Link for copy logs.
1318	CopyLogLink *[]string `json:"copyLogLink,omitempty"`
1319	// CopyLogDetailsType - Possible values include: 'CopyLogDetailsTypeCopyLogDetails', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBox', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy'
1320	CopyLogDetailsType CopyLogDetailsType `json:"copyLogDetailsType,omitempty"`
1323// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails.
1324func (hacld HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1325	hacld.CopyLogDetailsType = CopyLogDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy
1326	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1327	if hacld.CopyLogDetailsType != "" {
1328		objectMap["copyLogDetailsType"] = hacld.CopyLogDetailsType
1329	}
1330	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1333// AsAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails.
1334func (hacld HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails) AsAccountCopyLogDetails() (*AccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
1335	return nil, false
1338// AsDiskCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails.
1339func (hacld HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails) AsDiskCopyLogDetails() (*DiskCopyLogDetails, bool) {
1340	return nil, false
1343// AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails.
1344func (hacld HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails) AsHeavyAccountCopyLogDetails() (*HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails, bool) {
1345	return &hacld, true
1348// AsCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails.
1349func (hacld HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails) AsCopyLogDetails() (*CopyLogDetails, bool) {
1350	return nil, false
1353// AsBasicCopyLogDetails is the BasicCopyLogDetails implementation for HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails.
1354func (hacld HeavyAccountCopyLogDetails) AsBasicCopyLogDetails() (BasicCopyLogDetails, bool) {
1355	return &hacld, true
1358// HeavyJobDetails dataBoxHeavy Device Job Details
1359type HeavyJobDetails struct {
1360	// CopyProgress - READ-ONLY; Copy progress per account.
1361	CopyProgress *[]CopyProgress `json:"copyProgress,omitempty"`
1362	// ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes - The expected size of the data, which needs to be transferred in this job, in terabytes.
1363	ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes *int32 `json:"expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes,omitempty"`
1364	// JobStages - READ-ONLY; List of stages that run in the job.
1365	JobStages *[]JobStages `json:"jobStages,omitempty"`
1366	// ContactDetails - Contact details for notification and shipping.
1367	ContactDetails *ContactDetails `json:"contactDetails,omitempty"`
1368	// ShippingAddress - Shipping address of the customer.
1369	ShippingAddress *ShippingAddress `json:"shippingAddress,omitempty"`
1370	// DeliveryPackage - READ-ONLY; Delivery package shipping details.
1371	DeliveryPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"deliveryPackage,omitempty"`
1372	// ReturnPackage - READ-ONLY; Return package shipping details.
1373	ReturnPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"returnPackage,omitempty"`
1374	// DestinationAccountDetails - Destination account details.
1375	DestinationAccountDetails *[]BasicDestinationAccountDetails `json:"destinationAccountDetails,omitempty"`
1376	// ErrorDetails - READ-ONLY; Error details for failure. This is optional.
1377	ErrorDetails *[]JobErrorDetails `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`
1378	// Preferences - Preferences for the order.
1379	Preferences *Preferences `json:"preferences,omitempty"`
1380	// CopyLogDetails - READ-ONLY; List of copy log details.
1381	CopyLogDetails *[]BasicCopyLogDetails `json:"copyLogDetails,omitempty"`
1382	// ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the return shipment label
1383	ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey *string `json:"reverseShipmentLabelSasKey,omitempty"`
1384	// ChainOfCustodySasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the chain of custody logs
1385	ChainOfCustodySasKey *string `json:"chainOfCustodySasKey,omitempty"`
1386	// JobDetailsType - Possible values include: 'JobDetailsTypeJobDetails', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBox'
1387	JobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum `json:"jobDetailsType,omitempty"`
1390// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for HeavyJobDetails.
1391func (hjd HeavyJobDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1392	hjd.JobDetailsType = JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy
1393	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1394	if hjd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes != nil {
1395		objectMap["expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes"] = hjd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
1396	}
1397	if hjd.ContactDetails != nil {
1398		objectMap["contactDetails"] = hjd.ContactDetails
1399	}
1400	if hjd.ShippingAddress != nil {
1401		objectMap["shippingAddress"] = hjd.ShippingAddress
1402	}
1403	if hjd.DestinationAccountDetails != nil {
1404		objectMap["destinationAccountDetails"] = hjd.DestinationAccountDetails
1405	}
1406	if hjd.Preferences != nil {
1407		objectMap["preferences"] = hjd.Preferences
1408	}
1409	if hjd.JobDetailsType != "" {
1410		objectMap["jobDetailsType"] = hjd.JobDetailsType
1411	}
1412	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1415// AsDiskJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for HeavyJobDetails.
1416func (hjd HeavyJobDetails) AsDiskJobDetails() (*DiskJobDetails, bool) {
1417	return nil, false
1420// AsHeavyJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for HeavyJobDetails.
1421func (hjd HeavyJobDetails) AsHeavyJobDetails() (*HeavyJobDetails, bool) {
1422	return &hjd, true
1425// AsJobDetailsType is the BasicJobDetails implementation for HeavyJobDetails.
1426func (hjd HeavyJobDetails) AsJobDetailsType() (*JobDetailsType, bool) {
1427	return nil, false
1430// AsJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for HeavyJobDetails.
1431func (hjd HeavyJobDetails) AsJobDetails() (*JobDetails, bool) {
1432	return nil, false
1435// AsBasicJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for HeavyJobDetails.
1436func (hjd HeavyJobDetails) AsBasicJobDetails() (BasicJobDetails, bool) {
1437	return &hjd, true
1440// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for HeavyJobDetails struct.
1441func (hjd *HeavyJobDetails) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
1442	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
1443	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
1444	if err != nil {
1445		return err
1446	}
1447	for k, v := range m {
1448		switch k {
1449		case "copyProgress":
1450			if v != nil {
1451				var copyProgress []CopyProgress
1452				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &copyProgress)
1453				if err != nil {
1454					return err
1455				}
1456				hjd.CopyProgress = &copyProgress
1457			}
1458		case "expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes":
1459			if v != nil {
1460				var expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes int32
1461				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes)
1462				if err != nil {
1463					return err
1464				}
1465				hjd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes = &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
1466			}
1467		case "jobStages":
1468			if v != nil {
1469				var jobStages []JobStages
1470				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobStages)
1471				if err != nil {
1472					return err
1473				}
1474				hjd.JobStages = &jobStages
1475			}
1476		case "contactDetails":
1477			if v != nil {
1478				var contactDetails ContactDetails
1479				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &contactDetails)
1480				if err != nil {
1481					return err
1482				}
1483				hjd.ContactDetails = &contactDetails
1484			}
1485		case "shippingAddress":
1486			if v != nil {
1487				var shippingAddress ShippingAddress
1488				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &shippingAddress)
1489				if err != nil {
1490					return err
1491				}
1492				hjd.ShippingAddress = &shippingAddress
1493			}
1494		case "deliveryPackage":
1495			if v != nil {
1496				var deliveryPackage PackageShippingDetails
1497				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &deliveryPackage)
1498				if err != nil {
1499					return err
1500				}
1501				hjd.DeliveryPackage = &deliveryPackage
1502			}
1503		case "returnPackage":
1504			if v != nil {
1505				var returnPackage PackageShippingDetails
1506				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &returnPackage)
1507				if err != nil {
1508					return err
1509				}
1510				hjd.ReturnPackage = &returnPackage
1511			}
1512		case "destinationAccountDetails":
1513			if v != nil {
1514				destinationAccountDetails, err := unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetailsArray(*v)
1515				if err != nil {
1516					return err
1517				}
1518				hjd.DestinationAccountDetails = &destinationAccountDetails
1519			}
1520		case "errorDetails":
1521			if v != nil {
1522				var errorDetails []JobErrorDetails
1523				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &errorDetails)
1524				if err != nil {
1525					return err
1526				}
1527				hjd.ErrorDetails = &errorDetails
1528			}
1529		case "preferences":
1530			if v != nil {
1531				var preferences Preferences
1532				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &preferences)
1533				if err != nil {
1534					return err
1535				}
1536				hjd.Preferences = &preferences
1537			}
1538		case "copyLogDetails":
1539			if v != nil {
1540				copyLogDetails, err := unmarshalBasicCopyLogDetailsArray(*v)
1541				if err != nil {
1542					return err
1543				}
1544				hjd.CopyLogDetails = &copyLogDetails
1545			}
1546		case "reverseShipmentLabelSasKey":
1547			if v != nil {
1548				var reverseShipmentLabelSasKey string
1549				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey)
1550				if err != nil {
1551					return err
1552				}
1553				hjd.ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey = &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey
1554			}
1555		case "chainOfCustodySasKey":
1556			if v != nil {
1557				var chainOfCustodySasKey string
1558				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &chainOfCustodySasKey)
1559				if err != nil {
1560					return err
1561				}
1562				hjd.ChainOfCustodySasKey = &chainOfCustodySasKey
1563			}
1564		case "jobDetailsType":
1565			if v != nil {
1566				var jobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum
1567				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobDetailsType)
1568				if err != nil {
1569					return err
1570				}
1571				hjd.JobDetailsType = jobDetailsType
1572			}
1573		}
1574	}
1576	return nil
1579// HeavyJobSecrets the secrets related to a DataBoxHeavy job.
1580type HeavyJobSecrets struct {
1581	// CabinetPodSecrets - READ-ONLY; Contains the list of secret objects for a DataBoxHeavy job.
1582	CabinetPodSecrets *[]HeavySecret `json:"cabinetPodSecrets,omitempty"`
1583	// JobSecretsType - Possible values include: 'JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBox'
1584	JobSecretsType JobSecretsTypeEnum `json:"jobSecretsType,omitempty"`
1587// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for HeavyJobSecrets.
1588func (hjs HeavyJobSecrets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1589	hjs.JobSecretsType = JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy
1590	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1591	if hjs.JobSecretsType != "" {
1592		objectMap["jobSecretsType"] = hjs.JobSecretsType
1593	}
1594	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1597// AsDiskJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for HeavyJobSecrets.
1598func (hjs HeavyJobSecrets) AsDiskJobSecrets() (*DiskJobSecrets, bool) {
1599	return nil, false
1602// AsHeavyJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for HeavyJobSecrets.
1603func (hjs HeavyJobSecrets) AsHeavyJobSecrets() (*HeavyJobSecrets, bool) {
1604	return &hjs, true
1607// AsJobSecretsType is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for HeavyJobSecrets.
1608func (hjs HeavyJobSecrets) AsJobSecretsType() (*JobSecretsType, bool) {
1609	return nil, false
1612// AsJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for HeavyJobSecrets.
1613func (hjs HeavyJobSecrets) AsJobSecrets() (*JobSecrets, bool) {
1614	return nil, false
1617// AsBasicJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for HeavyJobSecrets.
1618func (hjs HeavyJobSecrets) AsBasicJobSecrets() (BasicJobSecrets, bool) {
1619	return &hjs, true
1622// HeavySecret the secrets related to a DataBoxHeavy.
1623type HeavySecret struct {
1624	// DeviceSerialNumber - READ-ONLY; Serial number of the assigned device.
1625	DeviceSerialNumber *string `json:"deviceSerialNumber,omitempty"`
1626	// DevicePassword - READ-ONLY; Password for out of the box experience on device.
1627	DevicePassword *string `json:"devicePassword,omitempty"`
1628	// NetworkConfigurations - READ-ONLY; Network configuration of the appliance.
1629	NetworkConfigurations *[]ApplianceNetworkConfiguration `json:"networkConfigurations,omitempty"`
1630	// EncodedValidationCertPubKey - READ-ONLY; The base 64 encoded public key to authenticate with the device
1631	EncodedValidationCertPubKey *string `json:"encodedValidationCertPubKey,omitempty"`
1632	// AccountCredentialDetails - READ-ONLY; Per account level access credentials.
1633	AccountCredentialDetails *[]AccountCredentialDetails `json:"accountCredentialDetails,omitempty"`
1636// BasicJobDetails job details.
1637type BasicJobDetails interface {
1638	AsDiskJobDetails() (*DiskJobDetails, bool)
1639	AsHeavyJobDetails() (*HeavyJobDetails, bool)
1640	AsJobDetailsType() (*JobDetailsType, bool)
1641	AsJobDetails() (*JobDetails, bool)
1644// JobDetails job details.
1645type JobDetails struct {
1646	// ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes - The expected size of the data, which needs to be transferred in this job, in terabytes.
1647	ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes *int32 `json:"expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes,omitempty"`
1648	// JobStages - READ-ONLY; List of stages that run in the job.
1649	JobStages *[]JobStages `json:"jobStages,omitempty"`
1650	// ContactDetails - Contact details for notification and shipping.
1651	ContactDetails *ContactDetails `json:"contactDetails,omitempty"`
1652	// ShippingAddress - Shipping address of the customer.
1653	ShippingAddress *ShippingAddress `json:"shippingAddress,omitempty"`
1654	// DeliveryPackage - READ-ONLY; Delivery package shipping details.
1655	DeliveryPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"deliveryPackage,omitempty"`
1656	// ReturnPackage - READ-ONLY; Return package shipping details.
1657	ReturnPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"returnPackage,omitempty"`
1658	// DestinationAccountDetails - Destination account details.
1659	DestinationAccountDetails *[]BasicDestinationAccountDetails `json:"destinationAccountDetails,omitempty"`
1660	// ErrorDetails - READ-ONLY; Error details for failure. This is optional.
1661	ErrorDetails *[]JobErrorDetails `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`
1662	// Preferences - Preferences for the order.
1663	Preferences *Preferences `json:"preferences,omitempty"`
1664	// CopyLogDetails - READ-ONLY; List of copy log details.
1665	CopyLogDetails *[]BasicCopyLogDetails `json:"copyLogDetails,omitempty"`
1666	// ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the return shipment label
1667	ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey *string `json:"reverseShipmentLabelSasKey,omitempty"`
1668	// ChainOfCustodySasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the chain of custody logs
1669	ChainOfCustodySasKey *string `json:"chainOfCustodySasKey,omitempty"`
1670	// JobDetailsType - Possible values include: 'JobDetailsTypeJobDetails', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBox'
1671	JobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum `json:"jobDetailsType,omitempty"`
1674func unmarshalBasicJobDetails(body []byte) (BasicJobDetails, error) {
1675	var m map[string]interface{}
1676	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
1677	if err != nil {
1678		return nil, err
1679	}
1681	switch m["jobDetailsType"] {
1682	case string(JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk):
1683		var djd DiskJobDetails
1684		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &djd)
1685		return djd, err
1686	case string(JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy):
1687		var hjd HeavyJobDetails
1688		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &hjd)
1689		return hjd, err
1690	case string(JobDetailsTypeDataBox):
1691		var jdt JobDetailsType
1692		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &jdt)
1693		return jdt, err
1694	default:
1695		var jd JobDetails
1696		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &jd)
1697		return jd, err
1698	}
1700func unmarshalBasicJobDetailsArray(body []byte) ([]BasicJobDetails, error) {
1701	var rawMessages []*json.RawMessage
1702	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &rawMessages)
1703	if err != nil {
1704		return nil, err
1705	}
1707	jdArray := make([]BasicJobDetails, len(rawMessages))
1709	for index, rawMessage := range rawMessages {
1710		jd, err := unmarshalBasicJobDetails(*rawMessage)
1711		if err != nil {
1712			return nil, err
1713		}
1714		jdArray[index] = jd
1715	}
1716	return jdArray, nil
1719// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for JobDetails.
1720func (jd JobDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1721	jd.JobDetailsType = JobDetailsTypeJobDetails
1722	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1723	if jd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes != nil {
1724		objectMap["expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes"] = jd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
1725	}
1726	if jd.ContactDetails != nil {
1727		objectMap["contactDetails"] = jd.ContactDetails
1728	}
1729	if jd.ShippingAddress != nil {
1730		objectMap["shippingAddress"] = jd.ShippingAddress
1731	}
1732	if jd.DestinationAccountDetails != nil {
1733		objectMap["destinationAccountDetails"] = jd.DestinationAccountDetails
1734	}
1735	if jd.Preferences != nil {
1736		objectMap["preferences"] = jd.Preferences
1737	}
1738	if jd.JobDetailsType != "" {
1739		objectMap["jobDetailsType"] = jd.JobDetailsType
1740	}
1741	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1744// AsDiskJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetails.
1745func (jd JobDetails) AsDiskJobDetails() (*DiskJobDetails, bool) {
1746	return nil, false
1749// AsHeavyJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetails.
1750func (jd JobDetails) AsHeavyJobDetails() (*HeavyJobDetails, bool) {
1751	return nil, false
1754// AsJobDetailsType is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetails.
1755func (jd JobDetails) AsJobDetailsType() (*JobDetailsType, bool) {
1756	return nil, false
1759// AsJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetails.
1760func (jd JobDetails) AsJobDetails() (*JobDetails, bool) {
1761	return &jd, true
1764// AsBasicJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetails.
1765func (jd JobDetails) AsBasicJobDetails() (BasicJobDetails, bool) {
1766	return &jd, true
1769// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for JobDetails struct.
1770func (jd *JobDetails) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
1771	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
1772	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
1773	if err != nil {
1774		return err
1775	}
1776	for k, v := range m {
1777		switch k {
1778		case "expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes":
1779			if v != nil {
1780				var expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes int32
1781				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes)
1782				if err != nil {
1783					return err
1784				}
1785				jd.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes = &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
1786			}
1787		case "jobStages":
1788			if v != nil {
1789				var jobStages []JobStages
1790				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobStages)
1791				if err != nil {
1792					return err
1793				}
1794				jd.JobStages = &jobStages
1795			}
1796		case "contactDetails":
1797			if v != nil {
1798				var contactDetails ContactDetails
1799				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &contactDetails)
1800				if err != nil {
1801					return err
1802				}
1803				jd.ContactDetails = &contactDetails
1804			}
1805		case "shippingAddress":
1806			if v != nil {
1807				var shippingAddress ShippingAddress
1808				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &shippingAddress)
1809				if err != nil {
1810					return err
1811				}
1812				jd.ShippingAddress = &shippingAddress
1813			}
1814		case "deliveryPackage":
1815			if v != nil {
1816				var deliveryPackage PackageShippingDetails
1817				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &deliveryPackage)
1818				if err != nil {
1819					return err
1820				}
1821				jd.DeliveryPackage = &deliveryPackage
1822			}
1823		case "returnPackage":
1824			if v != nil {
1825				var returnPackage PackageShippingDetails
1826				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &returnPackage)
1827				if err != nil {
1828					return err
1829				}
1830				jd.ReturnPackage = &returnPackage
1831			}
1832		case "destinationAccountDetails":
1833			if v != nil {
1834				destinationAccountDetails, err := unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetailsArray(*v)
1835				if err != nil {
1836					return err
1837				}
1838				jd.DestinationAccountDetails = &destinationAccountDetails
1839			}
1840		case "errorDetails":
1841			if v != nil {
1842				var errorDetails []JobErrorDetails
1843				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &errorDetails)
1844				if err != nil {
1845					return err
1846				}
1847				jd.ErrorDetails = &errorDetails
1848			}
1849		case "preferences":
1850			if v != nil {
1851				var preferences Preferences
1852				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &preferences)
1853				if err != nil {
1854					return err
1855				}
1856				jd.Preferences = &preferences
1857			}
1858		case "copyLogDetails":
1859			if v != nil {
1860				copyLogDetails, err := unmarshalBasicCopyLogDetailsArray(*v)
1861				if err != nil {
1862					return err
1863				}
1864				jd.CopyLogDetails = &copyLogDetails
1865			}
1866		case "reverseShipmentLabelSasKey":
1867			if v != nil {
1868				var reverseShipmentLabelSasKey string
1869				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey)
1870				if err != nil {
1871					return err
1872				}
1873				jd.ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey = &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey
1874			}
1875		case "chainOfCustodySasKey":
1876			if v != nil {
1877				var chainOfCustodySasKey string
1878				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &chainOfCustodySasKey)
1879				if err != nil {
1880					return err
1881				}
1882				jd.ChainOfCustodySasKey = &chainOfCustodySasKey
1883			}
1884		case "jobDetailsType":
1885			if v != nil {
1886				var jobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum
1887				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobDetailsType)
1888				if err != nil {
1889					return err
1890				}
1891				jd.JobDetailsType = jobDetailsType
1892			}
1893		}
1894	}
1896	return nil
1899// JobDetailsType dataBox Job Details
1900type JobDetailsType struct {
1901	// CopyProgress - READ-ONLY; Copy progress per storage account.
1902	CopyProgress *[]CopyProgress `json:"copyProgress,omitempty"`
1903	// ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes - The expected size of the data, which needs to be transferred in this job, in terabytes.
1904	ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes *int32 `json:"expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes,omitempty"`
1905	// JobStages - READ-ONLY; List of stages that run in the job.
1906	JobStages *[]JobStages `json:"jobStages,omitempty"`
1907	// ContactDetails - Contact details for notification and shipping.
1908	ContactDetails *ContactDetails `json:"contactDetails,omitempty"`
1909	// ShippingAddress - Shipping address of the customer.
1910	ShippingAddress *ShippingAddress `json:"shippingAddress,omitempty"`
1911	// DeliveryPackage - READ-ONLY; Delivery package shipping details.
1912	DeliveryPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"deliveryPackage,omitempty"`
1913	// ReturnPackage - READ-ONLY; Return package shipping details.
1914	ReturnPackage *PackageShippingDetails `json:"returnPackage,omitempty"`
1915	// DestinationAccountDetails - Destination account details.
1916	DestinationAccountDetails *[]BasicDestinationAccountDetails `json:"destinationAccountDetails,omitempty"`
1917	// ErrorDetails - READ-ONLY; Error details for failure. This is optional.
1918	ErrorDetails *[]JobErrorDetails `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`
1919	// Preferences - Preferences for the order.
1920	Preferences *Preferences `json:"preferences,omitempty"`
1921	// CopyLogDetails - READ-ONLY; List of copy log details.
1922	CopyLogDetails *[]BasicCopyLogDetails `json:"copyLogDetails,omitempty"`
1923	// ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the return shipment label
1924	ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey *string `json:"reverseShipmentLabelSasKey,omitempty"`
1925	// ChainOfCustodySasKey - READ-ONLY; Shared access key to download the chain of custody logs
1926	ChainOfCustodySasKey *string `json:"chainOfCustodySasKey,omitempty"`
1927	// JobDetailsType - Possible values include: 'JobDetailsTypeJobDetails', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobDetailsTypeDataBox'
1928	JobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum `json:"jobDetailsType,omitempty"`
1931// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for JobDetailsType.
1932func (jdt JobDetailsType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
1933	jdt.JobDetailsType = JobDetailsTypeDataBox
1934	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
1935	if jdt.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes != nil {
1936		objectMap["expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes"] = jdt.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
1937	}
1938	if jdt.ContactDetails != nil {
1939		objectMap["contactDetails"] = jdt.ContactDetails
1940	}
1941	if jdt.ShippingAddress != nil {
1942		objectMap["shippingAddress"] = jdt.ShippingAddress
1943	}
1944	if jdt.DestinationAccountDetails != nil {
1945		objectMap["destinationAccountDetails"] = jdt.DestinationAccountDetails
1946	}
1947	if jdt.Preferences != nil {
1948		objectMap["preferences"] = jdt.Preferences
1949	}
1950	if jdt.JobDetailsType != "" {
1951		objectMap["jobDetailsType"] = jdt.JobDetailsType
1952	}
1953	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
1956// AsDiskJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetailsType.
1957func (jdt JobDetailsType) AsDiskJobDetails() (*DiskJobDetails, bool) {
1958	return nil, false
1961// AsHeavyJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetailsType.
1962func (jdt JobDetailsType) AsHeavyJobDetails() (*HeavyJobDetails, bool) {
1963	return nil, false
1966// AsJobDetailsType is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetailsType.
1967func (jdt JobDetailsType) AsJobDetailsType() (*JobDetailsType, bool) {
1968	return &jdt, true
1971// AsJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetailsType.
1972func (jdt JobDetailsType) AsJobDetails() (*JobDetails, bool) {
1973	return nil, false
1976// AsBasicJobDetails is the BasicJobDetails implementation for JobDetailsType.
1977func (jdt JobDetailsType) AsBasicJobDetails() (BasicJobDetails, bool) {
1978	return &jdt, true
1981// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for JobDetailsType struct.
1982func (jdt *JobDetailsType) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
1983	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
1984	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
1985	if err != nil {
1986		return err
1987	}
1988	for k, v := range m {
1989		switch k {
1990		case "copyProgress":
1991			if v != nil {
1992				var copyProgress []CopyProgress
1993				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &copyProgress)
1994				if err != nil {
1995					return err
1996				}
1997				jdt.CopyProgress = &copyProgress
1998			}
1999		case "expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes":
2000			if v != nil {
2001				var expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes int32
2002				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes)
2003				if err != nil {
2004					return err
2005				}
2006				jdt.ExpectedDataSizeInTeraBytes = &expectedDataSizeInTeraBytes
2007			}
2008		case "jobStages":
2009			if v != nil {
2010				var jobStages []JobStages
2011				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobStages)
2012				if err != nil {
2013					return err
2014				}
2015				jdt.JobStages = &jobStages
2016			}
2017		case "contactDetails":
2018			if v != nil {
2019				var contactDetails ContactDetails
2020				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &contactDetails)
2021				if err != nil {
2022					return err
2023				}
2024				jdt.ContactDetails = &contactDetails
2025			}
2026		case "shippingAddress":
2027			if v != nil {
2028				var shippingAddress ShippingAddress
2029				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &shippingAddress)
2030				if err != nil {
2031					return err
2032				}
2033				jdt.ShippingAddress = &shippingAddress
2034			}
2035		case "deliveryPackage":
2036			if v != nil {
2037				var deliveryPackage PackageShippingDetails
2038				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &deliveryPackage)
2039				if err != nil {
2040					return err
2041				}
2042				jdt.DeliveryPackage = &deliveryPackage
2043			}
2044		case "returnPackage":
2045			if v != nil {
2046				var returnPackage PackageShippingDetails
2047				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &returnPackage)
2048				if err != nil {
2049					return err
2050				}
2051				jdt.ReturnPackage = &returnPackage
2052			}
2053		case "destinationAccountDetails":
2054			if v != nil {
2055				destinationAccountDetails, err := unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetailsArray(*v)
2056				if err != nil {
2057					return err
2058				}
2059				jdt.DestinationAccountDetails = &destinationAccountDetails
2060			}
2061		case "errorDetails":
2062			if v != nil {
2063				var errorDetails []JobErrorDetails
2064				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &errorDetails)
2065				if err != nil {
2066					return err
2067				}
2068				jdt.ErrorDetails = &errorDetails
2069			}
2070		case "preferences":
2071			if v != nil {
2072				var preferences Preferences
2073				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &preferences)
2074				if err != nil {
2075					return err
2076				}
2077				jdt.Preferences = &preferences
2078			}
2079		case "copyLogDetails":
2080			if v != nil {
2081				copyLogDetails, err := unmarshalBasicCopyLogDetailsArray(*v)
2082				if err != nil {
2083					return err
2084				}
2085				jdt.CopyLogDetails = &copyLogDetails
2086			}
2087		case "reverseShipmentLabelSasKey":
2088			if v != nil {
2089				var reverseShipmentLabelSasKey string
2090				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey)
2091				if err != nil {
2092					return err
2093				}
2094				jdt.ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey = &reverseShipmentLabelSasKey
2095			}
2096		case "chainOfCustodySasKey":
2097			if v != nil {
2098				var chainOfCustodySasKey string
2099				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &chainOfCustodySasKey)
2100				if err != nil {
2101					return err
2102				}
2103				jdt.ChainOfCustodySasKey = &chainOfCustodySasKey
2104			}
2105		case "jobDetailsType":
2106			if v != nil {
2107				var jobDetailsType JobDetailsTypeEnum
2108				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobDetailsType)
2109				if err != nil {
2110					return err
2111				}
2112				jdt.JobDetailsType = jobDetailsType
2113			}
2114		}
2115	}
2117	return nil
2120// JobErrorDetails job Error Details for providing the information and recommended action.
2121type JobErrorDetails struct {
2122	// ErrorMessage - READ-ONLY; Message for the error.
2123	ErrorMessage *string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
2124	// ErrorCode - READ-ONLY; Code for the error.
2125	ErrorCode *int32 `json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
2126	// RecommendedAction - READ-ONLY; Recommended action for the error.
2127	RecommendedAction *string `json:"recommendedAction,omitempty"`
2128	// ExceptionMessage - READ-ONLY; Contains the non localized exception message
2129	ExceptionMessage *string `json:"exceptionMessage,omitempty"`
2132// JobProperties job Properties
2133type JobProperties struct {
2134	// IsCancellable - READ-ONLY; Describes whether the job is cancellable or not.
2135	IsCancellable *bool `json:"isCancellable,omitempty"`
2136	// IsDeletable - READ-ONLY; Describes whether the job is deletable or not.
2137	IsDeletable *bool `json:"isDeletable,omitempty"`
2138	// IsShippingAddressEditable - READ-ONLY; Describes whether the shipping address is editable or not.
2139	IsShippingAddressEditable *bool `json:"isShippingAddressEditable,omitempty"`
2140	// Status - READ-ONLY; Name of the stage which is in progress. Possible values include: 'StageNameDeviceOrdered', 'StageNameDevicePrepared', 'StageNameDispatched', 'StageNameDelivered', 'StageNamePickedUp', 'StageNameAtAzureDC', 'StageNameDataCopy', 'StageNameCompleted', 'StageNameCompletedWithErrors', 'StageNameCancelled', 'StageNameFailedIssueReportedAtCustomer', 'StageNameFailedIssueDetectedAtAzureDC', 'StageNameAborted'
2141	Status StageName `json:"status,omitempty"`
2142	// StartTime - READ-ONLY; Time at which the job was started in UTC ISO 8601 format.
2143	StartTime *date.Time `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
2144	// Error - READ-ONLY; Top level error for the job.
2145	Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
2146	// Details - Details of a job run. This field will only be sent for expand details filter.
2147	Details BasicJobDetails `json:"details,omitempty"`
2148	// CancellationReason - READ-ONLY; Reason for cancellation.
2149	CancellationReason *string `json:"cancellationReason,omitempty"`
2152// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for JobProperties struct.
2153func (jp *JobProperties) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
2154	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
2155	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
2156	if err != nil {
2157		return err
2158	}
2159	for k, v := range m {
2160		switch k {
2161		case "isCancellable":
2162			if v != nil {
2163				var isCancellable bool
2164				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &isCancellable)
2165				if err != nil {
2166					return err
2167				}
2168				jp.IsCancellable = &isCancellable
2169			}
2170		case "isDeletable":
2171			if v != nil {
2172				var isDeletable bool
2173				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &isDeletable)
2174				if err != nil {
2175					return err
2176				}
2177				jp.IsDeletable = &isDeletable
2178			}
2179		case "isShippingAddressEditable":
2180			if v != nil {
2181				var isShippingAddressEditable bool
2182				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &isShippingAddressEditable)
2183				if err != nil {
2184					return err
2185				}
2186				jp.IsShippingAddressEditable = &isShippingAddressEditable
2187			}
2188		case "status":
2189			if v != nil {
2190				var status StageName
2191				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &status)
2192				if err != nil {
2193					return err
2194				}
2195				jp.Status = status
2196			}
2197		case "startTime":
2198			if v != nil {
2199				var startTime date.Time
2200				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &startTime)
2201				if err != nil {
2202					return err
2203				}
2204				jp.StartTime = &startTime
2205			}
2206		case "error":
2207			if v != nil {
2208				var errorVar Error
2209				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &errorVar)
2210				if err != nil {
2211					return err
2212				}
2213				jp.Error = &errorVar
2214			}
2215		case "details":
2216			if v != nil {
2217				details, err := unmarshalBasicJobDetails(*v)
2218				if err != nil {
2219					return err
2220				}
2221				jp.Details = details
2222			}
2223		case "cancellationReason":
2224			if v != nil {
2225				var cancellationReason string
2226				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &cancellationReason)
2227				if err != nil {
2228					return err
2229				}
2230				jp.CancellationReason = &cancellationReason
2231			}
2232		}
2233	}
2235	return nil
2238// JobResource job Resource.
2239type JobResource struct {
2240	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
2241	// JobProperties - Properties of a job.
2242	*JobProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
2243	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the object.
2244	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
2245	// ID - READ-ONLY; Id of the object.
2246	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
2247	// Type - READ-ONLY; Type of the object.
2248	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
2249	// Location - The location of the resource. This will be one of the supported and registered Azure Regions (e.g. West US, East US, Southeast Asia, etc.). The region of a resource cannot be changed once it is created, but if an identical region is specified on update the request will succeed.
2250	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
2251	// Tags - The list of key value pairs that describe the resource. These tags can be used in viewing and grouping this resource (across resource groups).
2252	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
2253	// Sku - The sku type.
2254	Sku *Sku `json:"sku,omitempty"`
2257// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for JobResource.
2258func (jr JobResource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
2259	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
2260	if jr.JobProperties != nil {
2261		objectMap["properties"] = jr.JobProperties
2262	}
2263	if jr.Location != nil {
2264		objectMap["location"] = jr.Location
2265	}
2266	if jr.Tags != nil {
2267		objectMap["tags"] = jr.Tags
2268	}
2269	if jr.Sku != nil {
2270		objectMap["sku"] = jr.Sku
2271	}
2272	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
2275// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for JobResource struct.
2276func (jr *JobResource) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
2277	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
2278	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
2279	if err != nil {
2280		return err
2281	}
2282	for k, v := range m {
2283		switch k {
2284		case "properties":
2285			if v != nil {
2286				var jobProperties JobProperties
2287				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobProperties)
2288				if err != nil {
2289					return err
2290				}
2291				jr.JobProperties = &jobProperties
2292			}
2293		case "name":
2294			if v != nil {
2295				var name string
2296				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &name)
2297				if err != nil {
2298					return err
2299				}
2300				jr.Name = &name
2301			}
2302		case "id":
2303			if v != nil {
2304				var ID string
2305				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &ID)
2306				if err != nil {
2307					return err
2308				}
2309				jr.ID = &ID
2310			}
2311		case "type":
2312			if v != nil {
2313				var typeVar string
2314				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &typeVar)
2315				if err != nil {
2316					return err
2317				}
2318				jr.Type = &typeVar
2319			}
2320		case "location":
2321			if v != nil {
2322				var location string
2323				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &location)
2324				if err != nil {
2325					return err
2326				}
2327				jr.Location = &location
2328			}
2329		case "tags":
2330			if v != nil {
2331				var tags map[string]*string
2332				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &tags)
2333				if err != nil {
2334					return err
2335				}
2336				jr.Tags = tags
2337			}
2338		case "sku":
2339			if v != nil {
2340				var sku Sku
2341				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &sku)
2342				if err != nil {
2343					return err
2344				}
2345				jr.Sku = &sku
2346			}
2347		}
2348	}
2350	return nil
2353// JobResourceList job Resource Collection
2354type JobResourceList struct {
2355	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
2356	// Value - List of job resources.
2357	Value *[]JobResource `json:"value,omitempty"`
2358	// NextLink - Link for the next set of job resources.
2359	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
2362// JobResourceListIterator provides access to a complete listing of JobResource values.
2363type JobResourceListIterator struct {
2364	i    int
2365	page JobResourceListPage
2368// NextWithContext advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
2369// the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
2370func (iter *JobResourceListIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
2371	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
2372		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/JobResourceListIterator.NextWithContext")
2373		defer func() {
2374			sc := -1
2375			if iter.Response().Response.Response != nil {
2376				sc = iter.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
2377			}
2378			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
2379		}()
2380	}
2381	iter.i++
2382	if iter.i < len(iter.page.Values()) {
2383		return nil
2384	}
2385	err = iter.page.NextWithContext(ctx)
2386	if err != nil {
2387		iter.i--
2388		return err
2389	}
2390	iter.i = 0
2391	return nil
2394// Next advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
2395// the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
2396// Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
2397func (iter *JobResourceListIterator) Next() error {
2398	return iter.NextWithContext(context.Background())
2401// NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
2402func (iter JobResourceListIterator) NotDone() bool {
2403	return iter.page.NotDone() && iter.i < len(iter.page.Values())
2406// Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
2407func (iter JobResourceListIterator) Response() JobResourceList {
2408	return iter.page.Response()
2411// Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the
2412// iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.
2413func (iter JobResourceListIterator) Value() JobResource {
2414	if !iter.page.NotDone() {
2415		return JobResource{}
2416	}
2417	return iter.page.Values()[iter.i]
2420// Creates a new instance of the JobResourceListIterator type.
2421func NewJobResourceListIterator(page JobResourceListPage) JobResourceListIterator {
2422	return JobResourceListIterator{page: page}
2425// IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.
2426func (jrl JobResourceList) IsEmpty() bool {
2427	return jrl.Value == nil || len(*jrl.Value) == 0
2430// jobResourceListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results.
2431// It returns nil if no more results exist.
2432func (jrl JobResourceList) jobResourceListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) {
2433	if jrl.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(jrl.NextLink)) < 1 {
2434		return nil, nil
2435	}
2436	return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx),
2437		autorest.AsJSON(),
2438		autorest.AsGet(),
2439		autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(jrl.NextLink)))
2442// JobResourceListPage contains a page of JobResource values.
2443type JobResourceListPage struct {
2444	fn  func(context.Context, JobResourceList) (JobResourceList, error)
2445	jrl JobResourceList
2448// NextWithContext advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
2449// the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
2450func (page *JobResourceListPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
2451	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
2452		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/JobResourceListPage.NextWithContext")
2453		defer func() {
2454			sc := -1
2455			if page.Response().Response.Response != nil {
2456				sc = page.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
2457			}
2458			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
2459		}()
2460	}
2461	next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.jrl)
2462	if err != nil {
2463		return err
2464	}
2465	page.jrl = next
2466	return nil
2469// Next advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
2470// the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
2471// Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
2472func (page *JobResourceListPage) Next() error {
2473	return page.NextWithContext(context.Background())
2476// NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
2477func (page JobResourceListPage) NotDone() bool {
2478	return !page.jrl.IsEmpty()
2481// Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
2482func (page JobResourceListPage) Response() JobResourceList {
2483	return page.jrl
2486// Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.
2487func (page JobResourceListPage) Values() []JobResource {
2488	if page.jrl.IsEmpty() {
2489		return nil
2490	}
2491	return *page.jrl.Value
2494// Creates a new instance of the JobResourceListPage type.
2495func NewJobResourceListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, JobResourceList) (JobResourceList, error)) JobResourceListPage {
2496	return JobResourceListPage{fn: getNextPage}
2499// JobResourceUpdateParameter the JobResourceUpdateParameter.
2500type JobResourceUpdateParameter struct {
2501	// UpdateJobProperties - Properties of a job to be updated.
2502	*UpdateJobProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
2503	// Tags - The list of key value pairs that describe the resource. These tags can be used in viewing and grouping this resource (across resource groups).
2504	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
2507// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for JobResourceUpdateParameter.
2508func (jrup JobResourceUpdateParameter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
2509	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
2510	if jrup.UpdateJobProperties != nil {
2511		objectMap["properties"] = jrup.UpdateJobProperties
2512	}
2513	if jrup.Tags != nil {
2514		objectMap["tags"] = jrup.Tags
2515	}
2516	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
2519// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for JobResourceUpdateParameter struct.
2520func (jrup *JobResourceUpdateParameter) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
2521	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
2522	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
2523	if err != nil {
2524		return err
2525	}
2526	for k, v := range m {
2527		switch k {
2528		case "properties":
2529			if v != nil {
2530				var updateJobProperties UpdateJobProperties
2531				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &updateJobProperties)
2532				if err != nil {
2533					return err
2534				}
2535				jrup.UpdateJobProperties = &updateJobProperties
2536			}
2537		case "tags":
2538			if v != nil {
2539				var tags map[string]*string
2540				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &tags)
2541				if err != nil {
2542					return err
2543				}
2544				jrup.Tags = tags
2545			}
2546		}
2547	}
2549	return nil
2552// JobsCreateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.
2553type JobsCreateFuture struct {
2554	azure.Future
2557// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
2558// If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
2559func (future *JobsCreateFuture) Result(client JobsClient) (jr JobResource, err error) {
2560	var done bool
2561	done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client)
2562	if err != nil {
2563		err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "databox.JobsCreateFuture", "Result", future.Response(), "Polling failure")
2564		return
2565	}
2566	if !done {
2567		err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("databox.JobsCreateFuture")
2568		return
2569	}
2570	sender := autorest.DecorateSender(client, autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...))
2571	if jr.Response.Response, err = future.GetResult(sender); err == nil && jr.Response.Response.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
2572		jr, err = client.CreateResponder(jr.Response.Response)
2573		if err != nil {
2574			err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "databox.JobsCreateFuture", "Result", jr.Response.Response, "Failure responding to request")
2575		}
2576	}
2577	return
2580// JobsDeleteFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.
2581type JobsDeleteFuture struct {
2582	azure.Future
2585// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
2586// If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
2587func (future *JobsDeleteFuture) Result(client JobsClient) (ar autorest.Response, err error) {
2588	var done bool
2589	done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client)
2590	if err != nil {
2591		err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "databox.JobsDeleteFuture", "Result", future.Response(), "Polling failure")
2592		return
2593	}
2594	if !done {
2595		err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("databox.JobsDeleteFuture")
2596		return
2597	}
2598	ar.Response = future.Response()
2599	return
2602// BasicJobSecrets the base class for the secrets
2603type BasicJobSecrets interface {
2604	AsDiskJobSecrets() (*DiskJobSecrets, bool)
2605	AsHeavyJobSecrets() (*HeavyJobSecrets, bool)
2606	AsJobSecretsType() (*JobSecretsType, bool)
2607	AsJobSecrets() (*JobSecrets, bool)
2610// JobSecrets the base class for the secrets
2611type JobSecrets struct {
2612	// JobSecretsType - Possible values include: 'JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBox'
2613	JobSecretsType JobSecretsTypeEnum `json:"jobSecretsType,omitempty"`
2616func unmarshalBasicJobSecrets(body []byte) (BasicJobSecrets, error) {
2617	var m map[string]interface{}
2618	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
2619	if err != nil {
2620		return nil, err
2621	}
2623	switch m["jobSecretsType"] {
2624	case string(JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk):
2625		var djs DiskJobSecrets
2626		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &djs)
2627		return djs, err
2628	case string(JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy):
2629		var hjs HeavyJobSecrets
2630		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &hjs)
2631		return hjs, err
2632	case string(JobSecretsTypeDataBox):
2633		var jst JobSecretsType
2634		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &jst)
2635		return jst, err
2636	default:
2637		var js JobSecrets
2638		err := json.Unmarshal(body, &js)
2639		return js, err
2640	}
2642func unmarshalBasicJobSecretsArray(body []byte) ([]BasicJobSecrets, error) {
2643	var rawMessages []*json.RawMessage
2644	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &rawMessages)
2645	if err != nil {
2646		return nil, err
2647	}
2649	jsArray := make([]BasicJobSecrets, len(rawMessages))
2651	for index, rawMessage := range rawMessages {
2652		js, err := unmarshalBasicJobSecrets(*rawMessage)
2653		if err != nil {
2654			return nil, err
2655		}
2656		jsArray[index] = js
2657	}
2658	return jsArray, nil
2661// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for JobSecrets.
2662func (js JobSecrets) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
2663	js.JobSecretsType = JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets
2664	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
2665	if js.JobSecretsType != "" {
2666		objectMap["jobSecretsType"] = js.JobSecretsType
2667	}
2668	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
2671// AsDiskJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecrets.
2672func (js JobSecrets) AsDiskJobSecrets() (*DiskJobSecrets, bool) {
2673	return nil, false
2676// AsHeavyJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecrets.
2677func (js JobSecrets) AsHeavyJobSecrets() (*HeavyJobSecrets, bool) {
2678	return nil, false
2681// AsJobSecretsType is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecrets.
2682func (js JobSecrets) AsJobSecretsType() (*JobSecretsType, bool) {
2683	return nil, false
2686// AsJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecrets.
2687func (js JobSecrets) AsJobSecrets() (*JobSecrets, bool) {
2688	return &js, true
2691// AsBasicJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecrets.
2692func (js JobSecrets) AsBasicJobSecrets() (BasicJobSecrets, bool) {
2693	return &js, true
2696// JobSecretsType the secrets related to a DataBox job.
2697type JobSecretsType struct {
2698	// PodSecrets - Contains the list of secret objects for a job.
2699	PodSecrets *[]Secret `json:"podSecrets,omitempty"`
2700	// JobSecretsType - Possible values include: 'JobSecretsTypeJobSecrets', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxDisk', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBoxHeavy', 'JobSecretsTypeDataBox'
2701	JobSecretsType JobSecretsTypeEnum `json:"jobSecretsType,omitempty"`
2704// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for JobSecretsType.
2705func (jst JobSecretsType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
2706	jst.JobSecretsType = JobSecretsTypeDataBox
2707	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
2708	if jst.PodSecrets != nil {
2709		objectMap["podSecrets"] = jst.PodSecrets
2710	}
2711	if jst.JobSecretsType != "" {
2712		objectMap["jobSecretsType"] = jst.JobSecretsType
2713	}
2714	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
2717// AsDiskJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecretsType.
2718func (jst JobSecretsType) AsDiskJobSecrets() (*DiskJobSecrets, bool) {
2719	return nil, false
2722// AsHeavyJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecretsType.
2723func (jst JobSecretsType) AsHeavyJobSecrets() (*HeavyJobSecrets, bool) {
2724	return nil, false
2727// AsJobSecretsType is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecretsType.
2728func (jst JobSecretsType) AsJobSecretsType() (*JobSecretsType, bool) {
2729	return &jst, true
2732// AsJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecretsType.
2733func (jst JobSecretsType) AsJobSecrets() (*JobSecrets, bool) {
2734	return nil, false
2737// AsBasicJobSecrets is the BasicJobSecrets implementation for JobSecretsType.
2738func (jst JobSecretsType) AsBasicJobSecrets() (BasicJobSecrets, bool) {
2739	return &jst, true
2742// JobStages job stages.
2743type JobStages struct {
2744	// StageName - READ-ONLY; Name of the job stage. Possible values include: 'StageNameDeviceOrdered', 'StageNameDevicePrepared', 'StageNameDispatched', 'StageNameDelivered', 'StageNamePickedUp', 'StageNameAtAzureDC', 'StageNameDataCopy', 'StageNameCompleted', 'StageNameCompletedWithErrors', 'StageNameCancelled', 'StageNameFailedIssueReportedAtCustomer', 'StageNameFailedIssueDetectedAtAzureDC', 'StageNameAborted'
2745	StageName StageName `json:"stageName,omitempty"`
2746	// DisplayName - READ-ONLY; Display name of the job stage.
2747	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
2748	// StageStatus - READ-ONLY; Status of the job stage. Possible values include: 'StageStatusNone', 'StageStatusInProgress', 'StageStatusSucceeded', 'StageStatusFailed', 'StageStatusCancelled', 'StageStatusCancelling', 'StageStatusSucceededWithErrors'
2749	StageStatus StageStatus `json:"stageStatus,omitempty"`
2750	// StageTime - READ-ONLY; Time for the job stage in UTC ISO 8601 format.
2751	StageTime *date.Time `json:"stageTime,omitempty"`
2752	// JobStageDetails - READ-ONLY; Job Stage Details
2753	JobStageDetails interface{} `json:"jobStageDetails,omitempty"`
2754	// ErrorDetails - READ-ONLY; Error details for the stage.
2755	ErrorDetails *[]JobErrorDetails `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`
2758// JobsUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.
2759type JobsUpdateFuture struct {
2760	azure.Future
2763// Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
2764// If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
2765func (future *JobsUpdateFuture) Result(client JobsClient) (jr JobResource, err error) {
2766	var done bool
2767	done, err = future.DoneWithContext(context.Background(), client)
2768	if err != nil {
2769		err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "databox.JobsUpdateFuture", "Result", future.Response(), "Polling failure")
2770		return
2771	}
2772	if !done {
2773		err = azure.NewAsyncOpIncompleteError("databox.JobsUpdateFuture")
2774		return
2775	}
2776	sender := autorest.DecorateSender(client, autorest.DoRetryForStatusCodes(client.RetryAttempts, client.RetryDuration, autorest.StatusCodesForRetry...))
2777	if jr.Response.Response, err = future.GetResult(sender); err == nil && jr.Response.Response.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
2778		jr, err = client.UpdateResponder(jr.Response.Response)
2779		if err != nil {
2780			err = autorest.NewErrorWithError(err, "databox.JobsUpdateFuture", "Result", jr.Response.Response, "Failure responding to request")
2781		}
2782	}
2783	return
2786// NotificationPreference notification preference for a job stage.
2787type NotificationPreference struct {
2788	// StageName - Name of the stage. Possible values include: 'DevicePrepared', 'Dispatched', 'Delivered', 'PickedUp', 'AtAzureDC', 'DataCopy'
2789	StageName NotificationStageName `json:"stageName,omitempty"`
2790	// SendNotification - Notification is required or not.
2791	SendNotification *bool `json:"sendNotification,omitempty"`
2794// Operation operation entity.
2795type Operation struct {
2796	// Name - READ-ONLY; Name of the operation. Format: {resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{read|write|delete|action}
2797	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
2798	// Display - READ-ONLY; Operation display values.
2799	Display *OperationDisplay `json:"display,omitempty"`
2800	// Properties - READ-ONLY; Operation properties.
2801	Properties interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"`
2802	// Origin - READ-ONLY; Origin of the operation. Can be : user|system|user,system
2803	Origin *string `json:"origin,omitempty"`
2806// OperationDisplay operation display
2807type OperationDisplay struct {
2808	// Provider - Provider name.
2809	Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"`
2810	// Resource - Resource name.
2811	Resource *string `json:"resource,omitempty"`
2812	// Operation - Localized name of the operation for display purpose.
2813	Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
2814	// Description - Localized description of the operation for display purpose.
2815	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
2818// OperationList operation Collection.
2819type OperationList struct {
2820	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
2821	// Value - READ-ONLY; List of operations.
2822	Value *[]Operation `json:"value,omitempty"`
2823	// NextLink - Link for the next set of operations.
2824	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
2827// OperationListIterator provides access to a complete listing of Operation values.
2828type OperationListIterator struct {
2829	i    int
2830	page OperationListPage
2833// NextWithContext advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
2834// the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
2835func (iter *OperationListIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
2836	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
2837		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/OperationListIterator.NextWithContext")
2838		defer func() {
2839			sc := -1
2840			if iter.Response().Response.Response != nil {
2841				sc = iter.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
2842			}
2843			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
2844		}()
2845	}
2846	iter.i++
2847	if iter.i < len(iter.page.Values()) {
2848		return nil
2849	}
2850	err = iter.page.NextWithContext(ctx)
2851	if err != nil {
2852		iter.i--
2853		return err
2854	}
2855	iter.i = 0
2856	return nil
2859// Next advances to the next value.  If there was an error making
2860// the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.
2861// Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
2862func (iter *OperationListIterator) Next() error {
2863	return iter.NextWithContext(context.Background())
2866// NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
2867func (iter OperationListIterator) NotDone() bool {
2868	return iter.page.NotDone() && iter.i < len(iter.page.Values())
2871// Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
2872func (iter OperationListIterator) Response() OperationList {
2873	return iter.page.Response()
2876// Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the
2877// iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.
2878func (iter OperationListIterator) Value() Operation {
2879	if !iter.page.NotDone() {
2880		return Operation{}
2881	}
2882	return iter.page.Values()[iter.i]
2885// Creates a new instance of the OperationListIterator type.
2886func NewOperationListIterator(page OperationListPage) OperationListIterator {
2887	return OperationListIterator{page: page}
2890// IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.
2891func (ol OperationList) IsEmpty() bool {
2892	return ol.Value == nil || len(*ol.Value) == 0
2895// operationListPreparer prepares a request to retrieve the next set of results.
2896// It returns nil if no more results exist.
2897func (ol OperationList) operationListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error) {
2898	if ol.NextLink == nil || len(to.String(ol.NextLink)) < 1 {
2899		return nil, nil
2900	}
2901	return autorest.Prepare((&http.Request{}).WithContext(ctx),
2902		autorest.AsJSON(),
2903		autorest.AsGet(),
2904		autorest.WithBaseURL(to.String(ol.NextLink)))
2907// OperationListPage contains a page of Operation values.
2908type OperationListPage struct {
2909	fn func(context.Context, OperationList) (OperationList, error)
2910	ol OperationList
2913// NextWithContext advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
2914// the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
2915func (page *OperationListPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
2916	if tracing.IsEnabled() {
2917		ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, fqdn+"/OperationListPage.NextWithContext")
2918		defer func() {
2919			sc := -1
2920			if page.Response().Response.Response != nil {
2921				sc = page.Response().Response.Response.StatusCode
2922			}
2923			tracing.EndSpan(ctx, sc, err)
2924		}()
2925	}
2926	next, err := page.fn(ctx, page.ol)
2927	if err != nil {
2928		return err
2929	}
2930	page.ol = next
2931	return nil
2934// Next advances to the next page of values.  If there was an error making
2935// the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.
2936// Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.
2937func (page *OperationListPage) Next() error {
2938	return page.NextWithContext(context.Background())
2941// NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.
2942func (page OperationListPage) NotDone() bool {
2943	return !page.ol.IsEmpty()
2946// Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.
2947func (page OperationListPage) Response() OperationList {
2948	return page.ol
2951// Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.
2952func (page OperationListPage) Values() []Operation {
2953	if page.ol.IsEmpty() {
2954		return nil
2955	}
2956	return *page.ol.Value
2959// Creates a new instance of the OperationListPage type.
2960func NewOperationListPage(getNextPage func(context.Context, OperationList) (OperationList, error)) OperationListPage {
2961	return OperationListPage{fn: getNextPage}
2964// PackageShippingDetails shipping details.
2965type PackageShippingDetails struct {
2966	// CarrierName - READ-ONLY; Name of the carrier.
2967	CarrierName *string `json:"carrierName,omitempty"`
2968	// TrackingID - READ-ONLY; Tracking Id of shipment.
2969	TrackingID *string `json:"trackingId,omitempty"`
2970	// TrackingURL - READ-ONLY; Url where shipment can be tracked.
2971	TrackingURL *string `json:"trackingUrl,omitempty"`
2974// Preferences preferences related to the order
2975type Preferences struct {
2976	PreferredDataCenterRegion *[]string `json:"preferredDataCenterRegion,omitempty"`
2979// Resource model of the Resource.
2980type Resource struct {
2981	// Location - The location of the resource. This will be one of the supported and registered Azure Regions (e.g. West US, East US, Southeast Asia, etc.). The region of a resource cannot be changed once it is created, but if an identical region is specified on update the request will succeed.
2982	Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
2983	// Tags - The list of key value pairs that describe the resource. These tags can be used in viewing and grouping this resource (across resource groups).
2984	Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags"`
2985	// Sku - The sku type.
2986	Sku *Sku `json:"sku,omitempty"`
2989// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Resource.
2990func (r Resource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
2991	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
2992	if r.Location != nil {
2993		objectMap["location"] = r.Location
2994	}
2995	if r.Tags != nil {
2996		objectMap["tags"] = r.Tags
2997	}
2998	if r.Sku != nil {
2999		objectMap["sku"] = r.Sku
3000	}
3001	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
3004// Secret the secrets related to a DataBox.
3005type Secret struct {
3006	// DeviceSerialNumber - READ-ONLY; Serial number of the assigned device.
3007	DeviceSerialNumber *string `json:"deviceSerialNumber,omitempty"`
3008	// DevicePassword - READ-ONLY; Password for out of the box experience on device.
3009	DevicePassword *string `json:"devicePassword,omitempty"`
3010	// NetworkConfigurations - READ-ONLY; Network configuration of the appliance.
3011	NetworkConfigurations *[]ApplianceNetworkConfiguration `json:"networkConfigurations,omitempty"`
3012	// EncodedValidationCertPubKey - READ-ONLY; The base 64 encoded public key to authenticate with the device
3013	EncodedValidationCertPubKey *string `json:"encodedValidationCertPubKey,omitempty"`
3014	// AccountCredentialDetails - READ-ONLY; Per account level access credentials.
3015	AccountCredentialDetails *[]AccountCredentialDetails `json:"accountCredentialDetails,omitempty"`
3018// ShareCredentialDetails credential details of the shares in account.
3019type ShareCredentialDetails struct {
3020	// ShareName - READ-ONLY; Name of the share.
3021	ShareName *string `json:"shareName,omitempty"`
3022	// ShareType - READ-ONLY; Type of the share. Possible values include: 'UnknownType', 'HCS', 'BlockBlob', 'PageBlob', 'AzureFile', 'ManagedDisk'
3023	ShareType ShareDestinationFormatType `json:"shareType,omitempty"`
3024	// UserName - READ-ONLY; User name for the share.
3025	UserName *string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
3026	// Password - READ-ONLY; Password for the share.
3027	Password *string `json:"password,omitempty"`
3028	// SupportedAccessProtocols - READ-ONLY; Access protocols supported on the device.
3029	SupportedAccessProtocols *[]AccessProtocol `json:"supportedAccessProtocols,omitempty"`
3032// ShipmentPickUpRequest shipment pick up request details.
3033type ShipmentPickUpRequest struct {
3034	// StartTime - Minimum date after which the pick up should commence, this must be in local time of pick up area.
3035	StartTime *date.Time `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
3036	// EndTime - Maximum date before which the pick up should commence, this must be in local time of pick up area.
3037	EndTime *date.Time `json:"endTime,omitempty"`
3038	// ShipmentLocation - Shipment Location in the pickup place. Eg.front desk
3039	ShipmentLocation *string `json:"shipmentLocation,omitempty"`
3042// ShipmentPickUpResponse shipment pick up response.
3043type ShipmentPickUpResponse struct {
3044	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
3045	// ConfirmationNumber - READ-ONLY; Confirmation number for the pick up request.
3046	ConfirmationNumber *string `json:"confirmationNumber,omitempty"`
3047	// ReadyByTime - READ-ONLY; Time by which shipment should be ready for pick up, this is in local time of pick up area.
3048	ReadyByTime *date.Time `json:"readyByTime,omitempty"`
3051// ShippingAddress shipping address where customer wishes to receive the device.
3052type ShippingAddress struct {
3053	// StreetAddress1 - Street Address line 1.
3054	StreetAddress1 *string `json:"streetAddress1,omitempty"`
3055	// StreetAddress2 - Street Address line 2.
3056	StreetAddress2 *string `json:"streetAddress2,omitempty"`
3057	// StreetAddress3 - Street Address line 3.
3058	StreetAddress3 *string `json:"streetAddress3,omitempty"`
3059	// City - Name of the City.
3060	City *string `json:"city,omitempty"`
3061	// StateOrProvince - Name of the State or Province.
3062	StateOrProvince *string `json:"stateOrProvince,omitempty"`
3063	// Country - Name of the Country.
3064	Country *string `json:"country,omitempty"`
3065	// PostalCode - Postal code.
3066	PostalCode *string `json:"postalCode,omitempty"`
3067	// ZipExtendedCode - Extended Zip Code.
3068	ZipExtendedCode *string `json:"zipExtendedCode,omitempty"`
3069	// CompanyName - Name of the company.
3070	CompanyName *string `json:"companyName,omitempty"`
3071	// AddressType - Type of address. Possible values include: 'None', 'Residential', 'Commercial'
3072	AddressType AddressType `json:"addressType,omitempty"`
3075// Sku the Sku.
3076type Sku struct {
3077	// Name - The sku name. Possible values include: 'DataBox', 'DataBoxDisk', 'DataBoxHeavy'
3078	Name SkuName `json:"name,omitempty"`
3079	// DisplayName - The display name of the sku.
3080	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
3081	// Family - The sku family.
3082	Family *string `json:"family,omitempty"`
3085// SkuCapacity capacity of the sku.
3086type SkuCapacity struct {
3087	// Usable - READ-ONLY; Usable capacity in TB.
3088	Usable *string `json:"usable,omitempty"`
3089	// Maximum - READ-ONLY; Maximum capacity in TB.
3090	Maximum *string `json:"maximum,omitempty"`
3093// SkuCost describes metadata for retrieving price info.
3094type SkuCost struct {
3095	// MeterID - READ-ONLY; Meter id of the Sku.
3096	MeterID *string `json:"meterId,omitempty"`
3097	// MeterType - READ-ONLY; The type of the meter.
3098	MeterType *string `json:"meterType,omitempty"`
3101// SkuInformation information of the sku.
3102type SkuInformation struct {
3103	// Sku - READ-ONLY; The Sku.
3104	Sku *Sku `json:"sku,omitempty"`
3105	// Enabled - READ-ONLY; The sku is enabled or not.
3106	Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
3107	// SkuProperties - READ-ONLY; Properties of the sku.
3108	*SkuProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
3111// MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SkuInformation.
3112func (si SkuInformation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
3113	objectMap := make(map[string]interface{})
3114	return json.Marshal(objectMap)
3117// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for SkuInformation struct.
3118func (si *SkuInformation) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
3119	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
3120	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
3121	if err != nil {
3122		return err
3123	}
3124	for k, v := range m {
3125		switch k {
3126		case "sku":
3127			if v != nil {
3128				var sku Sku
3129				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &sku)
3130				if err != nil {
3131					return err
3132				}
3133				si.Sku = &sku
3134			}
3135		case "enabled":
3136			if v != nil {
3137				var enabled bool
3138				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &enabled)
3139				if err != nil {
3140					return err
3141				}
3142				si.Enabled = &enabled
3143			}
3144		case "properties":
3145			if v != nil {
3146				var skuProperties SkuProperties
3147				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &skuProperties)
3148				if err != nil {
3149					return err
3150				}
3151				si.SkuProperties = &skuProperties
3152			}
3153		}
3154	}
3156	return nil
3159// SkuProperties properties of the sku.
3160type SkuProperties struct {
3161	// DestinationToServiceLocationMap - READ-ONLY; The map of destination location to service location.
3162	DestinationToServiceLocationMap *[]DestinationToServiceLocationMap `json:"destinationToServiceLocationMap,omitempty"`
3163	// Capacity - READ-ONLY; Capacity of the Sku.
3164	Capacity *SkuCapacity `json:"capacity,omitempty"`
3165	// Costs - READ-ONLY; Cost of the Sku.
3166	Costs *[]SkuCost `json:"costs,omitempty"`
3167	// APIVersions - READ-ONLY; Api versions that support this Sku.
3168	APIVersions *[]string `json:"apiVersions,omitempty"`
3169	// DisabledReason - READ-ONLY; Reason why the Sku is disabled. Possible values include: 'SkuDisabledReasonNone', 'SkuDisabledReasonCountry', 'SkuDisabledReasonRegion', 'SkuDisabledReasonFeature', 'SkuDisabledReasonOfferType', 'SkuDisabledReasonNoSubscriptionInfo'
3170	DisabledReason SkuDisabledReason `json:"disabledReason,omitempty"`
3171	// DisabledReasonMessage - READ-ONLY; Message for why the Sku is disabled.
3172	DisabledReasonMessage *string `json:"disabledReasonMessage,omitempty"`
3173	// RequiredFeature - READ-ONLY; Required feature to access the sku.
3174	RequiredFeature *string `json:"requiredFeature,omitempty"`
3177// UnencryptedCredentials unencrypted credentials for accessing device.
3178type UnencryptedCredentials struct {
3179	// JobName - READ-ONLY; Name of the job.
3180	JobName *string `json:"jobName,omitempty"`
3181	// JobSecrets - READ-ONLY; Secrets related to this job.
3182	JobSecrets BasicJobSecrets `json:"jobSecrets,omitempty"`
3185// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UnencryptedCredentials struct.
3186func (uc *UnencryptedCredentials) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
3187	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
3188	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
3189	if err != nil {
3190		return err
3191	}
3192	for k, v := range m {
3193		switch k {
3194		case "jobName":
3195			if v != nil {
3196				var jobName string
3197				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &jobName)
3198				if err != nil {
3199					return err
3200				}
3201				uc.JobName = &jobName
3202			}
3203		case "jobSecrets":
3204			if v != nil {
3205				jobSecrets, err := unmarshalBasicJobSecrets(*v)
3206				if err != nil {
3207					return err
3208				}
3209				uc.JobSecrets = jobSecrets
3210			}
3211		}
3212	}
3214	return nil
3217// UnencryptedCredentialsList list of unencrypted credentials for accessing device.
3218type UnencryptedCredentialsList struct {
3219	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
3220	// Value - List of unencrypted credentials.
3221	Value *[]UnencryptedCredentials `json:"value,omitempty"`
3222	// NextLink - Link for the next set of unencrypted credentials.
3223	NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
3226// UpdateJobDetails job details for update.
3227type UpdateJobDetails struct {
3228	// ContactDetails - Contact details for notification and shipping.
3229	ContactDetails *ContactDetails `json:"contactDetails,omitempty"`
3230	// ShippingAddress - Shipping address of the customer.
3231	ShippingAddress *ShippingAddress `json:"shippingAddress,omitempty"`
3234// UpdateJobProperties job Properties for update
3235type UpdateJobProperties struct {
3236	// Details - Details of a job to be updated.
3237	Details *UpdateJobDetails `json:"details,omitempty"`
3238	// DestinationAccountDetails - Destination account details.
3239	DestinationAccountDetails *[]BasicDestinationAccountDetails `json:"destinationAccountDetails,omitempty"`
3242// UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for UpdateJobProperties struct.
3243func (ujp *UpdateJobProperties) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error {
3244	var m map[string]*json.RawMessage
3245	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m)
3246	if err != nil {
3247		return err
3248	}
3249	for k, v := range m {
3250		switch k {
3251		case "details":
3252			if v != nil {
3253				var details UpdateJobDetails
3254				err = json.Unmarshal(*v, &details)
3255				if err != nil {
3256					return err
3257				}
3258				ujp.Details = &details
3259			}
3260		case "destinationAccountDetails":
3261			if v != nil {
3262				destinationAccountDetails, err := unmarshalBasicDestinationAccountDetailsArray(*v)
3263				if err != nil {
3264					return err
3265				}
3266				ujp.DestinationAccountDetails = &destinationAccountDetails
3267			}
3268		}
3269	}
3271	return nil
3274// ValidateAddress the requirements to validate customer address where the device needs to be shipped.
3275type ValidateAddress struct {
3276	// ShippingAddress - Shipping address of the customer.
3277	ShippingAddress *ShippingAddress `json:"shippingAddress,omitempty"`
3278	// DeviceType - Device type to be used for the job. Possible values include: 'DataBox', 'DataBoxDisk', 'DataBoxHeavy'
3279	DeviceType SkuName `json:"deviceType,omitempty"`