2  "basePath": "/customsearch/",
3  "baseUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/",
4  "batchPath": "batch/customsearch/v1",
5  "description": "Searches over a website or collection of websites",
6  "discoveryVersion": "v1",
7  "documentationLink": "https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/using_rest",
8  "etag": "\"J3WqvAcMk4eQjJXvfSI4Yr8VouA/2iWcS6EAVqIO3py2_4I7tTajAB4\"",
9  "icons": {
10    "x16": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/googleg_16dp.png",
11    "x32": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/googleg_32dp.png"
12  },
13  "id": "customsearch:v1",
14  "kind": "discovery#restDescription",
15  "name": "customsearch",
16  "ownerDomain": "google.com",
17  "ownerName": "Google",
18  "parameters": {
19    "alt": {
20      "default": "json",
21      "description": "Data format for the response.",
22      "enum": [
23        "json"
24      ],
25      "enumDescriptions": [
26        "Responses with Content-Type of application/json"
27      ],
28      "location": "query",
29      "type": "string"
30    },
31    "fields": {
32      "description": "Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.",
33      "location": "query",
34      "type": "string"
35    },
36    "key": {
37      "description": "API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.",
38      "location": "query",
39      "type": "string"
40    },
41    "oauth_token": {
42      "description": "OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.",
43      "location": "query",
44      "type": "string"
45    },
46    "prettyPrint": {
47      "default": "true",
48      "description": "Returns response with indentations and line breaks.",
49      "location": "query",
50      "type": "boolean"
51    },
52    "quotaUser": {
53      "description": "An opaque string that represents a user for quota purposes. Must not exceed 40 characters.",
54      "location": "query",
55      "type": "string"
56    },
57    "userIp": {
58      "description": "Deprecated. Please use quotaUser instead.",
59      "location": "query",
60      "type": "string"
61    }
62  },
63  "protocol": "rest",
64  "resources": {
65    "cse": {
66      "methods": {
67        "list": {
68          "description": "Returns metadata about the search performed, metadata about the custom search engine used for the search, and the search results.",
69          "httpMethod": "GET",
70          "id": "search.cse.list",
71          "parameterOrder": [
72            "q"
73          ],
74          "parameters": {
75            "c2coff": {
76              "description": "Turns off the translation between zh-CN and zh-TW.",
77              "location": "query",
78              "type": "string"
79            },
80            "cr": {
81              "description": "Country restrict(s).",
82              "location": "query",
83              "type": "string"
84            },
85            "cx": {
86              "description": "The custom search engine ID to scope this search query",
87              "location": "query",
88              "type": "string"
89            },
90            "dateRestrict": {
91              "description": "Specifies all search results are from a time period",
92              "location": "query",
93              "type": "string"
94            },
95            "exactTerms": {
96              "description": "Identifies a phrase that all documents in the search results must contain",
97              "location": "query",
98              "type": "string"
99            },
100            "excludeTerms": {
101              "description": "Identifies a word or phrase that should not appear in any documents in the search results",
102              "location": "query",
103              "type": "string"
104            },
105            "fileType": {
106              "description": "Returns images of a specified type. Some of the allowed values are: bmp, gif, png, jpg, svg, pdf, ...",
107              "location": "query",
108              "type": "string"
109            },
110            "filter": {
111              "description": "Controls turning on or off the duplicate content filter.",
112              "enum": [
113                "0",
114                "1"
115              ],
116              "enumDescriptions": [
117                "Turns off duplicate content filter.",
118                "Turns on duplicate content filter."
119              ],
120              "location": "query",
121              "type": "string"
122            },
123            "gl": {
124              "description": "Geolocation of end user.",
125              "location": "query",
126              "type": "string"
127            },
128            "googlehost": {
129              "description": "The local Google domain to use to perform the search.",
130              "location": "query",
131              "type": "string"
132            },
133            "highRange": {
134              "description": "Creates a range in form as_nlo value..as_nhi value and attempts to append it to query",
135              "location": "query",
136              "type": "string"
137            },
138            "hl": {
139              "description": "Sets the user interface language.",
140              "location": "query",
141              "type": "string"
142            },
143            "hq": {
144              "description": "Appends the extra query terms to the query.",
145              "location": "query",
146              "type": "string"
147            },
148            "imgColorType": {
149              "description": "Returns black and white, grayscale, or color images: mono, gray, and color.",
150              "enum": [
151                "color",
152                "gray",
153                "mono"
154              ],
155              "enumDescriptions": [
156                "color",
157                "gray",
158                "mono"
159              ],
160              "location": "query",
161              "type": "string"
162            },
163            "imgDominantColor": {
164              "description": "Returns images of a specific dominant color: red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, purple, pink, white, gray, black and brown.",
165              "enum": [
166                "black",
167                "blue",
168                "brown",
169                "gray",
170                "green",
171                "orange",
172                "pink",
173                "purple",
174                "red",
175                "teal",
176                "white",
177                "yellow"
178              ],
179              "enumDescriptions": [
180                "black",
181                "blue",
182                "brown",
183                "gray",
184                "green",
185                "orange",
186                "pink",
187                "purple",
188                "red",
189                "teal",
190                "white",
191                "yellow"
192              ],
193              "location": "query",
194              "type": "string"
195            },
196            "imgSize": {
197              "description": "Returns images of a specified size, where size can be one of: icon, small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge, and huge.",
198              "enum": [
199                "huge",
200                "icon",
201                "large",
202                "medium",
203                "small",
204                "xlarge",
205                "xxlarge"
206              ],
207              "enumDescriptions": [
208                "huge",
209                "icon",
210                "large",
211                "medium",
212                "small",
213                "xlarge",
214                "xxlarge"
215              ],
216              "location": "query",
217              "type": "string"
218            },
219            "imgType": {
220              "description": "Returns images of a type, which can be one of: clipart, face, lineart, news, and photo.",
221              "enum": [
222                "clipart",
223                "face",
224                "lineart",
225                "news",
226                "photo"
227              ],
228              "enumDescriptions": [
229                "clipart",
230                "face",
231                "lineart",
232                "news",
233                "photo"
234              ],
235              "location": "query",
236              "type": "string"
237            },
238            "linkSite": {
239              "description": "Specifies that all search results should contain a link to a particular URL",
240              "location": "query",
241              "type": "string"
242            },
243            "lowRange": {
244              "description": "Creates a range in form as_nlo value..as_nhi value and attempts to append it to query",
245              "location": "query",
246              "type": "string"
247            },
248            "lr": {
249              "description": "The language restriction for the search results",
250              "enum": [
251                "lang_ar",
252                "lang_bg",
253                "lang_ca",
254                "lang_cs",
255                "lang_da",
256                "lang_de",
257                "lang_el",
258                "lang_en",
259                "lang_es",
260                "lang_et",
261                "lang_fi",
262                "lang_fr",
263                "lang_hr",
264                "lang_hu",
265                "lang_id",
266                "lang_is",
267                "lang_it",
268                "lang_iw",
269                "lang_ja",
270                "lang_ko",
271                "lang_lt",
272                "lang_lv",
273                "lang_nl",
274                "lang_no",
275                "lang_pl",
276                "lang_pt",
277                "lang_ro",
278                "lang_ru",
279                "lang_sk",
280                "lang_sl",
281                "lang_sr",
282                "lang_sv",
283                "lang_tr",
284                "lang_zh-CN",
285                "lang_zh-TW"
286              ],
287              "enumDescriptions": [
288                "Arabic",
289                "Bulgarian",
290                "Catalan",
291                "Czech",
292                "Danish",
293                "German",
294                "Greek",
295                "English",
296                "Spanish",
297                "Estonian",
298                "Finnish",
299                "French",
300                "Croatian",
301                "Hungarian",
302                "Indonesian",
303                "Icelandic",
304                "Italian",
305                "Hebrew",
306                "Japanese",
307                "Korean",
308                "Lithuanian",
309                "Latvian",
310                "Dutch",
311                "Norwegian",
312                "Polish",
313                "Portuguese",
314                "Romanian",
315                "Russian",
316                "Slovak",
317                "Slovenian",
318                "Serbian",
319                "Swedish",
320                "Turkish",
321                "Chinese (Simplified)",
322                "Chinese (Traditional)"
323              ],
324              "location": "query",
325              "type": "string"
326            },
327            "num": {
328              "default": "10",
329              "description": "Number of search results to return",
330              "format": "uint32",
331              "location": "query",
332              "type": "integer"
333            },
334            "orTerms": {
335              "description": "Provides additional search terms to check for in a document, where each document in the search results must contain at least one of the additional search terms",
336              "location": "query",
337              "type": "string"
338            },
339            "q": {
340              "description": "Query",
341              "location": "query",
342              "required": true,
343              "type": "string"
344            },
345            "relatedSite": {
346              "description": "Specifies that all search results should be pages that are related to the specified URL",
347              "location": "query",
348              "type": "string"
349            },
350            "rights": {
351              "description": "Filters based on licensing. Supported values include: cc_publicdomain, cc_attribute, cc_sharealike, cc_noncommercial, cc_nonderived and combinations of these.",
352              "location": "query",
353              "type": "string"
354            },
355            "safe": {
356              "default": "off",
357              "description": "Search safety level",
358              "enum": [
359                "active",
360                "high",
361                "medium",
362                "off"
363              ],
364              "enumDescriptions": [
365                "Enables safe search filtering.",
366                "(Deprecated) Same as active.",
367                "(Deprecated) Same as active.",
368                "Disables safe search filtering."
369              ],
370              "location": "query",
371              "type": "string"
372            },
373            "searchType": {
374              "description": "Specifies the search type: image.",
375              "enum": [
376                "image"
377              ],
378              "enumDescriptions": [
379                "custom image search"
380              ],
381              "location": "query",
382              "type": "string"
383            },
384            "siteSearch": {
385              "description": "Specifies all search results should be pages from a given site",
386              "location": "query",
387              "type": "string"
388            },
389            "siteSearchFilter": {
390              "description": "Controls whether to include or exclude results from the site named in the as_sitesearch parameter",
391              "enum": [
392                "e",
393                "i"
394              ],
395              "enumDescriptions": [
396                "exclude",
397                "include"
398              ],
399              "location": "query",
400              "type": "string"
401            },
402            "sort": {
403              "description": "The sort expression to apply to the results",
404              "location": "query",
405              "type": "string"
406            },
407            "start": {
408              "description": "The index of the first result to return",
409              "format": "uint32",
410              "location": "query",
411              "type": "integer"
412            }
413          },
414          "path": "v1",
415          "response": {
416            "$ref": "Search"
417          }
418        }
419      },
420      "resources": {
421        "siterestrict": {
422          "methods": {
423            "list": {
424              "description": "Returns metadata about the search performed, metadata about the custom search engine used for the search, and the search results. Uses a small set of url patterns.",
425              "httpMethod": "GET",
426              "id": "search.cse.siterestrict.list",
427              "parameterOrder": [
428                "q"
429              ],
430              "parameters": {
431                "c2coff": {
432                  "description": "Turns off the translation between zh-CN and zh-TW.",
433                  "location": "query",
434                  "type": "string"
435                },
436                "cr": {
437                  "description": "Country restrict(s).",
438                  "location": "query",
439                  "type": "string"
440                },
441                "cx": {
442                  "description": "The custom search engine ID to scope this search query",
443                  "location": "query",
444                  "type": "string"
445                },
446                "dateRestrict": {
447                  "description": "Specifies all search results are from a time period",
448                  "location": "query",
449                  "type": "string"
450                },
451                "exactTerms": {
452                  "description": "Identifies a phrase that all documents in the search results must contain",
453                  "location": "query",
454                  "type": "string"
455                },
456                "excludeTerms": {
457                  "description": "Identifies a word or phrase that should not appear in any documents in the search results",
458                  "location": "query",
459                  "type": "string"
460                },
461                "fileType": {
462                  "description": "Returns images of a specified type. Some of the allowed values are: bmp, gif, png, jpg, svg, pdf, ...",
463                  "location": "query",
464                  "type": "string"
465                },
466                "filter": {
467                  "description": "Controls turning on or off the duplicate content filter.",
468                  "enum": [
469                    "0",
470                    "1"
471                  ],
472                  "enumDescriptions": [
473                    "Turns off duplicate content filter.",
474                    "Turns on duplicate content filter."
475                  ],
476                  "location": "query",
477                  "type": "string"
478                },
479                "gl": {
480                  "description": "Geolocation of end user.",
481                  "location": "query",
482                  "type": "string"
483                },
484                "googlehost": {
485                  "description": "The local Google domain to use to perform the search.",
486                  "location": "query",
487                  "type": "string"
488                },
489                "highRange": {
490                  "description": "Creates a range in form as_nlo value..as_nhi value and attempts to append it to query",
491                  "location": "query",
492                  "type": "string"
493                },
494                "hl": {
495                  "description": "Sets the user interface language.",
496                  "location": "query",
497                  "type": "string"
498                },
499                "hq": {
500                  "description": "Appends the extra query terms to the query.",
501                  "location": "query",
502                  "type": "string"
503                },
504                "imgColorType": {
505                  "description": "Returns black and white, grayscale, or color images: mono, gray, and color.",
506                  "enum": [
507                    "color",
508                    "gray",
509                    "mono"
510                  ],
511                  "enumDescriptions": [
512                    "color",
513                    "gray",
514                    "mono"
515                  ],
516                  "location": "query",
517                  "type": "string"
518                },
519                "imgDominantColor": {
520                  "description": "Returns images of a specific dominant color: red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, purple, pink, white, gray, black and brown.",
521                  "enum": [
522                    "black",
523                    "blue",
524                    "brown",
525                    "gray",
526                    "green",
527                    "orange",
528                    "pink",
529                    "purple",
530                    "red",
531                    "teal",
532                    "white",
533                    "yellow"
534                  ],
535                  "enumDescriptions": [
536                    "black",
537                    "blue",
538                    "brown",
539                    "gray",
540                    "green",
541                    "orange",
542                    "pink",
543                    "purple",
544                    "red",
545                    "teal",
546                    "white",
547                    "yellow"
548                  ],
549                  "location": "query",
550                  "type": "string"
551                },
552                "imgSize": {
553                  "description": "Returns images of a specified size, where size can be one of: icon, small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge, and huge.",
554                  "enum": [
555                    "huge",
556                    "icon",
557                    "large",
558                    "medium",
559                    "small",
560                    "xlarge",
561                    "xxlarge"
562                  ],
563                  "enumDescriptions": [
564                    "huge",
565                    "icon",
566                    "large",
567                    "medium",
568                    "small",
569                    "xlarge",
570                    "xxlarge"
571                  ],
572                  "location": "query",
573                  "type": "string"
574                },
575                "imgType": {
576                  "description": "Returns images of a type, which can be one of: clipart, face, lineart, news, and photo.",
577                  "enum": [
578                    "clipart",
579                    "face",
580                    "lineart",
581                    "news",
582                    "photo"
583                  ],
584                  "enumDescriptions": [
585                    "clipart",
586                    "face",
587                    "lineart",
588                    "news",
589                    "photo"
590                  ],
591                  "location": "query",
592                  "type": "string"
593                },
594                "linkSite": {
595                  "description": "Specifies that all search results should contain a link to a particular URL",
596                  "location": "query",
597                  "type": "string"
598                },
599                "lowRange": {
600                  "description": "Creates a range in form as_nlo value..as_nhi value and attempts to append it to query",
601                  "location": "query",
602                  "type": "string"
603                },
604                "lr": {
605                  "description": "The language restriction for the search results",
606                  "enum": [
607                    "lang_ar",
608                    "lang_bg",
609                    "lang_ca",
610                    "lang_cs",
611                    "lang_da",
612                    "lang_de",
613                    "lang_el",
614                    "lang_en",
615                    "lang_es",
616                    "lang_et",
617                    "lang_fi",
618                    "lang_fr",
619                    "lang_hr",
620                    "lang_hu",
621                    "lang_id",
622                    "lang_is",
623                    "lang_it",
624                    "lang_iw",
625                    "lang_ja",
626                    "lang_ko",
627                    "lang_lt",
628                    "lang_lv",
629                    "lang_nl",
630                    "lang_no",
631                    "lang_pl",
632                    "lang_pt",
633                    "lang_ro",
634                    "lang_ru",
635                    "lang_sk",
636                    "lang_sl",
637                    "lang_sr",
638                    "lang_sv",
639                    "lang_tr",
640                    "lang_zh-CN",
641                    "lang_zh-TW"
642                  ],
643                  "enumDescriptions": [
644                    "Arabic",
645                    "Bulgarian",
646                    "Catalan",
647                    "Czech",
648                    "Danish",
649                    "German",
650                    "Greek",
651                    "English",
652                    "Spanish",
653                    "Estonian",
654                    "Finnish",
655                    "French",
656                    "Croatian",
657                    "Hungarian",
658                    "Indonesian",
659                    "Icelandic",
660                    "Italian",
661                    "Hebrew",
662                    "Japanese",
663                    "Korean",
664                    "Lithuanian",
665                    "Latvian",
666                    "Dutch",
667                    "Norwegian",
668                    "Polish",
669                    "Portuguese",
670                    "Romanian",
671                    "Russian",
672                    "Slovak",
673                    "Slovenian",
674                    "Serbian",
675                    "Swedish",
676                    "Turkish",
677                    "Chinese (Simplified)",
678                    "Chinese (Traditional)"
679                  ],
680                  "location": "query",
681                  "type": "string"
682                },
683                "num": {
684                  "default": "10",
685                  "description": "Number of search results to return",
686                  "format": "uint32",
687                  "location": "query",
688                  "type": "integer"
689                },
690                "orTerms": {
691                  "description": "Provides additional search terms to check for in a document, where each document in the search results must contain at least one of the additional search terms",
692                  "location": "query",
693                  "type": "string"
694                },
695                "q": {
696                  "description": "Query",
697                  "location": "query",
698                  "required": true,
699                  "type": "string"
700                },
701                "relatedSite": {
702                  "description": "Specifies that all search results should be pages that are related to the specified URL",
703                  "location": "query",
704                  "type": "string"
705                },
706                "rights": {
707                  "description": "Filters based on licensing. Supported values include: cc_publicdomain, cc_attribute, cc_sharealike, cc_noncommercial, cc_nonderived and combinations of these.",
708                  "location": "query",
709                  "type": "string"
710                },
711                "safe": {
712                  "default": "off",
713                  "description": "Search safety level",
714                  "enum": [
715                    "high",
716                    "medium",
717                    "off"
718                  ],
719                  "enumDescriptions": [
720                    "Enables highest level of safe search filtering.",
721                    "Enables moderate safe search filtering.",
722                    "Disables safe search filtering."
723                  ],
724                  "location": "query",
725                  "type": "string"
726                },
727                "searchType": {
728                  "description": "Specifies the search type: image.",
729                  "enum": [
730                    "image"
731                  ],
732                  "enumDescriptions": [
733                    "custom image search"
734                  ],
735                  "location": "query",
736                  "type": "string"
737                },
738                "siteSearch": {
739                  "description": "Specifies all search results should be pages from a given site",
740                  "location": "query",
741                  "type": "string"
742                },
743                "siteSearchFilter": {
744                  "description": "Controls whether to include or exclude results from the site named in the as_sitesearch parameter",
745                  "enum": [
746                    "e",
747                    "i"
748                  ],
749                  "enumDescriptions": [
750                    "exclude",
751                    "include"
752                  ],
753                  "location": "query",
754                  "type": "string"
755                },
756                "sort": {
757                  "description": "The sort expression to apply to the results",
758                  "location": "query",
759                  "type": "string"
760                },
761                "start": {
762                  "description": "The index of the first result to return",
763                  "format": "uint32",
764                  "location": "query",
765                  "type": "integer"
766                }
767              },
768              "path": "v1/siterestrict",
769              "response": {
770                "$ref": "Search"
771              }
772            }
773          }
774        }
775      }
776    }
777  },
778  "revision": "20181001",
779  "rootUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/",
780  "schemas": {
781    "Context": {
782      "id": "Context",
783      "properties": {
784        "facets": {
785          "items": {
786            "items": {
787              "properties": {
788                "anchor": {
789                  "type": "string"
790                },
791                "label": {
792                  "type": "string"
793                },
794                "label_with_op": {
795                  "type": "string"
796                }
797              },
798              "type": "object"
799            },
800            "type": "array"
801          },
802          "type": "array"
803        },
804        "title": {
805          "type": "string"
806        }
807      },
808      "type": "object"
809    },
810    "Promotion": {
811      "id": "Promotion",
812      "properties": {
813        "bodyLines": {
814          "items": {
815            "properties": {
816              "htmlTitle": {
817                "type": "string"
818              },
819              "link": {
820                "type": "string"
821              },
822              "title": {
823                "type": "string"
824              },
825              "url": {
826                "type": "string"
827              }
828            },
829            "type": "object"
830          },
831          "type": "array"
832        },
833        "displayLink": {
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