1 #include "sys.h"
2 #include "debug.h"
3 #include <cstring>	// memset
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <inttypes.h>
6 #include <vector>
7 #include <libecc/bitset.h>
8 #include <math.h>
10 // This program has been used to determine feedback points.
11 // It is multipurpose: you have to edit the source code a
12 // bit in order to make it do whatever you want.
13 // Compile as g++ -O3 -o rngTestMatrix -I../include rngTestMatrix.cc -L../.libs -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/carlo/c++/libecc/.libs -lecc
15 // Define this to use a faster algorithm that is MUCH harder to understand :p
16 #define COMPRESSED 1
18 // This program calculates the period of a
19 // shift register random number generator
20 // with arbitrary feedback points.
21 //
22 // Let the internal state of the RNG consist of
23 // 'b' buckets:
24 //
25 // bucket:  0   1   2   3   4  ...   b-1
26 // value : n0  n1  n2  n3  n4  ... n(b-1)
27 //
28 // where b equals the number of buckets and each n represents
29 // an integer in the range 0 <= n < m, with m = 2^number_of_bits_per_bucket.
30 // Because of the memory constrains and because the period of
31 // the RNG doesn't increase much anyway, the rest of the program
32 // assumes that each bucket is only 1 bit.
34 // 2^number_of_bits - 1 must be a prime, which
35 // are called Mersenne primes.
37 // See http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/mersenne/
38 unsigned int const mersenne_prime_powers[] =
39   { 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107, 127, 521, 607, 1279, 2203, 2281,
40     3217, 4253, 4423, 9689, 9941, 11213, 19937, 21701, 23209, 44497, 86243, 110503, 132049, 216091,
41     756839, 859433, 1257787, 1398269, 2976221, 3021377, /* ...???... */ 6972593, /* ...???...*/ 13466917 };
43 // which limits the possible values of number_of_bits.
45 #ifdef M
46 unsigned int const number_of_bits = M;
47 #else
48 unsigned int const number_of_bits = 63;
49 #endif
51 // The state of the RNG is changed so that we get
52 // the following state:
53 //
54 // bucket:  0   1   2   3  ...   b-2  b-1
55 // value : n1  n2  n3  n4  ... n(b-1)  x
56 //
57 // where x = n0 + n(b-f0) + n(b-f1) + n(b-f2) + ... + n(b-f(fp-1)) (MOD m)
58 //       fp are the number of feedback points, and f0, f1, ... f(fp-1)
59 //       are the feedback points.
60 //
61 // x is also passed as the output of the RNG.
63 unsigned int const number_of_feedback_points = 1;
65 // The feedback points must be small prime numbers.
66 std::vector<unsigned int> primes;
67 unsigned int const max_prime = number_of_bits;
68 void init_primes(void);
70 unsigned int feedback_points[number_of_feedback_points];
71 int feedback_point_indexes[number_of_feedback_points];
72 void init_feedback_points(void);
74 // If we consider the state of a RNG to be a vector.
75 // then we can calculate the next state of the RNG
76 // by multiplying the state with a matrix.
78 struct Matrix {
79   //                    columns            rows
80   libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> M_matrix[number_of_bits];
clearMatrix81   void clear(void) { for (int row = 0; row < number_of_bits; ++row) M_matrix[row].reset(); }
MatrixMatrix82   Matrix(void) { clear(); }
83   void square(Matrix const& m);
84   void mult(Matrix const& m1, Matrix const& m2);
85   friend bool operator==(Matrix const& m1, Matrix const& m2);
86   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Matrix const& m);
87 };
init_m0(Matrix * m0)89 void init_m0(Matrix* m0)
90 {
91   // m0 is the matrix describing a shift of one.
92   // This means that:
93   //
94   // 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0   n0        n1
95   // 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ... 0   n1        n2
96   // 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0   n2        n3
97   // 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ... 0   n3    =   .
98   //       .	       .   .         .
99   //       .	       .   .         .
100   //	   .	       .   .         n(b-1)
101   // 1 ... 1 . 1  ... 	   n(b-1)    n0 + n(b-f0) + n(b-f1) + n(b-f2) + ... + n(b-f(fp-1))
102   //
103   // Where the 1's on the bottom row are in column 0, b-f0, b-f1, etc.
104   m0->clear();
105   for (int row = 0; row < number_of_bits - 1; ++row)
106     m0->M_matrix[row].set(row + 1);
107   m0->M_matrix[number_of_bits - 1].set<0>();
108   for (int f = 0; f < number_of_feedback_points; ++f)
109     m0->M_matrix[number_of_bits - 1].set(number_of_bits - feedback_points[f]);
110 }
112 // For debugging purposes.
operator <<(std::ostream & os,libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> const * vector)113 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> const* vector)
114 {
115   for (int c = 0; c < number_of_bits; ++c)
116   {
117     if (vector->test(c))
118       os << "1 ";
119     else
120       os << "0 ";
121   }
122   return os;
123 }
main(void)125 int main(void)
126 {
127   Debug( check_configuration() );
128 //  Debug( libcw_do.on() );
129   Debug( dc::notice.on() );
131 #if 0
132   // Make sure that 2^number_of_bits - 1 is a prime.
133   int i;
134   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(mersenne_prime_powers) / sizeof(unsigned int); ++i)
135     if (mersenne_prime_powers[i] == number_of_bits)
136       break;
137   assert( i != sizeof(mersenne_prime_powers) / sizeof(unsigned int) );
138 #endif
140   init_primes();
142 //  for(std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator iter = primes.begin(); iter != primes.end(); ++iter)
143 //    std::cout << (*iter) << std::endl;
144 //  exit(0);
146   init_feedback_points();
149   Matrix* m0 = new Matrix;
150   Matrix* m1 = new Matrix;
151 #endif
153   for(;;)
154   {
155     std::cout << "Trying " << number_of_bits;
156     for (int f = 0; f < number_of_feedback_points; ++f)
157       std::cout << '/' << feedback_points[f];
158     std::cout << "... " << std::flush;
161     init_m0(m0);
163     // std::cout << "\nShift of 1:\n" << *m0 << std::endl;
165 #if 0
166     // Print out matrixes for arbitrary powers of M0.
167     Matrix* m2 = new Matrix;
169     int shift = 1;
170     int nextshift = 1;
171     *m1 = *m0;
172     for(;;)
173     {
174       if (shift == nextshift)
175       {
176 	std::cout << "Shift = " << shift << '\n';
177 	std::cout << *m1 << '\n';
178 	nextshift *= 2;				// Edit this to get the powers you want to see.
179       }
180       m2->mult(*m1, *m0);
181       ++shift;
182       *m1 = *m2;
183       if (shift == nextshift)
184       {
185 	std::cout << "(hit return)\n";
186 	char tmp[8];
187 	std::cin.getline(tmp, 8);
188       }
189     }
190 #endif
192     // A shift of 2 is m[1] = m[0] * m[0]
193     // A shift of 4 is m[2] = m[1] * m[1]
194     // A shift of 8 is m[3] = m[2] * m[2]
195     // etc.
196     if (number_of_bits > 521)
197       std::cout << "Calculating... ";
198     for (int n = 1;;)
199     {
200       if (number_of_bits > 521)
201 	std::cout << 'M' << n << ' ' << std::flush;
202       m1->square(*m0);
204       if (n++ == number_of_bits)
205       {
206 	init_m0(m0);
207 	if (*m0 == *m1)
208 	  std::cout << "successful, the period is 2^" << number_of_bits << " - 1.";
209 	std::cout << std::endl;
210 	break;
211       }
213       if (number_of_bits > 521)
214 	std::cout << 'M' << n << ' ' << std::flush;
215       m0->square(*m1);
217       if (n++ == number_of_bits)
218       {
219 	init_m0(m1);
220 	if (*m0 == *m1)
221 	  std::cout << "successful, the period is 2^" << number_of_bits << " - 1.";
222 	std::cout << std::endl;
223 	break;
224       }
225     }
226     if (number_of_bits > 521)
227       std::cout << '\n';
228 #else	// Using compressed matrices.
230     // Meaning of M0: See above.
231     //
232     // The period of n/f1/f2/f3.../fx is the same as the period of n/(n-f1)/(n-f2)/(n-f3).../(n-fx).
233     // All our feedback points are < n/2 but we calculate the period of a RNG with the mirrored
234     // values, thus a RNG for which all feedback points are > n/2.
235     //
236     // Example M0
237     //
238     // Consider the period of a 7/3 RNG (n == 7, feedback point at 3).
239     // Its period is the same as that of a 7/4 RNG.
240     //
241     // M0 is then:
242     //
243     // 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
244     // 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
245     // 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
246     // 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
247     // 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
248     // 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
249     // 1 0 0 \ 0 0 0
250     //       |______ feedback point at '4' , '\' == '1' but represents a feedback point.
251     //
252     // M0^6 is
253     //
254     // 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
255     // 1 0 0 \ 0 0 0 <-- same feedback point, this row is equal to the last row of M0.
256     // 0 1 0 0 \ 0 0 <-- subsequential rows are shifted to the left.
257     // 0 0 1 0 0 \ 0
258     // 0 0 0 1 0 0 \
259     // \ 0 0 \ 1 0 0 \__ when a diagonal "feedback line" runs out of the matrix, it causes all feedback points to be toggled.
260     // 0 \ 0 0 \ 1 0
262     // The top row of M0^(number_of_bits-1) is (0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 1)
263     libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>* row0 = new libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>;
264     row0->reset();
265     row0->set<number_of_bits - 1>();
267     // The second row of M0^(number_of_bits-1) is equal to the bottom row of M0.
268     libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>* row1 = new libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>("1");
269     for (int f = 0; f < number_of_feedback_points; ++f)
270       row1->set(feedback_points[f]);
272     // Because all feedbacks are > n/2, each feedback point 'line' will reach the left
273     // edge at most once and the maximum number of 1's in any column will be
274     // number_of_feedback_points * (number_of_feedback_points + 1) + 1.
275     //
276     // Also, because every column is equal the previous column shifted one bit down
277     // except for the columns of feedback points because there the bit can be toggled
278     // when a "feedback line" (see graph above) runs left outside the matrix, we only
279     // need to store the first column and the columns that correspond to feedback points.
280     static unsigned short column[number_of_feedback_points + 1][number_of_feedback_points * (number_of_feedback_points + 1) + 2];
281     // Empty everything.
282     for (int i = 0; i <= number_of_feedback_points; ++i)
283       column[i][0] = 0;		// No 1's in this column.
285     // Generation of the first column, and all columns corresponding to feedback points, of M0^(number_of_bits-1).
286     // Index of 0 corresponds to the first column, larger indices correspond to column 'feedback_points[index + 1]'.
287     for (unsigned short r = 0; r < number_of_bits; ++r)			// r is the row of m0^(number_of_bits-1) that row0 refers to.
288     {
289       Dout(dc::notice, "row0 = " << row0);
290       // First column.
291       if (row0->test<0>())
292 	column[0][++column[0][0]] = r;
293       // Columns corresponding to feedback points.
294       for (int f = 0; f < number_of_feedback_points; ++f)
295       {
296 	if (row0->test(feedback_points[f]))
297 	  column[f + 1][++column[f + 1][0]] = r;
298       }
299       // Generate next `row'.
300       bool last_bit_set = row0->test<number_of_bits - 1>();
301       row0->shift_op<1, libecc::left, libecc::assign>(*row0);
302       if (last_bit_set)
303 	*row0 ^= *row1;
304     }
306     // Abuse row0 and row1 alternating as input and output in the loop below.
307     libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>* out = row0;
308     libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>* in = row1;
310     // Calculate M0^(2^number_of_bits).
311     // Maxtrices are stored 'compressed' (just the top row).
312     // The top row of M0 is (0 1 0 0 0 ... 0).
313     out->reset();
314     out->set<1>();
316     if (number_of_bits > 2000)
317       std::cout << "Calculating... ";
318     // p == log2(current_power).
319     for (int p = 1;;)
320     {
321       Dout(dc::notice, "Calculating M0^(2^" << p << "))");
323       // Swap in and out.
324       libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>* tmp = in;
325       in = out;
326       out = tmp;
328       if (number_of_bits > 2000)
329 	std::cout << 'M' << p << ' ' << std::flush;
331       // The square of a compressed matrix C (a vector) is given by
332       // the formula: bit n of C^2 is: CT Qn C, where CT is C transposed
333       // and Qn is a symmetric matrix where column x is the n-th column
334       // M0^x.  This implies that the last column of every Qn is n-th
335       // column of M0^(number_of_bits-1) and because of the symmetry
336       // this is equal to the transpose of the bottom row.
337       // It turns out that Qn exists of a mirror-and-rotation part
338       // half of which exists in the left-top part of the matrix and
339       // half of which exists in the right-bottom part.  The right
340       // bottom part also contains all bits that represent feedback
341       // points.
342       //
343       // A typical Qn looks as follows
344       // (this is Q1 of the previous example):
345       //
346       // Starts in
347       //  col 1    Column 1 of M0^6   (both because this is Q1)
348       //   | _______ |__
349       //   V/        V  \
350       // 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  _\ mirror/rotation part.
351       // 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 /
352       // 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
353       // 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
354       // 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
355       // 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
356       // 0 0 1 0 0 0 / <-- bottom row is transpose of last column.
357       //
358       // (this is Q4):
359       //
360       // Starts in
361       //   col 4   Column 4 of M0^6
362       //        \    |
363       //         V   V
364       // 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
365       // 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
366       // 0 0 1 0 0 0 /
367       // 0 1 0 0 0 / 0
368       // 1 0 0 0 / 0 0
369       // 0 0 0 / 0 0 1
370       // 0 0 / 0 0 1 /
371       //
373       // Instead of calculating Q_output_bit, we only determine its bottom row.
374       // The bottom row is, as said before, equal to the transpose of the last column.
375       // The last column is equal to column `output_bit' of M0^(number_of_bits-1).
376       // When output_bit == 0, this is equal to the column[0], when `output_bit'
377       // is equal to one of the feedback points, this last column is equal to
378       // column[feedback point + 1].  In all other cases, it is equal to the
379       // column[] that is on its left side, shifted down that distance.
380       // For example:
381       //
382       // Q6 is
383       //           Column 6 of M0^6
384       //             |
385       //             V
386       // 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
387       // 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
388       // 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
389       // 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
390       // 0 0 1 0 0 0 /
391       // 0 1 0 0 0 / 0
392       // 1 0 0 0 / 0 0  <-- bottom row is transpose of column 6 of M0^6.
393       //             |
394       // M0^6 is (see|above)
395       //             V
396       // 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
397       // 1 0 0 \ 0 0 0
398       // 0 1 0 0 \ 0 0
399       // 0 0 1 0 0 \ 0
400       // 0 0 0 1 0 0 \
401       // \ 0 0 \ 1 0 0
402       // 0 \ 0 0 \ 1 0
403       // ^     ^
404       // |     |
405       // |   column[1] (first feedback point)
406       // column[0] (first column)          Q6   feedback
407       //                                    |   |
408       //                                    V   V
409       // column[1], transposed and shifted (6 - 3) is: (0 0 0 0 / 0 0) which has
410       // all 1's that correspond to feedback points set as in the bottom row of Q6.
411       //
412       int next_feedback_index = 0;
413       int feedback_column_offset = 0;
414       unsigned short* feedback_column = column[0];
416       Dout(dc::notice, "Input is " << in);
418       // Calculate the square of 'in' and write the result to 'out'.
419       // We do this bit by bit.
420       for (int output_bit = 0; output_bit < number_of_bits;)
421       {
422 	bool result = false;
423 	// This bit is the inproduct of `*in' with 'Q_output_bit *in'.
424 	// Loop over the bits of the left `*in'.
425 	int left_in_bit_start = 0;
426         for (int left_in_bit_digit = 0;
427 	     left_in_bit_digit < libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>::digits;
428 	     ++left_in_bit_digit, left_in_bit_start += libecc::bitset_digit_bits)
429 	{
430 	  libecc::bitset_digit_t in_digit = in->digit(left_in_bit_digit);
431 	  if (in_digit == 0)
432 	    continue;
433 	  libecc::bitset_digit_t mask = 1;
434 	  int left_in_bit = left_in_bit_start;
435 	  do
436 	  {
437 	    // If this bit is not set then it makes no sense to calculate the corresponding bit of Q_output_bit *in.
438 	    if (in_digit & mask)
439 	    {
440 	      // Now we need to toggle `result' if the inproduct
441 	      // of the right `*in' with the `left_in_bit's row of Q_output_bit is set.
442 	      // We achieve this by toggling result when the corresponding bit
443 	      // in `*in' is set for every set bit in `left_in_bit's row of Q_output_bit.
445 	      // First of all, the bits resulting from M0^0 in P (see Theory), the
446 	      // mirror/rotate part in the left-top part of the Qn matrix.
447 	      if (left_in_bit <= output_bit && in->test(output_bit - left_in_bit))
448 		result = !result;		// Toggle output bit.
450 	      // Next, all other bits.
451 	      for (int i = 1; i <= feedback_column[0]; ++i)
452 	      {
453 		int b = feedback_column[i] + feedback_column_offset + number_of_bits - 1 - left_in_bit;
454 		if (b >= number_of_bits)
455 		  break;
456 		if (in->test(b))
457 		  result = !result;	// Toggle output bit.
458 	      }
459 	    }
460 	    mask <<= 1;
461 	    ++left_in_bit;
462 	  }
463 	  while((left_in_bit & (libecc::bitset_digit_bits - 1)));
464 	}
465 	Dout(dc::notice, "Output bit " << output_bit << " is " << result);
466 	if (result)
467 	  out->set(output_bit);
468 	else
469 	  out->clear(output_bit);
471         if (++output_bit == feedback_points[next_feedback_index])
472 	{
473 	  feedback_column = column[next_feedback_index + 1];
474 	  if (next_feedback_index < number_of_feedback_points - 1)
475 	    ++next_feedback_index;
476 	  feedback_column_offset = 0;
477 	}
478 	else
479 	  ++feedback_column_offset;
480       }
482       if (p++ == number_of_bits)
483       {
484 	in->reset();
485 	in->set<1>();
486 	if (*in == *out)
487 	  std::cout << "successful, the period is 2^" << number_of_bits << " - 1.";
488 	std::cout << std::endl;
489 	break;
490       }
491     }
492     if (number_of_bits > 2000)
493       std::cout << '\n';
494 #endif
496     //feedback_point_indexes[8] = 54;
497     // Next feedback point
498     for (int f = number_of_feedback_points - 1;; --f)
499     {
500       feedback_points[f] = primes[++feedback_point_indexes[f]];
501       if (feedback_points[f] <= number_of_bits / 2)
502       {
503 	while(++f < number_of_feedback_points)
504 	{
505 	  feedback_point_indexes[f] = feedback_point_indexes[f - 1] + 1;
506 	  feedback_points[f] = primes[feedback_point_indexes[f]];
507 	  if (feedback_points[f] > number_of_bits / 2)
508 	    break;
509 	}
510 	if (feedback_points[f] <= number_of_bits / 2)
511 	  break;
512       }
513       if (f == 0)
514 	return 0;
515     }
516     //feedback_point_indexes[number_of_feedback_points - 1] = 53;
517     //feedback_points[number_of_feedback_points - 1] = primes[53];
518   }
520   return 0;
521 }
init_primes(void)523 void init_primes(void)
524 {
525 #if 1
526   // Use any feedback point, not just primes.
527   for (int p = 1; p < number_of_bits; ++p)
528     primes.push_back(p);
529   return;
530 #endif
531   primes.push_back(2);
532   int const zs = max_prime / 64 + 1;
533   double mp = (32 * zs - 1) * 2 + 3;
534   unsigned int sr = (unsigned int)(sqrt(mp) + 0.5);
535   uint32_t* z = new uint32_t [zs];
536   std::memset(z, 0, zs * sizeof(uint32_t));
537   for (int i = 0; i < zs; ++i)
538     for (int s = 0; s < 32; ++s)
539       if ((z[i] & (1 << s)) == 0)
540       {
541 	unsigned int p = (32 * i + s) * 2 + 3;
542 	if (p > max_prime)
543 	{
544 	  delete [] z;
545 	  return;
546 	}
547 	primes.push_back(p);
548 	if (p >= sr)
549 	  continue;
550 	for (int q = p; q < p * 33; q += p)
551 	{
552 	  uint32_t m = 1 << ((s + q) % 32);
553 	  for (int j = i + (s + q) / 32; j < zs; j += p)
554 	    z[j] |= m;
555 	}
556       }
557   delete [] z;
558 }
init_feedback_points(void)560 void init_feedback_points(void)
561 {
562 #if 1
563   // Use small feedback numbers.
564   for (int f = 0; f < number_of_feedback_points; ++f)
565   {
566     feedback_point_indexes[f] = f /* + 1 */;	// +1 = skip feedback of 2.
567   }
568 #else
569   // Manual override.
570   feedback_point_indexes[0] = 0;
571   feedback_point_indexes[1] = 1;
572   feedback_point_indexes[2] = 3;
573   feedback_point_indexes[3] = 5;
574   feedback_point_indexes[4] = 10;
575   feedback_point_indexes[5] = 17;
576   feedback_point_indexes[6] = 31;
577   feedback_point_indexes[7] = 35;
578   feedback_point_indexes[8] = 53;
579 #endif
581   for (int f = 0; f < number_of_feedback_points; ++f)
582   {
583     feedback_points[f] = primes[feedback_point_indexes[f]];
584   }
585 }
587 struct BitIterator {
588   int cnt;
589   libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> const* bp;
590   libecc::bitset_digit_t bit_mask;
591   int digit;
BitIteratorBitIterator592   BitIterator(Matrix const& m) : cnt(number_of_bits), bp(&m.M_matrix[0]), bit_mask(1), digit(0) { }
next_bitBitIterator593   bool next_bit(void)
594   {
595     if (--cnt == 0)
596       return false;
597     ++bp;
598     bit_mask <<= 1;
599     if (bit_mask == 0)
600     {
601       bit_mask = 1;
602       ++digit;
603     }
604     return true;
605   }
606 };
square(Matrix const & m)608 void Matrix::square(Matrix const& m)
609 {
610   for (int row = 0; row < number_of_bits; ++row)
611     M_matrix[row].reset();
612   BitIterator col(m);
613   do
614   {
615     // Make a copy of column col.
616     libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> column;
617     libecc::bitset_digit_t res = 0;
618     BitIterator r(m);
619     do
620     {
621       if (r.bp->digit(col.digit) & col.bit_mask)
622 	res |= r.bit_mask;
623       if (r.bit_mask == 0x80000000)
624       {
625 	column.rawdigit(r.digit) = res;
626 	res = 0;
627       }
628     }
629     while(r.next_bit());
630     column.rawdigit(libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>::digits - 1) = res;
631     // Calculate inproduct of this column with any of the rows
632     for (int row = 0; row < number_of_bits; ++row)
633     {
634       libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> tmp = column & m.M_matrix[row];
635       if (tmp.odd())
636 	M_matrix[row].rawdigit(col.digit) |= col.bit_mask;
637     }
638   }
639   while(col.next_bit());
640 }
mult(Matrix const & m1,Matrix const & m2)642 void Matrix::mult(Matrix const& m1, Matrix const& m2)
643 {
644   for (int row = 0; row < number_of_bits; ++row)
645     M_matrix[row].reset();
646   BitIterator col(m2);
647   do
648   {
649     // Make a copy of column col.
650     libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> column;
651     libecc::bitset_digit_t res = 0;
652     BitIterator r(m1);
653     do
654     {
655       if (r.bp->digit(col.digit) & col.bit_mask)
656 	res |= r.bit_mask;
657       if (r.bit_mask == 0x80000000)
658       {
659 	column.rawdigit(r.digit) = res;
660 	res = 0;
661       }
662     }
663     while(r.next_bit());
664     column.rawdigit(libecc::bitset<number_of_bits>::digits - 1) = res;
665     // Calculate inproduct of this column with any of the rows
666     for (int row = 0; row < number_of_bits; ++row)
667     {
668       libecc::bitset<number_of_bits> tmp = column & m2.M_matrix[row];
669       if (tmp.odd())
670 	M_matrix[row].rawdigit(col.digit) |= col.bit_mask;
671     }
672   }
673   while(col.next_bit());
674 }
operator <<(std::ostream & os,Matrix const & m)676 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Matrix const& m)
677 {
678   for (int r = 0; r < number_of_bits; ++r)
679   {
680     for (int c = 0; c < number_of_bits; ++c)
681     {
682       if (m.M_matrix[r].test(c))
683 	os << "1 ";
684       else
685 	os << "0 ";
686     }
687     os << '\n';
688   }
689   return os;
690 }
operator ==(Matrix const & m1,Matrix const & m2)692 bool operator==(Matrix const& m1, Matrix const& m2)
693 {
694   for (int r = 0; r < number_of_bits; ++r)
695     if (m1.M_matrix[r] != m2.M_matrix[r])
696 	return false;
697   return true;
698 }