1This directory and its children contain LibPreludeDB, a library for using
2the Prelude database.
4Copyright (C) 2005-2015 CS-SI. All rights reserved.
6This library is made available under a dual licensing scheme.
8If you link LibPreludeDB against other code all of which is itself
9licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
10dated June 1991 ("GPL v2") or compatible, then you may use LibPreludeDB
11under the terms of the GPL v2,as appearing in the file COPYING.  If the
12file COPYING is missing, you can obtain a copy of the GPL v2 from the
13Free Software Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
1402110-1301, USA.
16For any other uses of LibPreludeDB, you must first obtain a commercial license
17from CS-SI.  Please send a mail to contact.prelude@c-s.fr for
18information about commercial licensing.
20Please also read the information in the file HACKING.README.