3 * PEAR_Command, command pattern class
4 *
5 * PHP versions 4 and 5
6 *
7 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
8 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
9 * http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.  If you did not receive a copy of
10 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
11 * send a note to license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
12 *
13 * @category   pear
14 * @package    PEAR
15 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
16 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
17 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
18 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License 3.0
19 * @version    CVS: $Id: Command.php,v 2006/06/16 13:01:59 pajoye Exp $
20 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
21 * @since      File available since Release 0.1
22 */
25 * Needed for error handling
26 */
27require_once 'PEAR.php';
28require_once 'PEAR/Frontend.php';
29require_once 'PEAR/XMLParser.php';
32 * List of commands and what classes they are implemented in.
33 * @var array command => implementing class
34 */
35$GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'] = array();
38 * List of shortcuts to common commands.
39 * @var array shortcut => command
40 */
41$GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'] = array();
44 * Array of command objects
45 * @var array class => object
46 */
47$GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_objects'] = array();
50 * PEAR command class, a simple factory class for administrative
51 * commands.
52 *
53 * How to implement command classes:
54 *
55 * - The class must be called PEAR_Command_Nnn, installed in the
56 *   "PEAR/Common" subdir, with a method called getCommands() that
57 *   returns an array of the commands implemented by the class (see
58 *   PEAR/Command/Install.php for an example).
59 *
60 * - The class must implement a run() function that is called with three
61 *   params:
62 *
63 *    (string) command name
64 *    (array)  assoc array with options, freely defined by each
65 *             command, for example:
66 *             array('force' => true)
67 *    (array)  list of the other parameters
68 *
69 *   The run() function returns a PEAR_CommandResponse object.  Use
70 *   these methods to get information:
71 *
72 *    int getStatus()   Returns PEAR_COMMAND_(SUCCESS|FAILURE|PARTIAL)
73 *                      *_PARTIAL means that you need to issue at least
74 *                      one more command to complete the operation
75 *                      (used for example for validation steps).
76 *
77 *    string getMessage()  Returns a message for the user.  Remember,
78 *                         no HTML or other interface-specific markup.
79 *
80 *   If something unexpected happens, run() returns a PEAR error.
81 *
82 * - DON'T OUTPUT ANYTHING! Return text for output instead.
83 *
84 * - DON'T USE HTML! The text you return will be used from both Gtk,
85 *   web and command-line interfaces, so for now, keep everything to
86 *   plain text.
87 *
88 * - DON'T USE EXIT OR DIE! Always use pear errors.  From static
89 *   classes do PEAR::raiseError(), from other classes do
90 *   $this->raiseError().
91 * @category   pear
92 * @package    PEAR
93 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
94 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
95 * @copyright  1997-2006 The PHP Group
96 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License 3.0
97 * @version    Release: 1.4.11
98 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
99 * @since      Class available since Release 0.1
100 */
101class PEAR_Command
103    // {{{ factory()
105    /**
106     * Get the right object for executing a command.
107     *
108     * @param string $command The name of the command
109     * @param object $config  Instance of PEAR_Config object
110     *
111     * @return object the command object or a PEAR error
112     *
113     * @access public
114     * @static
115     */
116    function &factory($command, &$config)
117    {
118        if (empty($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'])) {
119            PEAR_Command::registerCommands();
120        }
121        if (isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$command])) {
122            $command = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$command];
123        }
124        if (!isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command])) {
125            $a = PEAR::raiseError("unknown command `$command'");
126            return $a;
127        }
128        $class = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command];
129        if (!class_exists($class)) {
130            require_once $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_objects'][$class];
131        }
132        if (!class_exists($class)) {
133            $a = PEAR::raiseError("unknown command `$command'");
134            return $a;
135        }
136        $ui =& PEAR_Command::getFrontendObject();
137        $obj = &new $class($ui, $config);
138        return $obj;
139    }
141    // }}}
142    // {{{ & getObject()
143    function &getObject($command)
144    {
145        $class = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command];
146        if (!class_exists($class)) {
147            require_once $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_objects'][$class];
148        }
149        if (!class_exists($class)) {
150            return PEAR::raiseError("unknown command `$command'");
151        }
152        $ui =& PEAR_Command::getFrontendObject();
153        $config = &PEAR_Config::singleton();
154        $obj = &new $class($ui, $config);
155        return $obj;
156    }
158    // }}}
159    // {{{ & getFrontendObject()
161    /**
162     * Get instance of frontend object.
163     *
164     * @return object|PEAR_Error
165     * @static
166     */
167    function &getFrontendObject()
168    {
169        $a = &PEAR_Frontend::singleton();
170        return $a;
171    }
173    // }}}
174    // {{{ & setFrontendClass()
176    /**
177     * Load current frontend class.
178     *
179     * @param string $uiclass Name of class implementing the frontend
180     *
181     * @return object the frontend object, or a PEAR error
182     * @static
183     */
184    function &setFrontendClass($uiclass)
185    {
186        $a = &PEAR_Frontend::setFrontendClass($uiclass);
187        return $a;
188    }
190    // }}}
191    // {{{ setFrontendType()
193    /**
194     * Set current frontend.
195     *
196     * @param string $uitype Name of the frontend type (for example "CLI")
197     *
198     * @return object the frontend object, or a PEAR error
199     * @static
200     */
201    function setFrontendType($uitype)
202    {
203        $uiclass = 'PEAR_Frontend_' . $uitype;
204        return PEAR_Command::setFrontendClass($uiclass);
205    }
207    // }}}
208    // {{{ registerCommands()
210    /**
211     * Scan through the Command directory looking for classes
212     * and see what commands they implement.
213     *
214     * @param bool   (optional) if FALSE (default), the new list of
215     *               commands should replace the current one.  If TRUE,
216     *               new entries will be merged with old.
217     *
218     * @param string (optional) where (what directory) to look for
219     *               classes, defaults to the Command subdirectory of
220     *               the directory from where this file (__FILE__) is
221     *               included.
222     *
223     * @return bool TRUE on success, a PEAR error on failure
224     *
225     * @access public
226     * @static
227     */
228    function registerCommands($merge = false, $dir = null)
229    {
230        $parser = new PEAR_XMLParser;
231        if ($dir === null) {
232            $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Command';
233        }
235        if (!@is_dir($dir)) {
236            return PEAR::raiseError("registerCommands: opendir($dir) '$dir' does not exist or is not a directory");
237        }
239        $dp = @opendir($dir);
240        if (empty($dp)) {
241            return PEAR::raiseError("registerCommands: opendir($dir) failed");
242        }
243        if (!$merge) {
244            $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'] = array();
245        }
246        while ($entry = readdir($dp)) {
247            if ($entry{0} == '.' || substr($entry, -4) != '.xml') {
248                continue;
249            }
250            $class = "PEAR_Command_".substr($entry, 0, -4);
251            $file = "$dir/$entry";
252            $parser->parse(file_get_contents($file));
253            $implements = $parser->getData();
254            // List of commands
255            if (empty($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_objects'][$class])) {
256                $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_objects'][$class] = "$dir/" . substr($entry, 0, -4) .
257                    '.php';
258            }
259            foreach ($implements as $command => $desc) {
260                if ($command == 'attribs') {
261                    continue;
262                }
263                if (isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command])) {
264                    return PEAR::raiseError('Command "' . $command . '" already registered in ' .
265                        'class "' . $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command] . '"');
266                }
267                $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command] = $class;
268                $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commanddesc'][$command] = $desc['summary'];
269                if (isset($desc['shortcut'])) {
270                    $shortcut = $desc['shortcut'];
271                    if (isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$shortcut])) {
272                        return PEAR::raiseError('Command shortcut "' . $shortcut . '" already ' .
273                            'registered to command "' . $command . '" in class "' .
274                            $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command] . '"');
275                    }
276                    $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$shortcut] = $command;
277                }
278                if (isset($desc['options']) && $desc['options']) {
279                    foreach ($desc['options'] as $oname => $option) {
280                        if (isset($option['shortopt']) && strlen($option['shortopt']) > 1) {
281                            return PEAR::raiseError('Option "' . $oname . '" short option "' .
282                                $option['shortopt'] . '" must be ' .
283                                'only 1 character in Command "' . $command . '" in class "' .
284                                $class . '"');
285                        }
286                    }
287                }
288            }
289        }
290        ksort($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts']);
291        ksort($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist']);
292        @closedir($dp);
293        return true;
294    }
296    // }}}
297    // {{{ getCommands()
299    /**
300     * Get the list of currently supported commands, and what
301     * classes implement them.
302     *
303     * @return array command => implementing class
304     *
305     * @access public
306     * @static
307     */
308    function getCommands()
309    {
310        if (empty($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'])) {
311            PEAR_Command::registerCommands();
312        }
313        return $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'];
314    }
316    // }}}
317    // {{{ getShortcuts()
319    /**
320     * Get the list of command shortcuts.
321     *
322     * @return array shortcut => command
323     *
324     * @access public
325     * @static
326     */
327    function getShortcuts()
328    {
329        if (empty($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'])) {
330            PEAR_Command::registerCommands();
331        }
332        return $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'];
333    }
335    // }}}
336    // {{{ getGetoptArgs()
338    /**
339     * Compiles arguments for getopt.
340     *
341     * @param string $command     command to get optstring for
342     * @param string $short_args  (reference) short getopt format
343     * @param array  $long_args   (reference) long getopt format
344     *
345     * @return void
346     *
347     * @access public
348     * @static
349     */
350    function getGetoptArgs($command, &$short_args, &$long_args)
351    {
352        if (empty($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'])) {
353            PEAR_Command::registerCommands();
354        }
355        if (isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$command])) {
356            $command = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$command];
357        }
358        if (!isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commandlist'][$command])) {
359            return null;
360        }
361        $obj = &PEAR_Command::getObject($command);
362        return $obj->getGetoptArgs($command, $short_args, $long_args);
363    }
365    // }}}
366    // {{{ getDescription()
368    /**
369     * Get description for a command.
370     *
371     * @param  string $command Name of the command
372     *
373     * @return string command description
374     *
375     * @access public
376     * @static
377     */
378    function getDescription($command)
379    {
380        if (!isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commanddesc'][$command])) {
381            return null;
382        }
383        return $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_commanddesc'][$command];
384    }
386    // }}}
387    // {{{ getHelp()
389    /**
390     * Get help for command.
391     *
392     * @param string $command Name of the command to return help for
393     *
394     * @access public
395     * @static
396     */
397    function getHelp($command)
398    {
399        $cmds = PEAR_Command::getCommands();
400        if (isset($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$command])) {
401            $command = $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Command_shortcuts'][$command];
402        }
403        if (isset($cmds[$command])) {
404            $obj = &PEAR_Command::getObject($command);
405            return $obj->getHelp($command);
406        }
407        return false;
408    }
409    // }}}