1### Tests for rule exceptions
3# SecRuleRemoveById
5	type => "rule",
6	comment => "SecRuleRemoveById (single)",
7	conf => qq(
8		SecRuleEngine On
9		SecDebugLog $ENV{DEBUG_LOG}
10		SecDebugLogLevel 9
11		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:101010"
12		SecRuleRemoveById 101010
13	),
14	match_log => {
15		-error => [ qr/101010/, 1 ],
16		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
17		debug => [ qr/Starting phase REQUEST_HEADERS\..*This phase consists of 0 rule.*Starting phase RESPONSE_HEADERS\./s, 1 ],
18		-debug => [ qr/Access denied/, 1 ],
19	},
20	match_response => {
21		status => qr/^200$/,
22	},
23	request => new HTTP::Request(
24		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
25	),
28	type => "rule",
29	comment => "SecRuleRemoveById (multiple)",
30	conf => qq(
31		SecRuleEngine On
32		SecDebugLog $ENV{DEBUG_LOG}
33		SecDebugLogLevel 9
34		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:101010"
35		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:202020"
36		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:303030"
37		SecRuleRemoveById 101010 202020 303030
38	),
39	match_log => {
40		-error => [ qr/101010|202020|303030/, 1 ],
41		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
42		debug => [ qr/Starting phase REQUEST_HEADERS\..*This phase consists of 0 rule.*Starting phase RESPONSE_HEADERS\./s, 1 ],
43		-debug => [ qr/Access denied/, 1 ],
44	},
45	match_response => {
46		status => qr/^200$/,
47	},
48	request => new HTTP::Request(
49		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
50	),
53	type => "rule",
54	comment => "SecRuleRemoveById (range)",
55	conf => qq(
56		SecRuleEngine On
57		SecDebugLog $ENV{DEBUG_LOG}
58		SecDebugLogLevel 9
59		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:101010"
60		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:202020"
61		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:303030"
62		SecRuleRemoveById 101010-303030
63	),
64	match_log => {
65		-error => [ qr/101010|202020|303030/, 1 ],
66		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
67		debug => [ qr/Starting phase REQUEST_HEADERS\..*This phase consists of 0 rule.*Starting phase RESPONSE_HEADERS\./s, 1 ],
68		-debug => [ qr/Access denied/, 1 ],
69	},
70	match_response => {
71		status => qr/^200$/,
72	},
73	request => new HTTP::Request(
74		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
75	),
78	type => "rule",
79	comment => "SecRuleRemoveById (multiple + range)",
80	conf => qq(
81		SecRuleEngine On
82		SecDebugLog $ENV{DEBUG_LOG}
83		SecDebugLogLevel 9
84		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:101010"
85		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:202020"
86		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:303030"
87		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,id:404040"
88		SecRuleRemoveById 101010 202020-404040
89	),
90	match_log => {
91		-error => [ qr/101010|202020|303030|404040/, 1 ],
92		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
93		debug => [ qr/Starting phase REQUEST_HEADERS\..*This phase consists of 0 rule.*Starting phase RESPONSE_HEADERS\./s, 1 ],
94		-debug => [ qr/Access denied/, 1 ],
95	},
96	match_response => {
97		status => qr/^200$/,
98	},
99	request => new HTTP::Request(
100		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
101	),
104# SecRuleRemoveByMsg
106	type => "rule",
107	comment => "SecRuleRemoveByMsg",
108	conf => qq(
109		SecRuleEngine On
110		SecDebugLog $ENV{DEBUG_LOG}
111		SecDebugLogLevel 9
112		SecRule REQUEST_URI "test" "phase:1,deny,status:500,msg:'testing rule',id:500001"
113		SecRuleRemoveByMsg "testing rule"
114	),
115	match_log => {
116		-error => [ qr/500001/, 1 ],
117		-audit => [ qr/./, 1 ],
118		debug => [ qr/Starting phase REQUEST_HEADERS\..*This phase consists of 0 rule.*Starting phase RESPONSE_HEADERS\./s, 1 ],
119		-debug => [ qr/Access denied/, 1 ],
120	},
121	match_response => {
122		status => qr/^200$/,
123	},
124	request => new HTTP::Request(
125		GET => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt",
126	),