1.. _mozilla_projects_nss_tools_ssltap:
3NSS tools : ssltap
6.. container::
8   | Name
9   |    ssltap — Tap into SSL connections and display the data going by
10   | Synopsis
11   |    libssltap [-vhfsxl] [-p port] [hostname:port]
12   | Description
13   |    The SSL Debugging Tool ssltap is an SSL-aware command-line proxy. It
14   |    watches TCP connections and displays the data going by. If a connection is
15   |    SSL, the data display includes interpreted SSL records and handshaking
16   | Options
17   |    -v
18   |            Print a version string for the tool.
19   |    -h
20   |            Turn on hex/ASCII printing. Instead of outputting raw data, the
21   |            command interprets each record as a numbered line of hex values,
22   |            followed by the same data as ASCII characters. The two parts are
23   |            separated by a vertical bar. Nonprinting characters are replaced
24   |            by dots.
25   |    -f
26   |            Turn on fancy printing. Output is printed in colored HTML. Data
27   |            sent from the client to the server is in blue; the server's reply
28   |            is in red. When used with looping mode, the different connections
29   |            are separated with horizontal lines. You can use this option to
30   |            upload the output into a browser.
31   |    -s
32   |            Turn on SSL parsing and decoding. The tool does not automatically
33   |            detect SSL sessions. If you are intercepting an SSL connection,
34   |            use this option so that the tool can detect and decode SSL
35   |            structures.
36   |            If the tool detects a certificate chain, it saves the DER-encoded
37   |            certificates into files in the current directory. The files are
38   |            named cert.0x, where x is the sequence number of the certificate.
39   |            If the -s option is used with -h, two separate parts are printed
40   |            for each record: the plain hex/ASCII output, and the parsed SSL
41   |            output.
42   |    -x
43   |            Turn on hex/ASCII printing of undecoded data inside parsed SSL
44   |            records. Used only with the -s option. This option uses the same
45   |            output format as the -h option.
46   |    -l prefix
47   |            Turn on looping; that is, continue to accept connections rather
48   |            than stopping after the first connection is complete.
49   |    -p port
50   |            Change the default rendezvous port (1924) to another port.
51   |            The following are well-known port numbers:
52   |            \* HTTP 80
53   |            \* HTTPS 443
54   |            \* SMTP 25
55   |            \* FTP 21
56   |            \* IMAP 143
57   |            \* IMAPS 993 (IMAP over SSL)
58   |            \* NNTP 119
59   |            \* NNTPS 563 (NNTP over SSL)
60   | Usage and Examples
61   |    You can use the SSL Debugging Tool to intercept any connection
62   |    information. Although you can run the tool at its most basic by issuing
63   |    the ssltap command with no options other than hostname:port, the
64   |    information you get in this way is not very useful. For example, assume
65   |    your development machine is called intercept. The simplest way to use the
66   |    debugging tool is to execute the following command from a command shell:
67   |  $ ssltap www.netscape.com
68   |    The program waits for an incoming connection on the default port 1924. In
69   |    your browser window, enter the URL http://intercept:1924. The browser
70   |    retrieves the requested page from the server at www.netscape.com, but the
71   |    page is intercepted and passed on to the browser by the debugging tool on
72   |    intercept. On its way to the browser, the data is printed to the command
73   |    shell from which you issued the command. Data sent from the client to the
74   |    server is surrounded by the following symbols: --> [ data ] Data sent from
75   |    the server to the client is surrounded by the following symbols: "left
76   |    arrow"-- [ data ] The raw data stream is sent to standard output and is
77   |    not interpreted in any way. This can result in peculiar effects, such as
78   |    sounds, flashes, and even crashes of the command shell window. To output a
79   |    basic, printable interpretation of the data, use the -h option, or, if you
80   |    are looking at an SSL connection, the -s option. You will notice that the
81   |    page you retrieved looks incomplete in the browser. This is because, by
82   |    default, the tool closes down after the first connection is complete, so
83   |    the browser is not able to load images. To make the tool continue to
84   |    accept connections, switch on looping mode with the -l option. The
85   |    following examples show the output from commonly used combinations of
86   |    options.
87   |    Example 1
88   |  $ ssltap.exe -sx -p 444 interzone.mcom.com:443 > sx.txt
89   |    Output
90   |  Connected to interzone.mcom.com:443
91   |  -->; [
92   |  alloclen = 66 bytes
93   |     [ssl2]  ClientHelloV2 {
94   |              version = {0x03, 0x00}
95   |              cipher-specs-length = 39 (0x27)
96   |              sid-length = 0 (0x00)
97   |              challenge-length = 16 (0x10)
98   |              cipher-suites = {
99   |                  (0x010080) SSL2/RSA/RC4-128/MD5
100   |                    (0x020080) SSL2/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
101   |                    (0x030080) SSL2/RSA/RC2CBC128/MD5
102   |                    (0x040080) SSL2/RSA/RC2CBC40/MD5
103   |                    (0x060040) SSL2/RSA/DES64CBC/MD5
104   |                    (0x0700c0) SSL2/RSA/3DES192EDE-CBC/MD5
105   |                    (0x000004) SSL3/RSA/RC4-128/MD5
106   |                    (0x00ffe0) SSL3/RSA-FIPS/3DES192EDE-CBC/SHA
107   |                    (0x00000a) SSL3/RSA/3DES192EDE-CBC/SHA
108   |                    (0x00ffe1) SSL3/RSA-FIPS/DES64CBC/SHA
109   |                    (0x000009) SSL3/RSA/DES64CBC/SHA
110   |                    (0x000003) SSL3/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
111   |                    (0x000006) SSL3/RSA/RC2CBC40/MD5
112   |                    }
113   |              session-id = { }
114   |              challenge = { 0xec5d 0x8edb 0x37c9 0xb5c9 0x7b70 0x8fe9 0xd1d3
115   |  0x2592 }
116   |  }
117   |  ]
118   |  <-- [
119   |  SSLRecord {
120   |     0: 16 03 00 03  e5                                   \|.....
121   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
122   |     version = { 3,0 }
123   |     length  = 997 (0x3e5)
124   |     handshake {
125   |     0: 02 00 00 46                                      \|...F
126   |        type = 2 (server_hello)
127   |        length = 70 (0x000046)
128   |              ServerHello {
129   |              server_version = {3, 0}
130   |              random = {...}
131   |     0: 77 8c 6e 26  6c 0c ec c0  d9 58 4f 47  d3 2d 01 45  \|
132   |  wn&l.ì..XOG.-.E
133   |     10: 5c 17 75 43  a7 4c 88 c7  88 64 3c 50  41 48 4f 7f  \|
134   |  \.uC§L.Ç.d<PAHO.
135   |                    session ID = {
136   |                    length = 32
137   |                  contents = {..}
138   |     0: 14 11 07 a8  2a 31 91 29  11 94 40 37  57 10 a7 32  \| ...¨*1.)..@7W.§2
139   |     10: 56 6f 52 62  fe 3d b3 65  b1 e4 13 0f  52 a3 c8 f6  \| VoRbþ=³e±...R£È.
140   |           }
141   |                 cipher_suite = (0x0003) SSL3/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
142   |           }
143   |     0: 0b 00 02 c5                                      \|...Å
144   |        type = 11 (certificate)
145   |        length = 709 (0x0002c5)
146   |              CertificateChain {
147   |              chainlength = 706 (0x02c2)
148   |                 Certificate {
149   |              size = 703 (0x02bf)
150   |                 data = { saved in file 'cert.001' }
151   |              }
152   |           }
153   |     0: 0c 00 00 ca                                      \|....
154   |           type = 12 (server_key_exchange)
155   |           length = 202 (0x0000ca)
156   |     0: 0e 00 00 00                                      \|....
157   |           type = 14 (server_hello_done)
158   |           length = 0 (0x000000)
159   |     }
160   |  }
161   |  ]
162   |  --> [
163   |  SSLRecord {
164   |     0: 16 03 00 00  44                                   \|....D
165   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
166   |     version = { 3,0 }
167   |     length  = 68 (0x44)
168   |     handshake {
169   |     0: 10 00 00 40                                      \|...@
170   |     type = 16 (client_key_exchange)
171   |     length = 64 (0x000040)
172   |           ClientKeyExchange {
173   |              message = {...}
174   |           }
175   |     }
176   |  }
177   |  ]
178   |  --> [
179   |  SSLRecord {
180   |     0: 14 03 00 00  01                                   \|.....
181   |     type    = 20 (change_cipher_spec)
182   |     version = { 3,0 }
183   |     length  = 1 (0x1)
184   |     0: 01                                               \|.
185   |  }
186   |  SSLRecord {
187   |     0: 16 03 00 00  38                                   \|....8
188   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
189   |     version = { 3,0 }
190   |     length  = 56 (0x38)
191   |                 < encrypted >
192   |  }
193   |  ]
194   |  <-- [
195   |  SSLRecord {
196   |     0: 14 03 00 00  01                                   \|.....
197   |     type    = 20 (change_cipher_spec)
198   |     version = { 3,0 }
199   |     length  = 1 (0x1)
200   |     0: 01                                               \|.
201   |  }
202   |  ]
203   |  <-- [
204   |  SSLRecord {
205   |     0: 16 03 00 00  38                                   \|....8
206   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
207   |     version = { 3,0 }
208   |     length  = 56 (0x38)
209   |                    < encrypted >
210   |  }
211   |  ]
212   |  --> [
213   |  SSLRecord {
214   |     0: 17 03 00 01  1f                                   \|.....
215   |     type    = 23 (application_data)
216   |     version = { 3,0 }
217   |     length  = 287 (0x11f)
218   |                 < encrypted >
219   |  }
220   |  ]
221   |  <-- [
222   |  SSLRecord {
223   |     0: 17 03 00 00  a0                                   \|....
224   |     type    = 23 (application_data)
225   |     version = { 3,0 }
226   |     length  = 160 (0xa0)
227   |                 < encrypted >
228   |  }
229   |  ]
230   |  <-- [
231   |  SSLRecord {
232   |  0: 17 03 00 00  df                                   \|....ß
233   |     type    = 23 (application_data)
234   |     version = { 3,0 }
235   |     length  = 223 (0xdf)
236   |                 < encrypted >
237   |  }
238   |  SSLRecord {
239   |     0: 15 03 00 00  12                                   \|.....
240   |     type    = 21 (alert)
241   |     version = { 3,0 }
242   |     length  = 18 (0x12)
243   |                 < encrypted >
244   |  }
245   |  ]
246   |  Server socket closed.
247   |    Example 2
248   |    The -s option turns on SSL parsing. Because the -x option is not used in
249   |    this example, undecoded values are output as raw data. The output is
250   |    routed to a text file.
251   |  $ ssltap -s  -p 444 interzone.mcom.com:443 > s.txt
252   |    Output
253   |  Connected to interzone.mcom.com:443
254   |  --> [
255   |  alloclen = 63 bytes
256   |     [ssl2]  ClientHelloV2 {
257   |              version = {0x03, 0x00}
258   |              cipher-specs-length = 36 (0x24)
259   |              sid-length = 0 (0x00)
260   |              challenge-length = 16 (0x10)
261   |              cipher-suites = {
262   |                    (0x010080) SSL2/RSA/RC4-128/MD5
263   |                    (0x020080) SSL2/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
264   |                    (0x030080) SSL2/RSA/RC2CBC128/MD5
265   |                    (0x060040) SSL2/RSA/DES64CBC/MD5
266   |                    (0x0700c0) SSL2/RSA/3DES192EDE-CBC/MD5
267   |                    (0x000004) SSL3/RSA/RC4-128/MD5
268   |                    (0x00ffe0) SSL3/RSA-FIPS/3DES192EDE-CBC/SHA
269   |                    (0x00000a) SSL3/RSA/3DES192EDE-CBC/SHA
270   |                    (0x00ffe1) SSL3/RSA-FIPS/DES64CBC/SHA
271   |                    (0x000009) SSL3/RSA/DES64CBC/SHA
272   |                    (0x000003) SSL3/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
273   |                    }
274   |                 session-id = { }
275   |              challenge = { 0x713c 0x9338 0x30e1 0xf8d6 0xb934 0x7351 0x200c
276   |  0x3fd0 }
277   |  ]
278   |  >-- [
279   |  SSLRecord {
280   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
281   |     version = { 3,0 }
282   |     length  = 997 (0x3e5)
283   |     handshake {
284   |           type = 2 (server_hello)
285   |           length = 70 (0x000046)
286   |              ServerHello {
287   |              server_version = {3, 0}
288   |              random = {...}
289   |              session ID = {
290   |                 length = 32
291   |                 contents = {..}
292   |                 }
293   |                 cipher_suite = (0x0003) SSL3/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
294   |              }
295   |           type = 11 (certificate)
296   |           length = 709 (0x0002c5)
297   |              CertificateChain {
298   |                 chainlength = 706 (0x02c2)
299   |                 Certificate {
300   |                    size = 703 (0x02bf)
301   |                    data = { saved in file 'cert.001' }
302   |                 }
303   |              }
304   |           type = 12 (server_key_exchange)
305   |           length = 202 (0x0000ca)
306   |           type = 14 (server_hello_done)
307   |           length = 0 (0x000000)
308   |     }
309   |  }
310   |  ]
311   |  --> [
312   |  SSLRecord {
313   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
314   |     version = { 3,0 }
315   |     length  = 68 (0x44)
316   |     handshake {
317   |           type = 16 (client_key_exchange)
318   |           length = 64 (0x000040)
319   |              ClientKeyExchange {
320   |                 message = {...}
321   |              }
322   |     }
323   |  }
324   |  ]
325   |  --> [
326   |  SSLRecord {
327   |     type    = 20 (change_cipher_spec)
328   |     version = { 3,0 }
329   |     length  = 1 (0x1)
330   |  }
331   |  SSLRecord {
332   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
333   |     version = { 3,0 }
334   |     length  = 56 (0x38)
335   |                 > encrypted >
336   |  }
337   |  ]
338   |  >-- [
339   |  SSLRecord {
340   |     type    = 20 (change_cipher_spec)
341   |     version = { 3,0 }
342   |     length  = 1 (0x1)
343   |  }
344   |  ]
345   |  >-- [
346   |  SSLRecord {
347   |     type    = 22 (handshake)
348   |     version = { 3,0 }
349   |     length  = 56 (0x38)
350   |                 > encrypted >
351   |  }
352   |  ]
353   |  --> [
354   |  SSLRecord {
355   |     type    = 23 (application_data)
356   |     version = { 3,0 }
357   |     length  = 287 (0x11f)
358   |                 > encrypted >
359   |  }
360   |  ]
361   |  [
362   |  SSLRecord {
363   |     type    = 23 (application_data)
364   |     version = { 3,0 }
365   |     length  = 160 (0xa0)
366   |                 > encrypted >
367   |  }
368   |  ]
369   |  >-- [
370   |  SSLRecord {
371   |     type    = 23 (application_data)
372   |     version = { 3,0 }
373   |     length  = 223 (0xdf)
374   |                 > encrypted >
375   |  }
376   |  SSLRecord {
377   |     type    = 21 (alert)
378   |     version = { 3,0 }
379   |     length  = 18 (0x12)
380   |                 > encrypted >
381   |  }
382   |  ]
383   |  Server socket closed.
384   |    Example 3
385   |    In this example, the -h option turns hex/ASCII format. There is no SSL
386   |    parsing or decoding. The output is routed to a text file.
387   |  $ ssltap -h  -p 444 interzone.mcom.com:443 > h.txt
388   |    Output
389   |  Connected to interzone.mcom.com:443
390   |  --> [
391   |     0: 80 40 01 03  00 00 27 00  00 00 10 01  00 80 02 00  \| .@....'.........
392   |     10: 80 03 00 80  04 00 80 06  00 40 07 00  c0 00 00 04  \| .........@......
393   |     20: 00 ff e0 00  00 0a 00 ff  e1 00 00 09  00 00 03 00  \| ........á.......
394   |     30: 00 06 9b fe  5b 56 96 49  1f 9f ca dd  d5 ba b9 52  \| ..þ[V.I.\xd9 ...º¹R
395   |     40: 6f 2d                                            \|o-
396   |  ]
397   |  <-- [
398   |     0: 16 03 00 03  e5 02 00 00  46 03 00 7f  e5 0d 1b 1d  \| ........F.......
399   |     10: 68 7f 3a 79  60 d5 17 3c  1d 9c 96 b3  88 d2 69 3b  \| h.:y`..<..³.Òi;
400   |     20: 78 e2 4b 8b  a6 52 12 4b  46 e8 c2 20  14 11 89 05  \| x.K.¦R.KFè. ...
401   |     30: 4d 52 91 fd  93 e0 51 48  91 90 08 96  c1 b6 76 77  \| MR.ý..QH.....¶vw
402   |     40: 2a f4 00 08  a1 06 61 a2  64 1f 2e 9b  00 03 00 0b  \| \*ô..¡.a¢d......
403   |     50: 00 02 c5 00  02 c2 00 02  bf 30 82 02  bb 30 82 02  \| ..Å......0...0..
404   |     60: 24 a0 03 02  01 02 02 02  01 36 30 0d  06 09 2a 86  \| $ .......60...*.
405   |     70: 48 86 f7 0d  01 01 04 05  00 30 77 31  0b 30 09 06  \| H.÷......0w1.0..
406   |     80: 03 55 04 06  13 02 55 53  31 2c 30 2a  06 03 55 04  \| .U....US1,0*..U.
407   |     90: 0a 13 23 4e  65 74 73 63  61 70 65 20  43 6f 6d 6d  \| ..#Netscape Comm
408   |     a0: 75 6e 69 63  61 74 69 6f  6e 73 20 43  6f 72 70 6f  \| unications Corpo
409   |     b0: 72 61 74 69  6f 6e 31 11  30 0f 06 03  55 04 0b 13  \| ration1.0...U...
410   |     c0: 08 48 61 72  64 63 6f 72  65 31 27 30  25 06 03 55  \| .Hardcore1'0%..U
411   |     d0: 04 03 13 1e  48 61 72 64  63 6f 72 65  20 43 65 72  \| ....Hardcore Cer
412   |     e0: 74 69 66 69  63 61 74 65  20 53 65 72  76 65 72 20  \| tificate Server
413   |     f0: 49 49 30 1e  17 0d 39 38  30 35 31 36  30 31 30 33  \| II0...9805160103
414   |  <additional data lines>
415   |  ]
416   |  <additional records in same format>
417   |  Server socket closed.
418   |    Example 4
419   |    In this example, the -s option turns on SSL parsing, and the -h option
420   |    turns on hex/ASCII format. Both formats are shown for each record. The
421   |    output is routed to a text file.
422   |  $ ssltap -hs -p 444 interzone.mcom.com:443 > hs.txt
423   |    Output
424   |  Connected to interzone.mcom.com:443
425   |  --> [
426   |     0: 80 3d 01 03  00 00 24 00  00 00 10 01  00 80 02 00  \| .=....$.........
427   |     10: 80 03 00 80  04 00 80 06  00 40 07 00  c0 00 00 04  \| .........@......
428   |     20: 00 ff e0 00  00 0a 00 ff  e1 00 00 09  00 00 03 03  \| ........á.......
429   |     30: 55 e6 e4 99  79 c7 d7 2c  86 78 96 5d  b5 cf e9     \|U..yÇ\xb0 ,.x.]µÏé
430   |  alloclen = 63 bytes
431   |     [ssl2]  ClientHelloV2 {
432   |              version = {0x03, 0x00}
433   |              cipher-specs-length = 36 (0x24)
434   |              sid-length = 0 (0x00)
435   |              challenge-length = 16 (0x10)
436   |              cipher-suites = {
437   |                    (0x010080) SSL2/RSA/RC4-128/MD5
438   |                    (0x020080) SSL2/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
439   |                    (0x030080) SSL2/RSA/RC2CBC128/MD5
440   |                    (0x040080) SSL2/RSA/RC2CBC40/MD5
441   |                    (0x060040) SSL2/RSA/DES64CBC/MD5
442   |                    (0x0700c0) SSL2/RSA/3DES192EDE-CBC/MD5
443   |                    (0x000004) SSL3/RSA/RC4-128/MD5
444   |                    (0x00ffe0) SSL3/RSA-FIPS/3DES192EDE-CBC/SHA
445   |                    (0x00000a) SSL3/RSA/3DES192EDE-CBC/SHA
446   |                    (0x00ffe1) SSL3/RSA-FIPS/DES64CBC/SHA
447   |                    (0x000009) SSL3/RSA/DES64CBC/SHA
448   |                    (0x000003) SSL3/RSA/RC4-40/MD5
449   |                    }
450   |              session-id = { }
451   |              challenge = { 0x0355 0xe6e4 0x9979 0xc7d7 0x2c86 0x7896 0x5db
452   |  0xcfe9 }
453   |  }
454   |  ]
455   |  <additional records in same formats>
456   |  Server socket closed.
457   | Usage Tips
458   |    When SSL restarts a previous session, it makes use of cached information
459   |    to do a partial handshake. If you wish to capture a full SSL handshake,
460   |    restart the browser to clear the session id cache.
461   |    If you run the tool on a machine other than the SSL server to which you
462   |    are trying to connect, the browser will complain that the host name you
463   |    are trying to connect to is different from the certificate. If you are
464   |    using the default BadCert callback, you can still connect through a
465   |    dialog. If you are not using the default BadCert callback, the one you
466   |    supply must allow for this possibility.
467   | See Also
468   |    The NSS Security Tools are also documented at
469   |   
470     [1]\ `http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/ <https://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/>`__.
471   | Additional Resources
472   |    NSS is maintained in conjunction with PKI and security-related projects
473   |    through Mozilla dn Fedora. The most closely-related project is Dogtag PKI,
474   |    with a project wiki at [2]\ http://pki.fedoraproject.org/wiki/.
475   |    For information specifically about NSS, the NSS project wiki is located at
476   |   
477     [3]\ `http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/ <https://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/>`__.
478     The NSS site relates
479   |    directly to NSS code changes and releases.
480   |    Mailing lists: pki-devel@redhat.com and pki-users@redhat.com
481   |    IRC: Freenode at #dogtag-pki
482   | Authors
483   |    The NSS tools were written and maintained by developers with Netscape and
484   |    now with Red Hat and Sun.
485   |    Authors: Elio Maldonado <emaldona@redhat.com>, Deon Lackey
486   |    <dlackey@redhat.com>.
487   | Copyright
488   |    (c) 2010, Red Hat, Inc. Licensed under the GNU Public License version 2.
489   | References
490   |    Visible links
491   |    1.
492     `http://www.mozilla.org/projects/secu.../pki/nss/tools <https://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/tools>`__
493   |    2. http://pki.fedoraproject.org/wiki/
494   |    3.
495     `http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/ <https://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/>`__