1 /*
2  *  OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks
3  *             over a single TCP/UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based
4  *             session authentication and key exchange,
5  *             packet encryption, packet authentication, and
6  *             packet compression.
7  *
8  *  Copyright (C) 2002-2018 OpenVPN Inc <sales@openvpn.net>
9  *
10  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
12  *  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
13  *
14  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
20  *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
22  */
25 /**
26  * @file
27  * Interface functions to the internal and external multiplexers.
28  */
31 #ifndef FORWARD_H
32 #define FORWARD_H
34 /* the following macros must be defined before including any other header
35  * file
36  */
38 #define TUN_OUT(c)      (BLEN(&(c)->c2.to_tun) > 0)
39 #define LINK_OUT(c)     (BLEN(&(c)->c2.to_link) > 0)
40 #define ANY_OUT(c)      (TUN_OUT(c) || LINK_OUT(c))
43 #define TO_LINK_FRAG(c) ((c)->c2.fragment && fragment_outgoing_defined((c)->c2.fragment))
44 #else
45 #define TO_LINK_FRAG(c) (false)
46 #endif
48 #define TO_LINK_DEF(c)  (LINK_OUT(c) || TO_LINK_FRAG(c))
50 #include "openvpn.h"
51 #include "occ.h"
52 #include "ping.h"
54 #define IOW_TO_TUN          (1<<0)
55 #define IOW_TO_LINK         (1<<1)
56 #define IOW_READ_TUN        (1<<2)
57 #define IOW_READ_LINK       (1<<3)
58 #define IOW_SHAPER          (1<<4)
59 #define IOW_CHECK_RESIDUAL  (1<<5)
60 #define IOW_FRAG            (1<<6)
61 #define IOW_MBUF            (1<<7)
62 #define IOW_READ_TUN_FORCE  (1<<8)
63 #define IOW_WAIT_SIGNAL     (1<<9)
65 #define IOW_READ            (IOW_READ_TUN|IOW_READ_LINK)
67 extern counter_type link_read_bytes_global;
69 extern counter_type link_write_bytes_global;
71 void io_wait_dowork(struct context *c, const unsigned int flags);
73 void pre_select(struct context *c);
75 void process_io(struct context *c);
77 /**********************************************************************/
78 /**
79  * Process a data channel packet that will be sent through a VPN tunnel.
80  * @ingroup data_control
81  *
82  * This function controls the processing of a data channel packet which
83  * will be sent through a VPN tunnel to a remote OpenVPN peer.  It's
84  * general structure is as follows:
85  * - Check that the client authentication has succeeded; if not, drop the
86  *   packet.
87  * - If the \a comp_frag argument is true:
88  *   - Call \c lzo_compress() of the \link Data Channel Compression
89  *     module\endlink to (possibly) compress the packet.
90  *   - Call \c fragment_outgoing() of the \link Data Channel Fragmentation
91  *     module\endlink to (possibly) fragment the packet.
92  * - Activate the \link Data Channel Crypto module\endlink to perform
93  *   security operations on the packet.
94  *   - Call \c tls_pre_encrypt() to choose the appropriate security
95  *     parameters for this packet.
96  *   - Call \c openvpn_encrypt() to encrypt and HMAC signed the packet.
97  *   - Call \c tls_post_encrypt() to prepend the one-byte OpenVPN header
98  *     and do some TLS accounting.
99  * - Place the resulting packet in \c c->c2.to_link so that it can be sent
100  *   over the external network interface to its remote destination by the
101  *   \link external_multiplexer External Multiplexer\endlink.
102  *
103  * @param c - The context structure of the VPN tunnel associated with this
104  *     packet.
105  * @param comp_frag - Whether to do packet compression and fragmentation.
106  *     This flag is set to true the first time a packet is processed.  If
107  *     the packet then gets fragmented, this function will be called again
108  *     once for each remaining fragment with this parameter set to false.
109  */
110 void encrypt_sign(struct context *c, bool comp_frag);
112 int get_server_poll_remaining_time(struct event_timeout *server_poll_timeout);
114 /**********************************************************************/
115 /**
116  * Read a packet from the external network interface.
117  * @ingroup external_multiplexer
118  *
119  * The packet read from the external network interface is stored in \c
120  * c->c2.buf and its source address in \c c->c2.from.  If an error
121  * occurred, the length of \c c->c2.buf will be 0.
122  *
123  * OpenVPN running as client or as UDP server only has a single external
124  * network socket, so this function can be called with the single (client
125  * mode) or top level (UDP server) context as its argument. OpenVPN
126  * running as TCP server, on the other hand, has a network socket for each
127  * active VPN tunnel.  In that case this function must be called with the
128  * context associated with the appropriate VPN tunnel for which data is
129  * available to be read.
130  *
131  * @param c - The context structure which contains the external
132  *     network socket from which to read incoming packets.
133  */
134 void read_incoming_link(struct context *c);
136 /**
137  * Starts processing a packet read from the external network interface.
138  * @ingroup external_multiplexer
139  *
140  * This function starts the processing of a data channel packet which
141  * has come out of a VPN tunnel.  It's high-level structure is as follows:
142  * - Verify that a nonzero length packet has been received from a valid
143  *   source address for the given context \a c.
144  * - Call \c tls_pre_decrypt(), which splits data channel and control
145  *   channel packets:
146  *   - If a data channel packet, the appropriate security parameters are
147  *     loaded.
148  *   - If a control channel packet, this function process is it and
149  *     afterwards sets the packet's buffer length to 0, so that the data
150  *     channel processing steps below will ignore it.
151  * - Call \c openvpn_decrypt() of the \link data_crypto Data Channel
152  *   Crypto module\endlink to authenticate and decrypt the packet using
153  *   the security parameters loaded by \c tls_pre_decrypt() above.
154  *
155  * @param c - The context structure of the VPN tunnel associated with the
156  *     packet.
157  * @param lsi - link_socket_info obtained from context before processing.
158  * @param floated - Flag indicates that peer has floated.
159  *
160  * @return true if packet is authenticated, false otherwise.
161  */
162 bool process_incoming_link_part1(struct context *c, struct link_socket_info *lsi, bool floated);
164 /**
165  * Continues processing a packet read from the external network interface.
166  * @ingroup external_multiplexer
167  *
168  * This function continues the processing of a data channel packet which
169  * has come out of a VPN tunnel. It must be called after
170  * \c process_incoming_link_part1() function.
171  *
172  * It's high-level structure is as follows:
173  * - Call \c fragment_incoming() of the \link fragmentation Data Channel
174  *   Fragmentation module\endlink to reassemble the packet if it's
175  *   fragmented.
176  * - Call \c lzo_decompress() of the \link compression Data Channel
177  *   Compression module\endlink to decompress the packet if it's
178  *   compressed.
179  * - Place the resulting packet in \c c->c2.to_tun so that it can be sent
180  *   over the virtual tun/tap network interface to its local destination
181  *   by the \link internal_multiplexer Internal Multiplexer\endlink.
182  *
183  * @param c - The context structure of the VPN tunnel associated with the
184  *     packet.
185  * @param lsi - link_socket_info obtained from context before processing.
186  * @param orig_buf - Pointer to a buffer data.
187  *
188  */
189 void process_incoming_link_part2(struct context *c, struct link_socket_info *lsi, const uint8_t *orig_buf);
191 /**
192  * Write a packet to the external network interface.
193  * @ingroup external_multiplexer
194  *
195  * This function writes the packet stored in \c c->c2.to_link to the
196  * external network device contained within \c c->c1.link_socket.
197  *
198  * If an error occurs, it is logged and the packet is dropped.
199  *
200  * @param c - The context structure of the VPN tunnel associated with the
201  *     packet.
202  */
203 void process_outgoing_link(struct context *c);
206 /**************************************************************************/
207 /**
208  * Read a packet from the virtual tun/tap network interface.
209  * @ingroup internal_multiplexer
210  *
211  * This function reads a packet from the virtual tun/tap network device \c
212  * c->c1.tuntap and stores it in \c c->c2.buf.
213  *
214  * If an error occurs, it is logged and the packet is dropped.
215  *
216  * @param c - The context structure in which to store the received
217  *     packet.
218  */
219 void read_incoming_tun(struct context *c);
222 /**
223  * Process a packet read from the virtual tun/tap network interface.
224  * @ingroup internal_multiplexer
225  *
226  * This function calls \c encrypt_sign() of the \link data_control Data
227  * Channel Control module\endlink to process the packet.
228  *
229  * If an error occurs, it is logged and the packet is dropped.
230  *
231  * @param c - The context structure of the VPN tunnel associated with the
232  *     packet.
233  */
234 void process_incoming_tun(struct context *c);
237 /**
238  * Write a packet to the virtual tun/tap network interface.
239  * @ingroup internal_multiplexer
240  *
241  * This function writes the packet stored in \c c->c2.to_tun to the
242  * virtual tun/tap network device \c c->c1.tuntap.
243  *
244  * If an error occurs, it is logged and the packet is dropped.
245  *
246  * @param c - The context structure of the VPN tunnel associated with
247  *     the packet.
248  */
249 void process_outgoing_tun(struct context *c);
252 /**************************************************************************/
254 /*
255  * Send a string to remote over the TLS control channel.
256  * Used for push/pull messages, passing username/password,
257  * etc.
258  * @param c          - The context structure of the VPN tunnel associated with
259  *                     the packet.
260  * @param str        - The message to be sent
261  * @param msglevel   - Message level to use for logging
262  */
263 bool
264 send_control_channel_string(struct context *c, const char *str, int msglevel);
266 /*
267  * Send a string to remote over the TLS control channel.
268  * Used for push/pull messages, passing username/password,
269  * etc.
270  *
271  * This variant does not schedule the actual sending of the message
272  * The caller needs to ensure that it is scheduled or call
273  * send_control_channel_string
274  *
275  * @param multi      - The tls_multi structure of the VPN tunnel associated
276  *                     with the packet.
277  * @param str        - The message to be sent
278  * @param msglevel   - Message level to use for logging
279  */
281 bool
282 send_control_channel_string_dowork(struct tls_multi *multi,
283                                    const char *str, int msglevel);
286 /**
287  * Reschedule tls_multi_process.
288  * NOTE: in multi-client mode, usually calling the function is
289  * insufficient to reschedule the client instance object unless
290  * multi_schedule_context_wakeup(m, mi) is also called.
291  */
292 void reschedule_multi_process(struct context *c);
294 #define PIPV4_PASSTOS                   (1<<0)
295 #define PIP_MSSFIX                      (1<<1)         /* v4 and v6 */
296 #define PIP_OUTGOING                    (1<<2)
297 #define PIPV4_EXTRACT_DHCP_ROUTER       (1<<3)
298 #define PIPV4_CLIENT_NAT                (1<<4)
299 #define PIPV6_IMCP_NOHOST_CLIENT        (1<<5)
300 #define PIPV6_IMCP_NOHOST_SERVER        (1<<6)
302 void process_ip_header(struct context *c, unsigned int flags, struct buffer *buf);
304 void schedule_exit(struct context *c, const int n_seconds, const int signal);
306 static inline struct link_socket_info *
get_link_socket_info(struct context * c)307 get_link_socket_info(struct context *c)
308 {
309     if (c->c2.link_socket_info)
310     {
311         return c->c2.link_socket_info;
312     }
313     else
314     {
315         return &c->c2.link_socket->info;
316     }
317 }
319 static inline void
register_activity(struct context * c,const int size)320 register_activity(struct context *c, const int size)
321 {
322     if (c->options.inactivity_timeout)
323     {
324         c->c2.inactivity_bytes += size;
325         if (c->c2.inactivity_bytes >= c->options.inactivity_minimum_bytes)
326         {
327             c->c2.inactivity_bytes = 0;
328             event_timeout_reset(&c->c2.inactivity_interval);
329         }
330     }
331 }
333 /*
334  * Return the io_wait() flags appropriate for
335  * a point-to-point tunnel.
336  */
337 static inline unsigned int
p2p_iow_flags(const struct context * c)338 p2p_iow_flags(const struct context *c)
339 {
341     if (c->c2.to_link.len > 0)
342     {
343         flags |= IOW_TO_LINK;
344     }
345     if (c->c2.to_tun.len > 0)
346     {
347         flags |= IOW_TO_TUN;
348     }
349 #ifdef _WIN32
350     if (tuntap_ring_empty(c->c1.tuntap))
351     {
352         flags &= ~IOW_READ_TUN;
353     }
354 #endif
355     return flags;
356 }
358 /*
359  * This is the core I/O wait function, used for all I/O waits except
360  * for TCP in server mode.
361  */
362 static inline void
io_wait(struct context * c,const unsigned int flags)363 io_wait(struct context *c, const unsigned int flags)
364 {
365     if (c->c2.fast_io && (flags & (IOW_TO_TUN|IOW_TO_LINK|IOW_MBUF)))
366     {
367         /* fast path -- only for TUN/TAP/UDP writes */
368         unsigned int ret = 0;
369         if (flags & IOW_TO_TUN)
370         {
371             ret |= TUN_WRITE;
372         }
373         if (flags & (IOW_TO_LINK|IOW_MBUF))
374         {
375             ret |= SOCKET_WRITE;
376         }
377         c->c2.event_set_status = ret;
378     }
379     else
380     {
381 #ifdef _WIN32
382         bool skip_iowait = flags & IOW_TO_TUN;
383         if (flags & IOW_READ_TUN)
384         {
385             /*
386              * don't read from tun if we have pending write to link,
387              * since every tun read overwrites to_link buffer filled
388              * by previous tun read
389              */
390             skip_iowait = !(flags & IOW_TO_LINK);
391         }
392         if (tuntap_is_wintun(c->c1.tuntap) && skip_iowait)
393         {
394             unsigned int ret = 0;
395             if (flags & IOW_TO_TUN)
396             {
397                 ret |= TUN_WRITE;
398             }
399             if (flags & IOW_READ_TUN)
400             {
401                 ret |= TUN_READ;
402             }
403             c->c2.event_set_status = ret;
404         }
405         else
406 #endif /* ifdef _WIN32 */
407         {
408             /* slow path */
409             io_wait_dowork(c, flags);
410         }
411     }
412 }
414 #define CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED(c) (get_link_socket_info(c)->connection_established)
416 #endif /* FORWARD_H */