1 The white space between the field name and the value
2 is not important and will be ignored. This is NOT true
3 in the License text file.
5 ID: must be the first field and KEY: the last, otherwise
6 the order of the fields is not important.
8 ID:	:unique licensee identifier, date code is fine
9 NAME:	:company or entity name
10 ADD1:	:address line 1
11 ADD2:	:address line 2
12 CITY:	:city
13 STATE:	:state or province
14 ZIP:	:postal code
15 CTRY:	:country
16 TEL:	:telephone number
17 FAX:	:fax number
18 CONT:	:contact person
19 MAIL:	:email addy of contact
20 ----------------------------------
21 SERV:	:http server name               * optional
22 HOST:	:hostname                       * optional
23 USER:	:calling user                   * optional
24 GROUP:	:calling group                  * optional
25 HOME:	:called from withing this path  * optional
26 ----------------------------------
27 DATE:	:creation date
28 EXP:	:expiration date if any
29 KEY:	:binary key
30 ----------------------------------