1 /* aklog.c  -  Application Black (K) Box Logging Library
2  *
3  * Copyright (c) 2006,2012 Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi), All Rights Reserved.
4  * This is unpublished proprietary source code. All dissemination
5  * prohibited. Contains trade secrets. NO WARRANTY. See file COPYING.
6  * Special grant: aktab.h may be used with zxid open source project under
7  * same licensing terms as zxid itself.
8  *
9  * Application Black (K) Box provides a lock-less logging facility
10  * using a circular memory buffer per thread. These buffers will
11  * hold recent history of application and will be part of any core
12  * dump that may happen, facilitating interpretation of such core. */
14 #include "errmac.h"
15 #include "akbox.h"
17 #include <string.h>
18 #include <stdarg.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
stencil_add_ellipse(int cx,int cy,int sa,int ea,int xradius,int yradius,unsigned char * stencil)20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <sys/time.h>
22 #include <sys/types.h>
23 #include <sys/stat.h>
24 #ifndef MINGW
25 #include <sys/utsname.h>
26 #endif
27 #include <fcntl.h>
28 #include <unistd.h>
30 #ifdef LINUX
31 #include <sys/sysinfo.h>
32 #endif
33 #ifdef SUNOS
34 #include <sys/systeminfo.h>
35 #endif
36 #ifdef AIXOS
37 #include <sys/systemcfg.h>
38 #include <nlist.h>
39 #endif
41 AKEXPORT pthread_key_t akmem_pool_key;
43 /* AFR master block is statically intialized so its always available. */
44 struct ak_master_rec ak_master =
47 /* pthread specific data key for locating the logging buffer */
48 pthread_key_t ak_buf_key;
50 /* Called by:  main, zxbusd_main */
51 void ak_init(char* argv0) {
52   char buf[8192];
53   int x,n=0;
54   fdtype f;
55 #ifdef MINGW
56   pthread_mutex_init(&ak_master.ak_mutex, 0);
57 #endif
58 #ifdef LINUX
59   mallopt(M_MMAP_MAX, 0); /* Disable use of mmap(2) in malloc(3) as mmaps do not appear in core. */
60 #endif
62   ak_master.first_sec = time(0); /** Not used in linux, maybe in a future ...*/
63   /** Adding Machine INFO **/
64 #ifndef INTERIXOS
65 #ifndef MINGW
66   struct utsname os_info;
67   int res;
68 #ifdef LINUX
69   struct sysinfo system_info;
70   char mem[100];
71   int copied_before = 0;
72   FILE * file;
73   /** Getting proc info from /proc/cpuinfo **/
74   if ((file = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo","rt")) != NULL ) { /** /proc/cpuinfo found **/
75     while (!feof(file)){
76       fgets(mem,100,file);
77       if (!strncmp(mem,"processor",9))
78          ak_master.ProcNum++;
79       if (!copied_before && !strncmp(mem,"model name",10)){
80          int j = 10;
81          copied_before = 1; /** Only one copy needed **/
82          while ((mem[j] != ':') && (j<100)) j++;
83          j+=2; /** jump over ':' and next space **/
84          strncpy(ak_master.ModelName, &mem[j], MIN(strlen(&mem[j])+1, INFO_BUF));
85          ak_master.ModelName[INFO_BUF]='\0';
86       }
87     }
88     fclose(file);
89   }
91   res = sysinfo(&system_info);
92   ak_master.MaxMem = system_info.totalram;
93   ak_master.MaxSwap = system_info.totalswap;
94   ak_master.MemUnit = system_info.mem_unit;
95 #endif
96 #ifdef SUNOS /** SOLARIS **/
97   long resp;
98   resp = sysinfo (SI_ARCHITECTURE, ak_master.ModelName, INFO_BUF);
99   ak_master.ProcNum = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
100   ak_master.first_tick = gethrtime();
101 #endif
102 #ifdef AIXOS
103   struct nlist info;
104   int fd;
105   info.n_name = "_system_configuration";
106   fd = open("/dev/kmem",O_RDONLY);
107   knlist(&info,1,sizeof(struct nlist));
108   lseek(fd,info.n_value,0);
109   read(fd,&_system_configuration,sizeof(_system_configuration));
110   ak_master.ProcNum  = _system_configuration.ncpus;
111   ak_master.MaxMem   = _system_configuration.physmem;
112   ak_master.ProcImp  = _system_configuration.implementation;
113   ak_master.ProcArch = _system_configuration.architecture;
114   ak_master.ProcVer  = _system_configuration.version;
115   ak_master.Width    = _system_configuration.width;
116   close(fd);
117 #endif /* AIXOS */
118   ak_master.HostId = gethostid();
119   res = uname(&os_info);
120   if (!res){ /** Success **/
121     strncpy(ak_master.nodename, os_info.nodename, MIN(strlen(os_info.nodename)+1 ,INFO_BUF));
122     strncpy(ak_master.sysname, os_info.sysname, MIN(strlen(os_info.sysname)+1 ,INFO_BUF));
123     strncpy(ak_master.os_release, os_info.release, MIN(strlen(os_info.release)+1 ,INFO_BUF));
124     strncpy(ak_master.os_version, os_info.version, MIN(strlen(os_info.version)+1 ,INFO_BUF));
125     strncpy(ak_master.machine, os_info.machine, MIN(strlen(os_info.machine)+1 ,INFO_BUF));
126   }
127 #endif /* MINGW */
128 #endif /* INTERIXOS */
130 /** Machine info for windows **/
131 #ifdef MINGW
132   SYSTEM_INFO system_info;
133   DWORD dwVersion = 0;
134   DWORD dwMajorVersion = 0;
135   DWORD dwMinorVersion = 0;
136   DWORD dwBuild = 0;
137   LPDWORD siz = INFO_BUF;
139   QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ak_master.ticksPerSecond);
140   QueryPerformanceCounter(&ak_master.first_tick);
142   GetSystemInfo(&system_info);
143   ak_master.ProcNum      = system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors;
144   ak_master.ProcArch     = system_info.wProcessorArchitecture;
145   ak_master.ProcType     = system_info.dwProcessorType;
146   ak_master.ProcLevel    = system_info.wProcessorLevel;
147   ak_master.ProcRev      = system_info.wProcessorRevision;
149   dwVersion = GetVersion();
150   /** Get os version **/
151   dwMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion)));
152   dwMinorVersion = (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion)));
153   if (dwVersion < 0x80000000)
154      dwBuild = (DWORD)(HIWORD(dwVersion));
155   sprintf(ak_master.os_version, "%d.%d (%d)", dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, dwBuild);
156   GetComputerName( &ak_master.sysname, &siz);
158 #endif
160   /** End of machine info **/
162   pthread_key_create(&ak_buf_key, 0 /* no destructor */ );
163   ak_master.self = &ak_master;   /* helps to compute (or double check) offset */
164   /*fprintf(stderr, "logkey(%s)\n", STRNULLCHK(ak_master.lkmark));*/
166 #ifndef  INTERIXOS
167 #ifndef MINGW
168   /* Copy the executable file into heap memory so it will be included in an eventual
169    * core that may be generated. */
170   realpath(argv0, ak_master.realpath);
171   ak_master.realpath[sizeof(ak_master.realpath)-1] = 0;
172   f = open(argv0, O_RDONLY);
173   if (f < 0) goto bad;
174   x = fstat(f, &ak_master.binary_st);
175   if (x < 0) goto bad;
176   ak_master.binary = malloc(ak_master.binary_st.st_size);
177   if (!ak_master.binary) goto bad;
178   while (n < ak_master.binary_st.st_size) {
179     x = read(f, ak_master.binary + n, sizeof(buf));
180     if (x <= 0) goto badio;
181     n += x;
182   }
183   closefile(f);
184 #endif
185 #endif
186 #ifdef MINGW
187   DWORD pathlength;
188   char argv0exe[strlen(argv0) + 4 + 1];
189   if (strstr(argv0, ".exe") == 0) {
190     /* the extension was not passed; not 100% certain... */
191     strcpy(argv0exe, argv0);
192     strcpy(argv0exe + strlen(argv0), ".exe");
193     argv0exe[strlen(argv0) + 5] = '\0';
194   } else {
195     strcpy(argv0exe, argv0);
196   }
197   if ((pathlength = GetFullPathName(argv0exe, sizeof(ak_master.realpath), ak_master.realpath, 0)) == 0) {
198     errno = GetLastError();
199     goto bad;
200   }
201   ak_master.realpath[pathlength] = 0;
202   f = openfile_ro(argv0exe);
203   if (f == BADFD) goto bad;
204   // need to change this to GetFileSizeEx()
205   DWORD filesize;
206   if ((filesize = GetFileSize(f, 0)) == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) {
207     errno = GetLastError();
208     goto bad;
209   }
210   ak_master.binary_st.st_size = filesize;
211   ak_master.binary = malloc(ak_master.binary_st.st_size);
212   if (!ak_master.binary) goto bad;
213   DWORD got;
214   int howMuchToRead = 0;
215   while (n < ak_master.binary_st.st_size) {
216     howMuchToRead = (sizeof(buf) > ak_master.binary_st.st_size - n) ? (ak_master.binary_st.st_size - n) : sizeof(buf);
217     x = ReadFile(f, ak_master.binary + n, howMuchToRead, &got, 0);
218     if (x == 0) {
219       errno = GetLastError();
220       goto badio;
221     }
222     n += got;
223   }
224   closefile(f);
225 #endif /* MINGW */
226 #ifdef AFRDBG
227   fprintf(stderr,"Recorded executable: %s (%d).\n", argv0, (int)ak_master.binary_st.st_size);
228 #endif
229   return;
230  badio:
231   closefile(f);
232   fprintf(stderr,"Read error on executable: %s (%x/%x/%x). This installation is not supported.\n",
233 	  argv0, x, n, (int)ak_master.binary_st.st_size);
234   return;
235  bad:
236   fprintf(stderr,"Failed to read executable: %s. This installation is not supported.\n", argv0);
237 }
239 /* Creates AFR buffer explicitly. You may want to call this directly if you need
240  * a special buffer other than thread buffer. */
242 /* Called by:  ak_add_thread */
243 struct ak_buf* ak_add_buf(int afr_buffer_size, int flags, char* comment)
244 {
245   struct ak_buf* buf = 0;
247   pthread_mutex_lock(&ak_master.ak_mutex);
248   if (ak_master.n_threads >= AK_MAX_BUFS) goto out;
250   buf = malloc(sizeof(struct ak_buf)+afr_buffer_size);
251   if (!buf) goto out;
252   if (flags == 2){
253     ak_master.st_buf = buf;
254     sprintf(buf->stamp, AK_ST_BUFFER_STAMP);
255     buf->mem_pool = 0;
256   }else{
257     ak_master.bufs[ak_master.n_threads] = buf;
258     sprintf(buf->stamp, AK_BUFFER_STAMP, ++ak_master.n_threads);
259     buf->mem_pool = (unsigned int)pthread_getspecific(akmem_pool_key);
260   }
261   buf->p = buf->start;
262   buf->lim = (struct ak_ts*)(((char*)(buf->start)) + afr_buffer_size);
263   buf->flags = flags;
264   buf->wrap_around = 0;
265   if (comment)
266     strncpy(buf->comment, comment, AK_COMMENT_SIZE);
267   else
268     buf->comment[0] = 0;
270  out:
271   pthread_mutex_unlock(&ak_master.ak_mutex);
272   return buf;
273 }
275 /* ak_add_thread() should be called from each thread that wishes to
276  * use AFR facilities. It allocates and registers the buffer and records
277  * a pointer to it as thread specific data. If this thread specific data is not
278  * found, then AFR logging functions do nothing, but are still safe to call.
279  * The prefix forms an important part of the buffer comment. The first letter
280  * of buffer comment is used as thread role prefix in displays. E.g:
281  *   T=regular worket thread, W=witer thread, F=fe polling thead, f=fe consumer thread,
282  *   B=backend poller thread, b=backedn consumer thread, S=shuffler, s=static, etc. */
284 /* Called by:  main, opt, thread_loop */
285 void ak_add_thread(int afr_buffer_size, char* prefix, int flags)
286 {
287   struct ak_buf* buf;
288   buf = ak_add_buf(afr_buffer_size, flags, 0);
289   if (!buf) return;
290   buf->tid = pthread_self();
291   pthread_setspecific(ak_buf_key, buf);
292   sprintf(buf->comment, "%s%d", prefix, buf->tid);
293 }
295 /* Allocate a new AFR line from the circular buffer */
297 /* Called by:  ak_buf_err_va, ak_buf_ini, ak_buf_io, ak_buf_mem, ak_buf_pdu, ak_buf_pdu_arg, ak_buf_pdu_lite, ak_buf_report, ak_buf_run, ak_buf_trace, ak_buf_ts, ak_buf_tsa */
298 struct ak_ts* ak_new_line(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, char* logkey)
299 {
300   struct ak_ts* p;
301   if (!buf) return 0;
302   p = buf->p;
303   ++buf->p;
304   if (buf->p > buf->lim) {    /* did it fit? */
305     p = buf->p = buf->start;  /* wrap around */
306     ++buf->p;
307     ++buf->wrap_around;
308   }
309   p->h.func = func;
310   p->h.line = line;
311   p->h.logkey = logkey;
312 #ifdef MINGW
313   QueryPerformanceCounter(&p->h.tv);
314 #endif
315 #ifdef SUNOS
316   p->h.tv = gethrtime();
317 #endif
318 #if (!defined(SUNOS)&&!defined(MINGW))
319   gettimeofday(&p->h.tv, 0);
320 #endif
321 #ifdef AFRDBG
322   fprintf(stderr, "AFR %x:%x k(%x)\t", func, line, logkey);
323 #endif
324   return p;
325 }
327 /* -------------- R e p o r t i n g   f u n c t i o n s -------------- */
329 /* Report an error. If error involved PDU or ses, they will be separately reported. */
331 /* Called by:  ak_buf_errf, ak_err_va */
332 void ak_buf_err_va(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int sev, int act, int err_code, int arg, char* format, va_list pv)
333 {
334   struct ak_err* p = (struct ak_err*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, (char*)arg);
335   if (!p) return;
336   p->raz = AK_ERR_RAZ;
337   p->severity = sev;
338   p->action = act;
339   p->error_code = err_code;
340   vsnprintf(p->msg, sizeof(p->msg), format, pv);
341 #ifdef AFRDBG
342   fprintf(stderr, "ERR(%x,%x)=%d `%s'\n", sev, act, err_code, p->msg);
343 #endif
344 }
346 /* Called by:  ak_errf */
347 void ak_err_va(int func, int line, int sev, int act, int err_code, int arg, char* format, va_list pv)
348 {
349   ak_buf_err_va((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, sev, act, err_code, arg, format, pv);
350 }
352 /* Called by: */
353 void ak_buf_errf(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int sev, int act, int err_code, int arg, char* format, ...)
354 {
355   va_list pv;
356   va_start(pv, format);
357   ak_buf_err_va(buf, func, line, sev, act, err_code, arg, format, pv);
358   va_end(pv);
359 }
361 /* Called by: */
362 void ak_errf(int func, int line, int sev, int act, int err_code, int arg, char* format, ...)
363 {
364   va_list pv;
365   va_start(pv, format);
366   ak_err_va(func, line, sev, act, err_code, arg, format, pv);
367   va_end(pv);
368 }
370 /** Included info **/
372 /* Called by:  ak_ini */
373 void ak_buf_ini(struct ak_buf* buf, uint32 size, char* md5v, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* msg)
374 {
375   struct ak_ini* p;
376   p = (struct ak_ini*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
377   if (!p) return;
378   strncpy((char *)p->md5val, md5v, sizeof(p->md5val));
379   p->size = size;
380   p->raz = raz;
381   if (msg){
382     int len = strlen(msg);
383     int siz;
384     len = len - sizeof(p->msg)+1;
385     if (len<0) len = 0;
386     siz = MIN(sizeof(p->msg)-1, strlen(&msg[len]));
387     strncpy(p->msg, &msg[len], siz);
388     p->msg[siz] = '\0';
389   }else
390     p->msg[0] = 0;
391 #ifdef AFRDBG
392   fprintf(stderr, "INC(%x) `%s'\n", raz, msg);
393 #endif
394 }
396 /* Called by: */
397 void ak_ini(struct ak_buf* buf, uint32 size, char* md5v, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* message)
398 {
399   ak_buf_ini(buf, size, md5v, func, line, raz, logkey, message);
400 }
402 /* Simple message with timestamp. */
404 /* Called by:  ak_buf_tsf, ak_ts_va */
405 void ak_buf_ts_va(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* format, va_list pv)
406 {
407   char b[64];
408   vsnprintf(b, sizeof(b), format, pv);
409   ak_buf_ts(buf, func, line, raz, logkey, b);
410 }
412 /* Called by:  ak_tsf */
413 void ak_ts_va(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* format, va_list pv)
414 {
415   ak_buf_ts_va((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, format, pv);
416 }
418 /* Called by: */
419 void ak_buf_tsf(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* format, ...)
420 {
421   va_list pv;
422   va_start(pv, format);
423   ak_buf_ts_va(buf, func, line, raz, logkey, format, pv);
424   va_end(pv);
425 }
427 /* Called by: */
428 void ak_tsf(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* format, ...)
429 {
430   va_list pv;
431   va_start(pv, format);
432   ak_ts_va(func, line, raz, logkey, format, pv);
433   va_end(pv);
434 }
436 /* Called by:  ak_buf_ts_va, ak_ts */
437 void ak_buf_ts(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* msg)
438 {
439   struct ak_ts* p;
440   p = ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
441   /*printf("buf=%p raz=%x func=%x line=%d %s [%s]\n", buf, raz, func, line, msg, STRNULLCHK(logkey));*/
442   if (!p) return;
443   p->raz = raz;
444   if (msg)
445     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
446   else
447     p->msg[0] = 0;
448 #ifdef AFRDBG
449   fprintf(stderr, "TS(%x) `%s'\n", raz, msg); // this outputs too much...
450 #endif
451 }
453 /* Called by: */
454 void ak_ts(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* msg) {
455   ak_buf_ts((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, msg);
456 }
458 /* Called by:  ak_tsa */
459 void ak_buf_tsa(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* msg, void* arg)
460 {
461   struct ak_tsa* p;
462   p = (struct ak_tsa*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
463   /*printf("buf=%p raz=%x func=%x line=%d %s [%s]\n", buf, raz, func, line, msg, STRNULLCHK(logkey));*/
464   if (!p) return;
465   p->raz = raz;
466   if (msg)
467     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
468   else
469     p->msg[0] = 0;
470   p->arg = arg;
471 #ifdef AFRDBG
472   fprintf(stderr, "TS(%x) `%s'\n", raz, msg); // this outputs too much...
473 #endif
474 }
476 /* Called by: */
477 void ak_tsa(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, char* msg, void* arg) {
478   ak_buf_tsa((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, msg, arg);
479 }
481 /* Analysis of FE */
483 /* Called by:  ak_buf_io_full, ak_buf_io_va, ak_io */
484 void ak_buf_io(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* msg)
485 {
486   struct ak_io* p = (struct ak_io*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
487   if (!p) return;
488   p->raz = raz;
489   if (msg)
490     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
491   else
492     p->msg[0] = 0;
493   p->io = io;
494   if (!io) return;
495   p->role = io->role;
496   p->proto = io->proto;
497   p->fd = io->fd;
498   p->flags = io->ioflags;
499   switch (io->role) {
500   case IO_ROLE_FE:           /* 0 */
501     p->req_head = (((struct io_fe*)io)->req_head.pdunext != ANY_PDU(&((struct io_fe*)io)->req_tail)) ? ((struct io_fe*)io)->req_head.pdunext : 0;
502     p->req_tail = (((struct io_fe*)io)->req_tail.pduprev != ANY_PDU(&((struct io_fe*)io)->req_head)) ? ((struct io_fe*)io)->req_tail.pduprev : 0;
503     break;
504   case IO_ROLE_BE:           /* 1 */
505   case IO_ROLE_LISTENER:     /* 2 */
506   case IO_ROLE_UDP_LISTENER: /* 3 */
507   case IO_ROLE_SUPERVISOR:   /* 4 */
508   case IO_ROLE_HOPELESS:     /* 5 */
509   default:
510     p->req_head = 0;
511     p->req_tail = 0;
512   }
513 #ifdef AFRDBG
514   fprintf(stderr, "IO(%x) io(%x.%p) `%s'\n", raz, io->fd, io, msg);
515 #endif
516 }
518 /* Called by: */
519 void ak_io(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* msg) {
520   ak_buf_io((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, io, msg);
521 }
523 /* Called by:  ak_buf_iof, ak_io_va */
524 void ak_buf_io_va(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* format, va_list pv)
525 {
526   char b[64];
527   vsnprintf(b, sizeof(b), format, pv);
528   ak_buf_io(buf, func, line, raz, logkey, io, b);
529 }
531 /* Called by:  ak_iof */
532 void ak_io_va(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* msg, va_list pv)
533 {
534   ak_buf_io_va((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, io, msg,pv);
535 }
537 /* Called by: */
538 void ak_buf_iof(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* format, ...)
539 {
540   va_list pv;
541   va_start(pv, format);
542   ak_buf_io_va(buf, func, line, raz, logkey, io, format, pv);
543   va_end(pv);
544 }
546 /* Called by: */
547 void ak_iof(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* format, ...)
548 {
549   va_list pv;
550   va_start(pv, format);
551   ak_io_va(func, line, raz, logkey, io, format, pv);
552   va_end(pv);
553 }
555 /* Called by:  ak_io_full */
556 void ak_buf_io_full(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* msg)
557 {
558   ak_buf_io(buf, func, line, raz, logkey, io, msg);
559   if (!io) return;
560   if (!io->role) {
561     if (((struct io_fe*)io)->req_head.pdunext != ANY_PDU(&((struct io_fe*)io)->req_tail))
562       ak_buf_pdu(buf, func, line, AK_REQ_HEAD_RAZ, logkey, ((struct io_fe*)io)->req_head.pdunext, "rqhd");
563     if (((struct io_fe*)io)->req_tail.pduprev != ANY_PDU(&((struct io_fe*)io)->req_head))
564       ak_buf_pdu(buf, func, line, AK_REQ_TAIL_RAZ, logkey, ((struct io_fe*)io)->req_tail.pduprev, "rqtl");
565   }
566 }
568 /* Called by: */
569 void ak_io_full(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct io* io, char* msg) {
570   ak_buf_io_full((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, io, msg);
571 }
573 /* Lite analysis of PDU */
575 /* Called by:  ak_buf_pdu_litef, ak_pdu_lite_va */
576 void ak_buf_pdu_lite_va(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* format, va_list pv)
577 {
578   char b[64];
579   vsnprintf(b, sizeof(b), format, pv);
580   ak_buf_pdu_lite(buf, func, line, raz, logkey, pdu, b);
581 }
583 /* Called by:  ak_pdu_litef */
584 void ak_pdu_lite_va(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* msg, va_list pv)
585 {
586   ak_buf_pdu_lite_va((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, pdu, msg,pv);
587 }
589 /* Called by: */
590 void ak_buf_pdu_litef(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* format, ...)
591 {
592   va_list pv;
593   va_start(pv, format);
594   ak_buf_pdu_lite_va(buf, func, line, raz, logkey, pdu, format, pv);
595   va_end(pv);
596 }
598 /* Called by: */
599 void ak_pdu_litef(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* format, ...)
600 {
601   va_list pv;
602   va_start(pv, format);
603   ak_pdu_lite_va(func, line, raz, logkey, pdu, format, pv);
604   va_end(pv);
605 }
607 /* dSpRAiii
608  *   d = dirty
609  *   S = synth_done
610  *   p = parent set (i.e. PDU is a sub)
611  *   R = req set (i.e. PDU is a response)
612  *   A = all seen set on request
613  *   i = 3 bits of inthread - 16 info (zero means not in thread) */
614 #define DIGEST_PDU_FLAGS(p) \
615 (((p)->inthread == 0 ? 0 : \
616   ((p)->inthread < PRIO_LAST_PRIO ? 1 : ((p)->inthread - 16) & 0x7 )) \
617  | ((p)->noise.s<=SYNTH_PDU?0x80:0)  /* dirty flag */  \
618  | ((p)->synth_done?0x40:0)          /* has synthesized a done flag */ \
619  | ((p)->parent?0x20:0)              /* has parent flag */  \
620  | ((p)->req || (p)->all_seen == DETACHED_RESP_MARK ? 0x10 : ((p)->all_seen ? 0x08 : 0 )))
622 /* Called by:  ak_buf_pdu_lite_va, ak_pdu_lite */
623 void ak_buf_pdu_lite(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* msg)
624 {
625   struct ak_pdu_lite* p = (struct ak_pdu_lite*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
626   if (!p) return;
627   p->ph.raz = raz;
628   if (msg)
629     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
630   else
631     p->msg[0] = 0;
632   p->ph.pdu = pdu;
633   if (!pdu) return;
634   p->ph.pdu_op = pdu->op;
635   p->ph.pdu_flags = DIGEST_PDU_FLAGS(pdu);
636   p->ph.pdu_mid = pdu->req ? ((struct ldap_pdu*)pdu)->new_mid : ((struct ldap_pdu*)pdu)->mid;
637 #ifdef AFRDBG
638   fprintf(stderr, "PDU_LITE(%x) pdu(%x:%p) `%s'\n", raz, pdu->op, pdu, msg);
639 #endif
640 }
642 /* Called by: */
643 void ak_pdu_lite(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* msg)
644 {
645   ak_buf_pdu_lite((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, pdu, msg);
646 }
648 /* Analysis of PDU */
650 /* Called by:  ak_buf_io_full x2, ak_pdu */
651 void ak_buf_pdu(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* msg)
652 {
653   struct ak_pdu* p = (struct ak_pdu*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
654   if (!p) return;
655   p->ph.raz = raz;
656   if (msg)
657     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
658   else
659     p->msg[0] = 0;
660   p->ph.pdu = pdu;
661   if (!pdu) return;
662   memcpy(&p->pdunext, pdu, sizeof(void*)*8);
663   p->ph.pdu_op = pdu->op;
664   p->ph.pdu_flags = DIGEST_PDU_FLAGS(pdu);
665   p->ph.pdu_mid = pdu->req ? ((struct ldap_pdu*)pdu)->new_mid : ((struct ldap_pdu*)pdu)->mid;
666 #ifdef AFRDBG
667   fprintf(stderr, "PDU(%x) pdu(%x:%p) `%s'\n", raz, pdu->op, pdu, msg);
668 #endif
669 }
671 /* Called by: */
672 void ak_pdu(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, char* msg) {
673   ak_buf_pdu((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, pdu, msg);
674 }
676 /* PDU with an argument instead of a message. */
678 /* Called by:  ak_pdu_arg */
679 void ak_buf_pdu_arg(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, int arg)
680 {
681   struct ak_pdu_arg* p = (struct ak_pdu_arg*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
682   if (!p) return;
683   p->ph.raz = raz;
684   p->arg = arg;
685   p->ph.pdu = pdu;
686   if (!pdu) return;
687   memcpy(&p->pdunext, pdu, sizeof(void*)*8);
688   p->ph.pdu_op = pdu->op;
689   p->ph.pdu_flags = DIGEST_PDU_FLAGS(pdu);
690   p->ph.pdu_mid = pdu->req ? ((struct ldap_pdu*)pdu)->new_mid : ((struct ldap_pdu*)pdu)->mid;
691 #ifdef AFRDBG
692   fprintf(stderr, "PDU(%x) pdu(%x:%p) arg(%x)\n", raz, pdu->op, pdu, arg);
693 #endif
694 }
696 /* Called by: */
697 void ak_pdu_arg(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct any_pdu* pdu, int arg) {
698   ak_buf_pdu_arg((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, pdu, arg);
699 }
701 /* run that may have a PDU */
703 /* Called by:  ak_run */
704 void ak_buf_run(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct zx_run* run, char* msg)
705 {
706   struct ak_run* p = (struct ak_run*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
707   if (!p) return;
708   p->ph.raz = raz;
709   if (msg)
710     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
711   else
712     p->msg[0] = 0;
713   p->run = run;
714   if (!run) return;
715   p->ph.pdu = run->pdu;
716   if (!run->pdu) return;
717   p->ph.pdu_op = ANY_PDU(run->pdu)->op;
718   p->ph.pdu_flags = DIGEST_PDU_FLAGS(ANY_PDU(run->pdu));
719   p->ph.pdu_mid = ANY_PDU(run->pdu)->req
720     ? ((struct ldap_pdu*)(run->pdu))->new_mid
721     : ((struct ldap_pdu*)(run->pdu))->mid;
722 #ifdef AFRDBG
723   fprintf(stderr, "RUN(%x) run(%p) pdu(%x:%p) `%s'\n", raz, run, ANY_PDU(run->pdu)->op, run->pdu, msg);
724 #endif
725 }
727 /* Called by: */
728 void ak_run(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct zx_run* run, char* msg)
729 {
730   ak_buf_run((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, run, msg);
731 }
733 /* low level memory allocator reporting */
735 /* Called by:  ak_mem */
736 void
737 ak_buf_mem(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, void* pool, void* mem, int len, char* msg)
738 {
739   struct ak_mem* p = (struct ak_mem*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
740   if (!p) return;
741   p->raz = raz;
742   if (msg)
743     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
744   else
745     p->msg[0] = 0;
746   p->pool = pool;
747   p->pool_blocks = pool?((struct mem_pool*)pool)->block_counter:0;
748   p->mem = mem;
749   p->len = len;
750 #ifdef AFRDBG
751   fprintf(stderr, "MEM(%x) `%s'\n", raz, msg);
752 #endif
753 }
755 /* Called by: */
756 void
757 ak_mem(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, void* pool, void* mem, int len, char* msg)
758 {
759   ak_buf_mem((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, pool, mem, len, msg);
760 }
762 /* Reporting memory leak counters. */
764 /* Called by:  ak_report */
765 void ak_buf_report(struct ak_buf* buf, int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct mem_pool* pool, char* msg)
766 {
767   struct ak_report* p = (struct ak_report*)ak_new_line(buf, func, line, logkey);
768   if (!p) return;
769   p->raz = raz;
770   if (msg)
771     strncpy(p->msg, msg, sizeof(p->msg));
772   else
773     p->msg[0] = 0;
774   p->block_size = pool->block_size;
775   memcpy(&p->malloc_cnt, &pool->malloc_cnt, 6*sizeof(int));
776 #ifdef AFRDBG
777   fprintf(stderr, "REPORT(%x) `%s'\n", raz, msg);
778 #endif
779 }
781 /* Called by: */
782 void ak_report(int func, int line, int raz, char* logkey, struct mem_pool* pool, char* msg)
783 {
784   ak_buf_report((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key), func, line, raz, logkey, pool, msg);
785 }
787 /* DirectoryScript Virtual Machine Tracing */
789 #define AK_STR_TAIL_LEN 5  /* TUNE: How much of end of string to print if whole string does not fit. */
791 /* Called by:  ak_buf_trace x8 */
792 static void ak_cpy_to_msg(char* msg, int max_len, unsigned char* s, int len)
793 {
794   if (len > max_len) {  /* Too long. Print start and end. */
795     memcpy(msg, s, max_len - AK_STR_TAIL_LEN - 1);
796     msg[max_len - AK_STR_TAIL_LEN - 1] = '.';  /* Continuation indicator. */
797     memcpy(msg + max_len - AK_STR_TAIL_LEN,
798 	   s + len - AK_STR_TAIL_LEN, AK_STR_TAIL_LEN);
799   } else {
800     memcpy(msg, s, len);
801     if (len < max_len)
802       msg[len] = 0;
803   }
804 }
806 /* Called by:  ak_trace */
807 void ak_buf_trace(struct ak_buf* buf, int raz, struct zx_run* run,
808 		     struct binid* id, struct val* SP, long* PC, long sum, int tag,
809 		     long R0, int T0, long R1, int T1, long R2, int T2, long R3, int T3)
810 {
811   int len = 0, len2 = 0, file = 0, line = 0;
812   struct ginfo* gi;
813   struct ak_disasm* p;
814   U8 *s = NULL, *s2 = NULL;
816   gi = run->st->prog->gi;
817   if (gi && (*PC != MCOB)) {  /* figure out script file and line, if available */
818     gi = gi + (PC - run->st->prog->code);
819     file = gi->file;
820     line = gi->line;
821   }
823   p = (struct ak_disasm*)ak_new_line(buf, file, line, (char*)PC);
824   if (!p) return;
825   p->raz = raz;
827   p->recurse = run->currecurse;
828   p->cur_func = id;
829   p->SP = SP;
830   p->reg_B = sum;
831   p->tag_B = tag;
833   switch (raz) {
834   case AK_TRACE_RAZ:
835     if (PC) {
836       switch (*PC & AMASK) {
837       case REG_0: p->tag_A = T0; p->reg_A = R0; break;
838       case REG_1: p->tag_A = T1; p->reg_A = R1; break;
839       case REG_2: p->tag_A = T2; p->reg_A = R2; break;
840       case REG_3: p->tag_A = T3; p->reg_A = R3; break;
841       }
842     }
843     break;
844   case AK_TRACE_CALL_RAZ: p->tag_A = T0; p->reg_A = R0; break;
845   }
847   /* Try to squeeze as much useful string data as possible into the message buffer. */
849   if (ONE_OF_2(tag, VAL_STR, VAL_LSTR) && sum) {
850     switch (tag) {
851     case VAL_STR:	len = S_LEN(sum);   s = S_S(sum);  break;
852     case VAL_LSTR:	len = LSTR_LEN(sum);  s = LSTR_S(sum); break;
853     }
855     if (ONE_OF_2(p->tag_A, VAL_STR, VAL_LSTR) && p->reg_A) {
856       /* Both */
857       switch (p->tag_A) {
858       case VAL_STR:     len2 = DSS_LEN(p->reg_A);   s2 = S_S(p->reg_A);  break;
859       case VAL_LSTR:    len2 = LSTR_LEN(p->reg_A);  s2 = LSTR_S(p->reg_A); break;
860       }
862       if (len + len2 + 1 > (int)sizeof(p->msg)) {
863 	if (len < (int)sizeof(p->msg)/2) {
864 	  ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg, sizeof(p->msg) - len - 1, s2, len2);
865 	  p->msg[sizeof(p->msg) - len - 1] = '.';
866 	  ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg + sizeof(p->msg) - len, len, s, len);
867 	} else if (len2 < (int)sizeof(p->msg)/2) {
868 	  ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg, len2, s2, len2);
869 	  p->msg[len2] = '.';
870 	  ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg + len2 + 1, sizeof(p->msg) - len2 - 1, s, len);
871 	} else {
872 	  ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg, sizeof(p->msg)/2, s2, len2);
873 	  p->msg[sizeof(p->msg)/2] = '.';
874 	  ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg + sizeof(p->msg)/2 + 1, sizeof(p->msg) - sizeof(p->msg)/2 - 1,
875 			   s, len);
876 	}
877       } else {  /* Both fit */
878 	memcpy(p->msg, s2, len2);
879 	p->msg[len2] = '.';
880 	memcpy(p->msg+len2+1, s, len);
881 	if (len + len2 + 1 < (int)sizeof(p->msg))
882 	  p->msg[len + len2 + 1] = 0;
883       }
885     } else {      /* B only */
886       ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg, sizeof(p->msg), s, len);
887     }
889   } else if (ONE_OF_2(p->tag_A, VAL_STR, VAL_LSTR) && p->reg_A) {    /* A only */
890     switch (p->tag_A) {
891     case VAL_STR:     len = S_LEN(p->reg_A);   s = S_S(p->reg_A);  break;
892     case VAL_LSTR:    len = LSTR_LEN(p->reg_A);  s = LSTR_S(p->reg_A); break;
893     }
894     ak_cpy_to_msg(p->msg, sizeof(p->msg), s, len);
895   } else {
896     /* Neither was a string */
897     p->msg[0] = 0;
898   }
899 #ifdef AFRDBG
900   fprintf(stderr, "TRACE(%x)\n", raz);
901 #endif
902 }
904 /* Called by: */
905 void ak_trace(int raz, struct run* run,
906 		 struct binid* id, struct val* SP, long* PC, long sum, int tag,
907 		 long R0, int T0, long R1, int T1, long R2, int T2, long R3, int T3) {
908   ak_buf_trace((struct ak_buf*)pthread_getspecific(ak_buf_key),
909 		  raz, run, id, SP, PC, sum, tag, R0,T0, R1,T1, R2,T2, R3,T3);
910 }
912 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
914 #include "errmac.h"
916 #ifdef AK_TEST
917 /* gcc -g -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fno-strict-aliasing -DAK_TEST -D_REENTRANT -o aktest aklog.c -lpthread */
919 #define PRINT_SIZE(x) printf("%5d bytes sizeof(" #x ")\n", sizeof(x))
921 char* vals[65536];
922 int adhoc = 1;
924 /* Called by: */
925 int main(int argc, char** argv)
926 {
927   struct ds_run run;
928   struct dsio io;
929   struct any_pdu pdu;
930   int x, coll = 0, n_func = 0;
931   x = ("abc"[2]);
932   printf("x=%d\n", x);
933   printf("main=%x (self)\n", AK_FUNCNO(__FUNCTION__));
934   printf("main=%x\n", AK_FUNCNO("main"));
935   printf("main=%d\n", AK_FUNCNO("main"));
936   printf("moin=%d\n", AK_FUNCNO("moin"));
937   printf("mainn=%d\n", AK_FUNCNO("mainn"));
939 #define FUNC_DEF(f,file)  x = AK_FUNCNO(f); printf("0x%04x %5d: %s\t\t\t\t%s\n", x, x, f, vals[x]?vals[x]:""); ++n_func; if (vals[x]) ++coll; vals[x] = f;
941 #include "../function.list"
943   printf("%d/%d function number collisions\n", coll, n_func);
945   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_header);
946   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_pdu_header);
947   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_ts);
948   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_err);
949   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_pdu_lite);
950   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_pdu);
951   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_pdu_arg);
952   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_io);
953   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_buf);
954   PRINT_SIZE(struct ak_master_rec);
956   D("foo %d",1);
957   DD("bar",2);
958   D("foo again %d",3);
959   NEVER("never %d",4);
961   memset(&io,  0, sizeof(io));
962   memset(&run, 0, sizeof(run));
963   memset(&pdu, 0, sizeof(pdu));
965   ak_init(*argv);
966   ak_add_thread(4096,1);
967   AK_TS(TS,  0,0);
968   AK_TS(TS,  "logkey0",0);
969   AK_TS(TS,  "logkey1","test string here");
971   AK_IO(FE,  "logkey2", &io, "test2");
972   AK_IOF(FE, "logkey3", &io, "test3 string %d here", 3);
973   AK_IO(FE,  "logkey4", 0, "test4 string here");
974   AK_IOF(FE, "logkey5", 0, "test5 string %d here", 4);
976   AK_PDU_LITE(PDU_LITE,  "logkey6", &pdu, "test6 string here");
977   AK_PDU_LITEF(PDU_LITE, "logkey7", &pdu, "test7 string %d here", 7);
978   AK_PDU_LITE(PDU_LITE,  "logkey8", 0,    "test8 string here");
980   AK_PDU(PDU,      "logkey09", &pdu, "test09 string here");
981   /*AK_PDU_FULL(PDU, "logkey10", &pdu, "test10 string here");*/
982   AK_PDU(PDU,      "logkey11", 0, "test11 string here");
983   /*AK_PDU_FULL(PDU, "logkey12", 0, "test12 string here");*/
985   AK_TSF(TS,  "logkey13", "test12 string %d here", 13);
987   AK_PDU_ARG(PDU, "func14_name", &pdu, 14);
988   AK_PDU_ARG(PDU, "func15_name", 0,    15);
989   AK_RUN(RUN_LOCK,  "logkey16", &run, "test16 string here");
991 #if 0
992   if (!argc) return 0;
993   if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-f")) {
994     --argc; ++argv;
995     while (argc) {
996       x = AK_FUNCNO(*argv);
997       printf("%d: %s %s\n", x, *argv, vals[x]?vals[x]:"-");
998       fflush(stdout);
999       vals[x] = *argv;
1000       --argc; ++argv;
1001     }
1002   }
1003 #endif
1005   if (argc>1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-t")) {
1006     printf("staying alive so you can attach, e.g. ./ak -p %d\n", getpid());
1007     x = 1;
1008     while (1) {
1009       AK_TSF(TS, "looping", "iter %d", x);
1010       printf(".");
1011       sleep(1);
1012       ++x;
1013     }
1014   }
1016   printf("provoking seg fault so you can analyze the core\n");
1017   fflush(stdout);
1019   NEVERNEVER("never never %d",4);
1021   *((int*)0xffffffff) = 1;
1022   return 0;
1023 }
1025 #endif
1027 /* EOF - aklog.c */