1 /* zxlibdec.c  -  Utility functions for generated decoders
2  * Copyright (c) 2013 Synergetics SA (sampo@synergetics.be), All Rights Reserved.
3  * Copyright (c) 2010 Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi), All Rights Reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Symlabs (symlabs@symlabs.com), All Rights Reserved.
5  * Author: Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi)
6  * This is confidential unpublished proprietary source code of the author.
7  * NO WARRANTY, not even implied warranties. Contains trade secrets.
8  * Distribution prohibited unless authorized in writing.
9  * Licensed under Apache License 2.0, see file COPYING.
10  * $Id: zxlib.c,v 1.41 2009-11-24 23:53:40 sampo Exp $
11  *
12  * 28.5.2006, created --Sampo
13  * 8.8.2006,  moved lookup functions to generated code --Sampo
14  * 12.8.2006, added special scanning of xmlns to avoid backtracking elem recognition --Sampo
15  * 26.8.2006, significant Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE) --Sampo
16  * 30.9.2007, more CSE --Sampo
17  * 7.10.2008, added documentation --Sampo
18  * 26.5.2010, added XML parse error reporting --Sampo
19  * 27.10.2010, forked from zxlib.c, re-engineered namespace handling --Sampo
20  * 20.11.2010, reengineered for unified simplifed decoder --Sampo
21  * 30.11.2013, fixed bondary condition of loop looking one past end (found by valgrind) --Sampo
22  */
24 #include "platform.h"  /* needed on Win32 for snprintf(), va_copy() et al. */
26 //#include <pthread.h>
27 #include <memory.h>
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <stdarg.h>
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <stdlib.h>
33 #include "errmac.h"
34 #include "zx.h"
35 #include "c/zx-data.h"
36 #include "c/zx-ns.h"
38 /*() Format error message describing an XML parse error. The buf argument
39  * should be at leaset 256 bytes for satisfactory results. */
41 /* Called by:  covimp_test, zxid_wsp_validate */
zx_format_parse_error(struct zx_ctx * ctx,char * buf,int siz,char * logkey)42 int zx_format_parse_error(struct zx_ctx* ctx, char* buf, int siz, char* logkey)
43 {
44   int at, end, start, len;
45   end = ctx->lim - ctx->bas;
46   at = MIN(ctx->p - ctx->bas, end);
47   start = MAX(0,at-30);
48   len = MIN(at+30, end) - start;
49   len = snprintf(buf, siz, "%s: Parse error at char %d/%d (prev char, char, next char: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x)\n%.*s\n%.*s^\n", logkey, at, end, at > 0 ? ctx->p[-1]:0, ctx->p[0], at < end ? ctx->p[1]:0, len, ctx->bas + start, at-start, "-----------------------------------------------");
50   buf[siz-1] = 0; /* must terminate manually as on win32 nul is not guaranteed */
51   return len;
52 }
54 /* Called by:  covimp_test, zx_dec_attr_val x2, zx_scan_elem_end, zx_scan_pi_or_comment, zx_scan_xmlns x2 */
zx_xml_parse_err(struct zx_ctx * c,char quote,const char * func,const char * msg)55 void zx_xml_parse_err(struct zx_ctx* c, char quote, const char* func, const char* msg)
56 {
57   const char* errloc = MAX(c->p - 20, c->bas);
58   ERR("%s: %s: char(%c) pos=%d (%.*s)", func, msg, quote,
59       ((int)(c->p - c->bas)), (int)MIN(c->lim - errloc, 40), errloc);
60 }
62 /* Called by:  zx_xmlns_decl */
zx_xml_parse_dbg(struct zx_ctx * c,char quote,const char * func,const char * msg)63 void zx_xml_parse_dbg(struct zx_ctx* c, char quote, const char* func, const char* msg)
64 {
65   const char* errloc = MAX(c->p - 20, c->bas);
66   D("%s: %s: char(%c) pos=%d (%.*s)", func, msg, quote,
67     ((int)(c->p - c->bas)), (int)MIN(c->lim - errloc, 40), errloc);
68 }
70 /* --------------------- D e c o d e r ---------------------- */
72 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem */
zx_scan_data(struct zx_ctx * c,struct zx_elem_s * el)73 static int zx_scan_data(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_elem_s* el)
74 {
75   struct zx_str* ss;
76   const char* d = c->p;
77   if (*c->p)
78     ZX_LOOK_FOR(c,'<');
79   ss = ZX_ZALLOC(c, struct zx_str);
80   ss->len = c->p - d;
81   ss->s = (char*)d;
82   ss->tok = ZX_TOK_DATA;
83   ss->n = &el->kids->g;
84   el->kids = (struct zx_elem_s*)ss;
85   return 1;
87  look_for_not_found:
88   /*zx_xml_parse_err(c, '<', (const char*)__FUNCTION__, "look for not found");  -- Causes bogus warning in end of buffer. */
89   return 0;
90 }
92 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem */
zx_scan_pi_or_comment(struct zx_ctx * c)93 static int zx_scan_pi_or_comment(struct zx_ctx* c)
94 {
95   const char* name;
96   char quote;
98   switch (*c->p) {
99   case '?':  /* processing instruction <?xml ... ?> */
100     name = c->p-1;
101     DD("Processing Instruction detected (%.*s)", 5, name);
102     while (1) {
103       quote = '>';
104       ZX_LOOK_FOR(c,'>');
105       if (c->p[-1] == '?')
106 	break;
107     }
108     ++c->p;
109     DD("Processing Instruction scanned (%.*s)", c->p-name, name);
110     /*ZX_PI_DEC_EXT(pi);*/
111     return 0;
112   case '!':  /* comment <!-- ... --> or <!DOCTYPE...> */
113     name = c->p-1;
114     if (!memcmp(c->p+1, "DOCTYPE", sizeof("DOCTYPE")-1)) {
115       D("DOCTYPE detected (%.*s)", 60, c->p-1);
116       ZX_LOOK_FOR(c,'>');
117       ++c->p;
118       D("DOCTYPE scanned (%.*s)", ((int)(c->p-name)), name);
119       return 0;
120     }
121     c->p += 2;
122     if (c->p[-1] != '-' || c->p[0] != '-') {
123       c->p -= 3;
124       return 1;
125     }
126     D("Comment detected (%.*s)", 8, name);
127     c->p += 2;
128     while (1) {
129       quote = '>';
130       ZX_LOOK_FOR(c,'>');
131       if (c->p[-2] == '-' && c->p[-1] == '-') {
132 	break;
133       }
134     }
135     ++c->p;
136     D("Comment scanned (%.*s)", ((int)(c->p-name)), name);
137     /*ZX_COMMENT_DEC_EXT(comment);*/
138     return 0;
139   }
140   return 1;
141  look_for_not_found:
142   zx_xml_parse_err(c, quote, (const char*)__FUNCTION__, "look for not found");
143   return 1;
144 }
146 /*() Assuming current c->p points to a name, scan until end of the name.
147  * Called from innards for dec-templ.c for CSE. Leaves c->p pointing to char after name. */
149 /* Called by:  zx_el_lookup */
zx_scan_elem_start(struct zx_ctx * c,const char * func)150 static const char* zx_scan_elem_start(struct zx_ctx* c, const char* func)
151 {
152   const char* name = c->p;
153   int len = strcspn(c->p, " >/\n\r\t");
154   c->p += len;
155   /*for (++c->p; c->p<c->lim && !ONE_OF_6(*c->p, ' ', '>', '/', '\n', '\r', '\t'); ++c->p) ;*/
156   if (c->p < c->lim)
157     return name;
158   ERR("%s: Incomplete %.*s", func, ((int)(c->lim-name)), name);
159   return 0;
160 }
162 /*() End of tag detection called from innards for dec-templ.c for CSE. */
164 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem */
zx_scan_elem_end(struct zx_ctx * c,const char * start,const char * func)165 static int zx_scan_elem_end(struct zx_ctx* c, const char* start, const char* func)
166 {
167   const char* name;
168   const char* errloc;
169   ++c->p;
170   if (c->p >= c->lim)
171     goto look_for_not_found;
172   name = c->p;
173   ZX_LOOK_FOR(c,'>');
174   if (memcmp(start?start:"", name, c->p-name))	{
175     errloc = MAX(c->p - 20, c->bas);
176     ERR("%s: Mismatching close tag(%.*s) pos=%d (%.*s)", func, ((int)(c->p-name)), name, ((int)(c->p - c->bas)), (int)MIN(c->lim - errloc, 40), errloc);
177     ++c->p;
178     return 0;
179   }
180   return 1;
182 look_for_not_found:
183   zx_xml_parse_err(c, '>', func, "char not found");
184   return 0;
185 }
187 /*() Check the child element ordering of a token against schema.
188  * Returns 0 if ordering is good. If ordering is bad, returns index to
189  * the offending child element. This check does not verify whether all
190  * mandatory child elements are present - it merely checks that the
191  * order is right.
192  *
193  * N.B. Check c/zx-elems.c for the tables that show the ordering (tables
194  * were generated from schema so hand editing them is not recommended). */
196 /* Called by:  zx_reverse_elem_lists */
zx_chk_el_ord(struct zx_elem_s * x)197 static int zx_chk_el_ord(struct zx_elem_s* x)
198 {
199   int i,j,n;
200   struct zx_el_tok* et;
201   struct zx_el_tok* ef;
202   struct zx_el_desc* ed = zx_el_desc_lookup(x->g.tok);
203   if (!ed)
204     return 0;
205   x = x->kids;
206   for (n = i = j = 0; x; i = j, x = (struct zx_elem_s*)x->g.n) {
207     ++n;
208     if (x->g.tok == ZX_TOK_DATA)
209       continue;
210     for (j = i; ed->el_order[j] != ZX_TOK_NOT_FOUND; ++j)
211       if (x->g.tok == ed->el_order[j]) {
212 	if ((errmac_debug & ERRMAC_DEBUG_MASK)>2) {
213 	  et = zx_el_tab + (x->g.tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK);
214 	  ef = zx_el_tab + MINMAX(ed->tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK, 0, zx__ELEM_MAX);
215 	  D("Right: Known <%s> tok(0x%06x) as %d. child of <%s> tok(0x%06x) (%d,%d)", et->name, x->g.tok, n, ef->name, ed->tok, i, j);
216 	}
217 	break;
218       }
219     if (ed->el_order[j] == ZX_TOK_NOT_FOUND) {
220       if (x->g.tok == ZX_TOK_NOT_FOUND || !IN_RANGE(x->g.tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK, 0, zx__ELEM_MAX)) {
221 	ef = zx_el_tab + MINMAX(ed->tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK, 0, zx__ELEM_MAX);
222 	/* *** ideally this should be flagged as error, but problem is that we
223 	 *     permit freeform bodies so there are a lot of unknown tokens like this. */
224 	D("Unknown <%.*s> token(0x%06x) as %d. child of <%s> 0x%06x (%d,%d)", x->g.len, x->g.s, x->g.tok, n, ef->name, ed->tok, i, j);
225       } else {
226 	et = zx_el_tab + (x->g.tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK);
227 	ef = zx_el_tab + MINMAX(ed->tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK, 0, zx__ELEM_MAX);
228 	ERR("WRONG: Known <%s> tok(0x%06x) in wrong place as %d. child of <%s> tok(0x%06x) (%d,%d)", et->name, x->g.tok, n, ef->name, ed->tok, i, j);
229 	// *** we should really dump the whole message into log
230       }
231       return n;
232     }
233   }
234   return 0;
235 }
237 /*() Insert an attribute to element's attribute list in canoncically sorted
238  * place, i.e. no namespace sorts first, namespaced attribute sort by
239  * namespace URI (not namespace prefix). Assumes the attribute
240  * list has so far been sorted. Used as part of insertion sort. */
242 /* Called by:  zx_reverse_elem_lists */
zx_ord_ins_at(struct zx_elem_s * x,struct zx_attr_s * in_at)243 struct zx_attr_s* zx_ord_ins_at(struct zx_elem_s* x, struct zx_attr_s* in_at)
244 {
245   struct zx_attr_s* at;
246   struct zx_attr_s** atp;
247   const char* at_name;
248   const char* in_at_name;
249   const char* p;
250   int res, at_name_len, in_at_name_len;
252   atp = &x->attr;
253   for (at = x->attr; at; atp = (struct zx_attr_s**)&at->g.n, at = (struct zx_attr_s*)at->g.n) {
254     if (!in_at->ns && IN_RANGE((in_at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_NS_MASK)>>ZX_TOK_NS_SHIFT, 1, zx__NS_MAX))
255       in_at->ns = zx_ns_tab + ((in_at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_NS_MASK)>>ZX_TOK_NS_SHIFT);
256     if (in_at->ns) {
257       if (!at->ns && IN_RANGE((at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_NS_MASK)>>ZX_TOK_NS_SHIFT, 1, zx__NS_MAX))
258 	at->ns = zx_ns_tab + ((at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_NS_MASK)>>ZX_TOK_NS_SHIFT);
259       if (at->ns) {
260 	if (at->ns != in_at->ns) {
261 	  res = memcmp(at->ns->url, in_at->ns->url, MIN(at->ns->url_len, in_at->ns->url_len));
262 	  if (res > 0)
263 	    break;
264 	  if (res < 0)
265 	    continue;
266 	  if (at->ns->url_len > in_at->ns->url_len)
267 	    break;
268 	  if (at->ns->url_len < in_at->ns->url_len)
269 	    continue;
270 	}
271       } else
272 	continue;  /* at has no namespace, sorts earlier than in_at that has namespace. */
273     } else {
274       if (at->ns)
275 	break;  /* No namespace sorts before namespace */
276     }
277     /* Neither has namespace, or namespaces were equal: sort by attribute name */
279     if (at->name) {
280       at_name = at->name;
281       at_name_len = at->name_len;
282       p = memchr(at_name, ':', at_name_len);
283       if (p) {
284 	at_name_len -= 1 + p - at_name;
285 	at_name = p+1;
286       }
287     } else {
288       if (IN_RANGE((at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK), 0, zx__ATTR_MAX)) {
289 	at_name = (char*)zx_at_tab[at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK].name;
290 	at_name_len = strlen(at_name);
291       } else {
292 	ERR("Attribute supplied without name and tok 0x%06x is out of range", at->g.tok);
293 	break;
294       }
295     }
296     if (in_at->name) {
297       in_at_name = in_at->name;
298       in_at_name_len = in_at->name_len;
299       p = memchr(in_at_name, ':', in_at_name_len);
300       if (p) {
301 	in_at_name_len -= 1 + p - in_at_name;
302 	in_at_name = p+1;
303       }
304     } else {
305       if (IN_RANGE((in_at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK), 0, zx__ATTR_MAX)) {
306 	in_at_name = (char*)zx_at_tab[in_at->g.tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK].name;
307 	in_at_name_len = strlen(in_at_name);
308       } else {
309 	ERR("Attribute supplied without name and tok 0x%06x is out of range", in_at->g.tok);
310 	break;
311       }
312     }
313     res = memcmp(at_name, in_at_name, MIN(at_name_len, in_at_name_len));
314     if (res > 0 || !res && at_name_len >= in_at_name_len)
315       break;
316   }
317   in_at->g.n = &at->g;
318   *atp = in_at;
319   return in_at;
320 }
322 /*() Since kids lists of elements are usually built by adding
323  * nodes at the root of the list, they end up being in reverse order.
324  * Thus we need to reverse them to get them to right order. We
325  * take this opportunity to also check that the ordering is correct
326  * and also to sort the XML attributes.
327  * Called from dec-templ.c for CSE elimination.
328  * N.B. This function is not recursive: only one level is reversed.
329  * N.B2. Although decoder returns lists in reverse order, we try
330  * to maintain as common representation the forward ordered list. */
332 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem, zxenc_pubkey_enc, zxenc_symkey_enc, zxid_ac_desc, zxid_add_env_if_needed, zxid_add_fed_tok2epr, zxid_ar_desc, zxid_az_soap, zxid_contact_desc, zxid_idp_sso_desc, zxid_key_desc, zxid_key_info, zxid_mk_a7n, zxid_mk_authn_req, zxid_mk_az, zxid_mk_az_cd1, zxid_mk_di_req_svc, zxid_mk_mni, zxid_mk_saml_resp, zxid_mk_xac_az, zxid_mk_xacml_resp, zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at, zxid_mni_desc, zxid_nimap_desc, zxid_org_desc, zxid_slo_desc, zxid_sp_meta, zxid_sp_sso_desc, zxid_sso_desc, zxid_wsc_prep, zxid_wsf_decor x2, zxid_wsp_decorate, zxsig_sign x3 */
zx_reverse_elem_lists(struct zx_elem_s * x)333 void zx_reverse_elem_lists(struct zx_elem_s* x)
334 {
335   struct zx_elem_s* iternode;
336   struct zx_attr_s* in_at;
337   struct zx_attr_s* at_next;
339   iternode = x->kids;
340   REVERSE_LIST_NEXT(x->kids, iternode, g.n);
342   zx_chk_el_ord(x);
344   /* Insertion sort attribute list in alphabetical order 1st by NS URI, then by attribute name */
346   in_at = x->attr;
347   if (!in_at || !in_at->g.n)
348     return;  /* Nothing to sort (no attributes or just one attribute) */
350   at_next = in_at;    /* Start insertion sort by considering first to already be in place. */
351   in_at = (struct zx_attr_s*)in_at->g.n;
352   at_next->g.n = 0;
354   for (; in_at; in_at = at_next) {
355     at_next = (struct zx_attr_s*)in_at->g.n;
356     zx_ord_ins_at(x, in_at);
357   }
358 }
360 /*() Called from dec-templ.c for CSE elimination. */
362 /* Called by:  zx_attr_lookup */
zx_dec_attr_val(struct zx_ctx * c,const char * func)363 static const char* zx_dec_attr_val(struct zx_ctx* c, const char* func)
364 {
365   const char* data;
366   char quote = '=';
367   ZX_LOOK_FOR(c,'=');
369   ++c->p;
370   if (c->p >= c->lim)
371     goto look_for_not_found;
372   if (!ONE_OF_2(*c->p, '"', '\'')) {
373     zx_xml_parse_err(c, *c->p, func, "zx_dec_attr_val: Did not find expected quote char (single or double), saw");
374     return 0;
375   }
376   quote = *c->p;
377   ++c->p;
378   if (c->p >= c->lim)
379     goto look_for_not_found;
380   data = c->p;
381   ZX_LOOK_FOR(c, quote);
382   return data;
383  look_for_not_found:
384   zx_xml_parse_err(c, quote, func, "zx_dec_attr_val: char not found");
385   return 0;
386 }
388 /*() Tokenize an attribute.
389  * Lookup functions to convert a namespace qualified string to an integer token.
390  * The att2tok() functions come from xsd2sg.pl code generation via gperf.
391  * Internal function CSE.
392  * Starts with c->p pointing to beginning of attribute (with ns prefix, if any) */
394 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem */
zx_attr_lookup(struct zx_ctx * c,struct zx_elem_s * x)395 static int zx_attr_lookup(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_elem_s* x)
396 {
397   const char* prefix;
398   const char* name;
399   const char* lim;
400   const char* data;
401   const char* p;
402   struct zx_ns_s* ns;
403   const struct zx_at_tok* zt;
404   struct zx_attr_s* attr;
407   if (ONE_OF_2(*c->p, '>', '/'))
408     return ZX_TOK_NO_ATTR;
410   attr = ZX_ZALLOC(c, struct zx_attr_s);
411   attr->name = (char*)(name = c->p);
412   if (!(data = zx_dec_attr_val(c, "attr_lookup"))) {
413     ZX_FREE(c, attr);
414     return ZX_TOK_ATTR_ERR;
415   }
416   attr->name_len = data - 2 - attr->name;
417   attr->g.s = (char*)data;
418   attr->g.len = c->p - attr->g.s;
419   lim = attr->g.s - 2;
420   /*attr->g.tok = ZX_TOK_NS_NOT_FOUND;  / * Start with unknown namespace. */
422   p = memchr(name, ':', lim-name);  /* look for namespace prefix */
423   if (p) {
424     prefix = name;
425     name = p+1;
426   } else
427     prefix = 0;
429   /* Look for namespace declaration. Skip as these were prescanned (see above in this file). */
430   if (prefix) {
431     if ((name-1)-prefix == sizeof("xmlns")-1 && !memcmp("xmlns", prefix, sizeof("xmlns")-1)) {
432       ZX_FREE(c, attr);
433       zx_xmlns_detected(c, x, data);
434       return ZX_TOK_XMLNS;
435     }
436     ns = zx_prefix_seen_whine(c, (name-1)-prefix, prefix, "attr_lookup", 0);
437     if (ns) {
438       attr->ns = ns;
439       if (ns->master)
440 	ns = ns->master;
441       if (ns > c->ns_tab && ns - c->ns_tab < c->n_ns) {
442 	attr->g.tok = (ns - c->ns_tab) << ZX_TOK_NS_SHIFT;
443       } else {
444 	INFO("Non-native prefix(%.*s) attr(%.*s) in elem(%.*s)", ((int)((name-1)-prefix)), prefix, attr->name_len, attr->name, x->g.len, x->g.s);
445       }
446     } else {
447       INFO("Undeclared (and unknown) prefix(%.*s) attr(%.*s) in elem(%.*s)", ((int)((name-1)-prefix)), prefix, attr->name_len, attr->name, x->g.len, x->g.s);
448     }
449   } else {
450     if (lim-name == sizeof("xmlns")-1 && !memcmp("xmlns", name, sizeof("xmlns")-1)) {
451       ZX_FREE(c, attr);
452       zx_xmlns_detected(c, x, data);
453       return ZX_TOK_XMLNS;
454     }
455     /* Most attributes are namespaceless (or have containing element's namespace). */
456   }
458   attr->g.n = &x->attr->g;
459   x->attr = attr;
460   zt = zx_attr2tok(name, lim-name);
461   if (zt)
462     return attr->g.tok |= (zt - zx_at_tab);
463   return attr->g.tok |= ZX_TOK_ATTR_NOT_FOUND;
464 }
466 /*() Given token, find element descriptor. */
468 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem, zx_ENC_WO_any_elem, zx_LEN_WO_any_elem, zx_chk_el_ord, zx_el_lookup, zx_new_elem */
zx_el_desc_lookup(int tok)469 struct zx_el_desc* zx_el_desc_lookup(int tok)
470 {
471   struct zx_el_desc* ed;
472   if (tok == ZX_TOK_NOT_FOUND)
473     return 0;
474   if (!IN_RANGE(tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK, 0, zx__ELEM_MAX)) {
475     ERR("out of range token 0x%06x", tok);
476     return 0;
477   }
478   for (ed = zx_el_tab[tok & ZX_TOK_TOK_MASK].n; ed; ed = ed->n)
479     if (ed->tok == tok)
480       return ed;
481   ERR("unknown token 0x%06x", tok);
482   return 0;
483 }
485 /*() Lookup function to convert a namespace qualified string to an integer token.
486  * First namespace is looked up and then the element in namespace specific hash.
487  * The hash functions come from xsd2sg.pl code generation via gperf. */
489 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem */
zx_el_lookup(struct zx_ctx * c,struct zx_elem_s * x,struct zx_ns_s ** pop_seenp)490 static struct zx_elem_s* zx_el_lookup(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_elem_s* x, struct zx_ns_s** pop_seenp)
491 {
492   struct zx_elem_s* el;
493   struct zx_ns_s* ns;
494   struct zx_ns_s* master_ns;
495   const struct zx_el_tok* zt;
496   const struct zx_el_desc* ed;
497   const char* full_name;
498   const char* name;
499   const char* prefix;
500   const char* p;
501   int tok;
503   if (!(name = zx_scan_elem_start(c, (const char*)__FUNCTION__)))
504     return 0;
506   *pop_seenp = zx_scan_xmlns(c);    /* Prescan namespaces so token can be correctly recognized. */
508   full_name = name;
509   p = memchr(name, ':', c->p-name); /* look for namespace prefix */
510   if (p) {
511     prefix = name;
512     name = p+1;
513   } else
514     prefix = 0;
516   ns = zx_prefix_seen_whine(c, prefix ? (name-1)-prefix : 0, prefix, (const char*)__FUNCTION__,1);
517   master_ns = ns->master?ns->master:ns;
518   zt = zx_elem2tok(name, c->p - name);
519   if (zt) {
520     tok = ((master_ns - c->ns_tab) << ZX_TOK_NS_SHIFT) | (zt - zx_el_tab);
521     ed = zx_el_desc_lookup(tok);
522     if (ed) {
523       el = ZX_ALLOC(c, ed->siz);
524       ZERO(el, ed->siz);
525     } else
526       goto unknown_el;
527   } else {
528 unknown_el:
529     // Unknown element warnings are quite frequent and just clutter the logs. Downgrade.
530     //INFO("Unknown element <%.*s>, child of <%.*s>", ((int)(c->p - full_name)), full_name, x->g.len, x->g.s);
531     D("Unknown element <%.*s>, child of <%.*s>", ((int)(c->p - full_name)), full_name, x->g.len, x->g.s);
532     el = ZX_ZALLOC(c, struct zx_elem_s);
533     tok = ZX_TOK_NOT_FOUND;
534   }
536   el->g.tok = tok;
537   el->ns = ns;
538   el->g.s = (char*)full_name;
539   el->g.len = c->p - full_name;
540   el->g.n = &x->kids->g;
541   x->kids = el;
542   return el;
543 }
545 /*() Element Decoder. When per element decoder is called, the c->p
546  * will point to just past the element name. The element has already
547  * been allocated to the correct size and the namespace prescan has
548  * already been done (except when called from zx_dec_zx_root()). */
550 /* Called by:  zx_DEC_elem, zx_dec_zx_root */
zx_DEC_elem(struct zx_ctx * c,struct zx_elem_s * x)551 void zx_DEC_elem(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_elem_s* x)
552 {
553   int tok MAYBE_UNUSED;  /* Unused in zx_DEC_root() */
554   struct zx_el_desc* ed = zx_el_desc_lookup(x->g.tok);
555   struct zx_elem_s* el;
556   struct zx_ns_s* pop_seen;
558   if (x->g.tok != zx_root_ELEM) {
559     /* The tag name has already been detected. Process attributes until '>' */
561     for (; c->p < c->lim; ++c->p) {
562       tok = zx_attr_lookup(c, x);
563       switch (tok) {
564       case ZX_TOK_XMLNS: break;
565       case ZX_TOK_ATTR_NOT_FOUND: break;
566       case ZX_TOK_ATTR_ERR: return;
567       case ZX_TOK_NO_ATTR: goto no_attr;
568       default:
569 	if (!ed || !ed->at_dec(c, x)) { /* element specific attribute processing */
570 	  D("Known attribute(%.*s) tok=0x%x in wrong context(%.*s)", x->attr->name_len, x->attr->name, x->attr->g.tok, x->g.len, x->g.s);
571 	}
572       }
573     }
574 no_attr:
575     if (c->p < c->lim) {
576       ++c->p;
577       if (c->p < c->lim && c->p[-1] == '/' && c->p[0] == '>') {  /* <Tag/> without content */
578 	++c->p;
579 	goto out;
580       }
581     }
582   }
584   /* Process contents until '</' or end of string nul */
586   while (1) {
587   next_elem:
588     if (c->p >= c->lim)
589       goto out;
591     if (*c->p == '<') {
592     potential_tag:
593       ++c->p;
594       if (c->p >= c->lim)
595 	goto out;
596       switch (*c->p) {
597       case '?':  /* processing instruction <?xml ... ?> */
598       case '!':  /* comment <!-- ... --> */
599 	if (zx_scan_pi_or_comment(c))
600 	  break;
601 	goto next_elem;
602       case '/':  /* close tag */
603 	if (!zx_scan_elem_end(c, ((struct zx_elem_s*)x)->g.s, (const char*)__FUNCTION__))
604 	  return;
605 	/* Legitimate close tag. Normal exit from this function. */
606 	++c->p;
607 	goto out;
608       default:
609 	if (AZaz_(*c->p)) {
610 	  el = zx_el_lookup(c, (struct zx_elem_s*)x, &pop_seen);
611 	  if (!el)
612 	    return;
613 	  zx_DEC_elem(c, el);  /* read the kid on syntactic level */
614 	  /* element specific subelement processing: assign the kid to correct struct field */
615 	  if (!ed || !ed->el_dec(c, x)) {
616 	    if (el->g.tok != ZX_TOK_NOT_FOUND) {
617 	      D("Known element(%.*s) tok=0x%x in wrong context(%.*s)", el->g.len, el->g.s, el->g.tok, x->g.len, x->g.s);
618 	      el->g.tok = ZX_TOK_NOT_FOUND;
619 	    }
620 	  }
621 	  zx_pop_seen(pop_seen);
622 	  if (c->top1 && x->g.tok == zx_root_ELEM)  /* to stop parse after single <e:Envelope> */
623 	    goto out;
624 	  goto next_elem;
625 	}
626       }
627       /* false alarm <, fall thru */
628     }
629     if (!zx_scan_data(c, (struct zx_elem_s*)x))
630       return;
631     goto potential_tag;
632   }
633  out:
634   zx_reverse_elem_lists((struct zx_elem_s*)x);
635 }
637 /*() Prepare a context for decoding XML. The decoding operation will not
638  * alter the underlying data (e.g. no nuls are inserted, not even temporarily).
639  * N.B. Often you would wrap this in locks, like
640  *   LOCK(cf->ctx->mx, "valid");
641  *   zx_prepare_dec_ctx(cf->ctx, zx_ns_tab, n_ns, ss->s, ss->s + ss->len);
642  *   r = zx_DEC_elem(cf->ctx, &r->gg);
643  *   UNLOCK(cf->ctx->mx, "valid");
644  * or just see zx_dec_zx_root()
645  */
647 /* Called by:  covimp_test, zx_dec_zx_root */
zx_prepare_dec_ctx(struct zx_ctx * c,struct zx_ns_s * ns_tab,int n_ns,const char * start,const char * lim)648 void zx_prepare_dec_ctx(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_ns_s* ns_tab, int n_ns, const char* start, const char* lim)
649 {
650   zx_reset_ns_ctx(c);
651   c->ns_tab = ns_tab;
652   c->n_ns = n_ns;
653   c->bas = c->p = start;
654   c->lim = lim;
655 }
657 /*(i) Decode arbitary xml with zx_ns_tab set of namespaces and parsers.
658  * The resulting data structure has linked lists in *inverted* order,
659  * i.e. last tag is first element of the list. */
661 /* Called by:  main x6, sig_validate, test_ibm_cert_problem, zxid_add_env_if_needed x2, zxid_dec_a7n, zxid_decode_redir_or_post, zxid_decrypt_nameid, zxid_decrypt_newnym, zxid_di_query, zxid_find_epr, zxid_gen_boots, zxid_get_ses_sso_a7n x2, zxid_idp_soap_parse, zxid_mk_sa_attribute_ss, zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at, zxid_parse_meta, zxid_print_session, zxid_reg_svc, zxid_soap_call_raw, zxid_sp_soap_parse, zxid_str2a7n, zxid_str2nid, zxid_str2token, zxid_wsp_validate */
zx_dec_zx_root(struct zx_ctx * c,int len,const char * start,const char * func)662 struct zx_root_s* zx_dec_zx_root(struct zx_ctx* c, int len, const char* start, const char* func)
663 {
664   struct zx_root_s* r = zx_NEW_root(c, 0);
665   LOCK(c->mx, func);
666   zx_prepare_dec_ctx(c, zx_ns_tab, sizeof(zx_ns_tab)/sizeof(struct zx_ns_s), start, start + len);
667   zx_DEC_elem(c, &r->gg);
668   UNLOCK(c->mx, func);
669   return r;
670 }
672 /* EOF -- zxlibdec.c */