1 /* zxutil.c  -  Utility functions
2  * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Synergetics (sampo@synergetics.be), All Rights Reserved.
3  * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi), All Rights Reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Symlabs (symlabs@symlabs.com), All Rights Reserved.
5  * Author: Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi)
6  * This is confidential unpublished proprietary source code of the author.
7  * NO WARRANTY, not even implied warranties. Contains trade secrets.
8  * Distrtion prohibited unless authorized in writing.
9  * Licensed under Apache License 2.0, see file COPYING.
10  * $Id: zxutil.c,v 1.53 2009-11-29 12:23:06 sampo Exp $
11  *
12  * 15.4.2006, created over Easter holiday --Sampo
13  * 7.10.2008, added documentation --Sampo
14  * 21.5.2010, added file copy --Sampo
15  * 20.6.2011, improved error reporting to show cwd in vopen_fd_from_path() --Sampo
16  * 17.8.2012, added socket specific utilities --Sampo
17  * 21.6.2013, added wild card matcher --Sampo
18  * 30.11.2013, fixed read 1 past end in base64_fancy_raw() found by valgrind --Sampo
19  */
21 #include "platform.h"
22 #include "errmac.h"
24 #include <stdarg.h>
25 #include <stdio.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <sys/types.h>
28 #include <sys/stat.h>
29 #include <fcntl.h>
30 #include <errno.h>
31 #include <time.h>
32 #include <openssl/sha.h>
33 #include <zlib.h>
35 #ifdef MINGW
36 #include <windows.h>
37 #define fdtype HANDLE
38 #else
39 #define fdtype int
40 #include <sys/stat.h>
41 #include <sys/socket.h>
42 #endif
44 #include "zx.h"
45 #include "zxidconf.h"
47 #if !defined(USE_STDIO) && !defined(MINGW)
48 /* *** Static initialization of struct flock is suspect since man fcntl() documentation
49  * does not guarantee ordering of the fields, or that they would be the first fields.
50  * On Linux-2.4 and 2.6 as well as Solaris-8 the ordering is as follows, but this needs
51  * to be checked on other platforms.
52  *                       l_type,  l_whence, l_start, l_len */
53 struct flock errmac_rdlk = { F_RDLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 1 };
54 struct flock errmac_wrlk = { F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 1 };
55 struct flock errmac_unlk = { F_UNLCK, SEEK_SET, 0, 1 };
56 #endif
58 int close_file(fdtype fd, const char* logkey);
60 /*(-) Report brokenness of snprintf() */
62 /* Called by:  vname_from_path, write_all_fd_fmt, write_all_path_fmt, zx_alloc_vasprintf, zxbus_log_receipt, zxid_epr_path */
platform_broken_snprintf(int n,const char * where,int maxlen,const char * fmt)63 void platform_broken_snprintf(int n, const char* where, int maxlen, const char* fmt)
64 {
65   perror("snprintf");
66   D("Broken snprintf? Impossible to compute length of string. Be sure to `export LANG=C' if you get errors about multibyte characters. Length returned: %d. Caller: %s, maxlen=%d, format(%s)", n, where, maxlen, fmt);
67 }
69 /*() Generate formatted file name path. Returns length of path or 0 on failure. */
71 /* Called by: */
vname_from_path(char * buf,int buf_len,const char * name_fmt,va_list ap)72 int vname_from_path(char* buf, int buf_len, const char* name_fmt, va_list ap)
73 {
74   int len = vsnprintf(buf, buf_len, name_fmt, ap);
75   buf[buf_len-1] = 0; /* must terminate manually as on win32 nul is not guaranteed */
76   if (len < 0) {
77     platform_broken_snprintf(len, __FUNCTION__, buf_len, name_fmt);
78     return 0;
79   }
80   return len;
81 }
83 /*() Generate formatted file name path. Returns length of path or 0 on failure. */
85 /* Called by: */
name_from_path(char * buf,int buf_len,const char * name_fmt,...)86 int name_from_path(char* buf, int buf_len, const char* name_fmt, ...)
87 {
88   int ret;
89   va_list ap;
90   va_start(ap, name_fmt);
91   ret = vname_from_path(buf, buf_len, name_fmt, ap);
92   va_end(ap);
93   return ret;
94 }
96 /*() Open a file with formatted file name path. */
98 /* Called by: */
vopen_fd_from_path(int flags,int mode,const char * logkey,int reperr,const char * name_fmt,va_list ap)99 fdtype vopen_fd_from_path(int flags, int mode, const char* logkey, int reperr, const char* name_fmt, va_list ap)
100 {
101   fdtype fd;
102   char buf[ZXID_MAX_BUF];
103   DD("vopen_fd_from_path(%d, %d, %s, %d, %s)", flags, mode, logkey, reperr, name_fmt);
104   if (!vname_from_path(buf, sizeof(buf), name_fmt, ap))
105     return BADFD;
106 #ifdef MINGW
107   if (flags == O_RDONLY) {
108     fd = openfile_ro(buf);
109   } else {
111   }
112 #else
113   fd = open(buf, flags, mode);
114 #endif
115   if (fd == BADFD) {
116 #ifndef PATH_MAX
118 #endif
119     char err_buf[PATH_MAX];
120     if (reperr && logkey[0] != '-') {
121       perror("open (vopen_fd_from_path)");
122       ERR("%s: File(%s) not found errno=%d err(%s). flags=0x%x %o, euid=%d egid=%d cwd(%s)", logkey, buf, errno, STRERROR(errno), flags, flags, geteuid(), getegid(), getcwd(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf)));
123     } else {
124       D("%s: File(%s) not found errno=%d err(%s). flags=0x%x, euid=%d egid=%d cwd(%s)", logkey, buf, errno, STRERROR(errno), flags, geteuid(), getegid(), getcwd(err_buf, sizeof(err_buf)));
125     }
126     return BADFD;
127   } else {
128     D("%s: Opened(%s) flags=0x%x", logkey, buf, flags);
129   }
130   return fd;
131 }
133 /*() Open a file with formatted file name path. */
135 /* Called by: */
open_fd_from_path(int flags,int mode,const char * logkey,int reperr,const char * name_fmt,...)136 fdtype open_fd_from_path(int flags, int mode, const char* logkey, int reperr, const char* name_fmt, ...)
137 {
138   va_list ap;
139   fdtype fd;
140   va_start(ap, name_fmt);
141   fd = vopen_fd_from_path(flags, mode, logkey, reperr, name_fmt, ap);
142   va_end(ap);
143   return fd;
144 }
146 /*() Low level function that keeps on sucking from a file descriptor until
147  * want is satisfied or error happens. May block (though usually will not if
148  * the file is in cache or local disk) in process. Buffer p must have been allocated.
149  * Return value reflects last got, i.e. what last read(2) system call returned.
150  * got_all reflects the total number of bytes received. Does not nul terninate. */
152 /* Called by: */
read_all_fd(fdtype fd,char * p,int want,int * got_all)153 int read_all_fd(fdtype fd, char* p, int want, int* got_all)
154 {
155 #ifdef USE_STDIO
156   int got;
157   got = fread(p, 1, want, (FILE*)fd);
158   if (got_all) *got_all = got;
159 #elif defined(MINGW)
160   DWORD got;
161   HANDLE fdh = fd;
162   if( fdh == 0 ) // stdin
163       fdh = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
164   if (!ReadFile(fdh, p, want, &got, 0)) {
165     return -1;
166   }
167   if (got_all) *got_all = got;
168 #else  /* The Unix way */
169   int got = 0;
170   if (got_all) *got_all = 0;
171   while (want) {
172     got = read(fd, p, want);
173     if (got <= 0) break;  /* EOF, possibly premature */
174     if (got_all)
175       *got_all += got;
176     p += got;
177     want -= got;
178   }
179 #endif
180   return got;   /* N.B. This is the last got, not the total. Use got_all for total. */
181 }
183 /*() Read all data from a file at formatted file name path.
184  *
185  * maxlen:: Length of buffer
186  * buf:: Result parameter. This buffer will be filled with data from the file. Caller allocates.
187  * logkey:: Logging key to help debugging
188  * reperr:: Whether to report an error (flag: 0=do not report)
189  * name_fmt:: Format string for building the file name
190  * return:: actual total length. The buffer will always be nul terminated. Zero on failure. */
192 /* Called by: */
read_all(int maxlen,char * buf,const char * logkey,int reperr,const char * name_fmt,...)193 int read_all(int maxlen, char* buf, const char* logkey, int reperr, const char* name_fmt, ...)
194 {
195   va_list ap;
196   int gotall;
197   fdtype fd;
198   va_start(ap, name_fmt);
199   fd = vopen_fd_from_path(O_RDONLY, 0, logkey, reperr, name_fmt, ap);
200   va_end(ap);
201   if (fd == BADFD) { if (buf) buf[0] = 0; return 0; }
202   if (read_all_fd(fd, buf, maxlen, &gotall) == -1) {
203     perror("Trouble reading.");
204     D("read error lk(%s)", logkey);
205     close_file(fd, logkey);
206     buf[maxlen-1] = 0;
207     return 0;
208   }
209   close_file(fd, logkey);
210   buf[MIN(gotall, maxlen-1)] = 0;  /* nul terminate */
211   return gotall;
212 }
214 /* Called by: */
get_file_size(fdtype fd)215 int get_file_size(fdtype fd)
216 {
217 #ifdef MINGW
218   return GetFileSize(fd,0);
219 #else
220   struct stat st;
221   fstat(fd, &st);
222   return st.st_size;
223 #endif
224 }
226 /*() Read all data from a file at formatted file name path, allocating
227  * the buffer as needed using ZX allocator.
228  *
229  * c:: ZX allocation context
230  * logkey:: Logging key to help debugging
231  * reperr:: Whether to report an error (flag)
232  * lenp:: Optional result parameter returning the length of the data read. Null ok.
233  * name_fmt:: Format string for building file name
234  * return:: The data or null on fail. The buffer will always be nul terminated. */
236 /* Called by: */
read_all_alloc(struct zx_ctx * c,const char * logkey,int reperr,int * lenp,const char * name_fmt,...)237 char* read_all_alloc(struct zx_ctx* c, const char* logkey, int reperr, int* lenp, const char* name_fmt, ...)
238 {
239   va_list ap;
240   char* buf;
241   int len, gotall;
242   fdtype fd;
243   va_start(ap, name_fmt);
244   fd = vopen_fd_from_path(O_RDONLY, 0, logkey, reperr, name_fmt, ap);
245   va_end(ap);
246   if (fd == BADFD) {
247     if (lenp)
248       *lenp = 0;
249     c->zx_errno = errno;
250     return 0;
251   }
253   len = get_file_size(fd);
254   buf = ZX_ALLOC(c, len+1);
256   if (read_all_fd(fd, buf, len, &gotall) == -1) {
257     perror("Trouble reading.");
258     c->zx_errno = errno;
259     D("read error lk(%s)", logkey);
260     close_file(fd, logkey);
261     buf[len] = 0;
262     if (lenp)
263       *lenp = 0;
264     return 0;
265   }
266   close_file(fd, logkey);
267   buf[MIN(gotall, len)] = 0;  /* nul terminate */
268   if (lenp)
269     *lenp = gotall;
270   c->zx_errno = 0;
271   return buf;
272 }
274 /*() Read all data from a file at formatted file name path, allocating
275  * the buffer as needed using malloc(3).
276  *
277  * logkey:: Logging key to help debugging
278  * reperr:: Whether to report an error (flag)
279  * lenp:: Optional result parameter returning the length of the data read. Null ok.
280  * name_fmt:: Format string for building file name
281  * return:: The data or null on fail. The buffer will always be nul terminated. */
283 /* Called by:  zxbus_load_ch_subs */
read_all_malloc(const char * logkey,int reperr,int * lenp,const char * name_fmt,...)284 char* read_all_malloc(const char* logkey, int reperr, int* lenp, const char* name_fmt, ...)
285 {
286   va_list ap;
287   char* buf;
288   int len, gotall;
289   fdtype fd;
290   va_start(ap, name_fmt);
291   fd = vopen_fd_from_path(O_RDONLY, 0, logkey, reperr, name_fmt, ap);
292   va_end(ap);
293   if (fd == BADFD) {
294     if (lenp)
295       *lenp = 0;
296     return 0;
297   }
299   len = get_file_size(fd);
300   ZMALLOCN(buf, len+1);
302   if (read_all_fd(fd, buf, len, &gotall) == -1) {
303     perror("Trouble reading.");
304     D("read error lk(%s)", logkey);
305     close_file(fd, logkey);
306     buf[len] = 0;
307     if (lenp)
308       *lenp = 0;
309     return 0;
310   }
311   close_file(fd, logkey);
312   buf[MIN(gotall, len)] = 0;  /* nul terminate */
313   if (lenp)
314     *lenp = gotall;
315   return buf;
316 }
318 /*() Low level function that keeps writing data to a file descriptor until
319  * everything is written. It may block in the process - infact it WILL block
320  * until the job is done or error has happened.
321  * return:: 0 on error, 1 on success (amount written will always be equal to pending). */
323 /* Called by: */
write_all_fd(fdtype fd,const char * p,int pending)324 int write_all_fd(fdtype fd, const char* p, int pending)
325 {
326 #ifdef MINGW
327   DWORD wrote;
328   if ((fd == BADFD) || !pending || !p) {
329     ERR("Bad fd(%x) or no data p=%p pending=%d", fd, p, pending);
330     return 0;
331   }
332   if (!WriteFile(fd, p, pending, &wrote, 0))
333     return 0;
334   FlushFileBuffers(fd);
335   DD("write_all_fd(%x, `%.*s', %d) wrote=%d\n", fd, pending, p, pending, wrote);
336 #else
337   int wrote;
338   if ((fd == BADFD) || !pending || !p) {
339     ERR("Bad fd(%x) or no data p=%p pending=%d", fd, p, pending);
340     return 0;
341   }
342   while (pending) {
343     wrote = write(fd, (char*)p, pending);
344     if (wrote <= 0) return 0;
345     pending -= wrote;
346     p += wrote;
347   }
348 #endif
349   return 1;
350 }
352 /*() Low level function that keeps writing data to a socket until
353  * everything is written. It may block in the process. (On Unix
354  * it would be possible to use write_all_fd(), but using send(2)
355  * works on all platforms that support sockets.) */
357 /* Called by:  zxbus_close, zxbus_send_cmdf x6 */
send_all_socket(fdtype fd,const char * p,int pending)358 int send_all_socket(fdtype fd, const char* p, int pending)
359 {
360   int wrote;
361   if ((fd == BADFD) || !pending || !p) return 0;
362   while (pending) {
363     wrote = send((SOCKET)fd, (char*)p, pending, 0);
364     if (wrote <= 0) return 0;
365     pending -= wrote;
366     p += wrote;
367   }
368   return 1;
369 }
371 /*() Write all formatted data to a file descriptor. The buf is used
372  * for formatting data. The path_fmt can have up to two %s specifiers,
373  * which will be satisfied by prepath and postpath.
374  *
375  * fd::       File descriptor, already open for writing
376  * logkey::   Used for debug prints and error messages
377  * maxlen::   Size of the buffer
378  * buf::      Buffer for rendering the formatted data
379  * data_fmt:: Format string for the data to be written. Following arguments satisfy the format string. Overall the data length is constrained to maxlen. Caller needs to allocate/provide buffer sufficient to satisfy the data_fmt.
380  * Returns:: 1 on success, 0 on fail. */
382 /* Called by: */
write_all_fd_fmt(fdtype fd,const char * logkey,int maxlen,char * buf,const char * data_fmt,...)383 int write_all_fd_fmt(fdtype fd, const char* logkey, int maxlen, char* buf, const char* data_fmt, ...)
384 {
385   int len;
386   va_list ap;
387   va_start(ap, data_fmt);
388   len = vsnprintf(buf, maxlen-1, data_fmt, ap); /* Format data into buf */
389   buf[maxlen-1] = 0; /* must terminate manually as on win32 nul is not guaranteed */
390   va_end(ap);
391   if (len < 0) {
392     platform_broken_snprintf(len, __FUNCTION__, maxlen-1, data_fmt);
393     len = 0;
394   }
395   if (write_all_fd(fd, buf, len) == -1) {
396     perror("Trouble writing");
397     close_file(fd, logkey);
398     return 0;
399   }
400   return 1;
401 }
403 /*() Write all data to a file at the formatted path. The buf is used
404  * for formatting data. The path_fmt can have up to two %s specifiers,
405  * which will be satisfied by prepath and postpath.
406  *
407  * logkey::   Used for debug prints and error messages
408  * maxlen::   Size of the buffer
409  * buf::      Buffer for rendering the formatted data
410  * path_fmt:: Format string for filesystem path to the file
411  * prepath::  Argument to satisfy first %s in path_fmt
412  * postpath:: Argument to satisfy second %s in path_fmt
413  * data_fmt:: Format string for the data to be written. Following arguments satisfy the format string. Overall the data length is constrained to maxlen. Caller needs to allocate/provide buffer sufficient to satisfy the data_fmt.
414  * Returns:: 1 on success, 0 on fail. */
416 /* Called by: */
write_all_path_fmt(const char * logkey,int maxlen,char * buf,const char * path_fmt,const char * prepath,const char * postpath,const char * data_fmt,...)417 int write_all_path_fmt(const char* logkey, int maxlen, char* buf, const char* path_fmt, const char* prepath, const char* postpath, const char* data_fmt, ...)
418 {
419   int len;
420   va_list ap;
421   fdtype fd;
422   fd = open_fd_from_path(O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0666, logkey, 1, path_fmt, prepath, postpath);
423   DD("write_all_path_fmt(%s, %x)", logkey, fd);
424   if (fd == BADFD) return 0;
426   va_start(ap, data_fmt);
427   len = vsnprintf(buf, maxlen-1, data_fmt, ap); /* Format data into buf */
428   buf[maxlen-1] = 0; /* must terminate manually as on win32 nul is not guaranteed */
429   va_end(ap);
430   if (len < 0) {
431     platform_broken_snprintf(len, __FUNCTION__, maxlen-1, data_fmt);
432     len = 0;
433   }
434   if (write_all_fd(fd, buf, len) == -1) {
435     perror("Trouble writing");
436     close_file(fd, logkey);
437     return 0;
438   }
439   close_file(fd, logkey);
440   return 1;
441 }
443 /*() Write all data to a file at the formatted path. The buf is used
444  * for formatting data. The path_fmt can have up to two %s specifiers,
445  * which will be satisfied by prepath and postpath.
446  *
447  * logkey::   Used for debug prints and error messages
448  * path_fmt:: Format string for filesystem path to the file
449  * prepath::  Argument to satisfy first %s in path_fmt
450  * postpath:: Argument to satisfy second %s in path_fmt
451  * len::      Length of the data, pass -1 to use strlen(data).
452  * data::     Data to be written. No formatting on data is performed.
453  * Returns:: 1 on success, 0 on fail. */
455 /* Called by: */
write_all_path(const char * logkey,const char * path_fmt,const char * prepath,const char * postpath,int len,const char * data)456 int write_all_path(const char* logkey, const char* path_fmt, const char* prepath, const char* postpath, int len, const char* data)
457 {
458   fdtype fd;
459   fd = open_fd_from_path(O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0666, logkey, 1, path_fmt, prepath, postpath);
460   DD("write_all_path(%s, %x)", logkey, fd);
461   if (fd == BADFD) return 0;
462   if (len == -1)
463     len = strlen(data);
464   if (write_all_fd(fd, data, len) == -1) {
465     perror("Trouble writing");
466     close_file(fd, logkey);
467     return 0;
468   }
469   close_file(fd, logkey);
470   return 1;
471 }
473 #define WRITE_FAIL_MSG "Check that all directories exist, permissions allow writing, and disk is not full or that ulimit(1) is not too low."
475 /*() Write or append all data to a file at the already formatted path.
476  * The file is opened for appending, data written, and file closed
477  * (flushing the data).  Will perform file locking to ensure
478  * consistent results. Will create the file if needed, but will not
479  * create parent directories. Up to two items of data can
480  * be written or appended. If you have only one item, supply null
481  * for the second. For overwrite behaviour supply seeky=SEEK_SET and
482  * flag=O_TRUNC (the seek offset is always 0). For append behaviour
483  * supply seeky=SEEK_END and flag=O_APPEND.
484  * Returns 1 on success, 0 on err */
486 /* Called by: */
write2_or_append_lock_c_path(const char * c_path,int len1,const char * data1,int len2,const char * data2,const char * which,int seeky,int flag)487 int write2_or_append_lock_c_path(const char* c_path,
488 				 int len1, const char* data1,
489 				 int len2, const char* data2,
490 				 const char* which,  /* log key */
491 				 int seeky, /* SEEK_END,0 O_APPEND == append */
492 				 int flag)  /* SEEK_SET,0 O_TRUNC  == overwr */
493 {
494   fdtype fd;
495   if (!c_path)
496     return 0;
497 #ifdef MINGW
498   fd = zx_CreateFile(c_path, MINGW_RW_PERM, /*0*/FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE /* 0  means no sharing allowed */, 0 /* security */,
499 		  (flag & O_APPEND) ? OPEN_ALWAYS : CREATE_ALWAYS /* truncates, too? */,
501   if (fd == BADFD) goto badopen;
502   if (flag & O_APPEND) {
503     MS_LONG zero = 0;
504     SetFilePointer(fd, 0, &zero, FILE_END);  /* seek to end */
505   }
507   if (len1 && data1) {
508     if (!write_all_fd(fd, data1, len1)) {
509       ERR("%s: Writing to file `%s' %d bytes failed: %d %s; euid=%d egid=%d. %s", which, c_path, len1, errno, STRERROR(errno), geteuid(), getegid(), WRITE_FAIL_MSG);
510       close_file(fd, which);
511       return 0;
512     }
513   }
514   if (len2 && data2) {
515     if (!write_all_fd(fd, data2, len2)) {
516       ERR("%s: Writing to file `%s' %d bytes failed: %d %s; euid=%d egid=%d. %s", which, c_path, len2, errno, STRERROR(errno), geteuid(), getegid(), WRITE_FAIL_MSG);
517       close_file(fd, which);
518       return 0;
519     }
520   }
521 #else
522   fd = open(c_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | flag, 0666);
523   if (fd == BADFD) goto badopen;
524   if (FLOCKEX(fd)  == -1) {
525     ERR("%s: Locking exclusively file `%s' failed: %d %s; euid=%d egid=%d. Check that the file system supports locking. %s", which, c_path, errno, STRERROR(errno), geteuid(), getegid(), WRITE_FAIL_MSG);
526     close_file(fd, which);
527     return 0;
528   }
530   lseek(fd,0,seeky);
531   if (len1 && data1) {
532     if (!write_all_fd(fd, data1, len1)) {
533       ERR("%s: Writing to file(%s) fd=%d %d bytes starting(%.*s) failed: %d %s; euid=%d egid=%d. %s", which, c_path, fd, len1, MIN(len1, 4), data1, errno, STRERROR(errno), geteuid(), getegid(), WRITE_FAIL_MSG);
534       FUNLOCK(fd);
535       close_file(fd, which);
536       return 0;
537     }
538   }
540   if (len2 && data2) {
541     if (!write_all_fd(fd, data2, len2)) {
542       ERR("%s: Writing to file(%s) %d bytes starting(%.*s) failed: %d %s; euid=%d egid=%d. %s", which, c_path, len2, MIN(len2, 4), data2, errno, STRERROR(errno), geteuid(), getegid(), WRITE_FAIL_MSG);
543       FUNLOCK(fd);
544       close_file(fd, which);
545       return 0;
546     }
547   }
549   FUNLOCK(fd);
550 #endif
551   if (close_file(fd, which) < 0) {
552     ERR("%s: closing file(%s) after write failed: %d %s; euid=%d egid=%d. %s Could be NFS problem.", which, c_path, errno, STRERROR(errno), geteuid(), getegid(), WRITE_FAIL_MSG);
553     return 0;
554   }
555   return 1;
556 badopen:
557   ERR("%s: Opening file(%s) for writing failed: %d %s; euid=%d egid=%d. %s", which, c_path, errno, STRERROR(errno), geteuid(), getegid(), WRITE_FAIL_MSG);
558   return 0;
559 }
561 /*() Close a file rather than just any file descriptor and check error
562  * return. It is important that it is a file since on MS Windows closing
563  * files is different from closing descriptors. Checking error return
564  * from close is important because in NFS environments you may not know
565  * that your write has failed until you actually attempt to close the file. */
567 /* Called by: */
close_file(fdtype fd,const char * logkey)568 int close_file(fdtype fd, const char* logkey)
569 {
570   int res = closefile(fd);
571   if (res) {
572     perror("close file");
573     ERR("%s: Errors on closing file, after write, could indicate write back cache problems, especially under NFS. Ignoring the error.  euid=%d egid=%d", logkey, geteuid(), getegid());
574   }
575   return res;
576 }
578 /*() Copy contents of a file, i.e. first read a file, then write a file.
579  * Many places use copy_file() as opposed to hardlinking file because
580  * actually copying file is more portable. Even in Unix, hardlinking
581  * can be troublesome if the from and to are on different file systems. */
583 /* Called by:  covimp_test x5, zxid_cp_usr_eprs2ses */
copy_file(const char * from,const char * to,const char * logkey,int may_link)584 int copy_file(const char* from, const char* to, const char* logkey, int may_link)
585 {
586   fdtype fd_from;
587   fdtype fd_to;
588   int ret, pending, wrote;
589   char buf[4096];
590   char* p;
592 #ifndef MINGW
593   switch (may_link) {
594   case 2:
595     ret = symlink(from, to);
596     goto linkrest;
597   case 1:
598     ret = link(from, to);
599 linkrest:
600     if (ret) {
601       perror("{hard|sym}link");
602       ERR("%s: Error linking(%d) from(%s) to(%s) euid=%d egid=%d", logkey, may_link, from, to, geteuid(), getegid());
603       return -1;
604     }
605     return 0;
606   }
607 #endif
608   fd_from = openfile_ro(from);
609   if (fd_from == BADFD) {
610       perror("openfile_ro");
611       ERR("%s: Error opening from(%s) euid=%d egid=%d", logkey, from, geteuid(), getegid());
612       return -1;
613   }
614 #ifdef MINGW
616 #else
617   fd_to = open(to, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
618 #endif
619   if (fd_to == BADFD) {
620       perror("openfile_rw");
621       ERR("%s: Error opening to(%s) euid=%d egid=%d", logkey, to, geteuid(), getegid());
622       return -1;
623   }
625 #ifdef USE_STDIO
626   while (1) {
627     pending = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), (FILE*)fd_from);
628     if (pending <= 0) break; /* EOF */
629     p = buf;
630     while (pending) {
631       wrote = fwrite(p, 1, pending, fd_to);
632       if (wrote <= 0) return 0;
633       pending -= wrote;
634       p += wrote;
635     }
636   }
637 #elif defined(MINGW)
638   while (1) {
639     DWORD wrot;
640     DWORD pend;
641     if (!ReadFile(fd_from, buf, sizeof(buf), &pend, 0))
642       return -1;
643     if (!pend)
644       break;
645     p = buf;
646     while (pend) {
647       if (!WriteFile(fd_to, p, pend, &wrot, 0))
648 	return -1;
649       pend -= wrot;
650       p += wrot;
651     }
652   }
653   FlushFileBuffers(fd_to);
654 #else
655   while (1) {
656     pending = read(fd_from, buf, sizeof(buf));
657     if (!pending) break; /* EOF */
658     p = buf;
659     while (pending) {
660       wrote = write(fd_to, p, pending);
661       if (wrote <= 0) return 0;
662       pending -= wrote;
663       p += wrote;
664     }
665   }
666 #endif
668   close_file(fd_to, logkey);
669   closefile(fd_from);
670   return 0;
671 }
673 /*() Output a hexdump to stderr. Used for debugging purposes. */
675 /* Called by: */
hexdump(const char * msg,const void * data,const void * lim,int max)676 int hexdump(const char* msg, const void* data, const void* lim, int max)
677 {
678   int i;
679   const char* p = (const char*)data;
680   const char* lim16;
681   char buf[3*16+1+1+16+1];
682   if (!msg)
683     msg = "";
684   if ((const char*)lim-p > max)
685     lim = p + max;
687   buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
689   while (p<(const char*)lim) {
690     memset(buf, ' ', sizeof(buf)-1);
691     lim16 = MIN(p+16, (const char*)lim);
692     for (i = 0; p<lim16; ++p, ++i) {
693       buf[3*i+(i>7?1:0)]   = HEX_DIGIT((*p >> 4) & 0x0f);
694       buf[3*i+1+(i>7?1:0)] = HEX_DIGIT(*p & 0x0f);
695       switch (*p) {
696       case '\0': buf[3*16+1+1+i] = '~'; break;
697       case '\r': buf[3*16+1+1+i] = '^'; break;
698       case '\n': buf[3*16+1+1+i] = '\\'; break;
699       case '~':  buf[3*16+1+1+i] = '^'; break;
700       case '\\': buf[3*16+1+1+i] = '^'; break;
701       case 0x7f: buf[3*16+1+1+i] = '^'; break;
702 	//case ']':  buf[3*16+1+1+i] = '^'; break;
703       default:
704 	buf[3*16+1+1+i] = *p < ' ' ? '^' : *p;
705       }
706     }
707     fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", msg, buf);
708     /*fprintf(stderr, "%s %s  ;;%*s\n", msg, buf, lim-data, data);*/
709   }
710   return 0;
711 }
713 /* Called by:  covimp_test x2, zxsig_validate x6 */
hexdmp(const char * msg,const void * p,int len,int max)714 int hexdmp(const char* msg, const void* p, int len, int max) {
715   return hexdump(msg, p, p+len, max);
716 }
718 /*
719  *  Base 64 encoding and decoding in its canonical and URL safe forms.
720  */
722 /* Base64 std, RFC3548, defines also safe base64, the form that does not need URL encoding
723  * and is also otherwise more filesystem safe (i.e. / is not used). The pw_basis
724  * is used by md5_crypt() and other password hashing schemes. */
726 #define MAX_LINE  76 /* size of encoded lines */
727 const char std_basis_64[64]  = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; /*=*/
728 const char safe_basis_64[64] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"; /*=*/
729 const char pw_basis_64[64]   = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
731 /*() Raw version. Can use any encoding table and arbitrary line length.
732  * Known bug: line_len is not fully respected on last line - it can
733  * be up to 3 characters longer than specified due to padding.
734  * Every three bytes (from alphabet of 256) of input map to
735  * four chars (from alphabet of 64) of output. See also SIMPLE_BASE64_LEN().
736  *
737  * > +Base64url Encoding+ URL- and filename-safe Base64 encoding
738  * > described in RFC 4648 [RFC4648], Section 5, with the (non URL-
739  * > safe) '=' padding characters may be omitted, as permitted by Section 3.2.
740  *
741  * p::        input
742  * len::      length of input
743  * r::        Output buffer. Will not be NUL terminated.
744  * basis_64:: The 64 character alphabet to be used, such as ~std_basis_64~ or ~safe_basis_64~
745  * line_len:: Length of each line. 76 is customary. Or use very large value to
746  *     avoid any line breaks
747  * eol_len::  Length of End-of-Line string.
748  * eol::      End-of-Line string, inserted every line_len.
749  * eq_pad::   Padding character, usually equals (=). If nul (0), no padding is added.
750  * return::   Pointer one past last byte written in r. This function never fails. */
752 /* Called by:  sha_safe_base64 */
base64_fancy_raw(const char * p,int len,char * r,const char * basis_64,int line_len,int eol_len,const char * eol,char eq_pad)753 char* base64_fancy_raw(const char* p, int len, /* input and its length */
754 		       char* r,                /* Output buffer. Will not be NUL terminated. */
755 		       const char* basis_64,   /* 64 character alphabet to be used, see above */
756 		       int line_len,           /* Length of each line. 76 is customary. */
757 		       int eol_len,            /* Length of End-of-Line string. */
758 		       const char* eol,        /* End-of-Line string, inserted every line_len. */
759 		       char eq_pad)            /* Padding character, usually equals (=) */
760 {
761   unsigned char c1,c2,c3;
762   int chunk;
763   line_len /= 4;
765   for (chunk=0; len > 2; len -= 3, ++chunk) {
766     if ((chunk == line_len) && eol_len) {  /* 19 chunks (3x19=57chars) per line */
767       memcpy(r, eol, eol_len);
768       r += eol_len;
769       chunk = 0;
770     }
771     c1 = *p++;
772     c2 = *p++;  // *** len==1 causes bug if no null term
773     *r++ = basis_64[c1>>2];
774     *r++ = basis_64[((c1 & 0x0003)<< 4) | ((c2 & 0x00f0) >> 4)];
776     c3 = *p++;
777     *r++ = basis_64[((c2 & 0x000f) << 2) | ((c3 & 0x00c0) >> 6)];
778     *r++ = basis_64[c3 & 0x003f];
779   }
781   /* Post processing to handle the last line, which is often incomplete. */
783   switch (len) {
784   case 2:
785     c1 = *p++;
786     c2 = *p;
787     *r++ = basis_64[c1>>2];
788     *r++ = basis_64[((c1 & 0x0003)<< 4) | ((c2 & 0x00f0) >> 4)];
789     *r++ = basis_64[(c2 & 0x000f) << 2];
790     if (eq_pad)
791       *r++ = eq_pad;
792     break;
793   case 1:
794     c1 = *p;
795     *r++ = basis_64[c1>>2];
796     *r++ = basis_64[(c1 & 0x0003)<< 4];
797     if (eq_pad) {
798       *r++ = eq_pad;
799       *r++ = eq_pad;
800     }
801     break;
802   case 0:
803     break;  /* no padding needed */
804   default:
805     NEVERNEVER("Corrupt len=%d", len);
806   }
807   if (eol_len) {
808     memcpy(r, eol, eol_len);
809     r += eol_len;
810   }
811   return r;
812 }
814 #define XX      255     /* illegal base64 char */
815 #define Eq      254     /* padding */
816 #define INVALID XX
818 unsigned char zx_std_index_64[256] = {
821     XX,XX,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX, XX,XX,XX,62, Eq,62,XX,63,  /* `+' ',' '-' `/' */
822     52,53,54,55, 56,57,58,59, 60,61,XX,XX, XX,Eq,XX,XX,  /* `=' */
823     XX, 0, 1, 2,  3, 4, 5, 6,  7, 8, 9,10, 11,12,13,14,
824     15,16,17,18, 19,20,21,22, 23,24,25,XX, XX,XX,XX,63,  /* `_' */
825     XX,26,27,28, 29,30,31,32, 33,34,35,36, 37,38,39,40,
826     41,42,43,44, 45,46,47,48, 49,50,51,XX, XX,XX,XX,XX,
836 };
838 /*() Raw version. Can use any decoding table (such as zx_std_index_64).
839  * Assumes reciving buffer r has been allocated
840  * to correct length. Is able to perform the operation in place, i.e. p and r
841  * can point to the same buffer. Both canonical and safe base64 are handled.
842  * If string contains URL encoding (as it might for + or =) it is automatically
843  * unraveled as well. This is useful for SAMLRequest field in Redirect signing.
844  * Returns pointer one past last output char written. Does not nul terminate.
845  * Never fails. See also SIMPLE_BASE64_PESSIMISTIC_DECODE_LEN(). */
847 /* Called by: */
unbase64_raw(const char * p,const char * lim,char * r,const unsigned char * index_64)848 char* unbase64_raw(const char* p, const char* lim, char* r, const unsigned char* index_64)
849 {
850   int i;
851   unsigned char c[4];
852   unsigned char uc;
854   while (p < lim) {
855     i = 0;
856     do {
857       if (*p == '%' && p+2 < lim && IS_HEX(p[1]) && IS_HEX(p[2])) {
858 	/* Percent sign from URL encoding: decode */
859 	uc = index_64[(HEX(p[1]) << 4) | HEX(p[2])];
860 	p += 3;
861       } else
862 	uc = index_64[(int)*p++];
863       if (uc != INVALID)
864 	c[i++] = uc;
866       if (p == lim) {
867 	if (i < 4) {
868 	  /*if (i) ERR("Premature end of base64 data. (incomplete base64 input) i=%d", i);*/
869 	  if (i < 2) return r;
870 	  if (i == 2) c[2] = Eq;
871 	  c[3] = Eq;
872 	}
873 	break;
874       }
875     } while (i < 4);
877     if (c[0] == Eq || c[1] == Eq) {
878       ERR("Premature end of base64 data. (incomplete base64 input) c0(%x)", c[0]);
879       break;
880     }
881     /* D("c0=%d,c1=%d,c2=%d,c3=%d\n", c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3]); */
883     *r++ = (c[0] << 2) | ((c[1] & 0x30) >> 4);
884     if (c[2] == Eq) break;
885     *r++ = ((c[1] & 0x0f) << 4) | ((c[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
886     if (c[3] == Eq) break;
887     *r++ = ((c[2] & 0x03) << 6) | c[3];
888   }
889   return r;
890 }
892 /*() The out_buf should be 28 chars in length. The buffer is not automatically nul termianated.
893  * There will be 27 characters of payload, plus one padding character "." (which
894  * caller can overwrite with nul, if you like).
895  *
896  * out_buf:: Buffer where result will be written. It must be 28 characters long and already allocated. The buffer will not be null terminated.
897  * len:: Length of data. -2=use strlen(data)
898  * data:: Data to be digested
899  * return:: Pointer one past last character written (not nul terminated) */
901 /* Called by: */
sha1_safe_base64(char * out_buf,int len,const char * data)902 char* sha1_safe_base64(char* out_buf, int len, const char* data)
903 {
904   char sha1[20];
905   if (len == -2)
906     len = strlen(data);
907   SHA1((unsigned char*)data, len, (unsigned char*)sha1);
908   return base64_fancy_raw(sha1, 20, out_buf, safe_basis_64, 1<<31, 0, 0, '.');
909 }
911 /*(-) zlib integration internal */
912 /* Called by: */
zx_zlib_zalloc(void * opaque,uInt items,uInt size)913 voidpf zx_zlib_zalloc(void* opaque, uInt items, uInt size)
914 {
915   DD("HERE5 len= %d x %d = %d", items, size, items*size);
916   return ZX_ALLOC(opaque, items*size);
917 }
919 /*(-) zlib integration internal */
920 /* Called by: */
zx_zlib_zfree(void * opaque,voidpf addr)921 void zx_zlib_zfree(void* opaque, voidpf addr)
922 {
923   ZX_FREE(opaque, addr);
924 }
926 /*() Compress data using zlib-deflate (RFC1951). The deflated data will be in new
927  * buffer, which is returned. out_len will indicate the length
928  * of the comressed data. Since the compressed data will be
929  * binary, there is no provision for nul termination. Caveat: RFC1951 is not same a gzip. */
931 /* Called by:  zxid_deflate_safe_b64_raw, zxid_map_val_ss, zxid_saml2_redir_enc, zxlog_write_line */
zx_zlib_raw_deflate(struct zx_ctx * c,int in_len,const char * in,int * out_len)932 char* zx_zlib_raw_deflate(struct zx_ctx* c, int in_len, const char* in, int* out_len)
933 {
934   int ret, dlen;
935   char* out;
936   z_stream z;
937   *out_len = 0;
938   ZERO(&z, sizeof(z_stream));
939   z.zalloc = zx_zlib_zalloc;
940   z.zfree = zx_zlib_zfree;
941   z.opaque = c;
942   z.next_in = (unsigned char*)in;
943   z.avail_in = in_len;
944   ret = deflateInit2(&z, 9, Z_DEFLATED, -15, 9, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
945   if (ret != Z_OK) {
946     ERR("zlib deflateInit2 error: %d", ret);
947     return 0;
948   }
950   dlen = in_len + (in_len >> 8) + 12;  /* worst case: orig_size * 1.001 + 12, see also compressBound() */
951   out = ZX_ALLOC(c, dlen);
952   z.next_out = (unsigned char*)out;
953   z.avail_out = dlen;
955   ret = deflate(&z, Z_FINISH);
956   if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) {
957     deflateEnd(&z);
958     ERR("zlib deflate error: %d", ret);
959     return 0;
960   }
961   *out_len = z.total_out;
962   deflateEnd(&z);
963   return out;
964 }
966 /*() Helper to compress and ascii armour the original request.
967  * c:: zx context for allocation
968  * len:: Length of string to process, or -2 to use strlen()
969  * s:: String to compress and ascii armour
970  * return:: string that has been allocated from zx_ctx. Caller frees. */
972 /* Called by:  zxid_deflate_safe_b64, zxid_mk_oauth_az_req, zxid_parse_cgi, zxid_simple_show_idp_sel */
zxid_deflate_safe_b64_raw(struct zx_ctx * c,int len,const char * s)973 char* zxid_deflate_safe_b64_raw(struct zx_ctx* c, int len, const char* s)
974 {
975   int zlen;
976   char* zbuf;
977   char* p;
978   char* b64 = 0;
979   if (len == -2)
980     len = strlen(s);
981   D("z input(%.*s) len=%d", len, s, len);
982   zbuf = zx_zlib_raw_deflate(c, len, s, &zlen);
983   if (!zbuf)
984     return 0;
986   len = SIMPLE_BASE64_LEN(zlen);
987   DD("zbuf(%.*s) zlen=%d len=%d", zlen, zbuf, zlen, len);
988   b64 = ZX_ALLOC(c, len+1);
989   p = base64_fancy_raw(zbuf, zlen, b64, safe_basis_64, 1<<31, 0, 0, '=');
990   *p = 0;
991   ZX_FREE(c, zbuf);
992   return b64;  /* so it can be encoded as hidden form field "ar". */
993 }
995 /*() Helper to compress and ascii armour the original request. */
997 /* Called by:  zxid_simple_idp_show_an x2 */
zxid_deflate_safe_b64(struct zx_ctx * c,struct zx_str * ss)998 char* zxid_deflate_safe_b64(struct zx_ctx* c, struct zx_str* ss)
999 {
1000   char* b64 = zxid_deflate_safe_b64_raw(c, ss->len, ss->s);
1001   zx_str_free(c, ss);
1002   return b64;  /* so it can be encoded as hidden form field "ar". */
1003 }
1005 /*() Decompress zlib-deflate (RFC1951) compressed data. The decompressed data will
1006  * be in a newly allocated buffer which is returned. The length
1007  * of the decompressed data is returned via out_len. The buffer
1008  * will always be at least byte one longer than indicated by out_len - this
1009  * should allow safe nul termination (but the decompressed data itself
1010  * may contain any number of nuls). Caveat: RFC1951 is not same a gzip. */
1012 /* Called by:  decode, zxid_decode_redir_or_post, zxid_unbase64_inflate, zxlog_zsig_verify_print */
zx_zlib_raw_inflate(struct zx_ctx * c,int in_len,const char * in,int * out_len)1013 char* zx_zlib_raw_inflate(struct zx_ctx* c, int in_len, const char* in, int* out_len)
1014 {
1015   int ret, dlen, iter = 30;
1016   char* out;
1017   char* old_out;
1018   z_stream z;
1019   *out_len = 0;
1020   ZERO(&z, sizeof(z_stream));
1021   z.zalloc = zx_zlib_zalloc;
1022   z.zfree = zx_zlib_zfree;
1023   z.opaque = c;
1024   z.next_in = (unsigned char*)in;
1025   z.avail_in = in_len;
1027   dlen = in_len << 3;  /* guess inflated size: orig_size * 8 */
1028   out = ZX_ALLOC(c, dlen+1);
1029   z.next_out = (unsigned char*)out;
1030   z.avail_out = dlen;
1032   ret = inflateInit2(&z, -15);
1033   if (ret != Z_OK) {
1034     ERR("zlib inflateInit failed with error code %d", ret);
1035     return 0;
1036   }
1038 #if 0
1039   ret = inflate(&z, Z_FINISH);
1040   if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) {
1041     inflateEnd(&z);
1042     ERR("zlib inflate failed with error code %d. Most probably the input data is empty, corrupt, or not in zlib format.", ret);
1043     return 0;
1044   }
1045 #else
1046   while (--iter) {  /* Make sure we can never be caught in infinite loop */
1047     ret = inflate(&z, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
1048     switch (ret) {
1049     case Z_STREAM_END: goto done;
1050     case Z_OK:  /* avail_out should be 0 now. Time to grow the buffer. */
1051       ret = z.next_out - (Bytef*)out;
1052       dlen += dlen;
1053       old_out = out;
1054       out = ZX_ALLOC(c, dlen+1);
1055       memcpy(out, old_out, ret);
1056       z.next_out = (unsigned char*)out + ret;
1057       z.avail_out = dlen - ret;
1058       break;
1059     default:
1060       inflateEnd(&z);
1061       ERR("zlib inflate failed with error code %d. Most probably the input data is empty, corrupt, or not in RFC1951 (zlib deflate) format. A common error is incomplete data (due to read(2) not returing all data on first iteration) resulting a failed detection of uncompressed data (the detection looks for '<' in beginning and '>' in end of base64 decoded data - often the latter is missing in incomplete data). iter=%d in_len=%d dlen=%d", ret, iter, in_len, dlen);
1062       D("out80(%.*s)", 80, out);  /* just in case something was successfully deflated */
1063       return 0;
1064     }
1065   }
1066 #endif
1067  done:
1068   *out_len = z.total_out;
1069   inflateEnd(&z);
1070   return out;
1071 }
1073 /*() Decode safe base64 and then decompress the content. The decompressed
1074  * result may be binary, but will be nul terminated anyway. out_len
1075  * will not reflect such termination. Supply in_len==-2 to use strlen(3).
1076  * The return value is newly allocated string (caller frees). Inplace inflate
1077  * does not make sense as the result is nearly always bigger than the input. */
1079 /* Called by:  pool2apache, zxid_decode_ssoreq, zxid_map_bangbang, zxid_map_val_ss, zxid_show_protected_content_setcookie */
zxid_unbase64_inflate(struct zx_ctx * c,int in_len,const char * in,int * out_len)1080 char* zxid_unbase64_inflate(struct zx_ctx* c, int in_len, const char* in, int* out_len)
1081 {
1082   int len;
1083   char* buf;
1084   char* p;
1085   if (!in) {
1086     D("NULL input %d", in_len);
1087     return 0;
1088   }
1089   if (in_len == -2)
1090     in_len = strlen(in);
1091   if (!out_len)
1092     out_len = &len;
1093   D("in(%s) len=%d pessimistic_len=%d", in, in_len, SIMPLE_BASE64_PESSIMISTIC_DECODE_LEN(in_len));
1095   p = unbase64_raw(in, in + in_len, buf, zx_std_index_64);
1096   p = zx_zlib_raw_inflate(c, p-buf, buf, out_len);
1097   ZX_FREE(c, buf);
1098   if (!p)
1099     return 0;
1100   p[*out_len] = 0;
1101   return p;
1102 }
1104 /*() Eliminate characters in zap from the string s, in place, i.e. shifting the
1105  * tail of the string left. The string is modified in place. */
zx_zap_inplace_raw(char * s,const char * zap)1107 char* zx_zap_inplace_raw(char* s, const char* zap)
1108 {
1109   char* ret = s;
1110   char* p;
1111   // *** scanning in reverse would be (marginally) more efficient
1112   int n;
1113   while (*s) {
1114     n = strcspn(s, zap);
1115     s += n;
1116     if (!*s)
1117       break;
1118     n = strspn(s, zap);
1119     for (p = s; *(p+n); ++p)
1120       *p = *(p+n);
1121     *p = 0;
1122     //memmove(s, s+n);  // whish strmove existed
1123   }
1124   return ret;
1125 }
1127 #if 1
1128 /* N.B. Many other Liberty implementations expect nearly everything to be URL encoded. */
1129 #define URL_BAD(x) (!AZaz_09_(x))
1130 #else
1131 #define URL_BAD(x) (((x)<=' ')||((x)>=0x7f)||ONE_OF_4((x),'+','%','=','&')||ONE_OF_2((x),'#','?'))
1132 #endif
1134 /*() Compute length of the URL encoded string. The encoding is done
1135  * to characters listed in URL_BAD() macro in zxutil.c.
1136  * return: Required buffer size, including nul term. Subtract 1 for string length. */
1138 /* Called by: */
zx_url_encode_len(int in_len,const char * in)1139 int zx_url_encode_len(int in_len, const char* in)
1140 {
1141   int n;
1142   const char* lim;
1143   /* scan through to see how many escape expansions are needed */
1144   lim = in + in_len;
1145   for (n = 0; in < lim; ++in)
1146     if (URL_BAD(*in)) ++n;
1147   return n+n+in_len+1;   /* nul-terminated length */
1148 }
1150 /*() URL encode input into output. The encoding is done to
1151  * characters listed in URL_BAD() macro in zxutil.c. The output must already
1152  * have been allocated to correct length, which can be obtained from
1153  * zx_url_encode_len() function. zx_url_encode() is higher
1154  * level function that does just that. Raw version does not nul terminate.
1155  * Returns pointer one past last byte written. */
1157 /* Called by: */
zx_url_encode_raw(int in_len,const char * in,char * out)1158 char* zx_url_encode_raw(int in_len, const char* in, char* out)
1159 {
1160   const char* lim;
1161   for (lim = in+in_len; in < lim; ++in)
1162     if (URL_BAD(*in)) {
1163       *out++ = '%';
1164       *out++ = HEX_DIGIT((*in >> 4) & 0x0f);
1165       *out++ = HEX_DIGIT(*in & 0x0f);
1166     } else
1167       *out++ = *in;
1168   return out;
1169 }
1171 /*() Perform URL encoding on buffer. New output buffer is allocated.
1172  * The low level work is performed by zx_url_encode_raw().
1173  * Returns the length of the output string (not including nul termination,
1174  * but nul termination is actually allocated and made).
1175  *
1176  * N.B. For zx_url_decode() operation see URL_DECODE() macro in errmac.h */
1178 /* Called by: */
zx_url_encode(struct zx_ctx * c,int in_len,const char * in,int * out_len)1179 char* zx_url_encode(struct zx_ctx* c, int in_len, const char* in, int* out_len)
1180 {
1181   int olen;
1182   char* out;
1183   char* p;
1184   if (in_len == -2)
1185     in_len = strlen(in);
1186   olen = zx_url_encode_len(in_len, in) + 1;
1187   out = ZX_ALLOC(c, olen);
1188   p = zx_url_encode_raw(in_len, in, out);
1189   *p = '\0';
1190   if (out_len)
1191     *out_len = p - out;
1192   return out;
1193 }
1195 /*() Base64 encode and URL encode concatenation "uid:password" as in HTTP basic authentication */
zx_mk_basic_auth_b64(struct zx_ctx * c,const char * uid,const char * pw)1197 char* zx_mk_basic_auth_b64(struct zx_ctx* c, const char* uid, const char* pw)
1198 {
1199   char* p;
1200   char* q;
1201   char* b64;
1202   int len;
1204   p = zx_alloc_sprintf(c, &len, "%s:%s", uid, pw);
1205   b64 = ZX_ALLOC(c, SIMPLE_BASE64_LEN(len));
1206   q = base64_fancy_raw(p, len, b64, std_basis_64, 10000000, 0, 0, '=');
1207   ZX_FREE(c, p);
1208   p = zx_url_encode(c, q-b64, b64, 0);
1209   ZX_FREE(c, b64);
1210   return p;
1211 }
1213 /*() Parse one fragment of a query string (QUERY_STRING querystring).
1214  *
1215  * qs:: The query string to parse, modified in place to insert nul terms and URL decode.
1216  * name:: result parameter pointing to the name analyzed from qs, nul terminated
1217  * val:: result parameter pointing to the value analyzed from qs, nul terminated
1218  * url_decode_val_flag:: 0 = do not decode, 1 = always decode, 2 = decode except SAMLResponse
1219  * return:: pointer to beginning of the next name (one past the ampersand ending the
1220  *     previous val, i.e. the nul, unless URL decode made the val shorter)
1221  *     or to the end of string nul (if nul, outer parsing
1222  *     loop should terminate). Any error causes null pointer to be returned.
1223  *
1224  * Typical invocation pattern:
1225  *
1226  *   while (qs && *qs) {
1227  *     qs = zxid_qs_nv_scan(qs, &name, &val);
1228  *     ... switch on name ...
1229  *   }
1230  *
1231  * Query string separation character can be traditional ampersand or conf file
1232  * oriented newline. Comment lines starting with # are also handled.
1233  */
1235 /* Called by:  hrxml_parse_cgi, zxid_add_qs2ses, zxid_load_obl_list, zxid_parse_cgi, zxid_parse_conf_raw */
zxid_qs_nv_scan(char * qs,char ** name,char ** val,int url_decode_val_flag)1236 char* zxid_qs_nv_scan(char* qs, char** name, char** val, int url_decode_val_flag)
1237 {
1238   char* p;
1239   char* q;
1240   *name = *val = 0;
1241   if (!qs)
1242     return 0;
1244 again:
1245   qs += strspn(qs, "& \n\t\r");                  /* Skip over & or &&, or line end */
1246   if (!*qs)
1247     return 0;
1249   if (*qs == '#') {                              /* Comment line */
1250 scan_end:
1251     qs += strcspn(qs, "&\n\r"); /* Scan until '&' or end of line */
1252     goto again;
1253   }
1255   if (*qs == '[')                                /* Section header line, treat like comment */
1256     goto scan_end;
1258   for (; *qs == '&'; ++qs) ;                     /* Skip over & or && */
1259   if (!*qs)
1260     return 0;
1262   *name = qs;
1263   qs = strchr(qs, '=');                          /* Scan name (until '=') */
1264   if (!qs)
1265     return 0;
1266   if (qs == *name)                               /* Key was an empty string: skip it */
1267     goto scan_end;
1268   for (; *name < qs && **name <= ' '; ++*name) ; /* Skip over initial whitespace before name */
1269   p = q = *name;
1270   URL_DECODE(p, q, qs);                          /* In place mod of name */
1271   *p = 0;                                        /* Nul-term *name */
1273   *val = ++qs;                /* Skip over =    */
1274   qs += strcspn(qs, "&\n\r"); /*   and scan val */
1276   switch (url_decode_val_flag) {
1277   case 0: p = qs; break;      /* 0 = do not decode */
1278   case 2:                     /* 1 = decode except SAMLResponse etc. */
1279     /* SAMLRequest and Response MUST NOT be URL decoded as the URL encoding
1280      * is needed for redirect binding signature validation. See also unbase64_raw()
1281      * for how these fields are URL decoded at later stage. */
1282     if (!((*name)[0] != 'S' && (*name)[0] != 'R'
1283 	  || strcmp(*name, "SAMLRequest") && strcmp(*name, "SAMLResponse")
1284 	  && strcmp(*name, "SigAlg") && strcmp(*name, "Signature")
1285 	  && strcmp(*name, "RelayState"))) {
1286       p = qs;
1287       break;
1288     }
1289     /* fall thru */
1290   case 1:                     /* 1 = always decode */
1291     p = q = *val;
1292     URL_DECODE(p, q, qs);
1293     break;
1294   default: NEVERNEVER("unsupported case(%d)", url_decode_val_flag);
1295   }
1296   if (*qs)
1297     ++qs;
1298   *p = 0;
1299   return qs;
1300 }
1302 const unsigned char const * hex_trans      = (unsigned char*)"0123456789abcdef";
1303 const unsigned char const * ykmodhex_trans = (unsigned char*)"cbdefghijklnrtuv";  /* as of libyubikey-1.5 */
1305 /*() Especially useful as yubikey_modhex_decode() replacement.
1306  * Supports inplace conversion. Does not nul terminate. */
1308 /* Called by:  authn_user x2, covimp_test, zx_yubikey_authn x2 */
zx_hexdec(char * dst,char * src,int src_len,const unsigned char * trans)1309 char* zx_hexdec(char* dst, char* src, int src_len, const unsigned char* trans)
1310 {
1311   const unsigned char* hi;
1312   const unsigned char* lo;
1313   for (; src_len>1; src_len-=2, ++dst, src+=2) {
1314     hi = (const unsigned char*)strchr((char*)trans, src[0]);
1315     if (!hi) {
1316       ERR("Bad hi character(%x) in hex string using trans(%s) len left=%d src(%.*s)", src[0], trans, src_len, src_len, src);
1317       hi = trans;
1318     }
1319     lo = (const unsigned char*)strchr((char*)trans, src[1]);
1320     if (!lo) {
1321       ERR("Bad lo character(%x) in hex string using trans(%s) len left=%d src(%.*s)", src[1], trans, src_len, src_len, src);
1322       lo = trans;
1323     }
1324     *dst = ((hi-trans) << 4) | (lo-trans);
1325   }
1326   return dst;
1327 }
1329 static short zx_mmdd[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
1331 /*() Map from tm struct back to seconds since Unix epoch. The tm struct
1332  * is assumed to be on GMT. This function is needed because mktime(3) is
1333  * tainted by local time zone brain damage. This function aims to be
1334  * equivalent to GNU extension timegm(3) (see Linux man pages). */
1336 /* Called by:  zx_date_time_to_secs */
zx_timegm(const struct tm * t)1337 static int zx_timegm(const struct tm* t)
1338 {
1339   int x;
1340   int aa = t->tm_year - 70, mon = t->tm_mon, dd = t->tm_mday;
1341   int hh = t->tm_hour, mm = t->tm_min, ss = t->tm_sec;
1343   if (ss > 60) {
1344     mm += ss/60;
1345     ss %= 60;
1346   }
1347   if (mm > 60) {
1348     hh += mm/60;
1349     mm %= 60;
1350   }
1351   if (hh > 60) {
1352     dd += hh/60;
1353     hh %= 60;
1354   }
1355   if (mon > 12) {
1356     aa += mon/12;
1357     mon %= 12;
1358   }
1359   while (dd > zx_mmdd[mon+1]) {
1360     if (mon == 1 && LEAP(aa+1970))
1361       --dd;
1362     dd -= zx_mmdd[mon];
1363     ++mon;
1364     if (mon > 11) {
1365       mon = 0;
1366       ++aa;
1367     }
1368   }
1369   if (aa < 0)
1370     return -1;
1372   x  = aa * 365 + (aa + 1) / 4; /* Account for leap year every 4 years */
1374   if ((aa -= 131) >= 0) {
1375     aa /= 100;
1376     x -= (aa >> 2) * 3 + 1;
1377     if ((aa &= 3) == 3)
1378       --aa;
1379     x -= aa;
1380   }
1382   x += zx_mmdd[mon] + dd-1 + (LEAP(t->tm_year+1900) && mon>1?1:0);
1383   x *= 24; /* Days to hours */
1384   return ((x + hh) * 60 + mm) * 60 + ss;
1385 }
1387 /*() Convert a date-time format timestamp into seconds since Unix epoch.
1388  * Format is as follows
1389  *   01234567890123456789
1390  *   yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ
1391  *
1392  * See also zxid_date_time() for inverse. */
1394 /* Called by:  timegm_tester, zxid_parse_invite x2, zxid_sp_sso_finalize, zxid_sso_issue_a7n, zxid_sso_issue_jwt, zxid_timestamp_chk, zxid_validate_cond x2 */
zx_date_time_to_secs(const char * dt)1395 int zx_date_time_to_secs(const char* dt)
1396 {
1397   struct tm t;
1398   ZERO(&t, sizeof(t));
1399   sscanf(dt, "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%dZ",
1400 	 &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_mday,
1401 	 &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &t.tm_sec);
1402   t.tm_year -= 1900;
1403   --t.tm_mon;
1404   return zx_timegm(&t);
1405 }
1407 /*() Extract simple scalar string value of a json key using string
1408  * matching, rather than actually parsing JSON.
1409  * return: pointer to the value, but this is in the original hay buffer and is
1410  *     not nul terminated. You need to look at len for the length of the string.
1411  * N.B. The key specification MUST include the quotes, e.g. "\"yourkey\""
1412  */
zx_json_extract_raw(const char * hay,const char * key,int * len)1414 const char* zx_json_extract_raw(const char* hay, const char* key, int* len)
1415 {
1416   const char* s;
1417   const char* p = strstr(hay, key);
1418   if (!p) {
1419     D("key(%s) not found in json(%s)", key, hay);
1420     return 0;
1421   }
1422   p += strlen(key);
1423   p += strspn(p, " \t\r\n");
1424   if (*p != ':') {
1425     D("key(%s) found in json(%s) but subsequent colon (:) not found. Did you forget the double quotes around the key? p(%s)", key, hay, p);
1426     return 0;
1427   }
1428   ++p;
1429   p += strspn(p, " \t\r\n");
1430   if (*p != '"')
1431     return 0;
1432   s = ++p;
1433   p = strchr(p, '"');  /* *** Escaped double quotes not correctly considered. */
1434   if (len)
1435     *len = p-s;
1436   return s;
1437 }
1439 /*() Extract simple scalar string from JSON document. Return newly allocated memory.
1440  * N.B. The key specification MUST include the quotes, e.g. "\"yourkey\""
1441  */
zx_json_extract_dup(struct zx_ctx * c,const char * hay,const char * key)1443 char* zx_json_extract_dup(struct zx_ctx* c, const char* hay, const char* key)
1444 {
1445   int len;
1446   const char* p = zx_json_extract_raw(hay, key, &len);
1447   if (!p)
1448     return 0;
1449   return zx_dup_len_cstr(c, len, p);
1450 }
1452 /*() Extract simple scalar integer from JSON document.
1453  * N.B. The key specification MUST include the quotes, e.g. "\"yourkey\""
1454  */
zx_json_extract_int(const char * hay,const char * key)1456 int zx_json_extract_int(const char* hay, const char* key)
1457 {
1458   int i;
1459   const char* p = strstr(hay, key);
1460   if (!p) {
1461     D("key(%s) not found in json(%s)", key, hay);
1462     return 0;
1463   }
1464   p += strlen(key);
1465   p += strspn(p, " \t\r\n");
1466   if (*p != ':') {
1467     D("key(%s) found in json(%s) but subsequent colon (:) not found. Did you forget the double quotes around the key? p(%s)", key, hay, p);
1468     return 0;
1469   }
1470   ++p;
1471   p += strspn(p, " \t\r\n");
1472   sscanf(p, "%i", &i);
1473   return i;
1474 }
1476 /*() Extract query string parameter without really parsing the query string.
1477  * return: pointer to the value, but this is in the original hay buffer and is
1478  *     not nul terminated. You need to look at len for the length of the string.
1479  * N.B. The key specification MUST include the equals sign, e.g. "yourkey="
1480  */
zx_qs_extract_raw(const char * hay,const char * key,int * len)1482 const char* zx_qs_extract_raw(const char* hay, const char* key, int* len)
1483 {
1484   const char* s;
1485   const char* p = strstr(hay, key);
1486   if (!p) {
1487     D("key(%s) not found in qs(%s)", key, hay);
1488     return 0;
1489   }
1490   p += strlen(key);
1491   if (len) {
1492     s = strchr(p, '&');
1493     if (!s)
1494       *len = strlen(p);
1495     else
1496       *len = s-p;
1497   }
1498   return p;
1499 }
1501 /*() Extract simple scalar string from query string. Return newly allocated memory.
1502  * N.B. The key specification MUST include the quotes, e.g. "\"yourkey\""
1503  */
zx_qs_extract_dup(struct zx_ctx * c,const char * hay,const char * key)1505 char* zx_qs_extract_dup(struct zx_ctx* c, const char* hay, const char* key)
1506 {
1507   int len;
1508   const char* p = zx_qs_extract_raw(hay, key, &len);
1509   if (!p)
1510     return 0;
1511   return zx_dup_len_cstr(c, len, p);
1512 }
1514 /* EOF  --  zxutil.c */