1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.9.1" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>LiveUser</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>User authentication and permission management framework</summary>
6 <description>LiveUser is a set of classes for dealing with user authentication
7  and permission management. Basically, there are three main elements that
8  make up this package:
10  * The LiveUser class
11  * The Auth containers
12  * The Perm containers
14  The LiveUser class takes care of the login process and can be configured
15  to use a certain permission container and one or more different auth containers.
16  That means, you can have your users&apos; data scattered amongst many data containers
17  and have the LiveUser class try each defined container until the user is found.
18  For example, you can have all website users who can apply for a new account online
19  on the webserver&apos;s local database. Also, you want to enable all your company&apos;s
20  employees to login to the site without the need to create new accounts for all of
21  them. To achieve that, a second container can be defined to be used by the LiveUser class.
23  You can also define a permission container of your choice that will manage the rights for
24  each user. Depending on the container, you can implement any kind of permission schemes
25  for your application while having one consistent API.
27  Using different permission and auth containers, it&apos;s easily possible to integrate
28  newly written applications with older ones that have their own ways of storing permissions
29  and user data. Just make a new container type and you&apos;re ready to go!
31  Currently available are containers using:
32  PEAR::DB, PEAR::MDB, PEAR::MDB2, PECL::PDO, PEAR::XML_Tree, PEAR::Auth, Session.</description>
33 <lead>
34  <name>Markus Wolff</name>
35  <user>mw21st</user>
36  <email>mw21st@php.net</email>
37  <active>no</active>
38 </lead>
39 <lead>
40  <name>Arnaud Limbourg</name>
41  <user>arnaud</user>
42  <email>arnaud@php.net</email>
43  <active>yes</active>
44 </lead>
45 <lead>
46  <name>Lukas Kahwe Smith</name>
47  <user>lsmith</user>
48  <email>smith@pooteeweet.org</email>
49  <active>no</active>
50 </lead>
51 <lead>
52  <name>Helgi &amp;#222;ormar</name>
53  <user>dufuz</user>
54  <email>dufuz@php.net</email>
55  <active>yes</active>
56 </lead>
57 <developer>
58  <name>Bjoern Kraus</name>
59  <user>krausbn</user>
60  <email>krausbn@php.net</email>
61  <active>no</active>
62 </developer>
63 <developer>
64  <name>Matthias Nothhaft</name>
65  <user>mahono</user>
66  <email>mahono@php.net</email>
67  <active>yes</active>
68 </developer>
69 <date>2010-10-16</date>
70 <time>00:00:59</time>
71 <version>
72  <release>0.16.14</release>
73  <api>0.16.12</api>
74 </version>
75 <stability>
76  <release>beta</release>
77  <api>beta</api>
78 </stability>
79 <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
80 <notes>
81QA release
82Bug #9517 Config Parameter permContainer=&gt;storage=&gt;PDO=&gt;prefix doesn&apos;t work 	dufuz
83Bug #13014 PHP Warning on setcookie() 	dufuz
84Bug #13154 Example 4:schema validation error 	dufuz
85Bug #13391 example 5 - MDB2_Schema Error in demodata.xml 	dufuz
86Bug #13650 Examples (demodata script) problem 	dufuz
87Doc Bug #14954 mention ACL in the description/documention 	kguest
88Bug #15126 Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated 	doconnor
89Bug #15127 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_RETURN in ./LiveUser/Perm/Storage/Cache 	doconnor
90Bug #17723 Patch: Avoid ereg in favor of preg_match 	olleolleolle
91 </notes>
92 <contents>
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97   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="835a1f70a0476e60420e08fe214e2266" name="docs/examples/example1/conf.php" role="doc" />
98   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="a8d235f3c55b0546b7eecd5ce2ed9afa" name="docs/examples/example1/example.php" role="doc" />
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102   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="9619c91d57f1be7821b7b7a7ff551f94" name="docs/examples/example2/conf.php" role="doc" />
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144   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="cac41cb1ed55a8d19ea31c5ae9a9d2cf" name="LiveUser/Auth/Session.php" role="php" />
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148   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="59c7db9c557396ba0ad8899d3ebfdb6c" name="LiveUser/Perm/Medium.php" role="php" />
149   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="31d45561119c9d14f539929a9daec1a9" name="LiveUser/Perm/Simple.php" role="php" />
150   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="8df6b991f15649f32d92b9f94fa87a94" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage.php" role="php" />
151   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="0ffa64a43ee9fb07a1ad7eca24d6caff" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/Cache.php" role="php" />
152   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="3ef60fb9b736d259e7483c104b75e4bf" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/DB.php" role="php" />
153   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="2fb34d214a22586d22b445917bec903d" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/Globals.php" role="php" />
154   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="1b45dc4dc31ad35c7b4d1f92b83b6e73" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/MDB.php" role="php" />
155   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="9a0459b98cf4ec4b7dbecde4b8fd8be7" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/MDB2.php" role="php" />
156   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="a2cc9a06fa2fcdecb3cd0712fb912e39" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/PDO.php" role="php" />
157   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="b82c56c69a8cee649b4a66f8c423fa3f" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/SQL.php" role="php" />
158   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="a8bdce5cf5377178b062ae90ccca0ce6" name="LiveUser/Perm/Storage/XML.php" role="php" />
159   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="6ce303694fcff3b640351bab3a608d0d" name="sql/Auth_XML.xml" role="data" />
160   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="6f9fe1c7faa80dbf72333f9258584d30" name="sql/install.php" role="data" />
161   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="f0f925f9e7cf3622ec656ef2db435f5a" name="sql/Perm_XML.xml" role="data" />
162   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="46d1132404f788ca7de05a9a0239038a" name="sql/README" role="data" />
163   <file baseinstalldir="/LiveUser" md5sum="03fb004783f456bfd292dde36ab5c489" name="lgpl.txt" role="doc" />
164   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="06c50a05d7ae3778700b44cd64eee9a1" name="LiveUser.php" role="php" />
165  </dir>
166 </contents>
167 <dependencies>
168  <required>
169   <php>
170    <min>4.2.0</min>
171   </php>
172   <pearinstaller>
173    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
174   </pearinstaller>
175   <package>
176    <name>PEAR</name>
177    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
178    <min>1.3.3</min>
179   </package>
180   <package>
181    <name>Event_Dispatcher</name>
182    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
183   </package>
184  </required>
185  <optional>
186   <package>
187    <name>Log</name>
188    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
189    <min>1.7.0</min>
190   </package>
191   <package>
192    <name>DB</name>
193    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
194    <min>1.6.0</min>
195   </package>
196   <package>
197    <name>MDB</name>
198    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
199    <min>1.1.4</min>
200   </package>
201   <package>
202    <name>MDB2</name>
203    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
204    <min>2.0.0</min>
205   </package>
206   <package>
207    <name>MDB2_Schema</name>
208    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
209   </package>
210   <package>
211    <name>XML_Tree</name>
212    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
213   </package>
214   <package>
215    <name>Crypt_RC4</name>
216    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
217   </package>
218   <extension>
219    <name>mcrypt</name>
220   </extension>
221   <extension>
222    <name>hash</name>
223   </extension>
224  </optional>
225 </dependencies>
226 <phprelease>
227  <filelist>
228   <install as="misc/Auth_XML.xml" name="sql/Auth_XML.xml" />
229   <install as="misc/schema/install.php" name="sql/install.php" />
230   <install as="misc/Perm_XML.xml" name="sql/Perm_XML.xml" />
231   <install as="misc/schema/README" name="sql/README" />
232  </filelist>
233 </phprelease>
234 <changelog>
235  <release>
236   <version>
237    <release>0.16.8</release>
238    <api>0.16.8</api>
239   </version>
240   <stability>
241    <release>beta</release>
242    <api>beta</api>
243   </stability>
244   <date>2005-12-21</date>
245   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
246   <notes>
247- clearer status and error messages
248- fix a bug with the passed Log object being discarded
249- extra debug info when the auth container is instantiated
250- more helpful error message when the class cannot be loaded
251- make the PEAR::Auth wrapper use the passed handle and password
252- fixed phpdoc typo in singleton method (bug #5668)
253- fixed ability to call singleton() with only the conf parameter set, even if
254  singleton was never called before (bug #5669)
255- fixed issue in factoryStorage() that would lead to modifying the config array (bug #5526)
256- added ability to disable executing the sql commands on installSchema()
257- set status after logging out not before
258- tweaked error messages for failed factory method calls
259- fix for calling singleton without a signature string (bug #5905)
260- attempt at checking if it is safe to start the session, add an error to the stack if not and return
261- minor performance tweak in login()
262- reordered code inside login() to make onFailedMapping events more powerful
263- improved handling of INACTIVE status
264- stop using backendArrayIndex infavor of containerName property in the auth instance
265- removed loginTimeout feature (disable lastlogin if you are concerned about
266  the cost of updating the lastlogin time)
267- handle option user data properties in readUserData() in the PEAR::Auth wrapper
268- added a few return true&apos;s for method that returned void so far
269- tons of phpdoc and whitespace fixes and additions
270- add missing css file in example5
271- only read remember me cookie in login() if remember was passed as true (bug #6215)
272- handle and password are passed to reeadUserData in the PEARAuth container
273- reworked file loading in loadClass() to work around issues in safe_mode with
274  LiveUser::fileExists() (bug #6226)
275- moved all explict handling of logout() and login() out of the init() method *BC BREAK*
276- made setRememberCookie(), readRememberCookie() and deleteRememberCookie public
277- setRememberCookie() no longer accepts a remember parameter
278- added PDO backend and optional pdo based config for example5
279   </notes>
280  </release>
281  <release>
282   <version>
283    <release>0.16.9</release>
284    <api>0.16.9</api>
285   </version>
286   <stability>
287    <release>beta</release>
288    <api>beta</api>
289   </stability>
290   <date>2006-02-21</date>
291   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
292   <notes>
293This releases fixes a minor security issue that is limited to the optional
294remember me feature. This issue was report to us by GulfTech Security Research.
296The issue would allow an attacker to determine the existance of files inside the
297file system, as well as being able to delete files:
298- if the relativ path is shorter than 32 characters (including a null
300- if null bytes are handled inside the &quot;_COOKIE&quot; superglobal, for example
301through usage of magic_quotes_gpc, the issue becomes essentially limited to
302files ending with &quot;.lu&quot;.
304All installations using the remember me feature are strongly urged to update.
305This release also changes some other aspects including a BC break so developers
306can optionally patch their current installations from the changes in the
307following commit:
310- fixed major bug in PEARAuth container: auth_user_id is not an optional property
311- added passwordEncryptionMode and secret to phpdoc comment
312- made cryptRC4() method public to match usage in auth common in the client and admin api
313- fixed handling of the secret user defineable property (bug #6551)
314- added support for user_group_ids (bug #6517)
315- allow grouprights and groupusers table to join eachother
316- updateProperty doesn&apos;t update the session (bug #6612)
317- renamed &quot;connection&quot; config option to &quot;dbc&quot; *BC BREAK*
318- cleaned up and unified init() in the storage classes
319- added example for dumping SQL to a file to installer
320- add support for force_seq to installer
321- removed allowDuplicateHandles and allowEmptyPasswords options, they are now
322  handled through the table definition in the given Globals.php (overwriteable
323  via the config array) *BC BREAK*
324- initial untested support for PDO in the installer
325- added examples for setting length and defaults to installer
326- use overwrite when unlink is enabled in the installer
327- reworked handling of merging user with group rights *BC BREAK*
328When using the Medium or Complex container a user may gain rights through direct
329assignment or through membership in a group that has rights assigned. The user
330and group rights are merged with the following logic:
331* if the right is only assigned to a member group but not the user the right is
332  available to the user at the level at which the group has the right
333* if the right is only assigned to the user at a level greater than zero but not
334  to a member group the right is available to the user at the level at which
335  user has the right
336* if the right is only assigned to the user at a level equal to zero but not
337  to a member group the right is available to the user at the level at which
338  user has the right
339* if the right is only assigned to the user at a level lower than zero but not
340  to a member group then the right is unavailable to the user
341* if the is assigned to a member group and the user and the level at which the
342  user has the right is greater than zero, then the right is available to the
343  user at higher level of the two
344* if the is assigned to a member group and the user and the level at which the
345  user has the right is equal to zero, then the right is unavailable to the user
346* if the is assigned to a member group and the user and the level at which the
347  user has the right is lower than zero, then the right is available to the
348  user at the minimum of the group assigned level and the addition of the
349  negativ user level and the maximum level
351The user as the following right_id =&gt; level pairs
353  1 =&gt; 3
354  2 =&gt; -2
355  3 =&gt; 0
356  5 =&gt; -1
358The groups he is a member of have the following right_id =&gt; level pairs
360  1 =&gt; 1
361  2 =&gt; 3
362  3 =&gt; 3
363  4 =&gt; 2
365The final right_id =&gt; level pairs are as follows
367  1 =&gt; 3 // user has a higher level (3) than the group level (1)
368  2 =&gt; 1 // 3 - 2 means a maximum possible level of 1
369  4 =&gt; 2 // only group has the right at level 2
370  5 =&gt; 2 // only user has the right at level 3 - 1 = 2
371   </notes>
372  </release>
373  <release>
374   <version>
375    <release>0.16.10</release>
376    <api>0.16.10</api>
377   </version>
378   <stability>
379    <release>beta</release>
380    <api>beta</api>
381   </stability>
382   <date>2006-02-27</date>
383   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
384   <notes>
385- Do not include Cache.php since its only a concept and not implemented yet
386- fixed serious issue with right reading in the Medium and Complex container
387- right_level may not be null in schema (use default if not explicitly set)
388- phpdoc improvements
389- bumped dependency for MDB2 to first stable release
390- added missing optional dependency on mcrypt
391- made admin user a superadmin in example4
392- bumped copyright to 2006
393   </notes>
394  </release>
395  <release>
396   <version>
397    <release>0.16.11</release>
398    <api>0.16.11</api>
399   </version>
400   <stability>
401    <release>beta</release>
402    <api>beta</api>
403   </stability>
404   <date>2006-04-19</date>
405   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
406   <notes>
407- parse error typo fix in PEARAuth container (bug #6968)
408- minor improvements to the phpdoc comments in PEARAuth container
409- use ugly fopen() hack in fileExists()
410  http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=pear-dev&amp;m=114148949106207&amp;w=2
411- changed API for readuserData(), auth_user_id parameter now contains the
412  auth_user_id to use
413- login() now supports passing in an auth_user_id instead of the handle/password
414- made stack property public
415- typo fix in PDO container readImplyingRights() method (bug #7195)
416- expanded error handling in Log instance creation
417- handle if no proper credentials where passed to readUserData() (bug #7262)
418- replace isset() with array_key_exists() where applicable
419- disable __autoload() in class_exists() calls (bug #7304)
420- brought property names in line s/rights/right_ids *BC break*
421- MDB2_Schema 0.5 and MDB2 2.0.1 handles nulls in schema files properly so
422  there is no need to disable MDB2_PORTABILITY_EMPTY_TO_NULL in the installer
423   </notes>
424  </release>
425  <release>
426   <version>
427    <release>0.16.12</release>
428    <api>0.16.12</api>
429   </version>
430   <stability>
431    <release>beta</release>
432    <api>beta</api>
433   </stability>
434   <date>2006-08-22</date>
435   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
436   <notes>
437- wrong use of pdo fetch method, when no result could be fetched it returns
438  false with no error. Swith to using fetchAll and check for an empty array
439- we cannot decrypt most of the encryption method used by the hash extension so
440  we default to returning the unmodified string
441- the wrong variable was used to report the type of permission container when an
442  error occured
443- push an error on the stack when the encryption method cannot be found
444- make sequence columns primary key
445- properly disconnect the pdo object
446- make it possible to set the status message mapping
447- register options for create (Bug #7704)
448- use the hash extension if it is present for the password encryption
449- refactored decryptPW() and encryptPW() into static methods in the LiveUser class
450- force null instead of false for PDO fetch() calls that return empty sets
451- fixed logging into example1
452- debug =&gt; false in conf doesn&apos;t work (Bug #7564; thx to Matthias)
453- added support for user defined handle fields
454  in DB, MDB, MDB2 and PDO containers you can set a list of fields in your auth
455  container storage config, default is &apos;handle&apos;, example:
456  &apos;handles&apos; =&gt; array(&apos;handle&apos;, &apos;auth_user_id&apos;, &apos;email&apos;)
457  these fields are now used to find the right user on login (Request #7781)
458- fixed LiveUser::decryptPW(): added missing third parameter &apos;secret&apos;
459- check if safe_mode is enabled in fileExists() to determine what algo to use (Bug #8296)
460   </notes>
461  </release>
462  <release>
463   <version>
464    <release>1.16.12</release>
465    <api>1.16.12</api>
466   </version>
467   <stability>
468    <release>beta</release>
469    <api>beta</api>
470   </stability>
471   <date>2006-08-22</date>
472   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
473   <notes>
474- wrong use of pdo fetch method, when no result could be fetched it returns
475  false with no error. Swith to using fetchAll and check for an empty array
476- we cannot decrypt most of the encryption method used by the hash extension so
477  we default to returning the unmodified string
478- the wrong variable was used to report the type of permission container when an
479  error occured
480- push an error on the stack when the encryption method cannot be found
481- make sequence columns primary key
482- properly disconnect the pdo object
483- make it possible to set the status message mapping
484- register options for create (Bug #7704)
485- use the hash extension if it is present for the password encryption
486- refactored decryptPW() and encryptPW() into static methods in the LiveUser class
487- force null instead of false for PDO fetch() calls that return empty sets
488- fixed logging into example1
489- debug =&gt; false in conf doesn&apos;t work (Bug #7564; thx to Matthias)
490- added support for user defined handle fields
491  in DB, MDB, MDB2 and PDO containers you can set a list of fields in your auth
492  container storage config, default is &apos;handle&apos;, example:
493  &apos;handles&apos; =&gt; array(&apos;handle&apos;, &apos;auth_user_id&apos;, &apos;email&apos;)
494  these fields are now used to find the right user on login (Request #7781)
495- fixed LiveUser::decryptPW(): added missing third parameter &apos;secret&apos;
496- check if safe_mode is enabled in fileExists() to determine what algo to use (Bug #8296)
497   </notes>
498  </release>
499  <release>
500   <version>
501    <release>0.16.14</release>
502    <api>0.16.12</api>
503   </version>
504   <stability>
505    <release>beta</release>
506    <api>beta</api>
507   </stability>
508   <date>2010-10-15</date>
509   <license uri="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">LGPL</license>
510   <notes>
511QA release
512Bug #9517 Config Parameter permContainer=&gt;storage=&gt;PDO=&gt;prefix doesn&apos;t work 	dufuz
513Bug #13014 PHP Warning on setcookie() 	dufuz
514Bug #13154 Example 4:schema validation error 	dufuz
515Bug #13391 example 5 - MDB2_Schema Error in demodata.xml 	dufuz
516Bug #13650 Examples (demodata script) problem 	dufuz
517Doc Bug #14954 mention ACL in the description/documention 	kguest
518Bug #15126 Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated 	doconnor
519Bug #15127 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_RETURN in ./LiveUser/Perm/Storage/Cache 	doconnor
520Bug #17723 Patch: Avoid ereg in favor of preg_match 	olleolleolle
521   </notes>
522  </release>
523 </changelog>