1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.10.12" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema- instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>pam</name>
4 <channel>pecl.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>PAM integration</summary>
6 <description>This extension provides PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) integration. PAM is a system of libraries that handle the authentication tasks of applications and services. The library provides a stable API for applications to defer to for authentication tasks.</description>
7 <lead>
8  <name>Amish M</name>
9  <user>anonamish</user>
10  <email>anonamish AT gmail DOT com</email>
11  <active>yes</active>
12 </lead>
13 <date>2021-06-08</date>
14 <time>06:30:45</time>
15 <version>
16  <release>2.2.3</release>
17  <api>2.2.0</api>
18 </version>
19 <stability>
20  <release>stable</release>
21  <api>stable</api>
22 </stability>
23 <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
24 <notes>
25Fix minimum version of php and pear installer
26 </notes>
27 <contents>
28  <dir name="/">
29   <file md5sum="5adffca5ea647910bc360907d9e47cc0" name="config.m4" role="src" />
30   <file md5sum="bdb1e119a407fa3aae202537378bce3b" name="CREDITS" role="doc" />
31   <file md5sum="7e571b888d585b31f9ef5edcc647fa30" name="LICENSE" role="doc" />
32   <file md5sum="5cca8e971156b8d2bfee8df90cce674a" name="pam_arginfo.h" role="src" />
33   <file md5sum="4b17508847087c2edb27cb41ee5235e1" name="pam.c" role="src" />
34   <file md5sum="657c141fa1ef6147aecd6a040551188c" name="pam_legacy_arginfo.h" role="src" />
35   <file md5sum="c271a5050f9632d8efffb97274fcca89" name="pam.stub.php" role="src" />
36   <file md5sum="3764d37f4e82af33423c1a716aa16caa" name="php_pam.h" role="src" />
37   <file md5sum="8f9e1de50efc40a815ec5193259f811a" name="README" role="doc" />
38  </dir>
39 </contents>
40 <dependencies>
41  <required>
42   <php>
43    <min>7.3.0</min>
44   </php>
45   <pearinstaller>
46    <min>1.10</min>
47   </pearinstaller>
48  </required>
49 </dependencies>
50 <providesextension>pam</providesextension>
51 <extsrcrelease />
52 <changelog>
53  <release>
54   <date>2021-06-08</date>
55   <time>14:08:27</time>
56   <version>
57    <release>2.2.3</release>
58    <api>2.2.3</api>
59   </version>
60   <stability>
61    <release>stable</release>
62    <api>stable</api>
63   </stability>
64   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
65   <notes>
66Fix minimum version of php and pear installer
67   </notes>
68  </release>
69  <release>
70   <date>2021-06-07</date>
71   <time>14:08:27</time>
72   <version>
73    <release>2.2.2</release>
74    <api>2.2.2</api>
75   </version>
76   <stability>
77    <release>stable</release>
78    <api>stable</api>
79   </stability>
80   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
81   <notes>
82Add missing globals init and other minor fixes
83   </notes>
84  </release>
85  <release>
86   <date>2021-01-30</date>
87   <time>12:39:00</time>
88   <version>
89    <release>2.2.1</release>
90    <api>2.2.1</api>
91   </version>
92   <stability>
93    <release>stable</release>
94    <api>stable</api>
95   </stability>
96   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
97   <notes>
98Allow to call pam_auth() and pam_chpass() with a different PAM service name, at runtime
99Introduce new php.ini boolean pam.force_servicename to force to always use pam.servicename
100Optimize a bit and fix rare case memory leak
101Fix status parameter passing by reference
102Remove TSRMLS_* for php 8
104   </notes>
105  </release>
106  <release>
107   <date>2009-11-05</date>
108   <time>13:13:59</time>
109   <version>
110    <release>1.0.2</release>
111    <api>1.0.2</api>
112   </version>
113   <stability>
114    <release>stable</release>
115    <api>stable</api>
116   </stability>
117   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
118   <notes>
119Added PAM_RHOST param to facilitate RHOST auth (using $_SERVER[&apos;REMOTE_ADDR&apos;])
120   </notes>
121  </release>
122  <release>
123   <version>
124    <release>1.0.1</release>
125    <api>1.0.1</api>
126   </version>
127   <stability>
128    <release>stable</release>
129    <api>stable</api>
130   </stability>
131   <date>2007-09-22</date>
132   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
133   <notes>
134Error messages specify which pam_* function failed
135Fixed build on lib64 type systems
136   </notes>
137  </release>
138  <release>
139   <version>
140    <release>1.0.0</release>
141    <api>1.0.0</api>
142   </version>
143   <stability>
144    <release>stable</release>
145    <api>stable</api>
146   </stability>
147   <date>2006-11-13</date>
148   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
149   <notes>
150Initial PECL release
151   </notes>
152  </release>
153 </changelog>