2# encoding: UTF-8
5# Define global imports
7import os
8import re
9import sys
10import codecs
11import shutil
12import filecmp
13import subprocess as sp
14from . import constants
15from .GLError import GLError
16from .GLConfig import GLConfig
20# Define module information
22__author__ = constants.__author__
23__license__ = constants.__license__
24__copyright__ = constants.__copyright__
28# Define global constants
30PYTHON3 = constants.PYTHON3
31NoneType = type(None)
32APP = constants.APP
33DIRS = constants.DIRS
34ENCS = constants.ENCS
35UTILS = constants.UTILS
36MODES = constants.MODES
37TESTS = constants.TESTS
38compiler = constants.compiler
39joinpath = constants.joinpath
40cleaner = constants.cleaner
41string = constants.string
42isabs = os.path.isabs
43isdir = os.path.isdir
44isfile = os.path.isfile
45normpath = os.path.normpath
46relpath = os.path.relpath
50# Define GLFileSystem class
52class GLFileSystem(object):
53    '''GLFileSystem class is used to create virtual filesystem, which is based on
54    the gnulib directory and directory specified by localdir argument. Its main
55    method lookup(file) is used to find file in these directories or combine it
56    using Linux 'patch' utility.'''
58    def __init__(self, config):
59        '''Create new GLFileSystem instance. The only argument is localdir,
60        which can be an empty string too.'''
61        if type(config) is not GLConfig:
62            raise(TypeError('config must be a GLConfig, not %s' %
63                            type(config).__name__))
64        self.config = config
66    def __repr__(self):
67        '''x.__repr__ <==> repr(x)'''
68        result = '<pygnulib.GLFileSystem %s>' % hex(id(self))
69        return(result)
71    def lookup(self, name):
72        '''GLFileSystem.lookup(name) -> tuple
74        Lookup a file in gnulib and localdir directories or combine it using Linux
75        'patch' utility. If file was found, method returns string, else it raises
76        GLError telling that file was not found. Function also returns flag which
77        indicates whether file is a temporary file.
78        GLConfig: localdir.'''
79        if type(name) is bytes or type(name) is string:
80            if type(name) is bytes:
81                name = name.decode(ENCS['default'])
82        else:  # if name has not bytes or string type
83            raise(TypeError(
84                'name must be a string, not %s' % type(module).__name__))
85        # If name exists in localdir, then we use it
86        path_gnulib = joinpath(DIRS['root'], name)
87        path_local = joinpath(self.config['localdir'], name)
88        path_diff = joinpath(self.config['localdir'], '%s.diff' % name)
89        path_temp = joinpath(self.config['tempdir'], name)
90        try:  # Try to create directories
91            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path_temp))
92        except OSError as error:
93            pass  # Skip errors if directory exists
94        if isfile(path_temp):
95            os.remove(path_temp)
96        if self.config['localdir'] and isfile(path_local):
97            result = (path_local, False)
98        else:  # if path_local does not exist
99            if isfile(path_gnulib):
100                if self.config['localdir'] and isfile(path_diff):
101                    shutil.copy(path_gnulib, path_temp)
102                    command = 'patch -s "%s" < "%s" >&2' % (path_temp, path_diff)
103                    try:  # Try to apply patch
104                        sp.check_call(command, shell=True)
105                    except sp.CalledProcessError as error:
106                        raise(GLError(2, name))
107                    result = (path_temp, True)
108                else:  # if path_diff does not exist
109                    result = (path_gnulib, False)
110            else:  # if path_gnulib does not exist
111                raise(GLError(1, name))
112        return(result)
116# Define GLFileAssistant class
118class GLFileAssistant(object):
119    '''GLFileAssistant is used to help with file processing.'''
121    def __init__(self, config, transformers=dict()):
122        '''Create GLFileAssistant instance.'''
123        if type(config) is not GLConfig:
124            raise(TypeError('config must be a GLConfig, not %s' %
125                            type(config).__name__))
126        if type(transformers) is not dict:
127            raise(TypeError('transformers must be a dict, not %s' %
128                            type(transformers).__name__))
129        for key in ['lib', 'aux', 'main', 'tests']:
130            if key not in transformers:
131                transformers[key] = 's,x,x,'
132            else:  # if key in transformers
133                value = transformers[key]
134                if type(value) is bytes or type(value) is string:
135                    if type(value) is bytes:
136                        transformers[key] = value.decode(ENCS['default'])
137                else:  # if value has not bytes or string type
138                    raise(TypeError('transformers[%s] must be a string, not %s' %
139                                    (key, type(value).__name__)))
140        self.original = None
141        self.rewritten = None
142        self.added = list()
143        self.makefile = list()
144        self.config = config
145        self.transformers = transformers
146        self.filesystem = GLFileSystem(self.config)
148    def __repr__(self):
149        '''x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)'''
150        result = '<pygnulib.GLFileAssistant %s>' % hex(id(self))
151        return(result)
153    def tmpfilename(self, path):
154        '''GLFileAssistant.tmpfilename() -> string
156        Return the name of a temporary file (file is relative to destdir).'''
157        if type(path) is bytes or type(path) is string:
158            if type(path) is bytes:
159                path = path.decode(ENCS['default'])
160        else:  # if path has not bytes or string type
161            raise(TypeError(
162                'path must be a string, not %s' % (type(path).__name__)))
163        if not self.config['dryrun']:
164            # Put the new contents of $file in a file in the same directory (needed
165            # to guarantee that an 'mv' to "$destdir/$file" works).
166            result = joinpath(self.config['destdir'], '%s.tmp' % path)
167            dirname = os.path.dirname(result)
168            if dirname and not isdir(dirname):
169                os.makedirs(dirname)
170        else:  # if self.config['dryrun']
171            # Put the new contents of $file in a file in a temporary directory
172            # (because the directory of "$file" might not exist).
173            tempdir = self.config['tempdir']
174            result = joinpath(tempdir, '%s.tmp' % os.path.basename(path))
175            dirname = os.path.dirname(result)
176            if not isdir(dirname):
177                os.makedirs(dirname)
178        if type(result) is bytes:
179            result = bytes.decode(ENCS['default'])
180        return(result)
182    def setOriginal(self, original):
183        '''GLFileAssistant.setOriginal(original)
185        Set the name of the original file which will be used.'''
186        if type(original) is bytes or type(original) is string:
187            if type(original) is bytes:
188                original = original.decode(ENCS['default'])
189        else:  # if original has not bytes or string type
190            raise(TypeError(
191                'original must be a string, not %s' % (type(original).__name__)))
192        self.original = original
194    def setRewritten(self, rewritten):
195        '''GLFileAssistant.setRewritten(rewritten)
197        Set the name of the rewritten file which will be used.'''
198        if type(rewritten) is bytes or type(rewritten) is string:
199            if type(rewritten) is bytes:
200                rewritten = rewritten.decode(ENCS['default'])
201        else:  # if rewritten has not bytes or string type
202            raise(TypeError(
203                'rewritten must be a string, not %s' % type(rewritten).__name__))
204        self.rewritten = rewritten
206    def addFile(self, file):
207        '''GLFileAssistant.addFile(file)
209        Add file to the list of added files.'''
210        if file not in self.added:
211            self.added += [file]
213    def removeFile(self, file):
214        '''GLFileAssistant.removeFile(file)
216        Remove file from the list of added files.'''
217        if file in self.added:
218            self.added.pop(file)
220    def getFiles(self):
221        '''Return list of the added files.'''
222        return(list(self.added))
224    def add(self, lookedup, tmpflag, tmpfile):
225        '''GLFileAssistant.add(lookedup, tmpflag, tmpfile)
227        This method copies a file from gnulib into the destination directory.
228        The destination is known to exist. If tmpflag is True, then lookedup file
229        is a temporary one.'''
230        original = self.original
231        rewritten = self.rewritten
232        destdir = self.config['destdir']
233        symbolic = self.config['symbolic']
234        lsymbolic = self.config['lsymbolic']
235        if original == None:
236            raise(TypeError('original must be set before applying the method'))
237        elif rewritten == None:
238            raise(TypeError('rewritten must be set before applying the method'))
239        if not self.config['dryrun']:
240            print('Copying file %s' % rewritten)
241            loriginal = joinpath(self.config['localdir'], original)
242            if (symbolic or (lsymbolic and lookedup == loriginal)) \
243                    and not tmpflag and filecmp.cmp(lookedup, tmpfile):
244                constants.link_if_changed(
245                    lookedup, joinpath(destdir, rewritten))
246            else:  # if any of these conditions is not met
247                try:  # Try to move file
248                    shutil.move(tmpfile, joinpath(destdir, rewritten))
249                except Exception as error:
250                    raise(GLError(17, original))
251        else:  # if self.config['dryrun']
252            print('Copy file %s' % rewritten)
254    def update(self, lookedup, tmpflag, tmpfile, already_present):
255        '''GLFileAssistant.update(lookedup, tmpflag, tmpfile, already_present)
257        This method copies a file from gnulib into the destination directory.
258        The destination is known to exist. If tmpflag is True, then lookedup file
259        is a temporary one.'''
260        original = self.original
261        rewritten = self.rewritten
262        destdir = self.config['destdir']
263        symbolic = self.config['symbolic']
264        lsymbolic = self.config['lsymbolic']
265        if original == None:
266            raise(TypeError('original must be set before applying the method'))
267        elif rewritten == None:
268            raise(TypeError('rewritten must be set before applying the method'))
269        if type(lookedup) is bytes or type(lookedup) is string:
270            if type(lookedup) is bytes:
271                lookedup = lookedup.decode(ENCS['default'])
272        else:  # if lookedup has not bytes or string type
273            raise(TypeError('lookedup must be a string, not %s' %
274                            type(lookedup).__name__))
275        if type(already_present) is not bool:
276            raise(TypeError('already_present must be a bool, not %s' %
277                            type(already_present).__name__))
278        basename = rewritten
279        backupname = string('%s~' % basename)
280        basepath = joinpath(destdir, basename)
281        backuppath = joinpath(destdir, backupname)
282        if not filecmp.cmp(basepath, tmpfile):
283            if not self.config['dryrun']:
284                if already_present:
285                    print('Updating file %s (backup in %s)' %
286                          (basename, backupname))
287                else:  # if not already_present
288                    message = 'Replacing file '
289                    message += '%s (non-gnulib code backed up in ' % basename
290                    message += '%s) !!' % backupname
291                    print(message)
292                if isfile(backuppath):
293                    os.remove(backuppath)
294                try:  # Try to replace the given file
295                    shutil.move(basepath, backuppath)
296                except Exception as error:
297                    raise(GLError(17, original))
298                loriginal = joinpath(self.config['localdir'], original)
299                if (symbolic or (lsymbolic and lookedup == loriginal)) \
300                        and not tmpflag and filecmp.cmp(lookedup, tmpfile):
301                    constants.link_if_changed(lookedup, basepath)
302                else:  # if any of these conditions is not met
303                    try:  # Try to move file
304                        if os.path.exists(basepath):
305                            os.remove(basepath)
306                        shutil.copy(tmpfile, rewritten)
307                    except Exception as error:
308                        raise(GLError(17, original))
309            else:  # if self.config['dryrun']
310                if already_present:
311                    print('Update file %s (backup in %s)' %
312                          (rewritten, backup))
313                else:  # if not already_present
314                    print('Replace file %s (backup in %s)' %
315                          (rewritten, backup))
317    def add_or_update(self, already_present):
318        '''GLFileAssistant.add_or_update(already_present)
320        This method handles a file that ought to be present afterwards.'''
321        original = self.original
322        rewritten = self.rewritten
323        if original == None:
324            raise(TypeError('original must be set before applying the method'))
325        elif rewritten == None:
326            raise(TypeError('rewritten must be set before applying the method'))
327        if type(already_present) is not bool:
328            raise(TypeError('already_present must be a bool, not %s' %
329                            type(already_present).__name__))
330        xoriginal = original
331        if original.startswith('tests=lib/'):
332            xoriginal = constants.substart('tests=lib/', 'lib/', original)
333        lookedup, tmpflag = self.filesystem.lookup(xoriginal)
334        tmpfile = self.tmpfilename(rewritten)
335        sed_transform_lib_file = self.transformers.get('lib', '')
336        sed_transform_build_aux_file = self.transformers.get('aux', '')
337        sed_transform_main_lib_file = self.transformers.get('main', '')
338        sed_transform_testsrelated_lib_file = self.transformers.get(
339            'tests', '')
340        try:  # Try to copy lookedup file to tmpfile
341            shutil.copy(lookedup, tmpfile)
342        except Exception as error:
343            raise(GLError(15, lookedup))
344        # Don't process binary files with sed.
345        if not (original.endswith(".class") or original.endswith(".mo")):
346            transformer = string()
347            if original.startswith('lib/'):
348                if sed_transform_main_lib_file:
349                    transformer = sed_transform_main_lib_file
350            elif original.startswith('build-aux/'):
351                if sed_transform_build_aux_file:
352                    transformer = sed_transform_build_aux_file
353            elif original.startswith('tests=lib/'):
354                if sed_transform_testsrelated_lib_file:
355                    transformer = sed_transform_testsrelated_lib_file
356            if transformer:
357                args = ['sed', '-e', transformer]
358                stdin = codecs.open(lookedup, 'rb', 'UTF-8')
359                try:  # Try to transform file
360                    data = sp.check_output(args, stdin=stdin, shell=False)
361                    data = data.decode("UTF-8")
362                except Exception as error:
363                    raise(GLError(16, lookedup))
364                with codecs.open(tmpfile, 'wb', 'UTF-8') as file:
365                    file.write(data)
366        path = joinpath(self.config['destdir'], rewritten)
367        if isfile(path):
368            self.update(lookedup, tmpflag, tmpfile, already_present)
369            os.remove(tmpfile)
370        else:  # if not isfile(path)
371            self.add(lookedup, tmpflag, tmpfile)
372            self.addFile(rewritten)
374    def super_update(self, basename, tmpfile):
375        '''GLFileAssistant.super_update(basename, tmpfile) -> tuple
377        Move tmpfile to destdir/basename path, making a backup of it.
378        Returns tuple, which contains basename, backupname and status.
379          0: tmpfile is the same as destfile;
380          1: tmpfile was used to update destfile;
381          2: destfile was created, because it didn't exist.'''
382        backupname = '%s~' % basename
383        basepath = joinpath(self.config['destdir'], basename)
384        backuppath = joinpath(self.config['destdir'], backupname)
385        if isfile(basepath):
386            if filecmp.cmp(basepath, tmpfile):
387                result_flag = 0
388            else:  # if not filecmp.cmp(basepath, tmpfile)
389                result_flag = 1
390                if not self.config['dryrun']:
391                    if isfile(backuppath):
392                        os.remove(backuppath)
393                    shutil.move(basepath, backuppath)
394                    shutil.move(tmpfile, basepath)
395                else:  # if self.config['dryrun']
396                    os.remove(tmpfile)
397        else:  # if not isfile(basepath)
398            result_flag = 2
399            if not self.config['dryrun']:
400                if isfile(basepath):
401                    os.remove(basepath)
402                shutil.move(tmpfile, basepath)
403            else:  # if self.config['dryrun']
404                os.remove(tmpfile)
405        result = tuple([basename, backupname, result_flag])
406        return(result)