1 /*
2  * Prime generation.
3  */
5 #include <assert.h>
6 #include <math.h>
8 #include "ssh.h"
9 #include "mpint.h"
10 #include "mpunsafe.h"
11 #include "sshkeygen.h"
13 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14  * Standard probabilistic prime-generation algorithm:
15  *
16  *  - get a number from our PrimeCandidateSource which will at least
17  *    avoid being divisible by any prime under 2^16
18  *
19  *  - perform the Miller-Rabin primality test enough times to
20  *    ensure the probability of it being composite is 2^-80 or
21  *    less
22  *
23  *  - go back to square one if any M-R test fails.
24  */
probprime_new_context(const PrimeGenerationPolicy * policy)26 static PrimeGenerationContext *probprime_new_context(
27     const PrimeGenerationPolicy *policy)
28 {
29     PrimeGenerationContext *ctx = snew(PrimeGenerationContext);
30     ctx->vt = policy;
31     return ctx;
32 }
probprime_free_context(PrimeGenerationContext * ctx)34 static void probprime_free_context(PrimeGenerationContext *ctx)
35 {
36     sfree(ctx);
37 }
probprime_add_progress_phase(const PrimeGenerationPolicy * policy,ProgressReceiver * prog,unsigned bits)39 static ProgressPhase probprime_add_progress_phase(
40     const PrimeGenerationPolicy *policy,
41     ProgressReceiver *prog, unsigned bits)
42 {
43     /*
44      * The density of primes near x is 1/(log x). When x is about 2^b,
45      * that's 1/(b log 2).
46      *
47      * But we're only doing the expensive part of the process (the M-R
48      * checks) for a number that passes the initial winnowing test of
49      * having no factor less than 2^16 (at least, unless the prime is
50      * so small that PrimeCandidateSource gives up on that winnowing).
51      * The density of _those_ numbers is about 1/19.76. So the odds of
52      * hitting a prime per expensive attempt are boosted by a factor
53      * of 19.76.
54      */
55     const double log_2 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458;
56     double winnow_factor = (bits < 32 ? 1.0 : 19.76);
57     double prob = winnow_factor / (bits * log_2);
59     /*
60      * Estimate the cost of prime generation as the cost of the M-R
61      * modexps.
62      */
63     double cost = (miller_rabin_checks_needed(bits) *
64                    estimate_modexp_cost(bits));
65     return progress_add_probabilistic(prog, cost, prob);
66 }
probprime_generate(PrimeGenerationContext * ctx,PrimeCandidateSource * pcs,ProgressReceiver * prog)68 static mp_int *probprime_generate(
69     PrimeGenerationContext *ctx,
70     PrimeCandidateSource *pcs, ProgressReceiver *prog)
71 {
72     pcs_ready(pcs);
74     while (true) {
75         progress_report_attempt(prog);
77         mp_int *p = pcs_generate(pcs);
78         if (!p) {
79             pcs_free(pcs);
80             return NULL;
81         }
83         MillerRabin *mr = miller_rabin_new(p);
84         bool known_bad = false;
85         unsigned nchecks = miller_rabin_checks_needed(mp_get_nbits(p));
86         for (unsigned check = 0; check < nchecks; check++) {
87             if (!miller_rabin_test_random(mr)) {
88                 known_bad = true;
89                 break;
90             }
91         }
92         miller_rabin_free(mr);
94         if (!known_bad) {
95             /*
96              * We have a prime!
97              */
98             pcs_free(pcs);
99             return p;
100         }
102         mp_free(p);
103     }
104 }
null_mpu_certificate(PrimeGenerationContext * ctx,mp_int * p)106 static strbuf *null_mpu_certificate(PrimeGenerationContext *ctx, mp_int *p)
107 {
108     return NULL;
109 }
111 const PrimeGenerationPolicy primegen_probabilistic = {
112     probprime_add_progress_phase,
113     probprime_new_context,
114     probprime_free_context,
115     probprime_generate,
116     null_mpu_certificate,
117 };
119 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
120  * Alternative provable-prime algorithm, based on the following paper:
121  *
122  * [MAURER] Maurer, U.M. Fast generation of prime numbers and secure
123  * public-key cryptographic parameters. J. Cryptology 8, 123–155
124  * (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00202269
125  */
127 typedef enum SubprimePolicy {
128     SPP_FAST,
131 } SubprimePolicy;
133 typedef struct ProvablePrimePolicyExtra {
134     SubprimePolicy spp;
135 } ProvablePrimePolicyExtra;
137 typedef struct ProvablePrimeContext ProvablePrimeContext;
138 struct ProvablePrimeContext {
139     Pockle *pockle;
140     PrimeGenerationContext pgc;
141     const ProvablePrimePolicyExtra *extra;
142 };
provableprime_new_context(const PrimeGenerationPolicy * policy)144 static PrimeGenerationContext *provableprime_new_context(
145     const PrimeGenerationPolicy *policy)
146 {
147     ProvablePrimeContext *ppc = snew(ProvablePrimeContext);
148     ppc->pgc.vt = policy;
149     ppc->pockle = pockle_new();
150     ppc->extra = policy->extra;
151     return &ppc->pgc;
152 }
provableprime_free_context(PrimeGenerationContext * ctx)154 static void provableprime_free_context(PrimeGenerationContext *ctx)
155 {
156     ProvablePrimeContext *ppc = container_of(ctx, ProvablePrimeContext, pgc);
157     pockle_free(ppc->pockle);
158     sfree(ppc);
159 }
provableprime_add_progress_phase(const PrimeGenerationPolicy * policy,ProgressReceiver * prog,unsigned bits)161 static ProgressPhase provableprime_add_progress_phase(
162     const PrimeGenerationPolicy *policy,
163     ProgressReceiver *prog, unsigned bits)
164 {
165     /*
166      * Estimating the cost of making a _provable_ prime is difficult
167      * because of all the recursions to smaller sizes.
168      *
169      * Once you have enough factors of p-1 to certify primality of p,
170      * the remaining work in provable prime generation is not very
171      * different from probabilistic: you generate a random candidate,
172      * test its primality probabilistically, and use the witness value
173      * generated as a byproduct of that test for the full Pocklington
174      * verification. The expensive part, as usual, is made of modpows.
175      *
176      * The Pocklington test needs at least two modpows (one for the
177      * Fermat check, and one per known factor of p-1).
178      *
179      * The prior M-R step needs an unknown number, because we iterate
180      * until we find a value whose order is divisible by the largest
181      * power of 2 that divides p-1, say 2^j. That excludes half the
182      * possible witness values (specifically, the quadratic residues),
183      * so we expect to need on average two M-R operations to find one.
184      * But that's only if the number _is_ prime - as usual, it's also
185      * possible that we hit a non-prime and have to try again.
186      *
187      * So, if we were only estimating the cost of that final step, it
188      * would look a lot like the probabilistic version: we'd have to
189      * estimate the expected total number of modexps by knowing
190      * something about the density of primes among our candidate
191      * integers, and then multiply that by estimate_modexp_cost(bits).
192      * But the problem is that we also have to _find_ a smaller prime,
193      * so we have to recurse.
194      *
195      * In the MAURER_SIMPLE version of the algorithm, you recurse to
196      * any one of a range of possible smaller sizes i, each with
197      * probability proportional to 1/i. So your expected time to
198      * generate an n-bit prime is given by a horrible recurrence of
199      * the form E_n = S_n + (sum E_i/i) / (sum 1/i), in which S_n is
200      * the expected cost of the final step once you have your smaller
201      * primes, and both sums are over ceil(n/2) <= i <= n-20.
202      *
203      * At this point I ran out of effort to actually do the maths
204      * rigorously, so instead I did the empirical experiment of
205      * generating that sequence in Python and plotting it on a graph.
206      * My Python code is here, in case I need it again:
208 from math import log
210 alpha = log(3)/log(2) + 1 # exponent for modexp using Karatsuba mult
212 E = [1] * 16 # assume generating tiny primes is trivial
214 for n in range(len(E), 4096):
216     # Expected time for sub-generations, as a weighted mean of prior
217     # values of the same sequence.
218     lo = (n+1)//2
219     hi = n-20
220     if lo <= hi:
221         subrange = range(lo, hi+1)
222         num = sum(E[i]/i for i in subrange)
223         den = sum(1/i for i in subrange)
224     else:
225         num, den = 0, 1
227     # Constant term (cost of final step).
228     # Similar to probprime_add_progress_phase.
229     winnow_factor = 1 if n < 32 else 19.76
230     prob = winnow_factor / (n * log(2))
231     cost = 4 * n**alpha / prob
233     E.append(cost + num / den)
235 for i, p in enumerate(E):
236     try:
237         print(log(i), log(p))
238     except ValueError:
239         continue
241      * The output loop prints the logs of both i and E_i, so that when
242      * I plot the resulting data file in gnuplot I get a log-log
243      * diagram. That showed me some early noise and then a very
244      * straight-looking line; feeding the straight part of the graph
245      * to linear-regression analysis reported that it fits the line
246      *
247      *     log E_n = -1.7901825337965498 + 3.6199197179662517 * log(n)
248      * =>      E_n = 0.16692969657466802 * n^3.6199197179662517
249      *
250      * So my somewhat empirical estimate is that Maurer prime
251      * generation costs about 0.167 * bits^3.62, in the same arbitrary
252      * time units used by estimate_modexp_cost.
253      */
255     return progress_add_linear(prog, 0.167 * pow(bits, 3.62));
256 }
primegen_small(Pockle * pockle,PrimeCandidateSource * pcs)258 static mp_int *primegen_small(Pockle *pockle, PrimeCandidateSource *pcs)
259 {
260     assert(pcs_get_bits(pcs) <= 32);
262     pcs_ready(pcs);
264     while (true) {
265         mp_int *p = pcs_generate(pcs);
266         if (!p) {
267             pcs_free(pcs);
268             return NULL;
269         }
270         if (pockle_add_small_prime(pockle, p) == POCKLE_OK) {
271             pcs_free(pcs);
272             return p;
273         }
274         mp_free(p);
275     }
276 }
timestamp(FILE * fp)279 static void timestamp(FILE *fp)
280 {
281     struct timespec ts;
282     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
283     fprintf(fp, "%lu.%09lu: ", (unsigned long)ts.tv_sec,
284             (unsigned long)ts.tv_nsec);
285 }
debug_f(const char * fmt,...)286 static PRINTF_LIKE(1, 2) void debug_f(const char *fmt, ...)
287 {
288     va_list ap;
289     va_start(ap, fmt);
290     timestamp(stderr);
291     vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
292     fputc('\n', stderr);
293     va_end(ap);
294 }
debug_f_mp(const char * fmt,mp_int * x,...)295 static void debug_f_mp(const char *fmt, mp_int *x, ...)
296 {
297     va_list ap;
298     va_start(ap, x);
299     timestamp(stderr);
300     vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
301     mp_dump(stderr, "", x, "\n");
302     va_end(ap);
303 }
304 #else
305 #define debug_f(...) ((void)0)
306 #define debug_f_mp(...) ((void)0)
307 #endif
uniform_random_double(void)309 static double uniform_random_double(void)
310 {
311     unsigned char randbuf[8];
312     random_read(randbuf, 8);
313     return GET_64BIT_MSB_FIRST(randbuf) * 0x1.0p-64;
314 }
mp_ceil_div(mp_int * n,mp_int * d)316 static mp_int *mp_ceil_div(mp_int *n, mp_int *d)
317 {
318     mp_int *nplus = mp_add(n, d);
319     mp_sub_integer_into(nplus, nplus, 1);
320     mp_int *toret = mp_div(nplus, d);
321     mp_free(nplus);
322     return toret;
323 }
provableprime_generate_inner(ProvablePrimeContext * ppc,PrimeCandidateSource * pcs,ProgressReceiver * prog,double progress_origin,double progress_scale)325 static mp_int *provableprime_generate_inner(
326     ProvablePrimeContext *ppc, PrimeCandidateSource *pcs,
327     ProgressReceiver *prog, double progress_origin, double progress_scale)
328 {
329     unsigned bits = pcs_get_bits(pcs);
330     assert(bits > 1);
332     if (bits <= 32) {
333         debug_f("ppgi(%u) -> small", bits);
334         return primegen_small(ppc->pockle, pcs);
335     }
337     unsigned min_bits_needed, max_bits_needed;
338     {
339         /*
340          * Find the product of all the prime factors we already know
341          * about.
342          */
343         mp_int *size_got = mp_from_integer(1);
344         size_t nfactors;
345         mp_int **factors = pcs_get_known_prime_factors(pcs, &nfactors);
346         for (size_t i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) {
347             mp_int *to_free = size_got;
348             size_got = mp_unsafe_shrink(mp_mul(size_got, factors[i]));
349             mp_free(to_free);
350         }
352         /*
353          * Find the largest cofactor we might be able to use, and the
354          * smallest one we can get away with.
355          */
356         mp_int *upperbound = pcs_get_upper_bound(pcs);
357         mp_int *size_needed = mp_nthroot(upperbound, 3, NULL);
358         debug_f_mp("upperbound = ", upperbound);
359         {
360             mp_int *to_free = upperbound;
361             upperbound = mp_unsafe_shrink(mp_div(upperbound, size_got));
362             mp_free(to_free);
363         }
364         debug_f_mp("size_needed = ", size_needed);
365         {
366             mp_int *to_free = size_needed;
367             size_needed = mp_unsafe_shrink(mp_ceil_div(size_needed, size_got));
368             mp_free(to_free);
369         }
371         max_bits_needed = pcs_get_bits_remaining(pcs);
373         /*
374          * We need a prime that is greater than or equal to
375          * 'size_needed' in order for the product of all our known
376          * factors of p-1 to exceed the cube root of the largest value
377          * p might take.
378          *
379          * Since pcs_new wants a size specified in bits, we must count
380          * the bits in size_needed and then add 1. Otherwise we might
381          * get a value with the same bit count as size_needed but
382          * slightly smaller than it.
383          *
384          * An exception is if size_needed = 1. In that case the
385          * product of existing known factors is _already_ enough, so
386          * we don't need to generate an extra factor at all.
387          */
388         if (mp_hs_integer(size_needed, 2)) {
389             min_bits_needed = mp_get_nbits(size_needed) + 1;
390         } else {
391             min_bits_needed = 0;
392         }
394         mp_free(upperbound);
395         mp_free(size_needed);
396         mp_free(size_got);
397     }
399     double progress = 0.0;
401     if (min_bits_needed) {
402         debug_f("ppgi(%u) recursing, need [%u,%u] more bits",
403                 bits, min_bits_needed, max_bits_needed);
405         unsigned *sizes = NULL;
406         size_t nsizes = 0, sizesize = 0;
408         unsigned real_min = max_bits_needed / 2;
409         unsigned real_max = (max_bits_needed >= 20 ?
410                              max_bits_needed - 20 : 0);
411         if (real_min < min_bits_needed)
412             real_min = min_bits_needed;
413         if (real_max < real_min)
414             real_max = real_min;
415         debug_f("ppgi(%u) revised bits interval = [%u,%u]",
416                 bits, real_min, real_max);
418         switch (ppc->extra->spp) {
419           case SPP_FAST:
420             /*
421              * Always pick the smallest subsidiary prime we can get
422              * away with: just over n/3 bits.
423              *
424              * This is not a good mode for cryptographic prime
425              * generation, because it skews the distribution of primes
426              * greatly, and worse, it skews them in a direction that
427              * heads away from the properties crypto algorithms tend
428              * to like.
429              *
430              * (For both discrete-log systems and RSA, people have
431              * tended to recommend in the past that p-1 should have a
432              * _large_ factor if possible. There's some disagreement
433              * on which algorithms this is really necessary for, but
434              * certainly I've never seen anyone recommend arranging a
435              * _small_ factor on purpose.)
436              *
437              * I originally implemented this mode because it was
438              * convenient for debugging - it wastes as little time as
439              * possible on finding a sub-prime and lets you get to the
440              * interesting part! And I leave it in the code because it
441              * might still be useful for _something_. Because it's
442              * cryptographically questionable, it's not selectable in
443              * the UI of either version of PuTTYgen proper; but it can
444              * be accessed through testcrypt, and if for some reason a
445              * definite prime is needed for non-crypto purposes, it
446              * may still be the fastest way to put your hands on one.
447              */
448             debug_f("ppgi(%u) fast mode, just ask for %u bits",
449                     bits, min_bits_needed);
450             sgrowarray(sizes, sizesize, nsizes);
451             sizes[nsizes++] = min_bits_needed;
452             break;
453           case SPP_MAURER_SIMPLE: {
454             /*
455              * Select the size of the subsidiary prime at random from
456              * sqrt(outputprime) up to outputprime/2^20, in such a way
457              * that the probability distribution matches that of the
458              * largest prime factor of a random n-bit number.
459              *
460              * Per [MAURER] section 3.4, the cumulative distribution
461              * function of this relative size is 1+log2(x), for x in
462              * [1/2,1]. You can generate a value from the distribution
463              * given by a cdf by applying the inverse cdf to a uniform
464              * value in [0,1]. Simplifying that in this case, what we
465              * have to do is raise 2 to the power of a random real
466              * number between -1 and 0. (And that gives you the number
467              * of _bits_ in the sub-prime, as a factor of the desired
468              * output number of bits.)
469              *
470              * We also require that the subsidiary prime q is at least
471              * 20 bits smaller than the output one, to give us a
472              * fighting chance of there being _any_ prime we can find
473              * such that q | p-1.
474              *
475              * (But these rules have to be applied in an order that
476              * still leaves us _some_ interval of possible sizes we
477              * can pick!)
478              */
479           maurer_simple:
480             debug_f("ppgi(%u) Maurer simple mode", bits);
482             unsigned sub_bits;
483             do {
484                 double uniform = uniform_random_double();
485                 sub_bits = real_max * pow(2.0, uniform - 1) + 0.5;
486                 debug_f(" ... %.6f -> %u?", uniform, sub_bits);
487             } while (!(real_min <= sub_bits && sub_bits <= real_max));
489             debug_f("ppgi(%u) asking for %u bits", bits, sub_bits);
490             sgrowarray(sizes, sizesize, nsizes);
491             sizes[nsizes++] = sub_bits;
493             break;
494           }
495           case SPP_MAURER_COMPLEX: {
496             /*
497              * In this mode, we may generate multiple factors of p-1
498              * which between them add up to at least n/2 bits, in such
499              * a way that those are guaranteed to be the largest
500              * factors of p-1 and that they have the same probability
501              * distribution as the largest k factors would have in a
502              * random integer. The idea is that this more elaborate
503              * procedure gets as close as possible to the same
504              * probability distribution you'd get by selecting a
505              * completely random prime (if you feasibly could).
506              *
507              * Algorithm from Appendix 1 of [MAURER]: we generate
508              * random real numbers that sum to at most 1, by choosing
509              * each one uniformly from the range [0, 1 - sum of all
510              * the previous ones]. We maintain them in a list in
511              * decreasing order, and we stop as soon as we find an
512              * initial subsequence of the list s_1,...,s_r such that
513              * s_1 + ... + s_{r-1} + 2 s_r > 1. In particular, this
514              * guarantees that the sum of that initial subsequence is
515              * at least 1/2, so we end up with enough factors to
516              * satisfy Pocklington.
517              */
519             if (max_bits_needed / 2 + 1 > real_max) {
520                 /* Early exit path in the case where this algorithm
521                  * can't possibly generate a value in the range we
522                  * need. In that situation, fall back to Maurer
523                  * simple. */
524                 debug_f("ppgi(%u) skipping GenerateSizeList, "
525                         "real_max too small", bits);
526                 goto maurer_simple;    /* sorry! */
527             }
529             double *s = NULL;
530             size_t ns, ssize = 0;
532             while (true) {
533                 debug_f("ppgi(%u) starting GenerateSizeList", bits);
534                 ns = 0;
535                 double range = 1.0;
536                 while (true) {
537                     /* Generate the next number */
538                     double u = uniform_random_double() * range;
539                     range -= u;
540                     debug_f("  u_%"SIZEu" = %g", ns, u);
542                     /* Insert it in the list */
543                     sgrowarray(s, ssize, ns);
544                     size_t i;
545                     for (i = ns; i > 0 && s[i-1] < u; i--)
546                         s[i] = s[i-1];
547                     s[i] = u;
548                     ns++;
549                     debug_f("    inserting as s[%"SIZEu"]", i);
551                     /* Look for a suitable initial subsequence */
552                     double sum = 0;
553                     for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
554                         sum += s[i];
555                         if (sum + s[i] > 1.0) {
556                             debug_f("  s[0..%"SIZEu"] works!", i);
558                             /* Truncate the sequence here, and stop
559                              * generating random real numbers. */
560                             ns = i+1;
561                             goto got_list;
562                         }
563                     }
564                 }
566               got_list:;
567                 /*
568                  * Now translate those real numbers into actual bit
569                  * counts, and do a last-minute check to make sure
570                  * their product is going to be in range.
571                  *
572                  * We have to check both the min and max sizes of the
573                  * total. A b-bit number is in [2^{b-1},2^b). So the
574                  * product of numbers of sizes b_1,...,b_k is at least
575                  * 2^{\sum (b_i-1)}, and less than 2^{\sum b_i}.
576                  */
577                 nsizes = 0;
579                 unsigned min_total = 0, max_total = 0;
581                 for (size_t i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
582                     /* These sizes are measured in actual entropy, so
583                      * add 1 bit each time to account for the
584                      * zero-information leading 1 */
585                     unsigned this_size = max_bits_needed * s[i] + 1;
586                     debug_f("  bits[%"SIZEu"] = %u", i, this_size);
587                     sgrowarray(sizes, sizesize, nsizes);
588                     sizes[nsizes++] = this_size;
590                     min_total += this_size - 1;
591                     max_total += this_size;
592                 }
594                 debug_f("  total bits = [%u,%u)", min_total, max_total);
595                 if (min_total < real_min || max_total > real_max+1) {
596                     debug_f("  total out of range, try again");
597                 } else {
598                     debug_f("  success! %"SIZEu" sub-primes totalling [%u,%u) "
599                             "bits", nsizes, min_total, max_total);
600                     break;
601                 }
602             }
604             smemclr(s, ssize * sizeof(*s));
605             sfree(s);
606             break;
607           }
608           default:
609             unreachable("bad subprime policy");
610         }
612         for (size_t i = 0; i < nsizes; i++) {
613             unsigned sub_bits = sizes[i];
614             double progress_in_this_prime = (double)sub_bits / bits;
615             mp_int *q = provableprime_generate_inner(
616                 ppc, pcs_new(sub_bits),
617                 prog, progress_origin + progress_scale * progress,
618                 progress_scale * progress_in_this_prime);
619             progress += progress_in_this_prime;
620             assert(q);
621             debug_f_mp("ppgi(%u) got factor ", q, bits);
622             pcs_require_residue_1_mod_prime(pcs, q);
623             mp_free(q);
624         }
626         smemclr(sizes, sizesize * sizeof(*sizes));
627         sfree(sizes);
628     } else {
629         debug_f("ppgi(%u) no need to recurse", bits);
630     }
632     debug_f("ppgi(%u) ready, %u bits remaining",
633             bits, pcs_get_bits_remaining(pcs));
634     pcs_ready(pcs);
636     while (true) {
637         mp_int *p = pcs_generate(pcs);
638         if (!p) {
639             pcs_free(pcs);
640             return NULL;
641         }
643         debug_f_mp("provable_step p=", p);
645         MillerRabin *mr = miller_rabin_new(p);
646         debug_f("provable_step mr setup done");
647         mp_int *witness = miller_rabin_find_potential_primitive_root(mr);
648         miller_rabin_free(mr);
650         if (!witness) {
651             debug_f("provable_step mr failed");
652             mp_free(p);
653             continue;
654         }
656         size_t nfactors;
657         mp_int **factors = pcs_get_known_prime_factors(pcs, &nfactors);
658         PockleStatus st = pockle_add_prime(
659             ppc->pockle, p, factors, nfactors, witness);
661         if (st != POCKLE_OK) {
662             debug_f("provable_step proof failed %d", (int)st);
664             /*
665              * Check by assertion that the error status is not one of
666              * the ones we ought to have ruled out already by
667              * construction. If there's a bug in this code that means
668              * we can _never_ pass this test (e.g. picking products of
669              * factors that never quite reach cbrt(n)), we'd rather
670              * fail an assertion than loop forever.
671              */
672             assert(st == POCKLE_DISCRIMINANT_IS_SQUARE ||
673                    st == POCKLE_WITNESS_POWER_IS_1 ||
674                    st == POCKLE_WITNESS_POWER_NOT_COPRIME);
676             mp_free(p);
677             if (witness)
678                 mp_free(witness);
679             continue;
680         }
682         mp_free(witness);
683         pcs_free(pcs);
684         debug_f_mp("ppgi(%u) done, got ", p, bits);
685         progress_report(prog, progress_origin + progress_scale);
686         return p;
687     }
688 }
provableprime_generate(PrimeGenerationContext * ctx,PrimeCandidateSource * pcs,ProgressReceiver * prog)690 static mp_int *provableprime_generate(
691     PrimeGenerationContext *ctx,
692     PrimeCandidateSource *pcs, ProgressReceiver *prog)
693 {
694     ProvablePrimeContext *ppc = container_of(ctx, ProvablePrimeContext, pgc);
695     mp_int *p = provableprime_generate_inner(ppc, pcs, prog, 0.0, 1.0);
697     return p;
698 }
provableprime_mpu_certificate(PrimeGenerationContext * ctx,mp_int * p)700 static inline strbuf *provableprime_mpu_certificate(
701     PrimeGenerationContext *ctx, mp_int *p)
702 {
703     ProvablePrimeContext *ppc = container_of(ctx, ProvablePrimeContext, pgc);
704     return pockle_mpu(ppc->pockle, p);
705 }
707 #define DECLARE_POLICY(name, policy)                                    \
708     static const struct ProvablePrimePolicyExtra                        \
709         pppextra_##name = {policy};                                     \
710     const PrimeGenerationPolicy name = {                                \
711         provableprime_add_progress_phase,                               \
712         provableprime_new_context,                                      \
713         provableprime_free_context,                                     \
714         provableprime_generate,                                         \
715         provableprime_mpu_certificate,                                  \
716         &pppextra_##name,                                               \
717     }
719 DECLARE_POLICY(primegen_provable_fast, SPP_FAST);
720 DECLARE_POLICY(primegen_provable_maurer_simple, SPP_MAURER_SIMPLE);
721 DECLARE_POLICY(primegen_provable_maurer_complex, SPP_MAURER_COMPLEX);
723 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
724  * Reusable null implementation of the progress-reporting API.
725  */
null_progress_add(void)727 static inline ProgressPhase null_progress_add(void) {
728     ProgressPhase ph = { .n = 0 };
729     return ph;
730 }
null_progress_add_linear(ProgressReceiver * prog,double c)731 ProgressPhase null_progress_add_linear(
732     ProgressReceiver *prog, double c) { return null_progress_add(); }
null_progress_add_probabilistic(ProgressReceiver * prog,double c,double p)733 ProgressPhase null_progress_add_probabilistic(
734     ProgressReceiver *prog, double c, double p) { return null_progress_add(); }
null_progress_ready(ProgressReceiver * prog)735 void null_progress_ready(ProgressReceiver *prog) {}
null_progress_start_phase(ProgressReceiver * prog,ProgressPhase phase)736 void null_progress_start_phase(ProgressReceiver *prog, ProgressPhase phase) {}
null_progress_report(ProgressReceiver * prog,double progress)737 void null_progress_report(ProgressReceiver *prog, double progress) {}
null_progress_report_attempt(ProgressReceiver * prog)738 void null_progress_report_attempt(ProgressReceiver *prog) {}
null_progress_report_phase_complete(ProgressReceiver * prog)739 void null_progress_report_phase_complete(ProgressReceiver *prog) {}
740 const ProgressReceiverVtable null_progress_vt = {
741     .add_linear = null_progress_add_linear,
742     .add_probabilistic = null_progress_add_probabilistic,
743     .ready = null_progress_ready,
744     .start_phase = null_progress_start_phase,
745     .report = null_progress_report,
746     .report_attempt = null_progress_report_attempt,
747     .report_phase_complete = null_progress_report_phase_complete,
748 };
750 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
751  * Helper function for progress estimation.
752  */
estimate_modexp_cost(unsigned bits)754 double estimate_modexp_cost(unsigned bits)
755 {
756     /*
757      * A modexp of n bits goes roughly like O(n^2.58), on the grounds
758      * that our modmul is O(n^1.58) (Karatsuba) and you need O(n) of
759      * them in a modexp.
760      */
761     return pow(bits, 2.58);
762 }