1import binascii
2import functools
3import time
4import logging
5from typing import TypeVar, overload, Any, Optional
7from claripy import backend_manager
9from .plugin import SimStatePlugin
10from .sim_action_object import ast_stripping_decorator, SimActionObject
12l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
17# Timing stuff
20_timing_enabled = False
22lt = logging.getLogger("angr.state_plugins.solver_timing")
23def timed_function(f):
24    if _timing_enabled:
25        @functools.wraps(f)
26        def timing_guy(*args, **kwargs):
27            the_solver = kwargs.pop('the_solver', None)
28            the_solver = args[0] if the_solver is None else the_solver
29            s = the_solver.state
31            start = time.time()
32            r = f(*args, **kwargs)
33            end = time.time()
34            duration = end-start
36            try:
37                if s.scratch.sim_procedure is None and s.scratch.bbl_addr is not None:
38                    location = "bbl %#x, stmt %s (inst %s)" % (
39                        s.scratch.bbl_addr,
40                        s.scratch.stmt_idx,
41                        ('%s' % s.scratch.ins_addr if s.scratch.ins_addr is None else '%#x' % s.scratch.ins_addr)
42                    )
43                elif s.scratch.sim_procedure is not None:
44                    location = "sim_procedure %s" % s.scratch.sim_procedure
45                else:
46                    location = "unknown"
47            except Exception: #pylint:disable=broad-except
48                l.error("Got exception while generating timer message:", exc_info=True)
49                location = "unknown"
50            lt.log(int((end-start)*10), '%s took %s seconds at %s', f.__name__, round(duration, 2), location)
52            if 0 <= break_time < duration:
53                #pylint: disable = import-outside-toplevel
54                import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
56            return r
58        return timing_guy
59    else:
60        return f
63def enable_timing():
64    global _timing_enabled
65    _timing_enabled = True
66    lt.setLevel(1)
69def disable_timing():
70    global _timing_enabled
71    _timing_enabled = False
73import os
74if os.environ.get('SOLVER_TIMING', False):
75    enable_timing()
77    disable_timing()
79break_time = float(os.environ.get('SOLVER_BREAK_TIME', -1))
82# Various over-engineered crap
85def error_converter(f):
86    @functools.wraps(f)
87    def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
88        try:
89            return f(*args, **kwargs)
90        except claripy.UnsatError as e:
91            raise SimUnsatError("Got an unsat result") from e
92        except claripy.ClaripyFrontendError as e:
93            raise SimSolverModeError("Claripy threw an error") from e
94    return wrapped_f
97# Premature optimizations
100def _concrete_bool(e):
101    if isinstance(e, bool):
102        return e
103    elif isinstance(e, claripy.ast.Base) and e.op == 'BoolV':
104        return e.args[0]
105    elif isinstance(e, SimActionObject) and e.op == 'BoolV':
106        return e.args[0]
107    else:
108        return None
110def _concrete_value(e):
111    # shortcuts for speed improvement
112    if isinstance(e, (int, float, bool)):
113        return e
114    elif isinstance(e, claripy.ast.Base) and e.op in claripy.operations.leaf_operations_concrete:
115        return e.args[0]
116    elif isinstance(e, SimActionObject) and e.op in claripy.operations.leaf_operations_concrete:
117        return e.args[0]
118    else:
119        return None
121def concrete_path_bool(f):
122    @functools.wraps(f)
123    def concrete_shortcut_bool(self, *args, **kwargs):
124        v = _concrete_bool(args[0])
125        if v is None:
126            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
127        else:
128            return v
129    return concrete_shortcut_bool
131def concrete_path_not_bool(f):
132    @functools.wraps(f)
133    def concrete_shortcut_not_bool(self, *args, **kwargs):
134        v = _concrete_bool(args[0])
135        if v is None:
136            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
137        else:
138            return not v
139    return concrete_shortcut_not_bool
141def concrete_path_scalar(f):
142    @functools.wraps(f)
143    def concrete_shortcut_scalar(self, *args, **kwargs):
144        v = _concrete_value(args[0])
145        if v is None:
146            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
147        else:
148            return v
149    return concrete_shortcut_scalar
151def concrete_path_tuple(f):
152    @functools.wraps(f)
153    def concrete_shortcut_tuple(self, *args, **kwargs):
154        v = _concrete_value(args[0])
155        if v is None:
156            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
157        else:
158            return ( v, )
159    return concrete_shortcut_tuple
161def concrete_path_list(f):
162    @functools.wraps(f)
163    def concrete_shortcut_list(self, *args, **kwargs):
164        v = _concrete_value(args[0])
165        if v is None:
166            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
167        else:
168            return [ v ]
169    return concrete_shortcut_list
172# The main event
175import claripy
176class SimSolver(SimStatePlugin):
177    """
178    This is the plugin you'll use to interact with symbolic variables, creating them and evaluating them.
179    It should be available on a state as ``state.solver``.
181    Any top-level variable of the claripy module can be accessed as a property of this object.
182    """
183    def __init__(self, solver=None, all_variables=None, temporal_tracked_variables=None, eternal_tracked_variables=None): #pylint:disable=redefined-outer-name
184        l.debug("Creating SimSolverClaripy.")
185        SimStatePlugin.__init__(self)
186        self._stored_solver = solver
187        self.all_variables = [] if all_variables is None else all_variables
188        self.temporal_tracked_variables = {} if temporal_tracked_variables is None else temporal_tracked_variables
189        self.eternal_tracked_variables = {} if eternal_tracked_variables is None else eternal_tracked_variables
191    def reload_solver(self, constraints=None):
192        """
193        Reloads the solver. Useful when changing solver options.
195        :param list constraints:    A new list of constraints to use in the reloaded solver instead of the current one
196        """
198        if constraints is None:
199            constraints = self._solver.constraints
200        self._stored_solver = None
201        self._solver.add(constraints)
203    def get_variables(self, *keys):
204        """
205        Iterate over all variables for which their tracking key is a prefix of the values provided.
207        Elements are a tuple, the first element is the full tracking key, the second is the symbol.
209        >>> list(s.solver.get_variables('mem'))
210        [(('mem', 0x1000), <BV64 mem_1000_4_64>), (('mem', 0x1008), <BV64 mem_1008_5_64>)]
212        >>> list(s.solver.get_variables('file'))
213        [(('file', 1, 0), <BV8 file_1_0_6_8>), (('file', 1, 1), <BV8 file_1_1_7_8>), (('file', 2, 0), <BV8 file_2_0_8_8>)]
215        >>> list(s.solver.get_variables('file', 2))
216        [(('file', 2, 0), <BV8 file_2_0_8_8>)]
218        >>> list(s.solver.get_variables())
219        [(('mem', 0x1000), <BV64 mem_1000_4_64>), (('mem', 0x1008), <BV64 mem_1008_5_64>), (('file', 1, 0), <BV8 file_1_0_6_8>), (('file', 1, 1), <BV8 file_1_1_7_8>), (('file', 2, 0), <BV8 file_2_0_8_8>)]
220        """
221        for k, v in self.eternal_tracked_variables.items():
222            if len(k) >= len(keys) and all(x == y for x, y in zip(keys, k)):
223                yield k, v
224        for k, v in self.temporal_tracked_variables.items():
225            if k[-1] is None:
226                continue
227            if len(k) >= len(keys) and all(x == y for x, y in zip(keys, k)):
228                yield k, v
230    def register_variable(self, v, key, eternal=True):
231        """
232        Register a value with the variable tracking system
234        :param v:       The BVS to register
235        :param key:     A tuple to register the variable under
236        :parma eternal: Whether this is an eternal variable, default True. If False, an incrementing counter will be
237                        appended to the key.
238        """
239        if type(key) is not tuple:
240            raise TypeError("Variable tracking key must be a tuple")
241        if eternal:
242            self.eternal_tracked_variables[key] = v
243        else:
244            self.temporal_tracked_variables = dict(self.temporal_tracked_variables)
245            ctrkey = key + (None,)
246            ctrval = self.temporal_tracked_variables.get(ctrkey, 0) + 1
247            self.temporal_tracked_variables[ctrkey] = ctrval
248            tempkey = key + (ctrval,)
249            self.temporal_tracked_variables[tempkey] = v
251    def describe_variables(self, v):
252        """
253        Given an AST, iterate over all the keys of all the BVS leaves in the tree which are registered.
254        """
255        reverse_mapping = {next(iter(var.variables)): k for k, var in self.eternal_tracked_variables.items()}
256        reverse_mapping.update({next(iter(var.variables)): k for k, var in self.temporal_tracked_variables.items() if k[-1] is not None})
258        for var in v.variables:
259            if var in reverse_mapping:
260                yield reverse_mapping[var]
262    @property
263    def _solver(self):
264        """
265        Creates or gets a Claripy solver, based on the state options.
266        """
267        if self._stored_solver is not None:
268            return self._stored_solver
270        track = o.CONSTRAINT_TRACKING_IN_SOLVER in self.state.options
271        approximate_first = o.APPROXIMATE_FIRST in self.state.options
273        if o.STRINGS_ANALYSIS in self.state.options:
274            if 'smtlib_cvc4' in backend_manager.backends._backends_by_name:
275                our_backend = backend_manager.backends.smtlib_cvc4
276            elif 'smtlib_z3' in backend_manager.backends._backends_by_name:
277                our_backend = backend_manager.backends.smtlib_z3
278            elif 'smtlib_abc' in backend_manager.backends._backends_by_name:
279                our_backend = backend_manager.backends.smtlib_abc
280            else:
281                raise ValueError("Could not find suitable string solver!")
282            if o.COMPOSITE_SOLVER in self.state.options:
283                self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverComposite(
284                    template_solver_string=claripy.SolverCompositeChild(backend=our_backend, track=track)
285                )
286        elif o.ABSTRACT_SOLVER in self.state.options:
287            self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverVSA()
288        elif o.SYMBOLIC in self.state.options and o.REPLACEMENT_SOLVER in self.state.options:
289            self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverReplacement(auto_replace=False)
290        elif o.SYMBOLIC in self.state.options and o.CACHELESS_SOLVER in self.state.options:
291            self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverCacheless(track=track)
292        elif o.SYMBOLIC in self.state.options and o.COMPOSITE_SOLVER in self.state.options:
293            self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverComposite(track=track)
294        elif o.SYMBOLIC in self.state.options and any(opt in self.state.options for opt in o.approximation):
295            self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverHybrid(track=track, approximate_first=approximate_first)
296        elif o.HYBRID_SOLVER in self.state.options:
297            self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverHybrid(track=track, approximate_first=approximate_first)
298        elif o.SYMBOLIC in self.state.options:
299            self._stored_solver = claripy.Solver(track=track)
300        else:
301            self._stored_solver = claripy.SolverConcrete()
303        return self._stored_solver
305    #
306    # Get unconstrained stuff
307    #
308    def Unconstrained(self, name, bits, uninitialized=True, inspect=True, events=True, key=None, eternal=False, **kwargs):
309        """
310        Creates an unconstrained symbol or a default concrete value (0), based on the state options.
312        :param name:            The name of the symbol.
313        :param bits:            The size (in bits) of the symbol.
314        :param uninitialized:   Whether this value should be counted as an "uninitialized" value in the course of an
315                                analysis.
316        :param inspect:         Set to False to avoid firing SimInspect breakpoints
317        :param events:          Set to False to avoid generating a SimEvent for the occasion
318        :param key:             Set this to a tuple of increasingly specific identifiers (for example,
319                                ``('mem', 0xffbeff00)`` or ``('file', 4, 0x20)`` to cause it to be tracked, i.e.
320                                accessable through ``solver.get_variables``.
321        :param eternal:         Set to True in conjunction with setting a key to cause all states with the same
322                                ancestry to retrieve the same symbol when trying to create the value. If False, a
323                                counter will be appended to the key.
325        :returns:               an unconstrained symbol (or a concrete value of 0).
326        """
327        if o.SYMBOLIC_INITIAL_VALUES in self.state.options:
328            # Return a symbolic value
329            if o.ABSTRACT_MEMORY in self.state.options:
330                l.debug("Creating new top StridedInterval")
331                r = claripy.TSI(bits=bits, name=name, uninitialized=uninitialized, **kwargs)
332            else:
333                l.debug("Creating new unconstrained BV named %s", name)
334                if o.UNDER_CONSTRAINED_SYMEXEC in self.state.options:
335                    r = self.BVS(name, bits, uninitialized=uninitialized, key=key, eternal=eternal, inspect=inspect, events=events, **kwargs)
336                else:
337                    r = self.BVS(name, bits, uninitialized=uninitialized, key=key, eternal=eternal, inspect=inspect, events=events, **kwargs)
339            return r
340        else:
341            # Return a default value, aka. 0
342            return claripy.BVV(0, bits)
344    def BVS(self, name, size,
345            min=None, max=None, stride=None,
346            uninitialized=False,
347            explicit_name=None, key=None, eternal=False,
348            inspect=True, events=True,
349            **kwargs): #pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
350        """
351        Creates a bit-vector symbol (i.e., a variable). Other keyword parameters are passed directly on to the
352        constructor of claripy.ast.BV.
354        :param name:            The name of the symbol.
355        :param size:            The size (in bits) of the bit-vector.
356        :param min:             The minimum value of the symbol. Note that this **only** work when using VSA.
357        :param max:             The maximum value of the symbol. Note that this **only** work when using VSA.
358        :param stride:          The stride of the symbol. Note that this **only** work when using VSA.
359        :param uninitialized:   Whether this value should be counted as an "uninitialized" value in the course of an
360                                analysis.
361        :param explicit_name:   Set to True to prevent an identifier from appended to the name to ensure uniqueness.
362        :param key:             Set this to a tuple of increasingly specific identifiers (for example,
363                                ``('mem', 0xffbeff00)`` or ``('file', 4, 0x20)`` to cause it to be tracked, i.e.
364                                accessable through ``solver.get_variables``.
365        :param eternal:         Set to True in conjunction with setting a key to cause all states with the same
366                                ancestry to retrieve the same symbol when trying to create the value. If False, a
367                                counter will be appended to the key.
368        :param inspect:         Set to False to avoid firing SimInspect breakpoints
369        :param events:          Set to False to avoid generating a SimEvent for the occasion
371        :return:                A BV object representing this symbol.
372        """
374        # should this be locked for multithreading?
375        if key is not None and eternal and key in self.eternal_tracked_variables:
376            r = self.eternal_tracked_variables[key]
377            # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
378            if size != r.length or min != r.args[1] or max != r.args[2] or stride != r.args[3] or uninitialized != r.args[4] or bool(explicit_name) ^ (r.args[0] == name):
379                l.warning("Variable %s being retrieved with differnt settings than it was tracked with", name)
380        else:
381            r = claripy.BVS(name, size, min=min, max=max, stride=stride, uninitialized=uninitialized, explicit_name=explicit_name, **kwargs)
382            if key is not None:
383                self.register_variable(r, key, eternal)
385        if inspect:
386            self.state._inspect('symbolic_variable', BP_AFTER, symbolic_name=next(iter(r.variables)), symbolic_size=size, symbolic_expr=r)
387        if events:
388            self.state.history.add_event('unconstrained', name=next(iter(r.variables)), bits=size, **kwargs)
389        if o.TRACK_SOLVER_VARIABLES in self.state.options:
390            self.all_variables = list(self.all_variables)
391            self.all_variables.append(r)
392        return r
394    #
395    # Operation passthroughs to claripy
396    #
398    def __getattr__(self, a):
399        f = getattr(claripy._all_operations, a)
400        if hasattr(f, '__call__'):
401            ff = error_converter(ast_stripping_decorator(f))
402            if _timing_enabled:
403                ff = functools.partial(timed_function(ff), the_solver=self)
404            ff.__doc__ = f.__doc__
405            return ff
406        else:
407            return f
409    def __dir__(self):
410        return sorted(set(dir(super(SimSolver, self)) + dir(claripy._all_operations) + dir(self.__class__)))
412    #
413    # Branching stuff
414    #
416    @SimStatePlugin.memo
417    def copy(self, memo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
418        return type(self)(solver=self._solver.branch(), all_variables=self.all_variables, temporal_tracked_variables=self.temporal_tracked_variables, eternal_tracked_variables=self.eternal_tracked_variables)
420    @error_converter
421    def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=W0613
422        merging_occurred, self._stored_solver = self._solver.merge(
423            [ oc._solver for oc in others ], merge_conditions,
424            common_ancestor=common_ancestor._solver if common_ancestor is not None else None
425        )
426        return merging_occurred
428    @error_converter
429    def widen(self, others):
430        c = self.state.solver.BVS('random_widen_condition', 32)
431        merge_conditions = [ [ c == i ] for i in range(len(others)+1) ]
432        merging_occurred = self.merge(others, merge_conditions)
433        return merging_occurred
435    #
436    # Frontend passthroughs
437    #
439    def downsize(self):
440        """
441        Frees memory associated with the constraint solver by clearing all of
442        its internal caches.
443        """
444        self._solver.downsize()
446    @property
447    def constraints(self):
448        """
449        Returns the constraints of the state stored by the solver.
450        """
451        return self._solver.constraints
453    def _adjust_constraint(self, c):
454        if self.state._global_condition is None:
455            return c
456        elif c is None: # this should never happen
458            return self.state._global_condition
459        else:
460            return self.Or(self.Not(self.state._global_condition), c)
462    def _adjust_constraint_list(self, constraints):
463        if self.state._global_condition is None:
464            return constraints
465        if len(constraints) == 0:
466            return constraints.__class__((self.state._global_condition,))
467        else:
468            return constraints.__class__((self._adjust_constraint(self.And(*constraints)),))
470    @timed_function
471    @ast_stripping_decorator
472    @error_converter
473    def eval_to_ast(self, e, n, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
474        """
475        Evaluate an expression, using the solver if necessary. Returns AST objects.
477        :param e: the expression
478        :param n: the number of desired solutions
479        :param extra_constraints: extra constraints to apply to the solver
480        :param exact: if False, returns approximate solutions
481        :return: a tuple of the solutions, in the form of claripy AST nodes
482        :rtype: tuple
483        """
484        return self._solver.eval_to_ast(e, n, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
486    @concrete_path_tuple
487    @timed_function
488    @ast_stripping_decorator
489    @error_converter
490    def _eval(self, e, n, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
491        """
492        Evaluate an expression, using the solver if necessary. Returns primitives.
494        :param e: the expression
495        :param n: the number of desired solutions
496        :param extra_constraints: extra constraints to apply to the solver
497        :param exact: if False, returns approximate solutions
498        :return: a tuple of the solutions, in the form of Python primitives
499        :rtype: tuple
500        """
501        return self._solver.eval(e, n, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
503    @concrete_path_scalar
504    @timed_function
505    @ast_stripping_decorator
506    @error_converter
507    def max(self, e, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
508        """
509        Return the maximum value of expression `e`.
511        :param e                : expression (an AST) to evaluate
512        :param extra_constraints: extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve
513        :param exact            : if False, return approximate solutions.
514        :return: the maximum possible value of e (backend object)
515        """
516        if exact is False and o.VALIDATE_APPROXIMATIONS in self.state.options:
517            ar = self._solver.max(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=False)
518            er = self._solver.max(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints))
519            assert er <= ar
520            return ar
521        return self._solver.max(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
523    @concrete_path_scalar
524    @timed_function
525    @ast_stripping_decorator
526    @error_converter
527    def min(self, e, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
528        """
529        Return the minimum value of expression `e`.
531        :param e                : expression (an AST) to evaluate
532        :param extra_constraints: extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve
533        :param exact            : if False, return approximate solutions.
534        :return: the minimum possible value of e (backend object)
535        """
536        if exact is False and o.VALIDATE_APPROXIMATIONS in self.state.options:
537            ar = self._solver.min(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=False)
538            er = self._solver.min(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints))
539            assert ar <= er
540            return ar
541        return self._solver.min(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
543    @timed_function
544    @ast_stripping_decorator
545    @error_converter
546    def solution(self, e, v, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
547        """
548        Return True if `v` is a solution of `expr` with the extra constraints, False otherwise.
550        :param e:                   An expression (an AST) to evaluate
551        :param v:                   The proposed solution (an AST)
552        :param extra_constraints:   Extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve.
553        :param exact:               If False, return approximate solutions.
554        :return:                    True if `v` is a solution of `expr`, False otherwise
555        """
556        if exact is False and o.VALIDATE_APPROXIMATIONS in self.state.options:
557            ar = self._solver.solution(e, v, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=False)
558            er = self._solver.solution(e, v, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints))
559            if er is True:
560                assert ar is True
561            return ar
562        return self._solver.solution(e, v, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
564    @concrete_path_bool
565    @timed_function
566    @ast_stripping_decorator
567    @error_converter
568    def is_true(self, e, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
569        """
570        If the expression provided is absolutely, definitely a true boolean, return True.
571        Note that returning False doesn't necessarily mean that the expression can be false, just that we couldn't
572        figure that out easily.
574        :param e:                   An expression (an AST) to evaluate
575        :param extra_constraints:   Extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve.
576        :param exact:               If False, return approximate solutions.
577        :return:                    True if `v` is definitely true, False otherwise
578        """
579        if exact is False and o.VALIDATE_APPROXIMATIONS in self.state.options:
580            ar = self._solver.is_true(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=False)
581            er = self._solver.is_true(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints))
582            if er is False:
583                assert ar is False
584            return ar
585        return self._solver.is_true(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
587    @concrete_path_not_bool
588    @timed_function
589    @ast_stripping_decorator
590    @error_converter
591    def is_false(self, e, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
592        """
593        If the expression provided is absolutely, definitely a false boolean, return True.
594        Note that returning False doesn't necessarily mean that the expression can be true, just that we couldn't
595        figure that out easily.
597        :param e:                   An expression (an AST) to evaluate
598        :param extra_constraints:   Extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve.
599        :param exact:               If False, return approximate solutions.
600        :return:                    True if `v` is definitely false, False otherwise
601        """
602        if exact is False and o.VALIDATE_APPROXIMATIONS in self.state.options:
603            ar = self._solver.is_false(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=False)
604            er = self._solver.is_false(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints))
605            if er is False:
606                assert ar is False
607            return ar
608        return self._solver.is_false(e, extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
610    @timed_function
611    @ast_stripping_decorator
612    @error_converter
613    def unsat_core(self, extra_constraints=()):
614        """
615        This function returns the unsat core from the backend solver.
617        :param extra_constraints:   Extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to the solver for this solve.
618        :return: The unsat core.
619        """
620        if o.CONSTRAINT_TRACKING_IN_SOLVER not in self.state.options:
621            raise SimSolverOptionError('CONSTRAINT_TRACKING_IN_SOLVER must be enabled before calling unsat_core().')
622        return self._solver.unsat_core(extra_constraints=extra_constraints)
624    @timed_function
625    @ast_stripping_decorator
626    @error_converter
627    def satisfiable(self, extra_constraints=(), exact=None):
628        """
629        This function does a constraint check and checks if the solver is in a sat state.
631        :param extra_constraints:   Extra constraints (as ASTs) to add to s for this solve
632        :param exact:               If False, return approximate solutions.
634        :return:                    True if sat, otherwise false
635        """
636        if exact is False and o.VALIDATE_APPROXIMATIONS in self.state.options:
637            er = self._solver.satisfiable(extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints))
638            ar = self._solver.satisfiable(extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=False)
639            if er is True:
640                assert ar is True
641            return ar
642        return self._solver.satisfiable(extra_constraints=self._adjust_constraint_list(extra_constraints), exact=exact)
644    @timed_function
645    @ast_stripping_decorator
646    @error_converter
647    def add(self, *constraints):
648        """
649        Add some constraints to the solver.
651        :param constraints:     Pass any constraints that you want to add (ASTs) as varargs.
652        """
653        cc = self._adjust_constraint_list(constraints)
654        return self._solver.add(cc)
656    #
657    # And some convenience stuff
658    #
660    @staticmethod
661    def _cast_to(e, solution, cast_to):
662        """
663        Casts a solution for the given expression to type `cast_to`.
665        :param e: The expression `value` is a solution for
666        :param value: The solution to be cast
667        :param cast_to: The type `value` should be cast to. Must be one of the currently supported types (bytes|int)
668        :raise ValueError: If cast_to is a currently unsupported cast target.
669        :return: The value of `solution` cast to type `cast_to`
670        """
671        if cast_to is None:
672            return solution
674        if type(solution) is bool:
675            if cast_to is bytes:
676                return bytes([int(solution)])
677            elif cast_to is int:
678                return int(solution)
679        elif type(solution) is float:
680            solution = _concrete_value(claripy.FPV(solution, claripy.fp.FSort.from_size(len(e))).raw_to_bv())
682        if cast_to is bytes:
683            if len(e) == 0:
684                return b""
685            return binascii.unhexlify('{:x}'.format(solution).zfill(len(e)//4))
687        if cast_to is not int:
688            raise ValueError("cast_to parameter {!r} is not a valid cast target, currently supported are only int and bytes!".format(cast_to))
690        return solution
693    @overload
694    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
695    def eval_upto(self, e, n: int, cast_to: None = ..., **kwargs) -> Any: ...
696    CastTarget = TypeVar("CastTarget")
697    @overload
698    # pylint: disable=no-self-use, undefined-variable
699    def eval_upto(self, e, n: int, cast_to: CastTarget = ..., **kwargs) -> CastTarget: ...
701    def eval_upto(self, e, n, cast_to = None, **kwargs):
702        """
703        Evaluate an expression, using the solver if necessary. Returns primitives as specified by the `cast_to`
704        parameter. Only certain primitives are supported, check the implementation of `_cast_to` to see which ones.
706        :param e: the expression
707        :param n: the number of desired solutions
708        :param extra_constraints: extra constraints to apply to the solver
709        :param exact: if False, returns approximate solutions
710        :param cast_to: A type to cast the resulting values to
711        :return: a tuple of the solutions, in the form of Python primitives
712        :rtype: tuple
713        """
714        concrete_val = _concrete_value(e)
715        if concrete_val is not None:
716            return [self._cast_to(e, concrete_val, cast_to)]
718        cast_vals = [self._cast_to(e, v, cast_to) for v in self._eval(e, n, **kwargs)]
719        if len(cast_vals) == 0:
720            raise SimUnsatError('Not satisfiable: %s, expected up to %d solutions' % (e.shallow_repr(), n))
721        return cast_vals
723    @overload
724    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
725    def eval(self, e, cast_to: None = ..., **kwargs) -> Any: ...
727    # pylint: disable=no-self-use,undefined-variable
728    @overload
729    def eval(self, e, cast_to: CastTarget = ..., **kwargs) -> CastTarget: ...
731    def eval(self, e, cast_to: Optional[CastTarget] = None, **kwargs):
732        """
733        Evaluate an expression to get any possible solution. The desired output types can be specified using the
734        `cast_to` parameter. `extra_constraints` can be used to specify additional constraints the returned values
735        must satisfy.
737        :param e: the expression to get a solution for
738        :param kwargs: Any additional kwargs will be passed down to `eval_upto`
739        :raise SimUnsatError: if no solution could be found satisfying the given constraints
740        :return:
741        """
742        # eval_upto already throws the UnsatError, no reason for us to worry about it
743        return self.eval_upto(e, 1, cast_to = cast_to,  **kwargs)[0]
745    def eval_one(self, e, **kwargs):
746        """
747        Evaluate an expression to get the only possible solution. Errors if either no or more than one solution is
748        returned. A kwarg parameter `default` can be specified to be returned instead of failure!
750        :param e: the expression to get a solution for
751        :param default: A value can be passed as a kwarg here. It will be returned in case of failure.
752        :param kwargs: Any additional kwargs will be passed down to `eval_upto`
753        :raise SimUnsatError: if no solution could be found satisfying the given constraints
754        :raise SimValueError: if more than one solution was found to satisfy the given constraints
755        :return: The value for `e`
756        """
757        try:
758            return self.eval_exact(e, 1, **{k: v for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k != 'default'})[0]
759        except (SimUnsatError, SimValueError, SimSolverModeError):
760            if 'default' in kwargs:
761                return kwargs.pop('default')
762            raise
764    def eval_atmost(self, e, n, **kwargs):
765        """
766        Evaluate an expression to get at most `n` possible solutions. Errors if either none or more than `n` solutions
767        are returned.
769        :param e: the expression to get a solution for
770        :param n: the inclusive upper limit on the number of solutions
771        :param kwargs: Any additional kwargs will be passed down to `eval_upto`
772        :raise SimUnsatError: if no solution could be found satisfying the given constraints
773        :raise SimValueError: if more than `n` solutions were found to satisfy the given constraints
774        :return: The solutions for `e`
775        """
776        r = self.eval_upto(e, n+1, **kwargs)
777        if len(r) > n:
778            raise SimValueError("Concretized %d values (must be at most %d) in eval_atmost" % (len(r), n))
779        return r
781    def eval_atleast(self, e, n, **kwargs):
782        """
783        Evaluate an expression to get at least `n` possible solutions. Errors if less than `n` solutions were found.
785        :param e: the expression to get a solution for
786        :param n: the inclusive lower limit on the number of solutions
787        :param kwargs: Any additional kwargs will be passed down to `eval_upto`
788        :raise SimUnsatError: if no solution could be found satisfying the given constraints
789        :raise SimValueError: if less than `n` solutions were found to satisfy the given constraints
790        :return: The solutions for `e`
791        """
792        r = self.eval_upto(e, n, **kwargs)
793        if len(r) != n:
794            raise SimValueError("Concretized %d values (must be at least %d) in eval_atleast" % (len(r), n))
795        return r
797    def eval_exact(self, e, n, **kwargs):
798        """
799        Evaluate an expression to get exactly the `n` possible solutions. Errors if any number of solutions other
800        than `n` was found to exist.
802        :param e: the expression to get a solution for
803        :param n: the inclusive lower limit on the number of solutions
804        :param kwargs: Any additional kwargs will be passed down to `eval_upto`
805        :raise SimUnsatError: if no solution could be found satisfying the given constraints
806        :raise SimValueError: if any number of solutions other than `n` were found to satisfy the given constraints
807        :return: The solutions for `e`
808        """
809        r = self.eval_upto(e, n + 1, **kwargs)
810        if len(r) != n:
811            raise SimValueError("Concretized %d values (must be exactly %d) in eval_exact" % (len(r), n))
812        return r
814    min_int = min
815    max_int = max
817    #
818    # Other methods
819    #
821    @timed_function
822    @ast_stripping_decorator
823    def unique(self, e, **kwargs):
824        """
825        Returns True if the expression `e` has only one solution by querying
826        the constraint solver. It does also add that unique solution to the
827        solver's constraints.
828        """
829        if not isinstance(e, claripy.ast.Base):
830            return True
832        # if we don't want to do symbolic checks, assume symbolic variables are multivalued
833        if o.SYMBOLIC not in self.state.options and self.symbolic(e):
834            return False
836        r = self.eval_upto(e, 2, **kwargs)
837        if len(r) == 1:
838            self.add(e == r[0])
839            return True
840        elif len(r) == 0:
841            raise SimValueError("unsatness during uniqueness check(ness)")
842        else:
843            return False
845    def symbolic(self, e): # pylint:disable=R0201
846        """
847        Returns True if the expression `e` is symbolic.
848        """
849        if type(e) in (int, bytes, float, bool):
850            return False
851        return e.symbolic
853    def single_valued(self, e):
854        """
855        Returns True whether `e` is a concrete value or is a value set with
856        only 1 possible value. This differs from `unique` in that this *does*
857        not query the constraint solver.
858        """
859        if self.state.mode == 'static':
860            if type(e) in (int, bytes, float, bool):
861                return True
862            else:
863                return e.cardinality <= 1
865        else:
866            # All symbolic expressions are not single-valued
867            return not self.symbolic(e)
869    def simplify(self, e=None):
870        """
871        Simplifies `e`. If `e` is None, simplifies the constraints of this
872        state.
873        """
874        if e is None:
875            return self._solver.simplify()
876        elif isinstance(e, (int, float, bool)):
877            return e
878        elif isinstance(e, claripy.ast.Base) and e.op in claripy.operations.leaf_operations_concrete:
879            return e
880        elif isinstance(e, SimActionObject) and e.op in claripy.operations.leaf_operations_concrete:
881            return e.ast
882        elif not isinstance(e, (SimActionObject, claripy.ast.Base)):
883            return e
884        else:
885            return self._claripy_simplify(e)
887    @timed_function
888    @ast_stripping_decorator
889    @error_converter
890    def _claripy_simplify(self, *args): #pylint:disable=no-self-use
891        return claripy.simplify(args[0])
893    def variables(self, e): #pylint:disable=no-self-use
894        """
895        Returns the symbolic variables present in the AST of `e`.
896        """
897        return e.variables
899from angr.sim_state import SimState
900SimState.register_default('solver', SimSolver)
902from .. import sim_options as o
903from .inspect import BP_AFTER
904from ..errors import SimValueError, SimUnsatError, SimSolverModeError, SimSolverOptionError