1"""This modules define the actual display implementations used in Certbot"""
2import logging
3import sys
4from typing import Any
5from typing import Iterable
6from typing import List
7from typing import Optional
8from typing import TextIO
9from typing import Tuple
10from typing import TypeVar
11from typing import Union
13import zope.component
14import zope.interface
16from certbot import errors
17from certbot import interfaces
18from certbot._internal import constants
19from certbot._internal.display import completer
20from certbot._internal.display import util
21from certbot.compat import os
23logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
25# Display exit codes
26OK = "ok"
27"""Display exit code indicating user acceptance."""
29CANCEL = "cancel"
30"""Display exit code for a user canceling the display."""
32# Display constants
33SIDE_FRAME = ("- " * 39) + "-"
34"""Display boundary (alternates spaces, so when copy-pasted, markdown doesn't interpret
35it as a heading)"""
37# This class holds the global state of the display service. Using this class
38# eliminates potential gotchas that exist if self.display was just a global
39# variable. In particular, in functions `_DISPLAY = <value>` would create a
40# local variable unless the programmer remembered to use the `global` keyword.
41# Adding a level of indirection causes the lookup of the global _DisplayService
42# object to happen first avoiding this potential bug.
43class _DisplayService:
44    def __init__(self) -> None:
45        self.display: Optional[Union[FileDisplay, NoninteractiveDisplay]] = None
48_SERVICE = _DisplayService()
50T = TypeVar("T")
53# This use of IDisplay can be removed when this class is no longer accessible
54# through the public API in certbot.display.util.
56class FileDisplay:
57    """File-based display."""
58    # see https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/3915
60    def __init__(self, outfile: TextIO, force_interactive: bool) -> None:
61        super().__init__()
62        self.outfile = outfile
63        self.force_interactive = force_interactive
64        self.skipped_interaction = False
66    def notification(self, message: str, pause: bool = True, wrap: bool = True,
67                     force_interactive: bool = False, decorate: bool = True) -> None:
68        """Displays a notification and waits for user acceptance.
70        :param str message: Message to display
71        :param bool pause: Whether or not the program should pause for the
72            user's confirmation
73        :param bool wrap: Whether or not the application should wrap text
74        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
75            because it won't cause any workflow regressions
76        :param bool decorate: Whether to surround the message with a
77            decorated frame
79        """
80        if wrap:
81            message = util.wrap_lines(message)
83        logger.debug("Notifying user: %s", message)
85        self.outfile.write(
86            (("{line}{frame}{line}" if decorate else "") +
87             "{msg}{line}" +
88             ("{frame}{line}" if decorate else ""))
89                .format(line=os.linesep, frame=SIDE_FRAME, msg=message)
90        )
91        self.outfile.flush()
93        if pause:
94            if self._can_interact(force_interactive):
95                util.input_with_timeout("Press Enter to Continue")
96            else:
97                logger.debug("Not pausing for user confirmation")
99    def menu(self, message: str, choices: Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[str]],
100             ok_label: Optional[str] = None, cancel_label: Optional[str] = None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
101             help_label: Optional[str] = None, default: Optional[int] = None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
102             cli_flag: Optional[str] = None, force_interactive: bool = False,
103             **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, int]:
104        """Display a menu.
106        .. todo:: This doesn't enable the help label/button (I wasn't sold on
107           any interface I came up with for this). It would be a nice feature
109        :param str message: title of menu
110        :param choices: Menu lines, len must be > 0
111        :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or
112            list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated)
113        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
114        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
115        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
116            because it won't cause any workflow regressions
118        :returns: tuple of (`code`, `index`) where
119            `code` - str display exit code
120            `index` - int index of the user's selection
122        :rtype: tuple
124        """
125        return_default = self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive)
126        if return_default is not None:
127            return OK, return_default
129        self._print_menu(message, choices)
131        code, selection = self._get_valid_int_ans(len(choices))
133        return code, selection - 1
135    def input(self, message: str, default: Optional[str] = None, cli_flag: Optional[str] = None,
136              force_interactive: bool = False, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]:
137        """Accept input from the user.
139        :param str message: message to display to the user
140        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
141        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
142        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
143            because it won't cause any workflow regressions
145        :returns: tuple of (`code`, `input`) where
146            `code` - str display exit code
147            `input` - str of the user's input
148        :rtype: tuple
150        """
151        return_default = self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive)
152        if return_default is not None:
153            return OK, return_default
155        # Trailing space must be added outside of util.wrap_lines to
156        # be preserved
157        message = util.wrap_lines("%s (Enter 'c' to cancel):" % message) + " "
158        ans = util.input_with_timeout(message)
160        if ans in ("c", "C"):
161            return CANCEL, "-1"
162        return OK, ans
164    def yesno(self, message: str, yes_label: str = "Yes", no_label: str = "No",
165              default: Optional[bool] = None, cli_flag: Optional[str] = None,
166              force_interactive: bool = False, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> bool:
167        """Query the user with a yes/no question.
169        Yes and No label must begin with different letters, and must contain at
170        least one letter each.
172        :param str message: question for the user
173        :param str yes_label: Label of the "Yes" parameter
174        :param str no_label: Label of the "No" parameter
175        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
176        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
177        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
178            because it won't cause any workflow regressions
180        :returns: True for "Yes", False for "No"
181        :rtype: bool
183        """
184        return_default = self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive)
185        if return_default is not None:
186            return return_default
188        message = util.wrap_lines(message)
190        self.outfile.write("{0}{frame}{msg}{0}{frame}".format(
191            os.linesep, frame=SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep, msg=message))
192        self.outfile.flush()
194        while True:
195            ans = util.input_with_timeout("{yes}/{no}: ".format(
196                yes=util.parens_around_char(yes_label),
197                no=util.parens_around_char(no_label)))
199            # Couldn't get pylint indentation right with elif
200            # elif doesn't matter in this situation
201            if (ans.startswith(yes_label[0].lower()) or
202                ans.startswith(yes_label[0].upper())):
203                return True
204            if (ans.startswith(no_label[0].lower()) or
205                ans.startswith(no_label[0].upper())):
206                return False
208    def checklist(self, message: str, tags: List[str], default: Optional[List[str]] = None,
209                  cli_flag: Optional[str] = None, force_interactive: bool = False,
210                  **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
211        """Display a checklist.
213        :param str message: Message to display to user
214        :param list tags: `str` tags to select, len(tags) > 0
215        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
216        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
217        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
218            because it won't cause any workflow regressions
220        :returns: tuple of (`code`, `tags`) where
221            `code` - str display exit code
222            `tags` - list of selected tags
223        :rtype: tuple
225        """
226        return_default = self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive)
227        if return_default is not None:
228            return OK, return_default
230        while True:
231            self._print_menu(message, tags)
233            code, ans = self.input("Select the appropriate numbers separated "
234                                   "by commas and/or spaces, or leave input "
235                                   "blank to select all options shown",
236                                   force_interactive=True)
238            if code == OK:
239                if not ans.strip():
240                    ans = " ".join(str(x) for x in range(1, len(tags)+1))
241                indices = util.separate_list_input(ans)
242                selected_tags = self._scrub_checklist_input(indices, tags)
243                if selected_tags:
244                    return code, selected_tags
245                self.outfile.write(
246                    "** Error - Invalid selection **%s" % os.linesep)
247                self.outfile.flush()
248            else:
249                return code, []
251    def _return_default(self, prompt: str, default: Optional[T],
252                        cli_flag: Optional[str], force_interactive: bool) -> Optional[T]:
253        """Should we return the default instead of prompting the user?
255        :param str prompt: prompt for the user
256        :param T default: default answer to prompt
257        :param str cli_flag: command line option for setting an answer
258            to this question
259        :param bool force_interactive: if interactivity is forced
261        :returns: The default value if we should return it else `None`
262        :rtype: T or `None`
264        """
265        # assert_valid_call(prompt, default, cli_flag, force_interactive)
266        if self._can_interact(force_interactive):
267            return None
268        if default is None:
269            msg = "Unable to get an answer for the question:\n{0}".format(prompt)
270            if cli_flag:
271                msg += (
272                    "\nYou can provide an answer on the "
273                    "command line with the {0} flag.".format(cli_flag))
274            raise errors.Error(msg)
275        logger.debug(
276            "Falling back to default %s for the prompt:\n%s",
277            default, prompt)
278        return default
280    def _can_interact(self, force_interactive: bool) -> bool:
281        """Can we safely interact with the user?
283        :param bool force_interactive: if interactivity is forced
285        :returns: True if the display can interact with the user
286        :rtype: bool
288        """
289        if (self.force_interactive or force_interactive or
290            sys.stdin.isatty() and self.outfile.isatty()):
291            return True
292        if not self.skipped_interaction:
293            logger.warning(
294                "Skipped user interaction because Certbot doesn't appear to "
295                "be running in a terminal. You should probably include "
296                "--non-interactive or %s on the command line.",
297                constants.FORCE_INTERACTIVE_FLAG)
298            self.skipped_interaction = True
299        return False
301    def directory_select(self, message: str, default: Optional[str] = None,
302                         cli_flag: Optional[str] = None, force_interactive: bool = False,
303                         **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]:
304        """Display a directory selection screen.
306        :param str message: prompt to give the user
307        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
308        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
309        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
310            because it won't cause any workflow regressions
312        :returns: tuple of the form (`code`, `string`) where
313            `code` - display exit code
314            `string` - input entered by the user
316        """
317        with completer.Completer():
318            return self.input(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive)
320    def _scrub_checklist_input(self, indices: Iterable[Union[str, int]],
321                               tags: List[str]) -> List[str]:
322        """Validate input and transform indices to appropriate tags.
324        :param list indices: input
325        :param list tags: Original tags of the checklist
327        :returns: valid tags the user selected
328        :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`str`
330        """
331        # They should all be of type int
332        try:
333            indices_int = [int(index) for index in indices]
334        except ValueError:
335            return []
337        # Remove duplicates
338        indices_int = list(set(indices_int))
340        # Check all input is within range
341        for index in indices_int:
342            if index < 1 or index > len(tags):
343                return []
344        # Transform indices_int to appropriate tags
345        return [tags[index - 1] for index in indices_int]
347    def _print_menu(self, message: str,
348                    choices: Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[str]]) -> None:
349        """Print a menu on the screen.
351        :param str message: title of menu
352        :param choices: Menu lines
353        :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or
354            list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated)
356        """
357        # Can take either tuples or single items in choices list
358        if choices and isinstance(choices[0], tuple):
359            choices = ["%s - %s" % (c[0], c[1]) for c in choices]
361        # Write out the message to the user
362        self.outfile.write(
363            "{new}{msg}{new}".format(new=os.linesep, msg=message))
364        self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep)
366        # Write out the menu choices
367        for i, desc in enumerate(choices, 1):
368            msg = "{num}: {desc}".format(num=i, desc=desc)
369            self.outfile.write(util.wrap_lines(msg))
371            # Keep this outside of the textwrap
372            self.outfile.write(os.linesep)
374        self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep)
375        self.outfile.flush()
377    def _get_valid_int_ans(self, max_: int) -> Tuple[str, int]:
378        """Get a numerical selection.
380        :param int max: The maximum entry (len of choices), must be positive
382        :returns: tuple of the form (`code`, `selection`) where
383            `code` - str display exit code ('ok' or cancel')
384            `selection` - int user's selection
385        :rtype: tuple
387        """
388        selection = -1
389        if max_ > 1:
390            input_msg = ("Select the appropriate number "
391                         "[1-{max_}] then [enter] (press 'c' to "
392                         "cancel): ".format(max_=max_))
393        else:
394            input_msg = ("Press 1 [enter] to confirm the selection "
395                         "(press 'c' to cancel): ")
396        while selection < 1:
397            ans = util.input_with_timeout(input_msg)
398            if ans.startswith("c") or ans.startswith("C"):
399                return CANCEL, -1
400            try:
401                selection = int(ans)
402                if selection < 1 or selection > max_:
403                    selection = -1
404                    raise ValueError
406            except ValueError:
407                self.outfile.write(
408                    "{0}** Invalid input **{0}".format(os.linesep))
409                self.outfile.flush()
411        return OK, selection
414# This use of IDisplay can be removed when this class is no longer accessible
415# through the public API in certbot.display.util.
417class NoninteractiveDisplay:
418    """A display utility implementation that never asks for interactive user input"""
420    def __init__(self, outfile: TextIO, *unused_args: Any, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> None:
421        super().__init__()
422        self.outfile = outfile
424    def _interaction_fail(self, message: str, cli_flag: Optional[str],
425                          extra: str = "") -> errors.MissingCommandlineFlag:
426        """Return error to raise in case of an attempt to interact in noninteractive mode"""
427        msg = "Missing command line flag or config entry for this setting:\n"
428        msg += message
429        if extra:
430            msg += "\n" + extra
431        if cli_flag:
432            msg += "\n\n(You can set this with the {0} flag)".format(cli_flag)
433        return errors.MissingCommandlineFlag(msg)
435    def notification(self, message: str, pause: bool = False, wrap: bool = True,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
436                     decorate: bool = True, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> None:
437        """Displays a notification without waiting for user acceptance.
439        :param str message: Message to display to stdout
440        :param bool pause: The NoninteractiveDisplay waits for no keyboard
441        :param bool wrap: Whether or not the application should wrap text
442        :param bool decorate: Whether to apply a decorated frame to the message
444        """
445        if wrap:
446            message = util.wrap_lines(message)
448        logger.debug("Notifying user: %s", message)
450        self.outfile.write(
451            (("{line}{frame}{line}" if decorate else "") +
452             "{msg}{line}" +
453             ("{frame}{line}" if decorate else ""))
454                .format(line=os.linesep, frame=SIDE_FRAME, msg=message)
455        )
456        self.outfile.flush()
458    def menu(self, message: str, choices: Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[str]],
459             ok_label: Optional[str] = None, cancel_label: Optional[str] = None,
460             help_label: Optional[str] = None, default: Optional[int] = None,
461             cli_flag: Optional[str] = None, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, int]:
462        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
463        """Avoid displaying a menu.
465        :param str message: title of menu
466        :param choices: Menu lines, len must be > 0
467        :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or
468            list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated)
469        :param int default: the default choice
470        :param dict kwargs: absorbs various irrelevant labelling arguments
472        :returns: tuple of (`code`, `index`) where
473            `code` - str display exit code
474            `index` - int index of the user's selection
475        :rtype: tuple
476        :raises errors.MissingCommandlineFlag: if there was no default
478        """
479        if default is None:
480            raise self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag, "Choices: " + repr(choices))
482        return OK, default
484    def input(self, message: str, default: Optional[str] = None, cli_flag: Optional[str] = None,
485              **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]:
486        """Accept input from the user.
488        :param str message: message to display to the user
490        :returns: tuple of (`code`, `input`) where
491            `code` - str display exit code
492            `input` - str of the user's input
493        :rtype: tuple
494        :raises errors.MissingCommandlineFlag: if there was no default
496        """
497        if default is None:
498            raise self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag)
499        return OK, default
501    def yesno(self, message: str, yes_label: Optional[str] = None, no_label: Optional[str] = None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
502              default: Optional[bool] = None, cli_flag: Optional[str] = None,
503              **unused_kwargs: Any) -> bool:
504        """Decide Yes or No, without asking anybody
506        :param str message: question for the user
507        :param dict kwargs: absorbs yes_label, no_label
509        :raises errors.MissingCommandlineFlag: if there was no default
510        :returns: True for "Yes", False for "No"
511        :rtype: bool
513        """
514        if default is None:
515            raise self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag)
516        return default
518    def checklist(self, message: str, tags: Iterable[str], default: Optional[List[str]] = None,
519                  cli_flag: Optional[str] = None, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
520        """Display a checklist.
522        :param str message: Message to display to user
523        :param list tags: `str` tags to select, len(tags) > 0
524        :param dict kwargs: absorbs default_status arg
526        :returns: tuple of (`code`, `tags`) where
527            `code` - str display exit code
528            `tags` - list of selected tags
529        :rtype: tuple
531        """
532        if default is None:
533            raise self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag, "? ".join(tags) + "?")
534        return OK, default
536    def directory_select(self, message: str, default: Optional[str] = None,
537                         cli_flag: Optional[str] = None, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]:
538        """Simulate prompting the user for a directory.
540        This function returns default if it is not ``None``, otherwise,
541        an exception is raised explaining the problem. If cli_flag is
542        not ``None``, the error message will include the flag that can
543        be used to set this value with the CLI.
545        :param str message: prompt to give the user
546        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
547        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
549        :returns: tuple of the form (`code`, `string`) where
550            `code` - int display exit code
551            `string` - input entered by the user
553        """
554        return self.input(message, default, cli_flag)
557def get_display() -> Union[FileDisplay, NoninteractiveDisplay]:
558    """Get the display utility.
560    :return: the display utility
561    :rtype: Union[FileDisplay, NoninteractiveDisplay]
562    :raise: ValueError if the display utility is not configured yet.
564    """
565    if not _SERVICE.display:
566        raise ValueError("This function was called too early in Certbot's execution "
567                         "as the display utility hasn't been configured yet.")
568    return _SERVICE.display
571def set_display(display: Union[FileDisplay, NoninteractiveDisplay]) -> None:
572    """Set the display service.
574    :param Union[FileDisplay, NoninteractiveDisplay] display: the display service
576    """
577    # This call is done only for retro-compatibility purposes.
578    # TODO: Remove this call once zope dependencies are removed from Certbot.
579    zope.component.provideUtility(display, interfaces.IDisplay)
581    _SERVICE.display = display