1Classic modes of operation for symmetric block ciphers
4A block cipher uses a symmetric key to encrypt data of fixed and very short length
5(the *block size*), such as 16 bytes for AES.
6In order to cope with data of arbitrary length, the cipher must be
7combined with a *mode of operation*.
9You create a cipher object with the :func:`new` function
10in the relevant module under ``Crypto.Cipher``:
121. the first parameter is always the cryptographic key (a byte string)
132. the second parameter is always the constant that selects the desired
14   mode of operation
16Constants for each mode of operation are defined at the module level for each algorithm.
17Their name starts with ``MODE_``, for instance :const:`Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_CBC`.
18Note that not all ciphers support all modes.
20For instance::
22    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
23    >>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
24    >>>
25    >>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
26    >>> cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC)
27    >>>
28    >>> # You can now use use cipher to encrypt or decrypt...
30The state machine for a cipher configured with a classic mode is:
32.. figure:: simple_mode.png
33    :align: center
34    :figwidth: 50%
36    Generic state diagram for a cipher object
38What follows is a list of classic modes of operation: they all provide confidentiality
39but not data integrity (unlike modern AEAD modes, which are described in :doc:`another section <modern>`).
41.. _ecb_mode:
43ECB mode
45`Electronic CodeBook <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Electronic_Codebook_.28ECB.29>`_.
46The most basic but also the weakest mode of operation.
47Each block of plaintext is encrypted independently of any other block.
49.. warning::
50 The ECB mode should not be used because it is `semantically insecure <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_security>`_.
51 For one, it exposes correlation between blocks.
53The :func:`new` function at the module level under ``Crypto.Cipher`` instantiates
54a new ECB cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.
55In the following definition, ``<algorithm>`` could be ``AES``:
57.. function:: Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode)
59  Create a new ECB object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.
61  :param bytes key: the cryptographic key
62  :param mode: the constant ``Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_ECB``
63  :return: an ECB cipher object
65The method :func:`encrypt` (and likewise :func:`decrypt`) of an ECB cipher object
66expects data to have length multiple of the block size (e.g. 16 bytes for AES).
67You might need to use :mod:`Crypto.Util.Padding` to align the plaintext to the right boundary.
69.. _cbc_mode:
71CBC mode
73`Ciphertext Block Chaining <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Cipher_Block_Chaining_.28CBC.29>`_,
74defined in `NIST SP 800-38A, section 6.2 <http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf>`_.
75It is a mode of operation where each plaintext block
76gets XOR-ed with the previous ciphertext block prior to encryption.
78The :func:`new` function at the module level under ``Crypto.Cipher`` instantiates
79a new CBC cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.
80In the following definition, ``<algorithm>`` could be ``AES``:
82.. function:: Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, iv=None)
84  Create a new CBC object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.
86  :param bytes key: the cryptographic key
87  :param mode: the constant ``Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_CBC``
88  :param bytes iv: the *Initialization Vector*. A piece of data unpredictable to adversaries.
89         It is as long as the block size (e.g. 16 bytes for AES).
90         If not present, the library creates a random IV value.
91  :return: a CBC cipher object
93The method :func:`encrypt` (and likewise :func:`decrypt`) of a CBC cipher object
94expects data to have length multiple of the block size (e.g. 16 bytes for AES).
95You might need to use :mod:`Crypto.Util.Padding` to align the plaintext to the right boundary.
97A CBC cipher object has a read-only attribute :attr:`iv`, holding the
98*Initialization Vector* (*bytes*).
100Example (encryption)::
102    >>> import json
103    >>> from base64 import b64encode
104    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
105    >>> from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
106    >>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
107    >>>
108    >>> data = b"secret"
109    >>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
110    >>> cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC)
111    >>> ct_bytes = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, AES.block_size))
112    >>> iv = b64encode(cipher.iv).decode('utf-8')
113    >>> ct = b64encode(ct_bytes).decode('utf-8')
114    >>> result = json.dumps({'iv':iv, 'ciphertext':ct})
115    >>> print(result)
116    '{"iv": "bWRHdzkzVDFJbWNBY0EwSmQ1UXFuQT09", "ciphertext": "VDdxQVo3TFFCbXIzcGpYa1lJbFFZQT09"}'
118Example (decryption)::
120    >>> import json
121    >>> from base64 import b64decode
122    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
123    >>> from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
124    >>>
125    >>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
126    >>> try:
127    >>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
128    >>>     iv = b64decode(b64['iv'])
129    >>>     ct = b64decode(b64['ciphertext'])
130    >>>     cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
131    >>>     pt = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ct), AES.block_size)
132    >>>     print("The message was: ", pt)
133    >>> except ValueError, KeyError:
134    >>>     print("Incorrect decryption")
136.. _ctr_mode:
138CTR mode
140`CounTeR mode <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29>`_,
141defined in `NIST SP 800-38A, section 6.5 and Appendix B <http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf>`_.
142This mode turns the block cipher into a stream cipher.
143Each byte of plaintext is XOR-ed with a byte taken from a *keystream*: the result is the ciphertext.
144The *keystream* is generated by encrypting a sequence of *counter blocks* with ECB.
146.. figure:: ctr_mode.png
147    :align: center
149A *counter block* is exactly as long as the cipher block size (e.g. 16 bytes for AES).
150It consist of the concatenation of two pieces:
1521. a fixed **nonce**, set at initialization.
1532. a variable **counter**, which gets increased by 1 for any subsequent counter block.
154   The counter is big endian encoded.
156The :func:`new` function at the module level under ``Crypto.Cipher`` instantiates
157a new CTR cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.
158In the following definition, ``<algorithm>`` could be ``AES``:
160.. function:: Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, nonce=None, initial_value=None, counter=None)
162  Create a new CTR object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.
164  :param bytes key: the cryptographic key
165  :param mode: the constant ``Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_CTR``
166  :param bytes nonce: the value of the fixed nonce.
167    It must be unique for the combination message/key.
168    Its length varies from 0 to the block size minus 1.
169    If not present, the library creates a random nonce of length equal to block size/2.
170  :param initial_value: the value of the counter for the first counter block.
171    It can be either an integer or *bytes* (which is the same integer, just big endian encoded).
172    If not specified, the counter starts at 0.
173  :type initial_value: integer or bytes
174  :param counter: a custom counter object created with :func:`Crypto.Util.Counter.new`.
175    This allows the definition of a more complex counter block.
176  :return: a CTR cipher object
178The methods :func:`encrypt` and :func:`decrypt` of a CTR cipher object
179accept data of any length (i.e. padding is not needed).
180Both raise an ``OverflowError`` exception as soon as the counter wraps around to repeat the original value.
182The CTR cipher object has a read-only attribute :attr:`nonce` (*bytes*).
184Example (encryption)::
186    >>> import json
187    >>> from base64 import b64encode
188    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
189    >>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
190    >>>
191    >>> data = b"secret"
192    >>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
193    >>> cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR)
194    >>> ct_bytes = cipher.encrypt(data)
195    >>> nonce = b64encode(cipher.nonce).decode('utf-8')
196    >>> ct = b64encode(ct_bytes).decode('utf-8')
197    >>> result = json.dumps({'nonce':nonce, 'ciphertext':ct})
198    >>> print(result)
199    {"nonce": "XqP8WbylRt0=", "ciphertext": "Mie5lqje"}
201Example (decryption)::
203    >>> import json
204    >>> from base64 import b64decode
205    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
206    >>>
207    >>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
208    >>> try:
209    >>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
210    >>>     nonce = b64decode(b64['nonce'])
211    >>>     ct = b64decode(b64['ciphertext'])
212    >>>     cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=nonce)
213    >>>     pt = cipher.decrypt(ct)
214    >>>     print("The message was: ", pt)
215    >>> except ValueError, KeyError:
216    >>>     print("Incorrect decryption")
218.. _cfb_mode:
220CFB mode
222`Cipher FeedBack <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Electronic_Codebook_.28ECB.29>`_,
223defined in `NIST SP 800-38A, section 6.3 <http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf>`_.
224It is a mode of operation which turns the block cipher into a stream cipher.
225Each byte of plaintext is XOR-ed with a byte taken from a *keystream*: the result is the ciphertext.
227The *keystream* is obtained on a per-segment basis: the plaintext is broken up in
228segments (from 1 byte up to the size of a block). Then, for each segment,
229the keystream is obtained by encrypting with the block cipher the last piece of
230ciphertext produced so far - possibly backfilled with the *Initialization Vector*,
231if not enough ciphertext is available yet.
233The :func:`new` function at the module level under ``Crypto.Cipher`` instantiates
234a new CFB cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.
235In the following definition, ``<algorithm>`` could be ``AES``:
237.. function:: Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, iv=None, segment_size=8)
239  Create a new CFB object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.
241  :param bytes key: the cryptographic key
242  :param mode: the constant ``Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_CFB``
243  :param bytes iv: the *Initialization Vector*.
244         It must be unique for the combination message/key.
245         It is as long as the block size (e.g. 16 bytes for AES).
246         If not present, the library creates a random IV.
247  :param integer segment_size: the number of **bits** (not bytes!) the plaintext and the
248    ciphertext are segmented in (default if not specified: 8 bits = 1 byte).
249  :return: a CFB cipher object
251The methods :func:`encrypt` and :func:`decrypt` of a CFB cipher object
252accept data of any length (i.e. padding is not needed).
254The CFB cipher object has a read-only attribute :attr:`iv` (*bytes*), holding
255the Initialization Vector.
257Example (encryption)::
259    >>> import json
260    >>> from base64 import b64encode
261    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
262    >>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
263    >>>
264    >>> data = b"secret"
265    >>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
266    >>> cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB)
267    >>> ct_bytes = cipher.encrypt(data)
268    >>> iv = b64encode(cipher.iv).decode('utf-8')
269    >>> ct = b64encode(ct_bytes).decode('utf-8')
270    >>> result = json.dumps({'iv':iv, 'ciphertext':ct})
271    >>> print(result)
272    {"iv": "VoamO23kFSOZcK1O2WiCDQ==", "ciphertext": "f8jciJ8/"}
274Example (decryption)::
276    >>> import json
277    >>> from base64 import b64decode
278    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
279    >>>
280    >>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
281    >>> try:
282    >>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
283    >>>     iv = b64decode(b64['iv'])
284    >>>     ct = b64decode(b64['ciphertext'])
285    >>>     cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv=iv)
286    >>>     pt = cipher.decrypt(ct)
287    >>>     print("The message was: ", pt)
288    >>> except ValueError, KeyError:
289    >>>     print("Incorrect decryption")
291.. _ofb_mode:
293OFB mode
295`Output FeedBack <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Output_Feedback_.28OFB.29>`_,
296defined in `NIST SP 800-38A, section 6.4 <http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-38a/sp800-38a.pdf>`_.
297It is another mode that leads to a stream cipher.
298Each byte of plaintext is XOR-ed with a byte taken from a *keystream*: the result is the ciphertext.
299The *keystream* is obtained by recursively encrypting the *Initialization Vector*.
301The :func:`new` function at the module level under ``Crypto.Cipher`` instantiates
302a new OFB cipher object for the relevant base algorithm.
303In the following definition, ``<algorithm>`` could be ``AES``:
305.. function:: Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.new(key, mode, *, iv=None)
307  Create a new OFB object, using <algorithm> as the base block cipher.
309  :param bytes key: the cryptographic key
310  :param mode: the constant ``Crypto.Cipher.<algorithm>.MODE_OFB``
311  :param bytes iv: the *Initialization Vector*.
312         It must be unique for the combination message/key.
313         It is as long as the block size (e.g. 16 bytes for AES).
314         If not present, the library creates a random IV.
315  :return: an OFB cipher object
317The methods :func:`encrypt` and :func:`decrypt` of an OFB cipher object
318accept data of any length (i.e. padding is not needed).
320The OFB cipher object has a read-only attribute :attr:`iv` (*bytes*), holding
321the Initialization Vector.
323Example (encryption)::
325    >>> import json
326    >>> from base64 import b64encode
327    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
328    >>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
329    >>>
330    >>> data = b"secret"
331    >>> key = get_random_bytes(16)
332    >>> cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB)
333    >>> ct_bytes = cipher.encrypt(data)
334    >>> iv = b64encode(cipher.iv).decode('utf-8')
335    >>> ct = b64encode(ct_bytes).decode('utf-8')
336    >>> result = json.dumps({'iv':iv, 'ciphertext':ct})
337    >>> print(result)
338    {"iv": "NUuRJbL0UMp8+UMCk2/vQA==", "ciphertext": "XGVGc1Gw"}
340Example (decryption)::
342    >>> import json
343    >>> from base64 import b64decode
344    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
345    >>>
346    >>> # We assume that the key was securely shared beforehand
347    >>> try:
348    >>>     b64 = json.loads(json_input)
349    >>>     iv = b64decode(b64['iv'])
350    >>>     ct = b64decode(b64['ciphertext'])
351    >>>     cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv=iv)
352    >>>     pt = cipher.decrypt(ct)
353    >>>     print("The message was: ", pt)
354    >>> except ValueError, KeyError:
355    >>>     print("Incorrect decryption")
357.. _openpgp_mode:
359OpenPGP mode
361Constant: ``Crypto.Cipher.<cipher>.MODE_OPENPGP``.
363OpenPGP (defined in `RFC4880 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880>`_).
364A variant of CFB, with two differences:
3661.  The first invocation to the :func:`encrypt` method
367    returns the encrypted IV concatenated to the first chunk
368    of ciphertext (as opposed to the ciphertext only).
369    The encrypted IV is as long as the block size plus 2 more bytes.
3712.  When the cipher object is intended for decryption,
372    the parameter ``iv`` to :func:`new` is the encrypted IV
373    (and not the IV, which is still the case for encryption).
375Like for CTR, an OpenPGP cipher object has a read-only attribute :attr:`iv`.