1 /********************************************************************************************
2 * Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation Library
3 *
4 * Abstract: elliptic curve and isogeny functions
5 *********************************************************************************************/
7 #include "sikep434r3.h"
8 #include "sikep434r3_fpx.h"
9 #include "sikep434r3_ec_isogeny.h"
11 /* Doubling of a Montgomery point in projective coordinates (X:Z).
12  * Input: projective Montgomery x-coordinates P = (X1:Z1), where x1=X1/Z1 and Montgomery curve constants A+2C and 4C.
13  * Output: projective Montgomery x-coordinates Q = 2*P = (X2:Z2). */
xDBL(const point_proj_t P,point_proj_t Q,const f2elm_t * A24plus,const f2elm_t * C24)14 void xDBL(const point_proj_t P, point_proj_t Q, const f2elm_t *A24plus, const f2elm_t *C24)
15 {
16     f2elm_t _t0, _t1;
17     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1;
19     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, t0);                     /* t0 = X1-Z1 */
20     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->Z, t1);                        /* t1 = X1+Z1 */
21     fp2sqr_mont(t0, t0);                              /* t0 = (X1-Z1)^2 */
22     fp2sqr_mont(t1, t1);                              /* t1 = (X1+Z1)^2 */
23     fp2mul_mont(C24, t0, &Q->Z);                      /* Z2 = C24*(X1-Z1)^2 */
24     fp2mul_mont(t1, &Q->Z, &Q->X);                    /* X2 = C24*(X1-Z1)^2*(X1+Z1)^2 */
25     mp2_sub_p2(t1, t0, t1);                           /* t1 = (X1+Z1)^2-(X1-Z1)^2 */
26     fp2mul_mont(A24plus, t1, t0);                     /* t0 = A24plus*[(X1+Z1)^2-(X1-Z1)^2] */
27     mp2_add(&Q->Z, t0, &Q->Z);                        /* Z2 = A24plus*[(X1+Z1)^2-(X1-Z1)^2] + C24*(X1-Z1)^2 */
28     fp2mul_mont(&Q->Z, t1, &Q->Z);                    /* Z2 = [A24plus*[(X1+Z1)^2-(X1-Z1)^2] + C24*(X1-Z1)^2]*[(X1+Z1)^2-(X1-Z1)^2] */
29 }
31 /* Computes [2^e](X:Z) on Montgomery curve with projective constant via e repeated doublings.
32  * Input: projective Montgomery x-coordinates P = (XP:ZP), such that xP=XP/ZP and Montgomery curve constants A+2C and 4C.
33  * Output: projective Montgomery x-coordinates Q <- (2^e)*P. */
xDBLe(const point_proj_t P,point_proj_t Q,const f2elm_t * A24plus,const f2elm_t * C24,const int e)34 void xDBLe(const point_proj_t P, point_proj_t Q, const f2elm_t *A24plus, const f2elm_t *C24, const int e)
35 {
36     int i;
38     copy_words((const digit_t*)P, (digit_t*)Q, 2*2*S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_NWORDS_FIELD);
40     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
41         xDBL(Q, Q, A24plus, C24);
42     }
43 }
45 /* Computes the corresponding 4-isogeny of a projective Montgomery point (X4:Z4) of order 4.
46  * Input:  projective point of order four P = (X4:Z4).
47  * Output: the 4-isogenous Montgomery curve with projective coefficients A+2C/4C and the 3 coefficients
48  * that are used to evaluate the isogeny at a point in eval_4_isog(). */
get_4_isog(const point_proj_t P,f2elm_t * A24plus,f2elm_t * C24,f2elm_t * coeff)49 void get_4_isog(const point_proj_t P, f2elm_t *A24plus, f2elm_t *C24, f2elm_t *coeff)
50 {
51     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, &coeff[1]);               /* coeff[1] = X4-Z4 */
52     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->Z, &coeff[2]);                  /* coeff[2] = X4+Z4 */
53     fp2sqr_mont(&P->Z, &coeff[0]);                     /* coeff[0] = Z4^2 */
54     mp2_add(&coeff[0], &coeff[0], &coeff[0]);          /* coeff[0] = 2*Z4^2 */
55     fp2sqr_mont(&coeff[0], C24);                       /* C24 = 4*Z4^4 */
56     mp2_add(&coeff[0], &coeff[0], &coeff[0]);          /* coeff[0] = 4*Z4^2 */
57     fp2sqr_mont(&P->X, A24plus);                       /* A24plus = X4^2 */
58     mp2_add(A24plus, A24plus, A24plus);                /* A24plus = 2*X4^2 */
59     fp2sqr_mont(A24plus, A24plus);                     /* A24plus = 4*X4^4 */
60 }
62 /* Evaluates the isogeny at the point (X:Z) in the domain of the isogeny, given a 4-isogeny phi defined
63  * by the 3 coefficients in coeff (computed in the function get_4_isog()).
64  * Inputs: the coefficients defining the isogeny, and the projective point P = (X:Z).
65  * Output: the projective point P = phi(P) = (X:Z) in the codomain.  */
eval_4_isog(point_proj_t P,f2elm_t * coeff)66 void eval_4_isog(point_proj_t P, f2elm_t *coeff)
67 {
68     f2elm_t _t0, _t1;
69     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1;
71     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->Z, t0);                        /* t0 = X+Z */
72     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, t1);                     /* t1 = X-Z */
73     fp2mul_mont(t0, &coeff[1], &P->X);                /* X = (X+Z)*coeff[1] */
74     fp2mul_mont(t1, &coeff[2], &P->Z);                /* Z = (X-Z)*coeff[2] */
75     fp2mul_mont(t0, t1, t0);                          /* t0 = (X+Z)*(X-Z) */
76     fp2mul_mont(&coeff[0], t0, t0);                   /* t0 = coeff[0]*(X+Z)*(X-Z) */
77     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->Z, t1);                        /* t1 = (X-Z)*coeff[2] + (X+Z)*coeff[1] */
78     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, &P->Z);                  /* Z = (X-Z)*coeff[2] - (X+Z)*coeff[1] */
79     fp2sqr_mont(t1, t1);                              /* t1 = [(X-Z)*coeff[2] + (X+Z)*coeff[1]]^2 */
80     fp2sqr_mont(&P->Z, &P->Z);                        /* Z = [(X-Z)*coeff[2] - (X+Z)*coeff[1]]^2 */
81     mp2_add(t1, t0, &P->X);                           /* X = coeff[0]*(X+Z)*(X-Z) + [(X-Z)*coeff[2] + (X+Z)*coeff[1]]^2 */
82     mp2_sub_p2(&P->Z, t0, t0);                        /* t0 = [(X-Z)*coeff[2] - (X+Z)*coeff[1]]^2 - coeff[0]*(X+Z)*(X-Z) */
83     fp2mul_mont(&P->X, t1, &P->X);                    /* Xfinal */
84     fp2mul_mont(&P->Z, t0, &P->Z);                    /* Zfinal */
85 }
87 /* Tripling of a Montgomery point in projective coordinates (X:Z).
88  * Input: projective Montgomery x-coordinates P = (X:Z), where x=X/Z and Montgomery curve constants A24plus = A+2C and A24minus = A-2C.
89  * Output: projective Montgomery x-coordinates Q = 3*P = (X3:Z3).  */
xTPL(const point_proj_t P,point_proj_t Q,const f2elm_t * A24minus,const f2elm_t * A24plus)90 void xTPL(const point_proj_t P, point_proj_t Q, const f2elm_t *A24minus, const f2elm_t *A24plus)
91 {
92     f2elm_t _t0, _t1, _t2, _t3, _t4, _t5, _t6;
93     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1, *t2=&_t2, *t3=&_t3, *t4=&_t4, *t5=&_t5, *t6=&_t6;
95     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, t0);                     /* t0 = X-Z */
96     fp2sqr_mont(t0, t2);                              /* t2 = (X-Z)^2 */
97     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->Z, t1);                        /* t1 = X+Z */
98     fp2sqr_mont(t1, t3);                              /* t3 = (X+Z)^2 */
99     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->X, t4);                        /* t4 = 2*X */
100     mp2_add(&P->Z, &P->Z, t0);                        /* t0 = 2*Z */
101     fp2sqr_mont(t4, t1);                              /* t1 = 4*X^2 */
102     mp2_sub_p2(t1, t3, t1);                           /* t1 = 4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 */
103     mp2_sub_p2(t1, t2, t1);                           /* t1 = 4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2 */
104     fp2mul_mont(A24plus, t3, t5);                     /* t5 = A24plus*(X+Z)^2 */
105     fp2mul_mont(t3, t5, t3);                          /* t3 = A24plus*(X+Z)^4 */
106     fp2mul_mont(A24minus, t2, t6);                    /* t6 = A24minus*(X-Z)^2 */
107     fp2mul_mont(t2, t6, t2);                          /* t2 = A24minus*(X-Z)^4 */
108     mp2_sub_p2(t2, t3, t3);                           /* t3 = A24minus*(X-Z)^4 - A24plus*(X+Z)^4 */
109     mp2_sub_p2(t5, t6, t2);                           /* t2 = A24plus*(X+Z)^2 - A24minus*(X-Z)^2 */
110     fp2mul_mont(t1, t2, t1);                          /* t1 = [4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2]*[A24plus*(X+Z)^2 - A24minus*(X-Z)^2] */
111     fp2add(t3, t1, t2);                               /* t2 = [4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2]*[A24plus*(X+Z)^2 - A24minus*(X-Z)^2] + A24minus*(X-Z)^4 - A24plus*(X+Z)^4 */
112     fp2sqr_mont(t2, t2);                              /* t2 = t2^2 */
113     fp2mul_mont(t4, t2, &Q->X);                       /* X3 = 2*X*t2 */
114     fp2sub(t3, t1, t1);                               /* t1 = A24minus*(X-Z)^4 - A24plus*(X+Z)^4 - [4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2]*[A24plus*(X+Z)^2 - A24minus*(X-Z)^2] */
115     fp2sqr_mont(t1, t1);                              /* t1 = t1^2 */
116     fp2mul_mont(t0, t1, &Q->Z);                       /* Z3 = 2*Z*t1 */
117 }
119 /* Computes [3^e](X:Z) on Montgomery curve with projective constant via e repeated triplings.
120  * Input: projective Montgomery x-coordinates P = (XP:ZP), such that xP=XP/ZP and Montgomery curve constants A24plus = A+2C and A24minus = A-2C.
121  * Output: projective Montgomery x-coordinates Q <- (3^e)*P. */
xTPLe(const point_proj_t P,point_proj_t Q,const f2elm_t * A24minus,const f2elm_t * A24plus,const int e)122 void xTPLe(const point_proj_t P, point_proj_t Q, const f2elm_t *A24minus, const f2elm_t *A24plus, const int e)
123 {
124     int i;
126     copy_words((const digit_t*)P, (digit_t*)Q, 2*2*S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_NWORDS_FIELD);
128     for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
129         xTPL(Q, Q, A24minus, A24plus);
130     }
131 }
133 /* Computes the corresponding 3-isogeny of a projective Montgomery point (X3:Z3) of order 3.
134  * Input:  projective point of order three P = (X3:Z3).
135  * Output: the 3-isogenous Montgomery curve with projective coefficient A/C.  */
get_3_isog(const point_proj_t P,f2elm_t * A24minus,f2elm_t * A24plus,f2elm_t * coeff)136 void get_3_isog(const point_proj_t P, f2elm_t *A24minus, f2elm_t *A24plus, f2elm_t *coeff)
137 {
138     f2elm_t _t0, _t1, _t2, _t3, _t4;
139     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1, *t2=&_t2, *t3=&_t3, *t4=&_t4;
141     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, &coeff[0]);               /* coeff0 = X-Z */
142     fp2sqr_mont(&coeff[0], t0);                        /* t0 = (X-Z)^2 */
143     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->Z, &coeff[1]);                  /* coeff1 = X+Z */
144     fp2sqr_mont(&coeff[1], t1);                        /* t1 = (X+Z)^2 */
145     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->X, t3);                         /* t3 = 2*X */
146     fp2sqr_mont(t3, t3);                               /* t3 = 4*X^2 */
147     fp2sub(t3, t0, t2);                                /* t2 = 4*X^2 - (X-Z)^2 */
148     fp2sub(t3, t1, t3);                                /* t3 = 4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 */
149     mp2_add(t0, t3, t4);                               /* t4 = 4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 + (X-Z)^2 */
150     mp2_add(t4, t4, t4);                               /* t4 = 2(4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 + (X-Z)^2) */
151     mp2_add(t1, t4, t4);                               /* t4 = 8*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 + 2*(X-Z)^2 */
152     fp2mul_mont(t2, t4, A24minus);                     /* A24minus = [4*X^2 - (X-Z)^2]*[8*X^2 - (X+Z)^2 + 2*(X-Z)^2] */
153     mp2_add(t1, t2, t4);                               /* t4 = 4*X^2 + (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2 */
154     mp2_add(t4, t4, t4);                               /* t4 = 2(4*X^2 + (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2) */
155     mp2_add(t0, t4, t4);                               /* t4 = 8*X^2 + 2*(X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2 */
156     fp2mul_mont(t3, t4, A24plus);                      /* A24plus = [4*X^2 - (X+Z)^2]*[8*X^2 + 2*(X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2] */
157 }
159 /* Computes the 3-isogeny R=phi(X:Z), given projective point (X3:Z3) of order 3 on a Montgomery curve and
160  * a point P with 2 coefficients in coeff (computed in the function get_3_isog()).
161  * Inputs: projective points P = (X3:Z3) and Q = (X:Z).
162  * Output: the projective point Q <- phi(Q) = (X3:Z3).  */
eval_3_isog(point_proj_t Q,const f2elm_t * coeff)163 void eval_3_isog(point_proj_t Q, const f2elm_t *coeff)
164 {
165     f2elm_t _t0, _t1, _t2;
166     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1, *t2=&_t2;
168     mp2_add(&Q->X, &Q->Z, t0);                      /* t0 = X+Z */
169     mp2_sub_p2(&Q->X, &Q->Z, t1);                   /* t1 = X-Z */
170     fp2mul_mont(&coeff[0], t0, t0);                 /* t0 = coeff0*(X+Z) */
171     fp2mul_mont(&coeff[1], t1, t1);                 /* t1 = coeff1*(X-Z) */
172     mp2_add(t0, t1, t2);                            /* t2 = coeff0*(X+Z) + coeff1*(X-Z) */
173     mp2_sub_p2(t1, t0, t0);                         /* t0 = coeff1*(X-Z) - coeff0*(X+Z) */
174     fp2sqr_mont(t2, t2);                            /* t2 = [coeff0*(X+Z) + coeff1*(X-Z)]^2 */
175     fp2sqr_mont(t0, t0);                            /* t0 = [coeff1*(X-Z) - coeff0*(X+Z)]^2 */
176     fp2mul_mont(&Q->X, t2, &Q->X);                  /* X3final = X*[coeff0*(X+Z) + coeff1*(X-Z)]^2 */
177     fp2mul_mont(&Q->Z, t0, &Q->Z);                  /* Z3final = Z*[coeff1*(X-Z) - coeff0*(X+Z)]^2 */
178 }
180 /* 3-way simultaneous inversion
181  * Input:  z1,z2,z3
182  * Output: 1/z1,1/z2,1/z3 (override inputs). */
inv_3_way(f2elm_t * z1,f2elm_t * z2,f2elm_t * z3)183 void inv_3_way(f2elm_t *z1, f2elm_t *z2, f2elm_t *z3)
184 {
185     f2elm_t _t0, _t1, _t2, _t3;
186     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1, *t2=&_t2, *t3=&_t3;
188     fp2mul_mont(z1, z2, t0);                      /* t0 = z1*z2 */
189     fp2mul_mont(z3, t0, t1);                      /* t1 = z1*z2*z3 */
190     fp2inv_mont(t1);                              /* t1 = 1/(z1*z2*z3) */
191     fp2mul_mont(z3, t1, t2);                      /* t2 = 1/(z1*z2) */
192     fp2mul_mont(t2, z2, t3);                      /* t3 = 1/z1 */
193     fp2mul_mont(t2, z1, z2);                      /* z2 = 1/z2 */
194     fp2mul_mont(t0, t1, z3);                      /* z3 = 1/z3 */
195     fp2copy(t3, z1);                              /* z1 = 1/z1 */
196 }
198 /* Given the x-coordinates of P, Q, and R, returns the value A corresponding to the
199  *     Montgomery curve E_A: y^2=x^3+A*x^2+x such that R=Q-P on E_A.
200  * Input:  the x-coordinates xP, xQ, and xR of the points P, Q and R.
201  * Output: the coefficient A corresponding to the curve E_A: y^2=x^3+A*x^2+x. */
get_A(const f2elm_t * xP,const f2elm_t * xQ,const f2elm_t * xR,f2elm_t * A)202 void get_A(const f2elm_t *xP, const f2elm_t *xQ, const f2elm_t *xR, f2elm_t *A)
203 {
204     f2elm_t _t0, _t1, one = {0};
205     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1;
208     fpcopy((const digit_t*)&Montgomery_one,one.e[0]);
209     fp2add(xP, xQ, t1);                           /* t1 = xP+xQ */
210     fp2mul_mont(xP, xQ, t0);                      /* t0 = xP*xQ */
211     fp2mul_mont(xR, t1, A);                       /* A = xR*t1 */
212     fp2add(t0, A, A);                             /* A = A+t0 */
213     fp2mul_mont(t0, xR, t0);                      /* t0 = t0*xR */
214     fp2sub(A, &one, A);                           /* A = A-1 */
215     fp2add(t0, t0, t0);                           /* t0 = t0+t0 */
216     fp2add(t1, xR, t1);                           /* t1 = t1+xR */
217     fp2add(t0, t0, t0);                           /* t0 = t0+t0 */
218     fp2sqr_mont(A, A);                            /* A = A^2 */
219     fp2inv_mont(t0);                              /* t0 = 1/t0 */
220     fp2mul_mont(A, t0, A);                        /* A = A*t0 */
221     fp2sub(A, t1, A);                             /* Afinal = A-t1 */
222 }
224 /* Computes the j-invariant of a Montgomery curve with projective constant.
225  * Input: A,C in GF(p^2).
226  * Output: j=256*(A^2-3*C^2)^3/(C^4*(A^2-4*C^2)), which is the j-invariant of the Montgomery curve
227  *     B*y^2=x^3+(A/C)*x^2+x or (equivalently) j-invariant of B'*y^2=C*x^3+A*x^2+C*x. */
j_inv(const f2elm_t * A,const f2elm_t * C,f2elm_t * jinv)228 void j_inv(const f2elm_t *A, const f2elm_t *C, f2elm_t *jinv)
229 {
230     f2elm_t _t0, _t1;
231     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1;
233     fp2sqr_mont(A, jinv);                           /* jinv = A^2 */
234     fp2sqr_mont(C, t1);                             /* t1 = C^2 */
235     fp2add(t1, t1, t0);                             /* t0 = t1+t1 */
236     fp2sub(jinv, t0, t0);                           /* t0 = jinv-t0 */
237     fp2sub(t0, t1, t0);                             /* t0 = t0-t1 */
238     fp2sub(t0, t1, jinv);                           /* jinv = t0-t1 */
239     fp2sqr_mont(t1, t1);                            /* t1 = t1^2 */
240     fp2mul_mont(jinv, t1, jinv);                    /* jinv = jinv*t1 */
241     fp2add(t0, t0, t0);                             /* t0 = t0+t0 */
242     fp2add(t0, t0, t0);                             /* t0 = t0+t0 */
243     fp2sqr_mont(t0, t1);                            /* t1 = t0^2 */
244     fp2mul_mont(t0, t1, t0);                        /* t0 = t0*t1 */
245     fp2add(t0, t0, t0);                             /* t0 = t0+t0 */
246     fp2add(t0, t0, t0);                             /* t0 = t0+t0 */
247     fp2inv_mont(jinv);                              /* jinv = 1/jinv */
248     fp2mul_mont(jinv, t0, jinv);                    /* jinv = t0*jinv */
249 }
251 /* Simultaneous doubling and differential addition.
252  * Input: projective Montgomery points P=(XP:ZP) and Q=(XQ:ZQ) such that xP=XP/ZP and xQ=XQ/ZQ,
253  *     affine difference xPQ=x(P-Q) and Montgomery curve constant A24=(A+2)/4.
254  * Output: projective Montgomery points P <- 2*P = (X2P:Z2P) such that x(2P)=X2P/Z2P,
255  *     and Q <- P+Q = (XQP:ZQP) such that = x(Q+P)=XQP/ZQP.  */
xDBLADD(point_proj_t P,point_proj_t Q,const f2elm_t * xPQ,const f2elm_t * A24)256 static void xDBLADD(point_proj_t P, point_proj_t Q, const f2elm_t *xPQ, const f2elm_t *A24)
257 {
258     f2elm_t _t0, _t1, _t2;
259     f2elm_t *t0=&_t0, *t1=&_t1, *t2=&_t2;
261     mp2_add(&P->X, &P->Z, t0);                        /* t0 = XP+ZP */
262     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, t1);                     /* t1 = XP-ZP */
263     fp2sqr_mont(t0, &P->X);                           /* XP = (XP+ZP)^2 */
264     mp2_sub_p2(&Q->X, &Q->Z, t2);                     /* t2 = XQ-ZQ */
265     mp2_add(&Q->X, &Q->Z, &Q->X);                     /* XQ = XQ+ZQ */
266     fp2mul_mont(t0, t2, t0);                          /* t0 = (XP+ZP)*(XQ-ZQ) */
267     fp2sqr_mont(t1, &P->Z);                           /* ZP = (XP-ZP)^2 */
268     fp2mul_mont(t1, &Q->X, t1);                       /* t1 = (XP-ZP)*(XQ+ZQ) */
269     mp2_sub_p2(&P->X, &P->Z, t2);                     /* t2 = (XP+ZP)^2-(XP-ZP)^2 */
270     fp2mul_mont(&P->X, &P->Z, &P->X);                 /* XP = (XP+ZP)^2*(XP-ZP)^2 */
271     fp2mul_mont(A24, t2, &Q->X);                      /* XQ = A24*[(XP+ZP)^2-(XP-ZP)^2] */
272     mp2_sub_p2(t0, t1, &Q->Z);                        /* ZQ = (XP+ZP)*(XQ-ZQ)-(XP-ZP)*(XQ+ZQ) */
273     mp2_add(&Q->X, &P->Z, &P->Z);                     /* ZP = A24*[(XP+ZP)^2-(XP-ZP)^2]+(XP-ZP)^2 */
274     mp2_add(t0, t1, &Q->X);                           /* XQ = (XP+ZP)*(XQ-ZQ)+(XP-ZP)*(XQ+ZQ) */
275     fp2mul_mont(&P->Z, t2, &P->Z);                    /* ZP = [A24*[(XP+ZP)^2-(XP-ZP)^2]+(XP-ZP)^2]*[(XP+ZP)^2-(XP-ZP)^2] */
276     fp2sqr_mont(&Q->Z, &Q->Z);                        /* ZQ = [(XP+ZP)*(XQ-ZQ)-(XP-ZP)*(XQ+ZQ)]^2 */
277     fp2sqr_mont(&Q->X, &Q->X);                        /* XQ = [(XP+ZP)*(XQ-ZQ)+(XP-ZP)*(XQ+ZQ)]^2 */
278     fp2mul_mont(&Q->Z, xPQ, &Q->Z);                   /* ZQ = xPQ*[(XP+ZP)*(XQ-ZQ)-(XP-ZP)*(XQ+ZQ)]^2 */
279 }
281 /* Swap points.
282  * If option = 0 then P <- P and Q <- Q, else if option = 0xFF...FF then P <- Q and Q <- P */
swap_points(point_proj_t P,point_proj_t Q,const digit_t option)283 static void swap_points(point_proj_t P, point_proj_t Q, const digit_t option)
284 {
285     unsigned int i;
287     for (i = 0; i < S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_NWORDS_FIELD; i++) {
288         digit_t temp = option & (P->X.e[0][i] ^ Q->X.e[0][i]);
289         P->X.e[0][i] = temp ^ P->X.e[0][i];
290         Q->X.e[0][i] = temp ^ Q->X.e[0][i];
291         temp = option & (P->X.e[1][i] ^ Q->X.e[1][i]);
292         P->X.e[1][i] = temp ^ P->X.e[1][i];
293         Q->X.e[1][i] = temp ^ Q->X.e[1][i];
294         temp = option & (P->Z.e[0][i] ^ Q->Z.e[0][i]);
295         P->Z.e[0][i] = temp ^ P->Z.e[0][i];
296         Q->Z.e[0][i] = temp ^ Q->Z.e[0][i];
297         temp = option & (P->Z.e[1][i] ^ Q->Z.e[1][i]);
298         P->Z.e[1][i] = temp ^ P->Z.e[1][i];
299         Q->Z.e[1][i] = temp ^ Q->Z.e[1][i];
300     }
301 }
LADDER3PT(const f2elm_t * xP,const f2elm_t * xQ,const f2elm_t * xPQ,const digit_t * m,const unsigned int AliceOrBob,point_proj_t R,const f2elm_t * A)303 void LADDER3PT(const f2elm_t *xP, const f2elm_t *xQ, const f2elm_t *xPQ, const digit_t* m,
304         const unsigned int AliceOrBob, point_proj_t R, const f2elm_t *A)
305 {
306     point_proj_t R0 = {0}, R2 = {0};
307     f2elm_t _A24 = {0};
308     f2elm_t *A24 = &_A24;
309     digit_t mask;
310     int i, nbits, swap, prevbit = 0;
312     if (AliceOrBob == S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_ALICE) {
313         nbits = S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_OALICE_BITS;
314     } else {
315         nbits = S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_OBOB_BITS - 1;
316     }
318     /* Initializing constant */
319     fpcopy((const digit_t*)&Montgomery_one, A24->e[0]);
320     mp2_add(A24, A24, A24);
321     mp2_add(A, A24, A24);
322     fp2div2(A24, A24);
323     fp2div2(A24, A24);  /* A24 = (A+2)/4 */
325     /* Initializing points */
326     fp2copy(xQ, &R0->X);
327     fpcopy((const digit_t*)&Montgomery_one, (digit_t*)&R0->Z);
328     fp2copy(xPQ, &R2->X);
329     fpcopy((const digit_t*)&Montgomery_one, (digit_t*)&R2->Z);
330     fp2copy(xP, &R->X);
331     fpcopy((const digit_t*)&Montgomery_one, (digit_t*)&R->Z);
332     fpzero((digit_t*)(R->Z.e)[1]);
334     /* Main loop */
335     for (i = 0; i < nbits; i++) {
336         int bit = (m[i >> S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_LOG2RADIX] >> (i & (S2N_SIKE_P434_R3_RADIX-1))) & 1;
337         swap = bit ^ prevbit;
338         prevbit = bit;
339         mask = 0 - (digit_t)swap;
341         swap_points(R, R2, mask);
342         xDBLADD(R0, R2, &R->X, A24);
343         fp2mul_mont(&R2->X, &R->Z, &R2->X);
344     }
345     swap = 0 ^ prevbit;
346     mask = 0 - (digit_t)swap;
347     swap_points(R, R2, mask);
348 }