1 /**
2  * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
3  * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
4  * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
5  * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6  *
7  * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
8  * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9  * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
10  * License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17  * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
18  * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
19  */
21 /**
22  * @file shibsp/handler/LogoutHandler.h
23  *
24  * Base class for logout-related handlers.
25  */
27 #ifndef __shibsp_logout_h__
28 #define __shibsp_logout_h__
30 #include <shibsp/handler/RemotedHandler.h>
32 namespace shibsp {
34 #ifndef SHIBSP_LITE
35     class SHIBSP_API LogoutEvent;
36 #endif
38 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
39     #pragma warning( push )
40     #pragma warning( disable : 4251 )
41 #endif
43     /**
44      * Base class for logout-related handlers.
45      */
46     class SHIBSP_API LogoutHandler : public RemotedHandler
47     {
48     public:
49         virtual ~LogoutHandler();
51         /**
52          * The base method will iteratively attempt front-channel notification
53          * of logout of the current session, and after the final round trip will
54          * perform back-channel notification. Nothing will be done unless the
55          * handler detects that it is the "top" level logout handler.
56          * If the method returns false, then the specialized class should perform
57          * its work assuming that the notifications are completed.
58          *
59          * Note that the current session is NOT removed from the cache.
60          *
61          * @param request   SP request context
62          * @param isHandler true iff executing in the context of a direct handler invocation
63          * @return  a pair containing a "request completed" indicator and a server-specific response code
64          */
65         std::pair<bool,long> run(SPRequest& request, bool isHandler=true) const;
67         /**
68          * A remoted procedure that will perform any necessary back-channel
69          * notifications. The input structure must contain an "application_id" member,
70          * and a "sessions" list containing the session keys, along with an integer
71          * member called "notify" with a value of 1.
72          *
73          * @param in    incoming DDF message
74          * @param out   stream to write outgoing DDF message to
75          */
76         void receive(DDF& in, std::ostream& out);
78         const char* getEventType() const;
80     protected:
81         LogoutHandler();
83         /** Flag indicating whether the subclass is acting as a LogoutInitiator. */
84         bool m_initiator;
86         /** Array of query string parameters to preserve across front-channel notifications, if present. */
87         std::vector<std::string> m_preserve;
89         /**
90          * Perform front-channel logout notifications for an Application.
91          *
92          * @param application   the Application to notify
93          * @param request       last request from browser
94          * @param response      response to use for next notification
95          * @param params        map of query string parameters to preserve across this notification
96          * @return  indicator of a completed response along with the status code to return from the handler
97          */
98         std::pair<bool,long> notifyFrontChannel(
99             const Application& application,
100             const xmltooling::HTTPRequest& request,
101             xmltooling::HTTPResponse& response,
102             const std::map<std::string,std::string>* params=nullptr
103             ) const;
105         /**
106          * Perform back-channel logout notifications for an Application.
107          *
108          * @param application   the Application to notify
109          * @param requestURL    requestURL that resulted in method call
110          * @param sessions      array of session keys being logged out
111          * @param local         true iff the logout operation is local to the SP, false iff global
112          * @return  true iff all notifications succeeded
113          */
114         bool notifyBackChannel(
115             const Application& application, const char* requestURL, const std::vector<std::string>& sessions, bool local
116             ) const;
118         /**
119          * Sends a response template to the user agent informing it of the results of a logout attempt.
120          *
121          * @param application   the Application to use in determining the logout template
122          * @param request       the HTTP client request to supply to the template
123          * @param response      the HTTP response to use
124          * @param type          designates the prefix of logout template name to use
125          */
126         std::pair<bool,long> sendLogoutPage(
127             const Application& application,
128             const xmltooling::HTTPRequest& request,
129             xmltooling::HTTPResponse& response,
130             const char* type
131             ) const;
133 #ifndef SHIBSP_LITE
134         /**
135          * Creates a new LogoutEvent for the event log.
136          *
137          * @param application   the Application associated with the event
138          * @param request       the HTTP client request associated with the event, or nullptr
139          * @param session       the user session associated with the event, or nullptr
140          * @return  a fresh LogoutEvent, prepopulated by the input parameters, or nullptr if an error occurs
141          */
142         virtual LogoutEvent* newLogoutEvent(
143             const Application& application,
144             const xmltooling::HTTPRequest* request=nullptr,
145             const Session* session=nullptr
146             ) const;
147 #endif
148     };
150 #if defined (_MSC_VER)
151     #pragma warning( pop )
152 #endif
153 };
155 #endif /* __shibsp_logout_h__ */