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README.mdH A D19-May-2018657 1712

discovery.goH A D19-May-201890 KiB2,6932,345

discovery.jsonH A D19-May-20189 KiB452451

discovery.pb.goH A D19-May-201846.5 KiB1,4161,170

discovery.protoH A D19-May-20186.2 KiB266228

discovery.yamlH A D19-May-20185.8 KiB298297


1# API Discovery Format
3This directory contains a Protocol Buffer-language model
4and related code for supporting Google's API Discovery Format.
6Gnostic applications and plugins can use Discovery.proto
7to generate Protocol Buffer support code for their preferred languages.
9Discovery.go is used by Gnostic to read JSON and YAML Discovery
10descriptions into the Protocol Buffer-based datastructures
11generated from Discovery.proto.
13Discovery.proto and Discovery.go are generated by the Gnostic
14compiler generator, and Discovery.pb.go is generated by
15protoc, the Protocol Buffer compiler, and protoc-gen-go, the
16Protocol Buffer Go code generation plugin.