2layout: "docs"
3page_title: "Helm Chart Reference - Kubernetes"
4sidebar_current: "docs-platform-k8s-helm"
5description: |-
6  Reference for the Consul Helm chart.
9# Helm Chart Reference
11## Configuration (Values)
13The chart is highly customizable using
14[Helm configuration values](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/using_helm/#customizing-the-chart-before-installing).
15Each value has a sane default tuned for an optimal getting started experience
16with Consul. Before going into production, please review the parameters below
17and consider if they're appropriate for your deployment.
19* <a name="v-global" href="#v-global">`global`</a>- Holds values that affect
20  multiple components of the chart.
22  * <a name="v-global-enabled" href="#v-global-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: true`) - The master enabled/disabled setting. If true, servers, clients, Consul DNS and the Consul UI will be enabled. Each component can override this default via its component-specific "enabled" config. If false, no components will be installed by default and per-component opt-in is required, such as by setting <a href="#v-server-enabled">`server.enabled`</a> to true.
24  * <a name="v-global-domain" href="#v-global-domain">`domain`</a> (`string: "consul"`) - The domain Consul will answer DNS queries for (see [-domain](/docs/agent/options.html#_domain)) and the domain services synced from Consul into Kubernetes will have, e.g. `service-name.service.consul`.
26  * <a name="v-global-image" href="#v-global-image">`image`</a> (`string: "consul:<latest version>"`) - The name (and tag) of the Consul Docker image for clients and servers. This can be overridden per component. This should be pinned to a specific version tag, otherwise you may inadvertently upgrade your Consul version.
28        Examples:
30        ```yaml
31        # Consul 1.5.0
32        image: "consul:1.5.0"
33        # Consul Enterprise 1.5.0
34        image: "hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.5.0-ent"
35        ```
37  * <a name="v-global-imagek8s" href="#v-global-imagek8s">`imageK8S`</a> (`string: "hashicorp/consul-k8s:<latest version>"`) - The name (and tag) of the [consul-k8s](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-k8s) Docker image that is used for functionality such the catalog sync. This can be overridden per component.
39        Note: support for the catalog sync's liveness and readiness probes was added to consul-k8s 0.6.0. If using an older consul-k8s version, you may need to remove these checks to make sync work. If using mesh gateways and bootstrapACLs then must be >= 0.9.0.
41  * <a name="v-global-datacenter" href="#v-global-datacenter">`datacenter`</a> (`string: "dc1"`) - The name of the datacenter that the agents should register as. This can't be changed once the Consul cluster is up and running since Consul doesn't support an automatic way to change this value currently: [https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/1858](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/1858).
43  * <a name="v-global-pod-security-policies" href="#v-global-pod-security-policies">`enablePodSecurityPolicies`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
44        Controls whether pod security policies are created for the Consul components created by this chart. See [https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/).
46  * <a name="v-global-gossip-encryption" href="#v-global-gossip-encryption">`gossipEncryption`</a> -
47        Configures which Kubernetes secret to retrieve Consul's gossip encryption key from (see [-encrypt](/docs/agent/options.html#_encrypt)). If secretName or secretKey are not set, gossip encryption will not be enabled. The secret must be in the same namespace that Consul is installed into.
49        The secret can be created by running:
51        ```bash
52        $ kubectl create secret generic consul-gossip-encryption-key --from-literal=key=$(consul keygen)
53        # To reference, use:
54        #   gossipEncryption:
55        #     secretName: consul-gossip-encryption-key
56        #     secretKey: key
57        ```
59        * <a name="v-global-gossip-encryption-secret-name" href="#v-global-gossip-encryption-secret-name">`secretName`</a> (`string: ""`) - The name of the Kubernetes secret that holds the gossip encryption key. The secret must be in the same namespace that Consul is installed into.
61        * <a name="v-global-gossip-encryption-secret-key" href="#v-global-gossip-encryption-secret-key">`secretKey`</a> (`string: ""`) - The key within the Kubernetes secret that holds the gossip encryption key.
63  * <a name="v-global-bootstrap-acls" href="#v-global-bootstrap-acls">`bootstrapACLs`</a> (`boolean: false`) - Automatically create and assign ACL tokens within the Consul cluster. This requires servers to be running inside Kubernetes. Additionally requires Consul >= 1.4 and consul-k8s >= 0.8.0.
65* <a name="v-server" href="#v-server">`server`</a> - Values that configure running a Consul server within Kubernetes.
67  * <a name="v-server-enabled" href="#v-server-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) - If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for a Consul server cluster. If you're running Consul externally and want agents within Kubernetes to join that cluster, this should probably be false.
69  * <a name="v-server-image" href="#v-server-image">`image`</a> (`string: global.image`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the containers running Consul server agents.
71  * <a name="v-server-replicas" href="#v-server-replicas">`replicas`</a> (`integer: 3`) -The number of server agents to run. This determines the fault tolerance of the cluster. Please see the [deployment table](/docs/internals/consensus.html#deployment-table) for more information.
73  * <a name="v-server-bootstrapexpect" href="#v-server-bootstrapexpect">`bootstrapExpect`</a> (`integer: 3`) - For new clusters, this is the number of servers to wait for before performing the initial leader election and bootstrap of the cluster. This must be less than or equal to `server.replicas`. This value is only used when bootstrapping new clusters, it has no effect during ongoing cluster maintenance.
75  * <a name="v-server-storage" href="#v-server-storage">`storage`</a> (`string: 10Gi`) - This defines the disk size for configuring the servers' StatefulSet storage. For dynamically provisioned storage classes, this is the desired size. For manually defined persistent volumes, this should be set to the disk size of the attached volume.
77  * <a name="v-server-storageclass" href="#v-server-storageclass">`storageClass`</a> (`string: null`) - The StorageClass to use for the servers' StatefulSet storage. It must be able to be dynamically provisioned if you want the storage to be automatically created. For example, to use [Local](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/storage-classes/#local) storage classes, the PersistentVolumeClaims would need to be manually created. A `null` value will use the Kubernetes cluster's default StorageClass. If a default StorageClass does not exist, you will need to create one.
79  * <a name="v-server-connect" href="#v-server-connect">`connect`</a> (`boolean: true`) - This will enable/disable [Connect](/docs/connect/index.html). Setting this to true _will not_ automatically secure pod communication, this setting will only enable usage of the feature. Consul will automatically initialize a new CA and set of certificates. Additional Connect settings can be configured by setting the `server.extraConfig` value.
81  * <a name="v-server-resources" href="#v-server-resources">`resources`</a> (`string: null`) - The resource requests (CPU, memory, etc.) for each of the server agents. This should be a multi-line string mapping directly to a Kubernetes [ResourceRequirements](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.11/#resourcerequirements-v1-core) object. If this isn't specified, then the pods won't request any specific amount of resources. **Setting this is highly recommended.**
83        ```yaml
84        # Resources are defined as a formatted multi-line string:
85        resources: |
86          requests:
87            memory: "10Gi"
88          limits:
89           memory: "10Gi"
90        ```
92  * <a name="v-server-updatepartition" href="#v-server-updatepartition">`updatePartition`</a> (`integer: 0`) - This value is used to carefully control a rolling update of Consul server agents. This value specifies the [partition](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#partitions) for performing a rolling update. Please read the linked Kubernetes documentation for more information.
94  * <a name="v-server-disruptionbudget" href="#v-server-disruptionbudget">`disruptionBudget`</a> - This configures the [PodDisruptionBudget](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/) for the server cluster.
96      - <a name="v-server-disruptionbudget-enabled" href="#v-server-disruptionbudget-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
97      This will enable/disable registering a PodDisruptionBudget for
98      the server cluster. If this is enabled, it will only register the
99      budget so long as the server cluster is enabled.
101      - <a name="v-server-disruptionbudget-maxunavailable" href="#v-server-disruptionbudget-maxunavailable">`maxUnavailable`</a> (`integer: null`) -
102      The maximum number of unavailable pods. By default, this will be automatically
103      computed based on the `server.replicas` value to be `(n/2)-1`. If you need to set
104      this to `0`, you will need to add a `--set 'server.disruptionBudget.maxUnavailable=0'`
105      flag to the helm chart installation command because of a limitation in the Helm
106      templating language.
108  * <a name="v-server-extraconfig" href="#v-server-extraconfig">`extraConfig`</a> (`string: "{}"`) - A raw string of extra JSON [configuration](/docs/agent/options.html) for Consul servers. This will be saved as-is into a ConfigMap that is read by the Consul server agents. This can be used to add additional configuration that isn't directly exposed by the chart.
110        ```yaml
111        # ExtraConfig values are formatted as a multi-line string:
112        extraConfig: |
113          {
114            "log_level": "DEBUG"
115          }
116        ```
117        This can also be set using Helm's `--set` flag (consul-helm v0.7.0 and later), using the following syntax:
119        ```shell
120        --set 'server.extraConfig="{"log_level": "DEBUG"}"'
121        ```
123  * <a name="v-server-extravolumes" href="#v-server-extravolumes">`extraVolumes`</a> (`array: []`) - A list of extra volumes to mount for server agents. This is useful for bringing in extra data that can be referenced by other configurations at a well known path, such as TLS certificates or Gossip encryption keys. The value of this should be a list of objects. Each object supports the following keys:
125      - <a name="v-server-extravolumes-type" href="#v-server-extravolumes-type">`type`</a> (`string: required`) -
126      Type of the volume, must be one of "configMap" or "secret". Case sensitive.
128      - <a name="v-server-extravolumes-name" href="#v-server-extravolumes-name">`name`</a> (`string: required`) -
129      Name of the configMap or secret to be mounted. This also controls the path
130      that it is mounted to. The volume will be mounted to `/consul/userconfig/<name>`.
132      - <a name="v-server-extravolumes-load" href="#v-server-extravolumes-load">`load`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
133      If true, then the agent will be configured to automatically load HCL/JSON
134      configuration files from this volume with `-config-dir`. This defaults
135      to false.
137        ```yaml
138        extraVolumes:
139          -  type: "secret"
140             name: "consul-certs"
141             load: false
142        ```
144  * <a name="v-server-affinity" href="#v-server-affinity">`affinity`</a> (`string`) - This value defines the [affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity) for server pods. It defaults to allowing only a single pod on each node, which minimizes risk of the cluster becoming unusable if a node is lost. If you need to run more pods per node (for example, testing on Minikube), set this value to `null`.
146        ```yaml
147        # Recommended default server affinity:
148        affinity: |
149          podAntiAffinity:
150            requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
151              - labelSelector:
152                  matchLabels:
153                    app: {{ template "consul.name" . }}
154                    release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
155                    component: server
156              topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
157        ```
159  * <a name="v-server-priorityclassname" href="#v-server-priorityclassname">`priorityClassName`</a> (`string`) - This value references an existing Kubernetes [priorityClassName](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#pod-priority) that can be assigned to server pods.
161  * <a name="v-server-annotations" href="#v-server-annotations">`annotations`</a> (`string`) - This value defines additional annotations for server pods. This should be a formatted as a multi-line string.
163        ```yaml
164        annotations: |
165          "sample/annotation1": "foo"
166          "sample/annotation2": "bar"
167        ```
169* <a name="v-client" href="#v-client">`client`</a> - Values that configure running a Consul client on Kubernetes nodes.
171  * <a name="v-client-enabled" href="#v-client-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) - If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for a Consul client on every Kubernetes node. This _does not_ require `server.enabled`, since the agents can be configured to join an external cluster.
173  * <a name="v-client-image" href="#v-client-image">`image`</a> (`string: global.image`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the containers running Consul client agents.
175  * <a name="v-client-join" href="#v-client-join">`join`</a> (`array<string>: null`) - A list of valid [`-retry-join` values](/docs/agent/options.html#retry-join). If this is `null` (default), then the clients will attempt to automatically join the server cluster running within Kubernetes. This means that with `server.enabled` set to true, clients will automatically join that cluster. If `server.enabled` is not true, then a value must be specified so the clients can join a valid cluster.
177  * <a name="v-client-grpc" href="#v-client-grpc">`grpc`</a> (`boolean: true`) - If true, agents will enable their GRPC listener on port 8502 and expose it to the host. This will use slightly more resources, but is required for [Connect](/docs/platform/k8s/connect.html).
179  * <a name="v-client-resources" href="#v-client-resources">`resources`</a> (`string: null`) - The resource requests (CPU, memory, etc.) for each of the client agents. This should be a multi-line string mapping directly to a Kubernetes [ResourceRequirements](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.11/#resourcerequirements-v1-core) object. If this isn't specified, then the pods won't request any specific amount of resources.
181        ```yaml
182        # Resources are defined as a formatted multi-line string:
183        resources: |
184          requests:
185            memory: "10Gi"
186          limits:
187            memory: "10Gi"
188        ```
190  * <a name="v-client-extraconfig" href="#v-client-extraconfig">`extraConfig`</a> (`string: "{}"`) - A raw string of extra JSON [configuration](/docs/agent/options.html) for Consul clients. This will be saved as-is into a ConfigMap that is read by the Consul agents. This can be used to add additional configuration that isn't directly exposed by the chart.
192        ```yaml
193        # ExtraConfig values are formatted as a multi-line string:
194        extraConfig: |
195          {
196            "log_level": "DEBUG"
197          }
198        ```
199        This can also be set using Helm's `--set` flag (consul-helm v0.7.0 and later), using the following syntax:
201        ```shell
202        --set 'client.extraConfig="{"log_level": "DEBUG"}"'
203        ```
205  * <a name="v-client-extravolumes" href="#v-client-extravolumes">`extraVolumes`</a> (`array: []`) - A list of extra volumes to mount for client agents. This is useful for bringing in extra data that can be referenced by other configurations at a well known path, such as TLS certificates or Gossip encryption keys. The value of this should be a list of objects. Each object supports the following keys:
207      - <a name="v-client-extravolumes-type" href="#v-client-extravolumes-type">`type`</a> (`string: required`) -
208      Type of the volume, must be one of "configMap" or "secret". Case sensitive.
210      - <a name="v-client-extravolumes-name" href="#v-client-extravolumes-name">`name`</a> (`string: required`) -
211      Name of the configMap or secret to be mounted. This also controls the path
212      that it is mounted to. The volume will be mounted to `/consul/userconfig/<name>`.
214      - <a name="v-client-extravolumes-load" href="#v-client-extravolumes-load">`load`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
215      If true, then the agent will be configured to automatically load HCL/JSON
216      configuration files from this volume with `-config-dir`. This defaults
217      to false.
219        ```yaml
220        extraVolumes:
221          -  type: "secret"
222             name: "consul-certs"
223             load: false
224        ```
226  * <a name="v-client-priorityclassname" href="#v-client-priorityclassname">`priorityClassName`</a> (`string`) - This value references an existing Kubernetes [priorityClassName](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/#pod-priority) that can be assigned to client pods.
228  * <a name="v-client-annotations" href="#v-client-annotations">`annotations`</a> (`string`) - This value defines additional annotations for client pods. This should be a formatted as a multi-line string.
230        ```yaml
231        annotations: |
232          "sample/annotation1": "foo"
233          "sample/annotation2": "bar"
234        ```
237* <a name="v-dns" href="#v-dns">`dns`</a> - Values that configure Consul DNS service.
239  * <a name="v-dns-enabled" href="#v-dns-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) - If true, a `consul-dns` service will be created that exposes port 53 for TCP and UDP to the running Consul agents (servers and clients). This can then be used to [configure kube-dns](/docs/platform/k8s/dns.html). The Helm chart _does not_ automatically configure kube-dns.
241  * <a name="v-dns-clusterip" href="#v-dns-clusterip">`clusterIP`</a> (`string`) - If defined, this value configures the cluster IP of the DNS service.
243* <a name="v-synccatalog" href="#v-synccatalog">`syncCatalog`</a> - Values that configure the [service sync](/docs/platform/k8s/service-sync.html) process.
245  * <a name="v-synccatalog-enabled" href="#v-synccatalog-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: false`) - If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for the catalog sync process to run.
247  * <a name="v-synccatalog-image" href="#v-synccatalog-image">`image`</a> (`string: global.imageK8S`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for [consul-k8s](/docs/platform/k8s/index.html#quot-consul-k8s-quot-project)
248to run the sync program.
250  * <a name="v-synccatalog-default" href="#v-synccatalog-default">`default`</a> (`boolean: true`) - If true, all valid services in K8S are synced by default. If false, the service must be [annotated](/docs/platform/k8s/service-sync.html#sync-enable-disable) properly to sync. In either case an annotation can override the default.
252  * <a name="v-synccatalog-toconsul" href="#v-synccatalog-toconsul">`toConsul`</a> (`boolean: true`) - If true, will sync Kubernetes services to Consul. This can be disabled to have a one-way sync.
254  * <a name="v-synccatalog-tok8s" href="#v-synccatalog-tok8s">`toK8S`</a> (`boolean: true`) - If true, will sync Consul services to Kubernetes. This can be disabled to have a one-way sync.
256  * <a name="v-synccatalog-k8sprefix" href="#v-synccatalog-k8sprefix">`k8sPrefix`</a> (`string: ""`) - A prefix to prepend to all services registered in Kubernetes from Consul. This defaults to `""` where no prefix is prepended; Consul services are synced with the same name to Kubernetes. (Consul -> Kubernetes sync only)
258  * <a name="v-synccatalog-consulPrefix" href="#v-synccatalog-consulPrefix">`consulPrefix`</a> (`string: ""`) - A prefix to prepend to all services registered in Consul from Kubernetes. This defaults to `""` where no prefix is prepended. Service names within Kubernetes remain unchanged. (Kubernetes -> Consul sync only)
260  * <a name="v-synccatalog-k8stag" href="#v-synccatalog-k8stag">`k8sTag`</a> (`string: null`) - An optional tag that is applied to all of the Kubernetes services that are synced into Consul. If nothing is set, this defaults to "k8s". (Kubernetes -> Consul sync only)
262  * <a name="v-synccatalog-clusterip-sync" href="#v-synccatalog-clusterip-sync">`syncClusterIPServices`</a> (`boolean: true`) - If true, will sync Kubernetes ClusterIP services to Consul. This can be disabled to have the sync ignore ClusterIP-type services.
264  * <a name="v-synccatalog-nodeport-sync" href="#v-synccatalog-nodeport-sync">`nodePortSyncType`</a> (`string: ExternalFirst`) - Configures the type of syncing that happens for NodePort services. The only valid options are: `ExternalOnly`, `InternalOnly`, and `ExternalFirst`. `ExternalOnly` will only use a node's ExternalIP address for the sync, otherwise the service will not be synced. `InternalOnly` uses the node's InternalIP address. `ExternalFirst` will preferentially use the node's ExternalIP address, but if it doesn't exist, it will use the node's InternalIP address instead.
266  * <a name="v-synccatalog-acl-sync-token" href="#v-synccatalog-acl-sync-token">`aclSyncToken`</a> - references a Kubernetes [secret](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#creating-your-own-secrets) that contains an existing Consul ACL token. This will provide the sync process the correct permissions. This is only needed if ACLs are enabled on the Consul cluster.
268      - <a name="v-synccatalog-acl-sync-token-secret-name" href="#v-synccatalog-acl-sync-token-secret-name">secretName </a>`(string: null)` - The name of the Kubernetes secret. This defaults to null.
270      - <a name="v-synccatalog-acl-sync-token-secret-key" href="#v-synccatalog-acl-sync-token-secret-key">secretKey </a>`(string: null)` - The key for the Kubernetes secret. This defaults to null.
272* <a name="v-ui" href="#v-ui">`ui`</a> - Values that configure the Consul UI.
274  * <a name="v-ui-enabled" href="#v-ui-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: global.enabled`) - If true, the UI will be enabled. This will only _enable_ the UI, it doesn't automatically register any service for external access. The UI will only be enabled on server agents. If `server.enabled` is false, then this setting has no effect. To expose the UI in some way, you must configure `ui.service`.
276  * <a name="v-ui-service" href="#v-ui-service">`service`</a> - This configures the `Service` resource registered for the Consul UI.
278      - <a name="v-ui-service-enabled" href="#v-ui-service-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: true`) -
279      This will enable/disable registering a Kubernetes Service for the Consul UI.
280      This value only takes effect if `ui.enabled` is true and taking effect.
282      - <a name="v-ui-service-type" href="#v-ui-service-type">`type`</a> (`string: null`) -
283      The service type to register. This defaults to `null` which doesn't set
284      an explicit service type, which typically is defaulted to "ClusterIP"
285      by Kubernetes. The available service types are documented on
286      [the Kubernetes website](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types).
288* <a name="v-connectinject" href="#v-connectinject">`connectInject`</a> - Values that configure running the [Connect injector](/docs/platform/k8s/connect.html).
290  * <a name="v-connectinject-enabled" href="#v-connectinject-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: false`) - If true, the chart will install all the resources necessary for the Connect injector process to run. This will enable the injector but will require pods to opt-in with an annotation by default.
292  * <a name="v-connectinject-image" href="#v-connectinject-image">`image`</a> (`string: global.imageK8S`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the [consul-k8s](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-k8s) binary.
294  * <a name="v-connectinject-default" href="#v-connectinject-default">`default`</a> (`boolean: false`) - If true, the injector will inject the Connect sidecar into all pods by default. Otherwise, pods must specify the. [injection annotation](/docs/platform/k8s/connect.html#consul-hashicorp-com-connect-inject) to opt-in to Connect injection. If this is true, pods can use the same annotation to explicitly opt-out of injection.
296  * <a name="v-connectinject-imageConsul" href="#v-connectinject-imageConsul">`imageConsul`</a> (`string: global.image`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for Consul. This is used for proxy service registration, Envoy configuration, etc.
298  * <a name="v-connectinject-imageEnvoy" href="#v-connectinject-imageEnvoy">`imageEnvoy`</a> (`string: ""`) - The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for the Envoy sidecar. `envoy` must be on the executable path within this image. This Envoy version must be compatible with the Consul version used by the injector. This defaults to letting the injector choose the Envoy image, which is usually `envoyproxy/envoy-alpine`.
300  * <a name="v-connectinject-namespaceselector" href="#v-connectinject-namespaceselector">`namespaceSelector`</a> (`string: ""`) - A [selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/) for restricting injection to only matching namespaces. By default all namespaces except `kube-system` and `kube-public` will have injection enabled.
302        ```yaml
303        namespaceSelector: |
304          matchLabels:
305            namespace-label: label-value
306        ```
308  * <a name="v-connectinject-certs" href="#v-connectinject-certs">`certs`</a> - The certs section configures how the webhook TLS certs are configured. These are the TLS certs for the Kube apiserver communicating to the webhook. By default, the injector will generate and manage its own certs, but this requires the ability for the injector to update its own `MutatingWebhookConfiguration`. In a production environment, custom certs should probably be used. Configure the values below to enable this.
310      - <a name="v-connectinject-certs-secretname" href="#v-connectinject-certs-secretname">`secretName`</a> (`string: null`) -
311      secretName is the name of the Kubernetes secret that has the TLS certificate and
312      private key to serve the injector webhook. If this is null, then the
313      injector will default to its automatic management mode.
315      - <a name="v-connectinject-cabundle" href="#v-connectinject-cabundle">`caBundle`</a> (`string: ""`) -
316      The PEM-encoded CA public certificate bundle for the TLS certificate served by the
317      injector. This must be specified as a string and can't come from a
318      secret because it must be statically configured on the Kubernetes
319      `MutatingAdmissionWebhook` resource. This only needs to be specified
320      if `secretName` is not null.
322      - <a name="v-connectinject-certs-certname" href="#v-connectinject-certs-certname">`certName`</a> (`string: "tls.crt"`) -
323      The name of the certificate file within the `secretName` secret.
325      - <a name="v-connectinject-certs-keynamkeyname" href="#v-connectinject-certs-keyname">`keyName`</a> (`string: "tls.key"`) -
326      The name of the private key for the certificate file within the
327      `secretName` secret.
329  * <a name="v-connectinject-acl-bindingrule-selector" href="#v-connectinject-acl-bindingrule-selector">`aclBindingRuleSelector`</a> (`string: "serviceaccount.name!=default"`) -
330  A [selector](/docs/acl/acl-auth-methods.html#binding-rules) for restricting automatic injection to only matching services based on
331  their associated service account. By default, services using the `default` Kubernetes service account will not have a proxy injected.
333  * <a name="v-connectinject-centralconfig" href="#v-connectinject-centralconfig">`centralConfig`</a> - Values that configure
334  Consul's [central configuration](/docs/agent/config_entries.html) feature (requires Consul v1.5+ and consul-k8s v0.8.1+).
336      - <a name="v-connectinject-centralconfig-enabled" href="#v-connectinject-centralconfig-enabled">`enabled`</a> (`boolean: false`) -
337      Turns on the central configuration feature. Pods that have a Connect proxy injected will have their service
338      automatically registered in this central configuration.
340      - <a name="v-connectinject-centralconfig-defaultprotocol" href="#v-connectinject-centralconfig-defaultprotocol">`defaultProtocol`</a> (`string: null`) -
341      If defined, this value will be used as the default protocol type for all services registered with the central configuration.
342      This can be overridden by using the
343      [protocol annotation](/docs/platform/k8s/connect.html#consul-hashicorp-com-connect-service-protocol)
344      directly on any pod spec.
346      - <a name="v-connectinject-centralconfig-proxydefaults" href="#v-connectinject-centralconfig-proxydefaults">`proxyDefaults`</a> (`string: "{}"`) -
347      This value is a raw json string that will be applied to all Connect proxy sidecar pods. It can include any valid configuration
348      for the configured proxy.
350        ```yaml
351        # proxyDefaults values are formatted as a multi-line string:
352        proxyDefaults: |
353          {
354            "envoy_dogstatsd_url": "udp://"
355          }
356        ```
359## Helm Chart Examples
361The below `config.yaml` results in a single server Consul cluster with a `LoadBalancer` to allow external access to the UI and API.
364# config.yaml
366  replicas: 1
367  bootstrapExpect: 1
370  service:
371    type: LoadBalancer
374The below `config.yaml` results in a three server Consul Enterprise cluster with 100GB of storage and automatic Connect injection.
376Note, this would require a secret that contains the enterprise license key.
379# config.yaml
381  image: "hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.4.2-ent"
384  replicas: 3
385  bootstrapExpect: 3
386  enterpriseLicense:
387    secretName: "consul-license"
388    secretKey: "key"
389  storage: 100Gi
390  connect: true
393  grpc: true
396  enabled: true
397  default: false
400## Customizing the Helm Chart
402Consul within Kubernetes is highly configurable and the Helm chart contains dozens
403of the most commonly used configuration options.
404If you need to extend the Helm chart with additional options, we recommend using a third-party tool,
405such as [kustomize](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize) or [ship](https://github.com/replicatedhq/ship).
406Note that the Helm chart heavily relies on Helm lifecycle hooks, and so features like bootstrapping ACLs or TLS
407will not work as expected. Additionally, we can make changes to the internal implementation (e.g., renaming template files) that
408may be backward incompatible with such customizations.