1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# This will create golden files in a directory passed to it.
4# A Test calls this internally to create the golden files
5# So it can process them (so we don't have to checkin the files).
7# Ensure msgpack-python and cbor are installed first, using:
8#   sudo apt-get install python-dev
9#   sudo apt-get install python-pip
10#   pip install --user msgpack-python msgpack-rpc-python cbor
12# Ensure all "string" keys are utf strings (else encoded as bytes)
14import cbor, msgpack, msgpackrpc, sys, os, threading
16def get_test_data_list():
17    # get list with all primitive types, and a combo type
18    l0 = [
19        -8,
20         -1616,
21         -32323232,
22         -6464646464646464,
23         192,
24         1616,
25         32323232,
26         6464646464646464,
27         192,
28         -3232.0,
29         -6464646464.0,
30         3232.0,
31         6464.0,
32         6464646464.0,
33         False,
34         True,
35         u"null",
36         None,
37         u"some&day>some<day",
38         1328176922000002000,
39         u"",
40         -2206187877999998000,
41         u"bytestring",
42         270,
43         u"none",
44        -2013855847999995777,
45         #-6795364578871345152,
46         ]
47    l1 = [
48        { "true": True,
49          "false": False },
50        { "true": u"True",
51          "false": False,
52          "uint16(1616)": 1616 },
53        { "list": [1616, 32323232, True, -3232.0, {"TRUE":True, "FALSE":False}, [True, False] ],
54          "int32":32323232, "bool": True,
55          "LONG STRING": u"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
56          "SHORT STRING": u"1234567890" },
57        { True: "true", 138: False, "false": 200 }
58        ]
60    l = []
61    l.extend(l0)
62    l.append(l0)
63    l.append(1)
64    l.extend(l1)
65    return l
67def build_test_data(destdir):
68    l = get_test_data_list()
69    for i in range(len(l)):
70        # packer = msgpack.Packer()
71        serialized = msgpack.dumps(l[i])
72        f = open(os.path.join(destdir, str(i) + '.msgpack.golden'), 'wb')
73        f.write(serialized)
74        f.close()
75        serialized = cbor.dumps(l[i])
76        f = open(os.path.join(destdir, str(i) + '.cbor.golden'), 'wb')
77        f.write(serialized)
78        f.close()
80def doRpcServer(port, stopTimeSec):
81    class EchoHandler(object):
82        def Echo123(self, msg1, msg2, msg3):
83            return ("1:%s 2:%s 3:%s" % (msg1, msg2, msg3))
84        def EchoStruct(self, msg):
85            return ("%s" % msg)
87    addr = msgpackrpc.Address('', port)
88    server = msgpackrpc.Server(EchoHandler())
89    server.listen(addr)
90    # run thread to stop it after stopTimeSec seconds if > 0
91    if stopTimeSec > 0:
92        def myStopRpcServer():
93            server.stop()
94        t = threading.Timer(stopTimeSec, myStopRpcServer)
95        t.start()
96    server.start()
98def doRpcClientToPythonSvc(port):
99    address = msgpackrpc.Address('', port)
100    client = msgpackrpc.Client(address, unpack_encoding='utf-8')
101    print client.call("Echo123", "A1", "B2", "C3")
102    print client.call("EchoStruct", {"A" :"Aa", "B":"Bb", "C":"Cc"})
104def doRpcClientToGoSvc(port):
105    # print ">>>> port: ", port, " <<<<<"
106    address = msgpackrpc.Address('', port)
107    client = msgpackrpc.Client(address, unpack_encoding='utf-8')
108    print client.call("TestRpcInt.Echo123", ["A1", "B2", "C3"])
109    print client.call("TestRpcInt.EchoStruct", {"A" :"Aa", "B":"Bb", "C":"Cc"})
111def doMain(args):
112    if len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "testdata":
113        build_test_data(args[1])
114    elif len(args) == 3 and args[0] == "rpc-server":
115        doRpcServer(int(args[1]), int(args[2]))
116    elif len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "rpc-client-python-service":
117        doRpcClientToPythonSvc(int(args[1]))
118    elif len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "rpc-client-go-service":
119        doRpcClientToGoSvc(int(args[1]))
120    else:
121        print("Usage: test.py " +
122              "[testdata|rpc-server|rpc-client-python-service|rpc-client-go-service] ...")
124if __name__ == "__main__":
125    doMain(sys.argv[1:])