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LICENSEH A D07-Jul-20211.4 KiB2824

README.mdH A D07-Jul-2021632 1410

decode.goH A D07-Jul-202128.6 KiB1,184854

encode.goH A D07-Jul-202130.8 KiB1,198862

indent.goH A D07-Jul-20213.4 KiB142107

scanner.goH A D07-Jul-202116.5 KiB624450

stream.goH A D07-Jul-202111.3 KiB481332

tags.goH A D07-Jul-20211.1 KiB4529


1# Safe JSON
3This repository contains a fork of the `encoding/json` package from Go 1.6.
5The following changes were made:
7* Object deserialization uses case-sensitive member name matching instead of
8  [case-insensitive matching](https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/json/current/msg03763.html).
9  This is to avoid differences in the interpretation of JOSE messages between
10  go-jose and libraries written in other languages.
11* When deserializing a JSON object, we check for duplicate keys and reject the
12  input whenever we detect a duplicate. Rather than trying to work with malformed
13  data, we prefer to reject it right away.