1Test 11-04 - Configure
4# Purpose:
5To verify vic-machine configure can upgrade with --upgrade specified
7# Environment:
8This test requires that a vSphere server is running and available
10# Test Steps:
111. Download vic_1.3.1.tar.gz from gcp
122. Deploy VIC 1.3.1 to vsphere server
133. Using latest version vic-machine to configure this VCH
15# Expected Outcome:
16* Step 3 should get expected error
18# Possible Problems:
19* This suite may fail when run locally due to a `vic-machine upgrade` issue. Since `vic-machine` checks the build number of its binary to determine upgrade status and a locally-built `vic-machine` binary may not have the `BUILD_NUMBER` set correctly, `vic-machine upgrade` may fail with the message `foo-VCH has same or newer version x than installer version y. No upgrade is available.` To resolve this, follow these steps:
20  * Set `BUILD_NUMBER` to a high number at the top of the `Makefile` - `BUILD_NUMBER ?= 9999999999`
21  * Re-build binaries - `sudo make distclean && sudo make clean && sudo make all`