1{ 2 "beforeAfterDiagram": { 3 "beforeImage": { 4 "url": "/img/use-cases/identity-based-access/identity-based-access-challenge.png", 5 "alt": "Grpahic — different identity icons around cloud tool icons" 6 }, 7 "beforeHeadline": "The Challenge", 8 "beforeContent": "With the proliferation of different clouds, services, and systems all with their own identity providers, organizations need a way to manage identity sprawl", 9 "afterImage": { 10 "url": "/img/use-cases/identity-based-access/identity-based-access-solution.png", 11 "alt": "Graphic — organized idenetiy icons in boxes outline with vault icon" 12 }, 13 "afterHeadline": "The Solution", 14 "afterContent": "Vault merges identities across providers and uses a unified ACL system to broker access to systems and secrets" 15 }, 16 "features": [ 17 { 18 "textSplit": { 19 "heading": "Identity Plugins", 20 "content": "Improve the extensibility of Vault with pluggable identity backends." 21 }, 22 "logoGrid": [ 23 { 24 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1566919170-aws.svg", 25 "alt": "AWS logo" 26 }, 27 { 28 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1539799149-azure-stacked-color.svg", 29 "alt": "Microsoft Azure logo" 30 }, 31 { 32 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1513617132-google-cloud.svg", 33 "alt": "Google Cloud logo" 34 }, 35 { 36 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1540418681-kubernetes.png", 37 "alt": "Kubernetes logo" 38 }, 39 { 40 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1619808232-nomad-logomark-color.svg", 41 "alt": "Nomad logo" 42 }, 43 { 44 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1556657783-oktalogo.svg", 45 "alt": "Okta logo" 46 }, 47 { 48 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1608658344-pivotalcf.png", 49 "alt": "PivotalCF logo" 50 }, 51 { 52 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1506540149-black.svg", 53 "alt": "SSH logo" 54 }, 55 { 56 "url": "https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1608143270-ellipsis.png", 57 "alt": "ellipsis icon" 58 } 59 ] 60 }, 61 { 62 "textSplit": { 63 "heading": "Entities", 64 "content": "Integrated identities across platforms and using this information for policy and access control decisions.", 65 "textSide": "right" 66 }, 67 "image": { 68 "url": "/img/use-cases/identity-based-access/entities.png", 69 "alt": "Vault UI showing entity entries" 70 } 71 }, 72 { 73 "textSplit": { 74 "heading": "Control Groups", 75 "content": "Require multiple Identity Entities or members of Identity Groups to authorize an requested action." 76 }, 77 "image": { 78 "url": "/img/use-cases/identity-based-access/control-groups.png", 79 "alt": "'Control Groups' UI prompting authorization" 80 } 81 }, 82 { 83 "textSplit": { 84 "heading": "ACL Templates and Policy Control", 85 "content": "Create and manage policies that authorize access control throughout your infrastructure and organization." 86 }, 87 "codeBlock": { 88 "options": { "showWindowBar": true }, 89 "language": "hcl", 90 "code": "# User template (user-tmpl.hcl)\n# Grant permissions on user specific path\npath \"user-kv/data/{{identity.entity.name}}/*\" {\n capabilities = [ \"create\", \"update\", \"read\", \"delete\", \"list\" ]\n}\n\n# For Web UI usage\npath \"user-kv/metadata\" {\n capabilities = [\"list\"]\n}\n\n# Group template (group-tmpl.hcl)\n# Grant permissions on the group specific path\n# The region is specified in the group metadata\npath \"group-kv/data/education/{{identity.groups.names.education.metadata.region}}/*\" {\n capabilities = [ \"create\", \"update\", \"read\", \"delete\", \"list\" ]\n}\n\n# Group member can update the group information\npath \"identity/group/id/{{identity.groups.names.education.id}}\" {\n capabilities = [ \"update\", \"read\" ]\n}\n\n# For Web UI usage\npath \"group-kv/metadata\" {\n capabilities = [\"list\"]\n}\n\npath \"identity/group/id\" {\n capabilities = [ \"list\" ]\n}\n" 91 } 92 }, 93 { 94 "textSplit": { 95 "heading": "Identity Groups", 96 "content": "Group trusted identities into logical groups for group-based access control.", 97 "textSide": "right" 98 }, 99 "image": { 100 "url": "/img/use-cases/identity-based-access/admin.png", 101 "alt": "Vault UI showing admin members entries" 102 } 103 }, 104 { 105 "textSplit": { 106 "heading": "Multi-factor Authentication", 107 "content": "Enforce MFA workflows when accessing a secret or a secret path." 108 }, 109 "codeBlock": { 110 "options": { "showWindowBar": true }, 111 "language": "shell-session", 112 "code": "$ curl --header \"X-Vault-Token: ...\" \\\n--header \"X-Vault-MFA:my_totp:695452\" \\\nhttp://" 113 } 114 } 115 ] 116} 117