1 /*************************** sha384-512.c ***************************/
2 /********************* See RFC 4634 for details *********************/
3 /*
4  * Description:
5  *   This file implements the Secure Hash Signature Standard
6  *   algorithms as defined in the National Institute of Standards
7  *   and Technology Federal Information Processing Standards
8  *   Publication (FIPS PUB) 180-1 published on April 17, 1995, 180-2
9  *   published on August 1, 2002, and the FIPS PUB 180-2 Change
10  *   Notice published on February 28, 2004.
11  *
12  *   A combined document showing all algorithms is available at
13  *       http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/
14  *       fips180-2/fips180-2withchangenotice.pdf
15  *
16  *   The SHA-384 and SHA-512 algorithms produce 384-bit and 512-bit
17  *   message digests for a given data stream. It should take about
18  *   2**n steps to find a message with the same digest as a given
19  *   message and 2**(n/2) to find any two messages with the same
20  *   digest, when n is the digest size in bits. Therefore, this
21  *   algorithm can serve as a means of providing a
22  *   "fingerprint" for a message.
23  *
24  * Portability Issues:
25  *   SHA-384 and SHA-512 are defined in terms of 64-bit "words",
26  *   but if USE_32BIT_ONLY is #defined, this code is implemented in
27  *   terms of 32-bit "words". This code uses <stdint.h> (included
28  *   via "sha.h") to define the 64, 32 and 8 bit unsigned integer
29  *   types. If your C compiler does not support 64 bit unsigned
30  *   integers, and you do not #define USE_32BIT_ONLY, this code is
31  *   not appropriate.
32  *
33  * Caveats:
34  *   SHA-384 and SHA-512 are designed to work with messages less
35  *   than 2^128 bits long. This implementation uses
36  *   SHA384/512Input() to hash the bits that are a multiple of the
37  *   size of an 8-bit character, and then uses SHA384/256FinalBits()
38  *   to hash the final few bits of the input.
39  *
40  */
42 #include "sha.h"
43 #include "sha-private.h"
45 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
46 /*
47  * Define 64-bit arithmetic in terms of 32-bit arithmetic.
48  * Each 64-bit number is represented in a 2-word array.
49  * All macros are defined such that the result is the last parameter.
50  */
52 /*
53  * Define shift, rotate left and rotate right functions
54  */
55 #define SHA512_SHR(bits, word, ret) (                          \
56     /* (((uint64_t)((word))) >> (bits)) */                     \
57     (ret)[0] = (((bits) < 32) && ((bits) >= 0)) ?              \
58       ((word)[0] >> (bits)) : 0,                               \
59     (ret)[1] = ((bits) > 32) ? ((word)[0] >> ((bits) - 32)) :  \
60       ((bits) == 32) ? (word)[0] :                             \
61       ((bits) >= 0) ?                                          \
62         (((word)[0] << (32 - (bits))) |                        \
63         ((word)[1] >> (bits))) : 0 )
65 #define SHA512_SHL(bits, word, ret) (                          \
66     /* (((uint64_t)(word)) << (bits)) */                       \
67     (ret)[0] = ((bits) > 32) ? ((word)[1] << ((bits) - 32)) :  \
68          ((bits) == 32) ? (word)[1] :                          \
69          ((bits) >= 0) ?                                       \
70            (((word)[0] << (bits)) |                            \
71            ((word)[1] >> (32 - (bits)))) :                     \
72          0,                                                    \
73     (ret)[1] = (((bits) < 32) && ((bits) >= 0)) ?              \
74         ((word)[1] << (bits)) : 0 )
76 /*
77  * Define 64-bit OR
78  */
79 #define SHA512_OR(word1, word2, ret) (                         \
80     (ret)[0] = (word1)[0] | (word2)[0],                        \
81     (ret)[1] = (word1)[1] | (word2)[1] )
83 /*
84  * Define 64-bit XOR
85  */
86 #define SHA512_XOR(word1, word2, ret) (                        \
87     (ret)[0] = (word1)[0] ^ (word2)[0],                        \
88     (ret)[1] = (word1)[1] ^ (word2)[1] )
90 /*
91  * Define 64-bit AND
92  */
93 #define SHA512_AND(word1, word2, ret) (                        \
94     (ret)[0] = (word1)[0] & (word2)[0],                        \
95     (ret)[1] = (word1)[1] & (word2)[1] )
97 /*
98  * Define 64-bit TILDA
99  */
100 #define SHA512_TILDA(word, ret)                                \
101   ( (ret)[0] = ~(word)[0], (ret)[1] = ~(word)[1] )
103 /*
104  * Define 64-bit ADD
105  */
106 #define SHA512_ADD(word1, word2, ret) (                        \
107     (ret)[1] = (word1)[1], (ret)[1] += (word2)[1],             \
108     (ret)[0] = (word1)[0] + (word2)[0] + ((ret)[1] < (word1)[1]) )
110 /*
111  * Add the 4word value in word2 to word1.
112  */
113 static uint32_t ADDTO4_temp, ADDTO4_temp2;
114 #define SHA512_ADDTO4(word1, word2) (                          \
115     ADDTO4_temp = (word1)[3],                                  \
116     (word1)[3] += (word2)[3],                                  \
117     ADDTO4_temp2 = (word1)[2],                                 \
118     (word1)[2] += (word2)[2] + ((word1)[3] < ADDTO4_temp),     \
119     ADDTO4_temp = (word1)[1],                                  \
120     (word1)[1] += (word2)[1] + ((word1)[2] < ADDTO4_temp2),    \
121     (word1)[0] += (word2)[0] + ((word1)[1] < ADDTO4_temp) )
123 /*
124  * Add the 2word value in word2 to word1.
125  */
126 static uint32_t ADDTO2_temp;
127 #define SHA512_ADDTO2(word1, word2) (                          \
128     ADDTO2_temp = (word1)[1],                                  \
129     (word1)[1] += (word2)[1],                                  \
130     (word1)[0] += (word2)[0] + ((word1)[1] < ADDTO2_temp) )
132 /*
133  * SHA rotate   ((word >> bits) | (word << (64-bits)))
134  */
135 static uint32_t ROTR_temp1[2], ROTR_temp2[2];
136 #define SHA512_ROTR(bits, word, ret) (                         \
137     SHA512_SHR((bits), (word), ROTR_temp1),                    \
138     SHA512_SHL(64-(bits), (word), ROTR_temp2),                 \
139     SHA512_OR(ROTR_temp1, ROTR_temp2, (ret)) )
141 /*
142  * Define the SHA SIGMA and sigma macros
143  *  SHA512_ROTR(28,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(34,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(39,word)
144  */
145 static uint32_t SIGMA0_temp1[2], SIGMA0_temp2[2],
146   SIGMA0_temp3[2], SIGMA0_temp4[2];
147 #define SHA512_SIGMA0(word, ret) (                             \
148     SHA512_ROTR(28, (word), SIGMA0_temp1),                     \
149     SHA512_ROTR(34, (word), SIGMA0_temp2),                     \
150     SHA512_ROTR(39, (word), SIGMA0_temp3),                     \
151     SHA512_XOR(SIGMA0_temp2, SIGMA0_temp3, SIGMA0_temp4),      \
152     SHA512_XOR(SIGMA0_temp1, SIGMA0_temp4, (ret)) )
154 /*
155  * SHA512_ROTR(14,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(18,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(41,word)
156  */
157 static uint32_t SIGMA1_temp1[2], SIGMA1_temp2[2],
158   SIGMA1_temp3[2], SIGMA1_temp4[2];
159 #define SHA512_SIGMA1(word, ret) (                             \
160     SHA512_ROTR(14, (word), SIGMA1_temp1),                     \
161     SHA512_ROTR(18, (word), SIGMA1_temp2),                     \
162     SHA512_ROTR(41, (word), SIGMA1_temp3),                     \
163     SHA512_XOR(SIGMA1_temp2, SIGMA1_temp3, SIGMA1_temp4),      \
164     SHA512_XOR(SIGMA1_temp1, SIGMA1_temp4, (ret)) )
166 /*
167  * (SHA512_ROTR( 1,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR( 8,word) ^ SHA512_SHR( 7,word))
168  */
169 static uint32_t sigma0_temp1[2], sigma0_temp2[2],
170   sigma0_temp3[2], sigma0_temp4[2];
171 #define SHA512_sigma0(word, ret) (                             \
172     SHA512_ROTR( 1, (word), sigma0_temp1),                     \
173     SHA512_ROTR( 8, (word), sigma0_temp2),                     \
174     SHA512_SHR( 7, (word), sigma0_temp3),                      \
175     SHA512_XOR(sigma0_temp2, sigma0_temp3, sigma0_temp4),      \
176     SHA512_XOR(sigma0_temp1, sigma0_temp4, (ret)) )
178 /*
179  * (SHA512_ROTR(19,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(61,word) ^ SHA512_SHR( 6,word))
180  */
181 static uint32_t sigma1_temp1[2], sigma1_temp2[2],
182   sigma1_temp3[2], sigma1_temp4[2];
183 #define SHA512_sigma1(word, ret) (                             \
184     SHA512_ROTR(19, (word), sigma1_temp1),                     \
185     SHA512_ROTR(61, (word), sigma1_temp2),                     \
186     SHA512_SHR( 6, (word), sigma1_temp3),                      \
187     SHA512_XOR(sigma1_temp2, sigma1_temp3, sigma1_temp4),      \
188     SHA512_XOR(sigma1_temp1, sigma1_temp4, (ret)) )
190 #undef SHA_Ch
191 #undef SHA_Maj
194 /*
195  * These definitions are the ones used in FIPS-180-2, section 4.1.3
196  *  Ch(x,y,z)   ((x & y) ^ (~x & z))
197  */
198 static uint32_t Ch_temp1[2], Ch_temp2[2], Ch_temp3[2];
199 #define SHA_Ch(x, y, z, ret) (                                 \
200     SHA512_AND(x, y, Ch_temp1),                                \
201     SHA512_TILDA(x, Ch_temp2),                                 \
202     SHA512_AND(Ch_temp2, z, Ch_temp3),                         \
203     SHA512_XOR(Ch_temp1, Ch_temp3, (ret)) )
204 /*
205  *  Maj(x,y,z)  (((x)&(y)) ^ ((x)&(z)) ^ ((y)&(z)))
206  */
207 static uint32_t Maj_temp1[2], Maj_temp2[2], Maj_temp3[2], Maj_temp4[2];
208 #define SHA_Maj(x, y, z, ret) (                                \
209     SHA512_AND(x, y, Maj_temp1),                               \
210     SHA512_AND(x, z, Maj_temp2),                               \
211     SHA512_AND(y, z, Maj_temp3),                               \
212     SHA512_XOR(Maj_temp2, Maj_temp3, Maj_temp4),               \
213     SHA512_XOR(Maj_temp1, Maj_temp4, (ret)) )
215 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
216 /*
217  * These definitions are potentially faster equivalents for the ones
218  * used in FIPS-180-2, section 4.1.3.
219  *   ((x & y) ^ (~x & z)) becomes
220  *   ((x & (y ^ z)) ^ z)
221  */
222 #define SHA_Ch(x, y, z, ret) (                                 \
223    (ret)[0] = (((x)[0] & ((y)[0] ^ (z)[0])) ^ (z)[0]),         \
224    (ret)[1] = (((x)[1] & ((y)[1] ^ (z)[1])) ^ (z)[1]) )
226 /*
227  *   ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z)) becomes
228  *   ((x & (y | z)) | (y & z))
229  */
230 #define SHA_Maj(x, y, z, ret) (                                 \
231    ret[0] = (((x)[0] & ((y)[0] | (z)[0])) | ((y)[0] & (z)[0])), \
232    ret[1] = (((x)[1] & ((y)[1] | (z)[1])) | ((y)[1] & (z)[1])) )
233 #endif /* USE_MODIFIED_MACROS */
235 /*
236  * add "length" to the length
237  */
238 static uint32_t addTemp[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
240 #define SHA384_512AddLength(context, length) (                        \
241     addTemp[3] = (length), SHA512_ADDTO4((context)->Length, addTemp), \
242     (context)->Corrupted = (((context)->Length[3] == 0) &&            \
243        ((context)->Length[2] == 0) && ((context)->Length[1] == 0) &&  \
244        ((context)->Length[0] < 8)) ? 1 : 0 )
246 /* Local Function Prototypes */
247 static void SHA384_512Finalize (SHA512Context * context, uint8_t Pad_Byte);
248 static void SHA384_512PadMessage (SHA512Context * context, uint8_t Pad_Byte);
249 static void SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock (SHA512Context * context);
250 static int SHA384_512Reset (SHA512Context * context, uint32_t H0[]);
251 static int SHA384_512ResultN (SHA512Context * context,
252 			      uint8_t Message_Digest[], int HashSize);
254 /* Initial Hash Values: FIPS-180-2 sections 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 */
255 static uint32_t SHA384_H0[SHA512HashSize / 4] = {
256   0xCBBB9D5D, 0xC1059ED8, 0x629A292A, 0x367CD507, 0x9159015A,
257   0x3070DD17, 0x152FECD8, 0xF70E5939, 0x67332667, 0xFFC00B31,
258   0x8EB44A87, 0x68581511, 0xDB0C2E0D, 0x64F98FA7, 0x47B5481D,
259   0xBEFA4FA4
260 };
262 static uint32_t SHA512_H0[SHA512HashSize / 4] = {
263   0x6A09E667, 0xF3BCC908, 0xBB67AE85, 0x84CAA73B, 0x3C6EF372,
264   0xFE94F82B, 0xA54FF53A, 0x5F1D36F1, 0x510E527F, 0xADE682D1,
265   0x9B05688C, 0x2B3E6C1F, 0x1F83D9AB, 0xFB41BD6B, 0x5BE0CD19,
266   0x137E2179
267 };
269 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
271 /* Define the SHA shift, rotate left and rotate right macro */
272 #define SHA512_SHR(bits,word)  (((uint64_t)(word)) >> (bits))
273 #define SHA512_ROTR(bits,word) ((((uint64_t)(word)) >> (bits)) | \
274                                 (((uint64_t)(word)) << (64-(bits))))
276 /* Define the SHA SIGMA and sigma macros */
277 #define SHA512_SIGMA0(word)   \
278  (SHA512_ROTR(28,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(34,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(39,word))
279 #define SHA512_SIGMA1(word)   \
280  (SHA512_ROTR(14,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(18,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(41,word))
281 #define SHA512_sigma0(word)   \
282  (SHA512_ROTR( 1,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR( 8,word) ^ SHA512_SHR( 7,word))
283 #define SHA512_sigma1(word)   \
284  (SHA512_ROTR(19,word) ^ SHA512_ROTR(61,word) ^ SHA512_SHR( 6,word))
286 /*
287  * add "length" to the length
288  */
289 static uint64_t addTemp;
290 #define SHA384_512AddLength(context, length)                   \
291    (addTemp = context->Length_Low, context->Corrupted =        \
292     ((context->Length_Low += length) < addTemp) &&             \
293     (++context->Length_High == 0) ? 1 : 0)
295 /* Local Function Prototypes */
296 static void SHA384_512Finalize (SHA512Context * context, uint8_t Pad_Byte);
297 static void SHA384_512PadMessage (SHA512Context * context, uint8_t Pad_Byte);
298 static void SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock (SHA512Context * context);
299 static int SHA384_512Reset (SHA512Context * context, uint64_t H0[]);
300 static int SHA384_512ResultN (SHA512Context * context,
301 			      uint8_t Message_Digest[], int HashSize);
303 /* Initial Hash Values: FIPS-180-2 sections 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 */
304 static uint64_t SHA384_H0[] = {
305   0xCBBB9D5DC1059ED8ll, 0x629A292A367CD507ll, 0x9159015A3070DD17ll,
306   0x152FECD8F70E5939ll, 0x67332667FFC00B31ll, 0x8EB44A8768581511ll,
307   0xDB0C2E0D64F98FA7ll, 0x47B5481DBEFA4FA4ll
308 };
310 static uint64_t SHA512_H0[] = {
311   0x6A09E667F3BCC908ll, 0xBB67AE8584CAA73Bll, 0x3C6EF372FE94F82Bll,
312   0xA54FF53A5F1D36F1ll, 0x510E527FADE682D1ll, 0x9B05688C2B3E6C1Fll,
313   0x1F83D9ABFB41BD6Bll, 0x5BE0CD19137E2179ll
314 };
316 #endif /* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
318 /*
319  * SHA384Reset
320  *
321  * Description:
322  *   This function will initialize the SHA384Context in preparation
323  *   for computing a new SHA384 message digest.
324  *
325  * Parameters:
326  *   context: [in/out]
327  *     The context to reset.
328  *
329  * Returns:
330  *   sha Error Code.
331  *
332  */
333 int
SHA384Reset(SHA384Context * context)334 SHA384Reset (SHA384Context * context)
335 {
336   return SHA384_512Reset (context, SHA384_H0);
337 }
339 /*
340  * SHA384Input
341  *
342  * Description:
343  *   This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion
344  *   of the message.
345  *
346  * Parameters:
347  *   context: [in/out]
348  *     The SHA context to update
349  *   message_array: [in]
350  *     An array of characters representing the next portion of
351  *     the message.
352  *   length: [in]
353  *     The length of the message in message_array
354  *
355  * Returns:
356  *   sha Error Code.
357  *
358  */
359 int
SHA384Input(SHA384Context * context,const uint8_t * message_array,unsigned int length)360 SHA384Input (SHA384Context * context,
361 	     const uint8_t * message_array, unsigned int length)
362 {
363   return SHA512Input (context, message_array, length);
364 }
366 /*
367  * SHA384FinalBits
368  *
369  * Description:
370  *   This function will add in any final bits of the message.
371  *
372  * Parameters:
373  *   context: [in/out]
374  *     The SHA context to update
375  *   message_bits: [in]
376  *     The final bits of the message, in the upper portion of the
377  *     byte. (Use 0b###00000 instead of 0b00000### to input the
378  *     three bits ###.)
379  *   length: [in]
380  *     The number of bits in message_bits, between 1 and 7.
381  *
382  * Returns:
383  *   sha Error Code.
384  *
385  */
386 int
SHA384FinalBits(SHA384Context * context,const uint8_t message_bits,unsigned int length)387 SHA384FinalBits (SHA384Context * context,
388 		 const uint8_t message_bits, unsigned int length)
389 {
390   return SHA512FinalBits (context, message_bits, length);
391 }
393 /*
394  * SHA384Result
395  *
396  * Description:
397  *   This function will return the 384-bit message
398  *   digest into the Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
399  *   NOTE: The first octet of hash is stored in the 0th element,
400  *      the last octet of hash in the 48th element.
401  *
402  * Parameters:
403  *   context: [in/out]
404  *     The context to use to calculate the SHA hash.
405  *   Message_Digest: [out]
406  *     Where the digest is returned.
407  *
408  * Returns:
409  *   sha Error Code.
410  *
411  */
412 int
SHA384Result(SHA384Context * context,uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA384HashSize])413 SHA384Result (SHA384Context * context, uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA384HashSize])
414 {
415   return SHA384_512ResultN (context, Message_Digest, SHA384HashSize);
416 }
418 /*
419  * SHA512Reset
420  *
421  * Description:
422  *   This function will initialize the SHA512Context in preparation
423  *   for computing a new SHA512 message digest.
424  *
425  * Parameters:
426  *   context: [in/out]
427  *     The context to reset.
428  *
429  * Returns:
430  *   sha Error Code.
431  *
432  */
433 int
SHA512Reset(SHA512Context * context)434 SHA512Reset (SHA512Context * context)
435 {
436   return SHA384_512Reset (context, SHA512_H0);
437 }
439 /*
440  * SHA512Input
441  *
442  * Description:
443  *   This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion
444  *   of the message.
445  *
446  * Parameters:
447  *   context: [in/out]
448  *     The SHA context to update
449  *   message_array: [in]
450  *     An array of characters representing the next portion of
451  *     the message.
452  *   length: [in]
453  *     The length of the message in message_array
454  *
455  * Returns:
456  *   sha Error Code.
457  *
458  */
459 int
SHA512Input(SHA512Context * context,const uint8_t * message_array,unsigned int length)460 SHA512Input (SHA512Context * context,
461 	     const uint8_t * message_array, unsigned int length)
462 {
463   if (!length)
464     return shaSuccess;
466   if (!context || !message_array)
467     return shaNull;
469   if (context->Computed)
470     {
471       context->Corrupted = shaStateError;
472       return shaStateError;
473     }
475   if (context->Corrupted)
476     return context->Corrupted;
478   while (length-- && !context->Corrupted)
479     {
480       context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] =
481 	(*message_array & 0xFF);
483       if (!SHA384_512AddLength (context, 8) &&
484 	  (context->Message_Block_Index == SHA512_Message_Block_Size))
485 	SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock (context);
487       message_array++;
488     }
490   return shaSuccess;
491 }
493 /*
494  * SHA512FinalBits
495  *
496  * Description:
497  *   This function will add in any final bits of the message.
498  *
499  * Parameters:
500  *   context: [in/out]
501  *     The SHA context to update
502  *   message_bits: [in]
503  *     The final bits of the message, in the upper portion of the
504  *     byte. (Use 0b###00000 instead of 0b00000### to input the
505  *     three bits ###.)
506  *   length: [in]
507  *     The number of bits in message_bits, between 1 and 7.
508  *
509  * Returns:
510  *   sha Error Code.
511  *
512  */
513 int
SHA512FinalBits(SHA512Context * context,const uint8_t message_bits,unsigned int length)514 SHA512FinalBits (SHA512Context * context,
515 		 const uint8_t message_bits, unsigned int length)
516 {
517   uint8_t masks[8] = {
518     /* 0 0b00000000 */ 0x00, /* 1 0b10000000 */ 0x80,
519     /* 2 0b11000000 */ 0xC0, /* 3 0b11100000 */ 0xE0,
520     /* 4 0b11110000 */ 0xF0, /* 5 0b11111000 */ 0xF8,
521     /* 6 0b11111100 */ 0xFC, /* 7 0b11111110 */ 0xFE
522   };
523   uint8_t markbit[8] = {
524     /* 0 0b10000000 */ 0x80, /* 1 0b01000000 */ 0x40,
525     /* 2 0b00100000 */ 0x20, /* 3 0b00010000 */ 0x10,
526     /* 4 0b00001000 */ 0x08, /* 5 0b00000100 */ 0x04,
527     /* 6 0b00000010 */ 0x02, /* 7 0b00000001 */ 0x01
528   };
530   if (!length)
531     return shaSuccess;
533   if (!context)
534     return shaNull;
536   if ((context->Computed) || (length >= 8) || (length == 0))
537     {
538       context->Corrupted = shaStateError;
539       return shaStateError;
540     }
542   if (context->Corrupted)
543     return context->Corrupted;
545   SHA384_512AddLength (context, length);
546   SHA384_512Finalize (context, (uint8_t)
547 		      ((message_bits & masks[length]) | markbit[length]));
549   return shaSuccess;
550 }
552 /*
553  * SHA384_512Finalize
554  *
555  * Description:
556  *   This helper function finishes off the digest calculations.
557  *
558  * Parameters:
559  *   context: [in/out]
560  *     The SHA context to update
561  *   Pad_Byte: [in]
562  *     The last byte to add to the digest before the 0-padding
563  *     and length. This will contain the last bits of the message
564  *     followed by another single bit. If the message was an
565  *     exact multiple of 8-bits long, Pad_Byte will be 0x80.
566  *
567  * Returns:
568  *   sha Error Code.
569  *
570  */
571 static void
SHA384_512Finalize(SHA512Context * context,uint8_t Pad_Byte)572 SHA384_512Finalize (SHA512Context * context, uint8_t Pad_Byte)
573 {
574   int_least16_t i;
575   SHA384_512PadMessage (context, Pad_Byte);
576   /* message may be sensitive, clear it out */
577   for (i = 0; i < SHA512_Message_Block_Size; ++i)
578     context->Message_Block[i] = 0;
579 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY		/* and clear length */
580   context->Length[0] = context->Length[1] = 0;
581   context->Length[2] = context->Length[3] = 0;
582 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
583   context->Length_Low = 0;
584   context->Length_High = 0;
585 #endif /* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
586   context->Computed = 1;
587 }
589 /*
590  * SHA512Result
591  *
592  * Description:
593  *   This function will return the 512-bit message
594  *   digest into the Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
595  *   NOTE: The first octet of hash is stored in the 0th element,
596  *      the last octet of hash in the 64th element.
597  *
598  * Parameters:
599  *   context: [in/out]
600  *     The context to use to calculate the SHA hash.
601  *   Message_Digest: [out]
602  *     Where the digest is returned.
603  *
604  * Returns:
605  *   sha Error Code.
606  *
607  */
608 int
SHA512Result(SHA512Context * context,uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA512HashSize])609 SHA512Result (SHA512Context * context, uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA512HashSize])
610 {
611   return SHA384_512ResultN (context, Message_Digest, SHA512HashSize);
612 }
614 /*
615  * SHA384_512PadMessage
616  *
617  * Description:
618  *   According to the standard, the message must be padded to an
619  *   even 1024 bits. The first padding bit must be a '1'. The
620  *   last 128 bits represent the length of the original message.
621  *   All bits in between should be 0. This helper function will
622  *   pad the message according to those rules by filling the
623  *   Message_Block array accordingly. When it returns, it can be
624  *   assumed that the message digest has been computed.
625  *
626  * Parameters:
627  *   context: [in/out]
628  *     The context to pad
629  *   Pad_Byte: [in]
630  *     The last byte to add to the digest before the 0-padding
631  *     and length. This will contain the last bits of the message
632  *     followed by another single bit. If the message was an
633  *     exact multiple of 8-bits long, Pad_Byte will be 0x80.
634  *
635  * Returns:
636  *   Nothing.
637  *
638  */
639 static void
SHA384_512PadMessage(SHA512Context * context,uint8_t Pad_Byte)640 SHA384_512PadMessage (SHA512Context * context, uint8_t Pad_Byte)
641 {
642   /*
643    * Check to see if the current message block is too small to hold
644    * the initial padding bits and length. If so, we will pad the
645    * block, process it, and then continue padding into a second
646    * block.
647    */
648   if (context->Message_Block_Index >= (SHA512_Message_Block_Size - 16))
649     {
650       context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = Pad_Byte;
651       while (context->Message_Block_Index < SHA512_Message_Block_Size)
652 	context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0;
654       SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock (context);
655     }
656   else
657     context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = Pad_Byte;
659   while (context->Message_Block_Index < (SHA512_Message_Block_Size - 16))
660     context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0;
662   /*
663    * Store the message length as the last 16 octets
664    */
665 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
666   context->Message_Block[112] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[0] >> 24);
667   context->Message_Block[113] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[0] >> 16);
668   context->Message_Block[114] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[0] >> 8);
669   context->Message_Block[115] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[0]);
670   context->Message_Block[116] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[1] >> 24);
671   context->Message_Block[117] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[1] >> 16);
672   context->Message_Block[118] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[1] >> 8);
673   context->Message_Block[119] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[1]);
675   context->Message_Block[120] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[2] >> 24);
676   context->Message_Block[121] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[2] >> 16);
677   context->Message_Block[122] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[2] >> 8);
678   context->Message_Block[123] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[2]);
679   context->Message_Block[124] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[3] >> 24);
680   context->Message_Block[125] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[3] >> 16);
681   context->Message_Block[126] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[3] >> 8);
682   context->Message_Block[127] = (uint8_t) (context->Length[3]);
683 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
684   context->Message_Block[112] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High >> 56);
685   context->Message_Block[113] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High >> 48);
686   context->Message_Block[114] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High >> 40);
687   context->Message_Block[115] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High >> 32);
688   context->Message_Block[116] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High >> 24);
689   context->Message_Block[117] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High >> 16);
690   context->Message_Block[118] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High >> 8);
691   context->Message_Block[119] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_High);
693   context->Message_Block[120] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low >> 56);
694   context->Message_Block[121] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low >> 48);
695   context->Message_Block[122] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low >> 40);
696   context->Message_Block[123] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low >> 32);
697   context->Message_Block[124] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low >> 24);
698   context->Message_Block[125] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low >> 16);
699   context->Message_Block[126] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low >> 8);
700   context->Message_Block[127] = (uint8_t) (context->Length_Low);
701 #endif /* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
703   SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock (context);
704 }
706 /*
707  * SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock
708  *
709  * Description:
710  *   This helper function will process the next 1024 bits of the
711  *   message stored in the Message_Block array.
712  *
713  * Parameters:
714  *   context: [in/out]
715  *     The SHA context to update
716  *
717  * Returns:
718  *   Nothing.
719  *
720  * Comments:
721  *   Many of the variable names in this code, especially the
722  *   single character names, were used because those were the
723  *   names used in the publication.
724  *
725  *
726  */
727 static void
SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock(SHA512Context * context)728 SHA384_512ProcessMessageBlock (SHA512Context * context)
729 {
730   /* Constants defined in FIPS-180-2, section 4.2.3 */
731 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
732   static const uint32_t K[80 * 2] = {
733     0x428A2F98, 0xD728AE22, 0x71374491, 0x23EF65CD, 0xB5C0FBCF,
734     0xEC4D3B2F, 0xE9B5DBA5, 0x8189DBBC, 0x3956C25B, 0xF348B538,
735     0x59F111F1, 0xB605D019, 0x923F82A4, 0xAF194F9B, 0xAB1C5ED5,
736     0xDA6D8118, 0xD807AA98, 0xA3030242, 0x12835B01, 0x45706FBE,
737     0x243185BE, 0x4EE4B28C, 0x550C7DC3, 0xD5FFB4E2, 0x72BE5D74,
738     0xF27B896F, 0x80DEB1FE, 0x3B1696B1, 0x9BDC06A7, 0x25C71235,
739     0xC19BF174, 0xCF692694, 0xE49B69C1, 0x9EF14AD2, 0xEFBE4786,
740     0x384F25E3, 0x0FC19DC6, 0x8B8CD5B5, 0x240CA1CC, 0x77AC9C65,
741     0x2DE92C6F, 0x592B0275, 0x4A7484AA, 0x6EA6E483, 0x5CB0A9DC,
742     0xBD41FBD4, 0x76F988DA, 0x831153B5, 0x983E5152, 0xEE66DFAB,
743     0xA831C66D, 0x2DB43210, 0xB00327C8, 0x98FB213F, 0xBF597FC7,
744     0xBEEF0EE4, 0xC6E00BF3, 0x3DA88FC2, 0xD5A79147, 0x930AA725,
745     0x06CA6351, 0xE003826F, 0x14292967, 0x0A0E6E70, 0x27B70A85,
746     0x46D22FFC, 0x2E1B2138, 0x5C26C926, 0x4D2C6DFC, 0x5AC42AED,
747     0x53380D13, 0x9D95B3DF, 0x650A7354, 0x8BAF63DE, 0x766A0ABB,
748     0x3C77B2A8, 0x81C2C92E, 0x47EDAEE6, 0x92722C85, 0x1482353B,
749     0xA2BFE8A1, 0x4CF10364, 0xA81A664B, 0xBC423001, 0xC24B8B70,
750     0xD0F89791, 0xC76C51A3, 0x0654BE30, 0xD192E819, 0xD6EF5218,
751     0xD6990624, 0x5565A910, 0xF40E3585, 0x5771202A, 0x106AA070,
752     0x32BBD1B8, 0x19A4C116, 0xB8D2D0C8, 0x1E376C08, 0x5141AB53,
753     0x2748774C, 0xDF8EEB99, 0x34B0BCB5, 0xE19B48A8, 0x391C0CB3,
754     0xC5C95A63, 0x4ED8AA4A, 0xE3418ACB, 0x5B9CCA4F, 0x7763E373,
755     0x682E6FF3, 0xD6B2B8A3, 0x748F82EE, 0x5DEFB2FC, 0x78A5636F,
756     0x43172F60, 0x84C87814, 0xA1F0AB72, 0x8CC70208, 0x1A6439EC,
757     0x90BEFFFA, 0x23631E28, 0xA4506CEB, 0xDE82BDE9, 0xBEF9A3F7,
758     0xB2C67915, 0xC67178F2, 0xE372532B, 0xCA273ECE, 0xEA26619C,
759     0xD186B8C7, 0x21C0C207, 0xEADA7DD6, 0xCDE0EB1E, 0xF57D4F7F,
760     0xEE6ED178, 0x06F067AA, 0x72176FBA, 0x0A637DC5, 0xA2C898A6,
761     0x113F9804, 0xBEF90DAE, 0x1B710B35, 0x131C471B, 0x28DB77F5,
762     0x23047D84, 0x32CAAB7B, 0x40C72493, 0x3C9EBE0A, 0x15C9BEBC,
763     0x431D67C4, 0x9C100D4C, 0x4CC5D4BE, 0xCB3E42B6, 0x597F299C,
764     0xFC657E2A, 0x5FCB6FAB, 0x3AD6FAEC, 0x6C44198C, 0x4A475817
765   };
766   int t, t2, t8;		/* Loop counter */
767   uint32_t temp1[2], temp2[2],	/* Temporary word values */
768     temp3[2], temp4[2], temp5[2];
769   uint32_t W[2 * 80];		/* Word sequence */
770   uint32_t A[2], B[2], C[2], D[2],	/* Word buffers */
771     E[2], F[2], G[2], H[2];
773   /* Initialize the first 16 words in the array W */
774   for (t = t2 = t8 = 0; t < 16; t++, t8 += 8)
775     {
776       W[t2++] = ((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8])) << 24) |
777 	((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8 + 1])) << 16) |
778 	((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8 + 2])) << 8) |
779 	((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8 + 3])));
780       W[t2++] = ((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8 + 4])) << 24) |
781 	((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8 + 5])) << 16) |
782 	((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8 + 6])) << 8) |
783 	((((uint32_t) context->Message_Block[t8 + 7])));
784     }
786   for (t = 16; t < 80; t++, t2 += 2)
787     {
788       /* W[t] = SHA512_sigma1(W[t-2]) + W[t-7] +
789          SHA512_sigma0(W[t-15]) + W[t-16]; */
790       uint32_t *Wt2 = &W[t2 - 2 * 2];
791       uint32_t *Wt7 = &W[t2 - 7 * 2];
792       uint32_t *Wt15 = &W[t2 - 15 * 2];
793       uint32_t *Wt16 = &W[t2 - 16 * 2];
794       SHA512_sigma1 (Wt2, temp1);
795       SHA512_ADD (temp1, Wt7, temp2);
796       SHA512_sigma0 (Wt15, temp1);
797       SHA512_ADD (temp1, Wt16, temp3);
798       SHA512_ADD (temp2, temp3, &W[t2]);
799     }
801   A[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[0];
802   A[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[1];
803   B[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[2];
804   B[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[3];
805   C[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[4];
806   C[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[5];
807   D[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[6];
808   D[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[7];
809   E[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[8];
810   E[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[9];
811   F[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[10];
812   F[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[11];
813   G[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[12];
814   G[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[13];
815   H[0] = context->Intermediate_Hash[14];
816   H[1] = context->Intermediate_Hash[15];
818   for (t = t2 = 0; t < 80; t++, t2 += 2)
819     {
820       /*
821        * temp1 = H + SHA512_SIGMA1(E) + SHA_Ch(E,F,G) + K[t] + W[t];
822        */
823       SHA512_SIGMA1 (E, temp1);
824       SHA512_ADD (H, temp1, temp2);
825       SHA_Ch (E, F, G, temp3);
826       SHA512_ADD (temp2, temp3, temp4);
827       SHA512_ADD (&K[t2], &W[t2], temp5);
828       SHA512_ADD (temp4, temp5, temp1);
829       /*
830        * temp2 = SHA512_SIGMA0(A) + SHA_Maj(A,B,C);
831        */
832       SHA512_SIGMA0 (A, temp3);
833       SHA_Maj (A, B, C, temp4);
834       SHA512_ADD (temp3, temp4, temp2);
835       H[0] = G[0];
836       H[1] = G[1];
837       G[0] = F[0];
838       G[1] = F[1];
839       F[0] = E[0];
840       F[1] = E[1];
841       SHA512_ADD (D, temp1, E);
842       D[0] = C[0];
843       D[1] = C[1];
844       C[0] = B[0];
845       C[1] = B[1];
846       B[0] = A[0];
847       B[1] = A[1];
848       SHA512_ADD (temp1, temp2, A);
849     }
851   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[0], A);
852   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[2], B);
853   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[4], C);
854   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[6], D);
855   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[8], E);
856   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[10], F);
857   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[12], G);
858   SHA512_ADDTO2 (&context->Intermediate_Hash[14], H);
860 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
861   static const uint64_t K[80] = {
862     0x428A2F98D728AE22ll, 0x7137449123EF65CDll, 0xB5C0FBCFEC4D3B2Fll,
863     0xE9B5DBA58189DBBCll, 0x3956C25BF348B538ll, 0x59F111F1B605D019ll,
864     0x923F82A4AF194F9Bll, 0xAB1C5ED5DA6D8118ll, 0xD807AA98A3030242ll,
865     0x12835B0145706FBEll, 0x243185BE4EE4B28Cll, 0x550C7DC3D5FFB4E2ll,
866     0x72BE5D74F27B896Fll, 0x80DEB1FE3B1696B1ll, 0x9BDC06A725C71235ll,
867     0xC19BF174CF692694ll, 0xE49B69C19EF14AD2ll, 0xEFBE4786384F25E3ll,
868     0x0FC19DC68B8CD5B5ll, 0x240CA1CC77AC9C65ll, 0x2DE92C6F592B0275ll,
869     0x4A7484AA6EA6E483ll, 0x5CB0A9DCBD41FBD4ll, 0x76F988DA831153B5ll,
870     0x983E5152EE66DFABll, 0xA831C66D2DB43210ll, 0xB00327C898FB213Fll,
871     0xBF597FC7BEEF0EE4ll, 0xC6E00BF33DA88FC2ll, 0xD5A79147930AA725ll,
872     0x06CA6351E003826Fll, 0x142929670A0E6E70ll, 0x27B70A8546D22FFCll,
873     0x2E1B21385C26C926ll, 0x4D2C6DFC5AC42AEDll, 0x53380D139D95B3DFll,
874     0x650A73548BAF63DEll, 0x766A0ABB3C77B2A8ll, 0x81C2C92E47EDAEE6ll,
875     0x92722C851482353Bll, 0xA2BFE8A14CF10364ll, 0xA81A664BBC423001ll,
876     0xC24B8B70D0F89791ll, 0xC76C51A30654BE30ll, 0xD192E819D6EF5218ll,
877     0xD69906245565A910ll, 0xF40E35855771202All, 0x106AA07032BBD1B8ll,
878     0x19A4C116B8D2D0C8ll, 0x1E376C085141AB53ll, 0x2748774CDF8EEB99ll,
879     0x34B0BCB5E19B48A8ll, 0x391C0CB3C5C95A63ll, 0x4ED8AA4AE3418ACBll,
880     0x5B9CCA4F7763E373ll, 0x682E6FF3D6B2B8A3ll, 0x748F82EE5DEFB2FCll,
881     0x78A5636F43172F60ll, 0x84C87814A1F0AB72ll, 0x8CC702081A6439ECll,
882     0x90BEFFFA23631E28ll, 0xA4506CEBDE82BDE9ll, 0xBEF9A3F7B2C67915ll,
883     0xC67178F2E372532Bll, 0xCA273ECEEA26619Cll, 0xD186B8C721C0C207ll,
884     0xEADA7DD6CDE0EB1Ell, 0xF57D4F7FEE6ED178ll, 0x06F067AA72176FBAll,
885     0x0A637DC5A2C898A6ll, 0x113F9804BEF90DAEll, 0x1B710B35131C471Bll,
886     0x28DB77F523047D84ll, 0x32CAAB7B40C72493ll, 0x3C9EBE0A15C9BEBCll,
887     0x431D67C49C100D4Cll, 0x4CC5D4BECB3E42B6ll, 0x597F299CFC657E2All,
888     0x5FCB6FAB3AD6FAECll, 0x6C44198C4A475817ll
889   };
890   int t, t8;			/* Loop counter */
891   uint64_t temp1, temp2;	/* Temporary word value */
892   uint64_t W[80];		/* Word sequence */
893   uint64_t A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;	/* Word buffers */
895   /*
896    * Initialize the first 16 words in the array W
897    */
898   for (t = t8 = 0; t < 16; t++, t8 += 8)
899     W[t] = ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8]) << 56) |
900       ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8 + 1]) << 48) |
901       ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8 + 2]) << 40) |
902       ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8 + 3]) << 32) |
903       ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8 + 4]) << 24) |
904       ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8 + 5]) << 16) |
905       ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8 + 6]) << 8) |
906       ((uint64_t) (context->Message_Block[t8 + 7]));
908   for (t = 16; t < 80; t++)
909     W[t] = SHA512_sigma1 (W[t - 2]) + W[t - 7] +
910       SHA512_sigma0 (W[t - 15]) + W[t - 16];
912   A = context->Intermediate_Hash[0];
913   B = context->Intermediate_Hash[1];
914   C = context->Intermediate_Hash[2];
915   D = context->Intermediate_Hash[3];
916   E = context->Intermediate_Hash[4];
917   F = context->Intermediate_Hash[5];
918   G = context->Intermediate_Hash[6];
919   H = context->Intermediate_Hash[7];
921   for (t = 0; t < 80; t++)
922     {
923       temp1 = H + SHA512_SIGMA1 (E) + SHA_Ch (E, F, G) + K[t] + W[t];
924       temp2 = SHA512_SIGMA0 (A) + SHA_Maj (A, B, C);
925       H = G;
926       G = F;
927       F = E;
928       E = D + temp1;
929       D = C;
930       C = B;
931       B = A;
932       A = temp1 + temp2;
933     }
935   context->Intermediate_Hash[0] += A;
936   context->Intermediate_Hash[1] += B;
937   context->Intermediate_Hash[2] += C;
938   context->Intermediate_Hash[3] += D;
939   context->Intermediate_Hash[4] += E;
940   context->Intermediate_Hash[5] += F;
941   context->Intermediate_Hash[6] += G;
942   context->Intermediate_Hash[7] += H;
943 #endif /* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
945   context->Message_Block_Index = 0;
946 }
948 /*
949  * SHA384_512Reset
950  *
951  * Description:
952  *   This helper function will initialize the SHA512Context in
953  *   preparation for computing a new SHA384 or SHA512 message
954  *   digest.
955  *
956  * Parameters:
957  *   context: [in/out]
958  *     The context to reset.
959  *   H0
960  *     The initial hash value to use.
961  *
962  * Returns:
963  *   sha Error Code.
964  *
965  */
966 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
967 static int
SHA384_512Reset(SHA512Context * context,uint32_t H0[])968 SHA384_512Reset (SHA512Context * context, uint32_t H0[])
969 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
970 static int
971 SHA384_512Reset (SHA512Context * context, uint64_t H0[])
972 #endif				/* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
973 {
974   int i;
975   if (!context)
976     return shaNull;
978   context->Message_Block_Index = 0;
980 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
981   context->Length[0] = context->Length[1] = 0;
982   context->Length[2] = context->Length[3] = 0;
984   for (i = 0; i < SHA512HashSize / 4; i++)
985     context->Intermediate_Hash[i] = H0[i];
986 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
987   context->Length_High = context->Length_Low = 0;
989   for (i = 0; i < SHA512HashSize / 8; i++)
990     context->Intermediate_Hash[i] = H0[i];
991 #endif /* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
993   context->Computed = 0;
994   context->Corrupted = 0;
996   return shaSuccess;
997 }
999 /*
1000  * SHA384_512ResultN
1001  *
1002  * Description:
1003  *   This helper function will return the 384-bit or 512-bit message
1004  *   digest into the Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
1005  *   NOTE: The first octet of hash is stored in the 0th element,
1006  *      the last octet of hash in the 48th/64th element.
1007  *
1008  * Parameters:
1009  *   context: [in/out]
1010  *     The context to use to calculate the SHA hash.
1011  *   Message_Digest: [out]
1012  *     Where the digest is returned.
1013  *   HashSize: [in]
1014  *     The size of the hash, either 48 or 64.
1015  *
1016  * Returns:
1017  *   sha Error Code.
1018  *
1019  */
1020 static int
SHA384_512ResultN(SHA512Context * context,uint8_t Message_Digest[],int HashSize)1021 SHA384_512ResultN (SHA512Context * context,
1022 		   uint8_t Message_Digest[], int HashSize)
1023 {
1024   int i;
1026 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
1027   int i2;
1028 #endif /* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
1030   if (!context || !Message_Digest)
1031     return shaNull;
1033   if (context->Corrupted)
1034     return context->Corrupted;
1036   if (!context->Computed)
1037     SHA384_512Finalize (context, 0x80);
1039 #ifdef USE_32BIT_ONLY
1040   for (i = i2 = 0; i < HashSize;)
1041     {
1042       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2] >> 24);
1043       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2] >> 16);
1044       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2] >> 8);
1045       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2++]);
1046       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2] >> 24);
1047       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2] >> 16);
1048       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2] >> 8);
1049       Message_Digest[i++] = (uint8_t) (context->Intermediate_Hash[i2++]);
1050     }
1051 #else /* !USE_32BIT_ONLY */
1052   for (i = 0; i < HashSize; ++i)
1053     Message_Digest[i] = (uint8_t)
1054       (context->Intermediate_Hash[i >> 3] >> 8 * (7 - (i % 8)));
1055 #endif /* USE_32BIT_ONLY */
1057   return shaSuccess;
1058 }