1function fish_vi_key_bindings --description 'vi-like key bindings for fish'
2    if contains -- -h $argv
3        or contains -- --help $argv
4        echo "Sorry but this function doesn't support -h or --help"
5        return 1
6    end
8    # Erase all bindings if not explicitly requested otherwise to
9    # allow for hybrid bindings.
10    # This needs to be checked here because if we are called again
11    # via the variable handler the argument will be gone.
12    set -l rebind true
13    if test "$argv[1]" = --no-erase
14        set rebind false
15        set -e argv[1]
16    else
17        bind --erase --all --preset # clear earlier bindings, if any
18    end
20    # Allow just calling this function to correctly set the bindings.
21    # Because it's a rather discoverable name, users will execute it
22    # and without this would then have subtly broken bindings.
23    if test "$fish_key_bindings" != fish_vi_key_bindings
24        and test "$rebind" = true
25        # Allow the user to set the variable universally.
26        set -q fish_key_bindings
27        or set -g fish_key_bindings
28        # This triggers the handler, which calls us again and ensures the user_key_bindings
29        # are executed.
30        set fish_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings
31        return
32    end
34    set -l init_mode insert
35    # These are only the special vi-style keys
36    # not end/home, we share those.
37    set -l eol_keys \$ g\$
38    set -l bol_keys \^ 0 g\^
40    if contains -- $argv[1] insert default visual
41        set init_mode $argv[1]
42    else if set -q argv[1]
43        # We should still go on so the bindings still get set.
44        echo "Unknown argument $argv" >&2
45    end
47    # Inherit shared key bindings.
48    # Do this first so vi-bindings win over default.
49    for mode in insert default visual
50        __fish_shared_key_bindings -s -M $mode
51    end
53    bind -s --preset -M insert \r execute
54    bind -s --preset -M insert \n execute
56    bind -s --preset -M insert "" self-insert
58    # Space and other command terminators expand abbrs _and_ inserts itself.
59    bind -s --preset -M insert " " self-insert expand-abbr
60    bind -s --preset -M insert ";" self-insert expand-abbr
61    bind -s --preset -M insert "|" self-insert expand-abbr
62    bind -s --preset -M insert "&" self-insert expand-abbr
63    bind -s --preset -M insert "^" self-insert expand-abbr
64    bind -s --preset -M insert ">" self-insert expand-abbr
65    bind -s --preset -M insert "<" self-insert expand-abbr
66    # Closing a command substitution expands abbreviations
67    bind -s --preset -M insert ")" self-insert expand-abbr
68    # Ctrl-space inserts space without expanding abbrs
69    bind -s --preset -M insert -k nul 'commandline -i " "'
71    # Add a way to switch from insert to normal (command) mode.
72    # Note if we are paging, we want to stay in insert mode
73    # See #2871
74    bind -s --preset -M insert \e "if commandline -P; commandline -f cancel; else; set fish_bind_mode default; commandline -f backward-char repaint-mode; end"
76    # Default (command) mode
77    bind -s --preset :q exit
78    bind -s --preset -m insert \cc cancel-commandline repaint-mode
79    bind -s --preset -M default h backward-char
80    bind -s --preset -M default l forward-char
81    bind -s --preset -m insert \n execute
82    bind -s --preset -m insert \r execute
83    bind -s --preset -m insert o insert-line-under repaint-mode
84    bind -s --preset -m insert O insert-line-over repaint-mode
85    bind -s --preset -m insert i repaint-mode
86    bind -s --preset -m insert I beginning-of-line repaint-mode
87    bind -s --preset -m insert a forward-single-char repaint-mode
88    bind -s --preset -m insert A end-of-line repaint-mode
89    bind -s --preset -m visual v begin-selection repaint-mode
91    #bind -s --preset -m insert o "commandline -a \n" down-line repaint-mode
92    #bind -s --preset -m insert O beginning-of-line "commandline -i \n" up-line repaint-mode # doesn't work
94    bind -s --preset gg beginning-of-buffer
95    bind -s --preset G end-of-buffer
97    for key in $eol_keys
98        bind -s --preset $key end-of-line
99    end
100    for key in $bol_keys
101        bind -s --preset $key beginning-of-line
102    end
104    bind -s --preset u undo
105    bind -s --preset \cr redo
107    bind -s --preset [ history-token-search-backward
108    bind -s --preset ] history-token-search-forward
110    bind -s --preset k up-or-search
111    bind -s --preset j down-or-search
112    bind -s --preset b backward-word
113    bind -s --preset B backward-bigword
114    bind -s --preset ge backward-word
115    bind -s --preset gE backward-bigword
116    bind -s --preset w forward-word forward-single-char
117    bind -s --preset W forward-bigword forward-single-char
118    bind -s --preset e forward-single-char forward-word backward-char
119    bind -s --preset E forward-bigword backward-char
121    # OS X SnowLeopard doesn't have these keys. Don't show an annoying error message.
122    # Vi/Vim doesn't support these keys in insert mode but that seems silly so we do so anyway.
123    bind -s --preset -M insert -k home beginning-of-line 2>/dev/null
124    bind -s --preset -M default -k home beginning-of-line 2>/dev/null
125    bind -s --preset -M insert -k end end-of-line 2>/dev/null
126    bind -s --preset -M default -k end end-of-line 2>/dev/null
128    # Vi moves the cursor back if, after deleting, it is at EOL.
129    # To emulate that, move forward, then backward, which will be a NOP
130    # if there is something to move forward to.
131    bind -s --preset -M default x delete-char forward-single-char backward-char
132    bind -s --preset -M default X backward-delete-char
133    bind -s --preset -M insert -k dc delete-char forward-single-char backward-char
134    bind -s --preset -M default -k dc delete-char forward-single-char backward-char
136    # Backspace deletes a char in insert mode, but not in normal/default mode.
137    bind -s --preset -M insert -k backspace backward-delete-char
138    bind -s --preset -M default -k backspace backward-char
139    bind -s --preset -M insert \ch backward-delete-char
140    bind -s --preset -M default \ch backward-char
141    bind -s --preset -M insert \x7f backward-delete-char
142    bind -s --preset -M default \x7f backward-char
143    bind -s --preset -M insert \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char # Mavericks Terminal.app shift-ctrl-delete
144    bind -s --preset -M default \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char # Mavericks Terminal.app shift-ctrl-delete
146    bind -s --preset dd kill-whole-line
147    bind -s --preset D kill-line
148    bind -s --preset d\$ kill-line
149    bind -s --preset d\^ backward-kill-line
150    bind -s --preset d0 backward-kill-line
151    bind -s --preset dw kill-word
152    bind -s --preset dW kill-bigword
153    bind -s --preset diw forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-word kill-word
154    bind -s --preset diW forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-bigword kill-bigword
155    bind -s --preset daw forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-word kill-word
156    bind -s --preset daW forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-bigword kill-bigword
157    bind -s --preset de kill-word
158    bind -s --preset dE kill-bigword
159    bind -s --preset db backward-kill-word
160    bind -s --preset dB backward-kill-bigword
161    bind -s --preset dge backward-kill-word
162    bind -s --preset dgE backward-kill-bigword
163    bind -s --preset df begin-selection forward-jump kill-selection end-selection
164    bind -s --preset dt begin-selection forward-jump backward-char kill-selection end-selection
165    bind -s --preset dF begin-selection backward-jump kill-selection end-selection
166    bind -s --preset dT begin-selection backward-jump forward-single-char kill-selection end-selection
167    bind -s --preset dh backward-char delete-char
168    bind -s --preset dl delete-char
169    bind -s --preset di backward-jump-till and repeat-jump-reverse and begin-selection repeat-jump kill-selection end-selection
170    bind -s --preset da backward-jump and repeat-jump-reverse and begin-selection repeat-jump kill-selection end-selection
171    bind -s --preset 'd;' begin-selection repeat-jump kill-selection end-selection
172    bind -s --preset 'd,' begin-selection repeat-jump-reverse kill-selection end-selection
174    bind -s --preset -m insert s delete-char repaint-mode
175    bind -s --preset -m insert S kill-whole-line repaint-mode
176    bind -s --preset -m insert cc kill-whole-line repaint-mode
177    bind -s --preset -m insert C kill-line repaint-mode
178    bind -s --preset -m insert c\$ kill-line repaint-mode
179    bind -s --preset -m insert c\^ backward-kill-line repaint-mode
180    bind -s --preset -m insert c0 backward-kill-line repaint-mode
181    bind -s --preset -m insert cw kill-word repaint-mode
182    bind -s --preset -m insert cW kill-bigword repaint-mode
183    bind -s --preset -m insert ciw forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-word kill-word repaint-mode
184    bind -s --preset -m insert ciW forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-bigword kill-bigword repaint-mode
185    bind -s --preset -m insert caw forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-word kill-word repaint-mode
186    bind -s --preset -m insert caW forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-bigword kill-bigword repaint-mode
187    bind -s --preset -m insert ce kill-word repaint-mode
188    bind -s --preset -m insert cE kill-bigword repaint-mode
189    bind -s --preset -m insert cb backward-kill-word repaint-mode
190    bind -s --preset -m insert cB backward-kill-bigword repaint-mode
191    bind -s --preset -m insert cge backward-kill-word repaint-mode
192    bind -s --preset -m insert cgE backward-kill-bigword repaint-mode
193    bind -s --preset -m insert cf begin-selection forward-jump kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
194    bind -s --preset -m insert ct begin-selection forward-jump backward-char kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
195    bind -s --preset -m insert cF begin-selection backward-jump kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
196    bind -s --preset -m insert cT begin-selection backward-jump forward-single-char kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
197    bind -s --preset -m insert ch backward-char begin-selection kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
198    bind -s --preset -m insert cl begin-selection kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
199    bind -s --preset -m insert ci backward-jump-till and repeat-jump-reverse and begin-selection repeat-jump kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
200    bind -s --preset -m insert ca backward-jump and repeat-jump-reverse and begin-selection repeat-jump kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
202    bind -s --preset '~' togglecase-char forward-single-char
203    bind -s --preset gu downcase-word
204    bind -s --preset gU upcase-word
206    bind -s --preset J end-of-line delete-char
207    bind -s --preset K 'man (commandline -t) 2>/dev/null; or echo -n \a'
209    bind -s --preset yy kill-whole-line yank
210    bind -s --preset Y kill-whole-line yank
211    bind -s --preset y\$ kill-line yank
212    bind -s --preset y\^ backward-kill-line yank
213    bind -s --preset y0 backward-kill-line yank
214    bind -s --preset yw kill-word yank
215    bind -s --preset yW kill-bigword yank
216    bind -s --preset yiw forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-word kill-word yank
217    bind -s --preset yiW forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-bigword kill-bigword yank
218    bind -s --preset yaw forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-word kill-word yank
219    bind -s --preset yaW forward-single-char forward-single-char backward-bigword kill-bigword yank
220    bind -s --preset ye kill-word yank
221    bind -s --preset yE kill-bigword yank
222    bind -s --preset yb backward-kill-word yank
223    bind -s --preset yB backward-kill-bigword yank
224    bind -s --preset yge backward-kill-word yank
225    bind -s --preset ygE backward-kill-bigword yank
226    bind -s --preset yf begin-selection forward-jump kill-selection yank end-selection
227    bind -s --preset yt begin-selection forward-jump-till kill-selection yank end-selection
228    bind -s --preset yF begin-selection backward-jump kill-selection yank end-selection
229    bind -s --preset yT begin-selection backward-jump-till kill-selection yank end-selection
230    bind -s --preset yh backward-char begin-selection kill-selection yank end-selection
231    bind -s --preset yl begin-selection kill-selection yank end-selection
232    bind -s --preset yi backward-jump-till and repeat-jump-reverse and begin-selection repeat-jump kill-selection yank end-selection
233    bind -s --preset ya backward-jump and repeat-jump-reverse and begin-selection repeat-jump kill-selection yank end-selection
235    bind -s --preset f forward-jump
236    bind -s --preset F backward-jump
237    bind -s --preset t forward-jump-till
238    bind -s --preset T backward-jump-till
239    bind -s --preset ';' repeat-jump
240    bind -s --preset , repeat-jump-reverse
242    # in emacs yank means paste
243    # in vim p means paste *after* current character, so go forward a char before pasting
244    # also in vim, P means paste *at* current position (like at '|' with cursor = line),
245    # \ so there's no need to go back a char, just paste it without moving
246    bind -s --preset p forward-char yank
247    bind -s --preset P yank
248    bind -s --preset gp yank-pop
250    # same vim 'pasting' note as upper
251    bind -s --preset '"*p' forward-char "commandline -i ( xsel -p; echo )[1]"
252    bind -s --preset '"*P' "commandline -i ( xsel -p; echo )[1]"
254    #
255    # Lowercase r, enters replace_one mode
256    #
257    bind -s --preset -m replace_one r repaint-mode
258    bind -s --preset -M replace_one -m default '' delete-char self-insert backward-char repaint-mode
259    bind -s --preset -M replace_one -m default \r 'commandline -f delete-char; commandline -i \n; commandline -f backward-char; commandline -f repaint-mode'
260    bind -s --preset -M replace_one -m default \e cancel repaint-mode
262    #
263    # Uppercase R, enters replace mode
264    #
265    bind -s --preset -m replace R repaint-mode
266    bind -s --preset -M replace '' delete-char self-insert
267    bind -s --preset -M replace -m insert \r execute repaint-mode
268    bind -s --preset -M replace -m default \e cancel repaint-mode
269    # in vim (and maybe in vi), <BS> deletes the changes
270    # but this binding just move cursor backward, not delete the changes
271    bind -s --preset -M replace -k backspace backward-char
273    #
274    # visual mode
275    #
276    bind -s --preset -M visual h backward-char
277    bind -s --preset -M visual l forward-char
279    bind -s --preset -M visual k up-line
280    bind -s --preset -M visual j down-line
282    bind -s --preset -M visual b backward-word
283    bind -s --preset -M visual B backward-bigword
284    bind -s --preset -M visual ge backward-word
285    bind -s --preset -M visual gE backward-bigword
286    bind -s --preset -M visual w forward-word
287    bind -s --preset -M visual W forward-bigword
288    bind -s --preset -M visual e forward-word
289    bind -s --preset -M visual E forward-bigword
290    bind -s --preset -M visual o swap-selection-start-stop repaint-mode
292    bind -s --preset -M visual f forward-jump
293    bind -s --preset -M visual t forward-jump-till
294    bind -s --preset -M visual F backward-jump
295    bind -s --preset -M visual T backward-jump-till
297    for key in $eol_keys
298        bind -s --preset -M visual $key end-of-line
299    end
300    for key in $bol_keys
301        bind -s --preset -M visual $key beginning-of-line
302    end
304    bind -s --preset -M visual -m insert c kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
305    bind -s --preset -M visual -m insert s kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
306    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default d kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
307    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default x kill-selection end-selection repaint-mode
308    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default X kill-whole-line end-selection repaint-mode
309    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default y kill-selection yank end-selection repaint-mode
310    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default '"*y' "fish_clipboard_copy; commandline -f end-selection repaint-mode"
311    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default '~' togglecase-selection end-selection repaint-mode
313    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default \cc end-selection repaint-mode
314    bind -s --preset -M visual -m default \e end-selection repaint-mode
316    # Make it easy to turn an unexecuted command into a comment in the shell history. Also, remove
317    # the commenting chars so the command can be further edited then executed.
318    bind -s --preset -M default \# __fish_toggle_comment_commandline
319    bind -s --preset -M visual \# __fish_toggle_comment_commandline
320    bind -s --preset -M replace \# __fish_toggle_comment_commandline
322    # Set the cursor shape
323    # After executing once, this will have defined functions listening for the variable.
324    # Therefore it needs to be before setting fish_bind_mode.
325    fish_vi_cursor
327    set fish_bind_mode $init_mode