1 #![allow(deprecated)]
3 /// The compiler module houses the code which parses and compiles templates. TinyTemplate implements
4 /// a simple bytecode interpreter (see the [instruction] module for more details) to render templates.
5 /// The [`TemplateCompiler`](struct.TemplateCompiler.html) struct is responsible for parsing the
6 /// template strings and generating the appropriate bytecode instructions.
7 use error::Error::*;
8 use error::{get_offset, Error, Result};
9 use instruction::{Instruction, Path};
11 /// The end point of a branch or goto instruction is not known.
12 const UNKNOWN: usize = ::std::usize::MAX;
14 /// The compiler keeps a stack of the open blocks so that it can ensure that blocks are closed in
15 /// the right order. The Block type is a simple enumeration of the kinds of blocks that could be
16 /// open. It may contain the instruction index corresponding to the start of the block.
17 enum Block {
18     Branch(usize),
19     For(usize),
20     With,
21 }
23 /// List of the known @-keywords so that we can error if the user spells them wrong.
24 static KNOWN_KEYWORDS: [&'static str; 3] = ["@index", "@first", "@last"];
26 /// The TemplateCompiler struct is responsible for parsing a template string and generating bytecode
27 /// instructions based on it. The parser is a simple hand-written pattern-matching parser with no
28 /// recursion, which makes it relatively easy to read.
29 pub(crate) struct TemplateCompiler<'template> {
30     original_text: &'template str,
31     remaining_text: &'template str,
32     instructions: Vec<Instruction<'template>>,
33     block_stack: Vec<(&'template str, Block)>,
35     /// When we see a `{foo -}` or similar, we need to remember to left-trim the next text block we
36     /// encounter.
37     trim_next: bool,
38 }
39 impl<'template> TemplateCompiler<'template> {
40     /// Create a new template compiler to parse and compile the given template.
new(text: &'template str) -> TemplateCompiler<'template>41     pub fn new(text: &'template str) -> TemplateCompiler<'template> {
42         TemplateCompiler {
43             original_text: text,
44             remaining_text: text,
45             instructions: vec![],
46             block_stack: vec![],
47             trim_next: false,
48         }
49     }
51     /// Consume the template compiler to parse the template and return the generated bytecode.
compile(mut self) -> Result<Vec<Instruction<'template>>>52     pub fn compile(mut self) -> Result<Vec<Instruction<'template>>> {
53         while !self.remaining_text.is_empty() {
54             // Comment, denoted by {# comment text #}
55             if self.remaining_text.starts_with("{#") {
56                 self.trim_next = false;
58                 let tag = self.consume_tag("#}")?;
59                 let comment = tag[2..(tag.len() - 2)].trim();
60                 if comment.starts_with('-') {
61                     self.trim_last_whitespace();
62                 }
63                 if comment.ends_with('-') {
64                     self.trim_next_whitespace();
65                 }
66             // Block tag. Block tags are wrapped in {{ }} and always have one word at the start
67             // to identify which kind of tag it is. Depending on the tag type there may be more.
68             } else if self.remaining_text.starts_with("{{") {
69                 self.trim_next = false;
71                 let (discriminant, rest) = self.consume_block()?;
72                 match discriminant {
73                     "if" => {
74                         let (path, negated) = if rest.starts_with("not") {
75                             (self.parse_path(&rest[4..])?, true)
76                         } else {
77                             (self.parse_path(rest)?, false)
78                         };
79                         self.block_stack
80                             .push((discriminant, Block::Branch(self.instructions.len())));
81                         self.instructions
82                             .push(Instruction::Branch(path, !negated, UNKNOWN));
83                     }
84                     "else" => {
85                         self.expect_empty(rest)?;
86                         let num_instructions = self.instructions.len() + 1;
87                         self.close_branch(num_instructions, discriminant)?;
88                         self.block_stack
89                             .push((discriminant, Block::Branch(self.instructions.len())));
90                         self.instructions.push(Instruction::Goto(UNKNOWN))
91                     }
92                     "endif" => {
93                         self.expect_empty(rest)?;
94                         let num_instructions = self.instructions.len();
95                         self.close_branch(num_instructions, discriminant)?;
96                     }
97                     "with" => {
98                         let (path, name) = self.parse_with(rest)?;
99                         let instruction = Instruction::PushNamedContext(path, name);
100                         self.instructions.push(instruction);
101                         self.block_stack.push((discriminant, Block::With));
102                     }
103                     "endwith" => {
104                         self.expect_empty(rest)?;
105                         if let Some((_, Block::With)) = self.block_stack.pop() {
106                             self.instructions.push(Instruction::PopContext)
107                         } else {
108                             return Err(self.parse_error(
109                                 discriminant,
110                                 "Found a closing endwith that doesn't match with a preceeding with.".to_string()
111                             ));
112                         }
113                     }
114                     "for" => {
115                         let (path, name) = self.parse_for(rest)?;
116                         self.instructions
117                             .push(Instruction::PushIterationContext(path, name));
118                         self.block_stack
119                             .push((discriminant, Block::For(self.instructions.len())));
120                         self.instructions.push(Instruction::Iterate(UNKNOWN));
121                     }
122                     "endfor" => {
123                         self.expect_empty(rest)?;
124                         let num_instructions = self.instructions.len() + 1;
125                         let goto_target = self.close_for(num_instructions, discriminant)?;
126                         self.instructions.push(Instruction::Goto(goto_target));
127                         self.instructions.push(Instruction::PopContext);
128                     }
129                     "call" => {
130                         let (name, path) = self.parse_call(rest)?;
131                         self.instructions.push(Instruction::Call(name, path));
132                     }
133                     _ => {
134                         return Err(self.parse_error(
135                             discriminant,
136                             format!("Unknown block type '{}'", discriminant),
137                         ));
138                     }
139                 }
140             // Values, of the form { dotted.path.to.value.in.context }
141             // Note that it is not (currently) possible to escape curly braces in the templates to
142             // prevent them from being interpreted as values.
143             } else if self.remaining_text.starts_with('{') {
144                 self.trim_next = false;
146                 let (path, name) = self.consume_value()?;
147                 let instruction = match name {
148                     Some(name) => Instruction::FormattedValue(path, name),
149                     None => Instruction::Value(path),
150                 };
151                 self.instructions.push(instruction);
152             // All other text - just consume characters until we see a {
153             } else {
154                 let mut escaped = false;
155                 loop {
156                     let mut text = self.consume_text(escaped);
157                     if self.trim_next {
158                         text = text.trim_left();
159                         self.trim_next = false;
160                     }
161                     escaped = text.ends_with('\\');
162                     if escaped {
163                         text = &text[0..(text.len() - 1)];
164                     }
165                     self.instructions.push(Instruction::Literal(text));
167                     if !escaped {
168                         break;
169                     }
170                 }
171             }
172         }
174         if let Some((text, _)) = self.block_stack.pop() {
175             return Err(self.parse_error(
176                 text,
177                 "Expected block-closing tag, but reached the end of input.".to_string(),
178             ));
179         }
181         Ok(self.instructions)
182     }
184     /// Splits a string into a list of named segments which can later be used to look up values in the
185     /// context.
parse_path(&self, text: &'template str) -> Result<Path<'template>>186     fn parse_path(&self, text: &'template str) -> Result<Path<'template>> {
187         if !text.starts_with('@') {
188             Ok(text.split('.').collect::<Vec<_>>())
189         } else if KNOWN_KEYWORDS.iter().any(|k| *k == text) {
190             Ok(vec![text])
191         } else {
192             Err(self.parse_error(text, format!("Invalid keyword name '{}'", text)))
193         }
194     }
196     /// Finds the line number and column where an error occurred. Location is the substring of
197     /// self.original_text where the error was found, and msg is the error message.
parse_error(&self, location: &str, msg: String) -> Error198     fn parse_error(&self, location: &str, msg: String) -> Error {
199         let (line, column) = get_offset(self.original_text, location);
200         ParseError { msg, line, column }
201     }
203     /// Tags which should have no text after the discriminant use this to raise an error if
204     /// text is found.
expect_empty(&self, text: &str) -> Result<()>205     fn expect_empty(&self, text: &str) -> Result<()> {
206         if text.is_empty() {
207             Ok(())
208         } else {
209             Err(self.parse_error(text, format!("Unexpected text '{}'", text)))
210         }
211     }
213     /// Close the branch that is on top of the block stack by setting its target instruction
214     /// and popping it from the stack. Returns an error if the top of the block stack is not a
215     /// branch.
close_branch(&mut self, new_target: usize, discriminant: &str) -> Result<()>216     fn close_branch(&mut self, new_target: usize, discriminant: &str) -> Result<()> {
217         let branch_block = self.block_stack.pop();
218         if let Some((_, Block::Branch(index))) = branch_block {
219             match &mut self.instructions[index] {
220                 Instruction::Branch(_, _, target) => {
221                     *target = new_target;
222                     Ok(())
223                 }
224                 Instruction::Goto(target) => {
225                     *target = new_target;
226                     Ok(())
227                 }
228                 _ => panic!(),
229             }
230         } else {
231             Err(self.parse_error(
232                 discriminant,
233                 "Found a closing endif or else which doesn't match with a preceding if."
234                     .to_string(),
235             ))
236         }
237     }
239     /// Close the for loop that is on top of the block stack by setting its target instruction and
240     /// popping it from the stack. Returns an error if the top of the stack is not a for loop.
241     /// Returns the index of the loop's Iterate instruction for further processing.
close_for(&mut self, new_target: usize, discriminant: &str) -> Result<usize>242     fn close_for(&mut self, new_target: usize, discriminant: &str) -> Result<usize> {
243         let branch_block = self.block_stack.pop();
244         if let Some((_, Block::For(index))) = branch_block {
245             match &mut self.instructions[index] {
246                 Instruction::Iterate(target) => {
247                     *target = new_target;
248                     Ok(index)
249                 }
250                 _ => panic!(),
251             }
252         } else {
253             Err(self.parse_error(
254                 discriminant,
255                 "Found a closing endfor which doesn't match with a preceding for.".to_string(),
256             ))
257         }
258     }
260     /// Advance the cursor to the next { and return the consumed text. If `escaped` is true, skips
261     /// a { at the start of the text.
consume_text(&mut self, escaped: bool) -> &'template str262     fn consume_text(&mut self, escaped: bool) -> &'template str {
263         let search_substr = if escaped {
264             &self.remaining_text[1..]
265         } else {
266             self.remaining_text
267         };
269         let mut position = search_substr
270             .find('{')
271             .unwrap_or_else(|| search_substr.len());
272         if escaped {
273             position += 1;
274         }
276         let (text, remaining) = self.remaining_text.split_at(position);
277         self.remaining_text = remaining;
278         text
279     }
281     /// Advance the cursor to the end of the value tag and return the value's path and optional
282     /// formatter name.
consume_value(&mut self) -> Result<(Path<'template>, Option<&'template str>)>283     fn consume_value(&mut self) -> Result<(Path<'template>, Option<&'template str>)> {
284         let tag = self.consume_tag("}")?;
285         let mut tag = tag[1..(tag.len() - 1)].trim();
286         if tag.starts_with('-') {
287             tag = tag[1..].trim();
288             self.trim_last_whitespace();
289         }
290         if tag.ends_with('-') {
291             tag = tag[0..tag.len() - 1].trim();
292             self.trim_next_whitespace();
293         }
295         if let Some(index) = tag.find('|') {
296             let (path_str, name_str) = tag.split_at(index);
297             let name = name_str[1..].trim();
298             let path = self.parse_path(path_str.trim())?;
299             Ok((path, Some(name)))
300         } else {
301             Ok((self.parse_path(tag)?, None))
302         }
303     }
305     /// Right-trim whitespace from the last text block we parsed.
trim_last_whitespace(&mut self)306     fn trim_last_whitespace(&mut self) {
307         if let Some(Instruction::Literal(text)) = self.instructions.last_mut() {
308             *text = text.trim_right();
309         }
310     }
312     /// Make a note to left-trim whitespace from the next text block we parse.
trim_next_whitespace(&mut self)313     fn trim_next_whitespace(&mut self) {
314         self.trim_next = true;
315     }
317     /// Advance the cursor to the end of the current block tag and return the discriminant substring
318     /// and the rest of the text in the tag. Also handles trimming whitespace where needed.
consume_block(&mut self) -> Result<(&'template str, &'template str)>319     fn consume_block(&mut self) -> Result<(&'template str, &'template str)> {
320         let tag = self.consume_tag("}}")?;
321         let mut block = tag[2..(tag.len() - 2)].trim();
322         if block.starts_with('-') {
323             block = block[1..].trim();
324             self.trim_last_whitespace();
325         }
326         if block.ends_with('-') {
327             block = block[0..block.len() - 1].trim();
328             self.trim_next_whitespace();
329         }
330         let discriminant = block.split_whitespace().next().unwrap_or(block);
331         let rest = block[discriminant.len()..].trim();
332         Ok((discriminant, rest))
333     }
335     /// Advance the cursor to after the given expected_close string and return the text in between
336     /// (including the expected_close characters), or return an error message if we reach the end
337     /// of a line of text without finding it.
consume_tag(&mut self, expected_close: &str) -> Result<&'template str>338     fn consume_tag(&mut self, expected_close: &str) -> Result<&'template str> {
339         if let Some(line) = self.remaining_text.lines().next() {
340             if let Some(pos) = line.find(expected_close) {
341                 let (tag, remaining) = self.remaining_text.split_at(pos + expected_close.len());
342                 self.remaining_text = remaining;
343                 Ok(tag)
344             } else {
345                 Err(self.parse_error(
346                     line,
347                     format!(
348                         "Expected a closing '{}' but found end-of-line instead.",
349                         expected_close
350                     ),
351                 ))
352             }
353         } else {
354             Err(self.parse_error(
355                 self.remaining_text,
356                 format!(
357                     "Expected a closing '{}' but found end-of-text instead.",
358                     expected_close
359                 ),
360             ))
361         }
362     }
364     /// Parse a with tag to separate the value path from the (optional) name.
parse_with(&self, with_text: &'template str) -> Result<(Path<'template>, &'template str)>365     fn parse_with(&self, with_text: &'template str) -> Result<(Path<'template>, &'template str)> {
366         if let Some(index) = with_text.find(" as ") {
367             let (path_str, name_str) = with_text.split_at(index);
368             let path = self.parse_path(path_str.trim())?;
369             let name = name_str[" as ".len()..].trim();
370             Ok((path, name))
371         } else {
372             Err(self.parse_error(
373                 with_text,
374                 format!(
375                     "Expected 'as <path>' in with block, but found \"{}\" instead",
376                     with_text
377                 ),
378             ))
379         }
380     }
382     /// Parse a for tag to separate the value path from the name.
parse_for(&self, for_text: &'template str) -> Result<(Path<'template>, &'template str)>383     fn parse_for(&self, for_text: &'template str) -> Result<(Path<'template>, &'template str)> {
384         if let Some(index) = for_text.find(" in ") {
385             let (name_str, path_str) = for_text.split_at(index);
386             let name = name_str.trim();
387             let path = self.parse_path(path_str[" in ".len()..].trim())?;
388             Ok((path, name))
389         } else {
390             Err(self.parse_error(
391                 for_text,
392                 format!("Unable to parse for block text '{}'", for_text),
393             ))
394         }
395     }
397     /// Parse a call tag to separate the template name and context value.
parse_call(&self, call_text: &'template str) -> Result<(&'template str, Path<'template>)>398     fn parse_call(&self, call_text: &'template str) -> Result<(&'template str, Path<'template>)> {
399         if let Some(index) = call_text.find(" with ") {
400             let (name_str, path_str) = call_text.split_at(index);
401             let name = name_str.trim();
402             let path = self.parse_path(path_str[" with ".len()..].trim())?;
403             Ok((name, path))
404         } else {
405             Err(self.parse_error(
406                 call_text,
407                 format!("Unable to parse call block text '{}'", call_text),
408             ))
409         }
410     }
411 }
413 #[cfg(test)]
414 mod test {
415     use super::*;
416     use instruction::Instruction::*;
compile(text: &'static str) -> Result<Vec<Instruction<'static>>>418     fn compile(text: &'static str) -> Result<Vec<Instruction<'static>>> {
419         TemplateCompiler::new(text).compile()
420     }
422     #[test]
test_compile_literal()423     fn test_compile_literal() {
424         let text = "Test String";
425         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
426         assert_eq!(1, instructions.len());
427         assert_eq!(&Literal(text), &instructions[0]);
428     }
430     #[test]
test_compile_value()431     fn test_compile_value() {
432         let text = "{ foobar }";
433         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
434         assert_eq!(1, instructions.len());
435         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["foobar"]), &instructions[0]);
436     }
438     #[test]
test_compile_value_with_formatter()439     fn test_compile_value_with_formatter() {
440         let text = "{ foobar | my_formatter }";
441         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
442         assert_eq!(1, instructions.len());
443         assert_eq!(
444             &FormattedValue(vec!["foobar"], "my_formatter"),
445             &instructions[0]
446         );
447     }
449     #[test]
test_dotted_path()450     fn test_dotted_path() {
451         let text = "{ foo.bar }";
452         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
453         assert_eq!(1, instructions.len());
454         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["foo", "bar"]), &instructions[0]);
455     }
457     #[test]
test_mixture()458     fn test_mixture() {
459         let text = "Hello { name }, how are you?";
460         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
461         assert_eq!(3, instructions.len());
462         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello "), &instructions[0]);
463         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["name"]), &instructions[1]);
464         assert_eq!(&Literal(", how are you?"), &instructions[2]);
465     }
467     #[test]
test_if_endif()468     fn test_if_endif() {
469         let text = "{{ if foo }}Hello!{{ endif }}";
470         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
471         assert_eq!(2, instructions.len());
472         assert_eq!(&Branch(vec!["foo"], true, 2), &instructions[0]);
473         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello!"), &instructions[1]);
474     }
476     #[test]
test_if_not_endif()477     fn test_if_not_endif() {
478         let text = "{{ if not foo }}Hello!{{ endif }}";
479         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
480         assert_eq!(2, instructions.len());
481         assert_eq!(&Branch(vec!["foo"], false, 2), &instructions[0]);
482         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello!"), &instructions[1]);
483     }
485     #[test]
test_if_else_endif()486     fn test_if_else_endif() {
487         let text = "{{ if foo }}Hello!{{ else }}Goodbye!{{ endif }}";
488         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
489         assert_eq!(4, instructions.len());
490         assert_eq!(&Branch(vec!["foo"], true, 3), &instructions[0]);
491         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello!"), &instructions[1]);
492         assert_eq!(&Goto(4), &instructions[2]);
493         assert_eq!(&Literal("Goodbye!"), &instructions[3]);
494     }
496     #[test]
test_with()497     fn test_with() {
498         let text = "{{ with foo as bar }}Hello!{{ endwith }}";
499         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
500         assert_eq!(3, instructions.len());
501         assert_eq!(&PushNamedContext(vec!["foo"], "bar"), &instructions[0]);
502         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello!"), &instructions[1]);
503         assert_eq!(&PopContext, &instructions[2]);
504     }
506     #[test]
test_foreach()507     fn test_foreach() {
508         let text = "{{ for foo in bar.baz }}{ foo }{{ endfor }}";
509         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
510         assert_eq!(5, instructions.len());
511         assert_eq!(
512             &PushIterationContext(vec!["bar", "baz"], "foo"),
513             &instructions[0]
514         );
515         assert_eq!(&Iterate(4), &instructions[1]);
516         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["foo"]), &instructions[2]);
517         assert_eq!(&Goto(1), &instructions[3]);
518         assert_eq!(&PopContext, &instructions[4]);
519     }
521     #[test]
test_strip_whitespace_value()522     fn test_strip_whitespace_value() {
523         let text = "Hello,     {- name -}   , how are you?";
524         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
525         assert_eq!(3, instructions.len());
526         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello,"), &instructions[0]);
527         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["name"]), &instructions[1]);
528         assert_eq!(&Literal(", how are you?"), &instructions[2]);
529     }
531     #[test]
test_strip_whitespace_block()532     fn test_strip_whitespace_block() {
533         let text = "Hello,     {{- if name -}}    {name}    {{- endif -}}   , how are you?";
534         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
535         assert_eq!(6, instructions.len());
536         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello,"), &instructions[0]);
537         assert_eq!(&Branch(vec!["name"], true, 5), &instructions[1]);
538         assert_eq!(&Literal(""), &instructions[2]);
539         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["name"]), &instructions[3]);
540         assert_eq!(&Literal(""), &instructions[4]);
541         assert_eq!(&Literal(", how are you?"), &instructions[5]);
542     }
544     #[test]
test_comment()545     fn test_comment() {
546         let text = "Hello, {# foo bar baz #} there!";
547         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
548         assert_eq!(2, instructions.len());
549         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello, "), &instructions[0]);
550         assert_eq!(&Literal(" there!"), &instructions[1]);
551     }
553     #[test]
test_strip_whitespace_comment()554     fn test_strip_whitespace_comment() {
555         let text = "Hello, \t\n    {#- foo bar baz -#} \t  there!";
556         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
557         assert_eq!(2, instructions.len());
558         assert_eq!(&Literal("Hello,"), &instructions[0]);
559         assert_eq!(&Literal("there!"), &instructions[1]);
560     }
562     #[test]
test_strip_whitespace_followed_by_another_tag()563     fn test_strip_whitespace_followed_by_another_tag() {
564         let text = "{value -}{value} Hello";
565         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
566         assert_eq!(3, instructions.len());
567         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["value"]), &instructions[0]);
568         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["value"]), &instructions[1]);
569         assert_eq!(&Literal(" Hello"), &instructions[2]);
570     }
572     #[test]
test_call()573     fn test_call() {
574         let text = "{{ call my_macro with foo.bar }}";
575         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
576         assert_eq!(1, instructions.len());
577         assert_eq!(&Call("my_macro", vec!["foo", "bar"]), &instructions[0]);
578     }
580     #[test]
test_curly_brace_escaping()581     fn test_curly_brace_escaping() {
582         let text = "body \\{ \nfont-size: {fontsize} \n}";
583         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
584         assert_eq!(4, instructions.len());
585         assert_eq!(&Literal("body "), &instructions[0]);
586         assert_eq!(&Literal("{ \nfont-size: "), &instructions[1]);
587         assert_eq!(&Value(vec!["fontsize"]), &instructions[2]);
588         assert_eq!(&Literal(" \n}"), &instructions[3]);
589     }
591     #[test]
test_unclosed_tags()592     fn test_unclosed_tags() {
593         let tags = vec![
594             "{",
595             "{ foo.bar",
596             "{ foo.bar\n }",
597             "{{",
598             "{{ if foo.bar",
599             "{{ if foo.bar \n}}",
600             "{#",
601             "{# if foo.bar",
602             "{# if foo.bar \n#}",
603         ];
604         for tag in tags {
605             compile(tag).unwrap_err();
606         }
607     }
609     #[test]
test_mismatched_blocks()610     fn test_mismatched_blocks() {
611         let text = "{{ if foo }}{{ with bar }}{{ endif }} {{ endwith }}";
612         compile(text).unwrap_err();
613     }
615     #[test]
test_disallows_invalid_keywords()616     fn test_disallows_invalid_keywords() {
617         let text = "{ @foo }";
618         compile(text).unwrap_err();
619     }
621     #[test]
test_diallows_unknown_block_type()622     fn test_diallows_unknown_block_type() {
623         let text = "{{ foobar }}";
624         compile(text).unwrap_err();
625     }
627     #[test]
test_parse_error_line_column_num()628     fn test_parse_error_line_column_num() {
629         let text = "\n\n\n{{ foobar }}";
630         let err = compile(text).unwrap_err();
631         if let ParseError { line, column, .. } = err {
632             assert_eq!(4, line);
633             assert_eq!(3, column);
634         } else {
635             panic!("Should have returned a parse error");
636         }
637     }
639     #[test]
test_parse_error_on_unclosed_if()640     fn test_parse_error_on_unclosed_if() {
641         let text = "{{ if foo }}";
642         compile(text).unwrap_err();
643     }
645     #[test]
test_parse_escaped_open_curly_brace()646     fn test_parse_escaped_open_curly_brace() {
647         let text: &str = r"hello \{world}";
648         let instructions = compile(text).unwrap();
649         assert_eq!(2, instructions.len());
650         assert_eq!(&Literal("hello "), &instructions[0]);
651         assert_eq!(&Literal("{world}"), &instructions[1]);
652     }
653 }