1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2"""The xonsh built-ins.
4Note that this module is named 'built_ins' so as not to be confused with the
5special Python builtins module.
7import io
8import os
9import re
10import sys
11import types
12import shlex
13import signal
14import atexit
15import pathlib
16import inspect
17import builtins
18import itertools
19import subprocess
20import contextlib
21import collections.abc as cabc
23from xonsh.ast import AST
24from xonsh.lazyasd import LazyObject, lazyobject
25from xonsh.inspectors import Inspector
26from xonsh.aliases import Aliases, make_default_aliases
27from xonsh.environ import Env, default_env, locate_binary
28from xonsh.jobs import add_job
29from xonsh.platform import ON_POSIX, ON_WINDOWS
30from xonsh.proc import (
31    PopenThread,
32    ProcProxyThread,
33    ProcProxy,
34    ConsoleParallelReader,
35    pause_call_resume,
36    CommandPipeline,
37    HiddenCommandPipeline,
40from xonsh.tools import (
41    suggest_commands,
42    expand_path,
43    globpath,
44    XonshError,
45    XonshCalledProcessError,
47from xonsh.lazyimps import pty, termios
48from xonsh.commands_cache import CommandsCache
49from xonsh.events import events
51import xonsh.completers.init
54INSPECTOR = LazyObject(Inspector, globals(), "INSPECTOR")
59    sigs = (
60        signal.SIGABRT,
61        signal.SIGFPE,
62        signal.SIGILL,
63        signal.SIGSEGV,
64        signal.SIGTERM,
65    )
66    if ON_POSIX:
67        sigs += (signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGHUP)
68    return sigs
71def resetting_signal_handle(sig, f):
72    """Sets a new signal handle that will automatically restore the old value
73    once the new handle is finished.
74    """
75    oldh = signal.getsignal(sig)
77    def newh(s=None, frame=None):
78        f(s, frame)
79        signal.signal(sig, oldh)
80        if sig != 0:
81            sys.exit(sig)
83    signal.signal(sig, newh)
86def helper(x, name=""):
87    """Prints help about, and then returns that variable."""
88    INSPECTOR.pinfo(x, oname=name, detail_level=0)
89    return x
92def superhelper(x, name=""):
93    """Prints help about, and then returns that variable."""
94    INSPECTOR.pinfo(x, oname=name, detail_level=1)
95    return x
98def reglob(path, parts=None, i=None):
99    """Regular expression-based globbing."""
100    if parts is None:
101        path = os.path.normpath(path)
102        drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(path)
103        parts = tail.split(os.sep)
104        d = os.sep if os.path.isabs(path) else "."
105        d = os.path.join(drive, d)
106        return reglob(d, parts, i=0)
107    base = subdir = path
108    if i == 0:
109        if not os.path.isabs(base):
110            base = ""
111        elif len(parts) > 1:
112            i += 1
113    regex = os.path.join(base, parts[i])
114    if ON_WINDOWS:
115        # currently unable to access regex backslash sequences
116        # on Windows due to paths using \.
117        regex = regex.replace("\\", "\\\\")
118    regex = re.compile(regex)
119    files = os.listdir(subdir)
120    files.sort()
121    paths = []
122    i1 = i + 1
123    if i1 == len(parts):
124        for f in files:
125            p = os.path.join(base, f)
126            if regex.fullmatch(p) is not None:
127                paths.append(p)
128    else:
129        for f in files:
130            p = os.path.join(base, f)
131            if regex.fullmatch(p) is None or not os.path.isdir(p):
132                continue
133            paths += reglob(p, parts=parts, i=i1)
134    return paths
137def path_literal(s):
138    s = expand_path(s)
139    return pathlib.Path(s)
142def regexsearch(s):
143    s = expand_path(s)
144    return reglob(s)
147def globsearch(s):
148    csc = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get("CASE_SENSITIVE_COMPLETIONS")
149    glob_sorted = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get("GLOB_SORTED")
150    dotglob = builtins.__xonsh_env__.get("DOTGLOB")
151    return globpath(
152        s,
153        ignore_case=(not csc),
154        return_empty=True,
155        sort_result=glob_sorted,
156        include_dotfiles=dotglob,
157    )
160def pathsearch(func, s, pymode=False, pathobj=False):
161    """
162    Takes a string and returns a list of file paths that match (regex, glob,
163    or arbitrary search function). If pathobj=True, the return is a list of
164    pathlib.Path objects instead of strings.
165    """
166    if not callable(func) or len(inspect.signature(func).parameters) != 1:
167        error = "%r is not a known path search function"
168        raise XonshError(error % func)
169    o = func(s)
170    if pathobj and pymode:
171        o = list(map(pathlib.Path, o))
172    no_match = [] if pymode else [s]
173    return o if len(o) != 0 else no_match
176RE_SHEBANG = LazyObject(lambda: re.compile(r"#![ \t]*(.+?)$"), globals(), "RE_SHEBANG")
179def _is_binary(fname, limit=80):
180    with open(fname, "rb") as f:
181        for i in range(limit):
182            char = f.read(1)
183            if char == b"\0":
184                return True
185            if char == b"\n":
186                return False
187            if char == b"":
188                return False
189    return False
192def _un_shebang(x):
193    if x == "/usr/bin/env":
194        return []
195    elif any(x.startswith(i) for i in ["/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin", "/bin"]):
196        x = os.path.basename(x)
197    elif x.endswith("python") or x.endswith("python.exe"):
198        x = "python"
199    if x == "xonsh":
200        return ["python", "-m", "xonsh.main"]
201    return [x]
204def get_script_subproc_command(fname, args):
205    """Given the name of a script outside the path, returns a list representing
206    an appropriate subprocess command to execute the script.  Raises
207    PermissionError if the script is not executable.
208    """
209    # make sure file is executable
210    if not os.access(fname, os.X_OK):
211        raise PermissionError
212    if ON_POSIX and not os.access(fname, os.R_OK):
213        # on some systems, some important programs (e.g. sudo) will have
214        # execute permissions but not read/write permissions. This enables
215        # things with the SUID set to be run. Needs to come before _is_binary()
216        # is called, because that function tries to read the file.
217        return [fname] + args
218    elif _is_binary(fname):
219        # if the file is a binary, we should call it directly
220        return [fname] + args
221    if ON_WINDOWS:
222        # Windows can execute various filetypes directly
223        # as given in PATHEXT
224        _, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
225        if ext.upper() in builtins.__xonsh_env__.get("PATHEXT"):
226            return [fname] + args
227    # find interpreter
228    with open(fname, "rb") as f:
229        first_line = f.readline().decode().strip()
230    m = RE_SHEBANG.match(first_line)
231    # xonsh is the default interpreter
232    if m is None:
233        interp = ["xonsh"]
234    else:
235        interp = m.group(1).strip()
236        if len(interp) > 0:
237            interp = shlex.split(interp)
238        else:
239            interp = ["xonsh"]
240    if ON_WINDOWS:
241        o = []
242        for i in interp:
243            o.extend(_un_shebang(i))
244        interp = o
245    return interp + [fname] + args
249def _REDIR_REGEX():
250    name = "(o(?:ut)?|e(?:rr)?|a(?:ll)?|&?\d?)"
251    return re.compile("{r}(>?>|<){r}$".format(r=name))
254_MODES = LazyObject(lambda: {">>": "a", ">": "w", "<": "r"}, globals(), "_MODES")
255_WRITE_MODES = LazyObject(lambda: frozenset({"w", "a"}), globals(), "_WRITE_MODES")
256_REDIR_ALL = LazyObject(lambda: frozenset({"&", "a", "all"}), globals(), "_REDIR_ALL")
257_REDIR_ERR = LazyObject(lambda: frozenset({"2", "e", "err"}), globals(), "_REDIR_ERR")
258_REDIR_OUT = LazyObject(
259    lambda: frozenset({"", "1", "o", "out"}), globals(), "_REDIR_OUT"
261_E2O_MAP = LazyObject(
262    lambda: frozenset(
263        {"{}>{}".format(e, o) for e in _REDIR_ERR for o in _REDIR_OUT if o != ""}
264    ),
265    globals(),
266    "_E2O_MAP",
268_O2E_MAP = LazyObject(
269    lambda: frozenset(
270        {"{}>{}".format(o, e) for e in _REDIR_ERR for o in _REDIR_OUT if o != ""}
271    ),
272    globals(),
273    "_O2E_MAP",
277def _is_redirect(x):
278    return isinstance(x, str) and _REDIR_REGEX.match(x)
281def safe_open(fname, mode, buffering=-1):
282    """Safely attempts to open a file in for xonsh subprocs."""
283    # file descriptors
284    try:
285        return io.open(fname, mode, buffering=buffering)
286    except PermissionError:
287        raise XonshError("xonsh: {0}: permission denied".format(fname))
288    except FileNotFoundError:
289        raise XonshError("xonsh: {0}: no such file or directory".format(fname))
290    except Exception:
291        raise XonshError("xonsh: {0}: unable to open file".format(fname))
294def safe_close(x):
295    """Safely attempts to close an object."""
296    if not isinstance(x, io.IOBase):
297        return
298    if x.closed:
299        return
300    try:
301        x.close()
302    except Exception:
303        pass
306def _parse_redirects(r, loc=None):
307    """returns origin, mode, destination tuple"""
308    orig, mode, dest = _REDIR_REGEX.match(r).groups()
309    # redirect to fd
310    if dest.startswith("&"):
311        try:
312            dest = int(dest[1:])
313            if loc is None:
314                loc, dest = dest, ""  # NOQA
315            else:
316                e = "Unrecognized redirection command: {}".format(r)
317                raise XonshError(e)
318        except (ValueError, XonshError):
319            raise
320        except Exception:
321            pass
322    mode = _MODES.get(mode, None)
323    if mode == "r" and (len(orig) > 0 or len(dest) > 0):
324        raise XonshError("Unrecognized redirection command: {}".format(r))
325    elif mode in _WRITE_MODES and len(dest) > 0:
326        raise XonshError("Unrecognized redirection command: {}".format(r))
327    return orig, mode, dest
330def _redirect_streams(r, loc=None):
331    """Returns stdin, stdout, stderr tuple of redirections."""
332    stdin = stdout = stderr = None
333    no_ampersand = r.replace("&", "")
334    # special case of redirecting stderr to stdout
335    if no_ampersand in _E2O_MAP:
336        stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
337        return stdin, stdout, stderr
338    elif no_ampersand in _O2E_MAP:
339        stdout = 2  # using 2 as a flag, rather than using a file object
340        return stdin, stdout, stderr
341    # get streams
342    orig, mode, dest = _parse_redirects(r)
343    if mode == "r":
344        stdin = safe_open(loc, mode)
345    elif mode in _WRITE_MODES:
346        if orig in _REDIR_ALL:
347            stdout = stderr = safe_open(loc, mode)
348        elif orig in _REDIR_OUT:
349            stdout = safe_open(loc, mode)
350        elif orig in _REDIR_ERR:
351            stderr = safe_open(loc, mode)
352        else:
353            raise XonshError("Unrecognized redirection command: {}".format(r))
354    else:
355        raise XonshError("Unrecognized redirection command: {}".format(r))
356    return stdin, stdout, stderr
359def default_signal_pauser(n, f):
360    """Pauses a signal, as needed."""
361    signal.pause()
364def no_pg_xonsh_preexec_fn():
365    """Default subprocess preexec function for when there is no existing
366    pipeline group.
367    """
368    os.setpgrp()
369    signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, default_signal_pauser)
372class SubprocSpec:
373    """A container for specifying how a subprocess command should be
374    executed.
375    """
377    kwnames = ("stdin", "stdout", "stderr", "universal_newlines")
379    def __init__(
380        self,
381        cmd,
382        *,
383        cls=subprocess.Popen,
384        stdin=None,
385        stdout=None,
386        stderr=None,
387        universal_newlines=False,
388        captured=False
389    ):
390        """
391        Parameters
392        ----------
393        cmd : list of str
394            Command to be run.
395        cls : Popen-like
396            Class to run the subprocess with.
397        stdin : file-like
398            Popen file descriptor or flag for stdin.
399        stdout : file-like
400            Popen file descriptor or flag for stdout.
401        stderr : file-like
402            Popen file descriptor or flag for stderr.
403        universal_newlines : bool
404            Whether or not to use universal newlines.
405        captured : bool or str, optional
406            The flag for if the subprocess is captured, may be one of:
407            False for $[], 'stdout' for $(), 'hiddenobject' for ![], or
408            'object' for !().
410        Attributes
411        ----------
412        args : list of str
413            Arguments as originally supplied.
414        alias : list of str, callable, or None
415            The alias that was resolved for this command, if any.
416        binary_loc : str or None
417            Path to binary to execute.
418        is_proxy : bool
419            Whether or not the subprocess is or should be run as a proxy.
420        background : bool
421            Whether or not the subprocess should be started in the background.
422        threadable : bool
423            Whether or not the subprocess is able to be run in a background
424            thread, rather than the main thread.
425        last_in_pipeline : bool
426            Whether the subprocess is the last in the execution pipeline.
427        captured_stdout : file-like
428            Handle to captured stdin
429        captured_stderr : file-like
430            Handle to captured stderr
431        stack : list of FrameInfo namedtuples or None
432            The stack of the call-site of alias, if the alias requires it.
433            None otherwise.
434        """
435        self._stdin = self._stdout = self._stderr = None
436        # args
437        self.cmd = list(cmd)
438        self.cls = cls
439        self.stdin = stdin
440        self.stdout = stdout
441        self.stderr = stderr
442        self.universal_newlines = universal_newlines
443        self.captured = captured
444        # pure attrs
445        self.args = list(cmd)
446        self.alias = None
447        self.binary_loc = None
448        self.is_proxy = False
449        self.background = False
450        self.threadable = True
451        self.last_in_pipeline = False
452        self.captured_stdout = None
453        self.captured_stderr = None
454        self.stack = None
456    def __str__(self):
457        s = self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + str(self.cmd) + ", "
458        s += self.cls.__name__ + ", "
459        kws = [n + "=" + str(getattr(self, n)) for n in self.kwnames]
460        s += ", ".join(kws) + ")"
461        return s
463    def __repr__(self):
464        s = self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + repr(self.cmd) + ", "
465        s += self.cls.__name__ + ", "
466        kws = [n + "=" + repr(getattr(self, n)) for n in self.kwnames]
467        s += ", ".join(kws) + ")"
468        return s
470    #
471    # Properties
472    #
474    @property
475    def stdin(self):
476        return self._stdin
478    @stdin.setter
479    def stdin(self, value):
480        if self._stdin is None:
481            self._stdin = value
482        elif value is None:
483            pass
484        else:
485            safe_close(value)
486            msg = "Multiple inputs for stdin for {0!r}"
487            msg = msg.format(" ".join(self.args))
488            raise XonshError(msg)
490    @property
491    def stdout(self):
492        return self._stdout
494    @stdout.setter
495    def stdout(self, value):
496        if self._stdout is None:
497            self._stdout = value
498        elif value is None:
499            pass
500        else:
501            safe_close(value)
502            msg = "Multiple redirections for stdout for {0!r}"
503            msg = msg.format(" ".join(self.args))
504            raise XonshError(msg)
506    @property
507    def stderr(self):
508        return self._stderr
510    @stderr.setter
511    def stderr(self, value):
512        if self._stderr is None:
513            self._stderr = value
514        elif value is None:
515            pass
516        else:
517            safe_close(value)
518            msg = "Multiple redirections for stderr for {0!r}"
519            msg = msg.format(" ".join(self.args))
520            raise XonshError(msg)
522    #
523    # Execution methods
524    #
526    def run(self, *, pipeline_group=None):
527        """Launches the subprocess and returns the object."""
528        kwargs = {n: getattr(self, n) for n in self.kwnames}
529        self.prep_env(kwargs)
530        self.prep_preexec_fn(kwargs, pipeline_group=pipeline_group)
531        if callable(self.alias):
532            if "preexec_fn" in kwargs:
533                kwargs.pop("preexec_fn")
534            p = self.cls(self.alias, self.cmd, **kwargs)
535        else:
536            self._fix_null_cmd_bytes()
537            p = self._run_binary(kwargs)
538        p.spec = self
539        p.last_in_pipeline = self.last_in_pipeline
540        p.captured_stdout = self.captured_stdout
541        p.captured_stderr = self.captured_stderr
542        return p
544    def _run_binary(self, kwargs):
545        try:
546            bufsize = 1
547            p = self.cls(self.cmd, bufsize=bufsize, **kwargs)
548        except PermissionError:
549            e = "xonsh: subprocess mode: permission denied: {0}"
550            raise XonshError(e.format(self.cmd[0]))
551        except FileNotFoundError:
552            cmd0 = self.cmd[0]
553            e = "xonsh: subprocess mode: command not found: {0}".format(cmd0)
554            env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
555            sug = suggest_commands(cmd0, env, builtins.aliases)
556            if len(sug.strip()) > 0:
557                e += "\n" + suggest_commands(cmd0, env, builtins.aliases)
558            raise XonshError(e)
559        return p
561    def prep_env(self, kwargs):
562        """Prepares the environment to use in the subprocess."""
563        denv = builtins.__xonsh_env__.detype()
564        if ON_WINDOWS:
565            # Over write prompt variable as xonsh's $PROMPT does
566            # not make much sense for other subprocs
567            denv["PROMPT"] = "$P$G"
568        kwargs["env"] = denv
570    def prep_preexec_fn(self, kwargs, pipeline_group=None):
571        """Prepares the 'preexec_fn' keyword argument"""
572        if not ON_POSIX:
573            return
574        if not builtins.__xonsh_env__.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE"):
575            return
576        if pipeline_group is None:
577            xonsh_preexec_fn = no_pg_xonsh_preexec_fn
578        else:
580            def xonsh_preexec_fn():
581                """Preexec function bound to a pipeline group."""
582                os.setpgid(0, pipeline_group)
583                signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, default_signal_pauser)
585        kwargs["preexec_fn"] = xonsh_preexec_fn
587    def _fix_null_cmd_bytes(self):
588        # Popen does not accept null bytes in its input commands.
589        # That doesn't stop some subprocesses from using them. Here we
590        # escape them just in case.
591        cmd = self.cmd
592        for i in range(len(cmd)):
593            cmd[i] = cmd[i].replace("\0", "\\0")
595    #
596    # Building methods
597    #
599    @classmethod
600    def build(kls, cmd, *, cls=subprocess.Popen, **kwargs):
601        """Creates an instance of the subprocess command, with any
602        modifications and adjustments based on the actual cmd that
603        was received.
604        """
605        # modifications that do not alter cmds may come before creating instance
606        spec = kls(cmd, cls=cls, **kwargs)
607        # modifications that alter cmds must come after creating instance
608        # perform initial redirects
609        spec.redirect_leading()
610        spec.redirect_trailing()
611        # apply aliases
612        spec.resolve_alias()
613        spec.resolve_binary_loc()
614        spec.resolve_auto_cd()
615        spec.resolve_executable_commands()
616        spec.resolve_alias_cls()
617        spec.resolve_stack()
618        return spec
620    def redirect_leading(self):
621        """Manage leading redirects such as with '< input.txt COMMAND'. """
622        while len(self.cmd) >= 3 and self.cmd[0] == "<":
623            self.stdin = safe_open(self.cmd[1], "r")
624            self.cmd = self.cmd[2:]
626    def redirect_trailing(self):
627        """Manages trailing redirects."""
628        while True:
629            cmd = self.cmd
630            if len(cmd) >= 3 and _is_redirect(cmd[-2]):
631                streams = _redirect_streams(cmd[-2], cmd[-1])
632                self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr = streams
633                self.cmd = cmd[:-2]
634            elif len(cmd) >= 2 and _is_redirect(cmd[-1]):
635                streams = _redirect_streams(cmd[-1])
636                self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr = streams
637                self.cmd = cmd[:-1]
638            else:
639                break
641    def resolve_alias(self):
642        """Sets alias in command, if applicable."""
643        cmd0 = self.cmd[0]
644        if callable(cmd0):
645            alias = cmd0
646        else:
647            alias = builtins.aliases.get(cmd0, None)
648        self.alias = alias
650    def resolve_binary_loc(self):
651        """Sets the binary location"""
652        alias = self.alias
653        if alias is None:
654            binary_loc = locate_binary(self.cmd[0])
655        elif callable(alias):
656            binary_loc = None
657        else:
658            binary_loc = locate_binary(alias[0])
659        self.binary_loc = binary_loc
661    def resolve_auto_cd(self):
662        """Implements AUTO_CD functionality."""
663        if not (
664            self.alias is None
665            and self.binary_loc is None
666            and len(self.cmd) == 1
667            and builtins.__xonsh_env__.get("AUTO_CD")
668            and os.path.isdir(self.cmd[0])
669        ):
670            return
671        self.cmd.insert(0, "cd")
672        self.alias = builtins.aliases.get("cd", None)
674    def resolve_executable_commands(self):
675        """Resolve command executables, if applicable."""
676        alias = self.alias
677        if alias is None:
678            pass
679        elif callable(alias):
680            self.cmd.pop(0)
681            return
682        else:
683            self.cmd = alias + self.cmd[1:]
684            # resolve any redirects the aliases may have applied
685            self.redirect_leading()
686            self.redirect_trailing()
687        if self.binary_loc is None:
688            return
689        try:
690            self.cmd = get_script_subproc_command(self.binary_loc, self.cmd[1:])
691        except PermissionError:
692            e = "xonsh: subprocess mode: permission denied: {0}"
693            raise XonshError(e.format(self.cmd[0]))
695    def resolve_alias_cls(self):
696        """Determine which proxy class to run an alias with."""
697        alias = self.alias
698        if not callable(alias):
699            return
700        self.is_proxy = True
701        thable = getattr(alias, "__xonsh_threadable__", True)
702        cls = ProcProxyThread if thable else ProcProxy
703        self.cls = cls
704        self.threadable = thable
705        # also check capturability, while we are here
706        cpable = getattr(alias, "__xonsh_capturable__", self.captured)
707        self.captured = cpable
709    def resolve_stack(self):
710        """Computes the stack for a callable alias's call-site, if needed."""
711        if not callable(self.alias):
712            return
713        # check that we actual need the stack
714        sig = inspect.signature(self.alias)
715        if len(sig.parameters) <= 5 and "stack" not in sig.parameters:
716            return
717        # compute the stack, and filter out these build methods
718        # run_subproc() is the 4th command in the stack
719        # we want to filter out one up, e.g. subproc_captured_hiddenobject()
720        # after that the stack from the call site starts.
721        stack = inspect.stack(context=0)
722        assert stack[3][3] == "run_subproc", "xonsh stack has changed!"
723        del stack[:5]
724        self.stack = stack
727def _safe_pipe_properties(fd, use_tty=False):
728    """Makes sure that a pipe file descriptor properties are sane."""
729    if not use_tty:
730        return
731    # due to some weird, long standing issue in Python, PTYs come out
732    # replacing newline \n with \r\n. This causes issues for raw unix
733    # protocols, like git and ssh, which expect unix line endings.
734    # see https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2013-June/650460.html
735    # for more details and the following solution.
736    props = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
737    props[1] = props[1] & (~termios.ONLCR) | termios.ONLRET
738    termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, props)
741def _update_last_spec(last):
742    captured = last.captured
743    last.last_in_pipeline = True
744    if not captured:
745        return
746    callable_alias = callable(last.alias)
747    if callable_alias:
748        pass
749    else:
750        cmds_cache = builtins.__xonsh_commands_cache__
751        thable = cmds_cache.predict_threadable(
752            last.args
753        ) and cmds_cache.predict_threadable(last.cmd)
754        if captured and thable:
755            last.cls = PopenThread
756        elif not thable:
757            # foreground processes should use Popen
758            last.threadable = False
759            if captured == "object" or captured == "hiddenobject":
760                # CommandPipeline objects should not pipe stdout, stderr
761                return
762    # cannot used PTY pipes for aliases, for some dark reason,
763    # and must use normal pipes instead.
764    use_tty = ON_POSIX and not callable_alias
765    # Do not set standard in! Popen is not a fan of redirections here
766    # set standard out
767    if last.stdout is not None:
768        last.universal_newlines = True
769    elif captured in STDOUT_CAPTURE_KINDS:
770        last.universal_newlines = False
771        r, w = os.pipe()
772        last.stdout = safe_open(w, "wb")
773        last.captured_stdout = safe_open(r, "rb")
774    elif builtins.__xonsh_stdout_uncaptured__ is not None:
775        last.universal_newlines = True
776        last.stdout = builtins.__xonsh_stdout_uncaptured__
777        last.captured_stdout = last.stdout
778    elif ON_WINDOWS and not callable_alias:
779        last.universal_newlines = True
780        last.stdout = None  # must truly stream on windows
781        last.captured_stdout = ConsoleParallelReader(1)
782    else:
783        last.universal_newlines = True
784        r, w = pty.openpty() if use_tty else os.pipe()
785        _safe_pipe_properties(w, use_tty=use_tty)
786        last.stdout = safe_open(w, "w")
787        _safe_pipe_properties(r, use_tty=use_tty)
788        last.captured_stdout = safe_open(r, "r")
789    # set standard error
790    if last.stderr is not None:
791        pass
792    elif captured == "object":
793        r, w = os.pipe()
794        last.stderr = safe_open(w, "w")
795        last.captured_stderr = safe_open(r, "r")
796    elif builtins.__xonsh_stderr_uncaptured__ is not None:
797        last.stderr = builtins.__xonsh_stderr_uncaptured__
798        last.captured_stderr = last.stderr
799    elif ON_WINDOWS and not callable_alias:
800        last.universal_newlines = True
801        last.stderr = None  # must truly stream on windows
802    else:
803        r, w = pty.openpty() if use_tty else os.pipe()
804        _safe_pipe_properties(w, use_tty=use_tty)
805        last.stderr = safe_open(w, "w")
806        _safe_pipe_properties(r, use_tty=use_tty)
807        last.captured_stderr = safe_open(r, "r")
808    # redirect stdout to stderr, if we should
809    if isinstance(last.stdout, int) and last.stdout == 2:
810        # need to use private interface to avoid duplication.
811        last._stdout = last.stderr
812    # redirect stderr to stdout, if we should
813    if callable_alias and last.stderr == subprocess.STDOUT:
814        last._stderr = last.stdout
815        last.captured_stderr = last.captured_stdout
818def cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured=False):
819    """Converts a list of cmds to a list of SubprocSpec objects that are
820    ready to be executed.
821    """
822    # first build the subprocs independently and separate from the redirects
823    specs = []
824    redirects = []
825    for cmd in cmds:
826        if isinstance(cmd, str):
827            redirects.append(cmd)
828        else:
829            if cmd[-1] == "&":
830                cmd = cmd[:-1]
831                redirects.append("&")
832            spec = SubprocSpec.build(cmd, captured=captured)
833            specs.append(spec)
834    # now modify the subprocs based on the redirects.
835    for i, redirect in enumerate(redirects):
836        if redirect == "|":
837            # these should remain integer file descriptors, and not Python
838            # file objects since they connect processes.
839            r, w = os.pipe()
840            specs[i].stdout = w
841            specs[i + 1].stdin = r
842        elif redirect == "&" and i == len(redirects) - 1:
843            specs[-1].background = True
844        else:
845            raise XonshError("unrecognized redirect {0!r}".format(redirect))
846    # Apply boundary conditions
847    _update_last_spec(specs[-1])
848    return specs
851def _should_set_title(captured=False):
852    env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
853    return (
854        env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE")
855        and not env.get("XONSH_STORE_STDOUT")
856        and captured not in STDOUT_CAPTURE_KINDS
857        and hasattr(builtins, "__xonsh_shell__")
858    )
861def run_subproc(cmds, captured=False):
862    """Runs a subprocess, in its many forms. This takes a list of 'commands,'
863    which may be a list of command line arguments or a string, representing
864    a special connecting character.  For example::
866        $ ls | grep wakka
868    is represented by the following cmds::
870        [['ls'], '|', ['grep', 'wakka']]
872    Lastly, the captured argument affects only the last real command.
873    """
874    specs = cmds_to_specs(cmds, captured=captured)
875    captured = specs[-1].captured
876    if captured == "hiddenobject":
877        command = HiddenCommandPipeline(specs)
878    else:
879        command = CommandPipeline(specs)
880    proc = command.proc
881    background = command.spec.background
882    if not all(x.is_proxy for x in specs):
883        add_job(
884            {
885                "cmds": cmds,
886                "pids": [i.pid for i in command.procs],
887                "obj": proc,
888                "bg": background,
889                "pipeline": command,
890                "pgrp": command.term_pgid,
891            }
892        )
893    if _should_set_title(captured=captured):
894        # set title here to get currently executing command
895        pause_call_resume(proc, builtins.__xonsh_shell__.settitle)
896    # create command or return if backgrounding.
897    if background:
898        return
899    # now figure out what we should return.
900    if captured == "stdout":
901        command.end()
902        return command.output
903    elif captured == "object":
904        return command
905    elif captured == "hiddenobject":
906        command.end()
907        return command
908    else:
909        command.end()
910        return
913def subproc_captured_stdout(*cmds):
914    """Runs a subprocess, capturing the output. Returns the stdout
915    that was produced as a str.
916    """
917    return run_subproc(cmds, captured="stdout")
920def subproc_captured_inject(*cmds):
921    """Runs a subprocess, capturing the output. Returns a list of
922    whitespace-separated strings of the stdout that was produced.
923    The string is split using xonsh's lexer, rather than Python's str.split()
924    or shlex.split().
925    """
926    s = run_subproc(cmds, captured="stdout")
927    toks = builtins.__xonsh_execer__.parser.lexer.split(s.strip())
928    return toks
931def subproc_captured_object(*cmds):
932    """
933    Runs a subprocess, capturing the output. Returns an instance of
934    CommandPipeline representing the completed command.
935    """
936    return run_subproc(cmds, captured="object")
939def subproc_captured_hiddenobject(*cmds):
940    """Runs a subprocess, capturing the output. Returns an instance of
941    HiddenCommandPipeline representing the completed command.
942    """
943    return run_subproc(cmds, captured="hiddenobject")
946def subproc_uncaptured(*cmds):
947    """Runs a subprocess, without capturing the output. Returns the stdout
948    that was produced as a str.
949    """
950    return run_subproc(cmds, captured=False)
953def ensure_list_of_strs(x):
954    """Ensures that x is a list of strings."""
955    if isinstance(x, str):
956        rtn = [x]
957    elif isinstance(x, cabc.Sequence):
958        rtn = [i if isinstance(i, str) else str(i) for i in x]
959    else:
960        rtn = [str(x)]
961    return rtn
964def list_of_strs_or_callables(x):
965    """Ensures that x is a list of strings or functions"""
966    if isinstance(x, str) or callable(x):
967        rtn = [x]
968    elif isinstance(x, cabc.Iterable):
969        rtn = [i if isinstance(i, str) or callable(i) else str(i) for i in x]
970    else:
971        rtn = [str(x)]
972    return rtn
975def list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product(x):
976    """Takes an outer product of a list of strings"""
977    lolos = map(ensure_list_of_strs, x)
978    rtn = []
979    for los in itertools.product(*lolos):
980        s = "".join(los)
981        if "*" in s:
982            rtn.extend(builtins.__xonsh_glob__(s))
983        else:
984            rtn.append(builtins.__xonsh_expand_path__(s))
985    return rtn
990    return {
991        "s": str,
992        "str": str,
993        "string": str,
994        "a": AST,
995        "ast": AST,
996        "c": types.CodeType,
997        "code": types.CodeType,
998        "compile": types.CodeType,
999        "v": eval,
1000        "eval": eval,
1001        "x": exec,
1002        "exec": exec,
1003        "t": type,
1004        "type": type,
1005    }
1008def _convert_kind_flag(x):
1009    """Puts a kind flag (string) a canonical form."""
1010    x = x.lower()
1011    kind = MACRO_FLAG_KINDS.get(x, None)
1012    if kind is None:
1013        raise TypeError("{0!r} not a recognized macro type.".format(x))
1014    return kind
1017def convert_macro_arg(raw_arg, kind, glbs, locs, *, name="<arg>", macroname="<macro>"):
1018    """Converts a string macro argument based on the requested kind.
1020    Parameters
1021    ----------
1022    raw_arg : str
1023        The str representation of the macro argument.
1024    kind : object
1025        A flag or type representing how to convert the argument.
1026    glbs : Mapping
1027        The globals from the call site.
1028    locs : Mapping or None
1029        The locals from the call site.
1030    name : str, optional
1031        The macro argument name.
1032    macroname : str, optional
1033        The name of the macro itself.
1035    Returns
1036    -------
1037    The converted argument.
1038    """
1039    # munge kind and mode to start
1040    mode = None
1041    if isinstance(kind, cabc.Sequence) and not isinstance(kind, str):
1042        # have (kind, mode) tuple
1043        kind, mode = kind
1044    if isinstance(kind, str):
1045        kind = _convert_kind_flag(kind)
1046    if kind is str or kind is None:
1047        return raw_arg  # short circuit since there is nothing else to do
1048    # select from kind and convert
1049    execer = builtins.__xonsh_execer__
1050    filename = macroname + "(" + name + ")"
1051    if kind is AST:
1052        ctx = set(dir(builtins)) | set(glbs.keys())
1053        if locs is not None:
1054            ctx |= set(locs.keys())
1055        mode = mode or "eval"
1056        arg = execer.parse(raw_arg, ctx, mode=mode, filename=filename)
1057    elif kind is types.CodeType or kind is compile:  # NOQA
1058        mode = mode or "eval"
1059        arg = execer.compile(
1060            raw_arg, mode=mode, glbs=glbs, locs=locs, filename=filename
1061        )
1062    elif kind is eval:
1063        arg = execer.eval(raw_arg, glbs=glbs, locs=locs, filename=filename)
1064    elif kind is exec:
1065        mode = mode or "exec"
1066        if not raw_arg.endswith("\n"):
1067            raw_arg += "\n"
1068        arg = execer.exec(raw_arg, mode=mode, glbs=glbs, locs=locs, filename=filename)
1069    elif kind is type:
1070        arg = type(execer.eval(raw_arg, glbs=glbs, locs=locs, filename=filename))
1071    else:
1072        msg = "kind={0!r} and mode={1!r} was not recognized for macro " "argument {2!r}"
1073        raise TypeError(msg.format(kind, mode, name))
1074    return arg
1078def in_macro_call(f, glbs, locs):
1079    """Attaches macro globals and locals temporarily to function as a
1080    context manager.
1082    Parameters
1083    ----------
1084    f : callable object
1085        The function that is called as ``f(*args)``.
1086    glbs : Mapping
1087        The globals from the call site.
1088    locs : Mapping or None
1089        The locals from the call site.
1090    """
1091    prev_glbs = getattr(f, "macro_globals", None)
1092    prev_locs = getattr(f, "macro_locals", None)
1093    f.macro_globals = glbs
1094    f.macro_locals = locs
1095    yield
1096    if prev_glbs is None:
1097        del f.macro_globals
1098    else:
1099        f.macro_globals = prev_glbs
1100    if prev_locs is None:
1101        del f.macro_locals
1102    else:
1103        f.macro_locals = prev_locs
1106def call_macro(f, raw_args, glbs, locs):
1107    """Calls a function as a macro, returning its result.
1109    Parameters
1110    ----------
1111    f : callable object
1112        The function that is called as ``f(*args)``.
1113    raw_args : tuple of str
1114        The str representation of arguments of that were passed into the
1115        macro. These strings will be parsed, compiled, evaled, or left as
1116        a string depending on the annotations of f.
1117    glbs : Mapping
1118        The globals from the call site.
1119    locs : Mapping or None
1120        The locals from the call site.
1121    """
1122    sig = inspect.signature(f)
1123    empty = inspect.Parameter.empty
1124    macroname = f.__name__
1125    i = 0
1126    args = []
1127    for (key, param), raw_arg in zip(sig.parameters.items(), raw_args):
1128        i += 1
1129        if raw_arg == "*":
1130            break
1131        kind = param.annotation
1132        if kind is empty or kind is None:
1133            kind = str
1134        arg = convert_macro_arg(
1135            raw_arg, kind, glbs, locs, name=key, macroname=macroname
1136        )
1137        args.append(arg)
1138    reg_args, kwargs = _eval_regular_args(raw_args[i:], glbs, locs)
1139    args += reg_args
1140    with in_macro_call(f, glbs, locs):
1141        rtn = f(*args, **kwargs)
1142    return rtn
1146def KWARG_RE():
1147    return re.compile("([A-Za-z_]\w*=|\*\*)")
1150def _starts_as_arg(s):
1151    """Tests if a string starts as a non-kwarg string would."""
1152    return KWARG_RE.match(s) is None
1155def _eval_regular_args(raw_args, glbs, locs):
1156    if not raw_args:
1157        return [], {}
1158    arglist = list(itertools.takewhile(_starts_as_arg, raw_args))
1159    kwarglist = raw_args[len(arglist) :]
1160    execer = builtins.__xonsh_execer__
1161    if not arglist:
1162        args = arglist
1163        kwargstr = "dict({})".format(", ".join(kwarglist))
1164        kwargs = execer.eval(kwargstr, glbs=glbs, locs=locs)
1165    elif not kwarglist:
1166        argstr = "({},)".format(", ".join(arglist))
1167        args = execer.eval(argstr, glbs=glbs, locs=locs)
1168        kwargs = {}
1169    else:
1170        argstr = "({},)".format(", ".join(arglist))
1171        kwargstr = "dict({})".format(", ".join(kwarglist))
1172        both = "({}, {})".format(argstr, kwargstr)
1173        args, kwargs = execer.eval(both, glbs=glbs, locs=locs)
1174    return args, kwargs
1177def enter_macro(obj, raw_block, glbs, locs):
1178    """Prepares to enter a context manager macro by attaching the contents
1179    of the macro block, globals, and locals to the object. These modifications
1180    are made in-place and the original object is returned.
1183    Parameters
1184    ----------
1185    obj : context manager
1186        The object that is about to be entered via a with-statement.
1187    raw_block : str
1188        The str of the block that is the context body.
1189        This string will be parsed, compiled, evaled, or left as
1190        a string depending on the return annotation of obj.__enter__.
1191    glbs : Mapping
1192        The globals from the context site.
1193    locs : Mapping or None
1194        The locals from the context site.
1196    Returns
1197    -------
1198    obj : context manager
1199        The same context manager but with the new macro information applied.
1200    """
1201    # recurse down sequences
1202    if isinstance(obj, cabc.Sequence):
1203        for x in obj:
1204            enter_macro(x, raw_block, glbs, locs)
1205        return obj
1206    # convert block as needed
1207    kind = getattr(obj, "__xonsh_block__", str)
1208    macroname = getattr(obj, "__name__", "<context>")
1209    block = convert_macro_arg(
1210        raw_block, kind, glbs, locs, name="<with!>", macroname=macroname
1211    )
1212    # attach attrs
1213    obj.macro_globals = glbs
1214    obj.macro_locals = locs
1215    obj.macro_block = block
1216    return obj
1219def load_builtins(execer=None, ctx=None):
1220    """Loads the xonsh builtins into the Python builtins. Sets the
1221    BUILTINS_LOADED variable to True.
1222    """
1223    global BUILTINS_LOADED
1224    # private built-ins
1225    builtins.__xonsh_config__ = {}
1226    builtins.__xonsh_env__ = Env(default_env())
1227    builtins.__xonsh_help__ = helper
1228    builtins.__xonsh_superhelp__ = superhelper
1229    builtins.__xonsh_pathsearch__ = pathsearch
1230    builtins.__xonsh_globsearch__ = globsearch
1231    builtins.__xonsh_regexsearch__ = regexsearch
1232    builtins.__xonsh_glob__ = globpath
1233    builtins.__xonsh_expand_path__ = expand_path
1234    builtins.__xonsh_exit__ = False
1235    builtins.__xonsh_stdout_uncaptured__ = None
1236    builtins.__xonsh_stderr_uncaptured__ = None
1237    if hasattr(builtins, "exit"):
1238        builtins.__xonsh_pyexit__ = builtins.exit
1239        del builtins.exit
1240    if hasattr(builtins, "quit"):
1241        builtins.__xonsh_pyquit__ = builtins.quit
1242        del builtins.quit
1243    builtins.__xonsh_subproc_captured_stdout__ = subproc_captured_stdout
1244    builtins.__xonsh_subproc_captured_inject__ = subproc_captured_inject
1245    builtins.__xonsh_subproc_captured_object__ = subproc_captured_object
1246    builtins.__xonsh_subproc_captured_hiddenobject__ = subproc_captured_hiddenobject
1247    builtins.__xonsh_subproc_uncaptured__ = subproc_uncaptured
1248    builtins.__xonsh_execer__ = execer
1249    builtins.__xonsh_commands_cache__ = CommandsCache()
1250    builtins.__xonsh_all_jobs__ = {}
1251    builtins.__xonsh_ensure_list_of_strs__ = ensure_list_of_strs
1252    builtins.__xonsh_list_of_strs_or_callables__ = list_of_strs_or_callables
1253    builtins.__xonsh_list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product__ = (
1254        list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product
1255    )
1256    builtins.__xonsh_completers__ = xonsh.completers.init.default_completers()
1257    builtins.__xonsh_call_macro__ = call_macro
1258    builtins.__xonsh_enter_macro__ = enter_macro
1259    builtins.__xonsh_path_literal__ = path_literal
1260    # public built-ins
1261    builtins.XonshError = XonshError
1262    builtins.XonshCalledProcessError = XonshCalledProcessError
1263    builtins.evalx = None if execer is None else execer.eval
1264    builtins.execx = None if execer is None else execer.exec
1265    builtins.compilex = None if execer is None else execer.compile
1266    builtins.events = events
1268    # sneak the path search functions into the aliases
1269    # Need this inline/lazy import here since we use locate_binary that
1270    # relies on __xonsh_env__ in default aliases
1271    builtins.default_aliases = builtins.aliases = Aliases(make_default_aliases())
1272    builtins.__xonsh_history__ = None
1273    atexit.register(_lastflush)
1274    for sig in AT_EXIT_SIGNALS:
1275        resetting_signal_handle(sig, _lastflush)
1276    BUILTINS_LOADED = True
1279def _lastflush(s=None, f=None):
1280    if hasattr(builtins, "__xonsh_history__"):
1281        if builtins.__xonsh_history__ is not None:
1282            builtins.__xonsh_history__.flush(at_exit=True)
1285def unload_builtins():
1286    """Removes the xonsh builtins from the Python builtins, if the
1287    BUILTINS_LOADED is True, sets BUILTINS_LOADED to False, and returns.
1288    """
1289    global BUILTINS_LOADED
1290    env = getattr(builtins, "__xonsh_env__", None)
1291    if isinstance(env, Env):
1292        env.undo_replace_env()
1293    if hasattr(builtins, "__xonsh_pyexit__"):
1294        builtins.exit = builtins.__xonsh_pyexit__
1295    if hasattr(builtins, "__xonsh_pyquit__"):
1296        builtins.quit = builtins.__xonsh_pyquit__
1297    if not BUILTINS_LOADED:
1298        return
1299    names = [
1300        "__xonsh_config__",
1301        "__xonsh_env__",
1302        "__xonsh_ctx__",
1303        "__xonsh_help__",
1304        "__xonsh_superhelp__",
1305        "__xonsh_pathsearch__",
1306        "__xonsh_globsearch__",
1307        "__xonsh_regexsearch__",
1308        "__xonsh_glob__",
1309        "__xonsh_expand_path__",
1310        "__xonsh_exit__",
1311        "__xonsh_stdout_uncaptured__",
1312        "__xonsh_stderr_uncaptured__",
1313        "__xonsh_pyexit__",
1314        "__xonsh_pyquit__",
1315        "__xonsh_subproc_captured_stdout__",
1316        "__xonsh_subproc_captured_inject__",
1317        "__xonsh_subproc_captured_object__",
1318        "__xonsh_subproc_captured_hiddenobject__",
1319        "__xonsh_subproc_uncaptured__",
1320        "__xonsh_execer__",
1321        "__xonsh_commands_cache__",
1322        "__xonsh_completers__",
1323        "__xonsh_call_macro__",
1324        "__xonsh_enter_macro__",
1325        "__xonsh_path_literal__",
1326        "XonshError",
1327        "XonshCalledProcessError",
1328        "evalx",
1329        "execx",
1330        "compilex",
1331        "default_aliases",
1332        "__xonsh_all_jobs__",
1333        "__xonsh_ensure_list_of_strs__",
1334        "__xonsh_list_of_strs_or_callables__",
1335        "__xonsh_list_of_list_of_strs_outer_product__",
1336        "__xonsh_history__",
1337    ]
1338    for name in names:
1339        if hasattr(builtins, name):
1340            delattr(builtins, name)
1341    BUILTINS_LOADED = False
1345def xonsh_builtins(execer=None):
1346    """A context manager for using the xonsh builtins only in a limited
1347    scope. Likely useful in testing.
1348    """
1349    load_builtins(execer=execer)
1350    yield
1351    unload_builtins()