1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2"""Implements the xonsh executer."""
3import sys
4import types
5import inspect
6import builtins
7import collections.abc as cabc
9from xonsh.ast import CtxAwareTransformer
10from xonsh.parser import Parser
11from xonsh.tools import (
12    subproc_toks,
13    find_next_break,
14    get_logical_line,
15    replace_logical_line,
16    balanced_parens,
18from xonsh.built_ins import load_builtins, unload_builtins
21class Execer(object):
22    """Executes xonsh code in a context."""
24    def __init__(
25        self,
26        filename="<xonsh-code>",
27        debug_level=0,
28        parser_args=None,
29        unload=True,
30        xonsh_ctx=None,
31        scriptcache=True,
32        cacheall=False,
33    ):
34        """Parameters
35        ----------
36        filename : str, optional
37            File we are to execute.
38        debug_level : int, optional
39            Debugging level to use in lexing and parsing.
40        parser_args : dict, optional
41            Arguments to pass down to the parser.
42        unload : bool, optional
43            Whether or not to unload xonsh builtins upon deletion.
44        xonsh_ctx : dict or None, optional
45            Xonsh xontext to load as builtins.__xonsh_ctx__
46        scriptcache : bool, optional
47            Whether or not to use a precompiled bytecode cache when execing
48            code, default: True.
49        cacheall : bool, optional
50            Whether or not to cache all xonsh code, and not just files. If this
51            is set to true, it will cache command line input too, default: False.
52        """
53        parser_args = parser_args or {}
54        self.parser = Parser(**parser_args)
55        self.filename = filename
56        self.debug_level = debug_level
57        self.unload = unload
58        self.scriptcache = scriptcache
59        self.cacheall = cacheall
60        self.ctxtransformer = CtxAwareTransformer(self.parser)
61        load_builtins(execer=self, ctx=xonsh_ctx)
63    def __del__(self):
64        if self.unload:
65            unload_builtins()
67    def parse(self, input, ctx, mode="exec", filename=None, transform=True):
68        """Parses xonsh code in a context-aware fashion. For context-free
69        parsing, please use the Parser class directly or pass in
70        transform=False.
71        """
72        if filename is None:
73            filename = self.filename
74        if not transform:
75            return self.parser.parse(
76                input, filename=filename, mode=mode, debug_level=(self.debug_level > 2)
77            )
79        # Parsing actually happens in a couple of phases. The first is a
80        # shortcut for a context-free parser. Normally, all subprocess
81        # lines should be wrapped in $(), to indicate that they are a
82        # subproc. But that would be super annoying. Unfortunately, Python
83        # mode - after indentation - is whitespace agnostic while, using
84        # the Python token, subproc mode is whitespace aware. That is to say,
85        # in Python mode "ls -l", "ls-l", and "ls - l" all parse to the
86        # same AST because whitespace doesn't matter to the minus binary op.
87        # However, these phases all have very different meaning in subproc
88        # mode. The 'right' way to deal with this is to make the entire
89        # grammar whitespace aware, and then ignore all of the whitespace
90        # tokens for all of the Python rules. The lazy way implemented here
91        # is to parse a line a second time with a $() wrapper if it fails
92        # the first time. This is a context-free phase.
93        tree, input = self._parse_ctx_free(input, mode=mode, filename=filename)
94        if tree is None:
95            return None
97        # Now we need to perform context-aware AST transformation. This is
98        # because the "ls -l" is valid Python. The only way that we know
99        # it is not actually Python is by checking to see if the first token
100        # (ls) is part of the execution context. If it isn't, then we will
101        # assume that this line is supposed to be a subprocess line, assuming
102        # it also is valid as a subprocess line.
103        if ctx is None:
104            ctx = set()
105        elif isinstance(ctx, cabc.Mapping):
106            ctx = set(ctx.keys())
107        tree = self.ctxtransformer.ctxvisit(
108            tree, input, ctx, mode=mode, debug_level=self.debug_level
109        )
110        return tree
112    def compile(
113        self,
114        input,
115        mode="exec",
116        glbs=None,
117        locs=None,
118        stacklevel=2,
119        filename=None,
120        transform=True,
121    ):
122        """Compiles xonsh code into a Python code object, which may then
123        be execed or evaled.
124        """
125        if filename is None:
126            filename = self.filename
127        if glbs is None or locs is None:
128            frame = inspect.stack()[stacklevel][0]
129            glbs = frame.f_globals if glbs is None else glbs
130            locs = frame.f_locals if locs is None else locs
131        ctx = set(dir(builtins)) | set(glbs.keys()) | set(locs.keys())
132        tree = self.parse(input, ctx, mode=mode, filename=filename, transform=transform)
133        if tree is None:
134            return None  # handles comment only input
135        code = compile(tree, filename, mode)
136        return code
138    def eval(
139        self, input, glbs=None, locs=None, stacklevel=2, filename=None, transform=True
140    ):
141        """Evaluates (and returns) xonsh code."""
142        if isinstance(input, types.CodeType):
143            code = input
144        else:
145            if filename is None:
146                filename = self.filename
147            code = self.compile(
148                input=input,
149                glbs=glbs,
150                locs=locs,
151                mode="eval",
152                stacklevel=stacklevel,
153                filename=filename,
154                transform=transform,
155            )
156        if code is None:
157            return None  # handles comment only input
158        return eval(code, glbs, locs)
160    def exec(
161        self,
162        input,
163        mode="exec",
164        glbs=None,
165        locs=None,
166        stacklevel=2,
167        filename=None,
168        transform=True,
169    ):
170        """Execute xonsh code."""
171        if isinstance(input, types.CodeType):
172            code = input
173        else:
174            if filename is None:
175                filename = self.filename
176            code = self.compile(
177                input=input,
178                glbs=glbs,
179                locs=locs,
180                mode=mode,
181                stacklevel=stacklevel,
182                filename=filename,
183                transform=transform,
184            )
185        if code is None:
186            return None  # handles comment only input
187        return exec(code, glbs, locs)
189    def _print_debug_wrapping(
190        self, line, sbpline, last_error_line, last_error_col, maxcol=None
191    ):
192        """print some debugging info if asked for."""
193        if self.debug_level > 1:
194            msg = "{0}:{1}:{2}{3} - {4}\n" "{0}:{1}:{2}{3} + {5}"
195            mstr = "" if maxcol is None else ":" + str(maxcol)
196            msg = msg.format(
197                self.filename, last_error_line, last_error_col, mstr, line, sbpline
198            )
199            print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
201    def _parse_ctx_free(self, input, mode="exec", filename=None, logical_input=False):
202        last_error_line = last_error_col = -1
203        parsed = False
204        original_error = None
205        greedy = False
206        if filename is None:
207            filename = self.filename
208        while not parsed:
209            try:
210                tree = self.parser.parse(
211                    input,
212                    filename=filename,
213                    mode=mode,
214                    debug_level=(self.debug_level > 2),
215                )
216                parsed = True
217            except IndentationError as e:
218                if original_error is None:
219                    raise e
220                else:
221                    raise original_error
222            except SyntaxError as e:
223                if original_error is None:
224                    original_error = e
225                if (e.loc is None) or (
226                    last_error_line == e.loc.lineno
227                    and last_error_col in (e.loc.column + 1, e.loc.column)
228                ):
229                    raise original_error from None
230                elif last_error_line != e.loc.lineno:
231                    original_error = e
232                last_error_col = e.loc.column
233                last_error_line = e.loc.lineno
234                idx = last_error_line - 1
235                lines = input.splitlines()
236                line, nlogical, idx = get_logical_line(lines, idx)
237                if nlogical > 1 and not logical_input:
238                    _, sbpline = self._parse_ctx_free(
239                        line, mode=mode, filename=filename, logical_input=True
240                    )
241                    self._print_debug_wrapping(
242                        line, sbpline, last_error_line, last_error_col, maxcol=None
243                    )
244                    replace_logical_line(lines, sbpline, idx, nlogical)
245                    last_error_col += 3
246                    input = "\n".join(lines)
247                    continue
248                if input.endswith("\n"):
249                    lines.append("")
250                if len(line.strip()) == 0:
251                    # whitespace only lines are not valid syntax in Python's
252                    # interactive mode='single', who knew?! Just ignore them.
253                    # this might cause actual syntax errors to have bad line
254                    # numbers reported, but should only affect interactive mode
255                    del lines[idx]
256                    last_error_line = last_error_col = -1
257                    input = "\n".join(lines)
258                    continue
260                if last_error_line > 1 and lines[idx - 1].rstrip()[-1:] == ":":
261                    # catch non-indented blocks and raise error.
262                    prev_indent = len(lines[idx - 1]) - len(lines[idx - 1].lstrip())
263                    curr_indent = len(lines[idx]) - len(lines[idx].lstrip())
264                    if prev_indent == curr_indent:
265                        raise original_error
266                lexer = self.parser.lexer
267                maxcol = (
268                    None
269                    if greedy
270                    else find_next_break(line, mincol=last_error_col, lexer=lexer)
271                )
272                if not greedy and maxcol in (e.loc.column + 1, e.loc.column):
273                    # go greedy the first time if the syntax error was because
274                    # we hit an end token out of place. This usually indicates
275                    # a subshell or maybe a macro.
276                    if not balanced_parens(line, maxcol=maxcol):
277                        greedy = True
278                        maxcol = None
279                sbpline = subproc_toks(
280                    line, returnline=True, greedy=greedy, maxcol=maxcol, lexer=lexer
281                )
282                if sbpline is None:
283                    # subprocess line had no valid tokens,
284                    if len(line.partition("#")[0].strip()) == 0:
285                        # likely because it only contained a comment.
286                        del lines[idx]
287                        last_error_line = last_error_col = -1
288                        input = "\n".join(lines)
289                        continue
290                    elif not greedy:
291                        greedy = True
292                        continue
293                    else:
294                        # or for some other syntax error
295                        raise original_error
296                elif sbpline[last_error_col:].startswith(
297                    "![!["
298                ) or sbpline.lstrip().startswith("![!["):
299                    # if we have already wrapped this in subproc tokens
300                    # and it still doesn't work, adding more won't help
301                    # anything
302                    if not greedy:
303                        greedy = True
304                        continue
305                    else:
306                        raise original_error
307                # replace the line
308                self._print_debug_wrapping(
309                    line, sbpline, last_error_line, last_error_col, maxcol=maxcol
310                )
311                replace_logical_line(lines, sbpline, idx, nlogical)
312                last_error_col += 3
313                input = "\n".join(lines)
314        return tree, input