1 /*
2  * compctl.h - header file for completion
3  *
4  * This file is part of zsh, the Z shell.
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Paul Falstad
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
10  * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
11  * software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
12  * purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
13  * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
14  *
15  * In no event shall Paul Falstad or the Zsh Development Group be liable
16  * to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
17  * damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation,
18  * even if Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group have been advised of
19  * the possibility of such damage.
20  *
21  * Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any
22  * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
23  * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  The software
24  * provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Paul Falstad and the
25  * Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide maintenance,
26  * support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
27  *
28  */
30 #undef compctlread
32 typedef struct compctlp  *Compctlp;
33 typedef struct compctl   *Compctl;
34 typedef struct compcond  *Compcond;
35 typedef struct patcomp   *Patcomp;
37 /* node for compctl hash table (compctltab) */
39 struct compctlp {
40     struct hashnode node;
41     Compctl cc;			/* pointer to the compctl desc.     */
42 };
44 /* for the list of pattern compctls */
46 struct patcomp {
47     Patcomp next;
48     char *pat;
49     Compctl cc;
50 };
52 /* compctl -x condition */
54 struct compcond {
55     Compcond and, or;		/* the next or'ed/and'ed conditions    */
56     int type;			/* the type (CCT_*)                    */
57     int n;			/* the array length                    */
58     union {			/* these structs hold the data used to */
59 	struct {		/* test this condition                 */
60 	    int *a, *b;		/* CCT_POS, CCT_NUMWORDS               */
61 	}
62 	r;
63 	struct {		/* CCT_CURSTR, CCT_CURPAT,... */
64 	    int *p;
65 	    char **s;
66 	}
67 	s;
68 	struct {		/* CCT_RANGESTR,... */
69 	    char **a, **b;
70 	}
71 	l;
72     }
73     u;
74 };
76 #define CCT_UNUSED     0
77 #define CCT_POS        1
78 #define CCT_CURSTR     2
79 #define CCT_CURPAT     3
80 #define CCT_WORDSTR    4
81 #define CCT_WORDPAT    5
82 #define CCT_CURSUF     6
83 #define CCT_CURPRE     7
84 #define CCT_CURSUB     8
85 #define CCT_CURSUBC    9
86 #define CCT_NUMWORDS  10
87 #define CCT_RANGESTR  11
88 #define CCT_RANGEPAT  12
89 #define CCT_QUOTE     13
91 /* Contains the real description for compctls */
93 struct compctl {
94     int refc;			/* reference count                         */
95     Compctl next;		/* next compctl for -x                     */
96     unsigned long mask, mask2;	/* masks of things to complete (CC_*)      */
97     char *keyvar;		/* for -k (variable)                       */
98     char *glob;			/* for -g (globbing)                       */
99     char *str;			/* for -s (expansion)                      */
100     char *func;			/* for -K (function)                       */
101     char *explain;		/* for -X (explanation)                    */
102     char *ylist;		/* for -y (user-defined desc. for listing) */
103     char *prefix, *suffix;	/* for -P and -S (prefix, suffix)          */
104     char *subcmd;		/* for -l (command name to use)            */
105     char *substr;		/* for -1 (command name to use)            */
106     char *withd;		/* for -w (with directory                  */
107     char *hpat;			/* for -H (history pattern)                */
108     int hnum;			/* for -H (number of events to search)     */
109     char *gname;		/* for -J and -V (group name)              */
110     Compctl ext;		/* for -x (first of the compctls after -x) */
111     Compcond cond;		/* for -x (condition for this compctl)     */
112     Compctl xor;		/* for + (next of the xor'ed compctls)     */
113     Cmatcher matcher;		/* matcher control (-M) */
114     char *mstr;			/* matcher string */
115 };
117 /* objects to complete (mask) */
118 #define CC_FILES	(1<<0)
119 #define CC_COMMPATH	(1<<1)
120 #define CC_REMOVE	(1<<2)
121 #define CC_OPTIONS	(1<<3)
122 #define CC_VARS		(1<<4)
123 #define CC_BINDINGS	(1<<5)
124 #define CC_ARRAYS	(1<<6)
125 #define CC_INTVARS	(1<<7)
126 #define CC_SHFUNCS	(1<<8)
127 #define CC_PARAMS	(1<<9)
128 #define CC_ENVVARS	(1<<10)
129 #define CC_JOBS		(1<<11)
130 #define CC_RUNNING	(1<<12)
131 #define CC_STOPPED	(1<<13)
132 #define CC_BUILTINS	(1<<14)
133 #define CC_ALREG	(1<<15)
134 #define CC_ALGLOB	(1<<16)
135 #define CC_USERS	(1<<17)
136 #define CC_DISCMDS	(1<<18)
137 #define CC_EXCMDS	(1<<19)
138 #define CC_SCALARS	(1<<20)
139 #define CC_READONLYS	(1<<21)
140 #define CC_SPECIALS	(1<<22)
141 #define CC_DELETE	(1<<23)
142 #define CC_NAMED	(1<<24)
143 #define CC_QUOTEFLAG	(1<<25)
144 #define CC_EXTCMDS	(1<<26)
145 #define CC_RESWDS	(1<<27)
146 #define CC_DIRS		(1<<28)
148 #define CC_EXPANDEXPL	(1<<30)
149 #define CC_RESERVED	(1<<31)
151 /* objects to complete (mask2) */
152 #define CC_NOSORT	(1<<0)
153 #define CC_XORCONT	(1<<1)
154 #define CC_CCCONT	(1<<2)
155 #define CC_PATCONT	(1<<3)
156 #define CC_DEFCONT	(1<<4)
157 #define CC_UNIQCON      (1<<5)
158 #define CC_UNIQALL      (1<<6)