2# Example Playbook: cisco.ucs.ucs_storage_profile
3- hosts: ucs
4  connection: local
5  gather_facts: false
7  tasks:
8    - name: Test that we have a UCS hostname, UCS username, and UCS password
9      fail:
10        msg: 'Please define the following variables: ucs_hostname, ucs_username and ucs_password.'
11      when: ucs_hostname is not defined or ucs_username is not defined or ucs_password is not defined
12      vars:
13        # use "<<: *login_info" to substite the information below in each task
14        # this is not required, however it makes the playbook shorter.
15        login_info: &login_info
16          hostname: "{{ ucs_hostname }}"
17          username: "{{ ucs_username }}"
18          password: "{{ ucs_password }}"
20    - name: Add UCS Organization
21      cisco.ucs.ucs_org:
22        <<: *login_info
23        org_name: level1
24        parent_org_path: root
25        description: level1 org
26        state: present
27        delegate_to: localhost
29    - name: Configure Storage Profile
30      cisco.ucs.ucs_storage_profile:
31        <<: *login_info
32        name: DEE-StgProf
33        org_dn: org-root/org-level1
34        local_luns:
35        - name: Boot-LUN
36          size: '60'
37          disk_policy_name: DEE-DG
38        - name: Data-LUN
39          size: '200'
40          disk_policy_name: DEE-DG
42    - name: Remove Local LUN from Storage Profile
43      cisco.ucs.ucs_storage_profile:
44        <<: *login_info
45        name: DEE-StgProf
46        org_dn: org-root/org-level1
47        local_luns:
48        - name: Data-LUN
49          state: absent
51    - name: Remove Storage Profile
52      cisco.ucs.ucs_storage_profile:
53        <<: *login_info
54        name: DEE-StgProf
55        org_dn: org-root/org-level1
56        state: absent
58    - name: Remove UCS Organization
59      cisco.ucs.ucs_org:
60        <<: *login_info
61        org_name: level1
62        parent_org_path: root
63        state: absent
64        delegate_to: localhost