2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
6from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
7__metaclass__ = type
9ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
10                    'status': ['preview'],
11                    'supported_by': 'certified'}
15module: ucs_lan_connectivity
16short_description: Configures LAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager
18- Configures LAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager.
19extends_documentation_fragment: cisco.ucs.ucs
21  state:
22    description:
23    - If C(present), will verify LAN Connectivity Policies are present and will create if needed.
24    - If C(absent), will verify LAN Connectivity Policies are absent and will delete if needed.
25    choices: [present, absent]
26    default: present
27  name:
28    description:
29    - The name of the LAN Connectivity Policy.
30    - This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters.
31    - "You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), \"_\" (underscore), : (colon), and . (period)."
32    - You cannot change this name after the policy is created.
33    required: yes
34  description:
35    description:
36    - A description of the LAN Connectivity Policy.
37    - Cisco recommends including information about where and when to use the policy.
38    - Enter up to 256 characters.
39    - "You can use any characters or spaces except the following:"
40    - "` (accent mark), \ (backslash), ^ (carat), \" (double quote), = (equal sign), > (greater than), < (less than), or ' (single quote)."
41    aliases: [ descr ]
42  vnic_list:
43    description:
44    - List of vNICs used by the LAN Connectivity Policy.
45    - vNICs used by the LAN Connectivity Policy must be created from a vNIC template.
46    suboptions:
47      name:
48        description:
49        - The name of the vNIC.
50        required: yes
51      vnic_template:
52        description:
53        - The name of the vNIC template.
54        required: yes
55      adapter_policy:
56        description:
57        - The name of the Ethernet adapter policy.
58        - A user defined policy can be used, or one of the system defined policies.
59      order:
60        description:
61        - String specifying the vNIC assignment order (e.g., '1', '2').
62        default: 'unspecified'
63      state:
64        description:
65        - If C(present), will verify vnic is configured within policy.
66          If C(absent), will verify vnic is absent from policy.
67        choices: [ present, absent ]
68        default: present
69    version_added: '2.8'
70  iscsi_vnic_list:
71    description:
72    - List of iSCSI vNICs used by the LAN Connectivity Policy.
73    suboptions:
74      name:
75        description:
76        - The name of the iSCSI vNIC.
77        required: yes
78      overlay_vnic:
79        description:
80        - The LAN vNIC associated with this iSCSI vNIC.
81      iscsi_adapter_policy:
82        description:
83        - The iSCSI adapter policy associated with this iSCSI vNIC.
84      mac_address:
85        description:
86        - The MAC address associated with this iSCSI vNIC.
87        - If the MAC address is not set, Cisco UCS Manager uses a derived MAC address.
88        default: derived
89      vlan_name:
90        description:
91        - The VLAN used for the iSCSI vNIC.
92        default: default
93      state:
94        description:
95        - If C(present), will verify iscsi vnic is configured within policy.
96          If C(absent), will verify iscsi vnic is absent from policy.
97        choices: [ present, absent ]
98        default: present
99    version_added: '2.8'
100  org_dn:
101    description:
102    - Org dn (distinguished name)
103    default: org-root
105- ucsmsdk
107- David Soper (@dsoper2)
108- John McDonough (@movinalot)
109- CiscoUcs (@CiscoUcs)
110version_added: '2.5'
113EXAMPLES = r'''
114- name: Configure LAN Connectivity Policy
115  cisco.ucs.ucs_lan_connectivity:
116    hostname:
117    username: admin
118    password: password
119    name: Cntr-FC-Boot
120    vnic_list:
121    - name: eno1
122      vnic_template: Cntr-Template
123      adapter_policy: Linux
124    - name: eno2
125      vnic_template: Container-NFS-A
126      adapter_policy: Linux
127    - name: eno3
128      vnic_template: Container-NFS-B
129      adapter_policy: Linux
130    iscsi_vnic_list:
131    - name: iSCSIa
132      overlay_vnic: eno1
133      iscsi_adapter_policy: default
134      vlan_name: Container-MGMT-VLAN
135    - name: iSCSIb
136      overlay_vnic: eno3
137      iscsi_adapter_policy: default
138      vlan_name: Container-TNT-A-NFS
140- name: Remove LAN Connectivity Policy
141  cisco.ucs.ucs_lan_connectivity:
142    hostname:
143    username: admin
144    password: password
145    name: Cntr-FC-Boot
146    state: absent
149RETURN = r'''
153from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
154from ansible_collections.cisco.ucs.plugins.module_utils.ucs import UCSModule, ucs_argument_spec
157def configure_lan_connectivity(ucs, module, dn):
158    from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicLanConnPolicy import VnicLanConnPolicy
159    from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicEther import VnicEther
160    from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicIScsiLCP import VnicIScsiLCP
161    from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicVlan import VnicVlan
163    if not module.check_mode:
164        try:
165            # create if mo does not already exist
166            mo = VnicLanConnPolicy(
167                parent_mo_or_dn=module.params['org_dn'],
168                name=module.params['name'],
169                descr=module.params['description'],
170            )
172            if module.params.get('vnic_list'):
173                for vnic in module.params['vnic_list']:
174                    if vnic['state'] == 'absent':
175                        child_dn = dn + '/ether-' + vnic['name']
176                        mo_1 = ucs.login_handle.query_dn(child_dn)
177                        if mo_1:
178                            ucs.login_handle.remove_mo(mo_1)
179                    else:  # state == 'present'
180                        mo_1 = VnicEther(
181                            addr='derived',
182                            parent_mo_or_dn=mo,
183                            name=vnic['name'],
184                            adaptor_profile_name=vnic['adapter_policy'],
185                            nw_templ_name=vnic['vnic_template'],
186                            order=vnic['order'],
187                        )
189            if module.params.get('iscsi_vnic_list'):
190                for iscsi_vnic in module.params['iscsi_vnic_list']:
191                    if iscsi_vnic['state'] == 'absent':
192                        child_dn = dn + '/iscsi-' + iscsi_vnic['name']
193                        mo_1 = ucs.login_handle.query_dn(child_dn)
194                        if mo_1:
195                            ucs.login_handle.remove_mo(mo_1)
196                    else:  # state == 'present'
197                        mo_1 = VnicIScsiLCP(
198                            parent_mo_or_dn=mo,
199                            name=iscsi_vnic['name'],
200                            adaptor_profile_name=iscsi_vnic['iscsi_adapter_policy'],
201                            vnic_name=iscsi_vnic['overlay_vnic'],
202                            addr=iscsi_vnic['mac_address'],
203                        )
204                        VnicVlan(
205                            parent_mo_or_dn=mo_1,
206                            vlan_name=iscsi_vnic['vlan_name'],
207                        )
209            ucs.login_handle.add_mo(mo, True)
210            ucs.login_handle.commit()
211        except Exception as e:  # generic Exception handling because SDK can throw a variety of exceptions
212            ucs.result['msg'] = "setup error: %s " % str(e)
213            module.fail_json(**ucs.result)
215    ucs.result['changed'] = True
218def check_vnic_props(ucs, module, dn):
219    props_match = True
221    if module.params.get('vnic_list'):
222        # check vnicEther props
223        for vnic in module.params['vnic_list']:
224            child_dn = dn + '/ether-' + vnic['name']
225            mo_1 = ucs.login_handle.query_dn(child_dn)
226            if mo_1:
227                if vnic['state'] == 'absent':
228                    props_match = False
229                    break
230                else:   # state == 'present'
231                    kwargs = dict(adaptor_profile_name=vnic['adapter_policy'])
232                    kwargs['order'] = vnic['order']
233                    kwargs['nw_templ_name'] = vnic['vnic_template']
234                    if not (mo_1.check_prop_match(**kwargs)):
235                        props_match = False
236                        break
237            else:   # mo_1 did not exist
238                if vnic['state'] == 'present':
239                    props_match = False
240                    break
242    return props_match
245def check_iscsi_vnic_props(ucs, module, dn):
246    props_match = True
248    if module.params.get('iscsi_vnic_list'):
249        # check vnicIScsiLCP props
250        for iscsi_vnic in module.params['iscsi_vnic_list']:
251            child_dn = dn + '/iscsi-' + iscsi_vnic['name']
252            mo_1 = ucs.login_handle.query_dn(child_dn)
253            if mo_1:
254                if iscsi_vnic['state'] == 'absent':
255                    props_match = False
256                    break
257                else:   # state == 'present'
258                    kwargs = dict(vnic_name=iscsi_vnic['overlay_vnic'])
259                    kwargs['adaptor_profile_name'] = iscsi_vnic['iscsi_adapter_policy']
260                    kwargs['addr'] = iscsi_vnic['mac_address']
261                    if (mo_1.check_prop_match(**kwargs)):
262                        # check vlan
263                        child_dn = child_dn + '/vlan'
264                        mo_2 = ucs.login_handle.query_dn(child_dn)
265                        if mo_2:
266                            kwargs = dict(vlan_name=iscsi_vnic['vlan_name'])
267                            if not (mo_2.check_prop_match(**kwargs)):
268                                props_match = False
269                                break
270                    else:   # mo_1 props did not match
271                        props_match = False
272                        break
273            else:   # mo_1 did not exist
274                if iscsi_vnic['state'] == 'present':
275                    props_match = False
276                    break
278    return props_match
281def check_lan_connecivity_props(ucs, module, mo, dn):
282    props_match = False
284    # check top-level mo props
285    kwargs = dict(descr=module.params['description'])
286    if (mo.check_prop_match(**kwargs)):
287        # top-level props match, check next level mo/props
288        # check vnic 1st
289        props_match = check_vnic_props(ucs, module, dn)
291        if props_match:
292            props_match = check_iscsi_vnic_props(ucs, module, dn)
294    return props_match
297def main():
298    vnic = dict(
299        name=dict(type='str', required=True),
300        vnic_template=dict(type='str', required=True),
301        adapter_policy=dict(type='str', default=''),
302        order=dict(type='str', default='unspecified'),
303        state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
304    )
305    iscsi_vnic = dict(
306        name=dict(type='str', required=True),
307        overlay_vnic=dict(type='str', default=''),
308        iscsi_adapter_policy=dict(type='str', default=''),
309        mac_address=dict(type='str', default='derived'),
310        vlan_name=dict(type='str', default='default'),
311        state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
312    )
314    argument_spec = ucs_argument_spec
315    argument_spec.update(
316        org_dn=dict(type='str', default='org-root'),
317        name=dict(type='str', required=True),
318        description=dict(type='str', aliases=['descr'], default=''),
319        vnic_list=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=vnic),
320        iscsi_vnic_list=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=iscsi_vnic),
321        state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
322    )
324    module = AnsibleModule(
325        argument_spec,
326        supports_check_mode=True,
327    )
328    ucs = UCSModule(module)
329    # UCSModule creation above verifies ucsmsdk is present and exits on failure.
330    # Additional imports are done below or in called functions.
332    ucs.result['changed'] = False
333    props_match = False
334    # dn is <org_dn>/lan-conn-pol-<name>
335    dn = module.params['org_dn'] + '/lan-conn-pol-' + module.params['name']
337    mo = ucs.login_handle.query_dn(dn)
338    if mo:
339        if module.params['state'] == 'absent':
340            # mo must exist but all properties do not have to match
341            if not module.check_mode:
342                ucs.login_handle.remove_mo(mo)
343                ucs.login_handle.commit()
344            ucs.result['changed'] = True
345        else:  # state == 'present'
346            props_match = check_lan_connecivity_props(ucs, module, mo, dn)
348    if module.params['state'] == 'present' and not props_match:
349        configure_lan_connectivity(ucs, module, dn)
351    module.exit_json(**ucs.result)
354if __name__ == '__main__':
355    main()