2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright (c) 2015 CenturyLink
5# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
7from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
8__metaclass__ = type
12module: clc_publicip
13short_description: Add and Delete public ips on servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
15  - An Ansible module to add or delete public ip addresses on an existing server or servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
17  protocol:
18    description:
19      - The protocol that the public IP will listen for.
20    type: str
21    default: TCP
22    choices: ['TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP']
23  ports:
24    description:
25      - A list of ports to expose. This is required when state is 'present'
26    type: list
27    elements: int
28  server_ids:
29    description:
30      - A list of servers to create public ips on.
31    type: list
32    required: True
33    elements: str
34  state:
35    description:
36      - Determine whether to create or delete public IPs. If present module will not create a second public ip if one
37        already exists.
38    type: str
39    default: present
40    choices: ['present', 'absent']
41  wait:
42    description:
43      - Whether to wait for the tasks to finish before returning.
44    type: bool
45    default: 'yes'
47    - python = 2.7
48    - requests >= 2.5.0
49    - clc-sdk
50author: "CLC Runner (@clc-runner)"
52    - To use this module, it is required to set the below environment variables which enables access to the
53      Centurylink Cloud
54          - CLC_V2_API_USERNAME, the account login id for the centurylink cloud
55          - CLC_V2_API_PASSWORD, the account password for the centurylink cloud
56    - Alternatively, the module accepts the API token and account alias. The API token can be generated using the
57      CLC account login and password via the HTTP api call @ https://api.ctl.io/v2/authentication/login
58          - CLC_V2_API_TOKEN, the API token generated from https://api.ctl.io/v2/authentication/login
59          - CLC_ACCT_ALIAS, the account alias associated with the centurylink cloud
60    - Users can set CLC_V2_API_URL to specify an endpoint for pointing to a different CLC environment.
63EXAMPLES = '''
64# Note - You must set the CLC_V2_API_USERNAME And CLC_V2_API_PASSWD Environment variables before running these examples
66- name: Add Public IP to Server
67  hosts: localhost
68  gather_facts: False
69  connection: local
70  tasks:
71    - name: Create Public IP For Servers
72      community.general.clc_publicip:
73        protocol: TCP
74        ports:
75          - 80
76        server_ids:
77          - UC1TEST-SVR01
78          - UC1TEST-SVR02
79        state: present
80      register: clc
82    - name: Debug
83      ansible.builtin.debug:
84        var: clc
86- name: Delete Public IP from Server
87  hosts: localhost
88  gather_facts: False
89  connection: local
90  tasks:
91    - name: Create Public IP For Servers
92      community.general.clc_publicip:
93        server_ids:
94          - UC1TEST-SVR01
95          - UC1TEST-SVR02
96        state: absent
97      register: clc
99    - name: Debug
100      ansible.builtin.debug:
101        var: clc
104RETURN = '''
106    description: The list of server ids that are changed
107    returned: success
108    type: list
109    sample:
110        [
111            "UC1TEST-SVR01",
112            "UC1TEST-SVR02"
113        ]
116__version__ = '${version}'
118import os
119import traceback
120from distutils.version import LooseVersion
124    import requests
125except ImportError:
126    REQUESTS_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
127    REQUESTS_FOUND = False
129    REQUESTS_FOUND = True
132#  Requires the clc-python-sdk.
133#  sudo pip install clc-sdk
135CLC_IMP_ERR = None
137    import clc as clc_sdk
138    from clc import CLCException
139except ImportError:
140    CLC_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
141    CLC_FOUND = False
142    clc_sdk = None
144    CLC_FOUND = True
146from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
149class ClcPublicIp(object):
150    clc = clc_sdk
151    module = None
153    def __init__(self, module):
154        """
155        Construct module
156        """
157        self.module = module
158        if not CLC_FOUND:
159            self.module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('clc-sdk'), exception=CLC_IMP_ERR)
160        if not REQUESTS_FOUND:
161            self.module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('requests'), exception=REQUESTS_IMP_ERR)
162        if requests.__version__ and LooseVersion(requests.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.5.0'):
163            self.module.fail_json(
164                msg='requests library  version should be >= 2.5.0')
166        self._set_user_agent(self.clc)
168    def process_request(self):
169        """
170        Process the request - Main Code Path
171        :return: Returns with either an exit_json or fail_json
172        """
173        self._set_clc_credentials_from_env()
174        params = self.module.params
175        server_ids = params['server_ids']
176        ports = params['ports']
177        protocol = params['protocol']
178        state = params['state']
180        if state == 'present':
181            changed, changed_server_ids, requests = self.ensure_public_ip_present(
182                server_ids=server_ids, protocol=protocol, ports=ports)
183        elif state == 'absent':
184            changed, changed_server_ids, requests = self.ensure_public_ip_absent(
185                server_ids=server_ids)
186        else:
187            return self.module.fail_json(msg="Unknown State: " + state)
188        self._wait_for_requests_to_complete(requests)
189        return self.module.exit_json(changed=changed,
190                                     server_ids=changed_server_ids)
192    @staticmethod
193    def _define_module_argument_spec():
194        """
195        Define the argument spec for the ansible module
196        :return: argument spec dictionary
197        """
198        argument_spec = dict(
199            server_ids=dict(type='list', required=True, elements='str'),
200            protocol=dict(default='TCP', choices=['TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP']),
201            ports=dict(type='list', elements='int'),
202            wait=dict(type='bool', default=True),
203            state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
204        )
205        return argument_spec
207    def ensure_public_ip_present(self, server_ids, protocol, ports):
208        """
209        Ensures the given server ids having the public ip available
210        :param server_ids: the list of server ids
211        :param protocol: the ip protocol
212        :param ports: the list of ports to expose
213        :return: (changed, changed_server_ids, results)
214                  changed: A flag indicating if there is any change
215                  changed_server_ids : the list of server ids that are changed
216                  results: The result list from clc public ip call
217        """
218        changed = False
219        results = []
220        changed_server_ids = []
221        servers = self._get_servers_from_clc(
222            server_ids,
223            'Failed to obtain server list from the CLC API')
224        servers_to_change = [
225            server for server in servers if len(
226                server.PublicIPs().public_ips) == 0]
227        ports_to_expose = [{'protocol': protocol, 'port': port}
228                           for port in ports]
229        for server in servers_to_change:
230            if not self.module.check_mode:
231                result = self._add_publicip_to_server(server, ports_to_expose)
232                results.append(result)
233            changed_server_ids.append(server.id)
234            changed = True
235        return changed, changed_server_ids, results
237    def _add_publicip_to_server(self, server, ports_to_expose):
238        result = None
239        try:
240            result = server.PublicIPs().Add(ports_to_expose)
241        except CLCException as ex:
242            self.module.fail_json(msg='Failed to add public ip to the server : {0}. {1}'.format(
243                server.id, ex.response_text
244            ))
245        return result
247    def ensure_public_ip_absent(self, server_ids):
248        """
249        Ensures the given server ids having the public ip removed if there is any
250        :param server_ids: the list of server ids
251        :return: (changed, changed_server_ids, results)
252                  changed: A flag indicating if there is any change
253                  changed_server_ids : the list of server ids that are changed
254                  results: The result list from clc public ip call
255        """
256        changed = False
257        results = []
258        changed_server_ids = []
259        servers = self._get_servers_from_clc(
260            server_ids,
261            'Failed to obtain server list from the CLC API')
262        servers_to_change = [
263            server for server in servers if len(
264                server.PublicIPs().public_ips) > 0]
265        for server in servers_to_change:
266            if not self.module.check_mode:
267                result = self._remove_publicip_from_server(server)
268                results.append(result)
269            changed_server_ids.append(server.id)
270            changed = True
271        return changed, changed_server_ids, results
273    def _remove_publicip_from_server(self, server):
274        result = None
275        try:
276            for ip_address in server.PublicIPs().public_ips:
277                result = ip_address.Delete()
278        except CLCException as ex:
279            self.module.fail_json(msg='Failed to remove public ip from the server : {0}. {1}'.format(
280                server.id, ex.response_text
281            ))
282        return result
284    def _wait_for_requests_to_complete(self, requests_lst):
285        """
286        Waits until the CLC requests are complete if the wait argument is True
287        :param requests_lst: The list of CLC request objects
288        :return: none
289        """
290        if not self.module.params['wait']:
291            return
292        for request in requests_lst:
293            request.WaitUntilComplete()
294            for request_details in request.requests:
295                if request_details.Status() != 'succeeded':
296                    self.module.fail_json(
297                        msg='Unable to process public ip request')
299    def _set_clc_credentials_from_env(self):
300        """
301        Set the CLC Credentials on the sdk by reading environment variables
302        :return: none
303        """
304        env = os.environ
305        v2_api_token = env.get('CLC_V2_API_TOKEN', False)
306        v2_api_username = env.get('CLC_V2_API_USERNAME', False)
307        v2_api_passwd = env.get('CLC_V2_API_PASSWD', False)
308        clc_alias = env.get('CLC_ACCT_ALIAS', False)
309        api_url = env.get('CLC_V2_API_URL', False)
311        if api_url:
312            self.clc.defaults.ENDPOINT_URL_V2 = api_url
314        if v2_api_token and clc_alias:
315            self.clc._LOGIN_TOKEN_V2 = v2_api_token
316            self.clc._V2_ENABLED = True
317            self.clc.ALIAS = clc_alias
318        elif v2_api_username and v2_api_passwd:
319            self.clc.v2.SetCredentials(
320                api_username=v2_api_username,
321                api_passwd=v2_api_passwd)
322        else:
323            return self.module.fail_json(
324                msg="You must set the CLC_V2_API_USERNAME and CLC_V2_API_PASSWD "
325                    "environment variables")
327    def _get_servers_from_clc(self, server_ids, message):
328        """
329        Gets list of servers form CLC api
330        """
331        try:
332            return self.clc.v2.Servers(server_ids).servers
333        except CLCException as exception:
334            self.module.fail_json(msg=message + ': %s' % exception)
336    @staticmethod
337    def _set_user_agent(clc):
338        if hasattr(clc, 'SetRequestsSession'):
339            agent_string = "ClcAnsibleModule/" + __version__
340            ses = requests.Session()
341            ses.headers.update({"Api-Client": agent_string})
342            ses.headers['User-Agent'] += " " + agent_string
343            clc.SetRequestsSession(ses)
346def main():
347    """
348    The main function.  Instantiates the module and calls process_request.
349    :return: none
350    """
351    module = AnsibleModule(
352        argument_spec=ClcPublicIp._define_module_argument_spec(),
353        supports_check_mode=True
354    )
355    clc_public_ip = ClcPublicIp(module)
356    clc_public_ip.process_request()
359if __name__ == '__main__':
360    main()