2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright: (c) 2016, Hiroaki Nakamura <hnakamur@gmail.com>
5# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
7from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
8__metaclass__ = type
13module: lxd_container
14short_description: Manage LXD Containers
16  - Management of LXD containers
17author: "Hiroaki Nakamura (@hnakamur)"
19    name:
20        description:
21          - Name of a container.
22        type: str
23        required: true
24    architecture:
25        description:
26          - 'The architecture for the container (for example C(x86_64) or C(i686)).
27            See U(https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md#post-1).'
28        type: str
29        required: false
30    config:
31        description:
32          - 'The config for the container (for example C({"limits.cpu": "2"})).
33            See U(https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md#post-1).'
34          - If the container already exists and its "config" values in metadata
35            obtained from GET /1.0/containers/<name>
36            U(https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md#10containersname)
37            are different, this module tries to apply the configurations.
38          - The keys starting with C(volatile.) are ignored for this comparison when I(ignore_volatile_options=true).
39        type: dict
40        required: false
41    ignore_volatile_options:
42        description:
43          - If set to C(true), options starting with C(volatile.) are ignored. As a result,
44            they are reapplied for each execution.
45          - This default behavior can be changed by setting this option to C(false).
46          - The default value C(true) will be deprecated in community.general 4.0.0,
47            and will change to C(false) in community.general 5.0.0.
48        type: bool
49        default: true
50        required: false
51        version_added: 3.7.0
52    profiles:
53        description:
54          - Profile to be used by the container.
55        type: list
56        elements: str
57    devices:
58        description:
59          - 'The devices for the container
60            (for example C({ "rootfs": { "path": "/dev/kvm", "type": "unix-char" }})).
61            See U(https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md#post-1).'
62        type: dict
63        required: false
64    ephemeral:
65        description:
66          - Whether or not the container is ephemeral (for example C(true) or C(false)).
67            See U(https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md#post-1).
68        required: false
69        type: bool
70    source:
71        description:
72          - 'The source for the container
73            (e.g. { "type": "image",
74                    "mode": "pull",
75                    "server": "https://images.linuxcontainers.org",
76                    "protocol": "lxd",
77                    "alias": "ubuntu/xenial/amd64" }).'
78          - 'See U(https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/rest-api.md#post-1) for complete API documentation.'
79          - 'Note that C(protocol) accepts two choices: C(lxd) or C(simplestreams).'
80        required: false
81        type: dict
82    state:
83        choices:
84          - started
85          - stopped
86          - restarted
87          - absent
88          - frozen
89        description:
90          - Define the state of a container.
91        required: false
92        default: started
93        type: str
94    target:
95        description:
96          - For cluster deployments. Will attempt to create a container on a target node.
97            If container exists elsewhere in a cluster, then container will not be replaced or moved.
98            The name should respond to same name of the node you see in C(lxc cluster list).
99        type: str
100        required: false
101        version_added: 1.0.0
102    timeout:
103        description:
104          - A timeout for changing the state of the container.
105          - This is also used as a timeout for waiting until IPv4 addresses
106            are set to the all network interfaces in the container after
107            starting or restarting.
108        required: false
109        default: 30
110        type: int
111    wait_for_ipv4_addresses:
112        description:
113          - If this is true, the C(lxd_container) waits until IPv4 addresses
114            are set to the all network interfaces in the container after
115            starting or restarting.
116        required: false
117        default: false
118        type: bool
119    force_stop:
120        description:
121          - If this is true, the C(lxd_container) forces to stop the container
122            when it stops or restarts the container.
123        required: false
124        default: false
125        type: bool
126    url:
127        description:
128          - The unix domain socket path or the https URL for the LXD server.
129        required: false
130        default: unix:/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket
131        type: str
132    snap_url:
133        description:
134          - The unix domain socket path when LXD is installed by snap package manager.
135        required: false
136        default: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket
137        type: str
138    client_key:
139        description:
140          - The client certificate key file path.
141          - If not specified, it defaults to C(${HOME}/.config/lxc/client.key).
142        required: false
143        aliases: [ key_file ]
144        type: path
145    client_cert:
146        description:
147          - The client certificate file path.
148          - If not specified, it defaults to C(${HOME}/.config/lxc/client.crt).
149        required: false
150        aliases: [ cert_file ]
151        type: path
152    trust_password:
153        description:
154          - The client trusted password.
155          - 'You need to set this password on the LXD server before
156            running this module using the following command:
157            C(lxc config set core.trust_password <some random password>).
158            See U(https://www.stgraber.org/2016/04/18/lxd-api-direct-interaction/).'
159          - If trust_password is set, this module send a request for
160            authentication before sending any requests.
161        required: false
162        type: str
164  - Containers must have a unique name. If you attempt to create a container
165    with a name that already existed in the users namespace the module will
166    simply return as "unchanged".
167  - There are two ways to run commands in containers, using the command
168    module or using the ansible lxd connection plugin bundled in Ansible >=
169    2.1, the later requires python to be installed in the container which can
170    be done with the command module.
171  - You can copy a file from the host to the container
172    with the Ansible M(ansible.builtin.copy) and M(ansible.builtin.template) module and the `lxd` connection plugin.
173    See the example below.
174  - You can copy a file in the created container to the localhost
175    with `command=lxc file pull container_name/dir/filename filename`.
176    See the first example below.
179EXAMPLES = '''
180# An example for creating a Ubuntu container and install python
181- hosts: localhost
182  connection: local
183  tasks:
184    - name: Create a started container
185      community.general.lxd_container:
186        name: mycontainer
187        ignore_volatile_options: true
188        state: started
189        source:
190          type: image
191          mode: pull
192          server: https://images.linuxcontainers.org
193          protocol: lxd # if you get a 404, try setting protocol: simplestreams
194          alias: ubuntu/xenial/amd64
195        profiles: ["default"]
196        wait_for_ipv4_addresses: true
197        timeout: 600
199    - name: Check python is installed in container
200      delegate_to: mycontainer
201      ansible.builtin.raw: dpkg -s python
202      register: python_install_check
203      failed_when: python_install_check.rc not in [0, 1]
204      changed_when: false
206    - name: Install python in container
207      delegate_to: mycontainer
208      ansible.builtin.raw: apt-get install -y python
209      when: python_install_check.rc == 1
211# An example for creating an Ubuntu 14.04 container using an image fingerprint.
212# This requires changing 'server' and 'protocol' key values, replacing the
213# 'alias' key with with 'fingerprint' and supplying an appropriate value that
214# matches the container image you wish to use.
215- hosts: localhost
216  connection: local
217  tasks:
218    - name: Create a started container
219      community.general.lxd_container:
220        name: mycontainer
221        ignore_volatile_options: true
222        state: started
223        source:
224          type: image
225          mode: pull
226          # Provides current (and older) Ubuntu images with listed fingerprints
227          server: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases
228          # Protocol used by 'ubuntu' remote (as shown by 'lxc remote list')
229          protocol: simplestreams
230          # This provides an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS amd64 image from 20150814.
231          fingerprint: e9a8bdfab6dc
232        profiles: ["default"]
233        wait_for_ipv4_addresses: true
234        timeout: 600
236# An example for deleting a container
237- hosts: localhost
238  connection: local
239  tasks:
240    - name: Delete a container
241      community.general.lxd_container:
242        name: mycontainer
243        state: absent
245# An example for restarting a container
246- hosts: localhost
247  connection: local
248  tasks:
249    - name: Restart a container
250      community.general.lxd_container:
251        name: mycontainer
252        state: restarted
254# An example for restarting a container using https to connect to the LXD server
255- hosts: localhost
256  connection: local
257  tasks:
258    - name: Restart a container
259      community.general.lxd_container:
260        url:
261        # These client_cert and client_key values are equal to the default values.
262        #client_cert: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.config/lxc/client.crt"
263        #client_key: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.config/lxc/client.key"
264        trust_password: mypassword
265        name: mycontainer
266        state: restarted
268# Note your container must be in the inventory for the below example.
270# [containers]
271# mycontainer ansible_connection=lxd
273- hosts:
274    - mycontainer
275  tasks:
276    - name: Copy /etc/hosts in the created container to localhost with name "mycontainer-hosts"
277      ansible.builtin.fetch:
278        src: /etc/hosts
279        dest: /tmp/mycontainer-hosts
280        flat: true
282# An example for LXD cluster deployments. This example will create two new container on specific
283# nodes - 'node01' and 'node02'. In 'target:', 'node01' and 'node02' are names of LXD cluster
284# members that LXD cluster recognizes, not ansible inventory names, see: 'lxc cluster list'.
285# LXD API calls can be made to any LXD member, in this example, we send API requests to
286#'node01.example.com', which matches ansible inventory name.
287- hosts: node01.example.com
288  tasks:
289    - name: Create LXD container
290      community.general.lxd_container:
291        name: new-container-1
292        ignore_volatile_options: true
293        state: started
294        source:
295          type: image
296          mode: pull
297          alias: ubuntu/xenial/amd64
298        target: node01
300    - name: Create container on another node
301      community.general.lxd_container:
302        name: new-container-2
303        ignore_volatile_options: true
304        state: started
305        source:
306          type: image
307          mode: pull
308          alias: ubuntu/xenial/amd64
309        target: node02
312RETURN = '''
314  description: Mapping from the network device name to a list of IPv4 addresses in the container
315  returned: when state is started or restarted
316  type: dict
317  sample: {"eth0": [""]}
319  description: The old state of the container
320  returned: when state is started or restarted
321  type: str
322  sample: "stopped"
324  description: The logs of requests and responses.
325  returned: when ansible-playbook is invoked with -vvvv.
326  type: list
327  sample: "(too long to be placed here)"
329  description: List of actions performed for the container.
330  returned: success
331  type: list
332  sample: '["create", "start"]'
334import datetime
335import os
336import time
338from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
339from ansible_collections.community.general.plugins.module_utils.lxd import LXDClient, LXDClientException
340from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
342# LXD_ANSIBLE_STATES is a map of states that contain values of methods used
343# when a particular state is evoked.
345    'started': '_started',
346    'stopped': '_stopped',
347    'restarted': '_restarted',
348    'absent': '_destroyed',
349    'frozen': '_frozen'
352# ANSIBLE_LXD_STATES is a map of states of lxd containers to the Ansible
353# lxc_container module state parameter value.
355    'Running': 'started',
356    'Stopped': 'stopped',
357    'Frozen': 'frozen',
360# ANSIBLE_LXD_DEFAULT_URL is a default value of the lxd endpoint
361ANSIBLE_LXD_DEFAULT_URL = 'unix:/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket'
363# CONFIG_PARAMS is a list of config attribute names.
365    'architecture', 'config', 'devices', 'ephemeral', 'profiles', 'source'
369class LXDContainerManagement(object):
370    def __init__(self, module):
371        """Management of LXC containers via Ansible.
373        :param module: Processed Ansible Module.
374        :type module: ``object``
375        """
376        self.module = module
377        self.name = self.module.params['name']
378        self._build_config()
380        self.state = self.module.params['state']
382        self.timeout = self.module.params['timeout']
383        self.wait_for_ipv4_addresses = self.module.params['wait_for_ipv4_addresses']
384        self.force_stop = self.module.params['force_stop']
385        self.addresses = None
386        self.target = self.module.params['target']
388        self.key_file = self.module.params.get('client_key')
389        if self.key_file is None:
390            self.key_file = '{0}/.config/lxc/client.key'.format(os.environ['HOME'])
391        self.cert_file = self.module.params.get('client_cert')
392        if self.cert_file is None:
393            self.cert_file = '{0}/.config/lxc/client.crt'.format(os.environ['HOME'])
394        self.debug = self.module._verbosity >= 4
396        try:
397            if self.module.params['url'] != ANSIBLE_LXD_DEFAULT_URL:
398                self.url = self.module.params['url']
399            elif os.path.exists(self.module.params['snap_url'].replace('unix:', '')):
400                self.url = self.module.params['snap_url']
401            else:
402                self.url = self.module.params['url']
403        except Exception as e:
404            self.module.fail_json(msg=e.msg)
406        try:
407            self.client = LXDClient(
408                self.url, key_file=self.key_file, cert_file=self.cert_file,
409                debug=self.debug
410            )
411        except LXDClientException as e:
412            self.module.fail_json(msg=e.msg)
413        self.trust_password = self.module.params.get('trust_password', None)
414        self.actions = []
416    def _build_config(self):
417        self.config = {}
418        for attr in CONFIG_PARAMS:
419            param_val = self.module.params.get(attr, None)
420            if param_val is not None:
421                self.config[attr] = param_val
423    def _get_container_json(self):
424        return self.client.do(
425            'GET', '/1.0/containers/{0}'.format(self.name),
426            ok_error_codes=[404]
427        )
429    def _get_container_state_json(self):
430        return self.client.do(
431            'GET', '/1.0/containers/{0}/state'.format(self.name),
432            ok_error_codes=[404]
433        )
435    @staticmethod
436    def _container_json_to_module_state(resp_json):
437        if resp_json['type'] == 'error':
438            return 'absent'
439        return ANSIBLE_LXD_STATES[resp_json['metadata']['status']]
441    def _change_state(self, action, force_stop=False):
442        body_json = {'action': action, 'timeout': self.timeout}
443        if force_stop:
444            body_json['force'] = True
445        return self.client.do('PUT', '/1.0/containers/{0}/state'.format(self.name), body_json=body_json)
447    def _create_container(self):
448        config = self.config.copy()
449        config['name'] = self.name
450        if self.target:
451            self.client.do('POST', '/1.0/containers?' + urlencode(dict(target=self.target)), config)
452        else:
453            self.client.do('POST', '/1.0/containers', config)
454        self.actions.append('create')
456    def _start_container(self):
457        self._change_state('start')
458        self.actions.append('start')
460    def _stop_container(self):
461        self._change_state('stop', self.force_stop)
462        self.actions.append('stop')
464    def _restart_container(self):
465        self._change_state('restart', self.force_stop)
466        self.actions.append('restart')
468    def _delete_container(self):
469        self.client.do('DELETE', '/1.0/containers/{0}'.format(self.name))
470        self.actions.append('delete')
472    def _freeze_container(self):
473        self._change_state('freeze')
474        self.actions.append('freeze')
476    def _unfreeze_container(self):
477        self._change_state('unfreeze')
478        self.actions.append('unfreez')
480    def _container_ipv4_addresses(self, ignore_devices=None):
481        ignore_devices = ['lo'] if ignore_devices is None else ignore_devices
483        resp_json = self._get_container_state_json()
484        network = resp_json['metadata']['network'] or {}
485        network = dict((k, v) for k, v in network.items() if k not in ignore_devices) or {}
486        addresses = dict((k, [a['address'] for a in v['addresses'] if a['family'] == 'inet']) for k, v in network.items()) or {}
487        return addresses
489    @staticmethod
490    def _has_all_ipv4_addresses(addresses):
491        return len(addresses) > 0 and all(len(v) > 0 for v in addresses.values())
493    def _get_addresses(self):
494        try:
495            due = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.timeout)
496            while datetime.datetime.now() < due:
497                time.sleep(1)
498                addresses = self._container_ipv4_addresses()
499                if self._has_all_ipv4_addresses(addresses):
500                    self.addresses = addresses
501                    return
502        except LXDClientException as e:
503            e.msg = 'timeout for getting IPv4 addresses'
504            raise
506    def _started(self):
507        if self.old_state == 'absent':
508            self._create_container()
509            self._start_container()
510        else:
511            if self.old_state == 'frozen':
512                self._unfreeze_container()
513            elif self.old_state == 'stopped':
514                self._start_container()
515            if self._needs_to_apply_container_configs():
516                self._apply_container_configs()
517        if self.wait_for_ipv4_addresses:
518            self._get_addresses()
520    def _stopped(self):
521        if self.old_state == 'absent':
522            self._create_container()
523        else:
524            if self.old_state == 'stopped':
525                if self._needs_to_apply_container_configs():
526                    self._start_container()
527                    self._apply_container_configs()
528                    self._stop_container()
529            else:
530                if self.old_state == 'frozen':
531                    self._unfreeze_container()
532                if self._needs_to_apply_container_configs():
533                    self._apply_container_configs()
534                self._stop_container()
536    def _restarted(self):
537        if self.old_state == 'absent':
538            self._create_container()
539            self._start_container()
540        else:
541            if self.old_state == 'frozen':
542                self._unfreeze_container()
543            if self._needs_to_apply_container_configs():
544                self._apply_container_configs()
545            self._restart_container()
546        if self.wait_for_ipv4_addresses:
547            self._get_addresses()
549    def _destroyed(self):
550        if self.old_state != 'absent':
551            if self.old_state == 'frozen':
552                self._unfreeze_container()
553            if self.old_state != 'stopped':
554                self._stop_container()
555            self._delete_container()
557    def _frozen(self):
558        if self.old_state == 'absent':
559            self._create_container()
560            self._start_container()
561            self._freeze_container()
562        else:
563            if self.old_state == 'stopped':
564                self._start_container()
565            if self._needs_to_apply_container_configs():
566                self._apply_container_configs()
567            self._freeze_container()
569    def _needs_to_change_container_config(self, key):
570        if key not in self.config:
571            return False
572        if key == 'config' and self.ignore_volatile_options:  # the old behavior is to ignore configurations by keyword "volatile"
573            old_configs = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.old_container_json['metadata'][key].items() if not k.startswith('volatile.'))
574            for k, v in self.config['config'].items():
575                if k not in old_configs:
576                    return True
577                if old_configs[k] != v:
578                    return True
579            return False
580        elif key == 'config':  # next default behavior
581            old_configs = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.old_container_json['metadata'][key].items())
582            for k, v in self.config['config'].items():
583                if k not in old_configs:
584                    return True
585                if old_configs[k] != v:
586                    return True
587            return False
588        else:
589            old_configs = self.old_container_json['metadata'][key]
590            return self.config[key] != old_configs
592    def _needs_to_apply_container_configs(self):
593        return (
594            self._needs_to_change_container_config('architecture') or
595            self._needs_to_change_container_config('config') or
596            self._needs_to_change_container_config('ephemeral') or
597            self._needs_to_change_container_config('devices') or
598            self._needs_to_change_container_config('profiles')
599        )
601    def _apply_container_configs(self):
602        old_metadata = self.old_container_json['metadata']
603        body_json = {
604            'architecture': old_metadata['architecture'],
605            'config': old_metadata['config'],
606            'devices': old_metadata['devices'],
607            'profiles': old_metadata['profiles']
608        }
609        if self._needs_to_change_container_config('architecture'):
610            body_json['architecture'] = self.config['architecture']
611        if self._needs_to_change_container_config('config'):
612            for k, v in self.config['config'].items():
613                body_json['config'][k] = v
614        if self._needs_to_change_container_config('ephemeral'):
615            body_json['ephemeral'] = self.config['ephemeral']
616        if self._needs_to_change_container_config('devices'):
617            body_json['devices'] = self.config['devices']
618        if self._needs_to_change_container_config('profiles'):
619            body_json['profiles'] = self.config['profiles']
620        self.client.do('PUT', '/1.0/containers/{0}'.format(self.name), body_json=body_json)
621        self.actions.append('apply_container_configs')
623    def run(self):
624        """Run the main method."""
626        try:
627            if self.trust_password is not None:
628                self.client.authenticate(self.trust_password)
629            self.ignore_volatile_options = self.module.params.get('ignore_volatile_options')
631            self.old_container_json = self._get_container_json()
632            self.old_state = self._container_json_to_module_state(self.old_container_json)
633            action = getattr(self, LXD_ANSIBLE_STATES[self.state])
634            action()
636            state_changed = len(self.actions) > 0
637            result_json = {
638                'log_verbosity': self.module._verbosity,
639                'changed': state_changed,
640                'old_state': self.old_state,
641                'actions': self.actions
642            }
643            if self.client.debug:
644                result_json['logs'] = self.client.logs
645            if self.addresses is not None:
646                result_json['addresses'] = self.addresses
647            self.module.exit_json(**result_json)
648        except LXDClientException as e:
649            state_changed = len(self.actions) > 0
650            fail_params = {
651                'msg': e.msg,
652                'changed': state_changed,
653                'actions': self.actions
654            }
655            if self.client.debug:
656                fail_params['logs'] = e.kwargs['logs']
657            self.module.fail_json(**fail_params)
660def main():
661    """Ansible Main module."""
663    module = AnsibleModule(
664        argument_spec=dict(
665            name=dict(
666                type='str',
667                required=True
668            ),
669            architecture=dict(
670                type='str',
671            ),
672            config=dict(
673                type='dict',
674            ),
675            ignore_volatile_options=dict(
676                type='bool',
677                default=True
678            ),
679            devices=dict(
680                type='dict',
681            ),
682            ephemeral=dict(
683                type='bool',
684            ),
685            profiles=dict(
686                type='list',
687                elements='str',
688            ),
689            source=dict(
690                type='dict',
691            ),
692            state=dict(
693                choices=list(LXD_ANSIBLE_STATES.keys()),
694                default='started'
695            ),
696            target=dict(
697                type='str',
698            ),
699            timeout=dict(
700                type='int',
701                default=30
702            ),
703            wait_for_ipv4_addresses=dict(
704                type='bool',
705                default=False
706            ),
707            force_stop=dict(
708                type='bool',
709                default=False
710            ),
711            url=dict(
712                type='str',
713                default=ANSIBLE_LXD_DEFAULT_URL
714            ),
715            snap_url=dict(
716                type='str',
717                default='unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket'
718            ),
719            client_key=dict(
720                type='path',
721                aliases=['key_file']
722            ),
723            client_cert=dict(
724                type='path',
725                aliases=['cert_file']
726            ),
727            trust_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True)
728        ),
729        supports_check_mode=False,
730    )
731    # if module.params['ignore_volatile_options'] is None:
732    #     module.params['ignore_volatile_options'] = True
733    #     module.deprecate(
734    #         'If the keyword "volatile" is used in a playbook in the config section, a
735    #         "changed" message will appear with every run, even without a change to the playbook.
736    #         This will change in the future.
737    #         Please test your scripts by "ignore_volatile_options: false"', version='5.0.0', collection_name='community.general')
738    lxd_manage = LXDContainerManagement(module=module)
739    lxd_manage.run()
742if __name__ == '__main__':
743    main()