2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# (c) 2013, 2014, Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens () gmail.com>
5# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
7from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
8__metaclass__ = type
13module: mqtt
14short_description: Publish a message on an MQTT topic for the IoT
16   - Publish a message on an MQTT topic.
18  server:
19    type: str
20    description:
21      - MQTT broker address/name
22    default: localhost
23  port:
24    type: int
25    description:
26      - MQTT broker port number
27    default: 1883
28  username:
29    type: str
30    description:
31      - Username to authenticate against the broker.
32  password:
33    type: str
34    description:
35      - Password for C(username) to authenticate against the broker.
36  client_id:
37    type: str
38    description:
39      - MQTT client identifier
40      - If not specified, a value C(hostname + pid) will be used.
41  topic:
42    type: str
43    description:
44      - MQTT topic name
45    required: true
46  payload:
47    type: str
48    description:
49      - Payload. The special string C("None") may be used to send a NULL
50        (i.e. empty) payload which is useful to simply notify with the I(topic)
51        or to clear previously retained messages.
52    required: true
53  qos:
54    type: str
55    description:
56      - QoS (Quality of Service)
57    default: "0"
58    choices: [ "0", "1", "2" ]
59  retain:
60    description:
61      - Setting this flag causes the broker to retain (i.e. keep) the message so that
62        applications that subsequently subscribe to the topic can received the last
63        retained message immediately.
64    type: bool
65    default: 'no'
66  ca_cert:
67    type: path
68    description:
69      - The path to the Certificate Authority certificate files that are to be
70        treated as trusted by this client. If this is the only option given
71        then the client will operate in a similar manner to a web browser. That
72        is to say it will require the broker to have a certificate signed by the
73        Certificate Authorities in ca_certs and will communicate using TLS v1,
74        but will not attempt any form of authentication. This provides basic
75        network encryption but may not be sufficient depending on how the broker
76        is configured.
77    aliases: [ ca_certs ]
78  client_cert:
79    type: path
80    description:
81      - The path pointing to the PEM encoded client certificate. If this is not
82        None it will be used as client information for TLS based
83        authentication. Support for this feature is broker dependent.
84    aliases: [ certfile ]
85  client_key:
86    type: path
87    description:
88      - The path pointing to the PEM encoded client private key. If this is not
89        None it will be used as client information for TLS based
90        authentication. Support for this feature is broker dependent.
91    aliases: [ keyfile ]
92  tls_version:
93    description:
94      - Specifies the version of the SSL/TLS protocol to be used.
95      - By default (if the python version supports it) the highest TLS version is
96        detected. If unavailable, TLS v1 is used.
97    type: str
98    choices:
99      - tlsv1.1
100      - tlsv1.2
101requirements: [ mosquitto ]
103 - This module requires a connection to an MQTT broker such as Mosquitto
104   U(http://mosquitto.org) and the I(Paho) C(mqtt) Python client (U(https://pypi.org/project/paho-mqtt/)).
105author: "Jan-Piet Mens (@jpmens)"
108EXAMPLES = '''
109- name: Publish a message on an MQTT topic
110  community.general.mqtt:
111    topic: 'service/ansible/{{ ansible_hostname }}'
112    payload: 'Hello at {{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}'
113    qos: 0
114    retain: False
115    client_id: ans001
116  delegate_to: localhost
119# ===========================================
120# MQTT module support methods.
123import os
124import ssl
125import traceback
126import platform
127from distutils.version import LooseVersion
132    import socket
133    import paho.mqtt.publish as mqtt
134except ImportError:
135    PAHOMQTT_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
136    HAS_PAHOMQTT = False
138from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
139from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native
142# ===========================================
143# Main
146def main():
147    tls_map = {}
149    try:
150        tls_map['tlsv1.2'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2
151    except AttributeError:
152        pass
154    try:
155        tls_map['tlsv1.1'] = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1
156    except AttributeError:
157        pass
159    module = AnsibleModule(
160        argument_spec=dict(
161            server=dict(default='localhost'),
162            port=dict(default=1883, type='int'),
163            topic=dict(required=True),
164            payload=dict(required=True),
165            client_id=dict(default=None),
166            qos=dict(default="0", choices=["0", "1", "2"]),
167            retain=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
168            username=dict(default=None),
169            password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
170            ca_cert=dict(default=None, type='path', aliases=['ca_certs']),
171            client_cert=dict(default=None, type='path', aliases=['certfile']),
172            client_key=dict(default=None, type='path', aliases=['keyfile']),
173            tls_version=dict(default=None, choices=['tlsv1.1', 'tlsv1.2'])
174        ),
175        supports_check_mode=True
176    )
178    if not HAS_PAHOMQTT:
179        module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('paho-mqtt'), exception=PAHOMQTT_IMP_ERR)
181    server = module.params.get("server", 'localhost')
182    port = module.params.get("port", 1883)
183    topic = module.params.get("topic")
184    payload = module.params.get("payload")
185    client_id = module.params.get("client_id", '')
186    qos = int(module.params.get("qos", 0))
187    retain = module.params.get("retain")
188    username = module.params.get("username", None)
189    password = module.params.get("password", None)
190    ca_certs = module.params.get("ca_cert", None)
191    certfile = module.params.get("client_cert", None)
192    keyfile = module.params.get("client_key", None)
193    tls_version = module.params.get("tls_version", None)
195    if client_id is None:
196        client_id = "%s_%s" % (socket.getfqdn(), os.getpid())
198    if payload and payload == 'None':
199        payload = None
201    auth = None
202    if username is not None:
203        auth = {'username': username, 'password': password}
205    tls = None
206    if ca_certs is not None:
207        if tls_version:
208            tls_version = tls_map.get(tls_version, ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
209        else:
210            if LooseVersion(platform.python_version()) <= "3.5.2":
211                # Specifying `None` on later versions of python seems sufficient to
212                # instruct python to autonegotiate the SSL/TLS connection. On versions
213                # 3.5.2 and lower though we need to specify the version.
214                #
215                # Note that this is an alias for PROTOCOL_TLS, but PROTOCOL_TLS was
216                # not available until 3.5.3.
217                tls_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23
219        tls = {
220            'ca_certs': ca_certs,
221            'certfile': certfile,
222            'keyfile': keyfile,
223            'tls_version': tls_version,
224        }
226    try:
227        mqtt.single(
228            topic,
229            payload,
230            qos=qos,
231            retain=retain,
232            client_id=client_id,
233            hostname=server,
234            port=port,
235            auth=auth,
236            tls=tls
237        )
238    except Exception as e:
239        module.fail_json(
240            msg="unable to publish to MQTT broker %s" % to_native(e),
241            exception=traceback.format_exc()
242        )
244    module.exit_json(changed=False, topic=topic)
247if __name__ == '__main__':
248    main()