2- when: sops_installed
3  block:
5    - name: Test lookup with missing file
6      set_fact:
7        sops_file_does_not_exists: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'file-does-not-exists.sops.yml') }}"
8      ignore_errors: yes
9      register: sops_lookup_missing_file
11    - assert:
12        that:
13          - "sops_lookup_missing_file is failed"
14          - "'could not locate file in lookup: file-does-not-exists.sops.yml' in sops_lookup_missing_file.msg"
16    - name: Test lookup with missing file with empty_on_not_exist
17      set_fact:
18        sops_file_does_not_exists_empty: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'file-does-not-exists.sops.yml', empty_on_not_exist=true) }}"
19      register: sops_lookup_missing_file_empty_on_not_exist
21    - assert:
22        that:
23          - "sops_lookup_missing_file_empty_on_not_exist is success"
24          - "sops_file_does_not_exists_empty == ''"
26    - name: Test lookup of non-sops file
27      set_fact:
28        sops_wrong_file: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'wrong.yaml') }}"
29      ignore_errors: yes
30      register: sops_lookup_wrong_file
32    - assert:
33        that:
34          - "sops_lookup_wrong_file is failed"
35          - "'sops metadata not found' in sops_lookup_wrong_file.msg"
37    - name: Test simple lookup
38      set_fact:
39        sops_success: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'simple.sops.yaml') }}"
40      ignore_errors: yes
41      register: sops_lookup_simple
43    - assert:
44        that:
45          - "sops_lookup_simple is success"
46          - "sops_success == 'foo: bar'"
48    - name: Test rstrip
49      set_fact:
50        with_rstrip: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'rstrip.sops', rstrip=true) }}"
51        without_rstrip: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'rstrip.sops', rstrip=false) }}"
52        default_rstrip: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'rstrip.sops') }}"
54    - assert:
55        that:
56          - with_rstrip == 'This file has three newlines at the end.'
57          - without_rstrip == 'This file has three newlines at the end.\n\n\n'
58          - default_rstrip == 'This file has three newlines at the end.'
60    - name: Test binary
61      set_fact:
62        binary_with_rstrip: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'binary.sops', rstrip=true, base64=true) }}"
63        binary_without_rstrip: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'binary.sops', rstrip=false, base64=true) }}"
65    - assert:
66        that:
67          - binary_with_rstrip == 'AQIDAAQ='
68          - binary_without_rstrip == 'AQIDAAQgCg=='
70    - name: Test hidden binary
71      set_fact:
72        hidden_binary: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-binary', output_type='binary') }}"
73        hidden_binary__json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-binary.json', output_type='binary') }}"
74        hidden_binary__yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-binary.yaml', output_type='binary') }}"
75        hidden_binary_yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-binary-yaml', input_type='yaml', output_type='binary') }}"
76        hidden_binary_yaml__json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-binary-yaml.json', input_type='yaml', output_type='binary') }}"
77        hidden_binary_yaml__yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-binary-yaml.yaml', input_type='yaml', output_type='binary') }}"
78        hidden_json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-json', input_type='json', output_type='json') }}"
79        hidden_json__json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-json.json', input_type='json', output_type='json') }}"
80        hidden_json__yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-json.yaml', input_type='json', output_type='json') }}"
81        hidden_yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-yaml', input_type='yaml', output_type='yaml') }}"
82        hidden_yaml__json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-yaml.json', input_type='yaml', output_type='yaml') }}"
83        hidden_yaml__yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-yaml.yaml', input_type='yaml', output_type='yaml') }}"
84        hidden_json__as_yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-json', input_type='json', output_type='yaml') }}"
85        hidden_json__json__as_yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-json.json', input_type='json', output_type='yaml') }}"
86        hidden_json__yaml__as_yaml: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-json.yaml', input_type='json', output_type='yaml') }}"
87        hidden_yaml__as_json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-yaml', input_type='yaml', output_type='json') }}"
88        hidden_yaml__json__as_json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-yaml.json', input_type='yaml', output_type='json') }}"
89        hidden_yaml__yaml__as_json: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'hidden-yaml.yaml', input_type='yaml', output_type='json') }}"
91    - assert:
92        that:
93          - hidden_binary == test_str_abcd
94          - hidden_binary__json == test_str_abcd
95          - hidden_binary__yaml == test_str_abcd
96          - hidden_binary_yaml == test_str_binary_data
97          - hidden_binary_yaml__json == test_str_binary_data
98          - hidden_binary_yaml__yaml == test_str_binary_data
99          - hidden_json == test_dict
100          - hidden_json__json == test_dict
101          - hidden_json__yaml == test_dict
102          - hidden_yaml == test_dict_yaml
103          - hidden_yaml__json == test_dict_yaml
104          - hidden_yaml__yaml == test_dict_yaml
105          - hidden_json__as_yaml == test_dict_yaml
106          - hidden_json__json__as_yaml == test_dict_yaml
107          - hidden_json__yaml__as_yaml == test_dict_yaml
108          - hidden_yaml__as_json == test_dict
109          - hidden_yaml__json__as_json == test_dict
110          - hidden_yaml__yaml__as_json == test_dict
111      vars:
112        test_dict:
113          a: b
114          c: d
115        test_dict_yaml:
116          "a: b\nc: d"
117        test_str_binary_data: This is binary data.
118        test_str_abcd: a is b, and c is d
120    - name: Test fake sops binary (lookup parameters)
121      set_fact:
122        fake_sops_output: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'simple.sops.yaml', sops_binary=role_path ~ '/files/fake-sops.sh', enable_local_keyservice=True, aws_access_key_id='xxx') }}"
123        fake_sops_output_2: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'simple.sops.yaml', sops_binary=role_path ~ '/files/fake-sops-val.sh', config_path='/path/to/asdf', aws_secret_access_key='yyy') }}"
124        fake_sops_output_3: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'simple.sops.yaml', sops_binary=role_path ~ '/files/fake-sops-rep.sh', keyservice=['a', 'b'], aws_session_token='zzz') }}"
126    - assert:
127        that:
128          - fake_sops_output == 'fake sops output'
129          - fake_sops_output_2 == 'fake sops output 2'
130          - fake_sops_output_3 == 'fake sops output 3'
132    - name: Work around Ansible bug for next test
133      # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/73268
134      set_fact:
135        sops_binary: "{{ role_path }}/files/fake-sops.sh"
136    - name: Test fake sops binary (Ansible variables, 1/3)
137      set_fact:
138        fake_sops_output: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'simple.sops.yaml') }}"
139      vars:
140        # sops_binary: "{{ role_path }}/files/fake-sops.sh"
141        sops_enable_local_keyservice: true
142        sops_aws_access_key_id: xxx
144    - name: Work around Ansible bug for next test
145      # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/73268
146      set_fact:
147        sops_binary: "{{ role_path }}/files/fake-sops-val.sh"
148    - name: Test fake sops binary (Ansible variables, 2/3)
149      set_fact:
150        fake_sops_output_2: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'simple.sops.yaml') }}"
151      vars:
152        # sops_binary: "{{ role_path }}/files/fake-sops-val.sh"
153        sops_config_path: /path/to/asdf
154        sops_aws_secret_access_key: yyy
156    - name: Work around Ansible bug for next test
157      # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/73268
158      set_fact:
159        sops_binary: "{{ role_path }}/files/fake-sops-rep.sh"
160    - name: Test fake sops binary (Ansible variables, 3/3)
161      set_fact:
162        fake_sops_output_3: "{{ lookup('community.sops.sops', 'simple.sops.yaml') }}"
163      vars:
164        # sops_binary: "{{ role_path }}/files/fake-sops-rep.sh"
165        sops_keyservice:
166          - a
167          - b
168        sops_session_token: zzz
170    - assert:
171        that:
172          - fake_sops_output == 'fake sops output'
173          - fake_sops_output_2 == 'fake sops output 2'
174          - fake_sops_output_3 == 'fake sops output 3'