2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright: (c) 2016, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) <dag@wieers.com>
5# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
9module: win_shortcut
10short_description: Manage shortcuts on Windows
12- Create, manage and delete Windows shortcuts
14  src:
15    description:
16    - Executable or URL the shortcut points to.
17    - The executable needs to be in your PATH, or has to be an absolute
18      path to the executable.
19    type: str
20  description:
21    description:
22    - Description for the shortcut.
23    - This is usually shown when hoovering the icon.
24    type: str
25  dest:
26    description:
27    - Destination file for the shortcuting file.
28    - File name should have a C(.lnk) or C(.url) extension.
29    type: path
30    required: yes
31  arguments:
32    description:
33    - Additional arguments for the executable defined in C(src).
34    type: str
35    aliases: [ args ]
36  directory:
37    description:
38    - Working directory for executable defined in C(src).
39    type: path
40  icon:
41    description:
42    - Icon used for the shortcut.
43    - File name should have a C(.ico) extension.
44    - The file name is followed by a comma and the number in the library file (.dll) or use 0 for an image file.
45    type: path
46  hotkey:
47    description:
48    - Key combination for the shortcut.
49    - This is a combination of one or more modifiers and a key.
50    - Possible modifiers are Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Ext.
51    - Possible keys are [A-Z] and [0-9].
52    type: str
53  windowstyle:
54    description:
55    - Influences how the application is displayed when it is launched.
56    type: str
57    choices: [ maximized, minimized, normal ]
58  state:
59    description:
60    - When C(absent), removes the shortcut if it exists.
61    - When C(present), creates or updates the shortcut.
62    type: str
63    choices: [ absent, present ]
64    default: present
65  run_as_admin:
66    description:
67    - When C(src) is an executable, this can control whether the shortcut will be opened as an administrator or not.
68    type: bool
69    default: no
71- 'The following options can include Windows environment variables: C(dest), C(args), C(description), C(dest), C(directory), C(icon) C(src)'
72- 'Windows has two types of shortcuts: Application and URL shortcuts. URL shortcuts only consists of C(dest) and C(src)'
74- module: ansible.windows.win_file
76- Dag Wieers (@dagwieers)
79EXAMPLES = r'''
80- name: Create an application shortcut on the desktop
81  community.windows.win_shortcut:
82    src: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe
83    dest: C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk
84    icon: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe,0
86- name: Create the same shortcut using environment variables
87  community.windows.win_shortcut:
88    description: The Mozilla Firefox web browser
89    src: '%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe'
90    dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk'
91    icon: '%ProgramFiles\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe,0'
92    directory: '%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox'
93    hotkey: Ctrl+Alt+F
95- name: Create an application shortcut for an executable in PATH to your desktop
96  community.windows.win_shortcut:
97    src: cmd.exe
98    dest: Desktop\Command prompt.lnk
100- name: Create an application shortcut for the Ansible website
101  community.windows.win_shortcut:
102    src: '%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe'
103    dest: '%UserProfile%\Desktop\Ansible website.lnk'
104    arguments: --new-window https://ansible.com/
105    directory: '%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application'
106    icon: '%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe,0'
107    hotkey: Ctrl+Alt+A
109- name: Create a URL shortcut for the Ansible website
110  community.windows.win_shortcut:
111    src: https://ansible.com/
112    dest: '%Public%\Desktop\Ansible website.url'
115RETURN = r'''