1# Ansible Collins external inventory script settings
6# You should not have a trailing slash or collins
7# will not properly match the URI
8host = http://localhost:9000
10username = blake
11password = admin:first
13# Specifies a timeout for all HTTP requests to Collins.
14timeout_secs = 120
16# Specifies a maximum number of retries per Collins request.
17max_retries = 5
19# Specifies the number of results to return per paginated query as specified in
20# the Pagination section of the Collins API docs:
21# http://tumblr.github.io/collins/api.html
22results_per_query = 100
24# Specifies the Collins asset type which will be queried for; most typically
25# you'll want to leave this at the default of SERVER_NODE.
26asset_type = SERVER_NODE
28# Collins assets can optionally be assigned hostnames; this option will preference
29# the selection of an asset's hostname over an IP address as the primary identifier
30# in the Ansible inventory.  Typically, this value should be set to true if assets
31# are assigned hostnames.
32prefer_hostnames = true
34# Within Collins, assets can be granted multiple IP addresses; this configuration
35# value specifies the index within the 'ADDRESSES' array as returned by the
36# following API endpoint:
37# http://tumblr.github.io/collins/api.html#api-ipam-asset-addresses-section
38ip_address_index = 0
40# Sets whether Collins instances in multiple datacenters will be queried.
41query_remote_dcs = false
43# API calls to Collins can involve large, substantial queries. For this reason,
44# we cache the results of an API call. Set this to the path you want cache files
45# to be written to. Two files will be written to this directory:
46#   - ansible-collins.cache
47#   - ansible-collins.index
48cache_path = /tmp
50# If errors occur while querying inventory, logging messages will be written
51# to a logfile in the specified directory:
52#   - ansible-collins.log
53log_path = /tmp
55# The number of seconds that a cache file is considered valid. After this many
56# seconds, a new API call will be made, and the cache file will be updated.
57cache_max_age = 600