2# Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
3# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
5from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
7__metaclass__ = type
9ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
10                    'status': ['deprecated'],
11                    'supported_by': 'community'}
15module: gce
16version_added: "1.4"
17short_description: create or terminate GCE instances
19     - Creates or terminates Google Compute Engine (GCE) instances.  See
20       U(https://cloud.google.com/compute) for an overview.
21       Full install/configuration instructions for the gce* modules can
22       be found in the comments of ansible/test/gce_tests.py.
24    removed_in: "2.12"
25    why: Updated modules released with increased functionality
26    alternative: Use M(gcp_compute_instance) instead.
28  image:
29    description:
30      - image string to use for the instance (default will follow latest
31        stable debian image)
32    default: "debian-8"
33  image_family:
34    description:
35      - image family from which to select the image.  The most recent
36        non-deprecated image in the family will be used.
37    version_added: "2.4"
38  external_projects:
39    description:
40      - A list of other projects (accessible with the provisioning credentials)
41        to be searched for the image.
42    version_added: "2.4"
43  instance_names:
44    description:
45      - a comma-separated list of instance names to create or destroy
46  machine_type:
47    description:
48      - machine type to use for the instance, use 'n1-standard-1' by default
49    default: "n1-standard-1"
50  metadata:
51    description:
52      - a hash/dictionary of custom data for the instance;
53        '{"key":"value", ...}'
54  service_account_email:
55    version_added: "1.5.1"
56    description:
57      - service account email
58  service_account_permissions:
59    version_added: "2.0"
60    description:
61      - service account permissions (see
62        U(https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/instances/create),
63        --scopes section for detailed information)
64    choices: [
65      "bigquery", "cloud-platform", "compute-ro", "compute-rw",
66      "useraccounts-ro", "useraccounts-rw", "datastore", "logging-write",
67      "monitoring", "sql-admin", "storage-full", "storage-ro",
68      "storage-rw", "taskqueue", "userinfo-email"
69    ]
70  pem_file:
71    version_added: "1.5.1"
72    description:
73      - path to the pem file associated with the service account email
74        This option is deprecated. Use 'credentials_file'.
75  credentials_file:
76    version_added: "2.1.0"
77    description:
78      - path to the JSON file associated with the service account email
79  project_id:
80    version_added: "1.5.1"
81    description:
82      - your GCE project ID
83  name:
84    description:
85      - either a name of a single instance or when used with 'num_instances',
86        the base name of a cluster of nodes
87    aliases: ['base_name']
88  num_instances:
89    description:
90      - can be used with 'name', specifies
91        the number of nodes to provision using 'name'
92        as a base name
93    version_added: "2.3"
94  network:
95    description:
96      - name of the network, 'default' will be used if not specified
97    default: "default"
98  subnetwork:
99    description:
100      - name of the subnetwork in which the instance should be created
101    version_added: "2.2"
102  persistent_boot_disk:
103    description:
104      - if set, create the instance with a persistent boot disk
105    type: bool
106    default: 'no'
107  disks:
108    description:
109      - a list of persistent disks to attach to the instance; a string value
110        gives the name of the disk; alternatively, a dictionary value can
111        define 'name' and 'mode' ('READ_ONLY' or 'READ_WRITE'). The first entry
112        will be the boot disk (which must be READ_WRITE).
113    version_added: "1.7"
114  state:
115    description:
116      - desired state of the resource
117    default: "present"
118    choices: ["active", "present", "absent", "deleted", "started", "stopped", "terminated"]
119  tags:
120    description:
121      - a comma-separated list of tags to associate with the instance
122  zone:
123    description:
124      - the GCE zone to use. The list of available zones is at U(https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/regions-zones#available).
125    required: true
126    default: "us-central1-a"
127  ip_forward:
128    version_added: "1.9"
129    description:
130      - set to C(yes) if the instance can forward ip packets (useful for
131        gateways)
132    type: bool
133    default: 'no'
134  external_ip:
135    version_added: "1.9"
136    description:
137      - type of external ip, ephemeral by default; alternatively, a fixed gce ip or ip name can be given. Specify 'none' if no external ip is desired.
138    default: "ephemeral"
139  disk_auto_delete:
140    version_added: "1.9"
141    description:
142      - if set boot disk will be removed after instance destruction
143    type: bool
144    default: 'yes'
145  preemptible:
146    version_added: "2.1"
147    description:
148      - if set to C(yes), instances will be preemptible and time-limited.
149        (requires libcloud >= 0.20.0)
150    type: bool
151    default: 'no'
152  disk_size:
153    description:
154      - The size of the boot disk created for this instance (in GB)
155    default: 10
156    version_added: "2.3"
159    - "python >= 2.6"
160    - "apache-libcloud >= 0.13.3, >= 0.17.0 if using JSON credentials,
161      >= 0.20.0 if using preemptible option"
163  - Either I(instance_names) or I(name) is required.
164  - JSON credentials strongly preferred.
166  - Eric Johnson (@erjohnso) <erjohnso@google.com>
167  - Tom Melendez (@supertom) <supertom@google.com>
170EXAMPLES = '''
171# Basic provisioning example.  Create a single Debian 8 instance in the
172# us-central1-a Zone of the n1-standard-1 machine type.
173# Create multiple instances by specifying multiple names, separated by
174# commas in the instance_names field
175# (e.g. my-test-instance1,my-test-instance2)
176  - gce:
177      instance_names: my-test-instance1
178      zone: us-central1-a
179      machine_type: n1-standard-1
180      image: debian-8
181      state: present
182      service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
183      credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json"
184      project_id: "your-project-name"
185      disk_size: 32
187# Create a single instance of an image from the "my-base-image" image family
188# in the us-central1-a Zone of the n1-standard-1 machine type.
189# This image family is in the "my-other-project" GCP project.
190  - gce:
191      instance_names: my-test-instance1
192      zone: us-central1-a
193      machine_type: n1-standard-1
194      image_family: my-base-image
195      external_projects:
196        - my-other-project
197      state: present
198      service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
199      credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json"
200      project_id: "your-project-name"
201      disk_size: 32
203# Create a single Debian 8 instance in the us-central1-a Zone
204# Use existing disks, custom network/subnetwork, set service account permissions
205# add tags and metadata.
206  - gce:
207      instance_names: my-test-instance
208      zone: us-central1-a
209      machine_type: n1-standard-1
210      state: present
211      metadata: '{"db":"postgres", "group":"qa", "id":500}'
212      tags:
213        - http-server
214        - my-other-tag
215      disks:
216        - name: disk-2
217          mode: READ_WRITE
218        - name: disk-3
219          mode: READ_ONLY
220      disk_auto_delete: false
221      network: foobar-network
222      subnetwork: foobar-subnetwork-1
223      preemptible: true
224      ip_forward: true
225      service_account_permissions:
226        - storage-full
227        - taskqueue
228        - bigquery
229        - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ndev.clouddns.readwrite
230      service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
231      credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json"
232      project_id: "your-project-name"
235# Example Playbook
236- name: Compute Engine Instance Examples
237  hosts: localhost
238  vars:
239    service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
240    credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json"
241    project_id: "your-project-name"
242  tasks:
243    - name: create multiple instances
244      # Basic provisioning example.  Create multiple Debian 8 instances in the
245      # us-central1-a Zone of n1-standard-1 machine type.
246      gce:
247        instance_names: test1,test2,test3
248        zone: us-central1-a
249        machine_type: n1-standard-1
250        image: debian-8
251        state: present
252        service_account_email: "{{ service_account_email }}"
253        credentials_file: "{{ credentials_file }}"
254        project_id: "{{ project_id }}"
255        metadata : '{ "startup-script" : "apt-get update" }'
256      register: gce
258    - name: Save host data
259      add_host:
260        hostname: "{{ item.public_ip }}"
261        groupname: gce_instances_ips
262      with_items: "{{ gce.instance_data }}"
264    - name: Wait for SSH for instances
265      wait_for:
266        delay: 1
267        host: "{{ item.public_ip }}"
268        port: 22
269        state: started
270        timeout: 30
271      with_items: "{{ gce.instance_data }}"
273    - name: Configure Hosts
274      hosts: gce_instances_ips
275      become: yes
276      become_method: sudo
277      roles:
278        - my-role-one
279        - my-role-two
280      tags:
281        - config
283    - name: delete test-instances
284      # Basic termination of instance.
285      gce:
286        service_account_email: "{{ service_account_email }}"
287        credentials_file: "{{ credentials_file }}"
288        project_id: "{{ project_id }}"
289        instance_names: "{{ gce.instance_names }}"
290        zone: us-central1-a
291        state: absent
292      tags:
293        - delete
296import socket
297import logging
300    from ast import literal_eval
302    HAS_PYTHON26 = True
303except ImportError:
304    HAS_PYTHON26 = False
307    import libcloud
308    from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
309    from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
310    from libcloud.common.google import GoogleBaseError, QuotaExceededError, \
311        ResourceExistsError, ResourceInUseError, ResourceNotFoundError
312    from libcloud.compute.drivers.gce import GCEAddress
314    _ = Provider.GCE
315    HAS_LIBCLOUD = True
316except ImportError:
317    HAS_LIBCLOUD = False
319from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
320from ansible.module_utils.gce import gce_connect, unexpected_error_msg
321from ansible.module_utils.gcp import get_valid_location
322from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import reduce
325def get_instance_info(inst):
326    """Retrieves instance information from an instance object and returns it
327    as a dictionary.
329    """
330    metadata = {}
331    if 'metadata' in inst.extra and 'items' in inst.extra['metadata']:
332        for md in inst.extra['metadata']['items']:
333            metadata[md['key']] = md['value']
335    try:
336        netname = inst.extra['networkInterfaces'][0]['network'].split('/')[-1]
337    except Exception:
338        netname = None
339    try:
340        subnetname = inst.extra['networkInterfaces'][0]['subnetwork'].split('/')[-1]
341    except Exception:
342        subnetname = None
343    if 'disks' in inst.extra:
344        disk_names = [disk_info['source'].split('/')[-1]
345                      for disk_info
346                      in sorted(inst.extra['disks'],
347                                key=lambda disk_info: disk_info['index'])]
348    else:
349        disk_names = []
351    if len(inst.public_ips) == 0:
352        public_ip = None
353    else:
354        public_ip = inst.public_ips[0]
356    return ({
357        'image': inst.image is not None and inst.image.split('/')[-1] or None,
358        'disks': disk_names,
359        'machine_type': inst.size,
360        'metadata': metadata,
361        'name': inst.name,
362        'network': netname,
363        'subnetwork': subnetname,
364        'private_ip': inst.private_ips[0],
365        'public_ip': public_ip,
366        'status': ('status' in inst.extra) and inst.extra['status'] or None,
367        'tags': ('tags' in inst.extra) and inst.extra['tags'] or [],
368        'zone': ('zone' in inst.extra) and inst.extra['zone'].name or None,
369    })
372def create_instances(module, gce, instance_names, number, lc_zone):
373    """Creates new instances. Attributes other than instance_names are picked
374    up from 'module'
376    module : AnsibleModule object
377    gce: authenticated GCE libcloud driver
378    instance_names: python list of instance names to create
379    number: number of instances to create
380    lc_zone: GCEZone object
382    Returns:
383        A list of dictionaries with instance information
384        about the instances that were launched.
386    """
387    image = module.params.get('image')
388    image_family = module.params.get('image_family')
389    external_projects = module.params.get('external_projects')
390    machine_type = module.params.get('machine_type')
391    metadata = module.params.get('metadata')
392    network = module.params.get('network')
393    subnetwork = module.params.get('subnetwork')
394    persistent_boot_disk = module.params.get('persistent_boot_disk')
395    disks = module.params.get('disks')
396    tags = module.params.get('tags')
397    ip_forward = module.params.get('ip_forward')
398    external_ip = module.params.get('external_ip')
399    disk_auto_delete = module.params.get('disk_auto_delete')
400    preemptible = module.params.get('preemptible')
401    disk_size = module.params.get('disk_size')
402    service_account_permissions = module.params.get('service_account_permissions')
404    if external_ip == "none":
405        instance_external_ip = None
406    elif external_ip != "ephemeral":
407        instance_external_ip = external_ip
408        try:
409            # check if instance_external_ip is an ip or a name
410            try:
411                socket.inet_aton(instance_external_ip)
412                instance_external_ip = GCEAddress(id='unknown', name='unknown', address=instance_external_ip, region='unknown', driver=gce)
413            except socket.error:
414                instance_external_ip = gce.ex_get_address(instance_external_ip)
415        except GoogleBaseError as e:
416            module.fail_json(msg='Unexpected error attempting to get a static ip %s, error: %s' % (external_ip, e.value))
417    else:
418        instance_external_ip = external_ip
420    new_instances = []
421    changed = False
423    lc_disks = []
424    disk_modes = []
425    for i, disk in enumerate(disks or []):
426        if isinstance(disk, dict):
427            lc_disks.append(gce.ex_get_volume(disk['name'], lc_zone))
428            disk_modes.append(disk['mode'])
429        else:
430            lc_disks.append(gce.ex_get_volume(disk, lc_zone))
431            # boot disk is implicitly READ_WRITE
432            disk_modes.append('READ_ONLY' if i > 0 else 'READ_WRITE')
433    lc_network = gce.ex_get_network(network)
434    lc_machine_type = gce.ex_get_size(machine_type, lc_zone)
436    # Try to convert the user's metadata value into the format expected
437    # by GCE.  First try to ensure user has proper quoting of a
438    # dictionary-like syntax using 'literal_eval', then convert the python
439    # dict into a python list of 'key' / 'value' dicts.  Should end up
440    # with:
441    # [ {'key': key1, 'value': value1}, {'key': key2, 'value': value2}, ...]
442    if metadata:
443        if isinstance(metadata, dict):
444            md = metadata
445        else:
446            try:
447                md = literal_eval(str(metadata))
448                if not isinstance(md, dict):
449                    raise ValueError('metadata must be a dict')
450            except ValueError as e:
451                module.fail_json(msg='bad metadata: %s' % str(e))
452            except SyntaxError as e:
453                module.fail_json(msg='bad metadata syntax')
455        if hasattr(libcloud, '__version__') and libcloud.__version__ < '0.15':
456            items = []
457            for k, v in md.items():
458                items.append({"key": k, "value": v})
459            metadata = {'items': items}
460        else:
461            metadata = md
463    lc_image = LazyDiskImage(module, gce, image, lc_disks, family=image_family, projects=external_projects)
464    ex_sa_perms = []
465    bad_perms = []
466    if service_account_permissions:
467        for perm in service_account_permissions:
468            if perm not in gce.SA_SCOPES_MAP and not perm.startswith('https://www.googleapis.com/auth'):
469                bad_perms.append(perm)
470        if len(bad_perms) > 0:
471            module.fail_json(msg='bad permissions: %s' % str(bad_perms))
472        ex_sa_perms.append({'email': "default"})
473        ex_sa_perms[0]['scopes'] = service_account_permissions
475    # These variables all have default values but check just in case
476    if not lc_network or not lc_machine_type or not lc_zone:
477        module.fail_json(msg='Missing required create instance variable',
478                         changed=False)
480    gce_args = dict(
481        location=lc_zone,
482        ex_network=network, ex_tags=tags, ex_metadata=metadata,
483        ex_can_ip_forward=ip_forward,
484        external_ip=instance_external_ip, ex_disk_auto_delete=disk_auto_delete,
485        ex_service_accounts=ex_sa_perms
486    )
487    if preemptible is not None:
488        gce_args['ex_preemptible'] = preemptible
489    if subnetwork is not None:
490        gce_args['ex_subnetwork'] = subnetwork
492    if isinstance(instance_names, str) and not number:
493        instance_names = [instance_names]
495    if isinstance(instance_names, str) and number:
496        instance_responses = gce.ex_create_multiple_nodes(instance_names, lc_machine_type,
497                                                          lc_image(), number, **gce_args)
498        for resp in instance_responses:
499            n = resp
500            if isinstance(resp, libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEFailedNode):
501                try:
502                    n = gce.ex_get_node(n.name, lc_zone)
503                except ResourceNotFoundError:
504                    pass
505            else:
506                # Assure that at least one node has been created to set changed=True
507                changed = True
508            new_instances.append(n)
509    else:
510        for instance in instance_names:
511            pd = None
512            if lc_disks:
513                pd = lc_disks[0]
514            elif persistent_boot_disk:
515                try:
516                    pd = gce.ex_get_volume("%s" % instance, lc_zone)
517                except ResourceNotFoundError:
518                    pd = gce.create_volume(disk_size, "%s" % instance, image=lc_image())
519            gce_args['ex_boot_disk'] = pd
521            inst = None
522            try:
523                inst = gce.ex_get_node(instance, lc_zone)
524            except ResourceNotFoundError:
525                inst = gce.create_node(
526                    instance, lc_machine_type, lc_image(), **gce_args
527                )
528                changed = True
529            except GoogleBaseError as e:
530                module.fail_json(msg='Unexpected error attempting to create ' +
531                                     'instance %s, error: %s' % (instance, e.value))
532            if inst:
533                new_instances.append(inst)
535    for inst in new_instances:
536        for i, lc_disk in enumerate(lc_disks):
537            # Check whether the disk is already attached
538            if (len(inst.extra['disks']) > i):
539                attached_disk = inst.extra['disks'][i]
540                if attached_disk['source'] != lc_disk.extra['selfLink']:
541                    module.fail_json(
542                        msg=("Disk at index %d does not match: requested=%s found=%s" % (
543                            i, lc_disk.extra['selfLink'], attached_disk['source'])))
544                elif attached_disk['mode'] != disk_modes[i]:
545                    module.fail_json(
546                        msg=("Disk at index %d is in the wrong mode: requested=%s found=%s" % (
547                            i, disk_modes[i], attached_disk['mode'])))
548                else:
549                    continue
550            gce.attach_volume(inst, lc_disk, ex_mode=disk_modes[i])
551            # Work around libcloud bug: attached volumes don't get added
552            # to the instance metadata. get_instance_info() only cares about
553            # source and index.
554            if len(inst.extra['disks']) != i + 1:
555                inst.extra['disks'].append(
556                    {'source': lc_disk.extra['selfLink'], 'index': i})
558    instance_names = []
559    instance_json_data = []
560    for inst in new_instances:
561        d = get_instance_info(inst)
562        instance_names.append(d['name'])
563        instance_json_data.append(d)
565    return (changed, instance_json_data, instance_names)
568def change_instance_state(module, gce, instance_names, number, zone, state):
569    """Changes the state of a list of instances. For example,
570    change from started to stopped, or started to absent.
572    module: Ansible module object
573    gce: authenticated GCE connection object
574    instance_names: a list of instance names to terminate
575    zone: GCEZone object where the instances reside prior to termination
576    state: 'state' parameter passed into module as argument
578    Returns a dictionary of instance names that were changed.
580    """
581    changed = False
582    nodes = []
583    state_instance_names = []
585    if isinstance(instance_names, str) and number:
586        node_names = ['%s-%03d' % (instance_names, i) for i in range(number)]
587    elif isinstance(instance_names, str) and not number:
588        node_names = [instance_names]
589    else:
590        node_names = instance_names
592    for name in node_names:
593        inst = None
594        try:
595            inst = gce.ex_get_node(name, zone)
596        except ResourceNotFoundError:
597            state_instance_names.append(name)
598        except Exception as e:
599            module.fail_json(msg=unexpected_error_msg(e), changed=False)
600        else:
601            nodes.append(inst)
602            state_instance_names.append(name)
604    if state in ['absent', 'deleted'] and number:
605        changed_nodes = gce.ex_destroy_multiple_nodes(nodes) or [False]
606        changed = reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, changed_nodes)
607    else:
608        for node in nodes:
609            if state in ['absent', 'deleted']:
610                gce.destroy_node(node)
611                changed = True
612            elif state == 'started' and node.state == libcloud.compute.types.NodeState.STOPPED:
613                gce.ex_start_node(node)
614                changed = True
615            elif state in ['stopped', 'terminated'] and node.state == libcloud.compute.types.NodeState.RUNNING:
616                gce.ex_stop_node(node)
617                changed = True
619    return (changed, state_instance_names)
622def main():
623    module = AnsibleModule(
624        argument_spec=dict(
625            image=dict(default='debian-8'),
626            image_family=dict(),
627            external_projects=dict(type='list'),
628            instance_names=dict(),
629            machine_type=dict(default='n1-standard-1'),
630            metadata=dict(),
631            name=dict(aliases=['base_name']),
632            num_instances=dict(type='int'),
633            network=dict(default='default'),
634            subnetwork=dict(),
635            persistent_boot_disk=dict(type='bool', default=False),
636            disks=dict(type='list'),
637            state=dict(choices=['active', 'present', 'absent', 'deleted',
638                                'started', 'stopped', 'terminated'],
639                       default='present'),
640            tags=dict(type='list'),
641            zone=dict(default='us-central1-a'),
642            service_account_email=dict(),
643            service_account_permissions=dict(type='list'),
644            pem_file=dict(type='path'),
645            credentials_file=dict(type='path'),
646            project_id=dict(),
647            ip_forward=dict(type='bool', default=False),
648            external_ip=dict(default='ephemeral'),
649            disk_auto_delete=dict(type='bool', default=True),
650            disk_size=dict(type='int', default=10),
651            preemptible=dict(type='bool', default=None),
652        ),
653        mutually_exclusive=[('instance_names', 'name')]
654    )
656    if not HAS_PYTHON26:
657        module.fail_json(msg="GCE module requires python's 'ast' module, python v2.6+")
658    if not HAS_LIBCLOUD:
659        module.fail_json(msg='libcloud with GCE support (0.17.0+) required for this module')
661    gce = gce_connect(module)
663    image = module.params.get('image')
664    image_family = module.params.get('image_family')
665    external_projects = module.params.get('external_projects')
666    instance_names = module.params.get('instance_names')
667    name = module.params.get('name')
668    number = module.params.get('num_instances')
669    subnetwork = module.params.get('subnetwork')
670    state = module.params.get('state')
671    zone = module.params.get('zone')
672    preemptible = module.params.get('preemptible')
673    changed = False
675    inames = None
676    if isinstance(instance_names, list):
677        inames = instance_names
678    elif isinstance(instance_names, str):
679        inames = instance_names.split(',')
680    if name:
681        inames = name
682    if not inames:
683        module.fail_json(msg='Must specify a "name" or "instance_names"',
684                         changed=False)
685    if not zone:
686        module.fail_json(msg='Must specify a "zone"', changed=False)
688    lc_zone = get_valid_location(module, gce, zone)
689    if preemptible is not None and hasattr(libcloud, '__version__') and libcloud.__version__ < '0.20':
690        module.fail_json(msg="Apache Libcloud 0.20.0+ is required to use 'preemptible' option",
691                         changed=False)
693    if subnetwork is not None and not hasattr(gce, 'ex_get_subnetwork'):
694        module.fail_json(msg="Apache Libcloud 1.0.0+ is required to use 'subnetwork' option",
695                         changed=False)
697    json_output = {'zone': zone}
698    if state in ['absent', 'deleted', 'started', 'stopped', 'terminated']:
699        json_output['state'] = state
700        (changed, state_instance_names) = change_instance_state(
701            module, gce, inames, number, lc_zone, state)
703        # based on what user specified, return the same variable, although
704        # value could be different if an instance could not be destroyed
705        if instance_names or name and number:
706            json_output['instance_names'] = state_instance_names
707        elif name:
708            json_output['name'] = name
710    elif state in ['active', 'present']:
711        json_output['state'] = 'present'
712        (changed, instance_data, instance_name_list) = create_instances(
713            module, gce, inames, number, lc_zone)
714        json_output['instance_data'] = instance_data
715        if instance_names:
716            json_output['instance_names'] = instance_name_list
717        elif name:
718            json_output['name'] = name
720    json_output['changed'] = changed
721    module.exit_json(**json_output)
724class LazyDiskImage:
725    """
726    Object for lazy instantiation of disk image
727    gce.ex_get_image is a very expensive call, so we want to avoid calling it as much as possible.
728    """
730    def __init__(self, module, gce, name, has_pd, family=None, projects=None):
731        self.image = None
732        self.was_called = False
733        self.gce = gce
734        self.name = name
735        self.has_pd = has_pd
736        self.module = module
737        self.family = family
738        self.projects = projects
740    def __call__(self):
741        if not self.was_called:
742            self.was_called = True
743            if not self.has_pd:
744                if self.family:
745                    self.image = self.gce.ex_get_image_from_family(self.family, ex_project_list=self.projects)
746                else:
747                    self.image = self.gce.ex_get_image(self.name, ex_project_list=self.projects)
748                if not self.image:
749                    self.module.fail_json(msg='image or disks missing for create instance', changed=False)
750        return self.image
753if __name__ == '__main__':
754    main()