2# coding: utf-8 -*-
4# (c) 2013, Benno Joy <benno@ansible.com>
5# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
7from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
8__metaclass__ = type
11ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
12                    'status': ['preview'],
13                    'supported_by': 'community'}
18module: os_subnet
19short_description: Add/Remove subnet to an OpenStack network
20extends_documentation_fragment: openstack
21version_added: "2.0"
22author: "Monty Taylor (@emonty)"
24   - Add or Remove a subnet to an OpenStack network
26   state:
27     description:
28        - Indicate desired state of the resource
29     choices: ['present', 'absent']
30     default: present
31   network_name:
32     description:
33        - Name of the network to which the subnet should be attached
34        - Required when I(state) is 'present'
35   name:
36     description:
37       - The name of the subnet that should be created. Although Neutron
38         allows for non-unique subnet names, this module enforces subnet
39         name uniqueness.
40     required: true
41   cidr:
42     description:
43        - The CIDR representation of the subnet that should be assigned to
44          the subnet. Required when I(state) is 'present' and a subnetpool
45          is not specified.
46   ip_version:
47     description:
48        - The IP version of the subnet 4 or 6
49     default: 4
50   enable_dhcp:
51     description:
52        - Whether DHCP should be enabled for this subnet.
53     type: bool
54     default: 'yes'
55   gateway_ip:
56     description:
57        - The ip that would be assigned to the gateway for this subnet
58   no_gateway_ip:
59     description:
60        - The gateway IP would not be assigned for this subnet
61     type: bool
62     default: 'no'
63     version_added: "2.2"
64   dns_nameservers:
65     description:
66        - List of DNS nameservers for this subnet.
67   allocation_pool_start:
68     description:
69        - From the subnet pool the starting address from which the IP should
70          be allocated.
71   allocation_pool_end:
72     description:
73        - From the subnet pool the last IP that should be assigned to the
74          virtual machines.
75   host_routes:
76     description:
77        - A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet.
78   ipv6_ra_mode:
79     description:
80        - IPv6 router advertisement mode
81     choices: ['dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', 'slaac']
82   ipv6_address_mode:
83     description:
84        - IPv6 address mode
85     choices: ['dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', 'slaac']
86   use_default_subnetpool:
87     description:
88        - Use the default subnetpool for I(ip_version) to obtain a CIDR.
89     type: bool
90     default: 'no'
91   project:
92     description:
93        - Project name or ID containing the subnet (name admin-only)
94     version_added: "2.1"
95   availability_zone:
96     description:
97       - Ignored. Present for backwards compatibility
98   extra_specs:
99     description:
100        - Dictionary with extra key/value pairs passed to the API
101     required: false
102     default: {}
103     version_added: "2.7"
105    - "python >= 2.7"
106    - "openstacksdk"
109EXAMPLES = '''
110# Create a new (or update an existing) subnet on the specified network
111- os_subnet:
112    state: present
113    network_name: network1
114    name: net1subnet
115    cidr:
116    dns_nameservers:
117       -
118       -
119    host_routes:
120       - destination:
121         nexthop:
122       - destination:
123         nexthop:
125# Delete a subnet
126- os_subnet:
127    state: absent
128    name: net1subnet
130# Create an ipv6 stateless subnet
131- os_subnet:
132    state: present
133    name: intv6
134    network_name: internal
135    ip_version: 6
136    cidr: 2db8:1::/64
137    dns_nameservers:
138        - 2001:4860:4860::8888
139        - 2001:4860:4860::8844
140    ipv6_ra_mode: dhcpv6-stateless
141    ipv6_address_mode: dhcpv6-stateless
144from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
145from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_full_argument_spec, openstack_module_kwargs, openstack_cloud_from_module
148def _can_update(subnet, module, cloud, filters=None):
149    """Check for differences in non-updatable values"""
150    network_name = module.params['network_name']
151    ip_version = int(module.params['ip_version'])
152    ipv6_ra_mode = module.params['ipv6_ra_mode']
153    ipv6_a_mode = module.params['ipv6_address_mode']
155    if network_name:
156        network = cloud.get_network(network_name, filters)
157        if network:
158            netid = network['id']
159        else:
160            module.fail_json(msg='No network found for %s' % network_name)
161        if netid != subnet['network_id']:
162            module.fail_json(msg='Cannot update network_name in existing \
163                                      subnet')
164    if ip_version and subnet['ip_version'] != ip_version:
165        module.fail_json(msg='Cannot update ip_version in existing subnet')
166    if ipv6_ra_mode and subnet.get('ipv6_ra_mode', None) != ipv6_ra_mode:
167        module.fail_json(msg='Cannot update ipv6_ra_mode in existing subnet')
168    if ipv6_a_mode and subnet.get('ipv6_address_mode', None) != ipv6_a_mode:
169        module.fail_json(msg='Cannot update ipv6_address_mode in existing \
170                              subnet')
173def _needs_update(subnet, module, cloud, filters=None):
174    """Check for differences in the updatable values."""
176    # First check if we are trying to update something we're not allowed to
177    _can_update(subnet, module, cloud, filters)
179    # now check for the things we are allowed to update
180    enable_dhcp = module.params['enable_dhcp']
181    subnet_name = module.params['name']
182    pool_start = module.params['allocation_pool_start']
183    pool_end = module.params['allocation_pool_end']
184    gateway_ip = module.params['gateway_ip']
185    no_gateway_ip = module.params['no_gateway_ip']
186    dns = module.params['dns_nameservers']
187    host_routes = module.params['host_routes']
188    curr_pool = subnet['allocation_pools'][0]
190    if subnet['enable_dhcp'] != enable_dhcp:
191        return True
192    if subnet_name and subnet['name'] != subnet_name:
193        return True
194    if pool_start and curr_pool['start'] != pool_start:
195        return True
196    if pool_end and curr_pool['end'] != pool_end:
197        return True
198    if gateway_ip and subnet['gateway_ip'] != gateway_ip:
199        return True
200    if dns and sorted(subnet['dns_nameservers']) != sorted(dns):
201        return True
202    if host_routes:
203        curr_hr = sorted(subnet['host_routes'], key=lambda t: t.keys())
204        new_hr = sorted(host_routes, key=lambda t: t.keys())
205        if sorted(curr_hr) != sorted(new_hr):
206            return True
207    if no_gateway_ip and subnet['gateway_ip']:
208        return True
209    return False
212def _system_state_change(module, subnet, cloud, filters=None):
213    state = module.params['state']
214    if state == 'present':
215        if not subnet:
216            return True
217        return _needs_update(subnet, module, cloud, filters)
218    if state == 'absent' and subnet:
219        return True
220    return False
223def main():
224    ipv6_mode_choices = ['dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', 'slaac']
225    argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec(
226        name=dict(type='str', required=True),
227        network_name=dict(type='str'),
228        cidr=dict(type='str'),
229        ip_version=dict(type='str', default='4', choices=['4', '6']),
230        enable_dhcp=dict(type='bool', default=True),
231        gateway_ip=dict(type='str'),
232        no_gateway_ip=dict(type='bool', default=False),
233        dns_nameservers=dict(type='list', default=None),
234        allocation_pool_start=dict(type='str'),
235        allocation_pool_end=dict(type='str'),
236        host_routes=dict(type='list', default=None),
237        ipv6_ra_mode=dict(type='str', choice=ipv6_mode_choices),
238        ipv6_address_mode=dict(type='str', choice=ipv6_mode_choices),
239        use_default_subnetpool=dict(type='bool', default=False),
240        extra_specs=dict(type='dict', default=dict()),
241        state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
242        project=dict(type='str'),
243    )
245    module_kwargs = openstack_module_kwargs()
246    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec,
247                           supports_check_mode=True,
248                           required_together=[
249                               ['allocation_pool_end', 'allocation_pool_start'],
250                           ],
251                           **module_kwargs)
253    state = module.params['state']
254    network_name = module.params['network_name']
255    cidr = module.params['cidr']
256    ip_version = module.params['ip_version']
257    enable_dhcp = module.params['enable_dhcp']
258    subnet_name = module.params['name']
259    gateway_ip = module.params['gateway_ip']
260    no_gateway_ip = module.params['no_gateway_ip']
261    dns = module.params['dns_nameservers']
262    pool_start = module.params['allocation_pool_start']
263    pool_end = module.params['allocation_pool_end']
264    host_routes = module.params['host_routes']
265    ipv6_ra_mode = module.params['ipv6_ra_mode']
266    ipv6_a_mode = module.params['ipv6_address_mode']
267    use_default_subnetpool = module.params['use_default_subnetpool']
268    project = module.params.pop('project')
269    extra_specs = module.params['extra_specs']
271    # Check for required parameters when state == 'present'
272    if state == 'present':
273        if not module.params['network_name']:
274            module.fail_json(msg='network_name required with present state')
275        if (not module.params['cidr'] and not use_default_subnetpool and
276                not extra_specs.get('subnetpool_id', False)):
277            module.fail_json(msg='cidr or use_default_subnetpool or '
278                                 'subnetpool_id required with present state')
280    if pool_start and pool_end:
281        pool = [dict(start=pool_start, end=pool_end)]
282    else:
283        pool = None
285    if no_gateway_ip and gateway_ip:
286        module.fail_json(msg='no_gateway_ip is not allowed with gateway_ip')
288    sdk, cloud = openstack_cloud_from_module(module)
289    try:
290        if project is not None:
291            proj = cloud.get_project(project)
292            if proj is None:
293                module.fail_json(msg='Project %s could not be found' % project)
294            project_id = proj['id']
295            filters = {'tenant_id': project_id}
296        else:
297            project_id = None
298            filters = None
300        subnet = cloud.get_subnet(subnet_name, filters=filters)
302        if module.check_mode:
303            module.exit_json(changed=_system_state_change(module, subnet,
304                                                          cloud, filters))
306        if state == 'present':
307            if not subnet:
308                kwargs = dict(
309                    cidr=cidr,
310                    ip_version=ip_version,
311                    enable_dhcp=enable_dhcp,
312                    subnet_name=subnet_name,
313                    gateway_ip=gateway_ip,
314                    disable_gateway_ip=no_gateway_ip,
315                    dns_nameservers=dns,
316                    allocation_pools=pool,
317                    host_routes=host_routes,
318                    ipv6_ra_mode=ipv6_ra_mode,
319                    ipv6_address_mode=ipv6_a_mode,
320                    tenant_id=project_id)
321                dup_args = set(kwargs.keys()) & set(extra_specs.keys())
322                if dup_args:
323                    raise ValueError('Duplicate key(s) {0} in extra_specs'
324                                     .format(list(dup_args)))
325                if use_default_subnetpool:
326                    kwargs['use_default_subnetpool'] = use_default_subnetpool
327                kwargs = dict(kwargs, **extra_specs)
328                subnet = cloud.create_subnet(network_name, **kwargs)
329                changed = True
330            else:
331                if _needs_update(subnet, module, cloud, filters):
332                    cloud.update_subnet(subnet['id'],
333                                        subnet_name=subnet_name,
334                                        enable_dhcp=enable_dhcp,
335                                        gateway_ip=gateway_ip,
336                                        disable_gateway_ip=no_gateway_ip,
337                                        dns_nameservers=dns,
338                                        allocation_pools=pool,
339                                        host_routes=host_routes)
340                    changed = True
341                else:
342                    changed = False
343            module.exit_json(changed=changed,
344                             subnet=subnet,
345                             id=subnet['id'])
347        elif state == 'absent':
348            if not subnet:
349                changed = False
350            else:
351                changed = True
352                cloud.delete_subnet(subnet_name)
353            module.exit_json(changed=changed)
355    except sdk.exceptions.OpenStackCloudException as e:
356        module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
359if __name__ == '__main__':
360    main()