1# Microsoft Azure Linux Agent
3# Copyright 2020 Microsoft Corporation
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17# Requires Python 2.6+ and Openssl 1.0+
20import glob
21import logging
22import os
23import subprocess
24import time
25import zipfile
26from datetime import datetime
27from heapq import heappush, heappop
29from azurelinuxagent.common.conf import get_lib_dir, get_ext_log_dir, get_agent_log_file
30from azurelinuxagent.common.future import ustr
31from azurelinuxagent.common.logcollector_manifests import MANIFEST_NORMAL, MANIFEST_FULL
33# Please note: be careful when adding agent dependencies in this module.
34# This module uses its own logger and logs to its own file, not to the agent log.
36_EXTENSION_LOG_DIR = get_ext_log_dir()
37_AGENT_LIB_DIR = get_lib_dir()
38_AGENT_LOG = get_agent_log_file()
40_LOG_COLLECTOR_DIR = os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "logcollector")
41_TRUNCATED_FILES_DIR = os.path.join(_LOG_COLLECTOR_DIR, "truncated")
43OUTPUT_RESULTS_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(_LOG_COLLECTOR_DIR, "results.txt")
44COMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_PATH = os.path.join(_LOG_COLLECTOR_DIR, "logs.zip")
47    _AGENT_LOG,
48    os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "GoalState.*.xml"),
49    os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "ExtensionsConfig.*.xml"),
50    os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "HostingEnvironmentConfig.*.xml"),
51    os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "SharedConfig.*.xml"),
52    os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "*manifest.xml"),
53    os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "waagent_status.json"),
54    os.path.join(_AGENT_LIB_DIR, "history", "*.zip"),
55    os.path.join(_EXTENSION_LOG_DIR, "*", "*"),
56    os.path.join(_EXTENSION_LOG_DIR, "*", "*", "*"),
57    "{0}.*".format(_AGENT_LOG)  # any additional waagent.log files (e.g., waagent.log.1.gz)
60_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT = 30 * 1024 * 1024  # 30 MB
61_UNCOMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_SIZE_LIMIT = 150 * 1024 * 1024  # 150 MB
63_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
66class LogCollector(object):
68    _TRUNCATED_FILE_PREFIX = "truncated_"
70    def __init__(self, is_full_mode=False):
71        self._is_full_mode = is_full_mode
72        self._manifest = MANIFEST_FULL if is_full_mode else MANIFEST_NORMAL
73        self._must_collect_files = self._expand_must_collect_files()
74        self._create_base_dirs()
75        self._set_logger()
77    @staticmethod
78    def _mkdir(dirname):
79        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
80            os.makedirs(dirname)
82    @staticmethod
83    def _reset_file(filepath):
84        with open(filepath, "wb") as out_file:
85            out_file.write("".encode("utf-8"))
87    @staticmethod
88    def _create_base_dirs():
89        LogCollector._mkdir(_LOG_COLLECTOR_DIR)
90        LogCollector._mkdir(_TRUNCATED_FILES_DIR)
92    @staticmethod
93    def _set_logger():
94        _f_handler = logging.FileHandler(OUTPUT_RESULTS_FILE_PATH, encoding="utf-8")
95        _f_format = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
96                                      datefmt=u'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
97        _f_format.converter = time.gmtime
98        _f_handler.setFormatter(_f_format)
99        _LOGGER.addHandler(_f_handler)
100        _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO)
102    @staticmethod
103    def _run_shell_command(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, log_output=False):
104        """
105        Runs a shell command in a subprocess, logs any errors to the log file, enables changing the stdout stream,
106        and logs the output of the command to the log file if indicated by the `log_output` parameter.
107        :param command: Shell command to run
108        :param stdout: Where to write the output of the command
109        :param log_output: If true, log the command output to the log file
110        """
111        def format_command(cmd):
112            return " ".join(cmd) if isinstance(cmd, list) else command
114        def _encode_command_output(output):
115            return ustr(output, encoding="utf-8", errors="backslashreplace")
117        try:
118            process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
119            stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
120            return_code = process.returncode
121        except Exception as e:
122            error_msg = u"Command [{0}] raised unexpected exception: [{1}]".format(format_command(command), ustr(e))
123            _LOGGER.error(error_msg)
124            return
126        if return_code != 0:
127            encoded_stdout = _encode_command_output(stdout)
128            encoded_stderr = _encode_command_output(stderr)
129            error_msg = "Command: [{0}], return code: [{1}], stdout: [{2}] stderr: [{3}]".format(format_command(command),
130                                                                                                 return_code,
131                                                                                                 encoded_stdout,
132                                                                                                 encoded_stderr)
133            _LOGGER.error(error_msg)
134            return
136        if log_output:
137            msg = "Output of command [{0}]:\n{1}".format(format_command(command), _encode_command_output(stdout))
138            _LOGGER.info(msg)
140    @staticmethod
141    def _expand_must_collect_files():
142        # Match the regexes from the MUST_COLLECT_FILES list to existing file paths on disk.
143        manifest = []
144        for path in _MUST_COLLECT_FILES:
145            manifest.extend(sorted(glob.glob(path)))
147        return manifest
149    def _read_manifest(self):
150        return self._manifest.splitlines()
152    @staticmethod
153    def _process_ll_command(folder):
154        LogCollector._run_shell_command(["ls", "-alF", folder], log_output=True)
156    @staticmethod
157    def _process_echo_command(message):
158        _LOGGER.info(message)
160    @staticmethod
161    def _process_copy_command(path):
162        file_paths = glob.glob(path)
163        for file_path in file_paths:
164            _LOGGER.info(file_path)
165        return file_paths
167    @staticmethod
168    def _convert_file_name_to_archive_name(file_name):
169        # File name is the name of the file on disk, whereas archive name is the name of that same file in the archive.
170        # For non-truncated files: /var/log/waagent.log on disk becomes var/log/waagent.log in archive
171        # (leading separator is removed by the archive).
172        # For truncated files: /var/lib/waagent/logcollector/truncated/var/log/syslog.1 on disk becomes
173        # truncated_var_log_syslog.1 in the archive.
174        if file_name.startswith(_TRUNCATED_FILES_DIR):
175            original_file_path = file_name[len(_TRUNCATED_FILES_DIR):].lstrip(os.path.sep)
176            archive_file_name = LogCollector._TRUNCATED_FILE_PREFIX + original_file_path.replace(os.path.sep, "_")
177            return archive_file_name
178        else:
179            return file_name.lstrip(os.path.sep)
181    @staticmethod
182    def _remove_uncollected_truncated_files(files_to_collect):
183        # After log collection is completed, see if there are any old truncated files which were not collected
184        # and remove them since they probably won't be collected in the future. This is possible when the
185        # original file got deleted, so there is no need to keep its truncated version anymore.
186        truncated_files = os.listdir(_TRUNCATED_FILES_DIR)
188        for file_path in truncated_files:
189            full_path = os.path.join(_TRUNCATED_FILES_DIR, file_path)
190            if full_path not in files_to_collect:
191                if os.path.isfile(full_path):
192                    os.remove(full_path)
194    @staticmethod
195    def _expand_parameters(manifest_data):
196        _LOGGER.info("Using %s as $LIB_DIR", _AGENT_LIB_DIR)
197        _LOGGER.info("Using %s as $LOG_DIR", _EXTENSION_LOG_DIR)
198        _LOGGER.info("Using %s as $AGENT_LOG", _AGENT_LOG)
200        new_manifest = []
201        for line in manifest_data:
202            new_line = line.replace("$LIB_DIR", _AGENT_LIB_DIR)
203            new_line = new_line.replace("$LOG_DIR", _EXTENSION_LOG_DIR)
204            new_line = new_line.replace("$AGENT_LOG", _AGENT_LOG)
205            new_manifest.append(new_line)
207        return new_manifest
209    def _process_manifest_file(self):
210        files_to_collect = set()
211        data = self._read_manifest()
212        manifest_entries = LogCollector._expand_parameters(data)
214        for entry in manifest_entries:
215            # The entry can be one of the four flavours:
216            # 1) ll,/etc/udev/rules.d -- list out contents of the folder and store to results file
217            # 2) echo,### Gathering Configuration Files ### -- print message to results file
218            # 3) copy,/var/lib/waagent/provisioned -- add file to list of files to be collected
219            # 4) diskinfo, -- ignore commands from manifest other than ll, echo, and copy for now
221            contents = entry.split(",")
222            if len(contents) != 2:
223                # If it's not a comment or an empty line, it's a malformed entry
224                if not entry.startswith("#") and len(entry.strip()) > 0:
225                    _LOGGER.error("Couldn't parse \"%s\"", entry)
226                continue
228            command, value = contents
230            if command == "ll":
231                self._process_ll_command(value)
232            elif command == "echo":
233                self._process_echo_command(value)
234            elif command == "copy":
235                files_to_collect.update(self._process_copy_command(value))
237        return files_to_collect
239    @staticmethod
240    def _truncate_large_file(file_path):
241        # Truncate large file to size limit (keep freshest entries of the file), copy file to a temporary location
242        # and update file path in list of files to collect
243        try:
244            # Binary files cannot be truncated, don't include large binary files
245            ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1]
246            if ext in [".gz", ".zip", ".xz"]:
247                _LOGGER.warning("Discarding large binary file %s", file_path)
248                return None
250            truncated_file_path = os.path.join(_TRUNCATED_FILES_DIR, file_path.replace(os.path.sep, "_"))
251            if os.path.exists(truncated_file_path):
252                original_file_mtime = os.path.getmtime(file_path)
253                truncated_file_mtime = os.path.getmtime(truncated_file_path)
255                # If the original file hasn't been updated since the truncated file, it means there were no changes
256                # and we don't need to truncate it again.
257                if original_file_mtime < truncated_file_mtime:
258                    return truncated_file_path
260            # Get the last N bytes of the file
261            with open(truncated_file_path, "w+") as fh:
262                LogCollector._run_shell_command(["tail", "-c", str(_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT), file_path], stdout=fh)
264            return truncated_file_path
265        except OSError as e:
266            _LOGGER.error("Failed to truncate large file: %s", ustr(e))
267            return None
269    def _get_file_priority(self, file_entry):
270        # The sooner the file appears in the must collect list, the bigger its priority.
271        # Priority is higher the lower the number (0 is highest priority).
272        try:
273            return self._must_collect_files.index(file_entry)
274        except ValueError:
275            # Doesn't matter, file is not in the must collect list, assign a low priority
276            return 999999999
278    def _get_priority_files_list(self, file_list):
279        # Given a list of files to collect, determine if they show up in the must collect list and build a priority
280        # queue. The queue will determine the order in which the files are collected, highest priority files first.
281        priority_file_queue = []
282        for file_entry in file_list:
283            priority = self._get_file_priority(file_entry)
284            heappush(priority_file_queue, (priority, file_entry))
286        return priority_file_queue
288    def _get_final_list_for_archive(self, priority_file_queue):
289        # Given a priority queue of files to collect, add one by one while the archive size is under the size limit.
290        # If a single file is over the file size limit, truncate it before adding it to the archive.
291        _LOGGER.info("### Preparing list of files to add to archive ###")
292        total_uncompressed_size = 0
293        final_files_to_collect = []
295        while priority_file_queue:
296            file_path = heappop(priority_file_queue)[1]  # (priority, file_path)
297            file_size = min(os.path.getsize(file_path), _FILE_SIZE_LIMIT)
299            if total_uncompressed_size + file_size > _UNCOMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_SIZE_LIMIT:
300                _LOGGER.warning("Archive too big, done with adding files.")
301                break
303            if os.path.getsize(file_path) <= _FILE_SIZE_LIMIT:
304                final_files_to_collect.append(file_path)
305                _LOGGER.info("Adding file %s, size %s b", file_path, file_size)
306            else:
307                truncated_file_path = self._truncate_large_file(file_path)
308                if truncated_file_path:
309                    _LOGGER.info("Adding truncated file %s, size %s b", truncated_file_path, file_size)
310                    final_files_to_collect.append(truncated_file_path)
312            total_uncompressed_size += file_size
314        _LOGGER.info("Uncompressed archive size is %s b", total_uncompressed_size)
316        return final_files_to_collect
318    def _create_list_of_files_to_collect(self):
319        # The final list of files to be collected by zip is created in three steps:
320        # 1) Parse given manifest file, expanding wildcards and keeping a list of files that exist on disk
321        # 2) Assign those files a priority depending on whether they are in the must collect file list.
322        # 3) In priority order, add files to the final list to be collected, until the size of the archive is under
323        #    the size limit.
324        parsed_file_paths = self._process_manifest_file()
325        prioritized_file_paths = self._get_priority_files_list(parsed_file_paths)
326        files_to_collect = self._get_final_list_for_archive(prioritized_file_paths)
327        return files_to_collect
329    def collect_logs_and_get_archive(self):
330        """
331        Public method that collects necessary log files in a compressed zip archive.
332        :return: Returns the path of the collected compressed archive
333        """
334        files_to_collect = []
336        try:
337            # Clear previous run's output and create base directories if they don't exist already.
338            self._create_base_dirs()
339            LogCollector._reset_file(OUTPUT_RESULTS_FILE_PATH)
340            start_time = datetime.utcnow()
341            _LOGGER.info("Starting log collection at %s", start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
342            _LOGGER.info("Using log collection mode %s", "full" if self._is_full_mode else "normal")
344            files_to_collect = self._create_list_of_files_to_collect()
345            _LOGGER.info("### Creating compressed archive ###")
347            with zipfile.ZipFile(COMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_PATH, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as compressed_archive:
348                for file_to_collect in files_to_collect:
349                    archive_file_name = LogCollector._convert_file_name_to_archive_name(file_to_collect)
350                    compressed_archive.write(file_to_collect.encode("utf-8"), arcname=archive_file_name)
352                compressed_archive_size = os.path.getsize(COMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_PATH)
353                _LOGGER.info("Successfully compressed files. Compressed archive size is %s b", compressed_archive_size)
355                end_time = datetime.utcnow()
356                duration = end_time - start_time
357                elapsed_ms = int(((duration.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + duration.seconds) * 1000) + (duration.microseconds / 1000.0))
358                _LOGGER.info("Finishing log collection at %s", end_time.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
359                _LOGGER.info("Elapsed time: %s ms", elapsed_ms)
361                compressed_archive.write(OUTPUT_RESULTS_FILE_PATH.encode("utf-8"), arcname="results.txt")
363            return COMPRESSED_ARCHIVE_PATH
364        except Exception as e:
365            msg = "Failed to collect logs: {0}".format(ustr(e))
366            _LOGGER.error(msg)
368            raise
369        finally:
370            self._remove_uncollected_truncated_files(files_to_collect)