4\chapter{Volume Utility Tools}
6\index[general]{Volume Utility Tools}
7\index[general]{Tools!Volume Utility}
9This document describes the utility programs written to aid Bacula users and
10developers in dealing with Volumes external to Bacula.
12\section{Specifying the Configuration File}
13\index[general]{Specifying the Configuration File}
15Starting with version 1.27, each of the following programs requires a valid
16Storage daemon configuration file (actually, the only part of the
17configuration file that these programs need is the {\bf Device} resource
18definitions). This permits the programs to find the configuration parameters
19for your archive device (generally a tape drive). By default, they read {\bf
20bacula-sd.conf} in the current directory, but you may specify a different
21configuration file using the {\bf -c} option.
24\section{Specifying a Device Name For a Tape}
25\index[general]{Tape!Specifying a Device Name For a}
26\index[general]{Specifying a Device Name For a Tape}
28Each of these programs require a {\bf device-name} where the Volume can be
29found. In the case of a tape, this is the physical device name such as {\bf
30/dev/nst0} or {\bf /dev/rmt/0ubn} depending on your system. For the program to
31work, it must find the identical name in the Device resource of the
32configuration file. See below for specifying Volume names.
34Please note that if you have Bacula running and you ant to use
35one of these programs, you will either need to stop the Storage daemon, or
36{\bf unmount} any tape drive you want to use, otherwise the drive
37will {\bf busy} because Bacula is using it.
40\section{Specifying a Device Name For a File}
41\index[general]{File!Specifying a Device Name For a}
42\index[general]{Specifying a Device Name For a File}
44If you are attempting to read or write an archive file rather than a tape, the
45{\bf device-name} should be the full path to the archive location including
46the filename. The filename (last part of the specification) will be stripped
47and used as the Volume name, and the path (first part before the filename)
48must have the same entry in the configuration file. So, the path is equivalent
49to the archive device name, and the filename is equivalent to the volume name.
52\section{Specifying Volumes}
54\index[general]{Specifying Volumes}
56In general, you must specify the Volume name to each of the programs below
57(with the exception of {\bf btape}). The best method to do so is to specify a
58{\bf bootstrap} file on the command line with the {\bf -b} option. As part of
59the bootstrap file, you will then specify the Volume name or Volume names if
60more than one volume is needed. For example, suppose you want to read tapes
61{\bf tape1} and {\bf tape2}. First construct a {\bf bootstrap} file named say,
62{\bf list.bsr} which contains:
70where each Volume is separated by a vertical bar. Then simply use:
74./bls -b list.bsr /dev/nst0
78In the case of Bacula Volumes that are on files, you may simply append volumes
79as follows:
83./bls /tmp/test1\|test2
87where the backslash (\textbackslash{}) was necessary as a shell escape to
88permit entering the vertical bar (|).
90And finally, if you feel that specifying a Volume name is a bit complicated
91with a bootstrap file, you can use the {\bf -V} option (on all programs except
92{\bf bcopy}) to specify one or more Volume names separated by the vertical bar
93(|). For example,
97./bls -V Vol001 /dev/nst0
101You may also specify an asterisk (*) to indicate that the program should
102accept any volume. For example:
106./bls -V* /dev/nst0
115{\bf bls} can be used to do an {\bf ls} type listing of a {\bf Bacula} tape or
116file. It is called:
120Usage: bls [options] <device-name>
121       -b <file>       specify a bootstrap file
122       -c <file>       specify a config file
123       -d <level>      specify debug level
124       -e <file>       exclude list
125       -i <file>       include list
126       -j              list jobs
127       -k              list blocks
128    (no j or k option) list saved files
129       -L              dump label
130       -p              proceed inspite of errors
131       -v              be verbose
132       -V              specify Volume names (separated by |)
133       -?              print this message
137For example, to list the contents of a tape:
141./bls -V Volume-name /dev/nst0
145Or to list the contents of a file:
149./bls /tmp/Volume-name
151./bls -V Volume-name /tmp
155Note that, in the case of a file, the Volume name becomes the filename, so in
156the above example, you will replace the {\bf xxx} with the name of the volume
157(file) you wrote.
159Normally if no options are specified, {\bf bls} will produce the equivalent
160output to the {\bf ls -l} command for each file on the tape. Using other
161options listed above, it is possible to display only the Job records, only the
162tape blocks, etc. For example:
167./bls /tmp/File002
168bls: butil.c:148 Using device: /tmp
169drwxrwxr-x   3 k  k  4096 02-10-19 21:08  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/
170drwxrwxr-x   2 k  k  4096 02-10-10 18:59  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/CVS/
171-rw-rw-r--   1 k  k    54 02-07-06 18:02  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/CVS/Root
172-rw-rw-r--   1 k  k    16 02-07-06 18:02  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/CVS/Repository
173-rw-rw-r--   1 k  k  1783 02-10-10 18:59  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/CVS/Entries
174-rw-rw-r--   1 k  k 97506 02-10-18 21:07  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/Makefile
175-rw-r--r--   1 k  k  3513 02-10-18 21:02  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/Makefile.in
176-rw-rw-r--   1 k  k  4669 02-07-06 18:02  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/README-config
177-rw-r--r--   1 k  k  4391 02-09-14 16:51  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/authenticate.c
178-rw-r--r--   1 k  k  3609 02-07-07 16:41  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/autoprune.c
179-rw-rw-r--   1 k  k  4418 02-10-18 21:03  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/bacula-dir.conf
181-rw-rw-r--   1 k  k    83 02-08-31 19:19  /home/kern/bacula/k/src/dird/.cvsignore
182bls: Got EOF on device /tmp
18384 files found.
187\subsection{Listing Jobs}
188\index[general]{Listing Jobs with bls}
189\index[general]{bls!Listing Jobs}
191If you are listing a Volume to determine what Jobs to restore, normally the
192{\bf -j} option provides you with most of what you will need as long as you
193don't have multiple clients. For example,
197./bls -j -V Test1 -c stored.conf DDS-4
198bls: butil.c:258 Using device: "DDS-4" for reading.
19911-Jul 11:54 bls: Ready to read from volume "Test1" on device "DDS-4" (/dev/nst0).
200Volume Record: File:blk=0:1 SessId=4 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=0 DataLen=165
201Begin Job Session Record: File:blk=0:2 SessId=4 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=1 Level=F Type=B
202Begin Job Session Record: File:blk=0:3 SessId=5 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=5 Level=F Type=B
203Begin Job Session Record: File:blk=0:6 SessId=3 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=2 Level=F Type=B
204Begin Job Session Record: File:blk=0:13 SessId=2 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=4 Level=F Type=B
205End Job Session Record: File:blk=0:99 SessId=3 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=2 Level=F Type=B
206   Files=168 Bytes=1,732,978 Errors=0 Status=T
207End Job Session Record: File:blk=0:101 SessId=2 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=4 Level=F Type=B
208   Files=168 Bytes=1,732,978 Errors=0 Status=T
209End Job Session Record: File:blk=0:108 SessId=5 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=5 Level=F Type=B
210   Files=168 Bytes=1,732,978 Errors=0 Status=T
211End Job Session Record: File:blk=0:109 SessId=4 SessTime=1121074625 JobId=1 Level=F Type=B
212   Files=168 Bytes=1,732,978 Errors=0 Status=T
21311-Jul 11:54 bls: End of Volume at file 1 on device "DDS-4" (/dev/nst0), Volume "Test1"
21411-Jul 11:54 bls: End of all volumes.
218shows a full save followed by two incremental saves.
220Adding the {\bf -v} option will display virtually all information that is
221available for each record:
223\subsection{Listing Blocks}
224\index[general]{Listing Blocks with bls}
225\index[general]{bls!Listing Blocks}
227Normally, except for debugging purposes, you will not need to list Bacula
228blocks (the "primitive" unit of Bacula data on the Volume). However, you can
229do so with:
233./bls -k /tmp/File002
234bls: butil.c:148 Using device: /tmp
235Block: 1 size=64512
236Block: 2 size=64512
238Block: 65 size=64512
239Block: 66 size=19195
240bls: Got EOF on device /tmp
241End of File on device
245By adding the {\bf -v} option, you can get more information, which can be
246useful in knowing what sessions were written to the volume:
250./bls -k -v /tmp/File002
251Volume Label:
252Id                : Bacula 0.9 mortal
253VerNo             : 10
254VolName           : File002
255PrevVolName       :
256VolFile           : 0
257LabelType         : VOL_LABEL
258LabelSize         : 147
259PoolName          : Default
260MediaType         : File
261PoolType          : Backup
262HostName          :
263Date label written: 2002-10-19 at 21:16
264Block: 1 blen=64512 First rec FI=VOL_LABEL SessId=1 SessTim=1035062102 Strm=0 rlen=147
265Block: 2 blen=64512 First rec FI=6 SessId=1 SessTim=1035062102 Strm=DATA rlen=4087
266Block: 3 blen=64512 First rec FI=12 SessId=1 SessTim=1035062102 Strm=DATA rlen=5902
267Block: 4 blen=64512 First rec FI=19 SessId=1 SessTim=1035062102 Strm=DATA rlen=28382
269Block: 65 blen=64512 First rec FI=83 SessId=1 SessTim=1035062102 Strm=DATA rlen=1873
270Block: 66 blen=19195 First rec FI=83 SessId=1 SessTim=1035062102 Strm=DATA rlen=2973
271bls: Got EOF on device /tmp
272End of File on device
276Armed with the SessionId and the SessionTime, you can extract just about
279If you want to know even more, add a second {\bf -v} to the command line to
280get a dump of every record in every block.
284./bls -k -v -v /tmp/File002
285bls: block.c:79 Dump block  80f8ad0: size=64512 BlkNum=1
286               Hdrcksum=b1bdfd6d cksum=b1bdfd6d
287bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=VOL_LABEL Strm=0 len=147 p=80f8b40
288bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=SOS_LABEL Strm=-7 len=122 p=80f8be7
289bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=1 Strm=UATTR len=86 p=80f8c75
290bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=2 Strm=UATTR len=90 p=80f8cdf
291bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=3 Strm=UATTR len=92 p=80f8d4d
292bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=3 Strm=DATA len=54 p=80f8dbd
293bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=3 Strm=MD5 len=16 p=80f8e07
294bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=4 Strm=UATTR len=98 p=80f8e2b
295bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=4 Strm=DATA len=16 p=80f8ea1
296bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=4 Strm=MD5 len=16 p=80f8ec5
297bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=5 Strm=UATTR len=96 p=80f8ee9
298bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=5 Strm=DATA len=1783 p=80f8f5d
299bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=5 Strm=MD5 len=16 p=80f9668
300bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=6 Strm=UATTR len=95 p=80f968c
301bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=6 Strm=DATA len=32768 p=80f96ff
302bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=6 Strm=DATA len=32768 p=8101713
303bls: block.c:79 Dump block  80f8ad0: size=64512 BlkNum=2
304               Hdrcksum=9acc1e7f cksum=9acc1e7f
305bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=6 Strm=contDATA len=4087 p=80f8b40
306bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=6 Strm=DATA len=31970 p=80f9b4b
307bls: block.c:92    Rec: VId=1 VT=1035062102 FI=6 Strm=MD5 len=16 p=8101841
317If you find yourself using {\bf bextract}, you probably have done
318something wrong. For example, if you are trying to recover a file
319but are having problems, please see the \ilink {Restoring When Things Go
320Wrong}{database_restore} section of the Restore chapter of this manual.
322Normally, you will restore files by running a {\bf Restore} Job from the {\bf
323Console} program. However, {\bf bextract} can be used to extract a single file
324or a list of files from a Bacula tape or file. In fact, {\bf bextract} can be
325a useful tool to restore files to an empty system assuming you are able to
326boot, you have statically linked {\bf bextract} and you have an appropriate
327{\bf bootstrap} file.
329Please note that some of the current limitations of bextract are:
332\item It cannot restore access control lists (ACL) that have been
333      backed up along with the file data.
334\item It cannot restore encrypted files.
335\item The command line length is relatively limited,
336      which means that you cannot enter a huge number of volumes.  If you need to
337      enter more volumes than the command line supports, please use a bootstrap
338      file (see below).
342It is called:
347Usage: bextract [-d debug_level] <device-name> <directory-to-store-files>
348       -b <file>       specify a bootstrap file
349       -dnn            set debug level to nn
350       -e <file>       exclude list
351       -i <file>       include list
352       -p              proceed inspite of I/O errors
353       -V              specify Volume names (separated by |)
354       -?              print this message
358where {\bf device-name} is the Archive Device (raw device name or full
359filename) of the device to be read, and {\bf directory-to-store-files} is a
360path prefix to prepend to all the files restored.
362NOTE: On Windows systems, if you specify a prefix of say d:/tmp, any file that
363would have been restored to {\bf c:/My Documents} will be restored to {\bf
364d:/tmp/My Documents}. That is, the original drive specification will be
365stripped. If no prefix is specified, the file will be restored to the original
368\subsection{Extracting with Include or Exclude Lists}
369\index[general]{Lists!Extracting with Include or Exclude}
370\index[general]{Extracting with Include or Exclude Lists}
372Using the {\bf -e} option, you can specify a file containing a list of files
373to be excluded. Wildcards can be used in the exclusion list. This option will
374normally be used in conjunction with the {\bf -i} option (see below). Both the
375{\bf -e} and the {\bf -i} options may be specified at the same time as the
376{\bf -b} option. The bootstrap filters will be applied first, then the include
377list, then the exclude list.
379Likewise, and probably more importantly, with the {\bf -i} option, you can
380specify a file that contains a list (one file per line) of files and
381directories to include to be restored. The list must contain the full filename
382with the path. If you specify a path name only, all files and subdirectories
383of that path will be restored. If you specify a line containing only the
384filename (e.g. {\bf my-file.txt}) it probably will not be extracted because
385you have not specified the full path.
387For example, if the file {\bf include-list} contains:
396Then the command:
400./bextract -i include-list -V Volume /dev/nst0 /tmp
404will restore from the Bacula archive {\bf /dev/nst0} all files and directories
405in the backup from {\bf /home/kern/bacula} and from {\bf /usr/local/bin}. The
406restored files will be placed in a file of the original name under the
407directory {\bf /tmp} (i.e. /tmp/home/kern/bacula/... and
410\subsection{Extracting With a Bootstrap File}
411\index[general]{File!Extracting With a Bootstrap}
412\index[general]{Extracting With a Bootstrap File}
414The {\bf -b} option is used to specify a {\bf bootstrap} file containing the
415information needed to restore precisely the files you want. Specifying a {\bf
416bootstrap} file is optional but recommended because it gives you the most
417control over which files will be restored. For more details on the {\bf
418bootstrap} file, please see
419\ilink{Restoring Files with the Bootstrap File}{BootstrapChapter}
420chapter of this document. Note, you may also use a bootstrap file produced by
421the {\bf restore} command. For example:
425./bextract -b bootstrap-file /dev/nst0 /tmp
429The bootstrap file allows detailed specification of what files you want
430restored (extracted). You may specify a bootstrap file and include and/or
431exclude files at the same time. The bootstrap conditions will first be
432applied, and then each file record seen will be compared to the include and
433exclude lists.
435\subsection{Extracting From Multiple Volumes}
436\index[general]{Volumes!Extracting From Multiple}
437\index[general]{Extracting From Multiple Volumes}
439If you wish to extract files that span several Volumes, you can specify the
440Volume names in the bootstrap file or you may specify the Volume names on the
441command line by separating them with a vertical bar. See the section above
442under the {\bf bls} program entitled {\bf Listing Multiple Volumes} for more
443information. The same techniques apply equally well to the {\bf bextract}
444program or read the \ilink{Bootstrap}{BootstrapChapter}
445chapter of this document.
452If you find yourself using this program, you have probably done something
453wrong. For example, the best way to recover a lost or damaged Bacula
454database is to reload the database by using the bootstrap file that
455was written when you saved it (default bacula-dir.conf file).
457The {\bf bscan} program can be used to re-create a database (catalog)
458records from the backup information written to one or more Volumes.  This
459is normally needed only if one or more Volumes have been pruned or purged
460from your catalog so that the records on the Volume are no longer in the
461catalog, or for Volumes that you have archived.  Note, if you scan in
462Volumes that were previously purged, you will be able to do restores from
463those Volumes.  However, unless you modify the Job and File retention times
464for the Jobs that were added by scanning, the next time you run any Job
465with the same name, the records will be pruned again.  Since it takes a
466long time to scan Volumes this can be very frustrating.
468With some care, {\bf bscan} can also be used to synchronize your existing
469catalog with a Volume.  Although we have never seen a case of bscan
470damaging a catalog, since bscan modifies your catalog, we recommend that
471you do a simple ASCII backup of your database before running {\bf bscan}
472just to be sure.  See \ilink{Compacting Your Database}{CompactingMySQL} for
473the details of making a copy of your database.
475{\bf bscan} can also be useful in a disaster recovery situation, after the
476loss of a hard disk, if you do not have a valid {\bf bootstrap} file for
477reloading your system, or if a Volume has been recycled but not overwritten,
478you can use {\bf bscan} to re-create your database, which can then be used to
479{\bf restore} your system or a file to its previous state.
481It is called:
486Usage: bscan [options] <bacula-archive>
487       -b bootstrap   specify a bootstrap file
488       -c <file>      specify configuration file
489       -d <nn>        set debug level to nn
490       -m             update media info in database
491       -n <name>      specify the database name (default bacula)
492       -u <user>      specify database user name (default bacula)
493       -P <password>  specify database password (default none)
494       -h <host>      specify database host (default NULL)
495       -p             proceed inspite of I/O errors
496       -r             list records
497       -s             synchronize or store in database
498       -v             verbose
499       -V <Volumes>   specify Volume names (separated by |)
500       -w <dir>       specify working directory (default from conf file)
501       -?             print this message
505If you are using MySQL or PostgreSQL, there is no need to supply a working
506directory since in that case, bscan knows where the databases are. However, if
507you have provided security on your database, you may need to supply either the
508database name ({\bf -b} option), the user name ({\bf -u} option), and/or the
509password ({\bf -p}) options.
511NOTE: before {\bf bscan} can work, it needs at least a bare bones valid
512database.  If your database exists but some records are missing because
513they were pruned, then you are all set. If your database was lost or
514destroyed, then you must first ensure that you have the SQL program running
515(MySQL or PostgreSQL), then you must create the Bacula database (normally
516named bacula), and you must create the Bacula tables using the scripts in
517the {\bf cats} directory.  This is explained in the
518\ilink{Installation}{CreateDatabase} chapter of the manual. Finally, before
519scanning into an empty database, you must start and stop the Director with
520the appropriate bacula-dir.conf file so that it can create the Client and
521Storage records which are not stored on the Volumes.  Without these
522records, scanning is unable to connect the Job records to the proper
525Forgetting for the moment the extra complications of a full rebuild of
526your catalog, let's suppose that you did a backup to Volumes "Vol001"
527and "Vol002", then sometime later all records of one or both those
528Volumes were pruned or purged from the
529database. By using {\bf bscan} you can recreate the catalog entries for
530those Volumes and then use the {\bf restore} command in the Console to restore
531whatever you want. A command something like:
535bscan -c bacula-sd.conf -v -V Vol001\|Vol002 /dev/nst0
539will give you an idea of what is going to happen without changing
540your catalog. Of course, you may need to change the path to the Storage
541daemon's conf file, the Volume name, and your tape (or disk) device name. This
542command must read the entire tape, so if it has a lot of data, it may take a
543long time, and thus you might want to immediately use the command listed
544below. Note, if you are writing to a disk file, replace the device name with
545the path to the directory that contains the Volumes. This must correspond to
546the Archive Device in the conf file.
548Then to actually write or store the records in the catalog, add the {\bf -s}
549option as follows:
553 bscan -s -m -c bacula-sd.conf -v -V Vol001\|Vol002 /dev/nst0
557When writing to the database, if bscan finds existing records, it will
558generally either update them if something is wrong or leave them alone. Thus
559if the Volumes you are scanning are all or partially in the catalog already, no
560harm will be done to that existing data. Any missing data will simply be
563If you have multiple tapes, you should scan them with:
567 bscan -s -m -c bacula-sd.conf -v -V Vol001\|Vol002\|Vol003 /dev/nst0
571Since there is a limit on the command line length (511 bytes) accepted
572by {\bf bscan}, if you have too many Volumes, you will need to manually
573create a bootstrap file.  See the \ilink{Bootstrap}{BootstrapChapter}
574chapter of this manual for more details, in particular the section
575entitled \ilink{Bootstrap for bscan}{bscanBootstrap}.
577You should, always try to specify the tapes in the order they are written.
578However, bscan can handle scanning tapes that are not sequential.  Any
579incomplete records at the end of the tape will simply be ignored in that
580case.  If you are simply repairing an existing catalog, this may be OK, but
581if you are creating a new catalog from scratch, it will leave your database
582in an incorrect state.  If you do not specify all necessary Volumes on a
583single bscan command, bscan will not be able to correctly restore the
584records that span two volumes.  In other words, it is much better to
585specify two or three volumes on a single bscan command rather than run
586bscan two or three times, each with a single volume.
589Note, the restoration process using bscan is not identical to the original
590creation of the catalog data. This is because certain data such as Client
591records and other non-essential data such
592as volume reads, volume mounts, etc is not stored on the Volume, and thus is
593not restored by bscan. The results of bscanning are, however, perfectly valid,
594and will permit restoration of any or all the files in the catalog using the
595normal Bacula console commands.  If you are starting with an empty catalog
596and expecting bscan to reconstruct it, you may be a bit disappointed, but
597at a minimum, you must ensure that your bacula-dir.conf file is the same
598as what it previously was -- that is, it must contain all the appropriate
599Client resources so that they will be recreated in your new database {\bf
600before} running bscan. Normally when the Director starts, it will recreate
601any missing Client records in the catalog.  Another problem you will have
602is that even if the Volumes (Media records) are recreated in the database,
603they will not have their autochanger status and slots properly set. As a
604result, you will need to repair that by using the {\bf update slots}
605command.  There may be other considerations as well.  Rather than
606bscanning, you should always attempt to recover you previous catalog
610\subsection{Using bscan to Compare a Volume to an existing Catalog}
611\index[general]{Catalog!Using bscan to Compare a Volume to an existing}
612\index[general]{Using bscan to Compare a Volume to an existing Catalog}
614If you wish to compare the contents of a Volume to an existing catalog without
615changing the catalog, you can safely do so if and only if you do {\bf not}
616specify either the {\bf -m} or the {\bf -s} options. However, at this time
617(Bacula version 1.26), the comparison routines are not as good or as thorough
618as they should be, so we don't particularly recommend this mode other than for
621\subsection{Using bscan to Recreate a Catalog from a Volume}
622\index[general]{Volume!Using bscan to Recreate a Catalog from a Volume}
623\index[general]{Using bscan to Recreate a Catalog from a Volume}
625This is the mode for which {\bf bscan} is most useful. You can either {\bf
626bscan} into a freshly created catalog, or directly into your existing catalog
627(after having made an ASCII copy as described above). Normally, you should
628start with a freshly created catalog that contains no data.
630Starting with a single Volume named {\bf TestVolume1}, you run a command such
635./bscan -V TestVolume1 -v -s -m -c bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
639If there is more than one volume, simply append it to the first one separating
640it with a vertical bar. You may need to precede the vertical bar with a
641forward slash escape the shell -- e.g. {\bf
642TestVolume1\textbackslash{}|TestVolume2}. The {\bf -v} option was added for
643verbose output (this can be omitted if desired). The {\bf -s} option that
644tells {\bf bscan} to store information in the database. The physical device
645name {\bf /dev/nst0} is specified after all the options.
647{\bf} For example, after having done a full backup of a directory, then two
648incrementals, I reinitialized the SQLite database as described above, and
649using the bootstrap.bsr file noted above, I entered the following command:
653./bscan -b bootstrap.bsr -v -s -c bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
657which produced the following output:
661bscan: bscan.c:182 Using Database: bacula, User: bacula
662bscan: bscan.c:673 Created Pool record for Pool: Default
663bscan: bscan.c:271 Pool type "Backup" is OK.
664bscan: bscan.c:632 Created Media record for Volume: TestVolume1
665bscan: bscan.c:298 Media type "DDS-4" is OK.
666bscan: bscan.c:307 VOL_LABEL: OK for Volume: TestVolume1
667bscan: bscan.c:693 Created Client record for Client: Rufus
668bscan: bscan.c:769 Created new JobId=1 record for original JobId=2
669bscan: bscan.c:717 Created FileSet record "Kerns Files"
670bscan: bscan.c:819 Updated Job termination record for new JobId=1
671bscan: bscan.c:905 Created JobMedia record JobId 1, MediaId 1
672bscan: Got EOF on device /dev/nst0
673bscan: bscan.c:693 Created Client record for Client: Rufus
674bscan: bscan.c:769 Created new JobId=2 record for original JobId=3
675bscan: bscan.c:708 Fileset "Kerns Files" already exists.
676bscan: bscan.c:819 Updated Job termination record for new JobId=2
677bscan: bscan.c:905 Created JobMedia record JobId 2, MediaId 1
678bscan: Got EOF on device /dev/nst0
679bscan: bscan.c:693 Created Client record for Client: Rufus
680bscan: bscan.c:769 Created new JobId=3 record for original JobId=4
681bscan: bscan.c:708 Fileset "Kerns Files" already exists.
682bscan: bscan.c:819 Updated Job termination record for new JobId=3
683bscan: bscan.c:905 Created JobMedia record JobId 3, MediaId 1
684bscan: Got EOF on device /dev/nst0
685bscan: bscan.c:652 Updated Media record at end of Volume: TestVolume1
686bscan: bscan.c:428 End of Volume. VolFiles=3 VolBlocks=57 VolBytes=10,027,437
690The key points to note are that {\bf bscan} prints a line when each major
691record is created. Due to the volume of output, it does not print a line for
692each file record unless you supply the {\bf -v} option twice or more on the
693command line.
695In the case of a Job record, the new JobId will not normally be the same as
696the original Jobid. For example, for the first JobId above, the new JobId is
6971, but the original JobId is 2. This is nothing to be concerned about as it is
698the normal nature of databases. {\bf bscan} will keep everything straight.
700Although {\bf bscan} claims that it created a Client record for Client: Rufus
701three times, it was actually only created the first time. This is normal.
703You will also notice that it read an end of file after each Job (Got EOF on
704device ...). Finally the last line gives the total statistics for the bscan.
706If you had added a second {\bf -v} option to the command line, Bacula would
707have been even more verbose, dumping virtually all the details of each Job
708record it encountered.
710Now if you start Bacula and enter a {\bf list jobs} command to the console
711program, you will get:
716| JobId | Name     | StartTime        | Type | Lvl | JobFiles | JobBytes | JobStat |
718| 1     | kernsave | 2002-10-07 14:59 | B    | F   | 84       | 4180207  | T       |
719| 2     | kernsave | 2002-10-07 15:00 | B    | I   | 15       | 2170314  | T       |
720| 3     | kernsave | 2002-10-07 15:01 | B    | I   | 33       | 3662184  | T       |
725which corresponds virtually identically with what the database contained
726before it was re-initialized and restored with bscan. All the Jobs and Files
727found on the tape are restored including most of the Media record. The Volume
728(Media) records restored will be marked as {\bf Full} so that they cannot be
729rewritten without operator intervention.
731It should be noted that {\bf bscan} cannot restore a database to the exact
732condition it was in previously because a lot of the less important information
733contained in the database is not saved to the tape. Nevertheless, the
734reconstruction is sufficiently complete, that you can run {\bf restore}
735against it and get valid results.
737An interesting aspect of restoring a catalog backup using {\bf bscan} is
738that the backup was made while Bacula was running and writing to a tape. At
739the point the backup of the catalog is made, the tape Bacula is writing to
740will have say 10 files on it, but after the catalog backup is made, there
741will be 11 files on the tape Bacula is writing.  This there is a difference
742between what is contained in the backed up catalog and what is actually on
743the tape.  If after restoring a catalog, you attempt to write on the same
744tape that was used to backup the catalog, Bacula will detect the difference
745in the number of files registered in the catalog compared to what is on the
746tape, and will mark the tape in error.
748There are two solutions to this problem. The first is possibly the simplest
749and is to mark the volume as Used before doing any backups.  The second is
750to manually correct the number of files listed in the Media record of the
751catalog.  This procedure is documented elsewhere in the manual and involves
752using the {\bf update volume} command in {\bf bconsole}.
754\subsection{Using bscan to Correct the Volume File Count}
755\index[general]{Using bscan to Correct the Volume File Count}
756\index[general]{Count!Using bscan to Correct the Volume File Count}
758If the Storage daemon crashes during a backup Job, the catalog will not be
759properly updated for the Volume being used at the time of the crash. This
760means that the Storage daemon will have written say 20 files on the tape, but
761the catalog record for the Volume indicates only 19 files.
763Bacula refuses to write on a tape that contains a different number of files
764from what is in the catalog. To correct this situation, you may run a {\bf
765bscan} with the {\bf -m} option (but {\bf without} the {\bf -s} option) to
766update only the final Media record for the Volumes read.
768\subsection{After bscan}
769\index[general]{After bscan}
772If you use {\bf bscan} to enter the contents of the Volume into an existing
773catalog, you should be aware that the records you entered may be immediately
774pruned during the next job, particularly if the Volume is very old or had been
775previously purged. To avoid this, after running {\bf bscan}, you can manually
776set the volume status (VolStatus) to {\bf Read-Only} by using the {\bf update}
777command in the catalog. This will allow you to restore from the volume without
778having it immediately purged. When you have restored and backed up the data,
779you can reset the VolStatus to {\bf Used} and the Volume will be purged from
780the catalog.
787The {\bf bcopy} program can be used to copy one {\bf Bacula} archive file to
788another. For example, you may copy a tape to a file, a file to a tape, a file
789to a file, or a tape to a tape. For tape to tape, you will need two tape
790drives. (a later version is planned that will buffer it to disk). In the
791process of making the copy, no record of the information written to the new
792Volume is stored in the catalog. This means that the new Volume, though it
793contains valid backup data, cannot be accessed directly from existing catalog
794entries. If you wish to be able to use the Volume with the Console restore
795command, for example, you must first bscan the new Volume into the catalog.
797\subsection{bcopy Command Options}
798\index[general]{Options!bcopy Command}
799\index[general]{Bcopy Command Options}
803Usage: bcopy [-d debug_level] <input-archive> <output-archive>
804       -b bootstrap      specify a bootstrap file
805       -c <file>         specify configuration file
806       -dnn              set debug level to nn
807       -i                specify input Volume names (separated by |)
808       -o                specify output Volume names (separated by |)
809       -p                proceed inspite of I/O errors
810       -v                verbose
811       -w dir            specify working directory (default /tmp)
812       -?                print this message
816By using a {\bf bootstrap} file, you can copy parts of a Bacula archive file
817to another archive.
819One of the objectives of this program is to be able to recover as much data as
820possible from a damaged tape. However, the current version does not yet have
821this feature.
823As this is a new program, any feedback on its use would be appreciated. In
824addition, I only have a single tape drive, so I have never been able to test
825this program with two tape drives.
832This program permits a number of elementary tape operations via a tty command
833interface. It works only with tapes and not with other kinds of Bacula
834storage media (DVD, File, ...).  The {\bf test} command, described below,
835can be very useful for testing older tape drive compatibility problems.
836Aside from initial testing of tape drive compatibility with {\bf Bacula},
837{\bf btape} will be mostly used by developers writing new tape drivers.
839{\bf btape} can be dangerous to use with existing {\bf Bacula} tapes because
840it will relabel a tape or write on the tape if so requested regardless that
841the tape may contain valuable data, so please be careful and use it only on
842blank tapes.
844To work properly, {\bf btape} needs to read the Storage daemon's configuration
845file. As a default, it will look for {\bf bacula-sd.conf} in the current
846directory. If your configuration file is elsewhere, please use the {\bf -c}
847option to specify where.
849The physical device name must be specified on the command line, and this
850same device name must be present in the Storage daemon's configuration file
851read by {\bf btape}
855Usage: btape <options> <device_name>
856       -b <file>   specify bootstrap file
857       -c <file>   set configuration file to file
858       -d <nn>     set debug level to nn
859       -p          proceed inspite of I/O errors
860       -s          turn off signals
861       -v          be verbose
862       -?          print this message.
866\subsection{Using btape to Verify your Tape Drive}
867\index[general]{Using btape to Verify your Tape Drive}
868\index[general]{Drive!Using btape to Verify your Tape}
870An important reason for this program is to ensure that a Storage daemon
871configuration file is defined so that Bacula will correctly read and write
874It is highly recommended that you run the {\bf test} command before running
875your first Bacula job to ensure that the parameters you have defined for your
876storage device (tape drive) will permit {\bf Bacula} to function properly. You
877only need to mount a blank tape, enter the command, and the output should be
878reasonably self explanatory. Please see the
879\ilink{Tape Testing}{TapeTestingChapter} Chapter of this manual for
880the details.
882\subsection{btape Commands}
883\index[general]{Btape Commands}
886The full list of commands are:
890  Command    Description
891  =======    ===========
892  autochanger test autochanger
893  bsf        backspace file
894  bsr        backspace record
895  cap        list device capabilities
896  clear      clear tape errors
897  eod        go to end of Bacula data for append
898  eom        go to the physical end of medium
899  fill       fill tape, write onto second volume
900  unfill     read filled tape
901  fsf        forward space a file
902  fsr        forward space a record
903  help       print this command
904  label      write a Bacula label to the tape
905  load       load a tape
906  quit       quit btape
907  rawfill    use write() to fill tape
908  readlabel  read and print the Bacula tape label
909  rectest    test record handling functions
910  rewind     rewind the tape
911  scan       read() tape block by block to EOT and report
912  scanblocks Bacula read block by block to EOT and report
913  speed      report drive speed
914  status     print tape status
915  test       General test Bacula tape functions
916  weof       write an EOF on the tape
917  wr         write a single Bacula block
918  rr         read a single record
919  qfill      quick fill command
923The most useful commands are:
926\item test -- test writing records and EOF marks and  reading them back.
927\item fill -- completely fill a volume with records, then  write a few records
928   on a second volume, and finally,  both volumes will be read back.
929   This command writes blocks containing random data, so your drive will
930   not be able to compress the data, and thus it is a good test of
931   the real physical capacity of your tapes.
932\item readlabel -- read and dump the label on a Bacula tape.
933\item cap -- list the device capabilities as defined in the  configuration
934   file and as perceived by the Storage daemon.
935   \end{itemize}
937The {\bf readlabel} command can be used to display the details of a Bacula
938tape label. This can be useful if the physical tape label was lost or damaged.
941In the event that you want to relabel a {\bf Bacula}, you can simply use the
942{\bf label} command which will write over any existing label. However, please
943note for labeling tapes, we recommend that you use the {\bf label} command in
944the {\bf Console} program since it will never overwrite a valid Bacula tape.
946\subsubsection*{Testing your Tape Drive}
949To determine the best configuration of your tape drive, you can run the new
950\texttt{speed} command available in the \texttt{btape} program.
952This command can have the following arguments:
954\item[\texttt{file\_size=n}] Specify the Maximum File Size for this test
955  (between 1 and 5GB). This counter is in GB.
956\item[\texttt{nb\_file=n}] Specify the number of file to be written. The amount
957  of data should be greater than your memory ($file\_size*nb\_file$).
958\item[\texttt{skip\_zero}] This flag permits to skip tests with constant
959  data.
960\item[\texttt{skip\_random}] This flag permits to skip tests with random
961  data.
962\item[\texttt{skip\_raw}] This flag permits to skip tests with raw access.
963\item[\texttt{skip\_block}] This flag permits to skip tests with Bacula block
964  access.
968*speed file_size=3 skip_raw
969btape.c:1078 Test with zero data and bacula block structure.
970btape.c:956 Begin writing 3 files of 3.221 GB with blocks of 129024 bytes.
972btape.c:604 Wrote 1 EOF to "Drive-0" (/dev/nst0)
973btape.c:406 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 44.128 MB/s
975btape.c:383 Total Volume bytes=9.664 GB. Total Write rate = 43.531 MB/s
977btape.c:1090 Test with random data, should give the minimum throughput.
978btape.c:956 Begin writing 3 files of 3.221 GB with blocks of 129024 bytes.
980btape.c:604 Wrote 1 EOF to "Drive-0" (/dev/nst0)
981btape.c:406 Volume bytes=3.221 GB. Write rate = 7.271 MB/s
984btape.c:383 Total Volume bytes=9.664 GB. Total Write rate = 7.365 MB/s
988When using compression, the random test will give your the minimum throughput
989of your drive . The test using constant string will give you the maximum speed
990of your hardware chain. (cpu, memory, scsi card, cable, drive, tape).
992You can change the block size in the Storage Daemon configuration file.
994\section{Other Programs}
996\index[general]{Other Programs}
998The following programs are general utility programs and in general do not need
999a configuration file nor a device name.
1006{\bf bsmtp} is a simple mail transport program that permits more flexibility
1007than the standard mail programs typically found on Unix systems. It can even
1008be used on Windows machines.
1010It is called:
1014Usage: bsmtp [-f from] [-h mailhost] [-s subject] [-c copy] [recipient ...]
1015       -c          set the Cc: field
1016       -dnn        set debug level to nn
1017       -f          set the From: field
1018       -h          use mailhost:port as the bsmtp server
1019       -l          limit the lines accepted to nn
1020       -s          set the Subject: field
1021       -?          print this message.
1025If the {\bf -f} option is not specified, {\bf bsmtp} will use your userid. If
1026the option {\bf -h} is not specified {\bf bsmtp} will use the value in the environment
1027variable {\bf bsmtpSERVER} or if there is none {\bf localhost}. By default
1028port 25 is used.
1030If a line count limit is set with the {\bf -l} option, {\bf bsmtp} will
1031not send an email with a body text exceeding that number of lines. This
1032is especially useful for large restore job reports where the list of
1033files restored might produce very long mails your mail-server would
1034refuse or crash. However, be aware that you will probably suppress the
1035job report and any error messages unless you check the log file written
1036by the Director (see the messages resource in this manual for details).
1039{\bf recipients} is a space separated list of email recipients.
1041The body of the email message is read from standard input.
1043An example of the use of {\bf bsmtp} would be to put the following statement
1044in the {\bf Messages} resource of your {\bf bacula-dir.conf} file. Note, these
1045commands should appear on a single line each.
1049  mailcommand = "/home/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h mail.domain.com -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\"
1050                 -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
1051  operatorcommand = "/home/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h mail.domain.com -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\"
1052                    -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
1056Where you replace {\bf /home/bacula/bin} with the path to your {\bf Bacula}
1057binary directory, and you replace {\bf mail.domain.com} with the fully
1058qualified name of your bsmtp (email) server, which normally listens on port
105925. For more details on the substitution characters (e.g. \%r) used in the
1060above line, please see the documentation of the
1061\ilink{ MailCommand in the Messages Resource}{mailcommand}
1062chapter of this manual.
1064It is HIGHLY recommended that you test one or two cases by hand to make sure
1065that the {\bf mailhost} that you specified is correct and that it will accept
1066your email requests. Since {\bf bsmtp} always uses a TCP connection rather
1067than writing in the spool file, you may find that your {\bf from} address is
1068being rejected because it does not contain a valid domain, or because your
1069message is caught in your spam filtering rules. Generally, you should specify
1070a fully qualified domain name in the {\bf from} field, and depending on
1071whether your bsmtp gateway is Exim or Sendmail, you may need to modify the
1072syntax of the from part of the message. Please test.
1074When running {\bf bsmtp} by hand, you will need to terminate the message by
1075entering a ctl-d in column 1 of the last line.
1076% TODO: is "column" the correct terminology for this?
1078If you are getting incorrect dates (e.g. 1970) and you are
1079running with a non-English language setting, you might try adding
1080a LANG=''en\_US'' immediately before the bsmtp call.
1082In general, {\bf bsmtp} attempts to cleanup email addresses that you
1083specify in the from, copy, mailhost, and recipient fields, by adding
1084the necessary \lt{} and \gt{} characters around the address part.  However,
1085if you include a {\bf display-name} (see RFC 5332), some SMTP servers
1086such as Exchange may not accept the message if the {\bf display-name} is
1087also included in \lt{} and \gt{}.  As mentioned above, you must test, and
1088if you run into this situation, you may manually add the \lt{} and \gt{}
1089to the Bacula {\bf mailcommand} or {\bf operatorcommand} and when
1090{\bf bsmtp} is formatting an address if it already contains a \lt{} or
1091\gt{} character, it will leave the address unchanged.
1097{\bf dbcheck} is a simple program that will search for logical
1098inconsistencies in the Bacula tables in your database, and optionally fix them.
1099It is a database maintenance routine, in the sense that it can
1100detect and remove unused rows, but it is not a database repair
1101routine. To repair a database, see the tools furnished by the
1102database vendor.  Normally dbcheck should never need to be run,
1103but if Bacula has crashed or you have a lot of Clients, Pools, or
1104Jobs that you have removed, it could be useful.
1106The {\bf dbcheck} program can be found in
1107the {\bf \lt{}bacula-source\gt{}/src/tools} directory of the source
1108distribution. Though it is built with the make process, it is not normally
1111It is called:
1115Usage: dbcheck [-c config ] [-B] [-C catalog name] [-d debug_level]
1116  <working-directory> <bacula-database> <user> <password> [<dbhost>] [<dbport>]
1117       -b              batch mode
1118       -C              catalog name in the director conf file
1119       -c              Director conf filename
1120       -B              print catalog configuration and exit
1121       -d <nn>         set debug level to <nn>
1122       -dt             print timestamp in debug output
1123       -f              fix inconsistencies
1124       -v              verbose
1125       -?              print this message
1129If the \textbf{-B} option is specified, dbcheck will print out catalog
1130information in a simple text based format. This is useful to backup it in a
1131secure way.
1134 $ dbcheck -B
1135 catalog=MyCatalog
1136 db_type=SQLite
1137 db_name=regress
1138 db_driver=
1139 db_user=regress
1140 db_password=
1141 db_address=
1142 db_port=0
1143 db_socket=
1144\end{verbatim} %$
1146If the {\bf -c} option is given with the Director's conf file, there is no
1147need to enter any of the command line arguments, in particular the working
1148directory as dbcheck will read them from the file.
1150If the {\bf -f} option is specified, {\bf dbcheck} will repair ({\bf fix}) the
1151inconsistencies it finds. Otherwise, it will report only.
1153If the {\bf -b} option is specified, {\bf dbcheck} will run in batch mode, and
1154it will proceed to examine and fix (if -f is set) all programmed inconsistency
1155checks. If the {\bf -b} option is not specified, {\bf dbcheck} will enter
1156interactive mode and prompt with the following:
1160Hello, this is the database check/correct program.
1161Please select the function you want to perform.
1162     1) Toggle modify database flag
1163     2) Toggle verbose flag
1164     3) Repair bad Filename records
1165     4) Repair bad Path records
1166     5) Eliminate duplicate Filename records
1167     6) Eliminate duplicate Path records
1168     7) Eliminate orphaned Jobmedia records
1169     8) Eliminate orphaned File records
1170     9) Eliminate orphaned Path records
1171    10) Eliminate orphaned Filename records
1172    11) Eliminate orphaned FileSet records
1173    12) Eliminate orphaned Client records
1174    13) Eliminate orphaned Job records
1175    14) Eliminate all Admin records
1176    15) Eliminate all Restore records
1177    16) All (3-15)
1178    17) Quit
1179Select function number:
1183By entering 1 or 2, you can toggle the modify database flag (-f option) and
1184the verbose flag (-v). It can be helpful and reassuring to turn off the modify
1185database flag, then select one or more of the consistency checks (items 3
1186through 9) to see what will be done, then toggle the modify flag on and re-run
1187the check.
1189The inconsistencies examined are the following:
1192\item Duplicate filename records. This can happen if you accidentally run  two
1193   copies of Bacula at the same time, and they are both adding  filenames
1194   simultaneously. It is a rare occurrence, but will create  an inconsistent
1195   database. If this is the case, you will receive  error messages during Jobs
1196   warning of duplicate database records.  If you are not getting these error
1197   messages, there is no reason  to run this check.
1198\item Repair bad Filename records. This checks and corrects filenames  that
1199   have a trailing slash. They should not.
1200\item Repair bad Path records. This checks and corrects path names  that do
1201   not have a trailing slash. They should.
1202\item Duplicate path records. This can happen if you accidentally run  two
1203   copies of Bacula at the same time, and they are both adding  filenames
1204   simultaneously. It is a rare occurrence, but will create  an inconsistent
1205   database. See the item above for why this occurs and  how you know it is
1206   happening.
1207\item Orphaned JobMedia records. This happens when a Job record is deleted
1208   (perhaps by a user issued SQL statement), but the corresponding  JobMedia
1209   record (one for each Volume used in the Job) was not deleted.  Normally, this
1210   should not happen, and even if it does, these records  generally do not take
1211   much space in your database. However, by running  this check, you can
1212   eliminate any such orphans.
1213\item Orphaned File records. This happens when a Job record is deleted
1214   (perhaps by a user issued SQL statement), but the corresponding  File record
1215   (one for each Volume used in the Job) was not deleted.  Note, searching for
1216   these records can be {\bf very} time consuming (i.e.  it may take hours) for a
1217   large database. Normally this should not  happen as Bacula takes care to
1218   prevent it. Just the same, this  check can remove any orphaned File records.
1219   It is recommended that  you run this once a year since orphaned File records
1220   can take a  large amount of space in your database. You might
1221   want to ensure that you have indexes on JobId, FilenameId, and
1222   PathId for the File table in your catalog before running this
1223   command.
1224\item Orphaned Path records. This condition happens any time a directory is
1225   deleted from your system and all associated Job records have been purged.
1226   During standard purging (or pruning) of Job records, Bacula does  not check
1227   for orphaned Path records. As a consequence, over a period  of time, old
1228   unused Path records will tend to accumulate and use  space in your database.
1229   This check will eliminate them. It is recommended that you run this
1230   check at least once a year.
1231\item Orphaned Filename records. This condition happens any time a file is
1232   deleted from your system and all associated Job records have been purged.
1233   This can happen quite frequently as there are quite a large number  of files
1234   that are created and then deleted. In addition, if you  do a system update or
1235   delete an entire directory, there can be  a very large number of Filename
1236   records that remain in the catalog  but are no longer used.
1238   During standard purging (or pruning) of Job records, Bacula does  not check
1239   for orphaned Filename records. As a consequence, over a period  of time, old
1240   unused Filename records will accumulate and use  space in your database. This
1241   check will eliminate them. It is strongly  recommended that you run this check
1242   at least once a year, and for  large database (more than 200 Megabytes), it is
1243   probably better to  run this once every 6 months.
1244\item Orphaned Client records. These records can remain in the database  long
1245   after you have removed a client.
1246\item Orphaned Job records. If no client is defined for a job or you  do not
1247   run a job for a long time, you can accumulate old job  records. This option
1248   allow you to remove jobs that are not  attached to any client (and thus
1249   useless).
1250\item All Admin records. This command will remove all Admin records,
1251   regardless of their age.
1252\item All Restore records. This command will remove all Restore records,
1253   regardless of their age.
1257If you are using Mysql, dbcheck will ask you if you want to create temporary
1258indexes to speed up orphaned Path and Filename elimination.
1260Mostly for PostgreSQL users, we provide a pure SQL script dbcheck replacement
1261in \url{examples/database/dbcheck.sql} that works with global queries instead
1262of many small queries like dbcheck. Execution instructions are at the top of
1263the script and you will need to type \texttt{COMMIT} at the end to validate
1266If you are using bweb or brestore, don't eliminate orphaned Path, else you will
1267have to rebuild \texttt{brestore\_pathvisibility} and
1268\texttt{brestore\_pathhierarchy} indexes.
1270By the way, I personally run dbcheck only where I have messed up
1271my database due to a bug in developing Bacula code, so normally
1272you should never need to run dbcheck in spite of the
1273recommendations given above, which are given so that users don't
1274waste their time running dbcheck too often.
1281{\bf bregex} is a simple program that will allow you to test
1282regular expressions against a file of data. This can be useful
1283because the regex libraries on most systems differ, and in
1284addition, regex expressions can be complicated.
1286{\bf bregex} is found in the src/tools directory and it is
1287normally installed with your system binaries. To run it, use:
1290Usage: bregex [-d debug_level] -f <data-file>
1291       -f          specify file of data to be matched
1292       -l          suppress line numbers
1293       -n          print lines that do not match
1294       -?          print this message.
1297The \lt{}data-file\gt{} is a filename that contains lines
1298of data to be matched (or not) against one or more patterns.
1299When the program is run, it will prompt you for a regular
1300expression pattern, then apply it one line at a time against
1301the data in the file. Each line that matches will be printed
1302preceded by its line number.  You will then be prompted again
1303for another pattern.
1305Enter an empty line for a pattern to terminate the program. You
1306can print only lines that do not match by using the -n option,
1307and you can suppress printing of line numbers with the -l option.
1309This program can be useful for testing regex expressions to be
1310applied against a list of filenames.
1317{\bf bwild} is a simple program that will allow you to test
1318wild-card expressions against a file of data.
1320{\bf bwild} is found in the src/tools directory and it is
1321normally installed with your system binaries. To run it, use:
1324Usage: bwild [-d debug_level] -f <data-file>
1325       -f          specify file of data to be matched
1326       -l          suppress line numbers
1327       -n          print lines that do not match
1328       -?          print this message.
1331The \lt{}data-file\gt{} is a filename that contains lines
1332of data to be matched (or not) against one or more patterns.
1333When the program is run, it will prompt you for a wild-card
1334pattern, then apply it one line at a time against
1335the data in the file. Each line that matches will be printed
1336preceded by its line number.  You will then be prompted again
1337for another pattern.
1339Enter an empty line for a pattern to terminate the program. You
1340can print only lines that do not match by using the -n option,
1341and you can suppress printing of line numbers with the -l option.
1343This program can be useful for testing wild expressions to be
1344applied against a list of filenames.
1351{\bf testfind} permits listing of files using the same search engine that is
1352used for the {\bf Include} resource in Job resources. Note, much of the
1353functionality of this program (listing of files to be included) is present in
1355\ilink{estimate command}{estimate} in the Console program.
1357The original use of testfind was to ensure that Bacula's file search engine
1358was correct and to print some statistics on file name and path length.
1359However, you may find it useful to see what bacula would do with a given {\bf
1360Include} resource. The {\bf testfind} program can be found in the {\bf
1361\lt{}bacula-source\gt{}/src/tools} directory of the source distribution.
1362Though it is built with the make process, it is not normally "installed".
1364It is called:
1368Usage: testfind [-d debug_level] [-] [pattern1 ...]
1369       -a          print extended attributes (Win32 debug)
1370       -dnn        set debug level to nn
1371       -           read pattern(s) from stdin
1372       -?          print this message.
1373Patterns are used for file inclusion -- normally directories.
1374Debug level>= 1 prints each file found.
1375Debug level>= 10 prints path/file for catalog.
1376Errors are always printed.
1377Files/paths truncated is a number with len> 255.
1378Truncation is only in the catalog.
1382Where a pattern is any filename specification that is valid within an {\bf
1383Include} resource definition. If none is specified, {\bf /} (the root
1384directory) is assumed. For example:
1388./testfind /bin
1392Would print the following:
1396Dir: /bin
1397Reg: /bin/bash
1398Lnk: /bin/bash2 -> bash
1399Lnk: /bin/sh -> bash
1400Reg: /bin/cpio
1401Reg: /bin/ed
1402Lnk: /bin/red -> ed
1403Reg: /bin/chgrp
1405Reg: /bin/ipcalc
1406Reg: /bin/usleep
1407Reg: /bin/aumix-minimal
1408Reg: /bin/mt
1409Lnka: /bin/gawk-3.1.0 -> /bin/gawk
1410Reg: /bin/pgawk
1411Total files    : 85
1412Max file length: 13
1413Max path length: 5
1414Files truncated: 0
1415Paths truncated: 0
1419Even though {\bf testfind} uses the same search engine as {\bf Bacula}, each
1420directory to be listed, must be entered as a separate command line entry or
1421entered one line at a time to standard input if the {\bf -} option was
1424Specifying a debug level of one (i.e. {\bf -d1}) on the command line will
1425cause {\bf testfind} to print the raw filenames without showing the Bacula
1426internal file type, or the link (if any). Debug levels of 10 or greater cause
1427the filename and the path to be separated using the same algorithm that is
1428used when putting filenames into the Catalog database.