1Bareos FD Plugin API
4To write a Bareos plugin, you create a dynamic shared object program (or
5dll on Win32) with a particular name and two exported entry points,
6place it in the **Plugins Directory**, which is defined in the
7**bareos-fd.conf** file in the **Client** resource, and when the FD
8starts, it will load all the plugins that end with **-fd.so** (or
9**-fd.dll** on Win32) found in that directory.
11Normal vs Command vs Options Plugins
14In general, there are three ways that plugins are called. The first way,
15is when a particular event is detected in Bareos, it will transfer
16control to each plugin that is loaded in turn informing the plugin of
17the event. This is very similar to how a **RunScript** works, and the
18events are very similar. Once the plugin gets control, it can interact
19with Bareos by getting and setting Bareos variables. In this way, it
20behaves much like a RunScript. Currently very few Bareos variables are
21defined, but they will be implemented as the need arises, and it is very
24We plan to have plugins register to receive events that they normally
25would not receive, such as an event for each file examined for backup or
26restore. This feature is not yet implemented.
28The second type of plugin, which is more useful and fully implemented in
29the current version is what we call a command plugin. As with all
30plugins, it gets notified of important events as noted above (details
31described below), but in addition, this kind of plugin can accept a
32command line, which is a:
36       Plugin = <command-string>
38directive that is placed in the Include section of a FileSet and is very
39similar to the “File =” directive. When this Plugin directive is
40encountered by Bareos during backup, it passes the “command” part of the
41Plugin directive only to the plugin that is explicitly named in the
42first field of that command string. This allows that plugin to backup
43any file or files on the system that it wants. It can even create
44“virtual files” in the catalog that contain data to be restored but do
45not necessarily correspond to actual files on the filesystem.
47The important features of the command plugin entry points are:
49-  It is triggered by a “Plugin =” directive in the FileSet
51-  Only a single plugin is called that is named on the “Plugin =”
52   directive.
54-  The full command string after the “Plugin =” is passed to the plugin
55   so that it can be told what to backup/restore.
57The third type of plugin is the Options Plugin, this kind of plugin is
58useful to implement some custom filter on data. For example, you can
59implement a compression algorithm in a very simple way. Bareos will call
60this plugin for each file that is selected in a FileSet (according to
61Wild/Regex/Exclude/Include rules). As with all plugins, it gets notified
62of important events as noted above (details described below), but in
63addition, this kind of plugin can be placed in a Options group, which is
68     FileSet {
69        Name = TestFS
70        Include {
71           Options {
72              Compression = GZIP1
73              Signature = MD5
74              Wild = "*.txt"
75              Plugin = <command-string>
76           }
77           File = /
78        }
79    }
81Loading Plugins
84Once the File daemon loads the plugins, it asks the OS for the two entry
85points (loadPlugin and unloadPlugin) then calls the **loadPlugin** entry
86point (see below).
88Bareos passes information to the plugin through this call and it gets
89back information that it needs to use the plugin. Later, Bareos will
90call particular functions that are defined by the **loadPlugin**
93When Bareos is finished with the plugin (when Bareos is going to exit),
94it will call the **unloadPlugin** entry point.
96The two entry points are:
100    bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
102    and
104    bRC unloadPlugin()
106both these external entry points to the shared object are defined as C
107entry points to avoid name mangling complications with C++. However, the
108shared object can actually be written in any language (preferably C or
109C++) providing that it follows C language calling conventions.
111The definitions for **bRC** and the arguments are
112**src/filed/fd-plugins.h** and so this header file needs to be included
113in your plugin. It along with **src/lib/plugins.h** define basically the
114whole plugin interface. Within this header file, it includes the
115following files:
119    #include <sys/types.h>
120    #include "config.h"
121    #include "bc_types.h"
122    #include "lib/plugins.h"
123    #include <sys/stat.h>
125Aside from the **bc_types.h** and **confit.h** headers, the plugin
126definition uses the minimum code from Bareos. The bc_types.h file is
127required to ensure that the data type definitions in arguments
128correspond to the Bareos core code.
130The return codes are defined as:
134    typedef enum {
135      bRC_OK    = 0,                         /* OK */
136      bRC_Stop  = 1,                         /* Stop calling other plugins */
137      bRC_Error = 2,                         /* Some kind of error */
138      bRC_More  = 3,                         /* More files to backup */
139      bRC_Term  = 4,                         /* Unload me */
140      bRC_Seen  = 5,                         /* Return code from checkFiles */
141      bRC_Core  = 6,                         /* Let Bareos core handles this file */
142      bRC_Skip  = 7,                         /* Skip the proposed file */
143    } bRC;
145At a future point in time, we hope to make the Bareos libbac.a into a
146shared object so that the plugin can use much more of Bareos’s
147infrastructure, but for this first cut, we have tried to minimize the
148dependence on Bareos.
153As previously mentioned, the **loadPlugin** entry point in the plugin is
154called immediately after Bareos loads the plugin when the File daemon
155itself is first starting. This entry point is only called once during
156the execution of the File daemon. In calling the plugin, the first two
157arguments are information from Bareos that is passed to the plugin, and
158the last two arguments are information about the plugin that the plugin
159must return to Bareos. The call is:
163    bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
165and the arguments are:
168    This is information about Bareos in general. Currently, the only
169    value defined in the bInfo structure is the version, which is the
170    Bareos plugin interface version, currently defined as 1. The
171    **size** is set to the byte size of the structure. The exact
172    definition of the bInfo structure as of this writing is:
174    ::
176        typedef struct s_bareosInfo {
177           uint32_t size;
178           uint32_t version;
179        } bInfo;
182    The bFuncs structure defines the callback entry points within Bareos
183    that the plugin can use register events, get Bareos values, set
184    Bareos values, and send messages to the Job output or debug output.
186    The exact definition as of this writing is:
188    ::
190        typedef struct s_bareosFuncs {
191           uint32_t size;
192           uint32_t version;
193           bRC (*registerBareosEvents)(bpContext *ctx, ...);
194           bRC (*getBareosValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
195           bRC (*setBareosValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
196           bRC (*JobMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
197               int type, utime_t mtime, const char *fmt, ...);
198           bRC (*DebugMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
199               int level, const char *fmt, ...);
200           void *(*bareosMalloc)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
201               size_t size);
202           void (*bareosFree)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line, void *mem);
203        } bFuncs;
205    We will discuss these entry points and how to use them a bit later
206    when describing the plugin code.
209    When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must
210    initialize an information structure about the plugin and return a
211    pointer to this structure to Bareos.
213    The exact definition as of this writing is:
215    ::
217        typedef struct s_pluginInfo {
218           uint32_t size;
219           uint32_t version;
220           const char *plugin_magic;
221           const char *plugin_license;
222           const char *plugin_author;
223           const char *plugin_date;
224           const char *plugin_version;
225           const char *plugin_description;
226        } pInfo;
228    Where:
230    version
231        is the current Bareos defined plugin interface version,
232        currently set to 1. If the interface version differs from the
233        current version of Bareos, the plugin will not be run (not yet
234        implemented).
235    plugin_magic
236        is a pointer to the text string “\*FDPluginData\*”, a sort of
237        sanity check. If this value is not specified, the plugin will
238        not be run (not yet implemented).
239    plugin_license
240        is a pointer to a text string that describes the plugin license.
241        Bareos will only accept compatible licenses (not yet
242        implemented).
243    plugin_author
244        is a pointer to the text name of the author of the program. This
245        string can be anything but is generally the author’s name.
246    plugin_date
247        is the pointer text string containing the date of the plugin.
248        This string can be anything but is generally some human readable
249        form of the date.
250    plugin_version
251        is a pointer to a text string containing the version of the
252        plugin. The contents are determined by the plugin writer.
253    plugin_description
254        is a pointer to a string describing what the plugin does. The
255        contents are determined by the plugin writer.
257    The pInfo structure must be defined in static memory because Bareos
258    does not copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the
259    plugin is loaded. All values must be supplied or the plugin will not
260    run (not yet implemented). All text strings must be either ASCII or
261    UTF-8 strings that are terminated with a zero byte.
264    When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must
265    initialize an entry point structure about the plugin and return a
266    pointer to this structure to Bareos. This structure contains pointer
267    to each of the entry points that the plugin must provide for Bareos.
268    When Bareos is actually running the plugin, it will call the defined
269    entry points at particular times. All entry points must be defined.
271    The pFuncs structure must be defined in static memory because Bareos
272    does not copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the
273    plugin is loaded.
275    The exact definition as of this writing is:
277    ::
279        typedef struct s_pluginFuncs {
280           uint32_t size;
281           uint32_t version;
282           bRC (*newPlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
283           bRC (*freePlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
284           bRC (*getPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
285           bRC (*setPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
286           bRC (*handlePluginEvent)(bpContext *ctx, bEvent *event, void *value);
287           bRC (*startBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct save_pkt *sp);
288           bRC (*endBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx);
289           bRC (*startRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx, const char *cmd);
290           bRC (*endRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx);
291           bRC (*pluginIO)(bpContext *ctx, struct io_pkt *io);
292           bRC (*createFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
293           bRC (*setFileAttributes)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
294           bRC (*checkFile)(bpContext *ctx, char *fname);
295        } pFuncs;
297    The details of the entry points will be presented in separate
298    sections below.
300    Where:
302    size
303        is the byte size of the structure.
304    version
305        is the plugin interface version currently set to 3.
307    Sample code for loadPlugin:
309    ::
311          bfuncs = lbfuncs;                  /* set Bareos funct pointers */
312          binfo  = lbinfo;
313          *pinfo  = &pluginInfo;             /* return pointer to our info */
314          *pfuncs = &pluginFuncs;            /* return pointer to our functions */
316           return bRC_OK;
318    where pluginInfo and pluginFuncs are statically defined structures.
319    See bpipe-fd.c for details.
321Plugin Entry Points
324This section will describe each of the entry points (subroutines) within
325the plugin that the plugin must provide for Bareos, when they are called
326and their arguments. As noted above, pointers to these subroutines are
327passed back to Bareos in the pFuncs structure when Bareos calls the
328loadPlugin() externally defined entry point.
330newPlugin(bpContext \*ctx)
333This is the entry point that Bareos will call when a new “instance” of
334the plugin is created. This typically happens at the beginning of a Job.
335If 10 Jobs are running simultaneously, there will be at least 10
336instances of the plugin.
338The bpContext structure will be passed to the plugin, and during this
339call, if the plugin needs to have its private working storage that is
340associated with the particular instance of the plugin, it should create
341it from the heap (malloc the memory) and store a pointer to its private
342working storage in the **pContext** variable. Note: since Bareos is a
343multi-threaded program, you must not keep any variable data in your
344plugin unless it is truly meant to apply globally to the whole plugin.
345In addition, you must be aware that except the first and last call to
346the plugin (loadPlugin and unloadPlugin) all the other calls will be
347made by threads that correspond to a Bareos job. The bpContext that will
348be passed for each thread will remain the same throughout the Job thus
349you can keep your private Job specific data in it (**bContext**).
353    typedef struct s_bpContext {
354      void *pContext;   /* Plugin private context */
355      void *bContext;   /* Bareos private context */
356    } bpContext;
358This context pointer will be passed as the first argument to all the
359entry points that Bareos calls within the plugin. Needless to say, the
360plugin should not change the bContext variable, which is Bareos’s
361private context pointer for this instance (Job) of this plugin.
363freePlugin(bpContext \*ctx)
366This entry point is called when the this instance of the plugin is no
367longer needed (the Job is ending), and the plugin should release all
368memory it may have allocated for this particular instance (Job) i.e. the
369pContext. This is not the final termination of the plugin signaled by a
370call to **unloadPlugin**. Any other instances (Job) will continue to
371run, and the entry point **newPlugin** may be called again if other jobs
374getPluginValue(bpContext \*ctx, pVariable var, void \*value)
377Bareos will call this entry point to get a value from the plugin. This
378entry point is currently not called.
380setPluginValue(bpContext \*ctx, pVariable var, void \*value)
383Bareos will call this entry point to set a value in the plugin. This
384entry point is currently not called.
386handlePluginEvent(bpContext \*ctx, bEvent \*event, void \*value)
389This entry point is called when Bareos encounters certain events
390(discussed below). This is, in fact, the main way that most plugins get
391control when a Job runs and how they know what is happening in the job.
392It can be likened to the **RunScript** feature that calls external
393programs and scripts, and is very similar to the Bareos Python
394interface. When the plugin is called, Bareos passes it the pointer to an
395event structure (bEvent), which currently has one item, the eventType:
399    typedef struct s_bEvent {
400       uint32_t eventType;
401    } bEvent;
403which defines what event has been triggered, and for each event, Bareos
404will pass a pointer to a value associated with that event. If no value
405is associated with a particular event, Bareos will pass a NULL pointer,
406so the plugin must be careful to always check value pointer prior to
407dereferencing it.
409The current list of events are:
413    typedef enum {
414      bEventJobStart                        = 1,
415      bEventJobEnd                          = 2,
416      bEventStartBackupJob                  = 3,
417      bEventEndBackupJob                    = 4,
418      bEventStartRestoreJob                 = 5,
419      bEventEndRestoreJob                   = 6,
420      bEventStartVerifyJob                  = 7,
421      bEventEndVerifyJob                    = 8,
422      bEventBackupCommand                   = 9,
423      bEventRestoreCommand                  = 10,
424      bEventLevel                           = 11,
425      bEventSince                           = 12,
426      bEventCancelCommand                   = 13,  /* Executed by another thread */
428      /* Just before bEventVssPrepareSnapshot */
429      bEventVssBackupAddComponents          = 14,
431      bEventVssRestoreLoadComponentMetadata = 15,
432      bEventVssRestoreSetComponentsSelected = 16,
433      bEventRestoreObject                   = 17,
434      bEventEndFileSet                      = 18,
435      bEventPluginCommand                   = 19,
436      bEventVssBeforeCloseRestore           = 21,
438      /* Add drives to VSS snapshot
439       *  argument: char[27] drivelist
440       * You need to add them without duplicates,
441       * see fd_common.h add_drive() copy_drives() to get help
442       */
443      bEventVssPrepareSnapshot              = 22,
444      bEventOptionPlugin                    = 23,
445      bEventHandleBackupFile                = 24 /* Used with Options Plugin */
447    } bEventType;
449Most of the above are self-explanatory.
452    is called whenever a Job starts. The value passed is a pointer to a
453    string that contains: “Jobid=nnn Job=job-name”. Where nnn will be
454    replaced by the JobId and job-name will be replaced by the Job name.
455    The variable is temporary so if you need the values, you must copy
456    them.
458    is called whenever a Job ends. No value is passed.
460    is called when a Backup Job begins. No value is passed.
462    is called when a Backup Job ends. No value is passed.
464    is called when a Restore Job starts. No value is passed.
466    is called when a Restore Job ends. No value is passed.
468    is called when a Verify Job starts. No value is passed.
470    is called when a Verify Job ends. No value is passed.
472    is called prior to the bEventStartBackupJob and the plugin is passed
473    the command string (everything after the equal sign in “Plugin =” as
474    the value.
476    Note, if you intend to backup a file, this is an important first
477    point to write code that copies the command string passed into your
478    pContext area so that you will know that a backup is being performed
479    and you will know the full contents of the “Plugin =” command (
480    i.e. what to backup and what virtual filename the user wants to call
481    it.
484    is called prior to the bEventStartRestoreJob and the plugin is
485    passed the command string (everything after the equal sign in
486    “Plugin =” as the value.
488    See the notes above concerning backup and the command string. This
489    is the point at which Bareos passes you the original command string
490    that was specified during the backup, so you will want to save it in
491    your pContext area for later use when Bareos calls the plugin again.
494    is called when the level is set for a new Job. The value is a 32 bit
495    integer stored in the void*, which represents the Job Level code.
497    is called when the since time is set for a new Job. The value is a
498    time_t time at which the last job was run.
500    is called whenever the currently running Job is cancelled. Be warned
501    that this event is sent by a different thread.
503    bEventPluginCommand
504    is called for each PluginCommand present in the current FileSet. The
505    event will be sent only on plugin specifed in the command. The
506    argument is the PluginCommand (not valid after the call).
508    is called for each file of a FileSet when using a Options Plugin. If
509    the plugin returns CF_OK, it will be used for the backup, if it
510    returns CF_SKIP, the file will be skipped. Anything else will backup
511    the file with Bareos core functions.
513During each of the above calls, the plugin receives either no specific
514value or only one value, which in some cases may not be sufficient.
515However, knowing the context of the event, the plugin can call back to
516the Bareos entry points it was passed during the **loadPlugin** call and
517get to a number of Bareos variables. (at the current time few Bareos
518variables are implemented, but it easily extended at a future time and
519as needs require).
521startBackupFile(bpContext \*ctx, struct save_pkt \*sp)
524This entry point is called only if your plugin is a command plugin, and
525it is called when Bareos encounters the “Plugin =” directive in the
526Include section of the FileSet. Called when beginning the backup of a
527file. Here Bareos provides you with a pointer to the **save_pkt**
528structure and you must fill in this packet with the “attribute” data of
529the file.
533    struct save_pkt {
534       int32_t pkt_size;                  /* size of this packet */
535       char *fname;                       /* Full path and filename */
536       char *link;                        /* Link name if any */
537       struct stat statp;                 /* System stat() packet for file */
538       int32_t type;                      /* FT_xx for this file */
539       uint32_t flags;                    /* Bareos internal flags */
540       bool portable;                     /* set if data format is portable */
541       char *cmd;                         /* command */
542       uint32_t delta_seq;                /* Delta sequence number */
543       char *object_name;                 /* Object name to create */
544       char *object;                      /* restore object data to save */
545       int32_t object_len;                /* restore object length */
546       int32_t index;                     /* restore object index */
547       int32_t pkt_end;                   /* end packet sentinel */
548    };
550The second argument is a pointer to the **save_pkt** structure for the
551file to be backed up. The plugin is responsible for filling in all the
552fields of the **save_pkt**. If you are backing up a real file, then
553generally, the statp structure can be filled in by doing a **stat**
554system call on the file.
556If you are backing up a database or something that is more complex, you
557might want to create a virtual file. That is a file that does not
558actually exist on the filesystem, but represents say an object that you
559are backing up. In that case, you need to ensure that the **fname**
560string that you pass back is unique so that it does not conflict with a
561real file on the system, and you need to artifically create values in
562the statp packet.
564Example programs such as **bpipe-fd.c** show how to set these fields.
565You must take care not to store pointers the stack in the pointer fields
566such as fname and link, because when you return from your function, your
567stack entries will be destroyed. The solution in that case is to
568malloc() and return the pointer to it. In order to not have memory
569leaks, you should store a pointer to all memory allocated in your
570pContext structure so that in subsequent calls or at termination, you
571can release it back to the system.
573Once the backup has begun, Bareos will call your plugin at the
574**pluginIO** entry point to “read” the data to be backed up. Please see
575the **bpipe-fd.c** plugin for how to do I/O.
577Example of filling in the save_pkt as used in bpipe-fd.c:
581       struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
582       time_t now = time(NULL);
583       sp->fname = p_ctx->fname;
584       sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
585       sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
586       sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
587       sp->statp.st_atime = now;
588       sp->statp.st_size = -1;
589       sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
590       sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
591       p_ctx->backup = true;
592       return bRC_OK;
594Note: the filename to be created has already been created from the
595command string previously sent to the plugin and is in the plugin
596context (p_ctx->fname) and is a malloc()ed string. This example creates
597a regular file (S_IFREG), with various fields being created.
599In general, the sequence of commands issued from Bareos to the plugin to
600do a backup while processing the “Plugin =” directive are:
6021. generate a bEventBackupCommand event to the specified plugin and pass
603   it the command string.
6052. make a startPluginBackup call to the plugin, which fills in the data
606   needed in save_pkt to save as the file attributes and to put on the
607   Volume and in the catalog.
6093. call Bareos’s internal save_file() subroutine to save the specified
610   file. The plugin will then be called at pluginIO() to “open” the
611   file, and then to read the file data. Note, if you are dealing with a
612   virtual file, the “open” operation is something the plugin does
613   internally and it doesn’t necessarily mean opening a file on the
614   filesystem. For example in the case of the bpipe-fd.c program, it
615   initiates a pipe to the requested program. Finally when the plugin
616   signals to Bareos that all the data was read, Bareos will call the
617   plugin with the “close” pluginIO() function.
619endBackupFile(bpContext \*ctx)
622Called at the end of backing up a file for a command plugin. If the
623plugin’s work is done, it should return bRC_OK. If the plugin wishes to
624create another file and back it up, then it must return bRC_More (not
625yet implemented). This is probably a good time to release any malloc()ed
626memory you used to pass back filenames.
628startRestoreFile(bpContext \*ctx, const char \*cmd)
631Called when the first record is read from the Volume that was previously
632written by the command plugin.
634createFile(bpContext \*ctx, struct restore_pkt \*rp)
637Called for a command plugin to create a file during a Restore job before
638restoring the data. This entry point is called before any I/O is done on
639the file. After this call, Bareos will call pluginIO() to open the file
640for write.
642The data in the restore_pkt is passed to the plugin and is based on the
643data that was originally given by the plugin during the backup and the
644current user restore settings (e.g. where, RegexWhere, replace). This
645allows the plugin to first create a file (if necessary) so that the data
646can be transmitted to it. The next call to the plugin will be a pluginIO
647command with a request to open the file write-only.
649This call must return one of the following values:
653     enum {
654       CF_SKIP = 1,       /* skip file (not newer or something) */
655       CF_ERROR,          /* error creating file */
656       CF_EXTRACT,        /* file created, data to extract */
657       CF_CREATED,        /* file created, no data to extract */
658       CF_CORE            /* let bareos core handles the file creation */
659    };
661in the restore_pkt value **create_status**. For a normal file, unless
662there is an error, you must return **CF_EXTRACT**.
666    struct restore_pkt {
667       int32_t pkt_size;                  /* size of this packet */
668       int32_t stream;                    /* attribute stream id */
669       int32_t data_stream;               /* id of data stream to follow */
670       int32_t type;                      /* file type FT */
671       int32_t file_index;                /* file index */
672       int32_t LinkFI;                    /* file index to data if hard link */
673       uid_t uid;                         /* userid */
674       struct stat statp;                 /* decoded stat packet */
675       const char *attrEx;                /* extended attributes if any */
676       const char *ofname;                /* output filename */
677       const char *olname;                /* output link name */
678       const char *where;                 /* where */
679       const char *RegexWhere;            /* regex where */
680       int replace;                       /* replace flag */
681       int create_status;                 /* status from createFile() */
682       int32_t pkt_end;                   /* end packet sentinel */
684    };
686Typical code to create a regular file would be the following:
690       struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
691       time_t now = time(NULL);
692       sp->fname = p_ctx->fname;   /* set the full path/filename I want to create */
693       sp->type = FT_REG;
694       sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFREG;
695       sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
696       sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
697       sp->statp.st_atime = now;
698       sp->statp.st_size = -1;
699       sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
700       sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
701       return bRC_OK;
703This will create a virtual file. If you are creating a file that
704actually exists, you will most likely want to fill the statp packet
705using the stat() system call.
707Creating a directory is similar, but requires a few extra steps:
711       struct plugin_ctx *p_ctx = (struct plugin_ctx *)ctx->pContext;
712       time_t now = time(NULL);
713       sp->fname = p_ctx->fname;   /* set the full path I want to create */
714       sp->link = xxx; where xxx is p_ctx->fname with a trailing forward slash
715       sp->type = FT_DIREND
716       sp->statp.st_mode = 0700 | S_IFDIR;
717       sp->statp.st_ctime = now;
718       sp->statp.st_mtime = now;
719       sp->statp.st_atime = now;
720       sp->statp.st_size = -1;
721       sp->statp.st_blksize = 4096;
722       sp->statp.st_blocks = 1;
723       return bRC_OK;
725The link field must be set with the full cononical path name, which
726always ends with a forward slash. If you do not terminate it with a
727forward slash, you will surely have problems later.
729As with the example that creates a file, if you are backing up a real
730directory, you will want to do an stat() on the directory.
732Note, if you want the directory permissions and times to be correctly
733restored, you must create the directory **after** all the file
734directories have been sent to Bareos. That allows the restore process to
735restore all the files in a directory using default directory options,
736then at the end, restore the directory permissions. If you do it the
737other way around, each time you restore a file, the OS will modify the
738time values for the directory entry.
740setFileAttributes(bpContext \*ctx, struct restore_pkt \*rp)
743This is call not yet implemented. Called for a command plugin.
745See the definition of **restre_pkt** in the above section.
747endRestoreFile(bpContext \*ctx)
750Called when a command plugin is done restoring a file.
752pluginIO(bpContext \*ctx, struct io_pkt \*io)
755Called to do the input (backup) or output (restore) of data from or to a
756file for a command plugin. These routines simulate the Unix read(),
757write(), open(), close(), and lseek() I/O calls, and the arguments are
758passed in the packet and the return values are also placed in the
759packet. In addition for Win32 systems the plugin must return two
760additional values (described below).
764     enum {
765       IO_OPEN = 1,
766       IO_READ = 2,
767       IO_WRITE = 3,
768       IO_CLOSE = 4,
769       IO_SEEK = 5
770    };
772    struct io_pkt {
773       int32_t pkt_size;                  /* Size of this packet */
774       int32_t func;                      /* Function code */
775       int32_t count;                     /* read/write count */
776       mode_t mode;                       /* permissions for created files */
777       int32_t flags;                     /* Open flags */
778       char *buf;                         /* read/write buffer */
779       const char *fname;                 /* open filename */
780       int32_t status;                    /* return status */
781       int32_t io_errno;                  /* errno code */
782       int32_t lerror;                    /* Win32 error code */
783       int32_t whence;                    /* lseek argument */
784       boffset_t offset;                  /* lseek argument */
785       bool win32;                        /* Win32 GetLastError returned */
786       int32_t pkt_end;                   /* end packet sentinel */
787    };
789The particular Unix function being simulated is indicated by the
790**func**, which will have one of the IO_OPEN, IO_READ, … codes listed
791above. The status code that would be returned from a Unix call is
792returned in **status** for IO_OPEN, IO_CLOSE, IO_READ, and IO_WRITE. The
793return value for IO_SEEK is returned in **offset** which in general is a
79464 bit value.
796When there is an error on Unix systems, you must always set io_error,
797and on a Win32 system, you must always set win32, and the returned value
798from the OS call GetLastError() in lerror.
800For all except IO_SEEK, **status** is the return result. In general it
801is a positive integer unless there is an error in which case it is -1.
803The following describes each call and what you get and what you should
807    You will be passed fname, mode, and flags. You must set on return:
808    status, and if there is a Unix error io_errno must be set to the
809    errno value, and if there is a Win32 error win32 and lerror.
811    You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count). You must
812    set on return: status to the number of bytes read into the buffer
813    (buf) or -1 on an error, and if there is a Unix error io_errno must
814    be set to the errno value, and if there is a Win32 error, win32 and
815    lerror must be set.
817    You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count). You must
818    set on return: status to the number of bytes written from the buffer
819    (buf) or -1 on an error, and if there is a Unix error io_errno must
820    be set to the errno value, and if there is a Win32 error, win32 and
821    lerror must be set.
823    Nothing will be passed to you. On return you must set status to 0 on
824    success and -1 on failure. If there is a Unix error io_errno must be
825    set to the errno value, and if there is a Win32 error, win32 and
826    lerror must be set.
828    You will be passed: offset, and whence. offset is a 64 bit value and
829    is the position to seek to relative to whence. whence is one of the
830    following SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END indicating to either to
831    seek to an absolute possition, relative to the current position or
832    relative to the end of the file. You must pass back in offset the
833    absolute location to which you seeked. If there is an error, offset
834    should be set to -1. If there is a Unix error io_errno must be set
835    to the errno value, and if there is a Win32 error, win32 and lerror
836    must be set.
838    Note: Bareos will call IO_SEEK only when writing a sparse file.
840bool checkFile(bpContext \*ctx, char \*fname)
843If this entry point is set, Bareos will call it after backing up all
844file data during an Accurate backup. It will be passed the full filename
845for each file that Bareos is proposing to mark as deleted. Only files
846previously backed up but not backed up in the current session will be
847marked to be deleted. If you return **false**, the file will be be
848marked deleted. If you return **true** the file will not be marked
849deleted. This permits a plugin to ensure that previously saved virtual
850files or files controlled by your plugin that have not change (not
851backed up in the current job) are not marked to be deleted. This entry
852point will only be called during Accurate Incrmental and Differential
853backup jobs.
855Bareos Plugin Entrypoints
858When Bareos calls one of your plugin entrypoints, you can call back to
859the entrypoints in Bareos that were supplied during the xxx plugin call
860to get or set information within Bareos.
862bRC registerBareosEvents(bpContext \*ctx, …)
865This Bareos entrypoint will allow you to register to receive events that
866are not autmatically passed to your plugin by default. This entrypoint
867currently is unimplemented.
869bRC getBareosValue(bpContext \*ctx, bVariable var, void \*value)
872Calling this entrypoint, you can obtain specific values that are
873available in Bareos. The following Variables can be referenced:
875-  bVarJobId returns an int
877-  bVarFDName returns a char \*
879-  bVarLevel returns an int
881-  bVarClient returns a char \*
883-  bVarJobName returns a char \*
885-  bVarJobStatus returns an int
887-  bVarSinceTime returns an int (time_t)
889-  bVarAccurate returns an int
891bRC setBareosValue(bpContext \*ctx, bVariable var, void \*value)
894Calling this entrypoint allows you to set particular values in Bareos.
895The only variable that can currently be set is **bVarFileSeen** and the
896value passed is a char \* that points to the full filename for a file
897that you are indicating has been seen and hence is not deleted.
899bRC JobMessage(bpContext \*ctx, const char \*file, int line, int type, utime_t mtime, const char \*fmt, …)
902This call permits you to put a message in the Job Report.
904bRC DebugMessage(bpContext \*ctx, const char \*file, int line, int level, const char \*fmt, …)
907This call permits you to print a debug message.
909void bareosMalloc(bpContext \*ctx, const char \*file, int line, size_t size)
912This call permits you to obtain memory from Bareos’s memory allocator.
914void bareosFree(bpContext \*ctx, const char \*file, int line, void \*mem)
917This call permits you to free memory obtained from Bareos’s memory
920Building Bareos Plugins
923There is currently one sample program **example-plugin-fd.c** and one
924working plugin **bpipe-fd.c** that can be found in the Bareos
925**src/plugins/fd** directory. Both are built with the following:
929     cd <bareos-source>
930     ./configure <your-options>
931     make
932     ...
933     cd src/plugins/fd
934     make
935     make test
937After building Bareos and changing into the src/plugins/fd directory,
938the **make** command will build the **bpipe-fd.so** plugin, which is a
939very useful and working program.
941The **make test** command will build the **example-plugin-fd.so** plugin
942and a binary named **main**, which is build from the source code located
943in **src/filed/fd_plugins.c**.
945If you execute **./main**, it will load and run the example-plugin-fd
946plugin simulating a small number of the calling sequences that Bareos
947uses in calling a real plugin. This allows you to do initial testing of
948your plugin prior to trying it with Bareos.
950You can get a good idea of how to write your own plugin by first
951studying the example-plugin-fd, and actually running it. Then it can
952also be instructive to read the bpipe-fd.c code as it is a real plugin,
953which is still rather simple and small.
955When actually writing your own plugin, you may use the
956example-plugin-fd.c code as a template for your code.