. \" Manual Seite fuer fileread . \" @(#)fileread.3 1.1 . \"
FILEREAD 3 "15. Juli 1988" "J\*org Schilling" "Schily\'s LIBRARY FUNCTIONS"
fileread() - reads file into buffer
 int fileread(f,buf,size)
 FILE *f;  char *buf;  int size; 
fileread() reads up to size bytes from the file into buf. The number actually read may be smaller if end-of-file is reached. The file pointer (implied) is left pointing to one past the last character read.

> 0 the number of bytes actually read.

= 0 file was at end-of-file.

< 0 error code.

It returns the number of bytes actually read or an error code.

The buffer must be at least size long. If reading from a "raw" device, size must be a multiple of 512.