1 //! Bit level parsers and combinators
2 //!
3 //! Bit parsing is handled by tweaking the input in most macros.
4 //! In byte level parsing, the input is generally a `&[u8]` passed from combinator
5 //! to combinator until the slices are manipulated.
6 //!
7 //! Bit parsers take a `(&[u8], usize)` as input. The first part of the tuple is an byte slice,
8 //! the second part is a bit offset in the first byte of the slice.
9 //!
10 //! By passing a pair like this, we can leverage most of the combinators, and avoid
11 //! transforming the whole slice to a vector of booleans. This should make it easy
12 //! to see a byte slice as a bit stream, and parse code points of arbitrary bit length.
15 /// `bits!( parser ) => ( &[u8], (&[u8], usize) -> IResult<(&[u8], usize), T> ) -> IResult<&[u8], T>`
16 /// transforms its byte slice input into a bit stream for the underlying parsers
17 ///
18 /// ```
19 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
20 /// # use nom::IResult::Done;
21 /// # fn main() {
22 ///  named!( take_3_bits<u8>, bits!( take_bits!( u8, 3 ) ) );
23 ///
24 ///  let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
25 ///  let sl    = &input[..];
26 ///
27 ///  assert_eq!(take_3_bits( sl ), Done(&sl[1..], 5) );
28 /// # }
29 #[macro_export]
30 macro_rules! bits (
31   ($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
32     bits_impl!($i, $submac!($($args)*));
33   );
34   ($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
35     bits_impl!($i, call!($f));
36   );
37 );
39 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
40 /// Internal parser, do not use directly
41 #[doc(hidden)]
42 #[macro_export]
43 macro_rules! bits_impl (
44   ($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
45     {
46       let input = ($i, 0usize);
47       match $submac!(input, $($args)*) {
48         $crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
49           let err = match e {
50             $crate::Err::Code(k) | $crate::Err::Node(k, _) => $crate::Err::Code(k),
51             $crate::Err::Position(k, (i,b)) | $crate::Err::NodePosition(k, (i,b), _) => {
52               $crate::Err::Position(k, &i[b/8..])
53             }
54           };
55           $crate::IResult::Error(err)
56         }
57         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
58         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
59           //println!("bits parser returned Needed::Size({})", i);
60           $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i / 8 + 1))
61         },
62         $crate::IResult::Done((i, bit_index), o)             => {
63           let byte_index = bit_index / 8 + if bit_index % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 } ;
64           //println!("bit index=={} => byte index=={}", bit_index, byte_index);
65           $crate::IResult::Done(&i[byte_index..], o)
66         }
67       }
68     }
69   );
70 );
72 #[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
73 /// Internal parser, do not use directly
74 #[doc(hidden)]
75 #[macro_export]
76 macro_rules! bits_impl (
77   ($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
78     {
79       let input = ($i, 0usize);
80       match $submac!(input, $($args)*) {
81         $crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
82           $crate::IResult::Error(e)
83         }
84         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
85         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
86           //println!("bits parser returned Needed::Size({})", i);
87           $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i / 8 + 1))
88         },
89         $crate::IResult::Done((i, bit_index), o)             => {
90           let byte_index = bit_index / 8 + if bit_index % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 } ;
91           //println!("bit index=={} => byte index=={}", bit_index, byte_index);
92           $crate::IResult::Done(&i[byte_index..], o)
93         }
94       }
95     }
96   );
97 );
99 /// Counterpart to bits,
100 /// `bytes!( parser ) => ( (&[u8], usize), &[u8] -> IResult<&[u8], T> ) -> IResult<(&[u8], usize), T>`,
101 /// transforms its bits stream input into a byte slice for the underlying parsers. If we start in the
102 /// middle of a byte throws away the bits until the end of the byte.
103 ///
104 /// ```
105 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
106 /// # use nom::IResult::Done;
107 /// # use nom::rest;
108 /// # fn main() {
109 ///  named!( parse<(u8, u8, &[u8])>,  bits!( tuple!(
110 ///    take_bits!(u8, 4),
111 ///    take_bits!(u8, 8),
112 ///    bytes!(rest)
113 /// )));
114 ///
115 ///  let input = &[0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xaf];
116 ///
117 ///  assert_eq!(parse( input ), Done(&[][..], (0xd, 0xea, &[0xbe, 0xaf][..])));
118 /// # }
119 #[macro_export]
120 macro_rules! bytes (
121   ($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
122     bytes_impl!($i, $submac!($($args)*));
123   );
124   ($i:expr, $f:expr) => (
125     bytes_impl!($i, call!($f));
126   );
127 );
129 #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
130 /// Internal parser, do not use directly
131 #[doc(hidden)]
132 #[macro_export]
133 macro_rules! bytes_impl (
134   ($macro_i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
135     {
136       let inp;
137       if $macro_i.1 % 8 != 0 {
138         inp = & $macro_i.0[1 + $macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
139       }
140       else {
141         inp = & $macro_i.0[$macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
142       }
144       match $submac!(inp, $($args)*) {
145         $crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
146           let err = match e {
147             $crate::Err::Code(k) | $crate::Err::Node(k, _) => $crate::Err::Code(k),
148             $crate::Err::Position(k, i) | $crate::Err::NodePosition(k, i, _) => {
149               $crate::Err::Position(k, (i, 0))
150             }
151           };
152           $crate::IResult::Error(err)
153         }
154         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
155         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
156           $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i * 8))
157         },
158         $crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
159           $crate::IResult::Done((i, 0), o)
160         }
161       }
162     }
163   );
164 );
166 #[cfg(not(feature = "verbose-errors"))]
167 /// Internal parser, do not use directly
168 #[doc(hidden)]
169 #[macro_export]
170 macro_rules! bytes_impl (
171   ($macro_i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
172     {
173       let inp;
174       if $macro_i.1 % 8 != 0 {
175         inp = & $macro_i.0[1 + $macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
176       }
177       else {
178         inp = & $macro_i.0[$macro_i.1 / 8 ..];
179       }
181       match $submac!(inp, $($args)*) {
182         $crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
183           $crate::IResult::Error(e)
184         }
185         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Unknown),
186         $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i)) => {
187           $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size(i * 8))
188         },
189         $crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
190           $crate::IResult::Done((i, 0), o)
191         }
192       }
193     }
194   );
195 );
197 /// `take_bits!(type, nb) => ( (&[T], usize), U, usize) -> IResult<(&[T], usize), U>`
198 /// generates a parser consuming the specified number of bits.
199 ///
200 /// ```
201 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
202 /// # use nom::IResult::Done;
203 /// # fn main() {
204 ///  named!( take_pair<(u8, u8)>, bits!( pair!( take_bits!( u8, 3 ), take_bits!(u8, 5) ) ) );
205 ///
206 ///  let input = vec![0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
207 ///  let sl    = &input[..];
208 ///
209 ///  assert_eq!(take_pair( sl ),       Done(&sl[1..], (5, 10)) );
210 ///  assert_eq!(take_pair( &sl[1..] ), Done(&sl[2..], (7, 16)) );
211 /// # }
212 /// ```
213 #[macro_export]
214 macro_rules! take_bits (
215   ($i:expr, $t:ty, $count:expr) => (
216     {
217       use std::ops::Div;
218       use std::convert::Into;
219       //println!("taking {} bits from {:?}", $count, $i);
220       let (input, bit_offset) = $i;
221       let res : $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize), $t> = if $count == 0 {
222         $crate::IResult::Done( (input, bit_offset), (0 as u8).into())
223       } else {
224         let cnt = ($count as usize + bit_offset).div(8);
225         if input.len() * 8 < $count as usize + bit_offset {
226           //println!("returning incomplete: {}", $count as usize + bit_offset);
227           $crate::IResult::Incomplete($crate::Needed::Size($count as usize))
228         } else {
229           let mut acc:$t            = (0 as u8).into();
230           let mut offset: usize     = bit_offset;
231           let mut remaining: usize  = $count;
232           let mut end_offset: usize = 0;
234           for byte in input.iter().take(cnt + 1) {
235             if remaining == 0 {
236               break;
237             }
238             let val: $t = if offset == 0 {
239               (*byte as u8).into()
240             } else {
241               (((*byte as u8) << offset) as u8 >> offset).into()
242             };
244             if remaining < 8 - offset {
245               acc += val >> (8 - offset - remaining);
246               end_offset = remaining + offset;
247               break;
248             } else {
249               acc += val << (remaining - (8 - offset));
250               remaining -= 8 - offset;
251               offset = 0;
252             }
253           }
254           $crate::IResult::Done( (&input[cnt..], end_offset) , acc)
255         }
256       };
257       res
258     }
259   );
260 );
262 /// matches an integer pattern to a bitstream. The number of bits of the input to compare must be specified
263 #[macro_export]
264 macro_rules! tag_bits (
265   ($i:expr, $t:ty, $count:expr, $p: pat) => (
266     {
267       match take_bits!($i, $t, $count) {
268         $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
269         $crate::IResult::Done(i, o)    => {
270           if let $p = o {
271             let res: $crate::IResult<(&[u8],usize),$t> = $crate::IResult::Done(i, o);
272             res
273           } else {
274             $crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
275           }
276         },
277         _                              => {
278           $crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::TagBits, $i))
279         }
280       }
281     }
282   )
283 );
285 #[cfg(test)]
286 mod tests {
287   use std::ops::{Shr,Shl,AddAssign};
288   use internal::{IResult,Needed};
289   use ErrorKind;
291   #[test]
take_bits()292   fn take_bits() {
293     let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
294     let sl    = &input[..];
296     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8,   0 ), IResult::Done((sl, 0), 0));
297     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8,   8 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 0), 170));
298     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8,   3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 5));
299     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u8,   6 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 6), 42));
300     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8,   1 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 2), 0));
301     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8,   2 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 1));
302     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 1), u8,   3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 4), 2));
303     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u8,   3 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 1), 5));
304     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u16, 10 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 2), 683));
305     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u16,  8 ), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 0), 170));
306     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u16, 10 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 0), 752));
307     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 6), u16, 11 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 1), 1504));
308     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), u32, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 4), 700163));
309     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), u32, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[3..], 0), 716851));
310     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), u32, 22 ), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(22)));
311   }
313   #[test]
tag_bits()314   fn tag_bits() {
315     let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
316     let sl    = &input[..];
318     assert_eq!(tag_bits!( (sl, 0), u8,   3, 0b101), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 3), 5));
319     assert_eq!(tag_bits!( (sl, 0), u8,   4, 0b1010), IResult::Done((&sl[0..], 4), 10));
320   }
322   named!(ch<(&[u8],usize),(u8,u8)>,
323     do_parse!(
324       tag_bits!(u8, 3, 0b101) >>
325       x: take_bits!(u8, 4)    >>
326       y: take_bits!(u8, 5)    >>
327       (x,y)
328     )
329   );
331   #[test]
chain_bits()332   fn chain_bits() {
333     let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
334     let sl    = &input[..];
335     assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],0)), IResult::Done((&sl[1..], 4), (5,15)));
336     assert_eq!(ch((&input[..],4)), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 0), (7,16)));
337     assert_eq!(ch((&input[..1],0)), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(12)));
338   }
340   named!(ch_bytes<(u8,u8)>, bits!(ch));
341   #[test]
bits_to_bytes()342   fn bits_to_bytes() {
343     let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
344     assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..]), IResult::Done(&input[2..], (5,15)));
345     assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[..1]), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(2)));
346     assert_eq!(ch_bytes(&input[1..]), IResult::Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::TagBits, &input[1..])));
347   }
349   #[derive(PartialEq,Debug)]
350   struct FakeUint(u32);
352   impl AddAssign for FakeUint {
add_assign(&mut self, other: FakeUint)354       fn add_assign(&mut self, other: FakeUint) {
355           *self = FakeUint(&self.0 + other.0);
356       }
358   }
360   impl Shr<usize> for FakeUint {
361       type Output = FakeUint;
shr(self, shift: usize) -> FakeUint363       fn shr(self, shift: usize) -> FakeUint {
364           FakeUint(&self.0 >> shift)
365       }
367   }
369   impl Shl<usize> for FakeUint {
370       type Output = FakeUint;
shl(self, shift: usize) -> FakeUint372       fn shl(self, shift: usize) -> FakeUint {
373           FakeUint(&self.0 << shift)
374       }
376   }
378   impl From<u8> for FakeUint {
from(i: u8) -> FakeUint380       fn from(i: u8) -> FakeUint {
381           FakeUint(u32::from(i))
382       }
383   }
385   #[test]
non_privitive_type()386   fn non_privitive_type() {
387     let input = [0b10101010, 0b11110000, 0b00110011];
388     let sl    = &input[..];
390     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 0), FakeUint, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[2..], 4), FakeUint(700163)));
391     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), FakeUint, 20 ), IResult::Done((&sl[3..], 0), FakeUint(716851)));
392     assert_eq!(take_bits!( (sl, 4), FakeUint, 22 ), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(22)));
393   }
394 }