1<SplashPage as |Page|>
2  {{#if keyData}}
3    <Page.header>
4      {{#let (or keyData.recovery_keys keyData.keys) as |keyArray|}}
5        <h1 class="title is-4">
6          Vault has been initialized!
7          {{#if (eq keyArray.length 1)}}
8            Here is your key.
9          {{else}}
10            Here are your {{pluralize keyArray.length "key"}}.
11          {{/if}}
12        </h1>
13      {{/let}}
14    </Page.header>
15    <Page.content>
16      <div class="box is-marginless is-shadowless">
17        <div class="content">
18          <p>
19            {{#if keyData.recovery_keys}}
20              Please securely distribute the keys below. Certain privileged operations in Vault such as rekeying the
21              barrier or generating a new root token will require you to provide
22              at least <strong class="has-text-danger">{{secret_threshold}}</strong> of these keys to perform the
23              operation.
24            {{else}}
25              Please securely distribute the keys below. When the Vault is re-sealed, restarted, or stopped, you must
26              provide at least <strong class="has-text-danger">{{secret_threshold}}</strong> of these keys to unseal it
27              again.
28              Vault does not store the master key. Without at least <strong class="has-text-danger">{{secret_threshold}}</strong>
29              keys, your Vault will remain permanently sealed.
30            {{/if}}
31          </p>
32        </div>
33        <div
34          class="message is-list is-highlight"
35        >
36          <div class="message-body">
37            <h4 class="title is-7 is-marginless">
38              Initial root token
39            </h4>
40            <MaskedInput
41              @class="is-highlight has-label"
42              @displayOnly={{true}}
43              @value={{keyData.root_token}}
44              @allowCopy={{true}}
45            />
46          </div>
47        </div>
48        {{#each (or keyData.recovery_keys_base64 keyData.recovery_keys keyData.keys_base64 keyData.keys) as |key index|}}
49          <div
50            data-test-key-box
51            class="message is-list"
52          >
53            <div class="message-body">
54              <h4 class="title is-7 is-marginless">
55                Key {{add index 1}}
56              </h4>
57              <MaskedInput
58                @class="has-label"
59                @displayOnly={{true}}
60                @value={{key}}
61                @allowCopy={{true}}
62              />
63            </div>
64          </div>
65        {{/each}}
66      </div>
67      <div class="box is-marginless is-shadowless">
68        <div class="field is-grouped-split">
69          {{#if (and model.sealed (not keyData.recovery_keys))}}
70            <div
71              data-test-advance-button
72              class="control"
73            >
74              {{#link-to 'vault.cluster.unseal' model.name class="button is-primary"}}
75                Continue to Unseal
76              {{/link-to}}
77            </div>
78          {{else}}
79            <div
80              data-test-advance-button
81              class="control"
82            >
83              {{#link-to 'vault.cluster.auth'
84                model.name
85                class=(concat (if model.sealed 'is-loading ' '') 'button is-primary')
86                disabled=model.sealed
87              }}
88                Continue to Authenticate
89              {{/link-to}}
90            </div>
91          {{/if}}
92          <DownloadButton
93            @data={{keyData}}
94            @filename={{keyFilename}}
95            @mime="application/json"
96            @extension="json"
97            @class="button is-ghost"
98            @stringify={{true}}
99          >
100            <Icon @glyph="download" /> Download keys
101          </DownloadButton>
102        </div>
103      </div>
104    </Page.content>
105  {{else}}
106    <Page.header>
107      <h1 class="title h5">
108        Let's set up the initial set of master keys that you’ll need in case of an emergency
109      </h1>
110    </Page.header>
111    <Page.content>
112      <form
113        {{action 'initCluster' (hash
114          secret_shares=secret_shares
115          secret_threshold=secret_threshold
116          pgp_keys=pgp_keys
117          use_pgp=use_pgp
118          use_pgp_for_root=use_pgp_for_root
119          root_token_pgp_key=root_token_pgp_key
120         )
121         on="submit"
122       }}
123        id="init"
124      >
125        <div class="box is-marginless is-shadowless">
126          <MessageError @errors={{errors}} />
127          <div class="field">
128            <label
129              for="key-shares"
130              class="is-label"
131            >
132              Key shares
133            </label>
134            <div class="control">
135              {{input
136                data-test-key-shares="true"
137                class="input"
138                autocomplete="off"
139                spellcheck="false"
140                name="key-shares"
141                type="number"
142                step="1"
143                min="1"
144                pattern="[0-9]*"
145                value=secret_shares
146              }}
147            </div>
148            <p class="help has-text-grey">
149              The number of key shares to split the master key into
150            </p>
151          </div>
152          <div class="field">
153            <label
154              for="key-threshold"
155              class="is-label"
156            >
157              Key threshold
158            </label>
159            <div class="control">
160              {{input
161                data-test-key-threshold="true"
162                class="input"
163                autocomplete="off"
164                spellcheck="false"
165                name="key-threshold"
166                type="number"
167                step="1"
168                min="1"
169                pattern="[0-9]*"
170                value=secret_threshold
171              }}
172            </div>
173            <p class="help has-text-grey">
174              The number of key shares required to reconstruct the master key
175            </p>
176          </div>
177          <ToggleButton
178            @openLabel="Encrypt output with PGP"
179            @closedLabel="Encrypt output with PGP"
180            @toggleTarget={{this}}
181            @toggleAttr="use_pgp"
182            @class="is-block"
183          />
184          {{#if use_pgp}}
185            <div class="box init-box">
186              <p class="help has-text-grey">
187                The output unseal keys will be encrypted and hex-encoded, in order, with the given public keys.
188              </p>
189              <PgpList
190                @listLength={{secret_shares}}
191                @onDataUpdate={{action 'setKeys'}}
192              />
193            </div>
194          {{/if}}
195          <ToggleButton
196            @openLabel="Encrypt root token with PGP"
197            @closedLabel="Encrypt root token with PGP"
198            @toggleTarget={{this}}
199            @toggleAttr="use_pgp_for_root"
200            @class="is-block"
201          />
202          {{#if use_pgp_for_root}}
203            <div class="box init-box">
204              <p class="help has-text-grey">
205                The root unseal key will be encrypted and hex-encoded with the given public key.
206              </p>
207              <PgpList
208                @listLength=1
209                @onDataUpdate={{action 'setRootKey'}}
210              />
211            </div>
212          {{/if}}
213        </div>
214        <div class="box is-marginless is-shadowless">
215          <button
216            data-test-init-submit
217            type="submit"
218            class="button is-primary {{if loading 'is-loading'}}"
219            disabled={{loading}}
220          >
221            Initialize
222          </button>
223          <div class="init-illustration">
224            {{svg-jar "initialize"}}
225          </div>
226        </div>
227      </form>
228    </Page.content>
229  {{/if}}