1// Copyright 2020 Istio Authors
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package dns
17import (
18	"crypto/tls"
19	"crypto/x509"
20	"net"
21	"strings"
22	"sync"
23	"time"
25	"github.com/miekg/dns"
27	"istio.io/pkg/monitoring"
29	"istio.io/pkg/env"
30	"istio.io/pkg/log"
33// Based on istio-ecosystem/istio-coredns-plugin
34// Changes from original:
35// - runs inside istiod, using Istio main gRPC server
36// - instead of directly reading from K8S, use istiod store.
37// - removed "log" - switching to istio log.
38// - refactored Query, so both DNS native interface and coredns grpc plugin are implemented
39// - added parts of istio-ecosystem/dns-discovery, to provide in process DNS
41// TODO:
42// - add metrics, ideally using same names as kubedns/coredns ( Doug ?)
43// - config options on what suffix to capture in agent
45// IstioDNS exposes a DNS interface to internal Istiod service database.
46// This can be used:
47// - as a CoreDNS gRPC plugin
48// - as a DNS-over-TLS resolver, with support for forwarding to k8s or upstream
49// - for debug - a plain DNS-over-UDP interface.
51// The code is currently targeted for Istiod, with a per/pod or per/VM coreDNS
52// forwarding to it, and using the same XDS grpc server and cert.
54// In future we may embed it in istio-agent as well, using XDS to sync the config store.
55type IstioDNS struct {
56	mux *dns.ServeMux
58	// local DNS-UDP server.
59	// Active in agent and istiod.
60	server *dns.Server
62	// TODO: add a dns-over-TCP server and capture, for istio-agent.
64	// local DNS-TLS server. This is active only in istiod.
65	tlsServer *dns.Server
67	resolvConfServers []string
69	running bool
71	client *dns.Client
73	// tlsClient is a client initialized with DNS-over-TLS certificates.
74	// If nil, no DNS-TLS requests will be made.
75	tlsClient   *dns.Client
76	tlsUpstream string
77	backoff     time.Duration
79	// m protects pending, conn and outID
80	m       sync.Mutex
81	pending map[uint16]chan *dns.Msg
82	conn    *dns.Conn
83	// outID is used to match requests to responses in the DNS-TCP.
84	outID        uint16
85	dnsTLSSuffix []string
88var (
89	// DNSAddr is the env controlling the DNS-over-TLS server in istiod.
90	// By default will be active, set to empty string to disable DNS functionality.
91	// Do not change in prod - it must match the Service. Used for testing or running
92	// on VMs.
93	DNSAddr = env.RegisterStringVar("DNS_ADDR", ":15053", "DNS listen address")
95	// DNSAgentAddr is the listener address on the agent.
96	// This is in the range of hardcoded address used by agent - not customizable
97	// except for tests.
98	// By default will be active, set to empty string to disable DNS functionality.
99	// Iptables interception matches this.
100	DNSAgentAddr = ":15013"
102	// DNSTLSEnableAgent activates the DNS-over-TLS in istio-agent.
103	// This will just attempt to connect to Istiod and start the DNS server on the default port -
104	// DNS_CAPTURE controls capturing port 53.
105	// Not using a bool - it's error prone in template, annotations, helm.
106	// For now any non-empty value will enable TLS in the agent - we may further customize
107	// the mode, for example specify DNS-HTTPS vs DNS-TLS
108	DNSTLSEnableAgent = env.RegisterStringVar("DNS_AGENT", "", "DNS-over-TLS upstream server")
110	// DNSUpstream allows overriding the upstream server. By default we use [discovery-address]:853
111	// If a secure DNS server is available - set this to point to the server.
112	// It is assumed that the server has certificates signed by Istio.
113	// TODO: add option to indicate the expected root CA, or use of public certs.
114	// TODO: also trust k8s and root CAs
115	// TODO: add https and grpc ( tcp-tls, https are the Net names used in miekg library )
116	DNSUpstream = env.RegisterStringVar("DNS_SERVER", "",
117		"Protocol and DNS server to use. Currently only tcp-tls: is supported.")
119	pendingTLS = monitoring.NewGauge(
120		"dns_tls_pending",
121		"Number of pending DNS-over-TLS requests")
123	dnsTLS = monitoring.NewSum("dns_tls_req", "DNS-over-TLS requests")
126func InitDNS() *IstioDNS {
127	h := &IstioDNS{
128		mux:     dns.NewServeMux(),
129		pending: map[uint16]chan *dns.Msg{},
130		backoff: 1 * time.Second,
131	}
133	h.mux.Handle(".", h)
135	// TODO: use a custom dialer
136	h.client = &dns.Client{Net: "udp"}
137	// Attempt to find the 'upstream' DNS server, used for entries not known by Istiod
138	// That includes external names, may also include stateful sets (not clear we want
139	// to cache the entire database if dns is running in agent). Istiod does have all
140	// endpoints, including stateful sets - and could resolve over TLS - but not
141	// in the initial implementation.
142	// TODO: allow env override
143	dnsConfig, err := dns.ClientConfigFromFile("/etc/resolv.conf")
144	if err != nil {
145		// K8S provides one, as well as most VMs.
146		log.Warna("Unexpected missing resolv.conf - no upstream DNS", err)
147		return h
148	}
149	if dnsConfig != nil && len(dnsConfig.Servers) > 0 {
150		for _, s := range dnsConfig.Servers {
151			h.resolvConfServers = append(h.resolvConfServers, s+":53")
152		}
153	}
154	return h
157// InitDNS will create the IstioDNS and initialize the agent:
158// - /etc/resolv.conf will be parsed, and nameservers added to resolvConf list
159// - discoveryAddress is the XDS server address, including port. The DNS-TLS server
160//   is by default on the same host, port 853 (standard).
161// - domain is the same as "--domain" passed to agent.
162func InitDNSAgent(discoveryAddress string, domain string, cert []byte, suffixes []string) *IstioDNS {
163	dnsTLSServer, discoveryPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(discoveryAddress)
164	if err != nil {
165		log.Errora("Invalid discovery address, defaulting ", discoveryAddress, " ", err)
166		dnsTLSServer = "istiod.istio-system.svc"
167	}
169	dnsDomainL := strings.Split(domain, ".")
170	clusterLocal := "cluster.local"
171	if len(dnsDomainL) > 3 {
172		clusterLocal = strings.Join(dnsDomainL[2:], ".")
173	}
174	suffixes = append(suffixes, clusterLocal+".")
176	h := InitDNS()
178	h.dnsTLSSuffix = suffixes
179	if dnsTLSServer != "" && cert != nil {
180		certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
181		ok := certPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(cert)
182		if !ok {
183			log.Warna("Failed to load certificate ", cert)
184		} else {
185			h.tlsClient = &dns.Client{
186				Net: "tcp-tls",
187				TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
188					RootCAs: certPool,
189				},
190				DialTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
191			}
192			if strings.HasPrefix(dnsTLSServer, "") {
193				// test/debug
194				h.tlsClient.TLSConfig.ServerName = "istiod.istio-system.svc"
195				// preserve the port
196				h.tlsUpstream = dnsTLSServer + ":" + discoveryPort
197			} else if DNSUpstream.Get() != "" &&
198				strings.HasSuffix(DNSUpstream.Get(), "tcp-tls:") {
199				h.tlsUpstream = strings.TrimPrefix(DNSUpstream.Get(), "tcp-tls:")
200			} else {
201				h.tlsUpstream = dnsTLSServer + ":853"
202			}
203			// Maintain a connection to the TLS server.
204			h.openTLS()
205		}
206	}
207	return h
210// StartDNS starts the DNS-over-UDP and DNS-over-TLS.
211func (h *IstioDNS) StartDNS(udpAddr string, tlsListener net.Listener) {
212	var err error
213	if tlsListener != nil {
214		// In istiod, using same TLS certificate as the main server.
215		h.tlsServer = &dns.Server{
216			Handler: h.mux,
217			IdleTimeout: func() time.Duration {
218				// large timeout
219				return 60 * time.Second
220			},
221			ReadTimeout:   60 * time.Second,
222			MaxTCPQueries: -1,
223		}
224		h.tlsServer.Listener = tlsListener
225		log.Infoa("Started DNS-TLS", tlsListener.Addr())
226		go func() {
227			err := h.tlsServer.ActivateAndServe()
228			if err != nil {
229				log.Errora("Failed to activate DNS-TLS ", err)
230			}
231		}()
233	}
234	// UDP
235	h.server = &dns.Server{Handler: h.mux}
236	h.server.PacketConn, err = net.ListenPacket("udp", udpAddr)
237	if err != nil {
238		log.Warna("Failed to start DNS UDP", udpAddr, err)
239	}
241	log.Infoa("Started DNS ", udpAddr)
242	go func() {
243		err := h.server.ActivateAndServe()
244		if err != nil {
245			log.Errora("Failed to activate DNS-UDP ", err)
246		}
247	}()
250// ServerDNS is the implementation of DNS interface
252// -
253func (h *IstioDNS) ServeDNS(w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) {
254	t0 := time.Now()
255	var err error
256	var response *dns.Msg
258	useTLS := false
259	if len(h.dnsTLSSuffix) > 0 {
260		for _, q := range r.Question {
261			for _, s := range h.dnsTLSSuffix {
262				if strings.HasSuffix(q.Name, s) {
263					useTLS = true
264					break
265				}
266			}
267			if useTLS {
268				break
269			}
270		}
271	}
273	// Nothing found - forward to upstream DNS.
274	// TODO: this is NOT secured - pilot to k8s will need to use TLS or run a local coredns
275	// replica, using k8s plugin ( so this is over localhost )
276	if !useTLS || h.tlsClient == nil {
277		response, _, err = h.client.Exchange(r, h.resolvConfServers[0])
278		if err != nil {
279			log.Debuga("DNS error ", r, err)
280			// cResponse will be nil - leave the original response object
281			// TODO: increment counter - not clear if DNS client has metrics.
282			response = new(dns.Msg)
283			response.SetReply(r)
284			response.Rcode = dns.RcodeNameError
285		}
286		if len(response.Answer) == 0 {
287			response.Rcode = dns.RcodeNameError
288		}
290		if false {
291			log.Infoa("DNS:", time.Since(t0), r.Question, response.Answer)
292		}
293		err = w.WriteMsg(response)
294		if err != nil {
295			log.Debuga("DNS write error ", r, err)
296		}
297		return
298	}
300	h.ServeDNSTLS(w, r)
303// Handles a request using DNS-over-TLS.
304func (h *IstioDNS) ServeDNSTLS(w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) {
305	t0 := time.Now()
306	// DNS-over-TLS - using client.Exchange has horrible performance - the
307	// client is not optimized (8ms RTT instead of <1ms). CoreDNS uses a
308	//connection pool, which is also not optimal. The RFC recommends pipelining.
310	// By using this code, the latency is around 800us - with ~400 us in istiod
311	origID := r.MsgHdr.Id
312	var key uint16
313	ch := make(chan *dns.Msg)
314	h.m.Lock()
315	h.outID++
316	key = h.outID
317	// The ID on the TLS connection is different from the one in the UDS.
318	r.MsgHdr.Id = h.outID
319	h.pending[h.outID] = ch
320	pendingTLS.Increment()
321	h.m.Unlock()
323	defer func() {
324		h.m.Lock()
325		delete(h.pending, key)
326		pendingTLS.Decrement()
327		h.m.Unlock()
328	}()
330	var response *dns.Msg
331	currentConn := h.connTLS()
332	if currentConn == nil {
333		// Not connected - don't write anything, client will retry
334		log.Infoa("DNS timeout, no TLS connection")
335		response = new(dns.Msg)
336		response.SetRcode(r, dns.RcodeServerFailure)
337		response.MsgHdr.Id = origID
338		_ = w.WriteMsg(response)
339		return
340	}
342	// TODO: optimize - when close restart immediately the connect, maybe
343	// keep 2-3 connections open ?
344	dnsTLS.Increment()
345	err := currentConn.WriteMsg(r)
346	if err != nil {
347		return
348	}
350	to := time.After(2 * time.Second)
351	select {
352	case m := <-ch:
353		m.MsgHdr.Id = origID
354		response = m
355		_ = w.WriteMsg(m)
356	case <-to:
357		return
358	}
359	if false {
360		log.Infoa("DNS-TLS:", time.Since(t0), r.Question, response.Answer)
361	}
364func (h *IstioDNS) Close() {
365	h.m.Lock()
366	h.running = false
367	if h.conn != nil {
368		h.conn.Close()
369	}
370	h.m.Unlock()
373func (h *IstioDNS) connTLS() *dns.Conn {
374	h.m.Lock()
375	conn := h.conn
376	h.m.Unlock()
378	if conn != nil {
379		return conn
380	}
381	// TODO: use a Cond to return when connection succeeded
382	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
383	h.m.Lock()
384	conn = h.conn
385	h.m.Unlock()
387	return conn
390func (h *IstioDNS) openTLS() {
391	h.running = true
392	t0 := time.Now()
393	conn, err := h.tlsClient.Dial(h.tlsUpstream)
394	h.m.Lock()
395	h.conn = conn
396	h.m.Unlock()
397	log.Infoa("DNS: Opened TLS connection to ", h.tlsUpstream, " ", time.Since(t0), err)
398	if err != nil {
399		log.Warna("Initial failure to open DNS-TLS connection, will retry", err)
400	}
401	// Maintain the connection
402	go func() {
403		tclose := time.Now()
404		for h.running {
405			if conn == nil {
406				log.Infoa("DNS: TLS connection reopen ", time.Since(t0))
407				conn, err = h.tlsClient.Dial(h.tlsUpstream)
408				h.m.Lock()
409				h.conn = conn
410				h.m.Unlock()
411				if err != nil {
412					// TODO: exponential backoff
413					// TODO: if we are not in strict mode, fallback to UDP
414					time.Sleep(h.backoff)
415					if h.backoff < 33*time.Second {
416						h.backoff = 2 * h.backoff
417					}
418					continue
419				}
420				h.backoff = 1 * time.Second
421				log.Infoa("DNS: Opened TLS connection to ", h.tlsUpstream, " ",
422					time.Since(t0), " ", time.Since(tclose), err)
423			}
425			msg, err := h.conn.ReadMsg()
426			if err != nil {
427				log.Infoa("DNS read error, reconnect ", err)
428				conn = nil
429				h.m.Lock()
430				h.conn = nil
431				h.m.Unlock()
432				tclose = time.Now()
433				continue
434			}
435			uid := msg.MsgHdr.Id
436			h.m.Lock()
437			pr := h.pending[uid]
438			h.m.Unlock()
439			if pr != nil {
440				pr <- msg
441			}
442		}
443	}()